The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 28, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Creighton Game
Saturday 2:30 P. M.
Attend the Creighton-Marquette game tomorrow.
It will be a good game, and you'll enjoy it. Harney
car to 2Cth and California.
Narcissus Bulbs
, Flowers in the winter time at slight expense and
with ho little effort! Narcissus bulbs that will grow
and bloom within a few weeks' time are priced
Each, 4c
Burfsss-Neah flower Shop Matsanlne Floor
Last Day of Our Harvest Festival the Climax of Value-Giving
Candy Specials
Chocolate Creams
v.:aU anl V4nila sundao,
ma;.e, runi'le sundae, jijnap
plo, vunila wliip cream and
maple whip cream. Triced
Pound, 34c
Cream Brazils
Assorted crcum brazils in
flavor of nmnlo and vanilu.
Specially priced for Kuturday,
Pound, 51c
Bon Bon Creams
Flavors of maple, utraw.
M'rry, pistachio, vanillii, rnMp
berry una orange. Priced nt
Pound, 39c
Halloween Candy
An assortment of Hal
loween randy. Priced at
Pound, 40c
Assorted Spice Strings
Pound, 31c
Jumbo Salted Peanuts
2 Pounds, 34c
Halloween Specials
Halloween favors and nov
elties. Priced
5c to 25c
Candy Shop Metianlna Floor
To Share in the Festival
Jewelry Novelties
Varicolored com
binations in both
loop and pendant
styles. Saturday
the very latest
modes are priced
at only
Pair, 50c
School Girls' Pencils
Something new in silver pencils. Com
plete with rautoire and slide. Special
Saturday, only 50c
Rectangular Swiss Watch
15-jewcl Swiss movement, adjustable
to three positions; 14-kt. solid gold en
graved ease with sapphire set stem.
Special at $27.50
Tonncau-Shaped Watch
23-year, 14-kt. gold-filled case and 15
jewel adjustable Swiss movement what
more could one ask in a dainty watch?
Very special, $17.50
Watches for Men
The famous, guaranteed Helbros 15
jewel movement in 14rkt. green or white
gold case carries a 25-year guarantee. Sev
eral styles of fancy dials. Special for
Saturday, $25.00
Man's Elgin Watches Priced $16 to $45.
Ourf aas-Nath Jswelry Shop Main Floor
Great Savings in Our Festival
Sale of New Gloves
Chamoisette Gauntlets
Very $ 1 00
Special 1
A perfect fitting gauntlet in bea
ver, brown, black, and gray. Fall
Imported Kid Gloves
' Chateau French Kid
8-button length, $5.75.
12-button length, $6.50.
16-button length, $8.00.
French Kid Gloves
One Day Only
Pair, $2.65
Two-clasp style, pique sewn,
with . embroidered backs. Black,
hite, brown, mode and gray.
Cape Leather Gauntlets
$2.65 and $3.50
Made strap wrist
style, but with extra
length. Gray, brown,'
and white.
Burfeas-Nash Clova Shop Main Floor
Festival Sale oj Neiu
Dutch Silverware
Oval and Round Casseroles
$7.95 to $12.50
Handled and
footed, rem ov
n b 1 e lining of
- Pvrex fireproof
r-,-?rT i
ut iF ffft or service
Jam Jars
Each. $6.00
Silver base and
lid with fronted
glM container.
Flower Baskets
$17.50 to $29.50
Sheffield i 1 v r
fitted with brM
(lower vren.
Smoking Sets
$10.00 to $31.50
Large tray with
holder, four, ash
iray and lamp.
Buffet Sot
Fach. $27.00
Set conit it
flower Imskft and
two candlestick.
11.50 to $4 50
0al or a.iuar frame
of Dutch silver.
A$h Trays
II 10 U $4.2$
Silwr frarn w lh
fitt4 colored Ua
II.' H
Notion Specials
Hair CurUra Made of copper
wire, 35c and 50c.
Parisian Hair Curlers In all
lengths, 10c to 30c.
Nell BrinUloy Hair Wavers
A card of 4 for 10c.
Carlo Wavers Card of 6,
Bronx Hair Pins All sizes,
Humps Hair Pint All sizes,
Bon Hair Pins All sizes,
10 to IS in box, at 25c.
Barrettes In amber, frray or
brown, fanry and plain, I5e
I 25c.
Bonni B Hair Nets -SirgU
mean, .1 for 2Sa. Double
nukh, 2 for ZSc.
Rita Neis-Pouble nush, all
colors, 3 fur JS.
Cam.borawf H Nats Single,
all ii li rs, iuiit $1.00.
Ikt.iMe. 4oun II SO.
VesiiJa Nats luh or sin.
r e '!. 3 f r J5.
Hair Nat. A fu. iiu-JUm
i:r. rrt, s nU mht i il ,
ftwtaes AeafcMai lae
. . a .
v N Ml) Aaa' HkHtM
f' ' "" '
Turkish Towels
Yalta a.te Ivw.ta i
Un l fs fatlffna 1 Sate
re a t ifttj.ftl taUe
Ih.s ta,
l a. I7
Not to Be Outdone in Harvest Festival
Specials Our Millinery Buyer Offers
3 Groups of Hats '
At Reduced Prices
5 $6 $7
Smart winter hats of every dpscription
an offer that means a great deal to women
who are provident buyers. Late models with
unusual dash and style; some are large,
others imall and many are piquantly "off the
face." New and delightful trims.
Metallic Hats
Matrons Hats
Rich Iirocades
Sailor Hals
More Good News of 'Festival Values
Sale : Leather Bags and Vanities
Handbags and
beauty boxes in
10 different style.
Clearance priced
Alligator, beaver,
calf, long grain,
and cobra leather.
For Saturday only
At $1.95
Only 100 vanity and
shopping styles in black,
tan and brown. Also fitted
beauty boxes of vachette,
and novelty leathers.
At $2.45
An exceptionally fine
grouping of swagger, van
ity purse, and afternoon
bags of seal, cobra, vach
ette, and novelty leathers.
Boston Bags, $2.25
Genuine cowhide, heavy grain, rubber lined. Black
and brown in the standard 15-inch size. Convenient for
Burtaae-Naah Leather Goods Shop Main Floor
At Harvest Festival Prices
Winter Togs for Boys and Girls
Warm O'Coats
5c or Fur Collared
Mannish styles and excel
lent tailoring in overcoats for
little boys of 2 to lads of 17.
Full and half belted styles in
new shades of new fabrics.
$12.50 to $25.00
Boys' Suits
With 2 Pairs Trousers
Unfinished worsteds, cassi
mcres, tweeds and homespuns
in plain and Norfolk styles.
Grays, browns, greens, and
navy blue in sizes ( to 18.
$8.75 to $17.50
Boys Sweaters, $3.50 to $10.00
Coat and pullover styles in a com
plete lint of colors and combinations.
Buraess-Naaaj Pays' ! Mam Dr
For the Tiny Tot and Young Miss
Infants' Coats
Made of fin white corduroy,
Kach, $2.6$
Girls' Coats
All ool and fur vollareJ.
Siz 6 to 1 1.
Ktoh, $10.00
Shtko Skirts
Nw ptaatfd at Iris wada en
I tch, IS 00
Infants' Bonnets
White with pink or blue rib
bon. F.ach, $1.50
Wool MUMics
Regulation KtylfH in red or
blue. Si24 14.
Fach. $3.95
Jersey Dresses
School dress s in number
of e?ylt and color.
tach. $ $
Taffeta Frock, 6 to 14 -Special. $7.50
I vary K-t 4 tj it:a Use Jacsn.tiai I l!l recite J. u' leUajn.
aaaaa haak .' k 1e IWaa
A" J'"
100 Velvet Hats Saturday, $3.95
You will be surprised to see the quality of hats that we have marked at $3.95 j
for one day. They are winter styles of velvet, with metallic effects and self trim
mings. A number are the popular coque hats. All have been much higher priced.
Our stock includes late winter model at $9.75 to $37.50. j
, Burfese-Nash Hat Shop Third Floor I
A Harvest Festival Super Valve
Men's Winter Overcoats
Cooler fall days ore a reminder that
the buying of the winter overcoat can't
be put off much longer, for November
mornings and nights will of a surety be
too cold for a topcoat. Men who buy
now will make the most of our Harvest
Festival prices, for Saturday Is the last
day of the event.
Latest Models
In Ulsters : Ulsterettes
Styles for men and young men, late
models tailored in full or half belted ef
fects, with raglan or set-in sleeves, great
storm collars and satin taped seams,
Newest materials in shades of tan,
green, and brown. Sizes 35 to 44.
mm iff
Wool Mixed
Union Suits
Each,' $2.35
Medium wejght and woven to
fit. Light gray wool with just
enough cotton to prevent shrink
age. Warm and comfortable.
Outing Flannel
Night Shirts
Each, $1.25
"Universal" brand outing flan
nel nightshirts. Agreeably warm
and cut full enough to meet with
a man's idea of comfort.
Men's Velour Hats
In Our Festival Selling
Are Priced $00
Kignt at
Combined style and service make these
hats foremost among men's fashions for
the winter. Each, $5.00.
Choose Saturday at Festival Prices
Bath Robes
Wooly and Warm
When warm blanket robes sell
at less than $5.00, men can't af
ford the discomfort of being with
out one. This group is composed
of higher priced robes that come
in a number of patterns and de
signs. .
Each, $4.95
Sport Coats
Heather Mixtures
Sweater coats in gray and
heather mixtures; warm, yet
snug fitting enough to wear un
der a coat. Every man needs
just such a sweater many times
during the fall and winter. Low
priced at
Each, $3.25
Burieas-Nah Man's Shop Main Floor
Our Harvest Festival Ofjerings
In Our Downstairs Store
Are oj Compelling Interest
Winter Dresses
f 1
For Women
and M isscs
It is not often that even our Downstair Store,
where low prices always prevail, is privileged to
offer values as rare as thm drrssos at $16.75. Hut
this, our Festival Week, is a time of extraordinary
v.ilues. We only wish we had great number of
them. They are fsshhinrd of
Crtpc Hack Satin Canton Crepe Tricn Sham
I'oirtt Twill Tricot inc Ytliit lircuHn
With newest effects in lengthened dkirts, drapes,
flowing panel -t. new bell K-exo and otlur feature
that stamp them as favored mode of fall und winter.
Beautiful Wrappy Coats
Many Fur Trhnnkd
That are jut frlf-rl)nt In their low pricing as they are of thlr
smart styling. One may rhvo Irom sinl vle, !rly belted or
thuiitf graceful style with bloued bark, both !? und fur cellared
medl. All fully lined.
$19.50 to $39.50
Ihieaae Nat tWeeate Sua.
, twfraee -' aa