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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1922)
PHK OMAHA PER: SATl'RPAY, nrmr.KIl 2S. 1022. .Wallace Tolls of liCllll)lic;ill Aid lo F armors .NMnlary of Agriculture, Sprakingjit HafU'iiS, Out linc iVgMatioii IW liy (.'iHigro. MiiMlintfr N.l,. u,t, S7.-i,-,t.-il Ttl' lfiuiii l-Tli.- InrKf nu., i wl,, h Ul'H nrti-iMKiii I,,,,,. tin- lli i i,f f,,in ;i",p'1"" rWr.-lm,v f Amimllm.. XV Mllut- .l.-lu. r in N..,-i,Hkii wi-i'i! I rofoiindly hiiii-m. with tin- Win-it Ix ii'-llt lij nxii' ulliire wMi li ip h,i tony I m-litiW t i..,M ,,,,, .Md rh, Tli i nn rii- ih-v i.uirr, tin- n viviii (,f III" Wm- I- imilH'i- ri-riliimlloi,, . iloiililln i,f tin- i ;i.,!nl ,,( t1K ,,,,., limit hunk im-l tin- Jw i-iuii-,, l-ruti i t fiiimriH 1 1) iih ihHm, lnu,i4,.t. Inn HM-lMi:-nii imfHir -h,.,-ii. Illill Wi ld -.1 1. 1 t. ,t I V ,l.,,f ,. n-i-lly l.i ni II. iu r. Muii, ,,, riilninil lnt.-1-..Min ( linn ni,v otiii-r l-vt Wfitlon thMl hal I.-.-,, i.iiompiih.W In live IImh-h the tin,,-. Tim MimiKi-imy t,i, jit , htiN rliiiki-W (hi- Wiiiii.iik i,n t f (Hlr tin mtrpf,,,, t ,.,., ,,. of MKrlniluinil i,,,i,. wl,lrh iH'l IM ii i In oiii.r rnuntrli-a din-. Iiik tin- ,i-,, i,i,i t. Wlir i,,,,., (,.,! Willi Hlllpi-iUK. Tin- f.-.-, f,,,,,, (., t'iik l- Kl-iliillun, hi. lii ml. Unit p.-i-. niltti.l tin- Juint i,.i ,1m,, ,1l(1) ((J modify ih-lr inti-ri-M ,.,(,., ,1IIH ,. IMK UV'.illllllUl llll;;,- ,,, f ,,y fl)r lll"llKl.K ,,,H f;mH ,lt (tl() hl-fl It WHH liiiirt ...i,i, "AnW," I'iiiiIiiiui-W H'ii-(;iiy YVul-la-.-, "n..i,i. f . fMi,-KnK'KHtt. Hon ciin hi- looked upon UH (.(HM ,,K. Nijiio f n ,m the f,iii,-r U( Ih" txieim of lher jiroupa." Tl, k. i i.-iHiy wi.m nu t nt Lawrence r.y l-io Kluhr.-Hliilo aecrctiiiy i,f IH Illtlll'P, .illJ Hit, !, ,'.nKjni.,,r ms" r jmiiidon, nrm ,y (iwUi WHH , iiali,i.,i wllh Urn Hupp..m-iiiiil 1 Wlili-r rli)j4- t Cillli'Iliplnlr-ii ,y fr , winlcni N,-I,i;ikn roil in ii-m. The ! pat titunt of Agriculture, Mr. Wull.ico ini.l, nm I h ii H.-.I ujiuii to ifiiWi-r ; u. h acivjie an It can fur tt- promo- ! t icii of IhiH ii a will nil nil other Kwi- 1 -ritr HKrliiiltiirul Inliri'Mln. Il iok in IlolWii'Ki! tnnlRlit and tomorrow will miiko a m-imoiihI iiiHpt-c-. tmii of the miiiplfincntal watifr tirrl- ' lory, t-iiWiiiK (lie Way wllh a upt-ccli In iraiui jHlaiul. Lt-ague of Woiiipii 'oifrg Calls Mei-ting in Hastingn firanil IiilnnJ, SvU., (n t, 27. A cll f.-r tlm (hint amiiial ' conventlnn. of l ho NcliraHka X-t-aKuo 0f Wumi-n Volcra to he hi-IW In Iatin(?H, No einlier 16 and 17, ha tier-n lcnucd l-y lh B;nle proHldi-nt, Mr. C, O. J Cyan of thi city. Amonjf Hpouliora be Mr. Maud Wood I'urk, iiatlonnl chairman, lios tn: Dr. 1. jr. Dillon, chief, bureau of lifalih, and I'rof. J. v. Monnlrnf, ,f)lltlcnl oiononiiHt. Republican Speakers K. II. IIOIfKI.I., C anillilulii for L'nilril Main gtnatur. ., , 10:an A, M. .,,.r,o 1 :3U P. M. trnn,hur iM p M, :"l :30 I'. U. Tl'KSDAT, OCTOHKR SI. Pavld ciiy .(, A. M. llmluard Mm p. m. Wahii. 4.m p l-rnmonl :uu p. i. WKOXEHpAT, NOVE1IBKR 1. North hmii o nil A. M. Huliuylur J do p. ,m. I'-ilunihun I d'l p, .M Can ml 'ley s on p. M. T1IPHSDAY, N0VKM1JKH 2. 1''ullrtun 10:110 A. M. :'nf z.iHi I'. M, PlBtli- Center 4 i,l p. A. Btantim fc ou P. M. KKIDAT, NOVKJIflKIl 2. rilaer 9:30 A. M. Wt Point 1:30 P. M. Ki rll.ner 4 on p. m. lluojier. , 7:30 p. m. r. ii. K.t.Mi.u.t.. ramliilitle fur liiivrnnr. HATOKDAV, OCTOHEH ?. T-mr of HI--hMr-lNon coiouy with former onireaMimn Heiivm. No iltiti-a given. MONDAY. OCTOllKIl 30. V'ymor 10:00 A. KaJrfoury ll-lron limning Unnxa . M. 1:00 P. M. 3:011 P. M. 4:30 P. M. 8:00 P. M. M. M, M. NKNATOR (-KOKI.K W. MII1KIS. SATI'HDAT. OCTOUEIl J8. Brohen lluw u:00 P. M. M.'OAT. KCTOHKR 30. Norlh Plana 00 P, TI K.SOAY OCTUHKH 31. Omral 'liy :U0 5, II WKKNKSRAV. NOVKMBKH I. Coluinlim t oo P. M Tlll'RSlAV. NOVKMBKK t. I'mah .00 P, KBIHAT, NOVKM1IKB 9. Iiavid I'ny S:0u P. HATl KDAV. NuVKMriBU 4. Orlrn 3 ,10 P. M. Ili-avrr City 8:00 P. M. MiiNHAT, NitVKMHKIl . runitiniiiia J no P. M. MiCimk 00 P. M. El Ki:TAKV M Al.l.AI K. (lATl'KPAV, t'CTl-HKU ! flr.n.1 lalulul . . J -0 P. M. Mld 10 P. M. I lion oiMMova, 1 OtiilMMc- for I tnsrr, anil j A M. Ill MPIIIIH. I xn.ll.l lo uf luuim, har turn. MUM-AV, (i'TIIKH 3-i llrni.lKl.,14 "' '" - ! 1 ha-lr-.n 1 -.1 10 I on I' l I lUy tirit,a . . .1 .0 a,)-l i-iiint. , TI'KHPAX ln'Ti'hKH 21- j llnahtiiia ., " l' I 10 A t- u , 1 1 --i i I a ". M I t't-lr I u 11 t ii-. I' M. I ,', B,',..,k4 t-, lli.i-1 -..-it.-l .- I "I.IM -' I I' U ir..-.lul.tni UH r-.nn-M i.,, ; w 'i :hiat n.ivi uiimi 1 hilt., II 1 . 10 1; u , 1 ...I , 1 1 . : " V M lit- . . 5 ! t I' M Att , v la . I' M 0. r m w n tint ri-t ; y ., , t h- ist-ltj. - p aM rl I. l laiUKMi MI(I .HI BI'AT '- TH tt i 1 . . 11 M . ........ ' ;; " .. , ,1 . , i-r n -!- " t " ..1 I -a . p y I, M-tt i- I- tt , 1 , ,! v . , 1 i I W V .,... t, . . . A . 1 .-! Hll-HMMll fc.l:.l M 1 ! I . ' n - - f . 4 I .i . tui .. . , . i , .... 1 . . . aai. -' a , . I ll' - ' f ( t' I , . M I'll -t l I li . M I'll I W - t H Get Ready for the "Made-in-Omaha 1 Show Montlay, October 30, to, Saturday, No-vonilH-r I. Opon 11 a. m. to 1) p. m. Eighth Floor Tha Brandaia Stora i Saturday I the Last Day of Our Free Musical Program (Jiveii in our Men' C! rill. Tenth Floor, to 5 p. m. Tad 17th Slrrat Elaatora Candies Cream Pattiet V r p h Ii I y niadu for Saturday in a:t Mirtod flavors, Per at 20C Milk and Bitter Sweet Chocolate O u r o w n ir.;.ke with creamy fruit and nut centers. Per pound, UH' Cream Chocolate Dropt Vanilla flavored. Per pound, liJ) Peanut Squarei Full of fri'Khly roasted Spanish . peanut. A deliciourt con fection hpecially priced for Saturday, tvr pound, at VJd Hallowe'en Novelties Decorate the house for Hallowe'en. Whether you have a party or not, it gives a festive air to the family dinner, especially when; there are little folk, to have a few jay (streamers or jumpy cats about. Snapping Mottoes Of dec orated crepe paper in black or oranjre contain ing snapper, hat, and favor with verse. Kach. at 10 and 15 Nut Cups and Baskets Per doz 50d and 1.00 Crepe Paper Hats Many clever shapes and colors. Priced from 2 for 5 to 35 each. Hallowe'en Pumpkin Lanterns-Wit h wire handles. Each... 5, W, 25c Dancing Skeletons My. but they're weird! Each, at - 15C Blowout3. horns and other novelties at trifling cost may be found in the Candy Department. , Main Floor West Saturday is Last Day of Our 3-Day Sale Drugs andToilet Goods Woodbury's Facial Soap 3 bars for 50 Mavis Talcum Powder At 15C 50c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, 37 1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream, 69 35c Palmolive Shaving Cream, 27 50c Gillette Blades dozen for 35 l.OOLavoris, 69C 50c Mentholatum, 37 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, oOC 1.00 Cutex Five-Minute Set, 85 Mulsified Cocoanut Oil, 37 15c Physicians' and Sur geons' Soap Bar, 9 25c Djer Kiss Telcum Pow derEach, 17 or 3 for 50. Djer Kiss Extract Ounce, 1.39 50c Djer Kiss Rouge, 35 1.00 Listerine, 7) Main Floor-West Venetian Preparation Venetian A r d e n a Skin Tonic Makes the skin firm, white and brilliant; priced at S5. 2.00 and 3.75. Venetian Velva Cream, in not h fattening cream, but a delightful preparation for a dry or tender kin, t 2.00 ami 3.00 Vaaatiaai Oraafa Skin Food la a ilrcp tiuua builder an.) of hifh nutritive" valua t rrbuilj worn ami fUMiy liatuia. The r.randols Storo U th rxvluiive selling agent in Omaha of Elizabeth Arden Toiht Preparations, Main FttmrWrtt In Our Prescrip tion Department 7a CJIq lie t aaaa TaU m4 C lalalkaf I aatt, J C Oh l'l,a IKI ,.Hi , I t int. , A Hat iaaa a w ,a- 29c 33c 39c Winter Apparel for Women and Misses Offered at Low Prices in Saturday Sales Women's Winter Coats 49 in Plain and Fur-Trimmed Models Hundreds of women in Omaha will center their attention on this coat offering. Here are stunning new wraps in scores of styles, fur trimmed in Platinum Wolf, Black Wolf, Black Fox, Kit Fox, , Australian Opposum, Caracul and Squirrel. They are fashioned of velvety pile fabrics in Ormandale, Normandy, Arabella, Lustrosa, Panvelaine, Velverette and others, in all the winter colorings. Second Floor West Women s Fur-Trimmed Suits 23 Velours. Duvet de Laines and Twills fashion fa these smart suits trimmed in Beaver, Squirrel gy broidery is found on many of them that is deco rative and rich. In navy, black, brown, taupe and Hawaiian. Sizes 14 to 44. Second Floor West ' ill JiiJ 1 1 Girls1 Winter Coats 9.95 Dress or Street Styles Built for warmth are these good little coats of heavy mix tures and double-faced coatings in blues, browns and greenish shades. Some have fur collars that snuggle up to sensitive throats when it's blustery. They are tailored into girlish models with plenty of pockets, either with or without a belt. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Other styles specially priced 1 ( urday at I. U KJXJ for Saturday Second Floor West New Silk and Cloth Dresses 15.00 Inexpensively Driced but with many of the new style features that yS I A tJL rrr mark the radical fashion changes of this season. Draped skirts, flare .1 ' p. 1 i ri i ii i i i t i i i ;A SKirts, iiowmg sleeves ana oasque moaeis are cieveriy aeveiopea m Poiret Twill, Canton Crepe, Satin Face Canton, Brocaded Can ton and Charmeuse In black, brown and navy. Sizes 16 to 44. Second Floor West New Blouses Jacquette and Costume Styles Lovely models that emphasize the indi viduality of the xvearer developed jn Canton, Crepe de Chine, Matelasse and Novelty Crepe in suit shades or bright colors for those who prefer s color contrast. Priced 10.00 to 15.00 Second Floor South Wool Tuxedo Coats for Sport or Street Wear Two-in-one style that can be worn open in the usual manner or buttoned up if preferred. Tuck ing around the cuff and bottom of the sweater gives a f mart finish. In black, navy, brown, green, buff or Copenhagen. When worn with a good looking sport skirt, nothing rivals the chic of a sweater for informal occasions. Priced 7.95 A Remarkable Sale of Smart New Hats Satin 7 Gold Panne 1 oJU Silver wif'y A wonderful collectinu of .irly wintur hdt in a ih irnnng rray of sb.ip, nni rlrr. 11. af.rai-tive tiw t'nbaiK, w ut aide dr wrr it It fur nut ami wrap m hire, d- 1, m i!ir and gtd'l ttnliil ilth. ilh lrwn, l!,i,k, t ' atut Ma. 1h r are l-rgt r hat U i!r n Wvr. off the fj r N. t rl CoM'J and Munv diiiifu d .hapcn, Urov it, t Ui V. . aiUvr and guilt ai" thf Uurt-i lrv AH 'f tl.f' rv h;H utm! ftsudrls that t greatly uh lrrpi it il f- r 'urd'a ivlimg. Sport lUts f -iiti'a nl ti'! l in. I tU nt ait tn 1.95 Courtesy Pays COl'KTKSV pays. It pays as big in tlm i ffaira of a dcpartnii'iit Htoro hh it ilm-s in thn life of an imliviHuiil. The unu wtio nmki's it a point, to hp rourtcmix to all with whom hn comes in rontuct fitula himm-lt' culti VHfing a acn-no atuli of finiKciiniMifsa iiikI prnfita by it. He prufita by it with tmptTt to his btimners affairs, hut hi fimla hm luri;r rcc onippnri in thr hnppini'as tluit cotitinuiilly flows into tho Jives of wi'll poiacil turn ami women. A younir k i rl, in love with life ainl Imlililini; ovi'r with joy, turni'il from n crowil of younu and (M and rxrlninifd to a friend: "Ihm't you Just lovn ftilks?" It wua not difficult for her to ho kind and rotirtcouN, With her it wua a hsbit faithfully cultivated. It pnid her in tho friendships it won for hrr. Mori'ovor, it. pro vidcJ hrr with that attitudn toward life whleh insures happineas to thona who muintuin il. IVilitcnraa. then, ia not only n rivie duty, but it is a pi-raonal privilcire. Whothi-r it bo dis played by pennant or kjnjr, in cotture or In mansion, in workKhup, in rountint; room or in the crowded WHyfan-s of a city, it pnya. Kor tunste, indeed, in the man, woman or child who underntnnds why it pay and how liiir it pays. J. I.. HKANDKIS SON'S, Fresh Cut Roses 5c Cut Flower Department Main Floor- West Ever -Ready Flashlights Every home should have one, for the garage, the attic, the cellar and dark closets. A handy, safe flashlight always ready when needed. In both wide and narrow lenses, two 70 and three-cell types. Special, Unit Cells Fresh stock, each, Fifth Floor West lit Sale of Women's Hosiery Kayser Silk Hosiery All silk from top to toe; with pointed slipper heel and Marvel stripe which prevents drop 3titches; full fashioned with double soles and double silk hems. In black, brown, beige, gray and tan. O QP 4.00 value. Saturday, pair, .7J Women's Silk Hosiery In all silk, some have lisle tops and soles, others have lace insets or have lace stripes; all are first quality, but some of our higher priced numbers which have slight de fects have been included. In black, brown and the new shoe 1 QP shades. Per pair, l.JJ Women's Silk Hosiery With lisle gar ter tops and double soles and high spliced heels, others are silk to the top; included are hose with lace in sets and lace stripes; Italian silk and chiffon silk hose with lisle hems. In black, brown, beige, gray and tan. These are seconds of 1 OP 2.50 grade. Per pair, i.uO Continuing Our Sale of Munsingfwear for Women and Children Seconds and Samples at Va to ' Less Than Regular Prices Women's Cotton Union Suits Medium and heavyweights in many styles, knee and ankle U-ngth. fleeced or without, Kegular prices 1 QP 2.00 to 2.50; sale price. 1.4 J Women's Wool and Silk and Wool Union Suits The wanted ntyles in natural color and white. Kegular O PA prices t.r.O to 5.50; sale price, Z.DU raHril Boys' and Girls' Part Wool Union Suits in all sizes 2 U It! years; per auit, 1.79 Women's Jersey Silk Underwear lit dice t-ipju d Veat VMth ribbon or Jersvy dk shoulder trp. All m Ib sh only, Ther ar b th McuwU and i4rt tiualily lit 1 PA thisb.t. Kach, l.Dil h Mi-omer ar all perfect jrarciH Hi amt r,p,rl rrtntnueit fur r u Nsta I, 5, ii, I in tlrH. O OA r' t h, aC.JtJ IE! M lUaa Vaatl .VirtMii A iMir .iMf ThirU t7Hr (Vrr , t ii 1 w . .s. 4- . Ill M ,i I l"-' !-. ' ' 1 . i i a ?u