The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 28, 1922, Page 13, Image 13
f!in OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER US. lyrj. 1 Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day t r. a III r" i llint-.t ir" 1 :i u 11 Livestock J financial f Postal Savings Deposits Show Drastic Slump Omaha Grain li Chicago Grain Omaha Among .Many Cities Where Big Withdrawals Wrre Mude During Strike Period. Tly tKOIU.E r. AITIIIKR. W ashing ton C..irr.ioinrii T1i (liimlui lle. Washington, Oct, 27. Startling fig ures olitulne.l lu.tiv elmu ihr ,. i Omaha, Oct. ;t. Strung aUea ml reporta of much better egtxrt trails had a bullish ef feet on our grain market today. Dry weather ami reports of tha fall wheat not germinating In tha aotuhweet wm another factor In raising prices, hoarct houses and ahorta war lha best buyers. Uec-upt vf whist at Omaha wera 9S rara, against It cara laat year; corn, 04 cara. against 11 cara laat year; eat, 1? .... I... . i.uvitiB d-po-na 0r the uuatoffi,: ,;::,' .7.: year. Total ahlpmanta wera 114 cara, cuinimretl with 121 rara a year ago, A gotxl demand waa apparent In cbsl. wheat ami tha Omaha, floor and Wn. No, II .0 No. Nil No i ! 17; I II II. ui'iiurirnt'iii nre Lining nrr at n sur prising rate, Tlinsa deposits, generally (l.sfrltied n th Isiroinstrr nf emplt itiiit, just n pimliil e.irnli.Ks ma regarded i,h the imuiHiire nf liugiiics prosperity lntll nile hy their decline that employment in aubjeet to resi rviilliifiH. Tim pusliil Minimis, on the i iiiiiini y, hIiuw i,n Hliwnni trend. Tli flumes nlitiilncd tocy rhnw Unit Hirn'o (H1 t,,,i ip.poalta linve fulleil off $4l,203,i)'ili. The f!K, f,,,. lire w;i In Miirrli of lam when limy v.c IIM.hiiH.r.Jf (m hpteml,er 30, lunt, they wore Jlir, .HJJ'.iiOu, Asslstlllt I'riStlllliaOr 'IfllMlll Glo ver, wlin li.ia charge of thla division, wlnilts tho pnsti.frire him ii "si. k hllil mi ito lunula which vii the inc"IJi;il skill nf Dr. Hulk, poiitniiiNti'i' general, la uniilile tn ivlv." Traced to Ntrllip. fernt atrlkoa !iip tilli'vp,l to tmvn Iwmi oim of tho inuna for (In- fill ing off uf di'pofilin ilurlntf th pnt ji-iir. Thla Ik iniilf BVlilunt hy thn fill't thnt thrv khnw limiU,t iltti-runui,. I vr- I' ... .k. ........... .. . N"- '1'ilna: ill mo .noun ii li.i iTiiifin V III I U I'll.! Ill nf the (i in I mid mil Ktnkn n-n- iiiohI (iirnftly filt. I lovw'Ver, ol her niuaea lln in the low lute nf intori'Mt pndl on themi d.-pnalta, mill upon th niipi rior uttnn Uvi-iuhh of tiaiiHury ((rtiflonlPH, which draw 4 1-2 por cent pnld hy the Pnatul Hnv Ing dlvlnloii, I'oMtofflce offli lnlK nilmlt thHt the low rnte of Intii'CHt 1 illHi-ounmiriR ami that thy will anpport nn effort to he inilde 111 Ooiikiohh to l:ile the iit'rint rate, Ilepi em' n In live Kteiner mm of Mlnr.raotii, rhalrmun of the cnmmHUf on pontofflce. nlrendy hn a Mil In committee uuihorlzing thla lucre:) i, FnrelKiirr Ih t I'ali on. Heretofore, the het pntron of the ;ivliiir hinka huve hcen the forelirn lnhorer, ncciiMtonieil to depos iting hi eiiriilnKM with the kovciiv merit The recent atrlke cniiaeil ninny of thin cliias to draw on their hhvIhk, ciiritrihiitlnK to the fulling off In the total. Omnha la a typical city where the poatnl invln have been decrenalnn during the strike period. In June of thin year the Omuha depnalta were J320,.ri05. In Bcptemhor they were J293.763. Detroit, Mich., probably lcaa affected by the Mtrike, had a total of $'',105,466 In June ami $2,182,6(1$ In September. rVintofflce official acknowledge It ta difficult to aea how the 2 per cent Intercut paid on pontal aavlnRS at tract Investors when they can get at least 3 In iilmimt any savings bank and can purchase treusury certificates or Liberty bnnda for 4 per cent. How ever, some of the postal depositors know so little ubotit Interest that they ara gurprlied when, upon withdraw ing; their saving, they nre given the (accrued interest return. Ccrliflcalca Kagerly Sought. Some conception of the manner in which small savings are finding; their way Into treasury certificates, may he gathered from the treasury's report on cash offering of $rn,3o.O00 sub scribed for the department's recent Issue of -1 14 certificates. A total of $327,5r,4.fiH0 was subscribed in lots of $10,000 and under. A largo part of this sum was subscribed In very small totals. The principle which has governed the est ibllshment of the postal sav ings division of the postoffice has been not to compete with banking Institu tions. It ha been the theory that much of the money deposited In pos tal sav'ng bank Is money that oth erwise would have been deposited In stockings or other places of safety decided upon by persons auspicious of banks through lack of general In formation. The present showing In dicates that the small Investor la be coming "wise" and will demand some thing mora for his money than the jovernment's ! per cent. cfferliigs changed hand at Jo to 40 higher prices. Corn waa strong, e lo lo higher, tha market being gen ei all 'jc up. Outs aold readily at un changed to higher, Itya waa iiuotud 2c up and hurley lc hlghar. WHKAT 1 It.'X turd: tun, 11.;'), ; ilu.K Ii.iJ: 1 i.r, i u. i iturk hard; I cara. II it: 1 tar, (imit'i; I cr, lilt (amuily). I ,iik lon.l: I i.r, II in. I toil, I iMir: I tar, II IS. I har, wIiiit; I .ar, II II: I car, 3 "ra. 11 ID; rara, ll 15. I car, 1 mi, 11.11 (no hill i ; I car, 11.17 (irxttt y i ; 1 .ar. II li liniulill. N'i. i liar, I wlhlir : mil II l; I rar, II 11 (47 l r ."ill il,.rkl, I e..r, 11.11 (HI l . ,1,1 II. i I, 1 rar, It 1,9 ( Hi i it ll. IM, 1 car, lit (iiiiuily); I tar, I. 1 1. ,s,i, 1 hard v Infer: 1 ear, li cit il l,r "'t II lt; I tar, II Hi; I tar, 'iriutly, 07 p.r II, t ) N... b hunt ini.r: I .r, ll li (17 per iii i, .(ii par taut II. .., I .ar, 11. j (7 cr i.l I., ti ,ar . tut 11. Ii ) H.imM" haril wln(r I ear, 11 .11 (Mva nil I rnr, (.01 p-r rnt II. P.) Nn. I i.prliif. 1 car, 1131 (dark): 1 I car. II II: 1 car. II 11. n.i. I fnik.'d: I cur, It 17; I car, ttc, (ilurumi; 1 .'nr, It Id op". ,l l,illni, N.i. 1 iniatii; par, II 10; 1 .-ar, ll l; I ear. II lx; 1 rur. II 1; 1 ear. (Ii I, r .oiii aprln); I cor. fits (HI p.r e.nt wlnl.irii I car, 7o (diirum, apaclal Mil ium. fiu. I mlaa.l: 1 car. Ho (durum): 1 car, II, durum). N. 4 init.d: 1 car, 13c (durum, ahlp ptr'a Wi-itfhfal, N,i. 4 ,Iui.iiii: 1 rar, lie, Hiiiiiiila ilutum: I i'ar, 4c. (CHIN. J Nn. 1 wlillr: 1 tar, llu (ahlppar't W"ir:hli. Sn. whlta: I rara. ec: 1 car, 17 Ho. No. I whila: 1 car, 17 So, Nn. I yallow: I car, (Iwc; 1 .r, time (hlipr' ighia); I car., Kie No. I yiiluwi 1 ,.ar, Ht'o (ahlpptr'a r.,.hl): rara, mc. Nampla yellow: 1 tar, Ho (foralgn ma larial), Nn 1 mlxad: 1 rar, I7HS (ahlpptr'a wi-liihla) ; 1 car, 'c; I tar, n c. No. 1 nil .'!: 5 cara.; 3 rara, C7'io (alilppar'a w.iahia); 1 car, 7!4c. OA'I'S. No, I whll! cara, 4J'4e. Nn. 1 whlta: i rara, i2e (ahlppar'a r,-. ihta) ; II cara, 4214c. No. 4 while I rara. 42c. II YK. Nn. J: t car, 77c; 1 car, TiHie. No. S: 1 car, 71c; 1 car, not wheat, 11 per cant rya, fins. IIAHI.EV. No. I: 1 car, file No 4: I rara, ?r, OMAHA RECEIPTS Atfl) PHIPMKNTS. Racalpla . Wheat Corn data Ilya Uarloy Bhlpmcnta Whciit corn ,, data leva Harlny Tnday, (Carlnia) II 04 17 7 I 14 ! I 0 W..K ASO. ' 4 17 7 2 it 41 14 1 Year Ago. 11 It 7 (I 1 80 12 4 0 Ii l.OIMOO 728,000 1,070.001) 411,000 711,000 I, lit. 000 670.000 441.000 1.411,000 inn, noo 711,000 I'niMARY RKCKtPTB AND BHIPMENTH. (llu. hale) Wheat 1.474. OHO 14151 000 c orn , 1,014,000 Oal 714.000 Shlpmenta Wheat 721,000 Corn Ill, 0110 data 774,000 HXPOKT I'l.K AHANm-H Tluahla Wheat, Dour 771,000 1,121,000 Corn 203,000 ,t 168 000 Oats 111.000 CHICAOO RBCKIl'TS. Cartota Wheat Torn , Onta Carlota Wheat Corn Oata ST. 1.CJUI Carlota Wheat Corn Pnta N0RTHWE8TKR.V OarWKa tlniir-Hpollfl IiiliUh .... Winnipeg .. ( IIIO.W.O CLOSING rnirES. llyj.pdik Drain Co., DO. l(IJ7.Oot. 17. A rl. Cipen. I Hllih. I Inw.'U'lQ"'. i ta" Wht. lice. Weak Tear Today. Ago. Aso. ,. H4 i ail ,.t2o ins 11,4 . . II ID 68 TY RECEIPTS. Week Year Today. Aao. Aro. ..212 1S4 in; ..27 4 .. II 11 I S RBCE1PTS. Weak Year Today. Ao. Ao. .. 7 110 103 .. 48 US 4 ..T.I f.6 13 WHEAT RECEIPT 8. W.ek Year Today. Aao. Ak" 314 US .147 17 ll'.S l?K 1,7.1 1.628 1,436 By MIlRl.rH P. Mlt liKl.s. Kg llnuUia Ilea laaed Mir. ( hlciigo, Oil. 27. Dani'lnpmenl vt a t"A export huxinri In hard Inter wheat via the gulf, ith the removal of hedge ugdlnet the sales, limited In a atroi.g mid inltai.c log wheat inm -ke. At the outride, I lecrmlier showed $ ID c nvrg the close cf tho pre vious day, with geneinl covering li rhoita nn the wuy up. ('losing trnde wera a frn'tlen under tho top, with net gains cf 1 3l3e. iVnrre gralti wero stronger In sympathy with .wheat, corn cloning 3 47)1 12c,' and j oats 3 S ' 3 4i- higher, whilo rye wa up 3 41 l ie. At 110 time wera wheat prices n' low a the finish of ' tha previous ihy. I There wis lice early Inlying by j houses with aenhoard connection. . That caught local element either short 'nr with no wheat. 1'ilcea advanced wlftly. There wera nuiiieroua small renctloiiH, dun to prnfU-t.ikllig. Offer ing, however, were lint heavy at nny time, rviaiatcnl cnniinisslon houi.o buying v .is In evl.lem e. I ueli liriieiml l;nfc, A Paninu.l fur ' .oii wi,-. t wua l.rl"k 1're iiiiufi, vt.ia firui.'r 1.1 ail n.aiK"(a. A r.'icii'l I. it nf No. 2 lir,1 wlntt-r, tti Iraneit 10 t Ii u e'-al'iiiiii, e..l, lu erpnrl' 1. at ,uiil In f uver I ,f-rll,t-l t .1. b. I1.10 or It over I ho In. bi arut mliUal. Titers l.iis Ii. ,i a liuc-h ifirser report l'll.lllf-,4 1,1 I'l'i iliwfi S"l"-,1!' l'l.V'll I, ,v.i i,.l ri. a, in 1 .,!, itiyiinr and V:nnii'g I '1 i I 'n 1 hirh'-r, 1.. i. i ltd, 1, 1 ii. ip iiirliii.'l in l.d a Mllla tearn.ll on eotn. tea vc:lli l. .mlT a. ll'. tiKi.l and no pr'un'ii" eire.i f,nin the pa pre we ioliiire,i alnwly wii lit liaui'-a mail.' ai.uuc ll,o clue.. Tim 1 ir-nin'.r vent In wllhln Ue of lha Miy nn.l rl.e,.'l !l..-rir Wl'h tulno iuylna ill ).i eni l.e-r aii'l eellllis i,f Mny iy etiv,il,ir loi.ieeia Iiemni.,1 fr . 1 nil torn waa annd Hint pteiiiiiima 1,11 it fiim while reports from Ilia ltii.,-r,,.r aimwed nn rhanan 111 Hi" .ii r aliuuil'in. Ilficelpia it t ara If ii T k nf the (redo In tula w,ia nf Inral ehararler Willi III. a-(lnn of oilier srallia I he doitilnailng itifloenc. Ruralplt, 101 tar M"porf nf a hi? export bimlnraa In rya wl'h rr" l,u)HM lv ti"Ue'a won ceniiwc' 1, me put '1 lie lirrcml.-r lo evn Willi I In. May, H.iiea ..f 4nu. 000 hu,.,n-l (0 rip. , I!.-! in all pnaiii.ina In ih.i wtei were 1 i.iifti meil hv l eal humller, pari nf lha suiln heinir ai mlier puiiiia. Tile two northwest rn in- '' ! 78 ear. Il'l Nntra. Ono fnrlnr llni eioul nut In tha whent tradn wua 'lie decline nf hard wtnlar whnit at thn anil from a pratniuin to a diN.uunt under Mi, n 1 Oiii. It wua tho flrat llina la mntn (han a month. Tho prices aint out at thn 1 x t wera 11 10 3-4 to II .31 2-4 for hard wlntara at tha gulf. II 20 -8 fur Nn. 1 Manllulia I a. I Montreal. Knvland toiisht hind wlriiera today. Klin. lid Mvrrpoo! enll.a enmo hlaher Saturday, tra.lera unlc fnr a further liulsa In wlu-Ht, poaalbly follnwad by weak'Tied profit lakliuf. .ivnh prcmlunn on caali wheat stronger In all markaia and aelllnu: pn-eeuro llinlt ed, thern really wua no nppneltiiin to the huiga of 1 !'4c In leeeniher whtiat, 1 6-80 In corn, 7-8o In oala and 1 1-4.' nn rya, with tha cloaa around tho beat of tha day and the reveraa of Thuraday, Com tra.lera ara becoming tnnre bull. leh aa prlrea atrengthen. A lurgn lo.-al nperalnr who eol.l Thure.lny was bulk a largo buyer and acller today, Foreigner! and lha aeal.oartl aro altar yar hara and In (ha north weal with 100, 000 buahela aold fnr export. Hedgi'S on this rya waa taken off hera. At tho aamo lima northweatern hnuaea were the beet enllera of tho rya, bought by aeabnard houaca, Koatern railroads are moving empty grain rara In tha went by train-loads. The II. A o. atnrted a trnln of 15 empty cms from nnltlmoro to Chicago on Thuraday and la to atart more at once. Creditors nf W, A. Francr A Co. received their final dividend today. It waa 3 per cent. The firm failed about 20 yeare sko. New York Cotton. New Tork, Oct, 27. Tha cotton market allowed ability to atnnd up heore the In pmaaure from profit taking thle mnrnlnnr and rallied to about nn a level with Friday niicht'i clo In the eerond hour, after It had sold off some 20 to 22 points In the flrat hour. Trade rntoroetn, Liverpool and apot houaea bought. Realizing anlea wers being well absorb ed and tho market's underlying power wac good. Tho market was loas active In tho lato trading. At one lima It advanced about 11 points above Friday's cloeo, but then reaoted for a alight net loaa. During moat o ft he laat hour price ohangea were mean Ingleaa. Clnelng prlcea were 10 to li pointa not lower. Spot quiet, 23 0o, 10 pointa docllne for middling upland. S.iuthernmaiketa. Onlvcetnn 23.50c, 10 poUita decline; New Orloana 23 60o, 12 pointa decline; Savannah 2:i.60c. 10 polnia decline; Auicunta 23.60o. 1.1 pointa decline; Memphis 23 10c, unchanged; llouaton H.ISe. 15 pointa decline; Utile Rock tl.3lc. unchanged. May July Rya 1'ec. Mav I ; 1 .11 n I lc. I (.ata Dec. M lard .luly 1. 1. Jan. H'Hj net. Jan Hocnrtl for lnter-('aMal Canal Traffic I Madeiy Washington, Oct. 27 A new record I jUlv for Intercoastal t radio throuuh the fananwi csiuil wa nuide In tSeptem ber. accotdlns to nn official report receivej here today, which showed that during the month 6$ vessels pissed through the canal tetween the Atlantic and Pacific) irta. Thlrty f.Hie veaaela were westlHiunJ. while I were enroute from tha Pnctfle to the Allantle. Tha ships tarrying 3;V;Vi tons of cm go iid toll nmountlnc to tl"l fJ compared with tol a cf $.1 352 paid by 4 Interooaat nl ships huh carried 1T7.S4J lona of a crga In liapteniler, 1)71. In net tonnage, Mia and bna f c.irg.i, tha t'nitel 8t a ifiiat win r irn- during tptnlr waa approxi mately J'l per ret t f tha ttl traf fie ain thr.mtth t ranal. Metropolitan (rrai Star Pic Folloviin Operation! Vf V.-rk. f $: - ! N '; n , I frnir biu'1'IiUb i . ,.r bl f ! l'. cf! t 12S 1.13 1 1IH 1 1 J 4 i 1 06 SI 1.05SI. ,7 ,0 ."I Hi .7V. 1.1m V. i a "vi 1.12 8. 1.128a 1 l.oiVal 1.05", j .87 j .47V.I I n't! .41 1 41 .41 'I .808, ,1 ;".. ....I 7Vil US 1 14S 1.11S lie VI 1.I1H 1.181, 1.118, 1 11HI 1 118 1.01 I 1.041, 104 7, SHl 40 III 10 41 1 j I 31 j IK j III j I 40 ,;8 . 1 0 s j .794 !iio"i"'.io8,! 1 I .8a! .7',l .86l , , . , 1. ...... I .41 1. .411,1 .418, .. . .1 1 .418.) .411.1 .414 H84I 81V "I lost .mil lie m .1 .1 I 1 31 Kawaa 4 lie 'Ja, Kanaaa I'uv Mo, net I- Waeat No. I hard. II I4tfl III Na te.l l Ull II rrn No. I whit, tlfee. No, I yella. 15 k,.'. IU itaekel vschasf.4. Kaaaaa c'n !M , ml T c'liaa: W.a -l..H.N.r, 1 el at a.kaU. alar. II I I aak.d Jalv. Vae il nkel 1 ,r a I ". etso ae4i May. IIS a.a.4 , Ji. Use ! MlaaeaciMlla l.ewi at !Utaalla, Ma. IT .WkU ca.a S 1 a.ra... II 1 1 8, f 11,1,, le ,.,... l US. Wa, II 1 1 a '- V I ..-law. Cf'l'tl v. 1 ana, lfn Hat - ,1 y e .-. 1 n'i I 1. 1 -Na. t 11 I' 8, I 44 V a t ..kt ta "Mt.Unia Itutletfr ' d J w, nit. 1 iat-a l .U t i!.''n aa i'rt..."4. , I a '!rm ra-iel ... i it. '! V'a- 1 1 ',... ' . v.r, l'S. 8a.i ti. f I th viwia eH". p a r.4i.t f v ! f . , an4 a.--iJ I I. ei e t ;-it-a "I IM ht t f r 1, I .. nil I iill" ll t.l - . 1 Sa. X4V t ' .- 1 H".4-l geSMh 8. I fl, I ilihiiiti M'a. , l I ' .8 Tt (: .a kWl fta ti el ta " I l...t.lU HM 1 t I'll aM H, t vf a IrMlo I aaa i lis tii aa.a t'a ' ,. 8,n n ik t -.- .a.ie1 t-,4 ta lfc -fii-a .f y.a .ii j H. , i 'mw 8r . a H s s.. y .i t-.. - 41 p. . 1 Ice 1.1.1 ,11 eli - ' 4 i 4 8S' l ' ' ' I 111.' K .ella,. 8".4 . 41 He t. ,i , 1 . s ..4.e f. ia mo l.-ei , i . 4 a .. , 1 . . a'a a-aea e I i, I own-a a 8 - .. mm.-' 11 a . nrndatreeta Trmln Review. New York, Oct. 17. Hradatresl'a Satur day will aay: "Weather Irregularities. (It I- too warm In aon.a aecllona for rvtall trade) are re apnnalble fnr what nf uniformity la vlalble In the general trado and Induatrlal survey. In wholeaala and tnbl Ing trade and Induatry the trend Iz still In the di rection nf prngreaa, renon., in foci, belns the licet since the Into aurlng nf 1920 and collections are the beat alnc. a vear ago. llradatrect'a weekly f.m.t index tiia again advanced and In commodities aa a whole, advances atlll outnumber doclinea. Mail order trade enmpanaona are improving. "While reports as to Jobbing trade are the beat for at leaat two yeara and the renerol outlook Is atlll oulto uniformly favorable, there ar enough contrasts in volume and ncope of buying to deserve no. tic, I hie In the wide scope nf buying, and atrength of prices, the ttlleB cotton, wool and ailk and their finished prnducta, eaally led. Prlcea aaked are regarded aa teetlninnv to the Inw level of alo.-ka in final diwtrltiiitnr'a handj and stimulating effete of recent tariff leajilatlnn." Weekly bank clearances 17. Hi. Ill, 000. M. Iiuls IJvealm-k. East St, Louie. Oct. !7 Cattle Re celpta. J.lioa : not ennugh native beef steers here to make a market: other barely steady to ahsde lower with bologna bulla down IS lo 88c and light calvae 11 OA lower; bulke follow: W'eelern ateers, IHI .'. Iishl yaarlings. 8.aT ; rnws. II Ties 18; eanners I 4" l 1 10; bulls. 1 74 18; I aht c.lvae, l -8l I); slack. .1 ateera. It S .1 rt 28. Hose H. i i. ll ; a'nw weak lo loo lower on hogs; pigs an-1 litht hghia. active and strong, spots. 10c h'gh.r on He In lltt-p.,uel avetag-; up. I .'8 paid for p ga an I light llghia, li 11 paid tup ,rt b..ea: bug U't to lo.peui.. acFsi. eubS aa, I she lisSis i , tii. i-a-S.r sow about aceady; buU, I? i.-7 .1: few k ihir Mhe.a and I miw R-cair's. I ': Bioailv ia lower es unit,.; Ilfhl tal fmm. 11 10 lw.r a.ainea aira-lv, te l.mla gt a ; bu s !t e 11 u4 . ui i It S " fat l.ght e.e. 4 a. b..i'. II el '' Ml. I 11 relink. St J.f M. ' c'alt'e et'e 1 ie heal. i.."vl lot.e ai l I in-J' I an i '' a". w.lghl 1.1. a few R.i l-l a. I fo,. it t.i, .t,e lul ii .! h . s e ,-., In.ll1 v. : e f io r e - M ee- "'' '' 8 !, e V eg .l fc- ' I !. 8-1 b l-.ta 4. ! ! Ill I. 4. - e-'-a I, 1 1 fe ! -' I. iitfjf h-" I iaTl ..,- a- . .. i ' ' ...... i ei.c J-a u . ka- : i.i if '" .1 a,. 1 'a f I'1 ' . i i. a ' 1 ' ' " !" P., (-.- ' . ;i k l-esaeeal S.ej f . a - - " "" i., ..... noil 7 oilll 1.4 n ' 18 a -t -! fcacelpte werej (rficiat Monday ,,,, llfl.elll '1'tlee.Jay offi'-ial Wednesday,, Hlfl. lal Thiiredsy,,., Kaiimafa Knday give deyo Ihia siek Hsu.. Ia( w.ek.,.,, Snin I week. ago. , Sen. I We,ka aao. . , ear 4k1' . . . , Omaha, Oct attl.. Iloga. 17.714 11.77! 11. 17k 7.t7a l.lf'0 Mill 48 111 81 8 80 t V704 111 4.871 I.OIf (.117 400 13,10.1 91 818 11.111 la. 010 27 Sheep. 11.121 I .,.! 11118 10 "78 I 0110 II 818 11 (14 11 110 l.l'l 12,111 Receipt and disposition f luesin.k at t. . , e m. it,.i.i, Omaha, Neii , for "i li ,.u at 1 p m , on 17, Hit, HKC'gll'T 8.AIHXJT. Cattle Iloga Sheep f. M, A St. P. Ily. V8abnari H R , Mu I -sc. Ry I nmn Paeiiio It. R f. S. W. nr, eaat (7. a N. W. Ity , wsat C , St, P., 81 a O. Mr C , H. g. Ry., esat , . .. i', B aw Ry, west .... I', II. lap, seat I , II. 1. a P , west , Illinois Ceulial tly C, ci. W. Ry ,. 4 10 'ii t i 21 1 4 4 11 4! II "i To(ol receipts , IjIKI'CiHTJON- Armnur a Co, I'udahv Parkins Co Dold I'm king Co Mo'rla Packing Co. ,,, Swift Co W. Murphy igdan Pa. king Co. , , , , Mi. aln, pn, king Co. ., Hoffman proa i: O Uea J. II. Unlit I'ennla a Kruncia .... KlllB 0 Co J.tbn Harvay Hums, user a Oliver . V. 41. Killngg ,,. I. !' Umi Mo -Kan c. a r. Co... r ii. Hunt a ro Itoa.-neln.-k Urns Warthelmer a Duten ., oilier buyers Armour, Hnu Falls ,,. A Co ,,, I.eubuvor ,,,,, ,, II HBAI. Cat tin Iloga Shepp 411 1411 IIM II 821 176 44 I 11 110 .. 16(1 1"f,4 . .... 1310 . .... Ill .. 27 .. 10 .... 1 .. 18 .... .. 84 -. II .... I'"' , ,,, .. II .... .. 8 ,,,, .. 71 .. .... .. 18 .... .. 12 .... .. 87 ,,,, ..1181 .'."ii ,. 101 101 Kit 1481 Totals 4071 1221 1101 faille Receipts, I 400 head. Quality of todays raltle supply waa poor and on ilia kiri.lj that wore on aala trade waa dull. There waa aome Inquiry fur choice beeves and feeders snd lona of the mar ket on those clHssea wag ateady. Knr the week weamrna are unevenly steady ta tia lower and soms of tho warmed-up na tives are as mufh as ton lower. Stock eni snd feeders have been dull and wenk to 2fie lower prlcea Heat cow and half era are, tha medium kinds ar JCc nr more lowsr. Quotations on cstfle. Choice to prim hcavea. 111 6011 00; good to cholt tiiievea. IJ 76 a 11 IS; fair to good beeves, 18 8o if) .76; common lo fair bee v. a, 17.21 'Hit 60; choice to prim yearlings, 11121 1113.00; good to choke yearlings, l.7bt 11 21: fair lo good yearling, 18.2661 Id; .-omirion to fair yearlings, 'ff.60ii,.oo; good lo choice graaa beove, 8.60i7.40; fair 10 good grass beeves, IS. 60W8.40; common lo fair grua bcevea, 14 606.40; Memoane, II 004)1 00; good to choice grass heifers, 6. 761)10.60; fair to good gross heifers, II SOWS CO; choice lo prima grase cows, t 2f,4.26; good to cholcs graaa cows. 14.1006.26; fair to good grass cows, 14 oofl.4 .00; common to fair grass cows, 12 800,4 00; prim heavy feeders, 17.2601 7 76; good to choice feeder. I0.60W7 16; fair to good feeders, 16 868. 10; common to fair fseders, lr, 2606 76; good lo choir Blocker, 17.00 (fji 7.0 ; fair to good Block ers. I6.76ftl.l0; common to fair Blocker, I4.7605.7I; ato.-lt heifer. -4 0001.60; stork cows, U 00 .110; alock ralvos, 14.00 Ira 00; veal calvea, tC.00O10.00: bulla, stags, etc., I3.IO0I3C6 HKT.V STRKflfl. Av. I'r. No. Ar. Pr. . . . .1311 18 05 HEEP h-TEEUS AND HEIFERg, .... 822 110 60 covru, 1126 It 16 HKIICWRS. .... 617 13 26 3. ,...120 4 65 10. DULLd. 1440 1340 CXUVKH. .... 286 IS 20 3. ,...330 8 10 1. ....116 I 00 1. WESTERN CATTLB. NKHRASKA. i 76 enr. Ill 6 00 11 atkri Tin No. It. . II. 4. . 13.. 1.. 4.. 4. . :.. 688 771 480 280 146 4 10 I 21 I 60 60 I 00 7 fdrs. 13 lifia. 27 Mrs. 4 cown 6 cow. 1096 cfs. . 620 701 625 kill 40 12 76 t 60 I 18 I 00 $ 00 8 76 ft sir. 1114 1 80 6 cf.. 261 3 26 26 atrs.lOtl 4 26 SOI'Tir DAKOTA. 14 fdrs. .1120 17 10 ,r. A. Ulton. 1 hfra.. 628 4 10 hfra., 722 14 KO 7 cowB.1008 4 20 cow. 126 1 lli 0 cowa. III! 2 86 Hogs Receipts, I 400 head. Today's trad was fenlured by two distinct mar keta. a liberal number moving on ship per account at ateady pn.aa. Packer trado was weak to sa much as 16$'i2Rc lower, and slow on this on this basis. Light hogs sold largely at 8.26(M 60, with a top price of 68. (16. Mixed loada old nt I7.86ff8.26 and packing gradea at 17.407.76. Hulk Uf aalea waa 7.60( 1.60. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 42. .401 ... 7 25 60. .830 ... 7 60 37. .343 ... 7 70 60. .284 140 7 10 82. .21 70 7 86 58. .185 ... I IS "2. ,241 40 8 26 30. .18!) ... I 40 78. .202 ... 8 60 S. .184 ... I 10 71 . .208 ... I 65 8hccp Receipts. 1,000 head. Fat lambs were fairly active, prices ruling 10,26c lower, with fed filliped lambs showing the most decline. Western lambs sold up to 113 90 and native latch, at 113.60. Fed clipped laml.B sold at 111. 6012.86. reed era were slow and weak to lower pricea. Sheep were strong to 16c higher, good quality ewes selling up to 16 10, with other sales at 6.iifS .75. Feedera were atrnng to quarter hisher, on lot of good quality selling St 16.60. quotations on sheep: Fat lamb, good to choice, I13.75(H3.80; fat lamba. fair to gno.l. 111. 26013.76: fed clipped lamba, 112 766,13 00: feeding lambs, 112 00011.!:,; fat ewe, light, , I5.768j)7.00; fat ewea, heavy, ll.00tct.26; feeding ewes, I3.604J 16.60. m:v iokk mihs. Omaha Ilea I -meed Hire, New York, i let. ii. The recovery which had been rather plainly fore ahudowed by lha eaaggeruled violence of tha previous iUy a decline occurred nn nearly all markets today, It was tha most emphatic In the case of for eign exchange; on the stock market It was Irregularly distributed mid offset by it few further downward mv merits, nnd III bonds It wus hesitant. W'llh t'nlled Mates bonds, Indeed, the decline continued, Koine of thn older war loans sold 112 point below Isst week's closing snd 3 1 J below the high prices of the year, nnd ths new 4 14 per cent touched !, This doubtless recalled to soma mind tho hugely fiverubcrlbed wnr loans which want to H or 97 a' week or so after tha subscription. Hut the cases Imva little analogy when the present loan la a pura refunding operation which, In lha course of a few months, will leave tho sum total of outstand ing government obligation exactly w hat it was befora this list sub scription. Re.lntanc to Herot-srr. To Ihe recovery on lha stock market tber was considers!,! rrme'snr frnin profe.slnnal ousrtera, chiefly applies through active Balling ef one group of abarea whll "buvln back short Block' in another In particular, Standard oil nf New Jersey derllned 4 pnllil further, reaching a price (8 polnia below lb" flg iir of October 10, after those shares bad been lending Ihe speculative rise on (he merits of "slock dividends" lis action pointed, therefore, nm enrt of innrol perhaps wl'h lippllcitlon lo the wistful 'nuery of Wall street as (o whe(her or not ihe "hull market" will be "riiind" wilh ll Us recant parapher nalia. . , . Taken sa a whole, today' market gave no pnaltlv evidence nf anything hut a holt In the recent un.-he. krd downward movement. That is usually the course of events when a necessary readjustment nf value h is psrlly or whnlly run Its course Along wilh (he financial mnrkeis. grain prlcea moved up rether emphatically today. Foreign F.irhang Recovers. Foreign exdisnge rate Indulged In the same recovery aa the stock exchange; in the one case as in lha other, there wa evidence both of repurchases by "hear speculators" and of genuine buying. In etertlng all previous Iobb In. urr'-il thla weok was csncelli-d; with francs, the rale rose mot than a from Thursday' low figure Ka.hang on every Kiirnrxmn market, without exception, shared In today's re covery, evi-n thn mark struggling up from 2 1-4 to 2 6-8, measured sa usual In hun dredths of a cent. This partltular ad vance, at any rate, was not a response lo anything In the day's news, which In cluded a relchsbnnk showing an output of new psper money, during tha third week nf the month, about'io.orni.noa mark greater than on any previous week. Mliorl of 1'romlsr, The 26, 488, 101,000 mark added to tha circulation In that week avemged marly 1,000,000,01)0 a day and ar thrrttor adll short of the relthsbatik'a promised dally product of 1,000,000,1100, Hut this la hard ly a matter of econotnlo intcreat any loagee, The Oerniaii currency machinery I taking Its place with Austria's, which now iseues nearly a trillion crown a month, and with Russia's, which achieved an average monthly output of about 10, 000,0(10,000,000 ruble during the first half of 112!. Continuous but not epectsciilar expan sion of trade activity Is reported by all tho end-of-the-week mercantile reviews. In tho weekend reports, It la asserted that the mldlemen business this week haa been "tho best for at least two years," .but there are quaUflcntlons; the tend.-ncy to forward buying being not yet general and ths long lis' of miscellsneoua trade not showing uniform reapons to the move ment of recovery, I "8 I'l 8(' 7 Jl t lS 17 V, i lose. 08)6 1,; tin' U'lt ins 108 II lelH II IIS rid. i.,.s l:ir ! iit.i h .... I n fe, long . . Nalloliel 8;oeilirl t m'o . I Ki mi . I.i rilUrd Tub, en. IM Valines! Iad I h"a. I. Inia I'u - . 1 u i i man , I'llhta A'-ii.e S'lg I'.,. Uil Sl.oes Superior St, l . , . sc. I., a s Vi. i sr ,'hriiiti-al. Total is'ea lOl.soO Money rii e, i par cent, Thuis.Uy I I, t.,e, ,-r lent. Ms ik.- i.l.,.., .oooita; Thursday tin, ... j i, . Francs 08M. sierling- ci,,,, ( nt,, close, 14 ll V l.' l.ltt 118 (I', 11 CO, 8 S7 11 II ' ' Thuisdsx close, ThUIS'lBy' New York Bonds New York Quotations Range of prices of the leading slocks furnished by Logan fc llryan, 218 peler Trust building: RAILROADS. Thurs. High Los Close Close A., T. A 8. V 104',, loiis 10(1.4 105 Kaltlmor Hi Ohio 63 62V. 62 62 Canadian Pacific. 145 ltji, 144 144'4 N. Y. Central ... 89 v Cheaa. a Ohio ... 7i (Jt. Northern .... 924 Illinois Central . . . 113'-, Kan. City South' n 22 18 l'', . !8Va 74 76 74 12 92 '4 9i' 1124 1 1 2 '-a 112'H , a a o i I . w. Ha., -I . aaea k ea a ..1 ' it ... t - w- a, a i i I a. . - 8 ev I a . ..aie el V- .1 1st m 9 - ,.eaatj t It .1 I llSl.' : .i -a ' " ' t a. 8 I i v. I v.,, . . I I i ,l s , i . ,.14, . I a t i I S.. I -i a...'- . . . i I , - . N I .--1 Is i I k ,, ) . H. 1 I j i n.. l " 1 l.'.M.:. m I i ... ; ... 1 k. e- i k.aj ,M ts.4 gsael I , ., t i i ' - . -i t -a - . . a.-. a . ; r - s -i. i I , . , . ..I .e. I ' ( hi. ago l.lreatock. Chicago, (irt, 27 Cattle Receipt,, I.. 000 head, doling very slow, quality gener ally plain; no atrlctly choice native beef steers here; market on ahort fed beef tear, fat she-Block and bulla largely ea ratch-aa-catch-can baala; decline In apots of 21 conte and more beins la evldsnc oa beef eteera, beef cow and heifers; top beef steers, 111 10; aev.ral loads fairly well finished kind unsold, with bid sharply Ijwsr; veal reive, ateady to 28e lower; Blocker and feeders, alow; apot lower on heavy feeder steers. llog Receipt. IS. 00 head: opn44 around atrady, cloaina Ilk Thuraday. en light and lu'cher with heavy packing aw dud, fully 150 lower; bulk 18 la 14'i-poun.l iveregea. I ' f t 10; few late enlwe. Ill,), moat umlerweiihta aama: 1 p. If l i, bulk heavy pa. kin ,.. tll liseo, pia. airong. m.ily 11 1; eatimal rd holdover, 6dae Sh.s and lam). Hecelpla. llolheadj fat natlv. lambs, eleadv, c"Be,t lie lo llo lower; wp pat.l. early. 14 ll ta shit-pare and city bill. her. Ill ii to pack r. kois. III itau O: t'liie, liMmf I S; u-strah,. t . nealerae averaging I ai-o.t 1 .,.,e l. I6 18; ulh.r v.i...l. a. j 111 II: ene p,.d 111 ,.,n4 feg yeatjiaf -h.'s. i1; rliieel lamba. In m. i f-.-c.-a di.i. aa no-oaina aa ; ih.-s. I .1., It ; ku.v lal eee II 1191 ), ,hl- j . ll. apaad t II. Iixei 111 ItleMnrk. k mwi 1 in 1 h 1 j? - .i -.a, . 8 1, k -d I..4, k.t. ai Is Id le.l . 1.. l i.-i v..F. t. 44 a..., a., m. si, I'vm , ,h I!!1, at fcae J. 1 1.1 l,..,l ,!! ... v r r. ..Hit 18 . .-il. .., I ... I ltieiii, ..-. i.k'.swe eia. 1 In- n, .11 ..a l, k.k H .lt . l I. k- l .1.1. '..e. I . 1 - a 1 I I SI .. m. . I a 4 1.1'ec ,. I I. H s - R . e'e 8 ke, I as. 1 a ' e 1 1 . . a . -a.i l'l..- I - v ! ' .'!- 1.1. ,11 I . I! I ll it. 1. 14. , t- e- -t ll I) w 8 i- 1 . a . ..I m'.' t !. a . - Ii l" !, e ll . ..... si, ' 1 . I . , '.- k . .a. ,,1, a, C at 1 I a.. t .. I.'.. 1 I 1 .fc. ,.4 Sal .... I.-,, t I- , , , k . . I. 1 f l,a 14 if ...a. I ! 22 22';, 22 Lehlah Valley .... 7(1 (19 '.4 70 Missouri Pac 20 19 20 1984 N. Y. N. II 2 29' 21 V, 28 '4 North'n Pacific .. 86'4 8684 8'4 "684 Chicago & N. W.. 90 8984 0 " Pa. R. R 49 V4 49 'a 49 84 49 'a Reading 84 t 88 83 84 8 2 8, C, R. I. . P 41 8 4084 4 1 Vi 4UV4 Houth'n Pacific .. 94 93'A 94 93 Southern Hy 26 24' 26 24l fill.. Mil. Ht, P.. 3')' 30 304 30 Union Pacific ....14084 1 40 14, 146H 141 KTKRI.g. Am. Car Fnundry..l4 '4 184 1S4V4 13'4 AllH-Chalmera .. 46 42' 44' 42-kj Am. Locomotive. . .12 127 128V4 126 ". Haiti. Lo,'omotlvo..136i 133'4 134'4 133'', Hothlehem Steel.. 7284 7 1 84 7 2' 7104 Col. Fuel & Iron.. 21)' Crucible 79 77" Am. Steel Foundry 42 42 4 Lackawanna Steel 82' M Ml.lvale Htrel 33 32 '4 Preeaed Steel Car. 8!'4 RfO Rep. Steel Iron.. Ml ' 4881 Ry. Steel Springs.. 118 ' IIK'4 118' Slosa-Hcherrield .. 46' 45V, 46V 17. S. Steel I08, V1514 1 (IS 14 105 Vanadium 42 41 42 4014 Meg. seauoaru. . . . it id' COPTERS. Anaconda 60 84 60 Am. 8. A R. Co... 688, 68C4 ferro De Pasco., . 3t 18 8, Chill 14 23 84 Chlno 271k 26 Cel. a Anions r,s r.s Inaplratloi 8,',l Kennecott 534 331, Miami Nevada Con'deted. 16 29' 79 42 82 33 86 49 17 r,o 68 88 24 28 68 15 83 30 78 42 8 0 32 ' 87 48 46 16 60 14 68 38 24 27 Ray Con'deted Seneca Utah tlen Asphalt . Cnaden ,. Calif Pel.rol , Island (HI Invincible Oil . Me,i-en Pet.rol Ml,1 lie Slates . Pactflo oil Pan-Amerlran I'lnlllps PI-P. 0.1 .... Pur on R val Imi.-fc . . Sinclair tell . . . -d oil N J. T.sae Co. ... I'mon on . . Whit oil . . , fban.ll-r . . ll-a.rai ll'ilur,. . W .live Ov.ri.nd I'.er. a A.r,.a , . , k.i. i .'.,r Ml U.l.tMBSe- Rl Ull r .s ,1 ,.,0 . k k- . Si s I I k... I.e. I,i A ) , I S I- 11 . . 84 OILS . . 6 ,. 41 . . 68 S . . 18 13 14 1884 11 14 II 4" 61 14 :i 2.-1 11 . . " .. J . . 4? . . .. t .. .. 81 .511 . . 4 1S '. lnTiiriS 81 . , 11 . U tic 4 , 4 ', 'a S Ui Sec 4H 1 1 M II I 11 11 US', U.C, 1 61 i 41 68 16 III', 13 le 1. ' 8 ! O'c n MS II M'a 11 i"i I ,H ASO TIIU.S l 81 "k 1 M l a t h! 11 - H I U', 9 11 1 11 I' a 36 3.1 4 27 14 13 ', 44 8 48 17 S 18 ff" 12 41 81 , '4 : 8". 83 (. 11 1 11 'IS 1: t . I? New York, Oct 17 4'orporalion dsuea showed le ller alelen.e to the I'.nl Inued :i.iodalion of I mod stain gavet .nl liolida, five nf which sold In II,. ieilil,oi. hood of 91 nr ,ei,w tt.-er.ali.ile fli.ill the ,l"vioua rloelrg range, 1 f r 12 lo lile p.r lion bond In the older liens while Ihe new 4',s ,li.... 70c. to gig 90, (hs lowest flgllle .l rescued. P.e.i.ons for the IhioHing over st shut nro i oiui.K.iilv fegsidi.l a.i sacrlfii . f,.r the govi-intnenra le.u.- cntniued with "it leal puieulis by hanking Inslllu- tloi.s snd individuals eipVinrd. In a mes. sure, Ilia pii-esute of ofreilnss but It I w Is. i t ihat i i,a;d' isle, selling , nine fiont s ulall.e liilf i.tla who weie .tleppoiii..d tu not fueling an lliilueillale higher iimrkri fr the o'lcr punliuB.i l par, I ale Trend I pwiiril. Whll (he list nf the market showed early hesitation with e.,m larva ion, ce- ei ois III larlous g,oll.s. t na 1st., trend sm u.iifnriiily upsard In smpathy with a spir-ii-d rail In the t.'iil'ed Slates gMveriituent I,.. rids wlii'h rest. .it.! them in a- IP ally lu a pirity wlili Krldnv'e fin- ! fisures I'luclunllnii ailh.r way 111 lli grneral liitilltrl were not to ,rofli.oii''e, ss here tofore, but during luiiivsis of selling, Mnrland oil 7a .1.. Iiticl 2 8.. Lls bhi.r. 3, 2 p.. in is in,. I M I. o'l Sun Krancis.-o in. i, me f.s, Hi-adliiK, ,1' isev Central colal- erill 4s lieli'-IHl ICiet lr,c il.-ben! Ul ee. Com putlog Tn n.jlH iris r.'i'or.ling i,s, VShliioan '..!,., I I.l 1 . .1 is lliooklyn ltsl'1.1 Tianslt 7s snd the alalnpe'l 7s. 1 to I points. Closing nf the,.n eolisulsle here a a protest ngu tit Judlcisl decision In volving ligiloimn by the government and . ..n.mi.rcial Interests, ird to eoni. selling of Mexican goierniti.-nl bonds the Is yield ing 1 point slid the lar.n f,s 2. Republic of llollvia 6s alao weakened lo ths riletit of a point. Strong Ad antes. On III olher hand rum aulialatitlal sd- valines were ton, I., by investment mnrl. gageB, Pennsylvania Consolldaled 4s Us ing 2 and a "bio gold 4s, Hoik Island tefuiidiug 4 and litest .North ern general 7s, I to 1. New Yolk. West Chester Ifoston made up n considerable portion of Friday's loss, selling I higher. Intai borough Rapid Transit refunding 6s, and I hi. certificate Is were bought nn a, large siala at liiiptovemeriU of about . polnls, , Reflection of the reoveiy In foreign .hang rates weie shown In a higher av- 1'l.igo of prlct. fnr foreign leelles with li.nmiirk s and s, H.,n Psulo l snd riuiss.uis 4s sll moving upward a Point or more, . t . ... ... Total sales (par value) sggrit ited 1T,- 641,000. l ulled States llon.le. Hales (In High bow C'losa 78 Libiriy 3 I"" "' '" 1 I.II.erlV 1st 4B 98 0O 98 O'l til l.lbnriy ':d 4s.,,, 97.94 11. O'l '.."II l.ll.erlv let 4 V.B. . 9 r,l Liberty 2nd 4s.. 9S.I4 3i Llheity Td 4 'as.. 9."0 IM Liberty 4th 4 V,a. . 98.40 106 Vie 103 Vic 3107 U 97.88 17.98 7 18 I. 40 98.08 IX 00 97 86 96.10 98.14 98 68 98 34 4 uticall.'d.ioo 30 100.22 100 28 4a called. , i "u 'i i" e i---.-. Tr 4 99, SO 98.00 11.40 Foreign. 10 Arg.-titlne 7 1"! l"14 1 Ilergen 8 109 09 ol t Heme 8s 1" I"" , ", 27 bordeaux s 78 77 77 8 Chrlstlaiila 8 11"' ' !'' 12 Cnpanlisg-n 6s... 89' 89 88 6 (Heater Prague 7 70 76 70 21 Lyons 78 71 78 29 Mairelllea s 78 7 7 84 7 7 12 Rio do Janeiro 8a .. 7'4 1 Tnklo 6s fk 69 41 1 Zurich 8a ..111 111 U1 10 C'zecho Rep 8a ft. 12 92 82 Lent Kulne 7a .... 86 86 21 lima Can 6 '41 29.101 101 09 Horn Can ts 62. . . . 8 38 Dtch K llld (la 47.. 94 1,8 1lt.ll K Ind t 02.. 94 82 French Rep 8a 173 French Rep 7 1 Hoi Am Line 6s 2 Jim 1st 4a.... 18 Japanese 4s 45 Helilllllll 7 S . . 07 HclKiuin 6 12 iienmsrk 6a 16 Italy 6s ...... ml Netherlands 6a . 32 Norway 6a 27 Sweden 6a 71 Parls-Ly-Med 6a. 48 Rep Hollvlit KB . 6 Hop Chile ha 48. 19 Queenalalid 7s . 16 Queensland 6a . 7 Han Paulo sf Is 8 HwIhs Con 8S II K II II 8 I IK 19 . 96 , 88 , 12 84 . 79 .102 . 95 . 98 . 95 94 2 86 Ull 98 94 94 98 96 88 9284 79 98 4 14 98 96 61 92 79 101 101 85 95 91 l 96 16 92 94 .111 110 111- ..103 102 103 . . 72 ?3'S 72 . , 96 94 84 . .102 102 102 . .108 107 108 . .100 100 100 ., 99 99 99 ..120 120 120 29.108 108 106 27 K (I 11 AV I 8s 37.101 101 101 71 11 H Hrazll 8s 100 loo 1'HI 35 It H Hrazll 7s .. 87 17 87 66 I'S m-asll 0 R lil 7a 86 88 88 44 VT S Mnxloo 6a ... 49 48 48 28 U M Mexico 4a ,18 37 87 Ksllway and Mlecelluneou. 40 Am Smelt 6s 91 2.1 Am Hug a 10184 .1 Am TAT IV o 116 29 Am TT col tr 6b.. 97 78 Am TAT col 4s.... 80 1 Am Writ Pa 8s.. 84 8 Am W W A E 6s.. 83 17 Anton Jurgen lis. . 77 45 Armour H Co 4a.. 89 177 A T H F gen 4a.. 67 11 A T A H K adj 4s.. 80 20 At Cat I.n 1st en 4a 87 32 Halt A Ohio 6s 100 68 Halt at Ohio cv 4s 82 lfl Hell Tel Penn 7s. .101 9 Iteth St p m 6 93 4 Hkln F.d gen 7b I. .10ii 10 Hkln R T 7s ctf.. 91 108 103 94 94 101 101 116 116 97 97 10 90 84 84 8314 11 77 77 81 89 87 87 80 90 87 87 99 100 81 82i 1116 108 93 93 106 106 91 11 ..113 112 112 , . 79 78 79 . .too 14 1001, 100 ..99 99 91 .. 67 88 . .119 119 96 87 31 11 10 Can North 7a. . . . I'll Can Pao d 4s. . . . 4 Cent (la fa 2 Cent I.eath it. . . 17 Cent Pac gtd 4. . 15 Cerro Pasco Is . . 72 Chea a Ohio ov 6b 96 75 Chea & Ohio cv 4s 88 1 Chi a Alton !a.. 32 4 i lil a Alton 8a . . 63 118 (' II A 11 rf 6a A.10li put in t'M a V. Ill 6a 11 11 27 ( hi (It W est 4a. . 61 21 C M A St P cvt la II 76 67 C M a St P cv 4a. 70 11 C M a St P rt 4s 86 13 Chi a N W 1..l'i8 f'6 18 21 (hi live ts 19 II 71 7 (' R I a P gen 4s.. 11 81 11 lil (' It i Ar I' r-f 4S 16 I'M A W lnd 4s. I! I'b.'e Cp 7s , . ll ( bile ( op 8s I ci 1! A Nl I, gen 4s .) I r..:,i led is 18 60 U ! 4 87 119 III 21 61 100 81 60 71 70 61 II (i.n Ci.'c d Ss ,. ' I (CmIiicIi I s is ti i,.)..r T se ll 74 10 T Sa 11 . 1 1 nnd Tnk Rr C la it (lnd Tok ll y l! Is 71 .Irt S.,rih .t A, 11 nn ..iih !a II . I Hud a M ref Is A 4 . II n,l a M sd In Is 2; Humble oil sa , ft HI Cent ls Isa, rem rsf Is,, , ie 11 I I III 14 III SI 4 l Ind St Is II I'll Mel t ' 104 lul II T 7a Ill lot R T ref la. :l n( R T ref la cite 11 I I (1 II all 4 wi 11 bit M M sf ts ... In tnl Pa '-( ta I' .. 8 I n vi tic oil 9a . , , , . 11 la Cent ref 4s . , (1 k C II S 11 Is II K I' Sulhern ts , 4 K C Terminal 4a It; o 1S I". " a(l I 91 IT 91 11,. l 118., Ill III III 101 101 l"l 0 I I" 110 St 19 8 II ' 40 I ,.., ,1', 84 14 91 11 lee 1 1 I'i 11 18 II II 11" 10 l ! 16 78 It II', lie I" I" 1 1 1 "8 I? 00 l 8 77 1 41 6 91 61 N. Y. Curb Bonds Kee Votk, " I 17 Trn,i Hon eo tb New lark sufll o4 n.eikel lode folios f Alll'd Peck t,e ... 14 74 14 I Amsr lel Od ., 91 I 1, a T IS ... 1 1 1 111 111 I Am 1,17 111 w.1iis l" 14 A 1 a 1 ss. ii.,ii i" mi 17 An eni per is 12 An I op ' I"9 ll Aro our a c'o is Heaver H.I "I 11 M'lh Slrel Ta II 76 I'r Hi St.. I 1, ll ,n i 2 ( s i S.l Ity ea Ts l"l l"S 1 1 an S.l ll, Is ... 91 le I'll, ae , lul', 101 101 .!',( 11 l. . S I 11 II . I"6 H !" I"6 I Kell-Sprllig T l, !'! I"1 107 4 l.a,b SI I 80 .. II 91 It 11. .f 1 99 I L.liigh Valley 8a , l " 1', 1"i Ma a ii y 1 98 is 11 21 Lorlllitd la ,91 91 I 1. N W 6e 18 14 7 4(1,4 N lef IS . I"-' " I"' til Mkt St Ity It. 10 I Oil 7s. .let O'l Mid Steel r ,'s ... l I Minn - SI I, isf ( 40 10 M K T n p I 's A "4 161 M K a T n ad Is A. 8 16 Mo I'ae ton 8s .... I ml I'll Mil Psc sen 4s . . e ill Pow.r 6e A I I'I N L TT 1 -t I.r i I ll 14 N (' T ft M Ine ,'s. 17 111 N Y Crn'ial d ts 1"i, H7 N V (' rai ts k, . N' r 1' ton 4a II 4 N T C a SI L d Is . 2'i N T Kd ref ,'... Id I NV Ml a II . v ss . 7 11 N y T"l r'f Is I' 4 , 26 N T Tel g-.i 4's t. I W a Hos 41jS . . . ( . '.I Nor a Vt esl i y e IM UNA F.ill.oii sf 98 85 No Pacific ref ' H o 32 N'o Pa lis A. Holt (. 98 No Pac pr lUo la .. sic, INS Power lef I.. A 92 I ol is; . , 18 , . . II .1"!', I "I loj I'll' I'll si a lei i! n i i"i i"i Sl 0I 66 40 14 en "I .8 7'l is l"- 98 I ss 1 OS ." I'll 8f.V4 62 111 SJ' 9. ' 91 I'll I on i'2 107 l"2 11 91 91 11 " 11 9'. II 9', 91 11 91 91 11 12 in; l"7 iit 1111 I"9 nl o; . I en 10 K't 40 14 ..1 ion 1.8 17 96 71 'l 97 It 81 106 T l''4'e 96 6! ll :', on 98 18 9 2 117 I nO 73 N W Hill Tel 14 ore a Cal 1st te. 6 0S I. I'd l.s ,.. 3d S L r.f 4s . , , 2'l O-W l( Ha N 4s, , 21 Otis Hi eel 7s. , 8 Pscifle il a K 6a.. II Pscifle T a T la , 21 Packard Motor la, 'JU Pen It It Cf.. . . . . . 71 i-enn H It a.n ts 1U0. 99 l0 13 Penn R R gen 4 82 ' 92 ID peorla A Last 4s , : 82 S2 I P Msrilitelle lef t. 97 7 97 10 Phil. Co col (r 99 9!i 99 4 Producer a Ref Bs l"5 !"' 106 4 Pol.ile Service ts , . . 86 SS S 1 Pending gen 4 ... 84 94 I Rem Arms f s. , 96 93 I II I I Ii 4 SS - . . SI 81 61 HILIM 4s ll'l d 94 81 80 S'l.asF pr In 4s A 12 71 78 Ht L ft S K adj Is. 18 71 87 HI L H F Inc 61 16 1 Kt L S con 4B 74 76 II 81 PI K I' 8 I. 4 91 si 2 H A a A P 1st 4s. 71 71 44 Heslioard A I. t on f.s 8 6 4 l 21 Henhoaid A L S '1 1 6s 26 26 7 Hesl.oard A L ref 4a 41 4Z 20 Hhaton St Hp 6s A. 100 99 a u. rn nil cv ICasinl 101 .1 u, n .',.n nil cnl 7. ..lul': 100 10084 27 Hin Crude Oil 6. 96 9 96 1 So Hell Tell 6 18 I Ho Pat! cf 4S 91 ! 22 Ho Pan ref 4s 17 7 to So Pan Co tr 4a... snsk ea 40 Ho Ry en S 26 Ho Ry con Is. . , 86 Ho Ry gen 4B 84 1 II 4 " 7 8 1,8 7184 9 73 66 21 43 99 I'll 91 91 87 86 1"2 102 98 90 18 17 17 Houth P R Susar 7a 100 99 16 Ht Oil of Cal dell 7s. 106 I'll 2 T P 1st Is I Third Ave ref 4s... 14 46 40 Third Ave adj ts, . . 41 4 Tidewater oil a.l" 11 T Ht I. W 4 ... 72 II IT II ft P Is A ctfa. 99 62 Union Pacific 1 4s.. JO 4 34 Union Ps cv 4b. , 16 a! Union Pac ref 4s. . . 88 96 41 99 106 96 16 40 II 102 I'll 71 71 98 99 90 90 r, 16 94 86 1 I'nlnn Tank car 7s..ioitn in ""7s 11 Pnlt,.d Lrug Is. ... 1 12 I 112 lln H Inv 1st, Is V "14 "4 , ;J 11 IT H Realty Cs 91 18 II 1118 Rubber 7...107 J07 107 26 U 8 Rubber ta,,., I 87 87 17 U B Meal a f 6s. ...120 1" 10284 2 Utah Power A Lt t 91 11 91 16 Virginian Ry Is.... 18 7 Wabash, 1st Is. ., ., 7 2 Western Eleo 6 100 4 Western Md 1st 4s 1 Western Pac 6.... 82 97 We.n.rn lln 6l..l''l 4 WeelWsg' Klec 7s.ioi jotv, uti 1 Wlrk-Hpnn Steel 7e 97 17 97 24 Wll Co t 7s..l'if 106 106 37 Wilson A Co cv ea. . 91 IS Total sslea of bonds today wer 1l, 182,000 compared with 114.227,000 prviou day snd 114,806,000 a yesr ago. 16 If, 17 17 100 100 14 66 62 12 106 108 Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah Oct, 27. Turpentine Htesdy, 1168; sslea, none; receipts, 232 bbls ; shipments, 200 bill.; stock, 12,031 bbls. Rosin Firm; soles, 482 csaks: receipts, 1.2811 casks; shipments, 1.451 csk; stock, 91,676 casks Quotation: B D, ki, F, O, If, I and K, 16.66; M, 16.70; N, 10.10; WO, ; WW, 16. IB. New York Dry flood. Naw Tork, Oct. 27. Cotton good wer firm with trade a Utile ls active Tarn were higher; ailk wer In tesdy demand, especially many of tho new printed llnee, llurlsps were ateady, New York jobber reported a much better liualneas during the week, both (or snot and future 0-Iivery. I" l"6 I I'en I'..' cs 1 l'el f.'.. SS . . . 1 1 'h.r itu't . I I'll S ,'s ' '' 1 1 111 .. s --ii" ?', ' ..'. .'-. II t Cs Cm ., ,. Hall 7s t Cp I.l l.ll 1. '.'I 21 i".., i;, ao 1. 'jt. I M..e A In I'-vs 10 led I, link 4s III Irons ', s ; no t mi 7s I 11. .'..I It onto r 7. . 67 Inter II 'I' :l 111 Inter 11 T Is 1 If . I Kmli I: It ,, 4 K ei I .1. T, i m,, .. 1 '.. i , 12 I.e. ,e.i. ...a ,a , , I leas-" t , 11 7. , . " H.i-i I0I.1 : .M.otl. A 1 ,1 ', is 1 f.,1 ; . ., ;mI 1 l.a'licr se i.l " v r, v 11 11 7s ( I Ph i Fi S. . . 99 I I'I'il Pel ", s. w w lmi 1uli 1i,.. . r . ... j .s ia "7 , l"!' 6 Holier. tiNir ;'. , en. ,n 111. I " I IT 9'. 91 I'll lo? on'. Mi i I "I I'J'a on 102 I'" , a'i I flu 'a, 0't I "I r I 11 . . 0 1 lo .-I'.ti 9 ' 91 97 97 I', . I oil Il'l ', I'I , '', H l"8 1"! 91 Iv .,i II 81 9: , 91 . ' 1"1 . ) i.e .l'. I" 1 98 , 91 7' ! I"l I'u I'M I "I ,v III-, 9. I UK 11 9 II H.-.r. R 2 Sloiwabr. II 7l I S,.l,., a I'.e is , It Hi.uiI.w Ii r 7s , .' st o v r is, it I f-l II N V 7s. '21 I Si II S T Ts. 'il I ttt I, N y TPl ";t . 7 SI 0 ST V 7e, 1 hi o V V 7a, ": hi o N y 8ia 4 eon 011 7a Oil I'll, 1n 1.1 1.1 1 01 I'i.', 11,1 n' I'UV l"l lo? li'l I na lo-, 1', 0' 1 04 107 lilt l"7 1078, I', I '184 l"ft I "8 li'l Il'l 1'4 left l"l l"7 1"6 .I'll 10 Sw.ft a I'u 7a '31 !'; 1'il 103 1 I'n oil (at 6s ...1"l im 1"l H In Oil PS...I 6s . 18 96 II I I n flvs of II 1s ,l"l l"l 1"( 11 Vacuum Oil 14 . 1 11 T Ml 107 roreign. 21 Argenilne 7a, I Can 7e IM King N 8 8 King H (' ss 64U llsliibiirg 4 e 21 N y, N II Fr 4 I Rtieeian i,a . 22 Hvilea '.'. . , , 14 IT S 11, ." 4a . . 1 1. 100 . 97 97 94 . 92 . 16 , 70 .11 . I n :i - 4 81 26 7 1' 11 100 97 8i 81 II 70 11 l''l 101 il 11 llnsliiri U0.1l. Rnston, Oct. IT The 1. tmrnerclal Hull. tin H.iiinlsy will say: "Ths wool market hi bean a bit lee active tbi we.s, due rather to lha lack of suitable slot ke than lo sny diminution of In'ere.l 011 (he part of Ihe mill. Prtte are very firm and In some In stances have shown further alight ad vance. T'h clout market la very liaalihg and a good demand for clothing Is report, od both at retail sr.d wholesale" The Commercial lluliatln will publlsb wool price as follows: Oomes'le MI.'bigMti and Near York fleeca; Oslaine unwashed, (4ttto; fin unwashed, I'.tJCu; halflilontl unwashed, ft a -1. It-: threr-elahlha blood unwashed. 12 ftOtftin; quarter-i.ioo.l unwaalied, 4142f. WlacotiBin, Missouri and averaa. New Knglatid: hainlood, 47t'44c; thrue-eighlhs blood, 48450c; quartar-blnod, 4f47t. Scoured Real Texas: Fin 12-munlb. 11.30; fine l-montli, II. IllI 12. California. Norlli.rn, l 2671,10; nilddl oouiily, 11.160,1,20; southern, ItcVILOO. Oregon: Fen. 111 Ku. 1 elaple. II 27V 1.31; fine and fin combing, 11.1601 20; esatorn clothlug, 11.100 1H( Valley Mo. 1, II .I2ffl.ll, Territory; Fin alapl cholc, 11 ICj biltblond csmblng, ILllfLII; thrie ighth blood bombing, 96oQ,!L(i0; quartr blood combing, 16010c, Pulled 1 Urlein, II 26tJ1.30; AA, 11. U fjil.20; A supers, l.061.10. .Mohairs; Heat tombing, (09(ie; treat carding, ft0t6ta. ( hlcsgo Slack. Rang nf prices of tha leadlns Chicago Blocks furnished by Logan A ilryan, 24 Petara Trust building; Close. Armour Leal her pfd...,. 12 Kdlson com. ..., ,.. ,.111 Continental Motor .................. 10 Karl Motor IV Llbby (new) , 1 Nat. Leather (new)..,..,. 8' Plggley Wlggly 42 Stewart-Warner ,,.,..,,.,. 42 Swift A Co 101 Swift Int 21 t'nlon Carblda 11 Wahl 14 Wrlgley 101 New York Coffee). Now Tork, Oct. 27. Tha markat for coffe futures waa higher on report of steadier Rio ixehsriga rate, higher mll reia price In Rio and covering by trad shorts In the near month. The market opnnod at an advance of 4 to ( pointa, with December selling up to 1.74a and May to 9 Brio during the afternoon, or I to 14 points not higher. Th clt,e showed a ret advance of I to 13 points. Hale were estimated at about 74,000 bag, In eluding exchange. December l.70o; Jan uary, 9 86c: March 1 6o; May, I.JIc; July, 1,14c: September, Spot coffee, firm; Rio 7a. 10llog Santoa 4s. 16la0. 11 1 14 . 11 16 76 108 10C 106 . 91', 91 94 79 19 19 II I ci a Ho rf le. . 4 1 -I il Ki 1. . . . II Con C...I 111 Es. . IT, r,.i. i .e. tig d is I Col. Ant Hug 9a 14 I'.l a Il'l, I tv Is. 11 n a n it r.( ii. 7 l a ll il r. n Is. II I'M I I r.f 1. . . i l . I '.I Hs 4. . I t '1 III S ell, 1 II I'll ! I.-8. l-t . 1) K.,.p 1, r" 7 IF., pr 11 I, li 1 . .- i.n ! r-.. 1 11 1 . 81 88 I"', 81 98 0 91 lal e? li7 9i 9 91 Ilk, 61 11 11 11 14 P'.M, l, ll ,.1,1, IV 11 .11 l . .!'!, 191 rt l:'i 91 S . '" 81 , 11 11 .9 1 11 !') !! .! 1 61 I'luki 1 . a 0 it I He I k as.aa ii 1 ii . ... 1 ...a I'. l. ait. a.i... lis I.e., we -4e'.-' . . i 1 .,. .,.' ... 1 talis !i .. i a- !... .,..-, I"l'l . 1. a - l 41" i... . .... . 4 k. l . 1 a , ..,.. , 1 a ' i. -- ... il ... i i. . I rii. , l'l-" . I bill" A en ll I a . ) , t, II IT't A il vc I s, t s 1 It ! 1 . I,,... 1 a n T s ' S ' ' t , 11 1 'i 11. i r. -. ... I . I : I . I I . , 1 1 .-, a , . i i ' t 1 1 1 , I I-,, ear . .1 Its 11. 'as. . 41-. t 1 a li , I . , U v 1 ' . ' ' W la- I , 1 ? i : ' , . , ' t -t P I . . I a , 1 ,1 , I 1 )., la' .. e-, lav. ,t aa.b, ,, I . . I , I 1 I , . 8 , ' s a a 1 ', 1 I c , I , ' I !(, ..,., 1 . , i . , 1 . . ,.lll.tawl'. ii, i l I I 1 a a s 1 ' j , 11 I. ..... I'.a :' . , ' l ' . a. WW s I 1 a ' 'a . ., I , 1.. ..... i J 1 , 1 a ' . ' ....a...... Ia 11 61 I'll a . . -a... e ! 9 . rl -a VI . , 1 1 ., e j 1 . ' aftl. . . ,. 0 c , I a 1,1 a)',-' a o I. I.a a m . at 1 :, hi. r I ivt. 1 .. a - i . c ' i a ... a. . a. . it ,. .... . ' 1 ' t 1 . a e 'I it .4 Sail .o. II C, 1 h . . 1 . r . 1 .. a 1 el lit - II I. 1. :. GaGctttn aaaaraaJla I ft""' b I -"v I..: ten,' - a I V. a- a , l.a al Ik. I -. , fc - i 4 i 4 I i a). I t I r I :.; a ,.,48 t 1 Igf To Our Clients and the Investing Public We wish to call your attention to the services offered by Straus & Company, Bankers. We carry accounts on all securities and partici pate in all the large underwritings. While we do not know your requirements at this time we are taking the liberty of men tioning several issues we are advising com mitments in. Among these you will find: American Telephone & Telegraph Pennsylvania Railroad Yellow Manufacturing H. S. Steel Swift & Company 6i Peoples Gas You will find that whether you purchase the above securities for safety of principal with an assured income or market profits with the maximum dividend yield, a highly profitable transaction. M $hall takr prrat phaturr in inving you. Ordm may be wirfd at our prnie at the market. STRAUS & COMPANY Telephone Davenport 7211. (112 Kald ituiltliiitf, D-tvenpoit, Iowa I .a .1 n.d V)wuei y .- l.a m. ta a ...K '. a i '' ' a It a '"'-.a al lMmi lJ (i .t tt, i. i e l 1 8) m Ij, .te.-. I ai !. . t...- - I) ! e-e-kel S . 4li. Is I e I