The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 28, 1922, Image 12
THK OMAHA r.EK: FATv'RPAYi UvTCH.KK 'J,. I?rj2. Creighton and Marquette Clash in Eighth Annual Grid Battle Here Today Game Promises to He Feature of Today's Card Milwaukee Lit hi Put Fin lading Toiicliri to Training at I-paftu I'ark Cfii' tral Play Here. ATI H1IAV. luteal. Wamitelte at fre-lalnon. Norlli Dm htiMiare asuliiet lenlral I-oesue Tee, el I Inrale. Until h HI(U t I oliin II Muffl. ul. Mehraek (Jlilehetiia. in ii i iih. Prtneeton M I hlmcu Purdue at Iowa. Illliuila al Mli blaan. Ohio Hlsla al Mlonrante. lulvlll at lenlr. Mlrhleiin Amir nl tuition!. Kuu at Hiiliaa. A(lre. Ml.anurl al Nl lul. HmIiIiiiIoii al lima Mat (Ainu ) Sttaiire al rtnitiiikt-. fllnriler ul t-'.illlhani. Walia,h al Mull". ViiluamlMi at lirl'autr. Akron al I nlnii Mueklnsiini at Helicon. Wralrrn Hraerl at ttttiieter. lnnlM'n al lllninl, AehlatMl nl Hiram. II tl.rr tit vl a.Muirti. Mitllflli Hi kfihi'iierml, Hetrolt al Sirliiflilil. I'enn al but M olejun. I.rlinirll al ( i.e. Ilea Motliea at Hltipafill. I Utlli! at I ipr Iowa. Ittvrrnra al (uriirll. HI. Ttiiintiie nl Snrlli llaktittt. HI, lilnf at I arli'lim. Ilanillne at Mralraler. Milwaukee Kme-liit-i-re ul tnnrrllrl. Carroll al Milta-mike Ntiriniil. llaKnlli Virnml al Jniiim Mlillkrn. Meloll nl Kn.ii. I'rin.liiia Mllll .rr nl lll.irkliurn, raflhi.-t fit Miineiiinitli. Itriwller I'olr at IIIihiI. Normal. Albion at lllllniliil. iiy n Ar.i'n v.(..m: it. A football .Hull f.t for any city In the country will be put on the grid Iron tails of Omaha thin afternoon, when tht Mapiuett team of Mil waukee and the C'rclghtoii university eleven of thli burg inert In their An nual full nthlctic clnah. Tho kbiiio scheduled fur Crelgliton field today overshadow all othc-r con test carded for Nebraska gridirons, In aplte of the fart thnt a high school team I In danger of being eliminated from further running In tho state race when Lincoln iik-i-Ih Omaha Tecli on Nebraska fli-Iil thin afternoon. Coached Murray and Kreemun Fitzgerald of Marquette and their quad of hunky proteges arrived In Omaha yesterday morning. In the Afternoon the Wisconsin grldsters worked out ut the ball park, limber irta; up exercise and kicking helng on the program of the afternoon. Speedy Hackfleld. Juttorlnh" from the nppoarlnce of the Marquette line and hack field and tho peed In which the bockfleld net Into motion, tho visitors ore euro to cause Crelgliton no little amount of grief. When Crelghfort and Marquette meet It will mark the eighth annual content between the two university arid teams. Tlio first game was played in 1910, Marquette winning, IS to 0. Last year, Lewman Lane, Creighton hackfleld man, booted a field goal In the last half thnt defeated Marquette, 1 to 0. During the seven years Mar quette haa played Creighton, the for mer team haa scored a total of 43 point against Crcighton's 36. Conch "Mao" lUildrlge sent his men through a light workout yesterday Kicking anil returning kicka took most of the afternoon. I-osan, center, will be back In the lineup today. The back field will nee Lane at quarter, Tevlln and Manley at halfbacks and "ltudy"' Vechout at fullbuck. , Central plays North. Centinl high school will tackle the ttrong North Dcs Molnea Meven at League park 'hla afternoon. The Came in scheduled to start at 2-30 o'clock. This contest Ih not a state affair and if Central wins or loses It will not have any bearing on the 192'i elate high race. Down at Lincoln this afternoon, Omaha Tech meet the speedy Lin coln high aggregation. The game will be played on Nubruuka field. Tech wns eliminated from the cham pionship race last week by natrio. Coach "Mlsh" Hughes' men defeated Tech, 10 to 0. yesterday Heatrloe beat the Vniverslty l'late team, 4"i to 14. Thin far Heat rice has not sut fered defeat. Tech at Lincoln. Lincoln will enter the Tech game with eleun luu Th Capital City high eleven haa defeated Kremon' York, South Omaha and Tecuniseh with ease, and cxpet t to bent Tech in much the same manner. Iteeaus of Tech'e defeat by lle atnee. Lincoln will enter today same the favorite. h'outh bigh plava Council ltluff a' Council Mluffe thi afterniK'n. L)-nch Barred for Showing With Wolfe Nw link, Kt. ST.-.V aituitbn unbU in liothjnt hoc aniiali i veiol tilay vh-n It twcaine hlu wn that J" l.nch. l-.muoiw eight i:h.m plon, h lw'i Iiitr4 impiriily Iihii I-iti at MJ.n iii- den l toe N " a!h':i.j cwomii-ii a a !-'! 't h' ' j l.r eft. mit-ij inei in r.i u .. itm eite i f CievCand Tt.,e l.4iii fcmn n l'iwmii t It.. id a. ..! mi, ii f r Hult l!aun Ik I ti.taui Wiri a. I J.m p., riiu-i t f I hH in N'(iill I m TIr.Hi.( i. N"" ' tlnliiKan V. A M t Ida i.o, it.l f ' ll !. PattfU" I M.t I lrVU lilt lllt.i itlH T"l-) 94 I. i - i b Ir fc . .t-4 , w ' .. .. Ui 1-14 M' W(- '. I I l!- 1 4- " i.--. t ih! a lull -Ul -.f.-. a t i t a.- H i It I it I all ei-a Vt .... .' h e iw '- :i- - ' e 4 1 Slat hf ' I- t sn-i 4 kt ' '' , I i I S il a. ,-. IW " Coach Jones Declares Hawks Cannot Play in Post Season Contests Visions of the Scarlet and Cream of Nebraska bucking lines with the Gold and Black of Iowa on an Omaha grid iron, which wore born yentprday to dazzle eyes of football fans of the whole middlewerit by the eagerness with which the Cornhuskors responded to the invitation to meet the Hawkcyt'S, took a "fade out tins morning. In ivup-.n!' t-i u ted gram from Ham, commander of the local Americ mi I.iglon post, risking loviit terms to meet Jnwnu'i hnsklrs, Coa-h Iliiward Join- dei liu td Westi.-rn cotiference rules definitely prohibit a poit season g.itne. He ex..iiind that the Hawkeye school wi not periulttod to play Cull fornla bernuso of the rule. The tone of ti.e Iowa mentor' tele, grain linl:cntid that all further at tempt to brim; tho two rreut rulddln west leiinis tngeihi-r would be futile, (n In Iowa City. Hhortly In full- the ti legrnm was re Crived Charlie Cardner of Ak Sur Hen. which also iii trying to bring about the game, mid Vinci nt il.'nonll, liend of the .Vebrnsk.-t alumni, left for Iowa City to confer wlllf June and I't.lVeiKlly CXI CiltlVeH. I'.eynoIdH d"i lied (be legion would not continue n gntifitluns with a view of H a : ,-1 J i fct the games under It auspices, but Would cooperate with cf f le lol of lung Ak. Caiilmr, who conferred with Coach f-'red Dawson at Lincoln Monday, and found the popular liupker mentor raRer to tent the calll er of his prized t'uin iK'iiliist thnt of I's neighbor and rivjl, s'lld Nebnif ku executive would nj:ree to the game. rrocecils for Stailiuill. He plans to since the game ut Ak i field and lo turn all the proceed over '.' Nebraska tor usi In building u ik-w stadium. The only part of the money which Ak-K'ir Men would take would bn to cover expense of preparing a chum plnnshlp gridiron. Despite the fact that l!lg Ten rules prohibit post-searon games, Iowa could be released from It by obtaining the pcrm'sslnn of the majority of Dig Ten university executive. The sentiment for the resumption of hostilities, however, do not ap pear ns strong In tli lowu camp as in the Huskeis. Nebraska Wesleyan Deat Hastings Lincoln. Oct. 27. (Special.) The. Nebraska Wesleyan football team added another victory to Its credit 1'riilny afternoon, defeating the Hast ings Kroncho on the Methodist's field by the f.core of 6 tn 3. Neither team was iibln to srore until tho last quar ter, when llnsting plated a drop kick between tho bar and Wesleyan crowned the line for a touchdown in the last few minute of play. Wesleyan played more of a de fensive game, the ball being in W'es leyun's territory rnort of tho time, with the except!' n of the last five min ute to pin y. Alabaster, Quante and F'restnn played tho best ganic for the Coyotes, while Ktephcnr.on, Kdwarda and Yriung played the stellar game for the HrnnchoH. Vi't.ltvnn. Hiirn-ll (C.) Haiti liri-KR" . ... 1'nrklnaim . llriikn Quanta . .. Hurllmt . AlatiHaU-r . NVIII . ... liuey IKinohofl INialaltliina. , I.. K. ... . I.. T. .. (3. .. . (' . If. u. . . K. T. . . . . . . K. . . . Q. H. . . I.. II. . . . R. If. .. V. H. . . Haatlnia. Addock (C.) ,. ... Young . . , . , Oreer Hikuq rlr.lder . Homiaind Wllllii maon , .. Kit wards . . . . Sieuen role ..... Kellner Hulmlituti'?- -Wealej an 8owpra, Pri'81011, fli'inlilf r, Harrlnstuii. MocrandleaH; llaat InKa: Kin, lireenallt, UurgK. Kalfy. Time uf halves: 1& rnlnutoa. Official Kpf 6rin: Johnson, t.lnenln. t'mntra; Iray, No bniaku. lli'HilMneHiiiiin Cuwfll, Toru. "Big Ten" Against Post-Season Game Iowa City, la., Oct. 7. Since theee Is an express rule against post season games hy western confer ence teams. Coach Howard II. June of the I'nlversity of Iowa said lie did not see how the Hawkeye foot ball l.iam can treet the Iniverslty of Nebraska on December 9, at Omaha. CimAi Jones said Nebraska lias a great team and (hat he tvnuld like In see the two teams play, hut he could net ee how the "hie ten" could sit n prciedent by allowing Town In lake part in mh-Ii a contest. MUg Collett llonorctl. Vim ui. nee, It. I , t . ST.Mi Cleiin.- iVIlett. the 10-year-old holder of the wuiiiiu golf chanipionshlp of the I'lilliJ stales, was the guest Of nine than Jul representative -tien of Uhiatn l-lHiid ut iVnner let nleht. She .n pn--ii!e. a it:niniid atjdded m:st w.iii'h. 2)o you know that ri..mi t . HI I . l l I I . I r In if Ih t ..a .1 i ,1 ih I' o. 1,-eh. .1 . . a I t Ii . , . -f .4 . . a (i I .'- a i a - - hm r-w ' risiate III ! I, a a a ,4 . l't a .'i .. im .M. .l.l Ji.,- at a tea . ''- i., t'" "-" " .W..l.,iM !. I. t'"'l, t..M.a4- ft i... lUaUK lil la a a. -I e "- a i-t Km "t i . w,e a-i . ,a- a i iH- - in ' I . ' . I . t. . I a I ' I t-kut - a -i- .1 ik ht- l.l.o .-. t J-l-,.t i hv -l tti-t i. t kt e i - it, It-'k , l' i -t t.4 aa . tMt( attMH. . - fMi School Foot-Mi' Illisiinrirld IIIkIi Afli-r Canira. He,i.infli, N-ii . Oil. 2" iripetlul The li;iMiinrtt-M lllsli fi...ilni!l team, wlilfh tiMM ni'l llml a S'l'll Hi" H'-.l h' l. H 1 M II ri,rll il ii I cm ne Oa a tit-ilu;,-, N-'Vi-mh-r 17 lllnl niin-r -'4 ii.. II.., ilal.M I 1 1. 1 r. . wi-iv yU lir un 'i'liiiiiki-KlvhK. Wabuit Hill lia lit l.lriiiiniiil. Uli'ii .kh,,i, iu , un. iMn-i-i.ii Ti-I-ciiiiii j iMtinwiMjil tn:i fiii)li,Hll ti-ulTi il I .'i i nl ih" ttnlnut lllll Ii iiii nf liinulia her i , ft in o Hank, oel ii- fr lit-1, h.mI, enil VunK'Tinuhn (,( i ho VValmit Hula, b,.ili Sut awny Inr Inns rami arul wma al"(,i't-U juae li-f.,iij l he Kuril Una hub rai heii. Mlnilill Mlna I nun III flint. Mlmlvn, Noli, cut. zl. (Sp.i'lal Tele. i am ) MlmlMi won fium Oxfiinl tiers onlay by ai-ura ef It Ii I. The in lima K.t Illdl'Ule huw eorn ,leli-ly lofnril li'iia lii'.itcii, Minilen 111,1 iiluyui lhi-m ul all limn'. Chlllipell Tlea Hllh lliltlnji. 'hai'le ll, N" Ii . in I. Zi. IHj.M-lal Ti-ll-Ki-aiti.) I'ltupie II II lull ami lluxliln C'n;o.) Hlnh bnlllnl lo a 7 to 7 Ua hra Inday. Superior H'lna Iiy Ul Heurr. Suprrlur, , m t. 27 (W:.i-,-lul Tela- grain.)--Siiperlur trourn-nl Clay Center lllKh toil.--. 3 to ll Superior liat-d ithi;iii inuii.ill inreuuluiiir tin. if,ni. Weir of gnpi-rlur waa the out nf n nrl In k aiur "I I'"' KIUIU-. Ki ll WMi Niln-r ur playa Kalrl.ur)', I'rrmont liefrala Xorfiilk. Norfouk, Neti., ri. t, -f. (H-j.-i-lnl Tele. rnni,) Norfolk HiKh loat to n-emont HUh lodny on His holna fltld. II lo o. Kremnnt culplayi-ii .Norfolk ihrouxlifiut the San, J. 1 (ollieiibiirif wins Aniilhrr. flnthanliurr. Neb. Oct. 27, iSnoelal Islfgram.) ilolhanlairg dofruird llnld roee haie today hy a seora of 4 lo 2, Holmna, Pun- and llnlden aeorod tnucli drmrtm, anil Willlnma bootui iivo field Koala. JloldrfKe'K only arorn eaini. when Oolhenhur i enter i-aa.-e-d th hull over I he fulib.ii-k' lifad, and hla brln rtowinil behind llin soal line, Thn flolhl'iihurif. aauond and third team played a great Iurt of tho gume. Nenttatilnff l-aaara to Win. Beotlaliluff, Neb., Ui-l. 27. (Special Telegram.) Sroltiibiuff Illsh aehool de feated Morrill hlKh hern Oils nfirnoon. 20 Id 6, by uain( a brilliant aerial allai k. Aft er being outplayed In the half, Mor rill enine baek In th af-eond half und held Ilia Heottbluff team to ona toui-hdown and put one ovr thernaelvea. Kentrlee Wlna AkhIii. Uratrlce, Neb., Oi-t. 27. iHparlal Tale gram.) Ileal rlea defeated University PlHi-n hera Una atlTmion bofora a laraa erowtl of fans, winning by a aeore of 16 to 14. 1'urdy of Heutrlee and Yetur of (ho visitor, with the bast mc. Deatriee usod aubsttlulea nearly all the hint period. North I'latle Wins After Kiilly, Uayard, Ni-b.. Dot. 27. (Speelal Tele gram.) Aflyr hohllin; Norlh lMulte to a i lo 0 flrat half, the visitor tumg buck and piled up two touebilowna. Iient of the Norlh 1'lallo team made holh the touchdowns on Ions-end runs. Dakota t Hy 4leta Trinity Prep. Iiakota City, Nub., Oct. 27, (Npaolal Telesrain.) IJaUota City defeated tho Trinity Prep team here tnday, D to 6. Although the Nobraaka. team was out weisbfd 25 pounds lo tho man, It plowed tlirouith Die -Sioux time afier time. Da kota, City Bi'on-fl a dropkk'li and touch down end Trinity pushed over a touehdown In the tiilrd quarter. This la Trinity'a firat defeat of the aeaaon. Trkamwh IefeittN Ljon. Tekamah, !1eU., Oct. :7, (Spvcliil Tele ffrmn.) Ti-kumah high di-foated tho Lyons nigti tcutn here today by a scoro of 'A 4 to . At the end ot tint first half T.'ku muh U'd by 1 point, each ttam havinK u touchduwn to its credit. HnwfVrr, in iho necnnd half, IVkumah scurtd four tuuc li do wni, while tho bst vt t ho I.yont learn could do whs a dro.'Uick. kn mah has loat but ttt'U-a this year. Curt 1m Going Ntroiijj. MrCook, jub., i u l, HI. (ripfi lnl Telc- ffram.) The c'urtm Audits maintained I their tr.niing in thp malo ppnnaiit rhui ' by WfillnpiiiK tiie Mct'uiik hitth Mchoul tm, 6 lo 0. leOtttc juris by l'Hinan and j l.uflon wer thf t.atiiift of tlu: Kami-. fiurmit, "Siiuk" .Snyder, ami Hopper wni well tr tht; Iim'mIs. Th rurtis t-am played good ball and nr real maturiul tor tht Ute tliuniil-iiMhip. Kairbury HcffHtM Twumwh. Knirbui y, .b., n-t. 27 tS,ni Tl- irrum. Kulrbui y Innh won from '1 M-uniM-h htta Unlay in u hurd totiuht nt-Ht, 3 to 1. Hctitiite 'fiitli ilt'f'Hi.-il tr'Hlrbury itfi'oi'UM in a curiam raii-f Mudlx.n U la t-'rniii I ieri r. j MadlMHi. .Nell, int. iSpe. I'll Tele- iram i Madiann won from piei.e today in a am f aturil by tha fa-I mitt but una I (punt klvked thruUKlmut In" entlra. B.Hiie. Mailisun eiilie- leu 13 p.'u.i their opponent' 13. j lullieraa IHa-h Wliia jlly. j Kenalil. Nell. l'..l, 11 IM-l'lil Tel- j g,, j rh i.uihrrn huh a. une, n an ,aav l.-l-.ry troin lha lUirl-'k '! ti,d.-er her lo.lay kv a c-um 'f . j ah.nBJa Adda Aaaiher. I Sh. nai, lu.rl aiinel aan-h r mleri III p.iif i.i lo.lts lr d-f ' ih e t-..,Mia fciH .un. ! !- 0 l. a- t,,. il-i. uf rh-am-l-'i ' 'h" r i, i.iea tvn.;i h ii vn ai- llul't t rlMia Wa i f ,i'n,',i Neb. t I. :ti."l T-. ' I "ll I I- OI' -.. ' i r f un h a ,1. II-I I , ' o- r,. i..iki a ti-: l ,r in I -i iT" i . m. I - I ii , , . r. I ikl l i a I n I III I ., I e lil I - , ,t I I' . , ... I - -H - " I I ,.l. M let a ' ' " " """ , , , . , .i. i : - - 1 i n e -, .-. l 'aii,. ( ll ,H dnwi l, . I S . I J - t; ,i T . , ,lt l I ' I I ; Itlurnuaf l WiU liril III i 4( Otillan ?i!tNitirr 1 Ii! si . . I V ... . I 5 - if ,! i ., i I' I' ' ' 1 e. ', -.a -, c i . a.i.ilil ! ii. i tn' i'il i.-tiruoi i : if 1 'fct , i,.ft Hi', i VI' f . I a Un-Jiiiiil-i - - i .' i ... . . W fco ait ni i I i , i. I T "i Ii el . ..! a M ! Heal ;i,l x Ut U Mill. I t l l I'f li lt ,ai ., ) W .tU .- -I II W I" ut M p- n -.i .jh..t, a . f ..a i a - u-i ..v : " a- tfl a ( . iikt, 14 t-t-l i Sooners EDDIE'S FRIENDS BuRcOCdthe: chips HILT) A"--- HOW COULD youT1.'-Aajl THG CARDS TOO J - Hilda, My dea, SWCET WIPE,- V0KlT you kMou) chips aw' CAUDS COST MQNby. Close Score Is Predicted for East-West Tilt By WAIriCK lU'KKKSALL. Chicago, fat. 27. Football clevena npicsentlnif I'llnceton and Chlr-ago, which meet Kitturihiy on Stapft field in one of the great Intersectionnl iitriiKglea In history, fininlieil prepara tions today and by nightfall Saturday a new uncrowned hero may nhow above the gridiron horizon. The Sunn of Old Nusaau, In charge of Bill Koper, a Ki-eat coach, arrived today and took a nhort Hlgnal drill on &tagg field. iiast AKaiiiht WchI. Chicago flniched utrenuoua prepara tion yestordny, and UMldn from a short, snappy aignal drill today nothing elue will be attempted. Punier, forward parsers and the players delegated to patch punt and pastrs will enme In for a little work, but, n far as hard practice la convcrned, it is a feature of the pant. The coaches have done their work. It Is now up to tho players to carry out the Ideas of their mentors. Each team has been told what to expect of the other, and the result will de pend liet'cely upon how the players admit themselves to conditions a they arise on the playing field. The men have been Impressed with the respon sibility which they carry. It is east against west'with each team striving to uphold tho caliber of football as It is played In it section. (Ircat Conflict Predicted. Coaches and players know the re sult will la; watched by the entire football world, and, alhough only 32, 000 persons will see the struggle, at lea st four times that number would be glad to pay any price to get through the pates. It is without question one of the most interestinn: games ever played In the middle west. With such a setting, nothing hut a great Htruggle should result. No mat ter how one tries to figure the out come, the game should be won by a close score, with either team having a chance. Kearney High Wins From Hastings Team Keroey, Neb., tvt. ST. Kearney high i'liool fimttaill squid continued In the race for contenders n tnte champion here totlay, defeatinu Hastings hlnh by the score of 1 to 0. Thl I Kearney's sixth consecu tive win and the fourth In which the opposing team filled tn score a Int. The first quarter tua seeteleaa and evenly pl.iye.l. The second quarter th im"iI pil"hei liver tolichdi wn and failed to kli k In the f:rt f le iiiii.ulea nf phy nnd in tie list few Minute if pl.iy K. irt.ey mmed an other but ng.itu f :- 1 to kirk g"iil. Tte third q'urier n iiirv!ea. In the ftnl rt.-t Kearney put over 1. er firil iHirlil.wn I r.-.,v.-i ;pg a ui t. ii y.ifil : itn t V ' uiL-y an I n f rir. a 'ifi'i', nf I i Mi ("in l v ni l nude a tly.ii t run f r ih , l '.J.I .1 ele d .1 . r , I I l d.e .1 i n ii K - i . I I -r h t en t. -v 1- , a, f a. ' I 4 a it i I f t.n.- Central I.Ini Pliant Under IIimvv Attack V- i.'.-il ( i . t r. i ' i i c . r i) i' it, i it i - - - 't . i i, i . . t , - ; at p, i , l, ,,t, , v . I t M t t -. H (-,' . ,i. . ' i. k I II I . t I i r a --I ' i n ail' t-.e I l ilieli j. I 4V . i i i t i -' . V -i IUH I in, ll e li I i - - t-l "- ,! !-. Hi lie it-e ) te t. 0 t , f - -1 'k i t. rot . ; i- 1 - t - ijlruM rN l'fi l't'il. - ,.. It -,llll iii . ' - - - t - I - l 4 . I I - ,i.t -I III I It' K t. 1 . , I I - ' 1 M -.1 , .- t . Ii . t .- a . . a Plan Aerial Attack I ' 1 I '-' "".'',,' ) J owi-V THOUGHT, 'Vv ' t THAT IS,-ITMoui.KT if)) yoo wooldmT MiWD1 AcZJ I 7 I --- PELf2r APS T V-" - ' D I P VOR.OJfi-i fzszrszz-' - rl NEXT T1MC- r Kjttin' momk, kCtPIM'MIM I y I r v M. Sill ?k FootBallFacls WorfhKtiowing y Pol Jkafzg3V Q. On a very windy day our team was unable to kick off because the bull would blow off the tee. The referee would not permit one of our players to hold tho. bull. Wu this correct? A. Hefercp wan correct. Kule 8, Section Z state "Tlio hlclier' side must be behind the ball when it is hiflicd. If a player hold the ball he could not possibly be behind It when it was liiilu-il, hi hand being on the ball. Q. A team which played u last Saturday built up a tee with mud from which to kick off the ball. We objected on the ground that a kickoff was mado by placing the ball on the ground. The officials would not listen to our protest. Please advlsa me if this was right on their part? A. The lost sentence in Itule 6, Section 1 slates that "It Is allowable to scrape up the earth, but no artifi cial tees shall be permitted. Referee was correct in bis ruling. Q, I notice in the paper that San ford, the Rutgers conch, is reviving the multiple kick in order to score tho try-for-point after touchdown. But it strikes me this would be Illegal as the multiplo kick Is neither a placekick or dropkick. What do you think about it? A. You are right. The multiple Ulck is not legal. It is neither a drop kick nor pluccklck. The multiple kick is made by kicking the ball a it rests in the hands of two players, no part touching the ground. It I not a legal play and should have been ruled against as a scoring play years ago. Q. Isn't the old Warner play fol lowing an out-of-bounds Illegal? You probably recall that when the ball went out-of-bounds and it was Pitt's ball, his center would snap It the mo ment it wits put down on the ground and an end run resulted. Doesn't the team with the ball have to wait to play it until the referee has asked if both sides are ready and then blows his whistle,? The play you describe could not be worked in a game where roinpelent officials worked. Time Is taken out every time the bull goes outside. Kule II, Section 1. Play cannot start again until both captain signify that their respective teams are ready to resume playing. Q. One of our backs was running Interference and hud but one defen slve player to take out In order for u to make a touchdown. A he threw hi body at this player the play er turned and allowed himself to be clipped from behind, churning the pen alty for clipping. Ueferee allowed the penalty. W nlmnst had a fight ubtiut It. Wasn't he wrong. V Uefi-ree's dei-ialuii In matter nf JiiiUnient I- lln.'tl. If the player clipped an iippniiiiit from In-hind lie aliuiild line turn piiiullied iriinllu In Itule ?l, s.-il in ii .1 ii I. If the re I rrre a.ild Ihut II i lipping (roul behind lint la final. nn mini nrpl the m H illy. I CeslGndPlay ToUsp - I .Ml t it pi n.r lit tea., ill. ih il ,1 i ut - ' t 1j i i' I I-' '1 i I i sin, la i-i Ii la m f II," i. tt it.,i. tnn in I I 1.1 If II.. I . !. t ., I. til dr ( ait k ' I a .' l ii 1,11 a .- f d Aitj t . ,-:, if Itl-t t?l-.. it-r'l tliiillil 1 - - i i-r H. nt f I ii I h I '!- al. ! I to I -m lHia u Ii" ' a t i . 1 1. , ' I . il I i .t if ll j I . . .,i . ii. i I t ia a t ! " it I, ! 1 H i 1 i.-t. iho i'- ti til' t, j i - - , at' i-i I.-- I ' .1 i e . i t I o - ill I Mi, I I nl a i... . t 1 t If la t : I, a , I J- f . . f I . . 1., --, i - I , 1,11.1 . I. 1 1 I . II I . ll a . - t t . , .t l i . ii 0 a ' I . h.t i ' t .. j t .c . ..a I l- .i tie. 4 ., i.o( ei- t w. . I -t i. 4--nit- til .. l ,i .1 . - 1 I ' I kill tt t ,' t flttl tl' "1 t t I-' - 1 I i I I ' .i i t, ii,, ,, -,! i . i i Craiy I.Ik Fo. -Kir?-' Grads Welcome Tigers to West Chicago, Oct. 27. "Old grads" of Princeton gathered hero today to greet the Tigers, who came out of the cast to meet Chicago tomorrow, Hon of Old Nassau from all sec tions of tho country met at Princeton headquarter at an uptown hotel, where preparations were made for a reception for the team nnd several hundred rooter accompanying the player. Doth team were In top form for the first appearance of a Princeton team on Stagg field. Coach Stngg put the Maroons through a light drill today to polish up the new playa held In reserve to use against the Tiger. On the eve of battle the "old man announced the selection ot Otto Strohmeier, one of the most versatile players developed at Chicago In years, as pilot for to morrow' game. Htrohmcler ha been shifted from end to quarterback for the Princeton struggle. Kansas-Kansas Aggie Game at Manhattan Kansas City, Oct, 27. Tomorrow's football program In tho Missouri Val ley conference offers two choice af fairs for followers of the gridiron sport. The first Is the Nebraska-Oklahoma clash at Norman, while the sec ond is the Kansas Kansas Aggie scrap at Manhattan. The powerful Cornhuskers aro con ceded to edge over Oklahoma. The K. U.-K. S. A. C. game for the unofficial championship of Kansas will be closely contested, according to all predictions. Both teams, espe cially the Aggies, are hnmpered by (rippled players. The State universi ty has nearly always won the annual game with the Agricultural college, al though often by close mnrgins. Iowa State Against Wuahington uni versity at Ames, is the only other con ference game on the schedule. Ame is slightly the favorite. Missouri play Ht. I.oul universi ty at St. Louis, while Grinnell la matched with Cue college at Cedar lispids, la. Ih-ako has no game scheduled. Schmader to Fight Minneapolis Heavy Andy Schnmder, the Louisville (Neb.) slugger, yesterday was matched for jo-round Umt with Ollle Ander mm, the MlnneKil speed cop, at Wichita. Kin., November . Army l.riM-r Off. West I'oiet. .-f V , O. t. 27 - The ! kitnva i i.ln ii aqua.!, nuioentig 34 j I Uvr-ra. nft e.uly tmbiy for Ivrby, t'ofti , whera Ihe pliwr will qur I tried until the time with Vale at i Ni w llaitn. limmirow The) eotpa of t ll leaMi S.'onliv loornle ni t'e-a the i-niii'il w tho Jr t j N-vi I ! lUmtl'lm k Httkiiiki r .Silili'iUH t lUi lUV 1 VlltVl tiuul SlMtil New ufh. ikt 71-IUH.a ttlWn t.a ail-ita lltelr l-taaoa autl l"tw lie Ku.i.'li ill 'H kiiiknlK hut M I aileeeat I rial lleittiilih l"t . '4, a iiv,dila k kuttker fc-tuitiU. k, Mil lei er td Ike btloiidl m4 m til ttte-t htll 4atrtl HH hn M tt at i. .1,4 ht binimt l I eMtkie, a. It-1 1 tt4. ailtti k4 hteai taaltrtta tlia) l-ar .! Itauea l en titn4 ut Ifcel'al Ot kwta,e1 i-t..- bitt IS i arte r-' ! till 4 !- ittl ket ntftiiki aani 14 gieetlo litttta 4te ll . 4 nl oMitaetuoi h4 S aa henaialtl Ult -4itt aitluttt llwa.le.4 ll a Maeif In l iii eat ata-ked ) atJ ia ! lav t.tttt) al lha ttiaWta) alluk 4 ik limtkht tttl4 k tew ,4 ll ate. lm attk4 ' l 4 ' Ik tt l t 4 .lit. ki l-ttt aa a ttaatki i ee, I'll at an t-4 eta kt t uaietiMI ".. h.e t. Against FOOTBALC RESULTS !. l Central Heron, It, ;i ivrh Krwrvaa, f, iv. a hi on lli'ii, 1st lelah, 1. HTUK. i hiu4-ll, 7 llliittin, loin., 7. Hakula (ill, U lillllly I'tep, t. Ire in, ml, M Norfolk, n. Superior, n!li rtay tenter, 0, 'linden. 1 llif.ird, Teaaitiah. SI; l.rona, i. Heelt.hlurf, Ui Morrill, . Norlh rial,, III; llnianl, I. Ilralili, 4.1; I Plat-, H. Imllienliura, 4: lliiir,a, t, l,nliM.ii III) l-lrree, riilil,nr, leeiinwiell, V. Iletttrtra Neeiuiila, 7j t'nlrhlirr eiei-nlida, 0 I uella Aaalra, icli M.looli, 0, I ullirniu, .in; llairliKk, 7. Mi, tianilnah, ti l oiiillta, 0, I'lilil'iihila, 4i: fcennril, II, hearile, IS; Ha. Unit, V. H'Neill. ;,; l!,, J. I., ,V. : l o.u.l n. I III. I I I.I' Wetliiall, II ii -1 Ins a. . rnil Itland, iH I olnrr, 0. Kenrney, tHi lurk,- ll. II, .11. in. I. So- I , . ,i n OMII It lllI ITl. Tia A and W , I'll I nllrhlla, t. An. tin. I T t llmilel linker. II. I,iirala v.ttt IlKlelhorpe, . I', s. Helimaie, l:i: Murjlimil, 7. Columbus Iliirli Wallops Seward Cridslcrs 1 1-0 'i)iri)Vf,n,rKM Continue in Hart? for Sf ale Title Iiy Winpiiif; Kasy Viitory Lrnvrey Ii Star. Colunibu, Nib., (let. 27. (Special Telegram.) Hy achieving their fifth consecutive shutout of the season the Colunibu "IHscoveiers" took another stride forward In their race Tor the state pnnnant when they defeated Srwurd, 44 to 0. here today. The "Discoverers" haven't been scored against this year nnd have piled up j2 points against their op ponent. liowrey. the colored boy at left half hack, led the attack with a remark able exhibition of broken field run ning. His tin-yard run through tho Seward team for a touchdown after intercepting a forward pass was one of the most spoctanular performance ever witnissea on tho local field. He accounted for live of the touchdown, making his other four on a two ynid smash, a 90-ynrd end run, a 30-yard sprint through tho line and a 20-yard elide around tho end. Oohelrlch reg istered the other two touchdowns on line smashes. Honilei-scheldt and Oehelrich, with their consistent gains of eight, 10 and 20 ynrds on bucks, shared honors with Lowrey. Tha "Discoverers' " goal was never In danger. Seward did not once make Its first downs, due. to the exceptional defensive playing of Cnptaln June and Miller. In tha last quarter Coach Hich sub stituted almost his entire second string, using 22 men in the game. Tho lineups: Toe. Weaver lialee Sutler . . Miller .. Wulke . .Tones T.aaai-k . . l08i'h I.owrey O.-helrich Hcwurd K. 11 ITauek K Hauek Patleraon . ., Seott . . f iiikea .. Clarlc Meiiri w liiinstcad I. II wilier IIoum lie Ke erna I..T. , . L. . U . . . . .I.'d. .n.T. . H. K. .It. 11. .y. il . . 1.. H . k n. .p. Uoml, raeheldt iluilona; Columbus. Pyle fur- tlou-deiM-hi-ldt. 1'yie fur Pneaih; .Seward, linljf for l- llaui-lt, K. llau'-k Tor Kouaelle. Hitiro t.y quarteia. Columliua 7 1 lil 44 U 0 I) 00 Jennings Beats Records Set by Oldfield St. Louis, Oct, 27. (By A. P.) The five, 10, 15 and 5-mne dirt track automobile records established by Barney Oldfield, were broken here yesterday by ltlchnrd N Jennings of Pittsburgh, Pa., aeenmpanled by Louis Chevrolet. The trials were made on the Max welton track here, tho same track on which Oldfield established his records August 8, 1!U7. Jennings' fastest milo was negotiated In 411 seconds. Jennings covered the five miles In 3 minutes, 4S seconds, as agulnst Old field's S:5J:R; the 10 miles tn 7;3'.':1, a against T:5:S; the 15 in It 21 o, a against 12:0011, and the 20 in 15.20:1, as against H Thn-e timers, liu linllijg (Ji-orge Si ler, star of the St Louis Ameilcnn league team, stated they would sub mit iiffldavita tn the Amen, a; Auto mobile assoeiritn ii. iitti ulng to the ac curacy nf tune. York College Loses to Kearney Vine.. Neb , In t. (Sit-eial Tile- gram V-Ik fdbgv bit to Kearney Nminat hete tml-IV bV H n.-i re ,f 24 I i 0. Ki-army colln-teil a . pmiila lr ll: f lt half, but I I'M l-Hi k aliollii In the coo.) and p t I up tbi- t-mi h itoW 1 1. T.i insert iieir Wail A I. 'Tell lb Tibli"l" A' '-,;(.- !. I'-t'elj 1'eti.l! al l-af C-l. nTf3"l Your LT 1 Want' n I ajnow Nebraska Oklahoma Team Expects to Gain hy This Method lliiskcr Arrive m Okla. City Aflrr llut Kitlc From Kan mh City iSVhraeka Money Gor Begging. Oklahoma, city, Okl., Oct. 27.- (ripicial TebgiMiii.) Tha Nebraska Cornhuskei nrrived here at noon to day. i oveiej and fatigued after a hot ride from Kanmi City. Hut they looked fit for the hat th on Owen field tomorrow Will) the Oklahoma Sooner. The Oklahoinnii have been offering ii H player that the hot weather which lias prevailed hero for tho past reveral days will continue until after Saturday iil'teinoi u, in ihe theory that they w .1 1 be nlile lo i nn the N'e hiaskans' heels hot by the end of Hie first period, Weather prediction to night indicated that their prayer Would be ansHfied. Ilciinli- Owen, Sunncr mentor, has hem putting li s men through an in tensive aerial drill, as It I this form of n ta.-k Mhlih form the Sooner' hope, they lnslt. The Hunker Imrkfbld will probably find la vveib-n and Herb Iicwltz at half, Cnptaln Hartley at full and Preston culling s goals, but Head Coach Dawson has made no definite statement a to whom he Intended starting. The Oklahoma hackfleld Is certain. Morrison, their star kicker and accu rate passi r wtll be at fullback, with Krlstow and Hammert, first year men, at half. Johnson, a second year var sity player, w II run the teum. Pete Hammert I the back who skirted th Kansas Aggie end Inst Saturday for a 10 yard run and the. touchdown which tied the Sunflower Farmer. There was some Nebraska money lugging that the Sooner would not score and plenty of It tintnken on 15 and 20 points. To Insert votir Want Ad. "Tell the ; Telephone" Atlantic 1000, VISIT THE NEW WOODBINE CAFE Now Open 206 South 24th St. Same Quality Sam Service EVENINO DINNER 60 We Bid You Welcome M l. AND MItS. A. r. KNOOP PAR o4 VERY SMAIVf Arrow COIXAR Quett,Pcabody CvCo.lnc ADVWtTISICMBNT. Biackiieaded Pimples Quit WithS.S.S. Why? Piir pU-PoiaonCooaWhon R i-Blood-Cella lncroaeal S. S. S. Build. Thaw Rod-Blood Coll. Yon ra bo in re nf tMi. nature ha do ul atltut for red hlned fell Plniple pulmn ran t live In lb red rleer of your blood a lea la (her aro eneuih rich red bluu4 ctll la it. M' (i blntrishediicc I lu I t.l'.l Tiel I ' - t .i o f t 'a il ltfv p.. '' I tr aro ,. : t " .a .i. nir. it d 1 v , .10 a -f fo 'tl a-to-e , i I la ' t ., a . 4, , , ,. I In at I. -to ta t4 i .:, a .,i no I i a ! h itt,.!.'. , , , I ; oi at,t ul i . I ,, , . - ; i .-t Tfe.. ,, , i, ita ll I I . I Iff ltt ).i a- n I . . i r a ttaa I it i . . a I . ft It o ! ,ta . t. i. , I it a.-.. m t i "tl . . . . . ll., ,i I- t, . I 1.4 4 ,11 l-o R. I . .. I- i . ll -.! I a, t - it . I ii t J V. h I t i 1 I v. 'l it t i i.l ft i he It. t . , ), at ta l lie -i eti - ..i'luii a.4 i-t at to 1 4 a-e j a" a.t - nleit I . Vi I It I I i ant,! l l .fl 140 Ht l0 !- t l ' t.t.ak P () fl.ilni IV4H flA f 1 ) 1 lte'Vi I 1' ?y .. t-i ! !, o ...JJ a .