The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 28, 1922, Page 11, Image 11
Till: OMAHA r.KK: SATURDAY, OCTOKKR 11122. 11 SOULS for SALE By RUPERT HUGHES. (('flllliaMl Jf lifted fer from tir thnlr an 4 put till arm around lirr a a comrade, and lpjod fct-r ahuiildrr Madca In n crolnil i.f find fellowship. Mis hrnka down timW thn strain ami hi-Kan l rry. Kh ilroid I'nck mostly Illicitly till' fallow a, miiKnit kihhI (ii m punlnlinl uml r-luki"1 into common il"r-nry by th ny of icuniimn a'n. Tlrrcy wall h-d it and f-lt hi from Ywliilr I II. tools if It, wlili h wcr tisr mui- i'Im, ll Itav ht-r no liHp, (slntt-d nu to educate srsns, aid nothing to stlmuluts hrr linflKlniitlon. In the U-Mrt, ainc.fiK tin famine' wruin mniiI tn nmtuiii, und'T th ftundlnh sky. It hud Wii may in lift lir yis In irityi-r mid to sverp. Mm found out fill or aiirtdon how niui'li Imrd'T It la to tm initiiriil In I mutt l sulmmiM to a iiiotl.i'r' f ll'T liinthiT illl not Mm lm An Cu-a. Hut thm, 51 in did not know lur iiiofhr. i'uiiKntfia li.its not all l-n niothi'ia nut all fiintli't rmv im iI.UIKlltiTS Mrma rum line IuiiiimI ii.Hhii t (at th wlldiTl)) of ti'T prol'l'ina, ii ii in ll id ri t , poViTty, uinliiMoii, lorry Inns to mum Ii iiikI lur iimttii-r (ivirpiiiii(d bwirt aur! with a mm pelliiiK sympathy. Iln reaolvni to tnova tier up to thn limit of tn end Irsa roiiipnny i f pri-li p;rls plrml Ins; for opportunity tlm lrad Una of art. Wlwn ha had lt hi-r -ry whll, ah ln-Kitti to lnuxh, nymorleitlly at l!rt, thu with more wlinli-sunia ailf- ilniiilon. 1 l'-r ys it ao l.rlKhf and hrr IjiUkIiI'T bo jrlml Hint tliry lliiprrxufd a illr'-ctor who pri,r hla fu Ji KO luxt thw arro-ti door. Mntn IiikI hwn ao iticply nlmur l.-i in hr plun I h i t ah h ji ' I riot olmi'i vril trie ollu r door aiimdiii wldn npn auva for Ita mni'ii, T;rny nkd th director In na Jm i jhiiiiI Ui InniT door Tor Mtn'a It. Hut the (iirwlor I'hwked Iht with u gi'Hiura. Tirrry pria'iiti'd him na Mr. Jiooki-a. Mi- hud to imk Mi-tn'a iiaim- Htn- kuve It, from Jmhli, ua Mm. WWIvllln. Mr, Kooki-a aild to Tlrmy: "I ve (tot to h t JVrrln no. Khi-'a nd Komi at nil -no I'omcily, no rh'iffn, hli a aiippo-d to ,hiv ii vlll.'ntf riitlK nnd Hlif t ) m II Ilka Nuzlmovii'a I (! ill tlnhlir Thla youn l.uly looka Hie typiv Hhe'a vioy pn liy, nli"i' Mini ilfim looklnir." Mi'in vaa t hflnir no ilia riiMMfd, yi'l It won llulllliuf to !i- roii-fid'-nd. Kho lid not fun not thnt tli dlri-i lor h.ol in I'li rli'd to ilnuiiiiil vIiIiim iih lh t'lii-f. ft wna nlmoMt mora i,uiliiiriinliiK to h.iv him da. ion nd her miifrlcni'i". II'T iiiorv linrirov'l with rep'-tltloti: "fh. I pliivfd hit for Mr. Koit. Hp an Id I wna womiIm ful." "U'.iii It I'oriiiily?" "tVi-ll, n,t 'Xiii'lly. It v.n ci;ini(T- ' t'r " Hha wa trying to tullt llko u i profi'KN'oiiiil, j "Would you mind cIvIiik mi a i t"t?" j Hha wna not fUll" aura wlint ha niiMiit. hut dh" wiia tli'n; to nny imy , prlca. ao aha a.ild; "I'd lova to," "It a lllta," iii Hookan, "hut l it) rtaapanita. I " ma richt ovar to tha aat ln'tora tha alai trlriiiim jjal iiwiiy," j Jin liurrlad hrr thnuiicli tha a'Ti-kn door, urn hh th (.-rnai to ona i f (In v.iat w.'iri'h'mara, nnd th"ra undar n ! hoinhnrdinant of criwly Jltcbt , with it, iiitiii'iM nlmi'il nt h r poltit hlunk mui , liiKlcr Ilia .yn of Vnrioiia man in ovanilla. ha nnkad Imt to amlla, to turn h"r hand alowly from alila to alda, to wlk, to huiKh aloud, to flirt with nn ImiiKlnnry miin, to Indira to Jinloim vax.ition i.t n rlVul. (Onaa own rlothm than to piny a i-o- i-tla rola In fiatuma; how nnnh hind er It la to he funny thiin to he trnKf. Mhe fould not amlla lit romtniind. Hit llpa draw hiirk In a grin of pal". Ih r wink wna lamhTi. The miiiam riiutlit what h'T fuae ciliraaM'd and It axiiraaaed what alia fait, which w.ia ilaapiilr, Hha hud her cliiiina, and alia waa not randy for It. Kha knaw thnt If aha had hi n droit and tnlm lilavoua, tha illractor'a f'lca I nould have ratlai tcd It nn Mr. F"l I (.-ar'a ayaa hud rown wat whan aha : wapt In tli daaart. Hut Mr, flookca wna niinly iiolltc, tha ciimcru jnuri ,v.iih iiiiiIIiIcmh, th propa nnd fc!pa 'alola a way. The taut waa ahort. Mr. Itookaa laald: "Vary nlca, Mvar ao much 'olilutad. Mr. Tin ay w ill Id yon know i how It comaa out. Thimk you mimIii. I'iood nlxht!" And now aha muat find har way out. iTirrcy n Juat ilrlvlna nwny In lila 'iiir na ah anankad throiinh Ifataa. faaliriK that har puniillHa Bona hkhIii Hha hint f not iiii-ni loo Hha had no har fiillnrca. wi.fitd. Kor onca. i llttla hopa that aha did Ilia aXpariani' til fVII. ariihlllon to promulKiitn It wiia aucaaaa that atf I i IIAITKIi XMX. Il'.anirmhar Hladdoii waa ll"t ram Hy ii runaway. Hh wiia u w.ilkuway. Hha win not Included In th pitiful iti'wlii'll of (Ha H.Viii'O kiiU wrio v ii I lahad fiotn Aniai lcnn hoinaa trmf yaur nnd cauaad n viial pother, tli'.'ii Ii ; Kir la hnva liaaii runuliiK u.iv fimn home alnce iclrla nnd hoinaa uiia. Tliry have followad llur cava man. tha hiirhiiilan UiViidiia. Ilia nll ad Itroopa, the caravana, tha uriToalca j Thay tlllad tha pi iniaval fiirloi iaa mui I tha place of man liiiant, Ilia t'oilntha ju nd Alanandiliia. rloina of tnam ra ' cimiB alnvaa mui aomu aultiiiina, pi iiKt raaaa, loyal f,i orlla. alopraaaaa, taariuiia, uuaana of il nnd art. I .Soma atiirvail. aoma tloiirlHhaiia I Mam felt that to ko hack would coridamn har to lunomlny im.l futility, wlilla to aliiy nway promlaad a i lia nca for waaltli nnd rlorv. Hh ha.ird voicaa t-allliiu; har, anw aplrlta aiim ; nionlnif h r to tha pklaa, no Ic.h man .loan of Arc did. and pnhapa wltli no j more mnilty. I Hut now lur rnothir hud found , har out and wna purioiliiif har. liar mother would o mi iiniv a protilini to liar na aha to har mother. Tha fall from tha cliff Ihat did not Ul'a frae Main 'a ami! from ru-r txdy hud nulla fni-d tlia :tlla i.iiraalte thafKoiil that wna to tnva heen har ron waa ! aplciioua fardel to hear f lining tt life. I I '.nt Ilia tiny li-ecli had Im ijihi to drink rekn( M ia that he had not none to tun in. a. And now Mja, Htaddon waa follow ink' Mania train route, with all the liffaratice in the wmld: Mam, u yotitiic nnd haaullful nut, had hiul nil her fata la'fiire hrr and a haail 'f lirow urn; MUilacllV and racklraa amhltlott, Mia. Hlaildon, an old and eliahhy pur mmrM, had "M har hope hahltid har mid that imt much, nnd a heiut full of luatpai lance nnd of timidity be fore. rvarylhitiK rucrpt ai !f liotiiniu tmn W lian Main learned that har mother wna already on the train, all could (e-vla no plan for turning her ImcK. Holm how alia hud to h lin t and pin Wdcd for. Hv-i y mm of tin- woman of Mam'a l.:lttin-l lloUaahold til out of win I;. Hha w ho had aavlmta waa landing them to har who had Hot. lira of tlv women In the hungulow Kate up the HkIiI nnd, putting up har lltllo car for ecuilty, horrowed from l-va luoiiay enough to pay rn r furo Iioiiih to tha vlllntiH and the ei-ornful irl.itlvea aha hud aworn never tn rat urn to except In triumph. Jha ecrt.iut had heen laleaaad and the all Hided woliu-ll were rooking thair own f I, mnli na It wna. II waa thla dire confrontation with hiiiikruplcy that had goaded Mam to lur lileii of pawning hat- virtue for im" opport unit y. When tha rnat Inif ilueclor had given her ecriiion lin-ie.ul of a ipiid pro iiio, aha had found heraaif iihjact, Indeed; even her ahaiiulenenaaa raptilaed her and her hunt trinket uovi-d nonegotlahle. (Til lie (unllauril Mntiiiaf.1 I 32 anSi The OrlctnaJ Food Drink for All Agr Quick Lunch Homf .Omrr Fountain. Fii hMilW.Maltf JGrain Extract in Pow d.n Tablet formt NountMrfNoenoklof. "Afoii Imitations tad Subititutei BIG LACE CURTAIN SALE AT VALUE-GIVING PRICES SATURDAY owen Qh THE VAI.UE-CIVING STORE Hor4 !., blw..n ISih ni Uib USK HKK WANT ADS her hlood nnd In Ita death It ton j open Ii wound that would never iUi'a haul, M'T aoiil hud hli-d mid alia had U-'-n atrlckan with nwe tiafore tha two mlrnclea that faiti-m-il u I'fi har gloomy foralKidlnura i upon hera nnd than wraataii it from I Ware Jimmied. And ever after aha j h'-r hefore It wna nulla n Itw. I frijated her Kloomy furalaidltiga, uftan I Thn letter aha hud written her I a a tla-y fooled her, mother then hud la-en tha luattiieilve I Tin- next day piianed with no aiim- cry of n child haio-t In fne. dark ' tiiona from thn aludlo, Hut the malllhy noma enoruioua prrai-naa pafalng I l.roiiicht her it letter from MrM. j overhand, I'nck. I .Iiint na Inatlncllvn una th com- It waa written In audi acrlpt na t.tjlalnn that draw her mother to hi i one tiie( ixpect from n Imnd thnt Ai-roaa Ilia conlinent. ililtclieil ji ciika of ami n or H hot 1 oiler hnndla or Hcinhhed rlolhaa niili,t u wiahhonrd nil day alx dnya a weak. II anld: "Iiaar Mra. Woodvllle. I waa nw fill rlwl to get your letter, Tiarrt manning lo unaar It hut trying to fix up my iifalra aoa I nnd Tarry could con a up lit vour ally. Veaday I wna to. Mra, Haddlcka nnd alia aald ulia had it fnt ram for you hut hud no ndraaa nnd an could not forword If, It aald your mother wna ao wor rit not having Ivd no linear to lu-r 'Mara aha w.ia comalng our on I'rit train and would renrhe I'ulm ! iirlmia liny nft-r tomorrow. Hopping to Kaa you aoon ehter there or hare, "Milk I'. HACK "I H. Iloth I and Terry fend you lota of lova," Mam waa petrified. Nothing could atop her iiiothpr from ruining. The Hookaa waa fretful river the annrl t llntt hlaza of lny ut the thought of thla arn.ill role wna rnuaing In hla j the i-aunlon wna iiui-tichrd In the j nh'ht. i!d Mra. Hla-t-l .n had raised n fam ily find fa-en hahlted lo a mother'a alumlier, light find lllful and hrnkrii with freiiin-nt iianiPM ,i (y!,. troii llad hy had draiiiiia or liniigliu-d hurg-l.-ira or itu-ra ihlrat or n rough. Mra. Kteddon hud iilwnya (lung out of har own warm eovara to run .o tha rail. If har Utility fee found la Hi her allp I "fa or ona or m-llhar, aha haMteucd na aha wna, Hf-e would not havo i.anai-d for n wolf, nn Indian, n tour-iian-r, u lira, or nn anrtluiuake. Mem wim atlll her hahy In the dalle. the 1 nnd II did not matter whether aha lay needful nnd terrified In the next room or heyond thn deinrta or the aevan ena. Tlir- mother'a ona hind naaa waa to get to har. Iler telegram waa her old night cry: "I'm romltig honev. Ilon't worry Mamina'a com ing to her hnhy " Hha ahot thla rry firrnaa the continent nnd called Mam hnliv," although Main felt na old na f' .111 hlg picture Tha da'iiya nnd ahlfta It had comiielled hud nlraady ndilad aav rrnl thouaiind dollara to the rxin-nao account, alnaij tha ovarhaad and fill totaled nearly f.l.uuo ft day even with the recent cuta In aalarlea. He aaaurneil that Mem knew the. rudiment of her trade and could uae Hood of linpoaallle condition her praaanen would create. Alone with her altylah nmhlilon, har contempt for, vlljai'a alandarrta hud h'-an auhllma. Hot that waa In the fihaenre of the village. It miola un iunazlng difference: In tha look of her new lileali, mid praitlci-a that thay WE DELIVER TO ANY PAET OF THE CITY PHONE DOUGLAS 30-10 MAIL ORDERS FILLED ON THIS AD String Specials for Saturday YellovBtone Country Gentleman Corn, per can 10 ' (Limit 5 cans) Farrell'H Wedding Ereakfast Corn Syrup, dark, gal. ,39 Farrell'a Wedding Breakfat Corn Syrup, light, gal. .4fl Omnr Wonder Flour, 43-lb, sack $1.89 Quaker Octs, new stock, small pkg., 10; large pkg. 2'.l Wisconsin Fure Buckwheat Flour, per sack 2tV Red Dot Selected June Peas, per can, 1 5 : doz. 1 .Cut Advo PancaVe Flour, 4-lb. eack 2.V Solid Packed Tomatoen, No. 2 cans, 12; doz. $1.35 Wakefield'. K'rpsrcd Herriny, can l.V FRUITS AND VEGETABLES i'a Swt't t I'tdntiirs finest on Ihe timrkft, mt Ih. 5 Klra Kattry HciiJ Lelluce i 10c lim-st Horld.t (iriipffnilf, 15c alio 9 New i;ngllU MmIiiiiIi, . 1 aoft Uicll, pt-r Hi. 33 Jtr l arge Alligator IVars eaoli S0? re-pup l'np ( orn, 6 lb, fur y. 25 Special Sale Saturday of DOLD'S REGULAR HAMS At 18V2C Pound Hume l'rri J tl Sprlnif t hlckrai . mm 2 I raa fur. Ml.Mll. 1 Q 1 4rt li'HI'l, IK . ... 2V' l.ulr Mf r () M.niI, rr !. wt- IU at I I r 1 ) I aoaUrr K.l 2 I (Mb Ut aJV ri. pT Ik... . l4lt I COFFEE ki t .ti.k i it t , , 0 U ir I.I ! f -4 4 i . . , ... .. a fl k.t t.J... k - ,. 'i4 un. 1 t 0 mums rmimifmmi rrlma Kid l(IM 1 Q K..l. per IK .... wi I aali Mrrr Camp lo! 15c tub it.diiaf iwi rrn prr K "t wsssssszs Kafi. fr i. .... i-at t.i leal lirra.l, O tK 8ic lit i ChociUt MutMi, ik ... LJL BUTTER r I.V atUltlf r.1.4 lis ft 22t lawltia turn IWm, ft K 2tl Th Itev. I)r. Rteddon had w!nhed that lie in l lit co tiloiig, lint hla i-hiirch taaka held him and ha could not find thn money for two faraa. Thn Ilea ha had heen told had aucceeded to perfection. Mam'a efforta to hide ht-raalf nnd miiport heraaif in the wllderm-aa he naiiuiiiad to he har naiial unaclflah (Hid chiiractailHtlc unwlllfnKnaaa to ho a hothi-r to har father and mother. l)r. Kteddon BKret-d with hla wife that alio muat act out fit once for I'ulm Sprliicn, Ho ralaeil the n"caa aary funda hy lifting atlll more of hla iliiiwliiir pnuperdoru cloaar. Jlla only BR.EAD IT'S MADE WITH MILK LET THE QUAKER BE YOUR BAKER I i Parisian Mousette ICE CREAM You're nercr enjoyed a treat like thi brforel A itaitn delight that will put a ring of imile around your table thil Sunday aftcrno-m. A I larding Sunday Special lcieCrum, ofcourtel Order from the dealer who ten et Canaan of afl ICE CJ2EAM We Deliver Orders of $2.50 or Over to Any Part of tho City-Phone Your Order Early-Douglas 1790. 1fl Douglas P hone AT. 5490 VdxKl tvery,h,n8orSMy Phone Da febe I 1796 Central Markets Are Handy-Best Equipped to Render You tha Most Satisfactory -r. i. i." n-, Vn Will f!nm Alw.lVS xrompi oervice. uma wuvu aim - -j - HIGH GRADE MEATS Swift's Premium Skinned Hams, 10 to 12 lb. average - Special, per lb..-23i3c fan" Vr.--U I'reMad Spun ChUkcna. lb.. 21' I ,K i"" 7lh " " 1'amVi?W .. ' ,. .. . . . ,.. - 1-Hncv YollllK .'III Koai 1.1, It), . . . . . at H"' 17 Tit Fancy Itollcd Kill Uonat, par lh 20 uiaar iio uml Kiauk. tender and Juicy, lb...... IOC Fancy J'ot HdhbI, per II) 10? Fancy Yoiiiik V.-al Koai Is, It) 15? and 17 S l ean I'll I'm k lloai t. It) Tt I'tire Fork SuinuKe, Hindu dully, II) 20? Ciold Medal Flour, 4S lb. I'liiHtjury lii-ai riuur, 4S lb. am k $1.98 (Jonfh'i Heat Flour, 41 11). I'U , yl.U5 Fin (Jranuliitcd BttKiir, lu lba..75? Tall can Caroli-no Milk, ran..7tf? Tall tana I'urlty Milk, 3 ran.. 25? Tall rana Carnailon, l't-t or llorden'a Milk J0? Utk Jur Strawberry Jam. . . .19? GROCERIES OF QUALITY Imported Macnrotil or HpanlH'itl, 1 lb. pks; 10 I.iirwe Jnr UrM-n Wlndiiilll lliand Dllvta J0? Aaf.oiicd CamplH'H'H Soupa, can 10? Jeilo, all I la voi h, pkK 1U? Karly Jiiiih Feat., par i nn 12''? Far dozen 51.45 Windmill KvrTgivwi ''tn, tvti 10? Far dozen $1.15 Windmill brand Cnunlry Ontleninn, Coin, per caii, 12H? Far dozen I1.45 No. 3 ran Pal Mont Sliced Flna- nppl)', ran 38? No. i ran tiialed I'lnaapplu. . . .20? Our Ci ti'ial Special foriee, lb. 30 V.i, Iba 08? Ci-nlrnl Sunloa Culfen, apodal P r II) 20? CRACKER DEPT. Fluted (locoatiut lar;i, 2 lbs .15c Jten's Fairy Sodas, peril) 15c PUTTER AND EGGS. Central Kxtra Quality package nmter, lb ll.-i-chwoDil Cn-amery pkK. liuttar, lb (iiiaianlacd Cliaclfed Kcta in tarlotn, dozen. Auynrinont (.'anienbert CIh-i-ho, can ;) for .-43? .40'i? 20A? ...-10? ...25? Fancy Tokay (Jrapca, par lb.... 10? t'Biiev Tokay Cranaa. ni-r Io'ikHi t . . . , , 4U? Iirge Juicy Grape Fruit, S for 25? New Oak-, V.tZ'i nop, 2 large .7c ky, 25? Faucy Jonathan Applet., per Inland -... $1.75 BUY THEM WHILE THE PRICE IS LOW. FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES - . i fc'..... l.-....liult U'. ,ih1.c M. New Kim Mali Walnut, per lb 27H New Filbert, par Hi ....l?1? New Mrazll Ntila, per 11) 17-? Illack WalnulH, par lb 5? 6 Iba. for 25? WE SPECIALIZE IN GREEN VEGETABLES Pearl Whito Soap 10 Bars f ?r 85c CIGARS JUST INSIDE THE coon. Manila Cli;arK, Hi: vallica, 3 for 10? Ilox C' for SI. 50 Wlialo Smoking Tobacco, lull lb. lor 4.8? Oi-niilnc I'rcticl) tiiar l'lpoa, Koc value, for 25? WE SELL rVC mCAROMSPAGttETTl and Pure EGG NOODLES .fMii.i i. Mia-KigagraB-!anBBlilWUlljaii'lflM aamitlJilUiggaTTBTSaJ M-J-B Coffee Have You Seen tho Demonstration of M. J. B. Coffee at the Sixteenth Street Store Mb. V:uum Packed 47? 2 lb. Vacuum Packd.. It Is Worth Your While 92? P. & a. White Waptha Soap Special 10 bars 45c CANDY DEPT. Mnf'otiib'a IIoirrfMade, par lb 49? IlellcloilH Cliorolftte Fud;,re, fllU-d v.ltli Koyal Mui-slimallowH.29? All kinds of Suited Nuts for your Hallowe'en, parties. WE MAKE OUR OWN SALAD DRESSING PU, 40?; Vz PC 20? Come in and watch ui makt It there - is alio Mayonnaise and Thousand Island If you Ilk It. mrmurwm.MmmzjmmHvmsm wwmtmmmmmammm 19 PIGGLY WIGGLY STORES NOW IN OMAHA mctmmmwMmimmmmjmm , m m '. . K.-mm a hi peoiog mew i.oeafioo: yraay 2908 Leavenworth Street OPEN 9 A. M. Music by "Raggy" Rubin's Orchestra ASingk Birth, But a Big Fellow Free Souvenir Tor Everybody A Flower for Every Adult A Balloon for Every Child A Shopping Bag to Each Customer Prices Prevailing at All PIGGLY WIGGLY STORES-lot (or One Day Only But EVERY DAY Lorna Doone Cookies 29c 1 Package UNEEDA BISCUITS FREE "LORNA DOONE" Now Playing At the RIALTO Theater 3 Packages LORNA DOONE Cookies, 'Z)C Piggly Wiggly Helps You Save Money YOUR MONEY when you pay more for tho sum? goods SLIPS THROUGH which you can get eluewhere for loss. YOUR FINGERS When certain overhead expenses are. added to the cost of goods the addition of these expenses does not add to the intrinsic merit of the good.4. When these expenses are eliminated or lessened vou get the most for your money. When you buy your groceries on credit your money is clipping through your fingers. You not only pay for the credit extended you, hut you pay for the credit exh-nded the oMitr fellow who fails to pay. Also liookkeept rs' anil collectors' salaries ijre added tn the cont of the goods. BUTTER Like You Never Tasted Before J' . J" -.- P.ed Alaska No. 1 tall tins Tuna Fih, ("atalina, white meat, No. for .....l!15r LMmtrr, I.ettut e I'-rainl, No. tins S SArtliiit s, King Oscar, No. ' i tins, , Kiih Hakts. 11. & M., Urge iie.,.18 null it JJ KICK- I rf niu Rose, n w crop, b CORN ILAKIIKtllogi't or Post, per pk , I5e?chnut Jellies, medium glas . . Heechnut MarmuJade, niediutn glass, for 17C 3e-ehnut Peanut Hultt r, uniall. . . 0 Medium, Hie 1! Ic luvchmit Catsup, umall t-!7c large ,2(C ,"C I URD Sift Silver Leaf, I ,'HIMI IGGS-tveir In Heethiuit Chili Sauce, small. 11 If I .rgo ;0f. Wrijfhl's Supreme Mayonnaise, large ur tr -j; e Wright's I.tuxi Maud 0r ..iiig, iar U2C Wright' Supreme Olive Cream lrong Jar :i'V .Maraschitiii Cltrrrus, i.o. Imttle. tS( mnuattkWHM)aiTjEaf Fresh Churned, lb., 41 C .Mar;."t hinti Cherries, .l-oi. bottle. I lb. cat tun J,"",f Guaranteed, one dtn ( r 19 CLEAN STORES S- iVa...M4 A tit !' HI St !! U- I i. . MIS S Si. lt lv..a IM It l it. H it.k ui 414 QUEEN QUALITY FLOUR H-Ii. -acks, p,r ; k SI. 17 i h. wtlt, p,r suck 711 I'J . sacks. p, r sack ., IJJ) C Ui. aik, pi r sck .iJ OLD DUTCH CIXAMI.R IVr can ......... -i HAM Sotll'i I'irmium, Skinned, ( la 1 2 lb, aveiaga, pr lb , iS . I'll St till M... v A II !...., 4,, WI t M , l. k...M IMS , 2 MORE ON THE WAY ALL OVEH THE WORLD CLEANEST STOKES IN THE WORLD