The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 28, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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More Reductions
In Government
Expense Planned
Harding Administration Hopes
to Continue Slashing of
Budget $300,000,.
000 May Be Saved.
Haahlngloa (arreeiioejalral The Omaha Dm,
Waehlngton, Ort. J7. (Special
The apl-nrtlrt recur! rnrul by tho
I l.inllns ri'mlnlatrutlon fur anving the
taxpayer' money promlae to he ron.
untied. Tim party I looking forward
lo th aving tit million of dollar
in lb ou'lay for the running expen-m-i
of the government for the flernl
tnr 1924. The aeratirl annuul e(
ii'Ht uri'lir the new limine! ayatern
H being (omplnlfd for uhinllon lo
ungrraa In Ikvember. Advance con
fidential pnni( will lie In the hand
f l tin h"unn appropriation commit-
! In t.we for auliconiinittw to
tiirt worlt Nuvttnher 10.
Tho adinlnlalrallori hope to keep
up tlit record of reductions mad In
'he luat three year. Th appropriate
i Kim for lineal year JH21 were M.780,
SL"J,610. mid for the fiacal year 19:!
iri H,0'.i),316.3li6. For tlif runenS
Uoal yeur, ending June 20, 1023, tha
(olal wis $J,747,03f,3l2 or $319.28",.
!'4 lea, llellcf Ih held thnt tho ay
1'ioprluilon" fur next year may he
kept within 13,400,000,000 or 13,500,
(ibfl.too. Careful tcrutlny l planned by the
i.iival muiHonitnltlfo, of which Hp
D HcnlHtlvf l. II. Krlley of Michigan,
I (hulriiiiin of tha ratimute for the
Navy department. It win predicted
IiihI aprlfiK, In view of the nrma con
ference and Ilia wrapping of vi-Macla,
Unit the Hpproprliitlona fur the navy
In 19:4 mluht be further cut down.
The total for the navy wu reduced
for tha flwal' yenr i'i'ij to 27,77&V
.Mil, from 1426.373.838.
Member of congrea IrM to reduce
Hi military and iinvul figure foul
did not iiiiTi'i'd lo the point hoped
fur. They wild they would undertake
i bring about further reduction lit
ter on. '
to Or,
How to Keep Well
CMwenlag hrfleaa, SeaHettae) aaa areeeatle al 4iwh,
Kaa by ra4ar el lae See, will ea.wareat )nm llr.
p tiBlUtwa, fcr a HmH etfeUeeseal eareaaee la and
fcreae vill aal eaaae a Iuihiii aer avaetnke lar
A4res letter la fan al lea Dm.
Ceprrlghti Uii
submit (ae
subtest la
wi Dr.
at visual diseases.
Woman Sues Auto Firm.
Three motor companies were auad
fur $50,000 In district court yeaterduy
by a widow who allege a tractor
cared back and cruxhed her huaband
lo death,
Mrs. I.eah Si hwah of Clay county
nllegva her hutiband, Daniel, wan kill
ed In that manner In a tractor demon
stration April 24, and aha aaka the
ilitmoK- from tho tfamplo-llart. Mc
Caffrey and Ford Motor companlea.
Q Common Sense .
Are You 8ufliriitly Patient With the
Mow Kmployef
Mr. ManHger, Mr. lio, or Mr. Su
perintendent, hnvo putlenivi with tha
employe who tries hard but la. unuble
to eatlufy you.
An employe of thin nort will, mnke
a moat loyul one for you if by toler
mice, aaalKtiinre and the repetition of
ordara, he gtvn rounded out to the
point where he really underatande
w tint you mean and want.
Give him a chance, he'e in earneal!
Often the one who la hard to teach
in the beginning mid nurkee the moat
mialakea In the Ionic Jun provea to
be' the moat antlnfactory man.
Often the man who blunder! o
t'oei ao berniiHe hla great fear of not
brinir able, to please prodacea fatal
The peraon who trlea, who la Inter
((eil. und who. la loyal enouo-h to de l
aire to be exact In the performance
of all bin work, la going to grow Into
a. .valuable and vulued employe, If
Klen time.
The waatjjer having put the "old
swimming hold" cut of bualneaa, ahull
a go unwaahei until aprlngT That
I a mora Important (juration than
"Who Khali W Klect to Cungraaa?"
Thar are people who, In Ilia nat
ural couaae of human event, will
decide the q mat Ion In the affirma
tive. Tnr Inetwe, the children
who are aewed up for the winter, am
there are many thouNand auch.
Tha achooll reeognlx lha fact that
a great many children reach e hool
age with the no-biilh lii wliiter hublt
und. In conaeouciicc, many 'achool
bulldlngi are iulped with aliowera
and H)ola.
The commlaaioner of piiblin bath a In
Hulllmore, Dr. J. U. tHihner, aaya
thnt cho4l bulha are not a nuceeae
unlena they are connected with a gym
tiaalum, and their uiie la part of th
gymnnaium work, or unlena there la
a pool and there la opportunity for
the aport of awlmmlntf, or uiiIchh
bathing la a part of the coume of In
atructlnn, and time la givep Tor It aa
part of the echool work, and bulbing
attendant are provided.
When school but ha lire limtalled and
ofTered to the children n ft privilege,
and the mutter ia allowed to drop
there, they are not ued and they
toon become an Idle luxury and
waste of public fund.
When the bathing habit ha not
been formed prior to 7 yeur of g
und when, on the. other hand, the
child Is addicted to the wlnteraewed
up linlilt at 7 yeura of nge, something
more than the privilege of bathing
inuft lie offered.
Dr. Oli hner would have each achool
equipped with an Individual shower
and u separate, ainull drewilng rm
capublo of holding two persons, con
nected with the Hbower mid with a
bathing supervisor und u bathing per
iod during study bourn twice a week.
To my mind that would lie expen
alve and not In accord with the spirit
of vouth. To tie h shower up un
used, while a boy Is undressing und
dressing, Is a wuste of public money.
If you wish have u linker for each
boy's clothes, thouKh in summer time,
practice no harm except an occaslonn!
"chew bacon" results from leuvlng
one' clothes on Ihn bank.
liuhies like to Bathe or he bathed:
older children liate to bathe alone or
be bathed alone. Dut a bath In com
pany Is a riot.
Open ahower In n Itirice room,
whew profuse splashing Is permis
sible, will be almost si -attractive aa
It will be aufer physically than a
pool or safer morally than Individual
showers with a dressing room for
Got a f old! Kead This.
J. A. writes: "Vou 'publish a query
on how to blow the nose, safely.
"Put the tongue against the roof of
the mouth when blowing the nose, and
you can clean the nasal passages with
out the slightest danger of Injuring
the ears."
Gall Kladder Trouble.
A. M. W. wVttcs: "I. Will you kind
ly give me a good remedy for gull
bladder trouble?
"I. What are the symptoms?"
1. I am sorry, but I do not supply
ready made remedies.
2. There are many" varieties of gall
bladder trouble. ,
The symptom of one art nut those
of another.
Likewise, with the treatment.
Jlrliik I'lenly of Mater.
Mr. II. O. write: "I have been
drinking seven to nine glass of wa
ter dully for nearly two month. I It
beneficial to drink that much dully?"
I think ao.
Various Abaurdilie.
N. II. write: "I your article on ty
pi oi.1 carriers, tha proposition Is Im
plied that dlseusu germs are creuted
a such contamination, Infection, and
environment being unnecessary to
their virulence.
"It also Implies the mulevolence of
a benevolent creator. Hot It of theae
Implications ar nbsurdlties and re
quire no laboratory demonstration nor
analysis of statistics.
"That a germ without contamina
tion or infection ran produce Infec
tious dlseuse is also an absurdity. Any
germ of any shape or form may be
come contaminated and produce dis
ease, otherwise there 1 no such thing
as a discuan germ,
"There la also no such thing a
lu'ullhy carrier of dn'tta germ,"
! inch wise guy! When did 'yu
learn all that?
Mfiht On hiibinriiialiiy,
' H. C. V. writus: "A an. amused and
atrlctly disinterested spectator, I noted
with patii'iica a sharp criticism In
! your "column of the turtoon about
'Homer,' druwn by Hrlgga.
"Now that llrigg bus published a
revision of thut cartoon and marked
It 'With Apologies, wouldn't it be In
ucoord with fair play to give him an
equal amount of commendation, now
that he ha gone out of hi way tq
appease a supersensitive minority?"
I have written an article aj you sug
gestnut In commendation of Krlggs,
for that was not necessary but to
get tho subject augtn before the pub
lic. J am answering your letter for Hie
samii purpose,
Bo long as people know so Utile
ntxnit siibineiitallty, Ha cutis, It
law of heredity. Its psychology,
hoclolngv, mid economic, that Ihey
think of it as the amotion of a "su
persensitive minority," there la need
for Informative article.
, AoiwWutM 03 fern, .
Saturday Specials
Blue Ribbon- Mayonnaise and Thou
sand Island Dressing:, small size,
15tt; large aize, 33; pU. 59
Armour's Veribcet Corned Beef,
lVi-Ib. aize, per can .,.,..37
Armour' Veribest Corned Heef
Hash, 2-lb. size, per can.,. 33
Blue Bell Flour, 24-lb. ack..N4t
Omar Flour, 24-lb. sack. . .'. -07t
Austin Nichols Sunbeam Red Hasp
berries, Loganberries, Straw
berries, Black Raspberries, Black
berries and Pitted Red Cherries
in heavy syrup, 3 cans.. 81.00
Per dozen 83.00
Snowdrift, 1-lb. can, 20; 2-lb.
can, 30; 4-H. can .75
Best Creamery Butter, lb....-45J
Campbell's Tomato Soup,
per dozerj 81.10
Barrington Hall Coffee, lb...4
Advo Pancake Flour, 2 pkgs..2u-4
Log Cabin Syttp, large size, $1.15
Medium size - ...52
Table size 20?
Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. .25
Iceberg Head Lettuce, 2 heads 25
Large Florida Grapefruit, thin skin,
6 for ...57
fancy Oregon Juicy Peaches,
per basket 25
Tokay Grapes, 2-lb. basket. . .33
Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens.
per lb. . ....... . . i . f,.,s234
Fresh Beef Tenderloin,' lb. . . .45
Fresh Beef Tongue, lb.....22
McGee Oysters, full pint can (solid
pack), per can 38t
But Little
r i nan we Lxpeciea
Our Thirty-Day Sgle of
Cookers and
Is Breaking All Sales Records
Our sales quota for the month
was very high, but so great
has been the response to our
remarkable offer, that in the
third week of our sale, our
quota has been reached and
we were compelled to order
Real value will tell In every in
stance and we offer exceptional
values in these ranges at
And on Easy
Tappan Eclipse gas ranges art head and shoulders above any other gas range on the
market. They are scientifically constructed by espenncd mechanics and embrace
many new labor saving and economical features not found on other ranges. Tht
new gat conserving burners for instance -white enamel splashers, door panels, drip
and broiler pns. double rank oven burner-large oven and broiler-made in three
different models from which you can make a selection with tht assurance that you
art getting a rangt that will prove satisfactory In every respect and at tht reduced
I .u ol 43.0O to $110 00.
4.50 DOWN
Puts this Rsngt) In
Your Horns
To prove to you that vt htvt tht utmost con
fldtnce In Tappan Eclipse ranges we will gladly
give you
in your own homt without obligation or tipensa.
Oa S''J Alt
Metropolitan Utilities District
Parents' Problems
What courae MiouM he followed
Willi a Kill of 10 who la a tomboy?
fche will he belter Inter on for luiv
inn Imcii a tomboy ut 10 Let her
Dog Hill Paragrafs
' " " By CeorgeBinRhaim
L -' '
mbhimm gVMaawl-y'
likv lo heur too hi a ruckvt aroumi a
family home, he fimU thitt where
t vrryihing la alHiiya mlent the couple
either have no chllilreit or they are
AtliiH I'eck iya he ban traveled on
the truln a right emurt nn1 every time
he jiuHHi-N from one car to the other
he ul way h (uela like tliey are Kolnf to
come upurt Junt n ho tep acron.
The J 1 1 1 ti I Mini line received iin al
vertlHement from mm firm that
wiinla to aell him a cnh realater. lie
iyn he iiiIkIiI gut one but there I no
place on them lo rlnif up overcoat
buttnne und Iron wwaher.
t t
Luke Muthewala tuiys while he don't
Uncle Sam Says
Kur 4inie I .awe.
"Law Itelatlmr to Kur Animal" la
a IxMikl't Uaued by tlto Kurnuu of
IlioloKlcal Kiirvry, It cntiitna a lum
inary of the, 1922 leslalution concern
tutc fur Giimn animal, Keili-ral Inwa
an. I tin- lii of the varlou (tatea,
Cana-la and Neufoiiiulluiul. It nlao
contniiiH the n'Mrenara of the atnte
Kamo tiiriciul who inn aupply th full
htate lawn.
Iteailera of 'I'll Omalm Pee may ob
tain u copy of tin UwMet freo hn
loli aa Ilia free atlltlun laal by writ
ing to the l'UIluti of I'ubllcatluns,
tiwrtineiit of Agriculture, WaahlntT
ton, D. f .. ankiiia fur "K. H. i:9S," or
thay niay urchna a copy at any tlni
by akHH- for the name numlH-r. 1
lreRinY the Hupt-rlrili-nibnt it Ihtca
nienla, aebliivioii, I'. C anil en
iloaln 6 centa in coin.
Hawart t, kfltraaa IBtk n4 ISih
A r lanlle ! leur Val A1.
Buy your food INTELLIGENTLY (elect it and carry it away
with you if poaaibla. If you can't get downtown, PHONE,
US WE DELIVER any order from $2.60. Order department
at your aervic FRIDAY until 8 p. m. PHONE AT. 4603.
FOOD CENTER old hard wheat 48-lb., $I.5
GILT EDGE Nebr. hard wheat, 48-lb.. $1.49
S.000 elected, trh draaatd
urdwy, per lb . . .
Frrh Plf Sparcrlba, lb. ; . . . .12,S
Fancy Slwr Pet Raul, lb. ...S'je
Stt.r Rib Ball, lb. Be
Steer Round Steak, h T',c
gtetr Sirloin Staak, lb 20c
Prlni Rib Roaat, bonad and rolltd,
lb te'jc
Frith Beat Tonuaa. lb i,e
Fancy Young Vaal Roast, lb., UV'c
Pure Rendered Lard, 2 lb
Fre.h Pig Pork Loin, lb. . .
Younr Vaal St.w. lb V',t
Canuin Spriin lmb l.aga, lb. 27 Vie
Conuina Lamb Slaw, lb 7'aC
Me-rria Supremo Hami, 9 or
whoia, lb 2r.'tc
Cudahy'a Puritan Bacon, Vt or
wbola atrip, lb 3ft'ic
Suar Cured Picnic Hams, lb. M'ie
Sugar Curad Bacon, Ih 22",c
Our Pura Braaklaat Sautago, lb. IDc
Dates, per
lb I7e
Entra fancy Florida Crape-fruit,
4 for 23c
Extra fancy Urge Peare, bu. boa.
pedal for gl.SS
Hand Picked Canoa Applet, per
huahrl $1.23
California Tokay Crapra, 1 Ih. lOc
Large Crimea or Jonathan Applet,
per doten , ,70c
Sunklat Orangea, doian 30c
Iceberg Urge Heed Lettuce, fa., 10o
Large Early Ohio Potatoes, pk., 10c
Freah Solid Ripe Col. Tomatoes, per
pound ISo
Michigan Fanry Celery So
Large Red Star Sweet Potatoes,
per lb So
Holland Seed Cabbage, lb 2a
100 lbs $1.73
Kamo or Advo Maine Corn, can. Me
doxett cans $2.15
Kamo or Advo Eafra Sifted Peat,
regular 3Sflue; can,' . .'. . 24 c
doien ... i $2.85
Kamo or Advo Hand Pack Tomatoes,
30c value for 10c; or donn, $2.25
Kamo and Del Monta Yellow Free
Stone Peachea or Apricots, No. 3
tile, can, 32c; dozen $3.65
Kamo Red Kidney Beans, can, 15c
a dozen $1.75
Kamo Golden Wax Beans, can, 2Hc
per dozen cana $3.25
1. M. Pineapplea, in heavy syrup,
can, -12c s per dozen $3.65
New Brazil Nuts, 100 good, per
lb 17V,e
Smyrna Figs, the finest grown,
Pr . lb. 4c
S Big City Crape Toilet Paper 27c
Famous Red Dot Sifted Peas, per
can, I8ci dozen $1.73
Windmill or Turtle Country Con.
ttaman Cfrn, can, IBc; doi. $1.63
L'nele John Maple Syrup, regular
35c seller, per can 2So
Criffin Delicious Asparagus, larg
can 27
Libby'a Mamoth Ripe Olives, large
can 27e
Hawkeya Evergreen Corn, can, 9a
Ozark Hand Pack Tomatoea, can, 9o
4 lbs. Head Rice 25o
4 lbs. Pearl Barley 25
2 Ibe. Pearl Tapioca 25a
3 lbs. Michigan Hand Picked Navy
Baana 2sa
3 Coloasus Silk Tissue Toilet Paper.
'or 27,
1 lb. bucket Peanut Butter. .. ,23a
2-lb. size 45c
Country Creamery Package Buttei
Fancy Creamery Tub Butter
Thomtea' Dairy Maid Fancy Creamery Butter. .. .
Checked Egg and Cooking Egg in cartona
Wilton, Gem, and Milcoa Nut, 22if: Rex Nut.....
meadow laold, Idlewild and Better Butter alwaya on hand.
Juat pleases
every housewife,
and please
10 bar 42
Pecan Rolla, pan , 23
Potato Chipa, lb -TOc
Jutt lnild. th Door Gcnum. Frsmch Briar Pipe
80c value, prtsj. tobacco and pit a;, pipe elf'aner, 27a
Pkg. Army 4k Navy Clg-ireta and 2Bc hrMpr, 27o
Macaroni and Spaghetti. Satur.
day, 3 pkss. for. . .v 27c
Soap is "Made in Omaha."
Saturday, 10 bare for 37t
M. J. B.
The highest quality coffee you pos
sibly can buy. There's nothing
better. Saturday,
1-lb. vacuum can
The finest flavor any tea can
produce. Saturday the H-lb. '
Filled on any ol that lUma. W
tiava hundrtda aaliaftad cuaiomeia
try u; wa Ruaranta aatUlaetio
Phone AT. 4603
3a Ntw rooo trNTts
V-5 e0 9 Zr$
(cr mimmv mi)
it't gtini for youoak for it at otla fountain.
Ihts Dlicia 5pcUI is a rl treat a fin)'
flavotsd Oran Ice Cream, filled with sliced pluiru,
psaches and apricots. KeminJt u of balmy air aitJ
sunny skies, flowers and frutts.
Take DalaaU II
la fiat e Qttail
U Balk a M.4. Ike Hotter Wa, kf lar.
Sealed fk. wmI la Oaaaka, Cta. Cad
lalaad a ad S.a C.t t
For Quality Meats, Lowest Prices
and Quick Service
212 N. 16th Street 4903 S. 24th Street 2408 Cuming Street
Lean Pork Fresh Killed Choice Beef i Choice Rib
Shoulders Young Hem Pot Roait, lb. J Boiling Beef, lb.
14c 23c 8c 6c
Sugar-Cured Picnic Hams 12'2c
Sugar-Cured Skinned Hams 20c
Choice Cut "Round Steak 12y2c
Fancy No. 1 Sweet Corn, limit 3 cans for 25c
Choice Sirloin Steak 14c
Choice Veal Roast 15c
Choice Veal Chops 20c
Choice Veal Breast 10c
Choice Cut Sirloin Steak 15c
Fresh Spareribs I2l2c
Fresh Pork Butts 19c
Choice Pork Loin Roast 19c
Sugar-Cured Picnic Hams 14c
Sugar-Cured Skinned Hams,
Jz or whole 22c
Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon,
'2 or whole 26c
Pure Lard, per lb
Fresh Leaf Lard
Genuine Spring Lamb
Forequarters .14c
Hindquarters .- 20c
Choice Cut
Round Steak,
per lb.
Prime Beef Ribs,
Boned and
Rolled, lb.
Fresh Killed
Choice Beef
Chuck Roast,
-per lb.
Early June Peas .... 13c
Fancy Sweet Corn. . ,9c
Fancy Pork & Beans 9c
P. & G. White Naptha
Soap, 10 bars, . . .40c
Buehler Bros. White
Naptha Soap, 1-lb.
bars, 8 for. 50c
Crispo Graham
, Crackers 9c
Carnation Milk, tall
cans lOp
Buehler Bros. Royal
Brand Coffee 35c
3 lbs $1.00
Fresh Pig Snouts, Ears,
Tails, Hearts, ree'd daily
AH Gov. Inspected
Choice Wienies. . . .18c
Choice Franfurts .. ,18c
Fresh Liver Sausage 15c
Fresh Bologna -
Sausage 15c
Choice Minced Ham 22c
Choice Pressed Ham 22c
Choice Veal Loaf.. 22c
Fancy Summer
Sausage 22c
Fresh Link Sausage 20c
Fresh Bulk Sausage 18c
Express and Mail Or
ders Filled Promptly
Liberty Nut 20c
5 lbs 98c
Evergood Oleo, 2 lbs.
for 45c
5 lbs $1.00
Fancy Creamery
Butter 42c
Puritan Bacon
Yz or whole .....37c
Puritan Skinned Hams,
at .....25c
Dold's Niagara
Bacon 36c
Armour Star Hams 26c
Fey. Cream Cheese 28c
Fey. Brick Cheese, . . 30c
Fresh Oysters
Received Daily
IEFIZER tartar eme
J" ll Alwaytue Kitchen fvlenzrr tot lean i
1 the bathroom futures. yy tr
A - Its soft, powdery substance jfc , Z
-r furnts thin, lather Ilk Dm that .y' '7
4- diaa4e ih dirt an) WM las VT--''
' autfaf sntlplklly tlrau aud r '" Vr ' - ?
iawl4. yr ' " vifr5eV:'
T Im Ktttkea KWnier ' 7r''iVi
T f'ly. As II font a in .. -, . , .- ,'S-',f
.L..-A atM nor hard ' "JW-tX .,
I'tt. It cannot y
- X faints any .
Use in Your , 0
Wash Boiler or
Wiuhina Machine nmfi
A f,",'l ci rt tat t will lrin )u it mli r'lin and
vtliuble ley":,' Waj C .vmM l!hu l-
Fairmonf s r.r.: Eskimo Pie 10c
Gas Department
DO wilai OS03
llOt Hewart! Slrtat