The. Omaha Morning Bee VOL. 52-NO. 114. KIWI H tMl CUM MlttW l( Jt, IM. it Cmm f. ti. O'tu Ail W ' . OMAHA, SATUKDAV, OCTOCKR '2. 1022. Mail H Btlli .. II, .. W.M. alli4 Ik US (. OaltiM lot 41 m II IH'M P" tn, I'll aali. M. TWO CUST3 R a i 1 A c t Attacked by R B.Howell KepuMicau Caodiil.ilc for Senator Ml, Yutan How , Similar .Measure Would Affect Their Imliihlry. Crowds Demand Speed .1 1y V. (', I'OWKI.f,. sistf t (irrMiMHitUnt The Omaha Hee. Vulmi, Nrl Oct. 27. IKpccial Tele HuiluJ It. II. Howell, randidiito for I'rulH Hlute senator, desci ibed to I Ml funnel nnil townspeople here to day how the farmer would fare If longrei. treated Inn) n It dial the lallioads under Iho Kn h Cummins ill for which hid opponent voted. "1' the Km h Cummin frill mid ih- ruling of (In Interstate Com in1 ii0 ouiiiiisrIoii, nillri'fiil rates I II I f Ml ll' nxd i,m. . u.MiKb Mth..i ti.'or Hitchcock making a chief vr;;r;;:a;,h;,r?rr, peai of the PXce profit tx, 111,1,1111 III III! i .-in ht run." ,ir. iiwii mini. , if niiinMd i.ff.H '.r-. m.i huif ki- t.. il,.- i.illn.H.l mid imi.-li.ilf t' "mirIiTfi r"2i.i'h Ti-'''rlL'n' i::;;,;;": ',!:, ZXZ ,i it..,.,,,,. h ,.,i,, ,.y ..... i,.nr..Mi, th- K'' iimihi ,.- 1 1' i ml 1 il I h( i-tinl i iluif in A I ht'i'i'lo. .. " ,. , , ' . i ,,,.,, .i., .o th.. miiro,..! ind,irv. lor a v-iHy ol amendments, including the Walfth amend .;ii)hi il... nstruiiiturni induMry mcnt to change the form or amount of taxes on incomes. Miouid nhk r-ir Kiuiiinr loiPHidiiHtum, Several of these amendments which Senator Hitchcock voted i.nd ii...iP it? I for would have had the effect of increasing the tax on profits. nfU by (.iiiimiw.ii.n. I nut here fie must let his voice fall. "Tlx-n tho prlrc of f.irri )irinliU'N wmild l. fl.'d l.y n nrliiltuinl innmii-i-liin, im rartwny rati'H ar now ti ;!( Iiv thq. fntTMlato I'oniiiiJTfi! .'.'i iiiIhiii. mi um tn offord tin? fturl- uUural lniluilry of the rotintry n Minimum n iurn of 7i per rent. "If any f;iinnT rmfiod morn thnn ', wr ii-nt, half would K' lo the farmer find tmlf lo th- n.tdting fund, to Ik. lound tu thi? Inrwr; but If n faniifr wmtriliutd to tho rotating fund, hi conirihiitlon and th intcr- st thron would rwlonB to the fnnner. "In addition, tarn fnrmer would re. roivo for riirh hour'n work on hlM fnrm an nveraiji! of DS.9 (nt jwr hour, an additional allowance for man nutria! nervlrea: also all maintenance of his Lind. liuIldlnKd and Implement: alo an allowance for depreciation; and all tnxen and lnmtranre. "Thla In what nan been done for tho inllroad luduHlry. , "Huppose tho farmer dhould ak rormw-Hii for nlmiUr conaideratlon at Its handB? Hollar Are Kiiial. "TUe aimwer undoubUilly would be that the railroad Industry la on a iliffertnt aI. Yet a dollar Invented in a railroad 1 no more aacred than a dollar (Evented In a farm. "Of course, It would be inaiated that It would be Impracticable to do thin for the farmer ;and, no doubt, It would be Impracticable. However, an thla i a government of Juatlce, thia fact la evident; "If auch roneideratlon cannot be af forded the agricultural Industry, It Khould not be afforded the railroads." The metling teld here wan Im promptu and folHwrd iimiHtent re luest of citizens. Mr. Howell haa not, aa yet, recovered from his cold and following tho Yutan meeting went to Omaha for a much needed rem. lie will start on his final week of cam pruKnlng next Monday. t Anhland this morning he apoke to 250. C. N. Walton introduced Mr. Howell. The meeting was In charge of Ed Swamion. Mr. and Mrs. X. P. Dodge of Omaha, who drove to I.lnceln lust night, accompanied tho Howell party today. At A.ihland Mr. Howell was met by Randall Rrown and Warren Hlackwvll, who were on their way to Fremont. Eight Missing as Fire Ravages Timber Lands Pun Bernardino, Oil., Oct. "'. Hope ;is j-xprtsned today amuniflre fighters in the Kan llernardino moun tain that the light of their number who at latest rrports were missing bud saved themselves In open stretches a rd. The light men h ft the main body of th.we fighting a fierce forest fir near lJike Arrow head wln n the flames jumped a fire l,wi, wheir f.nal stnud had Is-en made to Wive h.m )' sections of llni ! r. The fii- has been burning several .!,.. Ut r,l.:ht il swept imr Ih . rest i f the San l!rnnnlina range. At midnight a in wMper num who start ..1 t't'l where the eight firemen Ned. tiirnril hack by the M.i?lc utes t hit f. ll about lili'l and druse sin.-k r'.ti ui'tt fighters wrre sent 'r.-rn th l-iks Arit.whrad v. ll blv, The r.sioii Is iioinl f..r In jtitli.. i , t.ollieS Slid r'l't'S' O'S llrty Invest j i ,-rits Immense i iuiIm r aUain ls l i . ome lbs Umn, a Hiy lot p.'i he ir,iir. were t 1 '" ! tr.l blah Tifre hope b.Uv lb j ', uniitrr toKuiV "I 1-ike Arrow e I ..ul t be Mt IUiU.. Or.Kr U'-VVl I rrigbt Cr lliu eh .-, in i. :? iutii'o ..ij'.i . iintry h ,ti4 otdelS tt HI ' . fikhl i-t so l 1.11 " !.. ff.m IH fis lb f ll,.tr l. I IU hy ! U sy A w- Th itunitr f . -,. ., rt HumUr H.kll l I.Mktl tt 1 ! ' Hit. u, H l I rl4 taullttv tt kn ll.'i ,i.t4 4ir. the s-l I 1 1 ts tibial it rwia 4l fiikl , Mi f " e m1i -.t li ft " b 1 1 ii i.s.i.r t w4 m ht i ft .i, f t !; it. IU.1 At Excess Profit Tax and Sincerity EDITORIAL Senator Norrin ha taken the democratic candidal for re-election to the Kenate to tank on hi record on the excvH profit tax if;uie, nr.d in holding tiny il not to public scorn. J-or month, readers of the democratic candidate h per- aonal organ have been told that the repeal of tht e.cena V, 'ron' l)Wt.' !.hl tTL' iiuiu: liiiiuiuuir nun (iuiiijuiiivu m: iry.-ni ctviy ini-i-iiu. i Among other things Senator Hitchcock and "I'rother Charley" have told the men that it wan the repeal of the exccM profit tax that prevented their bonu at thin time. It was natural that the and thOHe who heard his ppeecheH, would get the imprenmon that the senator voted for the exce profit tax law. Senator Norri, however, brings out the fact that, an usual, Senator Hitchcock was absent and notvtrtirijr when the important revenue bill of 1 117, containing the excess profit tax, was passed. In defense of his action in he was absent from the city and could not vote for this law and that the reason he didn't vote for the amendments that Morris wanted was because Norm wanted the excess profit taxes "too high." There is something suspicious, however, about Sena - war was over, when he was . w oubl be "too high" for the war profiteer at the time the tr navy folk mid th.-ir frii-wi. i;vin !war waj on j.pj wn(,n w;:r profiteering Was at its height. -Mm humlil.t "')" fruni thi wivy The democratic, candidate's organ says, "Senator Hitch-: to f-i i. i.a-i m. ioi,(, with nator.NorriH in opposirfg Iho revenue hllZVL Zn!VU of 1021. repealing the excess profit tax law of 1017. .i LTto Z' tuViZ Jr Here are the facts, however. ; m,)r, ,,r tt d... mil t. m trid, L'KHnnu ll:,..l I. ; i . i . . i . l st D 4 , ,s i . i , . ! ' oriiiiiur iiiicncocK, prior For on October 28, 1921, repealed the tvacss profit tax Senator Hitchcock voted for the repeal. Senator Norris voted against it. The following 5s an excerpt from the original record from Washington, The amendment was known as H. It. H24H, voted on October 28, 1921. "Y" means "for." . See page 2, this paper, for complete congressional record on this amend ment: t (Hri tlt U DlVy feori uA net tcmi 40rt SllfejMl Ptnu Bill. CvwKUi mni. ubtltutln( fUt tax ( aorporatisnt In lira of mcom ptblill Uj.(10 of H InitM in cf rdlt, U. for 1421 ; tiA t'jfi for nch yr tnrftr of uti ct u&ml,) 102 Vl IfOI And now Net us go a step further in investigating the record of the democratic candidate's efforts to retain (?) the excess profit tax : On November 7, 1921, the revenue bill, containing the repeal of excess profit taxes, which according to the senator' organ, prevented the ex-service men iit securing the bonus at this time, came up for final vote in the senate. Senator Hitchcock was not "out of town" this time. He wes pres ent but not voting. "N. V" as shown by the following re production from the record: !(PM reftr Dally Seoor sua not Jouod VoTum . ) 1 , , &B2IK3L tJAOfi 0 Mbjoct - j C7-1 H,.&245 ' 1 1781 trtw till. On pi0E of, (CurrlM 98-24) (TtirM kapubllunt vtln( wlntt- Uttlt'.f. tfOfi$ tnt lor r It) After the revenue bill was neccnntuy j.ur u io go to coilterence in a COmmiliee irom me benate ana the House.' After agreed, it became necessary for the senate to vote again on the "conference report." This was final passage of the revenue bill which repealed the excess profit tax. ' This came up on November 23 1921. Here again, Senator Hitchcock was not absent from the city. He was present, but not vot ing, "N, V." lrfu rr.r to oily tMord inl iwi lounl ra m tutjoet I wrrmirArl CcFi : I-.R.E245 Rtvtnu (111; on .rttln- to tht ConfranM Report, ilAjJl tOrrl )!?) (Pour r. vitirj c t itHerth, .T. 07t Urolltt, HoM, WDKli iS Bcrrll.) It is thus that Senator Hitchcock "opposes" the repeaf of the excess profit tax. , , Thus, the whole, campaign of Senator Hitchcock against the repeal of excess profit tax and in behalf of the ex-service boys, is revealed to be bunk, just plain bunk. Wife anil Son Held us Her Fifth Mate .Slowly Dies' Chl.iiKu. (Vt. -Mrs. Tilly Kllmek I and her r"ti. J.eph Miikewl. j, were arrested early tmlay and held pnd-1 Inir tin f tin. Hitters ot the wn Hunt s husband, J... pli Kli-j liiek. I', lepoitrd 1 v 1 1 1 k from the, rllwl ef li Slow poison. Kllniik, the(olt.f ,i,l, is hi b int his witv's llltli li '! t ... ml. l'i li.e .in. I tin i oi net's i.flii'K i ii in. I an ln ttHstl.'ii Into tint .In. th of loin- mni j the w.-nuii ji iwn t hi Mtu ' titil Kllinek .in lie I lifa liii,,in,. iih I .-o il i n.. inii-s, the j le e s.nd 1 Mil in (h rout s i f bis llluen i fer Klllnek wss t,i ii b.w tt.,1. two . N l,..iu. t-, ili t un lljf il.ol Sfl.r e'iH4 S. IHpS fi.w.l tin- sci .tin( ilm ,ii.e Sunday iWnf Ad Forms Cloie At 9 O'Clock Tonight! fjt 0 oi't a t wdl the l.nt Piinut to teUphone oit Junly "Vnl" M t fhe Omaha Dee. leUpkaaa AT Uli 1004 M)W and eke a (..elu " for l . Ur ilt M lr foi, Sunday 'Want Ad Forms Close at 9 O'Clock Tonight! this record up to public ncru readern of the senator's organ 1017. Senator Hitchcock Havd i.ue of his campaign the rc - which was rePeaie.fur the "afraid .1 r iih, ijiii m )Tn, lax 10 wctooer i, r.ti, did VOie the senate amendment, which law. came up for final vote VeluM.) ( i.y passed by the senate, it was the conference committee had VoIum) League .No AtKaiilage to II. S., Irnier Ainlnissailor Says New Vork, (St. 27. Kui'oiw finds many mhunt'iKes In the l.'iinue of nu as It ftun !iim today, but the I 'lilted States could x in ti nothniK from ii, i mbership at this tlma, d.i l.ired lr. Iiiivid J.ijiic Hill, former iiinlMissador to tli Netlmrlands, on bis irturn (.III lil'ioial, 'Tin' I'-.itue is l. . imt h.liiiil ,ll.e work," s,ii. ir. 1 1 ill, 'esirtHiiiily in tbs compilniinii i f ln li.ful sta- tisie . Il bus encountered liiii.i-i -j nl.:e diffl. ulty in eiiforeliiit iiHicle la ) " licel nil. it Ihe ,.llt..,il ov ereij nt y j f o illons. iiiul lloit nit.i l in in ac-, I,, illy to t, . -r ., t . s to the prennd." ! Stale ltiiriic 'ptisc lidil ICatc InjuiK linn I I. ..! , im ,'T iHp. Ill I - Ilu4' , I n.i-'i,, .iuiii attorm-y i,. i.nul h- f.n.l n f.-deiwl lo'iit r.l Inif l.l if H. M.Slli I'Ol!. Wl.lll, , I... N 1. lll 'a.' IM ,tll lit in I loll vill .fe . ).fo. lo. Ill i f II ? ll pM .fc, I f M 1 J.' Id ii ol olf d Ilia1 tl" no tie "I if nl I' .l I'l 111 I fiou, U.r H.lli-IJ if i bi l-ui -ji ... I. unit ii.n t. ,i. .41 t I i. Iii.ji.t.'.o ho ll SUlr lnrtff Arrrli 4 lilll4tl t loik t..n. -4n .'! .i)Hl.l U-l tl Sim.,, s taf M i l k I 'tv uis '. i- i-l iw Tl.. .i , M.i. hu- . '.t,. i i o t . I . tiixi J ' Iiiul k It i l'i i ' '' i is b.ll l i m. .I. K.b- , ? H I I SM'.fco v,i Sill 14 l .ill. t t-l I tt t I It 1. 1 l- '..I l. ,.,t,. OH M.l 1 . I , ii. r Lo Comes Into -OvviiforDay All Jliiiiii Turn Out to (,'elc. Irate ay Day at National (lapilal Tribuie to CnkiioHii SoMier. Dcnby Is Chief Speaker Washington, Oct. 27. ( J !' A. I'.i AH hand , Including the weather mini, turiu-'l nut In Wash ington1 tolay to celebrut Navy day In it way befitting tha tiH- tlillllll .'til. Hill. Iahiu were UrUIIK uun nil through iim day, each inter- lwov"" wlth 'r,,,ul" l" th" I'ZTul lrtu inX' I trU(, m,r fimhi,,!., tim iui jflit-riitln rulmlnHtcil loiilxht wrouii'l i ti nimn with iviwin jirni.y, l""" "- r.',.,y i tn tmvy, i :;J;,,k Tar llllt orn'l; tin i M' ( ( yurn hihiiii i . ,,n ,j, wi,,,),,, u n tyUi liny i Hhmiuki- in ritkiinwn NoMlrr, Hilil thir wen- moments nf iU-ry eat aol'imilty. Over at Arlington, wh n Keciitary Oenby atooped tj lay n nuvy wreath on 'be toiitli of Ihe unknown aoldli-r, th" gllllirlng alaff . - ,t... 11.. ...... I.i,.l !Bt,, limovcr.d with bowed h.da for n nioinent. Thht wn all There was no aiiei cli rim king. The aokller nb eping In londy gran deur ' there Is representative of th nuy's war debt as well as the army's. Hut be Is more tlmn that. Hif typi fies the fighting manhood of America and the navy loves h flghllng man. loiter in the 'lay Keeretary Oenby brought out this sailor love for valor I when he bore another floral tribute jto the monument In the Mall to the memory of John J'huI Jones, This I time the whole- fnrce of navy ntnl inarinn corps omcers lunien oui i. Mlmre In th tribute, A Jacky band, luaty of lungs, I'd the way with such rollicking old tlmo sea ditties as "Nan cy I,ee" to keep sea-going legs swing ing. At the monument the tune changed to "Anchors Awtlgh," the lighting ehnnt of the mldiililpmen at Annapolis. First Among Hea Mghters. First among sea fighter of Amrl can history, Mr. Uenby said, stood John I'aul Jones. The gay courage and grim determination with which he fought his sinking ship to victory, the naval aicretary added, was the proud heritage of every man who wore the American naval uniform. It was fit ting, Mr. Ijetiby said, that navy day should be John I'aul Jones day, too. While the tinvy Itself was thus pay- i trier homage to American valoi, onl jclnls of the Navy league wcro busy I with preparations' for the banquet ! which concluded Washington' share iln Navy day celebrations. A host of ItXZotZ miJ mi(1tv.h of the day. President Harding, who, it had been announced would speak lit totilKhts dinner, how ever, was unable ti be present. Suspect Embraces Slab Wife's Body Cleveland, ().. Oct. 27. Identity of the slayer of Mrs, llazel May Burns, wife of Henry Kurna, whose body wm found burled In a woods near. Pay neaville Wednesday afternoon, ) re mains a mystery. Although ifcr husband Is charged with llrst decree murder and has been under cross examination for a total of 25 hours, he has made no admis sion, the authorities say, that would connect him with the death of his ! ii-if.. A dramatic Incident followed the brlnifiiiK bf Ilurna Into the morgue where the body of his wife wa yes terday. Falllmr to the floor ho cried: "No, no! I didn't do It." Hums knelt beside the bier and clasped the body in hi arms, while his lips moved tia if In prayer. The body was sent lo Zanesville to day for bin lil. that his miine is 111 lino ltruhrasM, 1, ...l.l .p..u.'.,l,,. Ihil I'll i lU'(l- ,"l' ,,,", ,- but that he took th name Hums I muse It was the name of Ms moth era second husband. - , pi , I , . f 4"o I letljie v-(). Uoikets lii the Y. W. '. A. ram- im.uu tu it'i.laiU lririi"l at the noon linn heoii yeotixlay pte lnrs of I.' 44 siiko Thuis Uiv, Tie Itol pledues to date sr M T For ProtprrHy on ,tbraka Itanchcn I'sttle I'll' I III A I gli I ill" !." Iiiilll'is if .s if firs lat.Ki, ItO'V I'tV tl.vll t'lllri-s tt a I.,- ii Ii. si. the II I. i Imsi.U bliu ill. iii--. I isti he alt, . t fiolu tliltli.-S i l l l.l.-il.loi t.i 411 A'lH.He "t I f i-l.r Ihtlil (tin o! if fl"H I Oi l): M itii.,i tt n Auirsli is 1 1 in in. ihi I bi .. I'ih Ul i I'.s l...ll'Ot IlllH I'.l M.e no l.-l I It'll t IOI I I ......i i II 111 .. I. oil i4 I hi. n.4lt.Wal. e, of N i i ..(-.- mi II at Vlllli .it .f. let IU n ll-.l 11. e l k'tp '! Ihl l e.l li. .Hi Ai.iriHa. Il-ioh At.r. S. ' US I SB I A..t' t lt,l ".'It t ,'l 1 ll.S h 1,. -41 I If lid ,! IJ k H e ' i I. -I Sl.ei , t,.l is-tV III'. I il l f, .,t. i, HI If ). I. I i Ik i-f U i-l .il.., il t' ll'S .IH ll'.' il Sl.-I In II t Nebraska City Town Crier Is Political Aid Good-Sized Crowds Hear Sen ator KantJall Discuss State Political Issues. V.y A. K. (.KOH. Slstf Corrm peadenl Tlie Omaha Hn. I'uwne City, Neb., Oct. 27. (Hiie clul Telegram.) Tho town crier curat btu:k to life und usefulness this noon at Nebraska t'lty, whero f'harles JI. Ilandiill, condhlnte for governor, bo Kan his day's tour, Karl Clino, Amer ican IeKion louder, took ch.'irKO of musterlnif th! nudlenc, the commit tee havlnif had less than 24 hours' no tice of the meetlnjr. Mr, ('line started a boy up and down tht street with a megaphone and soon the whole busi ness section knew that the senator would speak at 1 at the courthouso. Mr. Itandall was escorted About the city by Mr. I'llne. C. I.. Kelly, J. II. Sweet, county conmlltemen, and In troduced to more4 than 200, lie waW the truest of 20 of his admirers at luncheon in the Grand hotel and at t he addressed a good sized crowd at the historic courthouse. Anient: thoso who met him were Henry Heesch, (leorire l . Heilek, Louis flunzel, Judtje A, A. Tlischoff, Oune I'aul Jessen, V. K. Tyler, 1'., A. Duff, Albert Hooa nnd 11. C. KerRuson. See Slute Koiuls. From here a swift run was mad't over another 20 miles stretch of the C 000 toll's of Nebraska dirt roads, built and already paid for, to Auburn, where an, audlcnyc of 250 was wait Inir seated on benches In front of the bandstand In tho Kpuclous courthouse siuare. "Hello, Charley," was the g-reetina to the senator from several and he shook hands with many, including J. W. ArmitroiiK, P. C. Iuir, William Flllon, Dr. II. A. Ilanmey. Secretary Kedfern. John ImB ami James Gull latf. "I am suipnrtliiR you, senator," t-al.l I'rank I Irani, a deiiio. rat. Mr. Kuniliill was introduced by Dr. I. V. Lornnce. Many In the undienci were wouieii, "nur opisineiilH ml- shrewdly prom IsIhk you lower rums, Im-mme tby know that reitar.lless of nhont yn I eln t itovernor, liix.s will ih.iiih down rapidlyi" aid H.'iiutor lluudttll, "Al ready th lepubln im sil adiitlnlsir. lion bus M-bi.ed the H2J lev s.i that ttile IlKeM Will I otielhlld les tbull in l:i:i. I "her ton reibl. tlons ar pl-inii.d ll. in. n Ur thai one foiirtli of all y"r ta aro levied and co'. Inted bv )imr eoiitity and l l V-, .rniiii. The. Kuverninmt m'uca lh .e l,ie lust the ! U' IWIU. II. fc'iilo ta ( llimarals iM-wrt llihel. ;,' t. I.lhoit ileUrd be' m.iiiy iirims'iai l" 'b" Aw l. ltii ,t,.in, t thi V will for t-.lh ll-wil 0' IU'"biH ino-ius j f th .obIH.".l .ii.tlli S". .1 I I t) in .lid line II ! !. i audi j .fall) .f I'.l. 111. I l'hlle S...I li.ll.eit I II l. I., . k. b S H'I ',' '! ' i t, 4II.U a M. M( :.inUII ! -I. l.i ... t , l.r.o "ifcll.a I ' t"'" ' it yisis i lb. on., b oi I ." B I I . ! I l.i I hi- - ' ' t ' i.,i hi ia ' f' "' u" i dail -! '.-i'.f.i. -ii. I' ' ai in-, li e-, i-il i4k I'"! Inn . i ! I "H'S 1,1 u. l .. I k.J .1 " " ' .U., i . 1 1 ,,... ' I ,.m i H tim . hi . , t .tt il.-i.i.i !' ih" l vluS4 h..u at t.-MM li,o..l tu i I I i I- '- M.S. in I, it u-l - ' . i I mm, i) I. a l4m . A l-i !"..,. 'J Walking the Plank FaHeisti Win: Cabinet tyuils Premier Who Offt-retl Resigna tion Seek ConlVrcnT Willi leader of Military. I tome, Oct, 27. Denito Mussolini, bailer of tb faiH'lslI Is expected to arrive in JUmo today havlnx Ijoeti calk-.) here by l'remlcr Kacta, who wishes to dun'UK the situaliou witn liJrn. This iictlon has aguin caused rumors to circulate that the fonnv tlon of u.lother facia cabinet with the participation of the fasclsU Is a ponslbllliy. i London, Oct. 27, (Jiy A. V.) The Italln fas.'lsU seem to huve won their battle for the ousting' of the Facta ministry, the premier and his col leagues offerlnif their resignations last night in the face of a threatened gen eral mobilization of the tin tlona list military orgimizatlon, News of the de vidopments followlnif tho resignation was awnltifl here today wltii great In terest, but ul. an i.irly hour no ad dillonal advices had been reenlved from Itomc. King Victor Emmanuel was ex pected to return lo the capital today for conferences with political leaders In preparation for the formation of a new rablnet. His choice of a premier was believed lo lie between Viltorio Orlando und Giovanni Gitalin, both former cabinet chiefs. latest dispatches from Rome de scribe Ilia situation ns one of great confusion. Tho fascist! organization, which was formed by the extreme nationalist to comlist the growing power nf the com munists and socialists, has reached a strength variously estimated at from 400,000 to 800,000 men, a large part of whom are armed, drilled nnd ready for military action. Man Kill Self After HoMiiiR Girl Prisoner in Her Hooin Han Kranelseo.'llct. 27. After luiv iru; kept hia fiance, It nth Kellars, iMiund mid Ragged In her room since early Tuesday while he maintained a guard over her, accoiding to the si bee, Chillies, n c.ri"i'.il In the I'liiied KlMtcs unify, swallowed poison when the sdl'a broke Into the I. mni. Ilolkilr.' .lie.! later. 'I lie Kill broke from her riM.m lluy while Itohalie WUS lilmelit fur 11 few lllllllll.'. Hh lolled the m.Ih from a fi'md's riK.iii. The Kill said she Im. I ksuttit itobiiie ine last April. lUihaltn inl!led in tin- army two Jenn ano in Whsoiislii. Yank Sliim May .Not Turry Hum Any M lit re. Jinlr HuliU ,VVa orli, is l iHv A I' I toi l ii .in l,ni.l.l4 ciniiiil l urry ol ll In any I"" I ef the aorl.l Kr.b rul. Jole IUll.1 bell .I,V In a iIi.Iiioii illi,nwil. I be suit of ln ,.,. Ill ( . villi. -oil. en).. in anf .t. nirnt i f tlx ivoil.. it) .. h I, lllo ii tui.i. 1 1. iuI.i.s l i. I .loan in a ib C;-.ll il.tnl In t, ner Ire div.t on Molok.y tl li I4.ll ih. so .l-i.o I-' foK.ali h,l 1,1. 'iu.H ,n4 llo l.llll' ! Iln IViil.ll.t' . I ,l,t a i . -i.l. o llil no l. . l.oil.l sit i.i f,r fioi.i a:i Afi,iaiii (sol ai l, l. . i ,. I. a.. I "Hair I. mii Millninaif,'" luilirtril fur r.i.iiiirai y I lit.Ukt. I a I t" - I . i.l . I,.,..! u i . t ,f 1IU.., .I-, .ii I I i,44l liot.,l I.. l- tolls el .-. I ef t's a it i' .,t .o,H i-.. i. . a - bo I- i --I a.. I- t i i iUiid n.i. I i tt. f- til i.4 )-n l-ii I -t. r ihi.,.1 a it It .tiii ,i ,.',i a tll.4.l (H.-Mtl ttt.. In ,i ul- St. in. I a, tli a t . '"l II 1 rli -i r uk a. i f i I i. Star Witness for Slate Describes Hammer Murder Mrs-. Pe'y Chaffee Details. Ia elite Leading to Slaying of Mrs. MeadowK ly Mr,. I'liilli,.-. I.o Angeles, (Jrt. 27. ills, feggy Chaffee, a former chorus )rl anil the stale' stur witness in the trial of Mrs. Clara l'lillllps, on trial here for Ihe murder of Mrs. Alberta- Meadow. July 17, detailed to the Jury today what she witnessed the day Mra. Meadows was kHled, Mrs. Chaffee, told how Mrs. Phillips purchased a small hammer the day before the killing and this brought from Mrs, Phillip a denial with the statement: "Now, l'eggy, I'll the truth. You know you bought. Ihe hummer," After purchasing the hiiiiniie Pcgjry said that Clara told her she hfid Jiemd her husband. Armour l'hll llpH. was "going wllh another girl.'' That night the witness and Mm. Phillips 'drove to the apartment of Mrs. Meadows, but Mrs. Meadows was not home, liotli Ihe witness and the defendant remained all night at. Mrs. Chaffee's apartment. In the niijiiiliig thev staried for Long Ib-nch, where Mr. Chaffee Was working, the witness said. 'While waiting for a train, Clara went to the telephone, saying, according to Ihe witness, that she was going to "call and iiHked if bo had a little drink." Hail Several Drinks. Arriving at 1,oiik Jleiuh, Peggy testllleil that thy went to an apart ment of a friend where they hint sev eral drinks. A small riuantity re mained In a pint bottle and upon leav ing' for lis Angeles, Mrs. Phillips curried Ihe bottle, the Jury was told. After reaching the city, I'cgiiy tes tified that they went directly to Ihe automobile park, whole Mrs. Mead ows kept her car, ami wailed for her to nppeui', When Mrs, .Meadow Ktaii-d to drive nut of the pink I'.-ggM tfmtllled tltiil tin y went up to the car. "Mrs. Phillips nroi Mr4, Meadows If she would take her out to her sis ter's, win re rim was sinyiiin." I'eggy tt Hilled. "Mis. M.udims said ha would and Mm Phillips liiltmlil. ed me. Ur then jnl Into the car and Mrs. Phillips nil'l hIio Would dli. il her how to go she h i.) inilv lived there a short time. After we got nutsi.l.' of lotto. Mm Phillips ,i,.l. I.i Holitl 'l lo nil tu Mrs M. n.lows Mi in k ith ll.iittnn r, " bllhi flintier iiU.uii Ihe I....-I Hi. iih w. i..lii!. Mis Pbilll.s -..-l 'stop brie ' all i..t out of tim i ii . the ni. Im Hits b-ft i mining Mis Phillip liomd I i Mt M'.i l- .m l .u-l Vf l, plllib.iM.I sou 1 b t'.lrq ,11.1 th,ll K.eeltOI, Vi I.e. I ' Ml M4.' HI Ml'lil'l. No, ll.eiit.' Mis I h.illi 4 'i on Ihe f li 11.1 with II Mrs M.oi.l.. no , ir.iliiili I i -il I lata la fat !. I I pel. it ll n't hi ;, her ..- I. lOilOI I .1 mil Dm lull -, II l.l Imaa tfcfis i Tlic I itmal il-i.iki I I . t .., . :, I -i . 1,1 tr.,.tatoi lloailt iMiiian. aa . I a ar h aaa i .. , ti W I a 44 , . , 44 a 4h ... , ,M la 4 a ,, l a . si I a fc a a a -4 , , , . . a. 1 1 a m i lax , , , i ' 1 1 k ii a a ll ll.t,lal fta I Is a V,, m lK-l 4. th ..... II i-H l.k. il, H H.h 41 a,.i I. l. I 11 44 I laa4 ai I44mm . ti jurist's Wife Rills Pastor; S Jay s Self Iftsi-knoH'ii MiniVicr tf Mon j l.imt ami (ijllid "!ilinp ' ' of All Oiiiilonis" Dii's j lnl.iiill. Bodies Found by Widow IliUie, Mol l , Oct - l(.v. l,et.B f'l'd .l.lf nil I 'ht'lfl ,cr. H't'il' "f Ht, Mail," I'liiinh of tlic I ii' in mil 'mi at Il lVIe, Die l. t I, II.. VI l IlillllHl'l in M'Hil in-1 and ulili ly Kimwn In tli w .-si as ' Ihe liliiop of nil ouid'iors." ,l shut 'i-iil III. lahll.V kill. , I lit IliS Icilie In II.ivm. ii fh, iiiiiiiiiiik by Mr M.irgar.l I -it l' l.i. wife of f.r III. I Ju'Ihv i? I'liileti.ii of the .;s lllct of Hill ..Minis, wlio Hull . I'liiiinlt. it mii. ' , ,i .-i.i.iini; I.. Mm I hrlrlll I. ttlfe of Hie II. lot liiinie.liiiie'y , f ; r i.'p.ii'ling tli tri'."l) lo Hi" tsilac Mi.. In i'.il.T fl l.l l . l,iluS 'i.lic.'l II1IIU the f ln.ul Inu t'. i.liuwn nf lnr l.ii,l..iii'l mid of Mis. I '.ill. I. hi Mrs ( 'In ii.ll.'i' ,itfi i,..-.',l lh l.i.'lies Ij.l.e m.r I.' a I.....I uii.t. i' . i' find .imiii.iiim e.l I'llilnl of li. r 1 1 1 -1 . '. oft would I..' in h:s old In. me In I'avii'igu .'ulilily. ,-w Vol It, "lid lll'll bill ill I't Mts. t il'l.-t.l Holll'l l' iilnr.'iiT i i i vi-m ib' lied, ,lis, i 1 1 I'll' 1 T ilKKIIIIlll.g lilt llllilll.'llll III iiiMt;.'il".'lilM III i on in i' I i 'II with both fuiii mis. W ile I mil Undies, Mrs, t'liilMlii r, who wan In aiii.lhcr lui.ll). Ilea nl the ellolH, sleppnl In the iliiot lo tin. I hi r hiii!lfiiid iiihI the wo- lll.lll IMIlg Js'eilliei' Ihe minister nor Mrs. dr ift. m spoki; ajvord after the shoot- inn Mrs. ('hristler lelcphoiicl to J'r. McKeiisiM and Dr. Foss, both Intimate' Havre, ,lonf o.t, 27. Mrs. i 'hi mil' i'. Adow of the dead minis ter, is th' daughter of the liric Ii.ivld i'adsworib, wealthy manu facturer of Auburn, N, Y. Khe is ylie niece of I'ttlted Ktates Kcimtor J. W. Wudsworth, Jr., of New York slute. Ucv. and Mrs. Christ ler were married In 1!M. Mrs. Carleton is tlie daughter of Don Jj.'ivenport, formerly of Hel ena, Mont., now living in the Im-H-rlal valley In Culifurnlu. Mis. Carleton has a grown daughter by a former mnrrlnge. friends of the family, and to the chief of police. Mrs. ChrlMtler vol but a few feet away when tho tragedy occurred. According to her Ujry, Rev. Mr. t'hristler held service at the church Thursday night. These were attended by a visiting minister Afterward Mrs. C'hrlstler suggested that the two minister, several 'men who were attendimr the gerviees, and herself go to n restaurant and have supper. (She then left for the C'hrlst ler borne, one of the most Imposing residence In Havre, to secure omo keys. idirtiin;; Photograph. , Approaching her homo, Mrs. Christ It r Mild she eaw the house lighted, and, going in, discovered Mrs. Carle ton tearing up a number of photo graphs of the Kev. Mr. Christler and burning tin 'in. Mrs. Cbristler said Mr. Carleton gave no ex planit ion, but talked In nn Incoherent manner. After a while, according to the minister' wife, both women went (Turn lo I'iiks Th.'i, Cutumn t.iur.) World Fight Against Prohibition Planned UriihselM. o.t. 27. My A. P.I A j world fight against prohibition with It he I'nited Ktnli-H us tho center of tho I wet campaign was planned at the clos ing session of the secret conference of pi . ill lojii-tH here, I The meeting with a i Kri.hiy night whlth was markul by the number nnd value of t.ii.i old vito itnges, chiefly l'Vimli, served (u tho ( militant wets. Count I'e.Mun of Kranca was named .hi ad of "The Coiuniltten jof lafeuse." The coiiiuiittee was de jsi'tibed us a fone to bring the dry people bo k to the wit fold. Ni xt ;,v.irs ciuip.iign has bei-n plaint, d secret I v. bin It Is kltoivn that the plin . I(mI effort villi l. Hindi- lit tin. I iiitt .1 it.ites Whole it is thought llnie l '.hall. 'e f..r the ti'.itist hii.-.'i-sh. Prims) l :i n i.t (!onirt Ariesteil tit PriMin (rules I'liil ..I. i , t 1.4 , Oit Inn k Tliniiipsi ii. lii ki"o a Arthur W, Ito.i. b. a A-t-otitii of a I , tli fnt in i rot. ! !. a i .irnatnl liaUv he wua b-a Vina' ti..- si,iie p nlti niinry alma h- aim I i.i at.. I ,t b.ilf . ,it a y i l-l .lino,, l. lu ii I... i. -In utuirr fnia nc I In linke il.. an Mtu n i t it I to. n, nat t. Hi Hon ti (. a no in it. itii Tim polo a mi, I I ii. a ii on 1 .iiou i I..UI,. a in e- .I'l. ii nl I ', but 11. o . tl.i'B. w I i.-o p, - v. . tiil !rfiltlltl I I Ol I I ( iiiifui ni l i.n l (iff m ii I iii.-.i im i t .1 Ikl j: A tr i .,. urn i -1. .,.-,.ki,i tu a aii.t- ' 1 H Hi' .i.l 1 1 ..H iv I in .. .o. li . ". p..t in u.a .i i . .. s I i..ui.l...., H.i,,il.ii ii. h i. i,ti, i, i.ta j;., l-i.fiia.l I- a u M i.. It f t virM I. '-14 I llr Puili uiK iit Viljiiiirii t t ii i p. i i i - t i.. i .i i i . ' .i t -... ... i 1 1 i ,,,!( I llm i 1.. i i .... I I I 4 i,, ,,J . I .i ,.t, ,- ( o il , f Ii li e I t. t -r IH a lb I !'.. I I I . ,U I ,1 . I l, I t.t , i , I i - I I - .-I I I , I '- l.l v-l l l. a. li .1 it tb..t It l k..'4l. I H lit ..4 ll 11.(14 4.S i (