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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1922)
THK OMAHA HEE: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 27. 192 lLovc of Mother, i Stifled for 12 j Years, Defies kiw ? ' oran' Parenthood Re ( yealed Following Kidnap ; ing of Cirl from Child aing Institute I Girl Led to Believe Mother Was Sister A mothers love, jsr a that of a lirnkn nil barriers the lnw ami ilmKUlKfil fur n i'er'e affection, Wedm-aday yen, Ihe penalty n( ex- 4 ven jmaiire. J Ore.ul tlmt lur beloved little d.iuib 2tT. Kut.y Ktnnnod, Jt, would im trikn forever lieyiynd her control, wide Mm. Maudu Moore of Fioux ,'liy a kldnaier, uecordlnjf to Juvenile j'ffWre. i Mri. Moore and a mini 1:011 iinlin tire aald t'i the i-otiil who at 'fturtei liuliy from I ha rrouixln (jf the i'hlld 8avln Inafitute, whi-ra the Kirl '11 a a ward, early Wedneadny after- f.OOtl. Itevelatlort that Mra. Afoort la the tnother. not the awtor, of Kuby waa tnade ta Mlaa llhT Johnson, Juvenile- court officer, by a aleter of Mra. foora, Mra. Rlunche Oleze, after the ildnaplrtf. Jatnea Ktnnwood, 3732 North Forty Jhlrd atrcct, w "fouler father," from whom Juvenile oflicera took Jtuby h month hki heruuxe he wna lleerned unable to proi-ei-ly cure for nr, KUili'dcl the eerrct Well. I Ttul hie iluiriihl'T.4, pclal!y .Mr. Jfoorofumhf. bitterly lo oiioe the; toiirt onlr tnhina Uul.y from thcj umlly control. They mnde rniirv! t'romlaea, hoi Jude Hear finally ! filled the: the child rhoiild !, pliK-cl j the fhlld Hnvintr Itiftltiile until JlttlriK home could lie mind for her, J tfiinda", Mr. Moon.' mine fron fiimi Oiy. Hh" utieiif much tint With tlilliy at tie Inetllute. Wi-dm-ii-Uny, for timire, nho drove birck 11 ml (irlli In front of Ji" l'dlindllna i ome. Juvenile oflir.-i do not know v hi-l li'T or not .Mix. ' Moore Iiiim re -- - iialed here. If to lluby her mother Mun.llV IrJ j, SuepCCt (luring Ids Inxt few ,iy. . ' c... -,, ! , . , ' It wo-ild he hard for n woman to j , ?-W,lilMI V IllhKV llUKl turry off a l-'yearold girl tinleeH thej Chleao. "t. JC Timothy l, (lilt; tjhlld offered no reHl!Hiu e," eald one i Tllnl Murphy, eonvleled lal;r lead ft them. it, wipi arreiiied 1,ue yeoterilay a a 1 Huhy ta a favorlt wilh Juvenile of- j miriiert lu connection v.lth a reei-nt A'-ere who handled her ,. Hlie h 1 IMi.OOO whlfcky raid Im trmke front I :l AVa ! Daniels Accuses Lane of Creating Wrong Impression l.iW"K M llllltt I illtl inteieil the Ill A iliiitt I Sitna I nt 1 in t i.-ne , him that i'lemdeiit Wlleon had lU-llrved that the nlllea oiiklht to uee I I the convoy and did not iiuten with. our own naval nffirera who toolt thej Minin aMim. juiiiiii iM.aitlmi thnt the lirltleh adm 1 r- j (1f jmepii lliy ami me outer niuea nii firac 'ticed. Shortly lifter hla arrival In Swindle Nipped by Postal Inspectors I1"'" I'll t firm riaKi-e, .if a. tlrt . lie Nliinii-'d evldelue ft offeilni; ai;oiis tiiiidiiKi , I t S Mudai' i'f I'hlleileliilila. Ill at uteiitly leduiv t i el.'ill of the 'ieli) tei Inn fc-ei, 1 1.1I iixMiiihlv, Hho la here litti-lnlliiK Hie circular e.Hil. woull ll,M '' i't' i'i t i t iiniiUilailon colli mi fipinoval. hut 11 ,111 ' tmt'ee which wi a.ipolnteil hy the KihiiI fultli inohbectU e I In -t Kencii.l iinemliy tu coiiipreBe the I London, Admiral rllina preneiitcd I'rea FX'SctTClarV of .aV ( j llnt Wlleon'a vlt-wa on the convoy . ' e 11 1 Jellicu and a ehort time Icllp'a MutlniCn of lirollicr thereafter (he convoy eyetem wae iut In prucilce with Kood reeulta. "The Ameiliim navy fiirrilehed the lamer part of the convoy that pro t ti l ted the lame amount of ehlpr'intf iii - tie, laiini: u,,,( pK,.( (ilhrnltiir, and If con liupienK.ou" of . VI, veil nil lie own elnpe ucroea the f.M-te h-id leii.,,n,i(. (.f.,,. ,.(eied the war. plll.IUI.ed j f, , i,llt (,. ,(. -iiervlce rendeieil ecietary j ,y M Amerleiiri navy, the convoy ayateni could not have iiccompllHlied !a!iii1 Offircr Hfitril iiiH (!otio) Sj elfin. tViiihuit.loii, 11. j "a wholly ttTonn Impo; lafit Mum V'.l Flveii In one of tli recently Jeiicre of l-',inlillii K Line, of the Interior nmih r I'mkhicm Wil in, Joaeiihua IiiWilcIe. who eat III tti i i, ii xulle whic h Hindu It aucceeeful. Wllaon cahlnet lie eccietnry of thejn ()W1,, t- adoption chiefly fo 1'reel. navy, lelcKiaphcd lh Ao. lnled I'reee ,),.,,( IVIIwin, 'who, While oheervlliK Iw-ii nliihl 11 etory of the evi-nU 1 ,i,, t neutrality while that waa the which he Maid had led to the a doptlon j ,,, tH,ll-yl .Kau effec tive prep of the convoy eyvtern of protecllnif I ,,ratlon Ix-fore wo entered the war and American ehlpa early In ItiJT. j pioecut d lf.vlKorouly with force to Mr. liiinitU' ruriiKc, ent from i tim utmoet." HlKN 1'olnt, N. '., inude particular reference to a atnteiueut In one of the litm lettera aaylnic Unit a cahlnet niei tlnif oti February 11(17, "Iwn Irle aaM we rnuet not convoy that It would tie danuernua." Tle letter aleo 1 . ..... . ... ... t iioo .1,,.. -it,!. .i ur... .....ity of l.uvlrm uttered iwllllnif that wa ahould lake any rlk j of war." j (uiilra From lii. ' Koituintfely, I kept a l,uiy In thoee Uiyn," eald Mr. iJanleln' teliv KMiin. "iierc 01 exactly what hap I pened at the cuhlnct meef init in Keh !f nary lefore w entered the war: I I'rewdeiit Wilxon turned 1') lue and i anl.ed: 'l'.inlele, why have the llril- iiih not convoyed their ehlpe','' I MohrldKi i "In reply I Informed him that the : H avereon, 'policy of thii rallleh lolnilialiy waa pala, K , .'iirnlliet convoy, that after long ex ; pcrli-iieo in war the ()"('oiirnr Conviction If) Appealeil to Iliph Court, Oct. 20--(Kpcclul.) Jamca ill, ff'f 'onnor, cunvlcted In Adnma coun- a fains will, filed appeal with tha aipreme court and cured an order euepcndlnK Ma en lence u I ion hie Klvlng horid In tha dl trli t court. (Connor waa 011a of the claimant of the John O'Connor eetate, and claiming to he a nephew preeented a will for probate that woa rejected fcy I he rmirta. t a lienutlful child with lileaMim,' man 111" ;rommee & 1 iricli wnretioueei. cra an I endeared here-lf lo Mi '.Murphy H now out on lind p"ndim A. A. JTfJruw, HUiierlnU'ndeiit, an1 1 iippenl of w-nli-nee following hia roc inhere at the liiHlitute iluninf hei viction In (he Uiarhoni atnet aiat on lliiort etnf there. I f jim nun n.all rohlei-'. t.iltie pi ' f'.i red to tako their i-hnncea j eallli.K eliik'iy than III convoy forma-' lion, and that they rean!i-d It more daniferoua In t.'-houl zonee to gall In i compniiy under convoy than for each i merchant ehlp to K" on Ita own. ! ' added that aoine of our naval off icera ! 1 of hiah rank held thla aume view, ! That waa th only una 1 rnado of the ! word 'ilnnxerouK,' i'The pn-Kiileni replied that he be lieved Hint the ISrlllKh iclmlrulty waa wroiiK and thoae American nnvul of-jfji't-ra who agreed with them were uleo ' wroiiK. HddlliK thlit the HiIIikIi ought I to huve lonjf uko conviyed their ahlpa J Coiivny Hj Klein Adopted. j "A few week later, 1 think It waa j the hint' day of March, 11(17, or about j that date, when, before the l.'nfted ' .Will Known Hanker Drowned H. )) Oct. 20, H. A. prominent hunker of W'uk- 1).. waa drowned when the car In which he wax driving went off merchant cap-j the pontoon bridge over the Miaaourl river a few mile went or nere yesterday. BIG LACE CURTAIN SALE AT VALUE-GIVING PRICES SATURDAY THE VALUE-CIVINC STORE Howard St., bilwn I8tb and Ifltb Week-End Drug and Toilet Goods Sale Friday and Saturday at the Good Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores Twelve or fifteen shipments are arriving at our warehouse each day from manufacturers and importers. That's why you always find the desired article and the lowest price at' our four (4) stores. , Read the List of Cut Prices Below. Sale Starts Friday at 8 A. M. Hufelnnd Tonic ml This is prepared front the formula of .the "Original Swita Stomach Tonic" and is an aid to digestion and a general system tonic and blood b u d c r. Large' bottles, 1.25. Razor Blade Sharp ened for 1c Each Brine: your Razor Dtades to any one of our five gtores and we will have them sharpened they will cut like new for Yit -er dozen, $1.00 per 100. Cough Drops S rc. for....,..10 (This Imluile Smith ltros., tftearnn, lliinte. Hed Trots, livnto, cto.) X. Stone'a Hrumhial NVafi r, box . . . IfiC 20 Medicinal Items for Week-End Sale $1.2.ri Carlnbad Snrudel Hr.ltH, genuine imported for 0H 40c Castoria 2 If 60e. fnUKveH's .Syrup lVpsin i 1 U.'c ('arter's Liver Pills for C 50c Caicarotx for :9 COe Doan'a Kidney Pills for 4 1 COe Danderine. for. . . 1 1 Laxative Aspirin Cold Tablets or ,k....Jf) 25c Lysol "for..,..T..l) $1.25 Finliham's Vegetable Compound SS 30e l'henolax V.'afers for 19 HOC Rikcr's Mill; of Mnrr- nesia for 302 $1.00 SquibVs I'etrol-tttim for 7f)0 $1.1.. Swnmp-Root...01 $1.00 S. S. S $t.! tiOe Symp of Figa. . . 1 1 ."Oe Turpo 1J) $1.10 VitHtiiinen, Alevan- der'i or (irant'a. . . 7J) fl.OO Wine Oar.lui.,71 7.'e White Paraffine Oil (intfrnal cli anner), pint nizo for Ul Toilet Goods at Prices' That Will Suit You $1.00 Pyroa for Teeth and Gums for G') 50:- Pjer Kiss Compact and Fcce Powder, a fihade for every complexion. for 30C 8."c Triple Extraet 1'er- fumes (Intense), all odors, per oz !9 50e Goodrich Velvetlna Vanishing Creum, 34 3.'ie Vivadou Vivomint Tooth Paste for. . .19 00c Pe-be-co Tooth Paste for 34C fiOc Odor-o-no for...4IC $1.25 Canute AVater for , Gray Hair for. . . .98f 50e Levy LaBIache Face Powder for 39C Kolorback Hair Restorer $1.50 size for SI. 39 Friday and Saturday . Remove Q uickly Unwanted Hair You may quickly re move superfluous hair from any part qf the body by using La Jeune Liquid Hair Remqver or Depilatory. Price 7oC By Mail . .' 85 For Cleaning False Teeth Caulk's Denture, in large tubes . . . .50 Durnett's Food Troducts 5 small bottba 1 Uvor 1 1' it t:traita In Hx for SSC This incltidva lnion, AlmonJ, Kberry, a- Mila a Ml" lranee, Hufiietl'a liar ml it Paite Cotuf. inrlud inf lireea, Red, Ko, lliu. tv , lg .Or (7aa a f f Cr,J.t arJ t aVr Water Glass (Or Solution Silicate Soda) For Preserving Y.gv, i or, s: -lo, (iOC and 7SC. Full ralK.ti . . . 0.V tllirreliiina on lalx-l. .Vow it ihe titna to put up l'jt. $1.75 Vivadou Lady Mary "oneentrated Toilet Water f..r J) ! 25c Miss Johnston's Han-! doline for Hair. . . .19 35e I'nnd'a Vanishing i Face Cream '2 if SOe Victor's Ban aoin Almond and Cucumber i Lotion for 31; 85c Worth Pepsodent Tooth Paste and Tooth Brush for 64c Figure it this way: Pepsodent Tooth Paste 50C Luxite or Borasep- toline Tooth Brush 33 Total g.'C Both ilnrini: this sale for U Read These Soap Prices, Then "Stock Up" 25c Packer's Tar Soap, special for ....... 18 10c El Merito Olive Oil Castile Soap 7 Waltke's or Haskiti's Army and N'avy Hard Water Cocoa Castile Soap, K Graham's or Schieffelin's Lemon Oil Soap, 4 for 25 25c Cuticura Soap...2l 00c Resinol Soap 21.- Craddock's Blue Toilet Soap for 9tf Armour's Auditorium Bath Soap 11 1 dozen ..31.30 Jersren's Big Oval Cake Old-Fashioned Oatmeal Soap 9 Ivory, Wool. Fairy, Cremo Oil, Palmolive or Life Buoy Sosn. .'1 rakes for 19 Photo Finishing at lot at the four (fil Mirrtnan & M l'r,itr!t rtr-t. ha IStse fa IHxtav1! rnovrT smvitt Victor's Tonic Lotion An unfailing remedy for Blackhead. Plnl lc, Harbirs' Itch. Facial Fc-etiia and all other tkin affectioua, l'rica 7 IV1' lH'r lttl?. A thin lutein; lratatt to uc. Pelmollve Shampoo The olive Oil a h a m p o fl ies ves the calp and hair clean and healthful. 60c site for 39f ,15e Colgate's "All Around" toiet and raim Toilet 1 and "Big Hath" Seap J t'-r f) l.'ic Rennuiniance Soap, rake J) i 25r Palmer's Lotion Soap ' ' ISC New Lew TrUet b Fale CeJa4 Milk Per ran ......... rr d.i 50c Derma Viva for 39c Derma Viva It the Skin Lotion "par curl icue, " It whurnt and beautifies the kill and produce a fair mm. r-U'UH'tt, rrga'dleM of lis original trmutititin nur mehey bu. k If 'U ar not riiaed with fru!ll $1.50 2-quart Maderite Hot Water Bottle or Fountain Syringe A. (luaratittrd I year, i lf 98c You Save Time and Money by Trading at the Rcxall Stores Cut Price Sale Starts at 8 A. Af. Friday Morning . - - . a., am a aM .-a. M a Br I 16th and Doilge 16th una Harney rJth id 1 rnm .iUi and rnrtvni 07 (li I 'Jl, Willi rlii. ar. h.-liwiiul-iiiiinii and tli Ivuetoiiiera were iiihti ucied to wild Ji 1 ii-nril iiml inimnaa or flie iliuicn, aeiKiire uf 1. ttna rimtnliilne- 125 mio In ! S tire lo rovt-r llie cont or ciatiim '"ur i.ep.iriinenia. . ch.i. kn ni.d ini.ney orili in, 11. l When Mr. JlnadHl InvceflmiU'd. h" j "The thnmiiiic axiile nf all restraint ' Mi.adnl, iHiHtuI nn.i t(ir, Ultevea im 1 reported he found Scliwliidi nmnii i l.rmiKht nloul by the inlnftliiig of th-f hue iilpn'.'d a nwlndle that In a few ttulcd In mull, Inn no tires were to ) m-m-m iIiiiiiik the war dayn," aald lr. i wei-ka in, Hht have grown to VttV bo wen- ! Mudae, "m new berinnlnK inee, prnpiii tionn. Hrhwintli'lnann, he euld, J , Thia U Ind'ialiil hy the pnalng of tha ' will h e'laix'J Willi lining the rnnll ; PiTMftl of JilZZ Dilllt'illg ' rlioit alt it t and the return to popular In ilnfriiud r I II '. V. I ! f"or of Intig hair. The eolleae diine" ; H hwin.l. riiiinii la ulh a-d lo huve I 'J i .ni -, Ja. fullni'iiy r.-luned eupieine. Aldiuille (My. N. .1.. Oi l. 2'i The nre a'o n fleclliiu the t lmriK1 1 eplrlt period of inzx whli h aiartrd at t J , The extreme atyb . the liideenit iliine i Iiii-m nf llin a in lil Mui' H Kiiiiluiiil.' i Inn iiml Ihe pin ket Dn k nre veiy eent iIiiiiimiiiiIh iif ciii'tihiis to auto I'h bile uwiikm t hiuiiifhout Iho I'nltid h'i.UM iiiii I I Ik inline nf the IMIiind Tire i iiinihiiiy, lo lie i'ie liff.iiiN.' Dress Dept. CLEAN-UP SALE Friduy we offer Women's and Miae' presnes, formerly sold at $15.00 to $:"2.fi0, lleun- a?.s!'rr;..$ii.75 Juliuo Otkin 1 SI 2 Pouglai Street To Inaert your W.ittt Ad, "Tc-lt fh Tidephoiin" Atlantic lumi, 1 ?'Jf'? a I hi nk e.iinlnK to an -ml. aicoidinit lo l'r I ki-lilorii m-en now nt th " -- --- - -- rj & a r mi "rinr m i i . i 9 . f t Football f J I I''' t"'' M.rnuett. Univ.r.iy IT-- 'Al$ Saturday, October 28 4 , , I lJk f jS"- T'Clt" Hra $ j fill 'Will ' Buy Your Overcoat ail There are a number of good reasons why you should buy your overcoat at Bond's against which there is no argument. Bond's quality and workmanship always the best. Bond's Styles tailored to appeal to men and young men of every taste, styles that assure you of the fact that you are well dressed all at a price that is far below the average retailer's charge because Bond's price represents but one profit that of the manufacturer. Big, roomy, fashionable ulsters, natty ulsterettes with raglan and kimono sleeves all around belts and big patch pockets soft fluffy plaid back materials that not only look warm but are warm. fli $30 $40 $35 $45 Positively The Greatest Values Ever Offered in Omaha The values are so apparent that it doesn't necessarily take a shrewd buyer to see at a glance that Bond's Clothes at Bond's prices are nothing short of wonderful. And now that the prices of even the most ordinary clothing has advanced beyond what seems reasonable, Bond's Clothes stand out as real examples of what can be done when one specializes and operates along the most economical lines from factory direct to wearer. Bond's Suits With Tyo-Pairs of Pants vinttr twnnN. n nt il airijiea, fancy mi t in a in I murtty ftWks in On1 aca-mn's new cut timilcU. IMmf mailt iih lvo pair nf pii(, th"!' ant! will mjr twice the Wfitr, 25 i up to $tl Hon da are iffxciallst in out fit tin ft junior young nun uilh their fir at Long Vantn Suits and Ot ercouta Full Dress and Tuxedo $9750 Jut in tune for llv? "party i-4,.h". In-au-tlfully Mik. tlllllMH I and i-orrcetly at j led Frtiinj t'lothr. pros tty 151 Farnam Street L7 txi. Ak,M 1a4 r it.t.k I iai(i I i,lt4 i waa f wkwiii I kk. Ma I ' 1..