The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 27, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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For Mrs. Royce
i 1
Mr. Albert Uibbarnaen lavs
lnll(f puny Thursday afurnoon at
her humv. honorln,? lr. fclthen
Itiyc of raaaUtna, Oil., ho la th
Ifuum i.f Mrs. Ainm Thnma. Her
(rutet InrliulmJ MrsUame Ruyie,
Tbumaa, Janaa t'arpenUr, Robert Oar
rlt. Jark CaMwrll, Miirnl Hart.
Henry Hart, Yala Holland ami MIki
Hnrnttiy JuiU'in.
Hrif(t Tea Honoring
Mi bh Miriam McHili.
A hridK ten at (ha lrii of Mia.
NVilllum MiiluKh, Jr., wua a compli
mentary affulr Tliuiixl.iy In honor of
Mis Main hi McIIiikIi of Minneapolis,1
1,'iK'Hl of Mil. ('luir limnl. Hit ituest
win Mi-slbinne liulrd. War Hall,
'.ill I'iiiiIhi'Ii, Clmrle MoiIiim, Ilenja
nilii Hvvnirr uimI MlH.ii-a Mmlly Kel
ler, Mnnn (Vim ell, Miny lUrharilaim,
Mary J''linlly qihI Hiiiu Jteed.
'I lie Foye I'ortfrs Krtupi.
Mr, ami Mm, Voy I'm ter, Ktmse
wedding wus .;lnmniwi1 Wedritsduy,
(ulubor 18, t Monti liilr, S. J., will
i el urn on Kuwluy fimii their honey
tiionn to sittle down In the new home
Mr. Tout hna built for his bride lit
0010 Cumin; treet.
Hiitunl.iy Mr. nml Mra. I'urter will
nttewt lha r'rliii'flrin hlf uk' foot
ball Rinna tit t'lilinco.
Kihviird Fuller, who iinlveil arly
hla wutk to visit lilt parent, Mr.
ami Mr. i . I,. Fuller, waa ona or
the (iinulm miesls nl the wed.lmir.
H a, J. IS. I'urter, mother of Mr,
l'oilcr, who lift t ho mat In Hap
tember, li nt iv"Mt In Philadelphia,
I-nd will ii'lurn to Omaha lifter a
viKlt In St. I-nul.
Mr. r Huff. Jr., Hostis.
Thursday iift'-niuon Miss I'Mna Kit
slinmons of Uncnln, suest of Mra.
Melvjn Et'liiiis, Hhured honor with
Mm. OeoiKe Forbes of (.'heytnne,
truest of Mm. UiimkHI Halley, and
Minn T-orena Kvans, who la visiting
Mra. Emar ()iKlii-h, at a brltlK
v.Wm by Mrs. Muff, Jr., at her
home. Threo tuble wore placad fur
I h gum.
On Nut Urdu y tho Mnssi. and Me
tin me Huff, Ilekin and Jess Thur
nioiid will viotor to (iilnwold, la..
with Mia Fltzsliiiniun fur A coon
hunt nnd will return on HuniLiy.
, Kor Remit Hrldf,
Mlna l)orothy I,ylo will Klve a
brldga party at her borno Friday lift-
nvvii In honor of Mm. Donald Lyle,
fornicily Mina Dorothy Hippie.
ftaplbit Quarterly.
TIib Women' HuptUt Miaalonary
quarterly of Breater Omaha will nifft
with the Flrat liaptiat church In
lllalr, Friday, October 27. The morn
ing aeaaion will be given to bunineaa,
report and a devotional hour. In the
afternoon, th work of the coming
year aa outlined by the women' mla
aionuiy aocletle. will be ureaented by
Mr. I. A, Benedict. An addreaa on
i he work In Mexico will be given by
Mrs. K. Tl, Towl, who has recently re
al urned from Mexico City.
Holy Family Parish.
The of Holy Kainlly parish
will slve a curd party nnd dance Fri
day evening, October ZT, In their hall,
KlKhtcenth and laird streets, nt 8:30.
Cake Sale.
The Mother guild will glvo its an
nual cake s He all dy Pnturdsy, Octo
ber nt the Bherinon McConnell
drug store, Sixteenth and Harney.
Itiiiiiinace Sale-
Ladies of !h KcoiKanlzed Idtter
Hay Saints church will hold a rum
ibro sale Friday and Saturday at the
iiorthciiHt corner of Twenty-fourth
and Cuming si recta.
Sit-Six Darning Club.
The Sixty Six Dancing club will
hold the opening dance of the season
In the Hoti-I tcnelle Saturday, Oc
tober 28, at 1:30.
'.juiuly beautiful l'mf Cuwii utber In th
Winter a-vial - atun. 1hy rurt lufcinatmf
j-tmul front tha fotginius metal brH-l,
t huvSiufi Ut Utnktr; ! ap
jd.i.iirs KffoM n4 mtal fshfir.
t.i diai'hr,u ch ffdni an4 Urea. Trim
sr r,c that ! U n a thai
fhtura. fjr iulti Urn,
eivldert n4 flstealr jawtl
tr fea4 motifs sr ianU
Our ovt Ait hJttJ CWd
?595o $7950 :f $150
Prominent Figures at Convention
rromini-iit liKun-v at thu mat cihi
H'lltion, Neiyruuka Iderutlon of
Women' Cluba at North Platte thl
wrrk, are Mm. Addlion Hlieldon of
Mik.'oIii and Mm, John Kliker of
HantiiiKK. Hoth hud bqvu rtute prei
dent. Mra, fhuldon win director liiat
jeur and Mra. Hlaker I piment direc-
Problems That Perplex
Antwirtd ty
"I am a young married woman, considered attractive, have two little
children and a nogloctful husband. Recently I found that hla treatment of
ma waa caused by hla Infatuation for a girl with whom he has been going
around for tho greater part of a year. I went to see the girl. She admits
knowing he la married. It stopped thing to some extent, but I know ho
till see her, a he docs business with tho man by whom she Is employed,
"I huva lost 10 puunda hi lea than two months, and my heart Is break
ing beiaumi the girl still insista on aeelng my husband. Her advantage
over mo is that aha Isn't dependent on him for money, whilu I have to light
for enough to keep my children. He threatens in leave mo if I don't glvo
him hla freedom. And yet I feel sure that If th girl would volunteer to
give him up Instead of Insisting on seeing him, I could wiri him back. May
be if you wrote a trong article on the subject, she would ace It and wake
up to the cruelty which I am aufferlng from her."
x Mo write Mrs. M. H., voicing the
ilea of numberless women who find
themselves dependent for love or sup
port on weak men who have let a
new face und a new fancy come be
tween them and all obligation and
Now I'm not blinking the fact that
all the vow In the world cannot make
love the eternal thing we long for it
to be.. The mun who marries with the
noble feelings and high resolves may
drift weakly Into a temptation he doe
not know knew how to fight. The
practical question of everyday life
may estrange a mun from the woman
he only Idealized Instead of visualiz
ing as a partner and companion along
a road that ia not alway eay. How
ever wo despise him for the weakling
he proves, we must pity him a little,
too,, for hia lack of adjustment to
But the girl who permits herself to
become part of a man' love-life when
she knows that every obligation and j
vow In the world hold him to ins W!ie
and children what of her?
No matter how she excuse herself
by claiming that the wife don't "un
derstand" as she does, no matter how
much she plead for the rights of her
great and uncontrollable love she Is
guilty. And her guilt 1 based upon
this: The love and understanding she
urges aa her claim on tho man were
not alway the big things she calls
them now. In the beginning they were
merely the tiny seedlings which have
led to such bitter fruit. Eut even then
the girl must have known them for
pageant of
tor from NebruHkn to tha Kcneral fed
rrutlon. Mr, tilicidon will apeak on
the Frlduy inornlnir pNiiirum ua a
pant director. Mra. Blukor Kav hxr
menKiiKd a acting director on VV'nlnca
day niornliiK-
what they might be,
If the girl has any common sense to
add to her ideuls, she may well atop
and ask what possibility of happiness
there Is for-her after she has done
her thieving. Will she ever trust th
man she won so unfairly? Will she
ever be sure of him? Won't she find
herself suspecting and spying and que,
tlonlng? And won't the man inevita
bly tire of her, us he did of her prede
cessor while tie either suffers pang
like those she Inflicted or goes on to
find herself another "affinity?"
Love isn't based on deceit. It must
be founded on trust and respect and a
right to self-expression.
Ultra-modern thinkers may scoff.
But human nature has built Its foun
dations and Ideal through the ages.
And one puny human or two can't
unango them.
He May Re l!apliful.
Dear Miws Fairfax: A young man
cares for me very much. . This wag
told by him to a third person, yet ha
doesn't want me to know that he docs
care. I care for him, since he i a
man In a thousand. This Is what 1
cannat solve. Now. that hn known
that I know that ho cares, why Is it
that he never asks me to go out with
him? The only word that passe be.'
tween us is "Hello." What can I do?
Wait, or forget him? He doesn't care
for nor go out with any other girl.
A. M. O.
Perhaps the young man is bashful.
And perhaps he thinks it best not to
be too devoted to you. He may not
bo In a financial position to pay you
the attention he would like to.
Just go along, being friends, and see
what happens. And don't lay too
much stress on reports brought to
you at second hand.
From England
Mira Jean McGlbbon of Liverpool,
Hngland, arrived In Omaha WedneS'
day with her rister. Mrs. Lee Kos
Ncwklrk, who ha been spending the
Biiinrntf - e ltrmil M . MH 11 ih.iti la
to be a guest for tho fall months and
tho early winter and will bo widely
entertained during her rtay.
Mrs. Rupert Turner of Manchester,
Knglnnd. is also the recipient of much
attention aa the guest of Mrs. John
Iieillck, her cousin.
St. . nes Pari h.
The South Omaha B. V. M. society
of St. Agnes parish will give a card
party at their hall Friday. Oclol-r 27.
IfL i rirnr -11 1
Simple, Graceful and Charming in Their Novelty
The Newt That Lillian (iava lo
, Madge.
Well. Madge! The till k is turned!'
Lillian' vole held gratified trl
umph a. after coming swiftly Into my
room uml lea king the door behind her
she came up to me, put her hands on
my shoulders, and uttered-Jier cryptic
llltlu Sentence.
It waa the murnlng of th fourth
day following the dramatic exit of the
man, Hinltti, from the nrlghtxVhnnd,
and while I hud shared somewhat her
tense suspense us to th succts of
Allen Drake'e espionage, th uneaid
lies caused by Dicky' slleiica and
dr. 1'ettlt'a accusation, which I
could not altogether banish from ni'
had crowdod my Interest In th gov
ernment work into lha background.
Hut her triumphant paeun brought
back my interest, and I clutched her
"You mean you'v heard from Mr.
Drake?" I aaked.
"Five mlnutea ago," ah (aid. "A
long telegram. Want to read it?"
She waa ao matter of fart that I
had no suspicion of anything nut of
th ordinary a she put some tele
graph blank In my hand. And then
a I scanned seemingly minute data
concerning the yield of wheat nod
other crops of a Canadian farm with
directions for the negotiation of a
'safe of the property, I looked up nt
her in amazement, to see her Up
twisting into an nniuscd grin,
"Oil, I ee!", I said, glad that the
strain upon her nerves had lifted suf
ficiently for her to Jest. "A code!"
"One of little Allen' niftiest," she
rejoined. "Would you like to decipher
it. or hnll I tell you what Is In It?"
"Ile'a Too Foxy,"
"Tell me the gist of It now," T laid.
"Later, I'd like to tak a whirl at
deciphering It, but that can wait."
"I think you'd enjoy It," she nid,
"but her' the new. The gifted Mr.
Smith led them a long and merry
chase through the Adirondack and
up into Canada. He' at a hotel just
now in one of the small cltiea, but
Allen think he' going to buy a
country plnca near by and aettle
down for awhile. At any rate, he's
safe for a few week, and he won't
move without Allen knowing exactly
what he'a doing."
"Did he give any clue to' the man
you're watching for tho big offlciuj
of whom you spoke?"
"Not yet. He's altogether too foxy
to involve that man when he' fleeing,
a he suppose, for his life. Of course,
he figure he' outwitted us, but he's
a cagey customer, and he'll take no
chancel for awhile. Now we can
tackle the other angle."
I looked my Inquiry and aha an
swered the look promptly.
"That man In the hospital?" she
The Only Store
in Omaha
featuring both
GOTHAM Gold Strip
For Women
All Sizes All Colors
"Quality Clothes
for Those Who Know'
IPs! I e f ft
i i v j rr straw m
Wl at Harney ft
Eal IT"
esasassBsesMesBr 1 jsjauaaswuMawkaei
Shown in Doth High and Low Heels by the
F. & M. Boot Shop
The Firtt Shoe Store
for the Modest Price of
90 K
Hilled. "Dr I'ft 111 IH JUM Hjlllllti lha
ward from nn- to a pnniiiiin for
hi supixwwl in t -i In reunite
him, and I'll send Ihe word at om.
We ui agreed when Jcny Ticir
teli-plioiiea tlutt 1 Wi'liM like to con
sult him ulx'Ut having my tonsil re
moved, ha is In gut bury liiitnediutely,
I must rout out the redoublahla Jerry.
Can you llnuriin bis llitrteat In my
supposed inlxfoliuiir?"
W hat I'uzlcs Lillian.
"He may offer to doctor you lilm
elf with some f hi mother's famous
mlitures," I laughed
"I'd as soon try them us lha or
dinary medical iHtruui," slm retort
ed, and I smiled as I reiniiibiT-d hr
Insistent' upon other people taking
remedies, as emit rusted with her own
hatred of medication,
"This will menu Kaflii-rlne going.
When?" 1 asked anxiously.
"Tomorrow, no doubt."
"Shall we be able lo eee her?"
"Of course, but It'a going In b
ticklish pei-formam e to manage. I've
been trying tn figure out some way.
Hlio can't come, here, we run't go to
the, hospital, and I don't dare riek a
meeting at Dr. rettlf office. You see,
there mustn't b the slightest connec
tion between her and us In the minds
of those devils who are posing as Joe's
employer. Aa JoeVntirse, Katherlne
will b perfectly siifu, but If thy
should suspect her Identity I wouldn't
glv that for her life."
Hh (napped her finger contemptu
ously, and an by little shiver ran
down my aplne. I never can get used
to the thought of danger, which Lil
lian meet In so inalter of fact man-
nr. both for herself and her friends.
'Wouldn't It be better then," I ven
tured, "for her to go without trying
lo sen US?"
"Can't be done," she rejoined quirk-
ly. "I am compelled to see her to give
her some personal direction."
trnpyrisht. 1tJ. '
'Mr. and Mrs. fJeorgn W. Johnston
are registered at the Kims In Kxcelalor
Mr. J. A. C. Kennedy and Mrs.
F.sther Marshal will spend November
In New York Cily.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Colin left to
day for New York lo sail for a six
months' Panama cruise.
Mrs. F. 8. Hunter has returned from
Kansas City, where she visited her
sister, Mra. D. H. Cheney.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Wilcox an
nounce the birth of a son, Glenn A.
Wilcox, Jr., fit the Stewart hospital
on October 2(i.
Mr., and Mrs. E. S. Nli kerson of
Tapllllon are plnnnlng a trip to South
America In the early winter, which
will include a visit with relatives In
Kin do Janeiro. Mrs. Nlckerson Is
president of the second district, Ne-
Jiraska Federation of Women' Cluba.
.- fcjiwi in
Kally I mm ami lha Ham.
Cuffv Hear cam all the way down
Ulna Mountain f Ceder Hwsiup, es
pecially in find l-'utty Coon and ask
him lo come in a party,
"What sm you going In give your
guests to eat?" This vta Falty'a fust
"Hum!" Cliffy Liar told hiiii.
"I don't know whether I want to
go lo your party," Fatty said. "I'v
never ta i en any bain. Is It good?"
"There's nothing better." t'uffy de
eland. "Hum la ulfbut th IxinI meal
1 ever tasted."
"Oh! Its meat, ia ll?" Fatty ex
claimed. "I waa hoping It was a new
kind of corn."
"Hum Is better than any corn that
ever grew, Cliffy Hear Informed him.
Hut you needn't coma lo my party if
you don't want lo."
wall a momeiiiT atty coon cried.
I want lo speak lo my mother." lis
limited a tree near by and disappear
ed liiHide U hole far abovu the ground.
Ho'" h chuckled "Tlwg ware eaaj
to fiet f
"Mu!" he said to Ml. Coon. "Did
you ever cat a hum?"
"Not a whole one, my dear," hi
mother answered, "but I enjoyed a
taste of one once."
"Was it good?"
"Cm, yum!" Mr. Coon replied. And
Fatty knew whut that meant. It
meant yea In big, cupltal letters.
Fatty turned and squirmed out
through the hole and looked down at
Cuffy Hear, who was waiting on the
ground below.
"I'll come," Fatty calkd. And then
he remembered his manner. "Thank
So that was Buttled. Cuffy Bear
But You Must HURRY!
These handy $3.50 PARAGON wash baskets
with folding legs making it easy to stand or
carry. They are going fast. After the next few
days we'll have no more. Only 200 could be se
cured. We give one FREE to every electric
washer purchaser who takes advantage of
DurBig 3-CASH REFUND Offer
Saves You Money, Time and Labor
Shop Open
Every Evening Until 6 P.
tfra 0, D'j Now!
urn wJtM
One of UZr eSe ':.
W CaA f
I iffit&r& I
''4V'Xir niB
shuffled awy. And Fatty' eve
I fciuti-red with a aieeily, gievtimh light
jtinid Hie evening of the nut day,
when he set owl at Uuk for I Hue
! Mountain and Ilia bam party.
When h reached lha spring in
little glen, where Ihe pnry n to I
Sinn, he found Cuffy Hear unit his
siNter Hllkie, a young CUb called t'ele,
and nolKxty else.
"I lame early," Fatty told Cuffy
Hear, "How many gusu do yon
"Nn more," Cuffy replied,
! Fatty turned a bit pale,
"I hop I iii not late," hit rried, "I
hnw tne ham aren't all eaten, I
hop you'v wailed for me."
"Oh, wa .waited," Cliffy assured
"Hood And now bring on jour
Iiiiiik!" Fatly ordered.
"Hams!" Cuffy echoed. "I have
onlv one ham,"
"What! Only on for us four? I
eiMried tn have a whole ham for
myself, or I'd never bav climbed this
steep mountain." Fatty Coon wss
actually disagrees Id aylsiut lha re
"If you don't car tit sisy, you know
lb way home," Cuffy suggested.
"Oh, I'll stay," Fatty retorted
"You needn't think I'v rllinlwd aa
fur a this, only lo turn around and
go off hungry. Prlng on your ham!
I hope II I big one."
So Cuffy Rear dragged ham from
out a hot under a great rock and
dropped It beside th spring.
"Ham ar salty," he remarked
"We'll all want big drink of water
after tha feat."
"If ham la meat, we ought lo wskIi
It In th aprlng before w cat It,"
Fatly Coon declared.
Tha three beara did not agree with
him. They began to protest.
"All meat ought to b washed be
fore It Is eaten." Fatty Insisted. "If
you don't belleva It, go and hk some
body liesldes me. You go and ask
your father, Cuffy! You go mid ask
your mm her, Sllklr! You go and axk
your grandfather, Pete! 1 don't need I
tn ask anybody; so I'll guard tha ham !
while you're gone." i
Tn Fatty' great Joy the three young I
lleiu-s went skipping of. I
"Ho!" lift chuckled. "They were I
easy lo get rid of." And seizing the!
Sasw .ass I (jaaaBaaaaaaa m .
ham In hi iiinulh, li" started ilon
Hie iiioiintuiiisidu aa f ist an lie could
1 1. m I.
Meanwhile Cuffy Hmr, bis lter
Silkla and tin young cub I'tta weia
hiding bi-biiid a big lnuldi-r a IiiiIm
ny from lha spimg. giaging ami
tittering. Whatever they wire laugh
ing about, it must hiivo Is en very
amuniig, for they rolbil upon the)
around nnd sli.piH'd at olio iiiuilhcr
III great glee.
Faltv Coc.,-1 never slopp'd titllll h
reached the middle of iV.Ur Swamp,
where be paused at last nnd sal down
In entnv a whole bam all to himself.
Ilinrimlly be lore off the pnpi-r wrap
ping from the hum. Then b dlpi"'!
the bald In a psd. And then Imi bit
"Ouch"' ho cried as 111 Inoth
I'loeid upon something quitn hard.
"This ham Isn't good In eat. Jt'a
no blllg bill a blui'k of Wood:"
And that was tli liuth. It Villi
onlv h dummy ham, which the store.
! keeper at the i iiwmoihIm had hung In
I bis window nil summer When fall
came he hail limned It nut behind Ihe
store. There Cuffv Itiar had foiigd
It on night. And liuiiiilng to him
self he bml turrpd It away,
"til liavo fun with this," h
And yon en 11 see jnurself that ha
d'opyrlsht. ItJf
LnyiU Club.
The Loyola club will hold It regu
lar card party Friday t St, John
reclorv. Mi-rd, lines 1.'. T. Donahue,
Koy King and Jnuie Fowler will b
h outcries.
Railway Mull Mervlce.
R, T. of Hallway Mail Service, will
meel at 2:30 Friday afternoons with
Mra. W. H. Mohh r, 4KS I-ake street.
2217 Fsinam Strut
Tulephonesr Omaha, AT Ustle 0349
South Side, MA rhel C05O
Clean steel 'knives and
forks, remove stains and
grease with
Cleans Scours Polishes
Large cake
S. A.
T" , a c --'s-' jt a
r- l I 11'? II
Don't mis this opportunity
uy yowr wiKr al sucK savinfs.
U 111 I t1 Vs. i