The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 27, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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fill. OMAHA WK: WII-AY. (HTOr.KK 27. ltrj'J
The Morning Bee
Kr.LSON B. I i'Mkk, PuMiahar. li,, ;. Manay.r.
Tf AM-aia'a Cmi, f alr Tti Ha tt I MM, It aiflaal.'ll
anili..-l I" iia f'f i.i.wl.ia'ai't.a af ail ..iaul cr1iWl hi H
14 .rfli.fatM t-rMl'tMf In Una ymimf. and alw. l.a laaj iia avail.'''!
4tl nM ( fi.l.l".i.n of aw -! djuubi ait al. ratl
auainitt thp Esih-Cutniiiins law ami tht railruiul
bunion. They ran rant their nt HiMiimt th
who made this law ami fur K. H. Ilowtll, rcpuliliraii
ranilidaie for the sinate, hu has tifiptisH this law
evtr ainre it an written on the statute hook of the
From State and Nation"
Editor ialt from other iiensfapcn
Prl( Brr yirhaftK A. tut la iatirtmfit it I...:.
-r I'.raoa Wantail. tor M.rht Call Affar 19 I'. M I
Mlturfal Drmnm.nt. A f laiiti 1421 or lIZ. 00O
Mam f'ff IV'h and linui
Co. Illuffa . . . . Ill ",n Ml. H aid. N W, Cor. 34tb an N
N.W Vr-rk-21 fifth Av.nua
Wahlnia ill alar hlil. ('hiraan - 17l taar lild.
aria, Pranra 42 ilia Ml. Hw.i.ra
We Mkve tha reror'l fill prove a kuiiI or
the "wet" voter ami the "dry" voter a to
whether either ran aafely aupport Senator
Ilitchrork on thn Jiriuor or other ltu.
AIMMT I, !I7 Vnti-d agalrmt iialfimal iriililbl-
lin amriidinriit.
H I Dili-It ZM, ll Vf'frfl against Volxlead en-
fun aim lit ait on final pa!!!.
MtHIII II. l:ouKKrtei "lattful way lo eel
around pniliiblllun ariirfiiJinriit anil aeeure wine and'
lieer" lo hhallf-Mhrrgrr.
Ul.l KT I", m?. Threw m.itillia before i-lri,
Oclolxr 27 in also a day that iltairvr to he
marked with a red atone in thn American oali,
for it ia the natal day of Theodore Kooaevelt. lie wa
horn on that day in JSiH, and in many pint of the
rountry eome sort of uliavrvalite will denote the
reicard a1'! held for him Ly thoae who knew him. It
ia not taking much of a rhanrc to propheay that a
day fro on and tho perapeclive lieeomra longer, a
rlf-arer vision of Roooevclt will appear, showing the
man in hia truo aapect. Then it may well he ex
pected, the observance of hia birthday will he a much
more important event limn now.
I'.oonevelt wu a truly jrrtat American, Not, per
hapa, a leader a aome other have been, but a man
who hud the faculty of stirring people up, of arout
Injr lhem from their Iitharvy or inertia at any time,
ui im ining it rriyitr iiri irtrnuT lliuri umi
of leadership. None of our prcHidcnt, aave Lincoln,
have poKKfKHcd thia i-apa'-ity in no ureal a meunure
a dil Rooaevell, Ilia "bit; utii k'" aroused a lot of
reaentment, but It aluo atirred up a itn'at deal of
activity, out of whbh came f"od, Ilia policim did
not alwaya prevail, nor ever rarry full approval, but
emloraeii d(iimr;illi' Iwal piKiform wlilcli did not nje he did make peonlu think.
When it eame to doin;? thin;ra, he acted with
iom reiel of national proliilillfun amendment or on- j
po repi-iil of I lie illeaii al. Till waa Hie famou
Inour laaue "at ea" plunU.
.11 (.1 hT 15, J0Z3 Three inoolli lieforr eleillim,
1 aoniiiiiiicd In rominon Willi W. J. Ilryan and "llrotlii-r
Oiarley" (lie lliir i oral Ion "m dead laaoe,"
M-J'TK.VIIII'.H n, Five week licfwr.,
anniuineed lliat even If I lie lljur ipiealion la noi a
dead laaue, lie had deserted lii wet iliMrlcra of old
' and would not Vote lo amend or repeal Hie Vulalead
ael. l lil I Hie famou "eievenlli Ijonr eonvemiuii."
OS IKTOIIHt 10, (:?. V. A. Ilryan, lief.ire S. V.
T, I , eontemiun at IJnroln, pd-ailed wild Hie wimicn
lo believe In Hie "aimcrlly" of Henalor Milelieia It'
"ebfienlli liour eonveralon." Hut Hie W. ', T. t re
gardle of parly, denounced IV, 4. Hian' poaillon.
SIN OtTOIIKIi 17, Tlt day after W, 4
I rore prudenie than hi f-neral course auife:tted hia
. poaaeaaion of, but thi wa because of judnment and
not for want of ;oura;c. Yet he left a Kfeat record
! of arrnmplinhmefit, enough to juatify hi popularity
1 if it did not real on the broader baaia of hi activity
! umonif the people.
j Kooaevelt walked with th common man, aaw
! thioifa throiiKh hia eyea,' rnd aympathi.d with him
! in hi perplexity. It will not do to dim.'aa hfm with
; the lijht phrai!' that dencribc a aoldier, a politician,
; an explorer nnd bi.r xjme hunl'-r. He was more
j than all of thern, for he did not allow hirnaelf at
j e.nytime to becomo ep;;rated from, the maae of
Hra'i eHloracmcnt at Lincoln and Ihree weelt after f hf rountrymen, and for th:a be deaervea recotrni
tfi aenator' "eleven! h hour (invention," Hie Aaaoria- , tion, alowly rominjf, , next to Lincoln, the jaeateat
lion AgalriHt (tie I'roliililllon Auiendnient at Uasliinit-
Ion endorard Nrnator llil Iicim lt' ranilldaey with 2IH)
oilier. Till aakoeialion aland for Ilia repeal of Hie
Vobtleead act and prohibition amendment.
ON' (KTOIIKK 19, tm.A little over two weeka
before election, Ki nator llift licm It wires Aasia ialloii
Aiiainat the I'roliibition Amendment aakini; I lie aao
rialion lo believe In Hie "alneerlly" of hia deaerllon
of Ilia "wet" who had aupporled lihu for year, and
Hie "alneerlly" of lilt eleventh-hour ronveraion,"
TO It.iTK Ten day before election, no wind
from Hie AaaiM'ialion Against the I'roliililllon Amend
ment at H aniline ton a t whether It ha withdrawn
It endorsement of I he senator's randidaey.
i democrat of our country' production.
! I. rim III of having le pnill,
' 'I hrif it. i a tin tin n.iae vt "ill 6.j In
illii ii urn i r ft KiViin; liionia mil
I f irti'l III the alll-'UHl ft ailt h il-
't'Oaila 10 luillka III tli Jer
i-If I . (I t Jlllr' 'l, I'.'.'. 'tin Imi !'..'
!4 alinttii in it aiiili'ii,. nl lii't l hv
( oiiiiiri.i r of ilm I'uritii' y ri,in
C r, h,ia"l ml i imiI fri.m
I ink Hf' iv.-l on thil ilile, A t'liil
of a 7;l,:i:'7 muh dipnaii wer t
liolil'l, llll'l Hie lllliolllil (if ler. ill"
ifnixila w.ia ;i,'ilii,ii;,l mm.
1 'I'll.' llMT'.lw. Ill ltUUH iH Oh" Iff
Ihe mim kI j ii.1i ,ii;ii II, i! i u
'pihe'l Hit. Iifn.i of I'ri.ilial ihrlita
i from linliixlr uhixii iiuiliin a f i ri I life
loot ma ii' MKnI ir o e nlun,' tin-
jo;,i fi, rl.lMpll'le llf'frVI-iy, 'lilt' lll
,(l'.l' III till'' llll'l lllllllllllt ft
tl.' .1. i", of ionise, hits Oo if
fi l on I In. m liiiil Miiiiniiit of nt'Hii'V
III Hie ' . 1 1 1 1 1 1 v , or the nifiljil wiiillh,
Klilili M THI" u li ne lit lliilii', hut
If ilm a ahow lery ilojiily I tint a
(K.ifir miiilir of i!i.le iir now
ii hie In aive inooey .mil I In ir
i "fiihiii ' wnlt;.H ii Ki' ilM l.y nmiiy
finllioiiii lh hi v,4- ii nor nut? 'I'lii
h.ia (i f.ia "i.'ilil" nil" 1. 1. n mi Iii'Iiih' r-'Oiifil .An itrcl Ii ml' Hi Iia, for lli'l
tt'itte null' ia, who ii'l'ieaelil theyi'iir
Hi;iJor)ly of lh" ih poall'ii a, eiilll'l fl"l
liive an liiKi-ly Iim i';i-' .I In nilinh'C
iiikI In lh" iiiiioiiiiI of Ihor riiv.l.a If
Inelr e.iinliiK ti-ol hot iner na l, iiiol
. a-renter eimiiorra couM m i i,i' only
from inoie irlii" himimvia. lint the
I'oiil lol il of l .nuilma jiml (heir ie
I'lf.fa W'.nM f n- ex'i iil die lufiip of
III" Imfloiiiil Lniil;a, ainer (In y ilo riot
ln Inle fhi. aavinna iU )'a.l"'l In al.ile
I'.llika, wlo' ll Wonl'l lilao I'lnolllil I'l a
jVery Ijiik" aiirn. Kor Ihe ilifioaila In
atlil- lilil;a, lltl'lollhle'lly, would h;iv
j I fieri -i a. 'I In nhont I hi? annul nii"t
Jtion ii the de,'.aila III nnlloiiiil h.iiili
I !ii Iheie la miolh'r rinaon (i,r die
(I. ie In a,ivilitt ili'Oi)la, It he
"fnnlta (he ,i,ii ine of thrlfl Iriale.i'l of
emr.u.ii "mi ". A ri'l n return to nor
lunl lliilii"! ri;il eoii'lllioiia la not more
li.i eciiy lh in n return from xli iva
t.iol ;ieii(i:ni; i, iioirnMl nii'J (hrifly
hnhilB, f.,1- iiroap'rily inti nut I
i f'uniili .1 ii"iii i li.i v,ii: nice, Thia
(irtVi llo'i-ie , re'IJllfii' HI jilrt fin
. flinch nee'lwl us linliialilnl reniljual
! rniTif, nti l Ih' ie la afroii( evl'h nee nf
ihoth In the report of the nnllifin)
iiiin mot the iil who einijia to aeliool
eifeafy to h'lilll nolll'-l L!IIV. I till
lute We ati I'l tlllllk t the Oilier
ai-lii ft il -(In li' ai'le'
"W'.ilrfliiK down one hull wp ee a!
I'll I il.iM.lhK I II II l i-l Vlf of liottilec,
iiii'l II, 'ii imik" ii for lh" ilnanj
.oni iIim i hill tAtutt tin we sett when ;
,ei tleie' lii line corner i hi he
ai n ii heiii'ir l"t h .aiin ly minima a
i "liih (hi'i'ith hi hi ii It ahllilliK hull',
in I Mi' ii kil n. 'i. K ul'nlli'l t'l ae If
Iheie me niiy Inlrn NfnK I'. i plied In
am hi .
In the neat i m l" I we ln.i t aie nil
if In r, I'.ti'h.iiia ii Jiiinor, nillii hia
hiiehl. K"I'I' H I'tKa nil" li.' ly lulu
i .
Ill Ihe liii'l'lle of Ihe loom mil he
aeen ii Id' nl, lrlli I'l itei i If the.
i in I on Ihe Ii'H I In iiM i n inline of
hia hi .i t la I " My III I'lnre
"tte I, ilk 11 1)' .lit ttol'heil hull', hut
h.ite y ..ii ii'iiin'1 how iii'iny of Ihe.
lii la hit" lll'lr til IT hohhi'l Ihe i..l
em 7 ;ohhii) in the only Iinlne
for il.
"VVe wll villi Hie tn any there are
tirv few more Ilia In liny i hia inniii
or hill wlni hit" ih'ir hmi'l mi to
llieii f.ti e in hn.r I liii ti llnia aru hosa
turn ai. lei luoat 'f tln .r tlliln loliih
IHK !h"ir lelir,
I, i'l. II, !.'.). we f.illt liholll Ihi't.illl
Kill, io'Ali ml trill, lunl hnhtri-'l hiilr
I III, hilt jnat y. .il' ll Jillliaelf for one
l.i V mil aie liotv ofiin you alop to
i.lm:i" ii i' il v. ho vt.'ilh iiIoiik Willi
:i In .Kill, ainlilliK foe, juleiit only on
her hooka iiii'l a'll'hea, Wa h.iv
m.iliy of II, me Kill 'il our III .'tut, nli'l
tt" me lil'lenl proud til tiuv thein
hire, hot iln yoil ain nil of thn Imrnl
"lii" oi)HK Kililh men IhM'klllK II I mi 11 'I
lh. in with' f n ea lit lip with milium
lion? ''hey ahilihl, hut (In I hey' If
)oi Ihllilt (heae Kill 'ire ileai-rvlna
of your nil' i. linn, why not ahow II?
"The People's
fcdilarial Iram raaaara al Tka Moralni
B.a. Ka4ari al lha Moraiaf Bao
ara Isvila4 to wa Ihi oluia Iraal
I at aapiaMMM ataitara al aulilw
W. .1.
Ileal and I
Taylnr Agaliial
M"iiiu, Neh. To thn Ivhiiir of Tint
Ulll.ihi !ee: I .Vt n lit Mr. I Sen I heillell
III Una ili-lil' t fur com;!'! a. He I a
a.liKlc InXi r. l-'lll lll' TM 'lull I w.i lit
him. He wlit lulu Ihe inoxriaaivii
I'.illv Mini liiiiiieihuti-lv li"l hia lull-
Hon frnm ua fur uoliiieaa, then Julneil
Ihe Jvilmlalell-W my rlori'liaoii crowd
of 1 iiKliiiilat. IHl'l WTW-ii It ana Ion
lite for hi In tii't uiiolhi-r i.iiiilliliiln
ii(i.ii' Inki-t hi' III". I llMi1L'i ill line
i iiille ticket. Tin ii Tnttiiley emloraeii
lulu. Now Ihi one, know who h" f.l-tin-,
of I'liliiil hlnlia si nnliir llilcli
i ' H, Howell or .eehe' No nlieknutta
iil'ini iilnlfui in hv I i milium, or
where he will In ml If eleiluil, Kiiiht
heie in Ciindr loiinly, wliere ihiun.
i l.ila mill lironn aaltea Ii.ivb full cillli
IV ami leulrllilltn tlikel, mill" of
lll.-ae I'll .i I nli'llililte ur their fl'lell'la
know whom he nml hia spei lul fi Ii li'ls
are for. Iieinoenila, prom eaal yea nml
m llinl lliill h-uiilli i s lire llllkil lllke
wniiu In hia hehnlf or openly iik.iiiimI
him. No ttomlir, 1'hean are pour
(lines fur audi n airii'l'lhr. Ivlanr
HoWnrl la In the a.'ini" hout nml ili li
ly lh sei vi a ih fenl, Willi II I ant Implnif
nml pi'ipli. i-yihx he k"l. Hm h mn'l
Inliuateil, V, J, TAVUJK.
rar.iiiinuiil Issue,
liliinhn To the IMIIor of The
Oruihn lee; Vinir e'lltorliil. "What of
the l.i-jlKlin of NnthiliH," (Octoher 211,
soiimJs like "Ihe voice of one crylnif
III Ihe ilea. rl," To hi ln about eonill
tioiis to eiiuhle uur formerly heat ens
toineia tu buy our anoila, pnrllculnily
, our f irm prialucia. Is linh i'l Ilm pniu-
fiiirnflou for u inrl who hue the emir-
live In fnee plea'fll i-olilll Ions flfl'l
hol'l on 10 In r lin t resolullnn to 'go
In school In Inn n soiin l hum,' "
lhem. I'liiiiliiii.iia re'iuh'f a r.ullciil
I'hiirttro "f the Trent y of V'eraulllis
this nilaere.itiun of thn J.i.ikuu of
.Vlf loll a.
All Ihe numerous expert III the.
Ilihl of ecmiomh's nii'l lliiiinco from
this Jiml oilier countries aarce Hint
alijiinluiea are n Ihlna of without atl' ll ehniiKe, at) n to Klva
oliaerves Ki'"l K. riulelie. '''''fmins nrnl tin., other neoplea of
1 WUPUMft' m4rA
It torn tUm ttfitnttt
The senator a organ thus reporta hia apcech in i
Madiaon, Neb., Tueaday:
"While the aenntor waa makln- 111 regular
speech at Humphrey this Wornlna aeveral iiies
i:ona were asked him from Ihe auillence. The mat
ono wa a lo hi position on Ihe Ksch-t'ummln
hill. TO thi the germtor replied briefly, aoyitiK
that thi Waa a republican ni"iiurn for which h
and aorne of tho other democratic, senators laid
voted. It provided for tl return of thn road to
their owner anil for the aettlement of their nr.
count with the fc-overtiment. It alao provided or
noma ehaiiaes In tho J;iw a to their operation.
These change relnted to the flxInK of rate and
the aettlemetit of dleputea between the companies
and their men,
"Henator Hitnheock anhl that Ihe eourta and
Ihe railroad commission had Interpreted the hill In
such a way aa to rnuke him rejjret having voted
for it.
"He had already. In opening hia campaign, '
taken the position that the act should be amended.
" 'It must be ami tided an ns to provide a fairer
way of nettling labor dlp"ta on the roada,' said
the aenator. 'The method of settlement must be
one that will have tho confident of the men them
aelve If strikes are to lie avoided.
"'It mind also be amended so as to fix freight
rates on commodities, q that producers ran get
them to market without spending so large a part
of their value for freliiht.
" 'Producer In Nebraska and other state can
not act to markets now- In many case with some
of their products, freights are so high.'"
It in thua that the aenator donrt the aackclnlh in
referring to the Each-Cummin bill for which he
voted, and to which R. B. Howell, hia opponent, and
all Nebraska are opposed.
The reader will note that almost everyone else
ia to blame for thi law which Senator Hitchcock
eupported and voted for except the aenator himtielf.
First he aaya, "Thia waa 8 republican meaaure
for which he and lome of the other democratic sen
ator voted." Thia ia the first instance in the cam
paign where the aenator has used the republican
party to prove hia Rood intentions.
Next he says, "The court and the railroad com
mission had interpreted the bill in such a way aa to
make him regret having Voted for it" We were
always under the impression that a senator should
understand a law he voted for or airainst, including
the attitude of tho courts pnd commissions regarding-
the law, before the senator took hia position for
or against the law.
Omitted from the list of those he blames for the
Each-Cummin law i ono other important name be
sides his own, that of President WiUon, who studied
and signed the Ka li-Cummin bill and made it law.
Important in the senator's comment, also, to the
Nebraska busines man and farmer, is thj state
ment: "The !" h I'liiiiiiilu l iw nmat be amended so
s In tlx fralahl rules nil c.iiiiiiiixlltie. an that
prodlll' r rilll get thelll lit market without apemV
lug ao Lire a part of their value for freight."
Thi renlilt of the law apparently is the one
which the senator did not f.irewe and for which
the court and the railroad commission ara to blame,
This is the part of the law, preiumabty, that the
aenator "is sorry he voted for,"
8 ii are the producers of farm products and th
smalt and !arre bulnea men of Nrbraaka. They,
tuo, art "sorry," In the senator's latiptjafe, the
l;,h -Cummins' freiuht rate take " lar a part
.f tha value ef thir products for freight." The
lartf and tmail butlnc men. asj farmer of Ne
brs.U hat been "orr" about Ihi fer ln
lime. They have seen their products t.t In the
rrtiund, Ihcr tram drprvriat in value ant faint
Pi ninety prohihillv In friers, all en avctiunl ef freight fstrs due 1 the r'th Cummins
la which Fenator Hit her Ii Mf 1 a an I
which he bjw mm he U ".rry" f. r, a few ds
fjf etattios),
ft safer Mt'Citmnt I. Oniaha tht ather day,
rhatreJ lh Mt AJntt Uithtt.k W,!n frtima In
v a.Meti.l wHS a I I n? hff hlHl.H dollar frt
No boast an American may make in prouder than
tr at he ia a t'l'iiter of a republic, wherein each citizen
U a sovereign.
Now and then a forciKn potentate, impelled by
political misfortune or other exigency, abdicate hi
intone and abjures lii sovereignty. Every election
see thousands of Americans voluntarily cbdicaU
their overcituty by neglecting to vole.
Election Commissioner Mcliuirh estimates that
at least ,25,000 Omaha citizens, qualified to vote,
will lose that right through failure to be registered.
I If a deapot were to ifisue an oroer that either or
! theae citizen should ha deprived of th fratichiac,
a terrible howl of protest would go up. Yet they
will for one or another of many reasons, or for no
reason, deprive themceivci of the greatest of all
American attributes.
It ia to theae 25,000 that th's editorial is directed.
The Omaha Bee wants every citizen of Nebraska
to vote at the coming election. In that way only can
the true sentiment of the people be disclosed. Par
ticularly ia it desired that every voter in Omaha take
time to register and vote.
Today ia the last day fr registration. If your
name is not on tht! lint, see that it (rut there before
the election commissioner's office cloaca, Kor, you
must be registered or you cannot vote in Omaha,
There is no provision for awcr.ring in the votes
of the unregistered.
The I'ar.'iiimuiit Issue,
I Kl'.ln Hi" ,Vlfiif Hull, offlilal
; New J. r.y A..." Ili,,
i lii'l'lffi A ri' r.'iin. in
II, IS W.lliin (he bolifnl of imsslhlllty
j fhnt lh" next f"W nionihs will s" th,
' fnte of prohibition ) (ermlned will
, d"i'ld Whether It Siilll be retllllied S !
; n tyrannical, hvpoi-i if icnl feature of,
' tiovi tit ier I In (he I'iti:il Xtnfes, beta
i nfof-e'l In an vug" f Igor, Ihi re Ignored i
I nml ti rrorded na a Ii glsl.-iMve fni-ee;!
or whether It. shall he modified to ne
isxleiunt eaalin r or iiim of lletroit s
IniK'Sl banks, "In In I not they urn
inn only on chi-'lis from rural I'lina-
lunl banks v. Inn olhcials are not
rushed nnd still t l. c.illgraphic diu
i ml" il.ifigh s.
i '"I II" expieaalon 'IS Illegible a It
; banker's eiiiiiatiire' Is mi longer apt,
ili I'm- j (im i.,. buslneKs tin-fi write
their signature so often that tiny
Ink" lh Ilii'i of Past I'-sialimce and
v.'tilw In the, simplest way. Hlgiia
lures ft loipoinlioii oltleial on pay
cheek jire. so uniform you might
think they vn-re ruhhi-r stamped,
l,"ti.t A, t-'haw, su m i visor of hand
writing in tjnt Hefinlt s' liools, rceent-
eord with uiiKo'i and the tradition of
f.eeiliifii, or ri-peihd ei'llnly, .Much
,i,'w, n IZ2Z rM,.s..n,"d tha worK of pu
..-'.-.... .,U 1,1 .,.l'lt ,',.,,M
I'l III" , l'. llll ,1 lfc
Kiii'iipc freeilom of i-cotiomii: action
there can he no real recovery of busi
ness, On the other hand, it removal of the
fetters wrought by tho Leagne of Na
tions, tradu and commercn would
soon revive. Products would be ex
changed along natural channel n
heretofore and ine world Would re
turn to "normalcy."
As far u tariff on our Import is
concerned, the depression In the
prices of our farm prnlucts set in
long before the pres iit schedule went
Into effect. It stnrteil, In fact, very
anon after we had linlshed "making
the world safii for democracy," und
after the league had doled out "self-
'freedom of the
eemiy roilli'l Iniii'lles of nll copy
books In fin. nt fur of tht hoard of i di-torrtiinalion,
eiiil'-afiotl bilildilig. They Inn) he'll s"ia." etc.
prepared for a centennial ' xhilnt In I Kven a free trad" policy" could not.
I be expert"! t" provide our erstwhile.
a prisoner to mid "laurels to discrown
us u pilferir," such uiujeiitleniiitily
action can only be excused with eith
er Illiteracy or of an nmilphahel who
can't read ttngllsh. taunting word by
word from snld news Item, "lie d
clni-es that he has turned philoso
pher," and "the following puem,"
written by W. V- Henley, "was
pi 'lined" from memory "by llrown"
to prove his point.
1 know you do not need my letter
to rail attention to such unfair lac
tics. Iiearlng all teaching of manner
land courtesy, hut Juat to ahow 'vhat
people think of It. Vours for a clean,
I paper, ' M. K.
All Gartntitll Sent Vt to B Claanad
Ara Clranrd hy Our Srirnflfic Odorlats
I'roccaa I'ricaa Heducad
Man'a two and lllraa-piac
ulta clranrd and praaaad
Cyan, Clranrra, llattara, Knrrlara,
Tailora and Ru Claanar
2217 larnam flfraat
Talrphoncai Omaha, AT lantic 0348
South Sida, MA rkat 0080
; Ing pi'marii nnd
; tenernl elect jim.
i Mia V'i:iu l.i.!,.! 7'1 t.t IIiau.. aFui.
There U no fiin-alion ww, ,..w ',..!,..,f ,,...n ... a...
to how hey f, e nholit ptohihillotf; ,,i,.a, , ,,, , th,r ,,.,.,,
hey , .. not want It by a lart;e major-! hamlwrlfimr, 'Thirty persons t .i
lly. I. ut there is n niicum, as to ; spomle,). Tln lr J H7 find I'j'l'l per
whether they will matiif.-st ihelr s n-; frm,,m-es wertf rated by tho Ayre
!. metil In such nn Impresaivit wayi,...p.: ,i,r f,.., r Hv,.r..,..,i
inui, n; (loiiui-iaiis nini in wir- !i, their pt'iM-fif.
tlgiileous acheffixra shall dare iitti mpt
pr")M-fif. standard of pej-fec.
raelii-d only fin, Thene
ii- ni:aiiii"iii.i. linn iiiwnri, it us nas tii(i iji t'-riorii t eo 4't point In penman-
'. iii''lirri.f M'i..rt,.ri lit II... t.;.af 11. i.. I . ..t. ..1.1 , ,, . I ,. .. t . ... .
i ' " iwi"i, i ii'uveiii.iiii ii.j'i rr.-pi. m aii'i
ei'wtomi-ra with sultlcierit means lo
buy our good. Henator Met.'ormlrk'a
opinion on this point is certainly
worth our serious consideration, and
It. I',. Howell shows good judgment In
bringing this Ifkiic to the front.
Thi- Omaha lice deserves credit for
calling attention to the really "para
mount" Issue revision of the Treaty
persons 01 versauies. it.
ilteglstered fi IJemocrat.J
i soi'ma in "i iiiij I e.-ll. cmtXH'P lilafe
I with the truth that pro-, style. Looking fit the earimli-a alile
liy side, n was (hlflcult to b'dieve thi y
had be. ii (otie by the same person.
''.'! newer handwriting wa less legi
ble but had more character in it and
f'.wer oriiniiierils.
An Omaha police magitr&te happily settled a
domestic dispute, the occasion of which wa the
husband's objection to the wife's attendance , at
night fchool. When a woman reaches the age of
42, thought the hutiband, she should not be fourd
attending classes, that being for the younger set, ac
cording to his view. Her justification wa" hat ehe
might learn enough of accountancy to be useful as
bookkeeper in his business.
Not only is the wife's ambition commendable,
but the citizens of Omaha are doing a wonderful
thing in providing the way for her to satisfy her
aspirations. She is but one of many adults who
are receiving excellent training at our city night
school. The day schools are of sufficient im
portance, for they care for the need of the rising
generation, the men and women of tomorrow. A
totally different function is that performed by the
night school. Its largest service is in giving to
men and women of today a knowledge they have
been deprived of, an even chanc with -those they
mutt meet and compete against in the battle of life.
Not all these people are untutored; many of
them are well trained in foreign schools, but lack
understanding of American ways, which they get at
the night school. It is tho thirst for knowledge
that takes them there, and it is a fine thing for
Omaha to know that because of tho foresight of the
citizen and the wisdom of the school direction, this
thirst for knowledge will not go unsatisfied for want
of opportunity to quench it.
W v.jh nil of our radei to be-
! ' '-me In;
I lilhiflon Is the paramount Issue today.
j None of (!, ollo r probli itis that press
upon us for solution approaches It In
; iinpo-, l,'nce, not merely -to ourselves,
hut to the world, What matters tho
neeision we i;,ve 11 in tii tarin, tn
merchant marine, thi. International
situation, iht reduction of armaments,
if Hie. fundamental 'fuestloii of all he
answered wrongly? For prohibition
goes to th io,t of all things, mn-Uii
find politico!, and Involve all rights
and privilege nf human kind. It 1
nof, as Augifsfj Thomas ha ao
i 'lOftm-nlly put It., a iii"stiin of beef
a fid win'.- or something stronger or
lomfthitig w-'iker, but a question of
what men have baffled for and dl'd
for slficit the days of Magna f'harUi,
I "Who hves If j;nglafid dies; who
j riles If Knt-Jand Jives?" snug the po' f
In ho curly days of the great war,
Today we mnv will ask ourselves,
1' Whii lives If I-Veedom dies; who dies
if Freedom lives';" fur l-'reedom in
Ihe I'nlted Hlate lifts received
throiifh prohibition her ghastl est
A Republican for
M. O. MrLauuhliu,'
I It was by working In a printing of
i lice outside of school hour that M.
j't, Mclaughlin, republican candidate J
I for congriss In the Kourth Nebraska
'district, V.hich ploee he now occupies.
j i arned sulpcletit funds to permit him
to attend tho university normal and
i thus i-iiiip himself for the teaching;
j prof' -salon.
I After teaching ut various plae in
the state he was named president of
I Voi k college and served in that ca
pacity for r,x years.
j Mr. AicLiiiighlin wa horn In Os-
ceifln. l:r. Aiicrin-t S. 1 M 7g . uml
and unless rescued and sue- j , .,.jr,slia with his panaits in mi.
A Friend lo Iho Rescue.
Omaha. To til" Kill tor, of Tha
Omaha lice: Is there a word In the
vocabulary which takes the place of
"honor" In the profession of Journal
ism? Is there u. more hated word
among newspaper men, especially edi
tors, than "plagiarist?"
These two fllesllollS I want to ask
the shrewd writer of the World-Her
ald editorial of Hund.'iy, October
! under the caption, "liloody but I'll
j bowed." I do not care to enter itito
ii newspaper controversy as to who
ph-ka the biggest lie or tell the most
untrue stones.
I do not try to be Judge of the re
ports about the wonderful crowds
Henator Hitchcock is getting. Tho
.owns which Hitchcock visited know
that the report are exaggerated,
knowingly at that.
Jiut when It come to a. personal at
tack, and I can't help hut thinking
of anything else but personal, charg
ing a newspaper ofiice, especially the
editorial desk, with, the effort to help
cored will soon I dona to ileatn. in!j v-ilH ,-,.a,-ed on a f irm, and for two
the train or me promniiion m firms i y(.ar engaged jn that business fori
have already come the prohibition of i himself. From the date of rein hing
Individual lifxity find security. Al-'hi majority he became active in re-!
feady the ri -nsnrslilp have Hivaoeit , publnan polities, although never ask
the staisc; bow long will It tie before in(, f,Jr preferment -until his candi
literature, find th pres shall wither j dai y for congress,
under the blight? How much longer j in enngres he w ji Instrumental In
w ill men and women be permitted to i securing the repeal of the daylight
worship according to the dictate of saving law, forced hearing in the
conse'ence? How long will they ne committm of Interstate and foreign
The personnel of the cabinet announced by Pre
! mier Jlonar Law give nuppurt to the sentiment that
j hold tho new government to be but a atop .tip af
i fair. Appeal is nereimnnly made to tha country, and
! tha election ha been tailed for November IS, pro.
i viding fr campaign of but three weeks. In the
f next twenty-one days England will decide if the hour
ha come for a return to the pu!uU' of the old eon
i servative group, or If liberal idea are t.i prevail,
! Honar I aw's advent lo power mit,vet the prev
' alvnea of rea lioivary Influence, )cl the fad that
I many of tha forces that united to nvntum
v.ort are nw tialeatinrf lo thetk the guvrrnment
that succeeded him rtfouiiti.-t s the thuutrbt thl liber
aiim ha nt entirely ' ti out H hn I in the
I'nited K nif l"m, Whm th voters ate t onfjutite l
' with the alternative of l l rrall-ni t i.iitiat'e l hy
the radicalism of tha teni a on io '! ad the cult)
Hiunit on tha elhrr, the ih.iu 1 tut I kt-ly la ha
bar !. Obituarit of I t)'.l .t"ir,.w'a p. lou t may
deft i j ftly until aflt r th rl.tlioit .
1 h. !r.l ah r lt! wh.t Wtne rihi l' havt
Ith luvaty dm ! I hey ' 'f I l""J
hiull ra l the el l '"t;b.h it f f wako -t mM.i
pi f irt tstih )"tn r! '"t' "
a. .a lW fMl f I f S t IHt't ' lit. ratf
fravhl In Iks rnit.d ut. iifif the W !! a l- j I I-'imb C..wi.u.t..i.f r M.lla ?H ..'.- r ''
i, Ha at..i,,i.J .ut il hurd.a the ta. aa-l i JaliaattlaMl in VmitY, U na tty thai
nntiiwn. nw i -T , , ,
each w"aa a I fhi!j In lie
nbln to Interpose analnst th oppres
sion of courts and tic lawmaker, tho
tuar intli of i constitution?
Hence It Is Incumbent upon every
reader of The Minute Man. every
member of this nsaoilatlon. every
other lover of liberty to light to tha
utmost (iKMlost all candidal!: who ac
cept prohbilion, who aupisirt pro
hibition, who Intend to extend pro
hibition. In our next Issue, we hope
to publish a iiiiihs of Information
about person who stand fur oltke
! In various part of thn state. Hut, in
j fidvanen of this data, we pray our
, render to Inform tlnunsi-lves a to
Ihe (iitilinlo niton prohibition of all
who Invite their sulTiage. And hnv
I Ing airiiinl l!iiowledi:e tv ir,iy tin in
j hi t II fie Kiipl llglilllig to r' galll
ihlit ity; to net without i . fi ienc. to
j I arty BUyiiilit.n, .eiolial IrhlHoll
nhip i'r t" S. to si ril e with nil
Ih'-ir powir nl iiVel V inletd''" who
I 'a em III" lollai of thn ,i,ti H ilium
; league nint who Hi'l;.t I'l p. i ln tie
til" Mlitll of I'll' tit' nini I'l l lea.-t.oll'
! A ltd One fur the Cake l atira.
I n. ii, II. - II" I it ' a
j The b lull ' I I ' '!'!' nnd 'l"l l thi
n-iir I, .a n it; ii I f -r t lilor and ahu
, n .i l.-'l rolln . I" tin' li' tu
j in ! a i III. Ulna an i-fi'-U Miinir nt I he
' a i f the l.l'. vt I (I 'M" r. Ill the
I ml I - I" aha hilt l l.l' k I'l Ihe
,.., liliil thtt'ltit It it III
' et,..t
1 A a inn.. I at e.iia hi-tiig itl-oiil Ht.t
k;,it ttlei ttii'. i ttr if I r tippim"
commeri'n on tho mileage hook leg
islation, and was liihti litni-ntnl In se
ruiing consideration of the name in
the house. He has also given active
support of an effort to have an amend
ment to the federal farm loan act
mining Din maximum loan from $lu.
0011 to U'S.OiHi, nnd ha supported all
legislation In the Interest of agriculture.
Why He Waa Anury,
FlnniKiin came dome lato from the
i lull, hut in sin-h a temper Unit ho
knoild-d over a lot of furniture.
Mrs. J'luiiigaii v.aa nrousel, nml,
ciltlni; up In bed, asked: 'What's
the naitit.r, Fliininan? '
"I m mail, mild ns a hornet."
"Whit niii'1" you so?'
"I'l. iln l l v, tli'Wii yonder; he called
III" a liar. '
"hut limn, why didn't ymi make
hi'll pint e II ""
' ".In! a UllV I'll! SO Pl.ttl hi ill. I."
I'llttl llfllc.
Thn modern apt lllng fur throne It
wiiii a "w " and wn In ml an "a."
II II eti lt.l. N.'llh An,elli mi.
Here's a Man
That Says-
"I got a small raise last
month and I'm putting it all
away in SAVINGS, juat as
though I hadn't received it."
He Knows
That Compound Interett at
6 is a powerful friend and
that the ability to save REG
ULARLY Is a character a
well as a business aiaet. '
Nor does he forget that
On Savings
Ststc Savings Sr
Inn Asjociition
31S So. 17th St. Kaalin BUI.
C. C. Wells, Sac'y.
4'tr H-aay. 'l
frankly lH thite ttl. l ik- -
Uik hr etten-aa !.. th ill U ' "W. ) " U
H4 in . . '. i u'' '"' h
Tkti ti thif U . ttti d , iasy that U-1
w 'l rt'm f- r
Nttiift'ia will
fr srcn' Mum, isji, f
Ji.tilv 7-'."'.""
Sutni.ty , ,,. . it'.,'.'!.'
r) Hal WI N, C.aa Mt
I t alt R , ItOun, Ci Mi
t... i v4 t k.i mm
Ik., 14 al li-t -k.. la l
t.i Hat
Hi t out . t .i.t
a it I tta I I . ,.'.
I. it., i I it 1 1 a ...i -.
I t tf , ,.! .,.?
a.- ia : , . - ta ti ., la
It. ,1 St . . I - ,-.'11 I - .
ax I ... a...-, t -I ' i i
l. . a t . "-
I, . t.l 4 " '- 9
II. Ct '!.,-.
r I
Cuticura Talcum Is Ideal
For Baby's Skin
A fMl t Haiitl !'! tail I. CullKHS
It.,., I.' a ivat f i i l, ,tl..i,g
in i tat tt',.'. j I a t, a h la it
'til !. I f II t -a a
It Ili.itU 14 lat (,trint.l II. Iit
teant ii t- ti-.i s -4 lt teg,
MtilillKl'l' aMMt-
I'lmiMil t.Hlllia ..-..
a -.... la. -.
I aaaf t . . aff a Ht mm
(lo-Cctltn ::
Ik M-Us. "Caflf Ualt"
i, t-t. .at!, ' ! IS. a V a. t
,t Uataa 4,'-t ai I aa
im mm
it I k !
i I ,.a,
a-t tt at"
I a- a.
a. " ai ' it
aa a.: mu
H tiM m Oimihti Shpnl
Hotel Rome
MAS) at
ror tKc care or
your car m winter.
In the hope that the practical experience
of the Nicholas Oil Corporation, gained
in ten years of work, will be of aid to its
many friendly cu.stomers, a series of ad
vertisements have been prepared deal
in? with the care of automobiles in
winter. 1
Thn first three advertisements will deal with the
following subjects:
(1) Water in the Gasoline Tank
(2) The Testing of Batteries
(3) Ignition
We urge that you read these advertisements.
They will be run on the Editorial Page of The
Omaha Bee every Thursday. Look for them.
They varry valuable information.
If you have some special problem and believe it
will be of interest to the automobile public, wa
shall be glad to have you send it to our service
Nicholas Oil Corporation
"Business Is Good, Thank You"
t ill ITK Al. AltVKKTIar.MKNT.
"Protect Your Child!"
A ffw t.. 'ft nf Mrnthn l sitae (itugh Sirup iU str a hail rtiuirh rlt In ) url tWt. h'vt-ry ilt V'ttttl mutht-r tl a-ircty ! Iluitli.
ftil lu il'tt lint tlit tan in it kt Oil (nut rttnt'ii syttijt at small tAfai t
ami lh fit ininulti nf licr timi-. lly i!n; so, he knnw .-iut it
tit.(. tintf h'-r lutnl nn.i f'lint tie
!alrlr. Ifti'iua! e'ftt't of a I . nU '. 1
rik.N i nirnlira t lik. l,1 tM.t t i.n. n.
KJ'l I H'ltl.t, ll fltlflilt
'(fi'fymiLl- '''i-VM M.Sr, t it U tit.
i 7 l-' 4 ait. t - l I. f : ft. a rfittaiii.iif
I " , a 1 f I T "Kath iJt it a " I l' attej n
.i.S. . ' , Mi", t u, ttf . at
PVl .i hi.;u , I l ''. ts.ra ,ti
aw'- a a; it t - f a titt.. i.
I..l,u- . .'i'-'t f -r t' I an.l it.u.i.
Il i it - t i . .. I at f. I nl
t tu I . . m u ti a .. a' t T't i la.
. ; J.. I ' I i '-r .i'J ft't-lt
I f I I I ' i f !' ah it'.'t ) Hivt
VI.biSu I tuM I' a n, .a i i,t.t ,a
. i- i . I ;'.m 4 , urn It i'.lt a-a
I I If I'.'a it Ii aafai, Ijllif !
I li n t t I' t... a f . l It .-I-,.!'..(.
if tt, ntil, It ,t I.."',,
I , i.i it. t.t i
taif lull'. Il -.rai"l '..! ll I., a. f rtfrf.'al A?t
t'l.. a . -1 I t ll,' I f I
I '.a !'.' . I I . U, I '. in, t f A lt!f a !
at.tljl I a.ia.-a-t lj i I i" . I IX ia tjia I i
a? r j w V &
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- . .-y..M.a,Wijr4,