The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 27, 1922, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1922. I SOULS for SALE By RUPERT HUGHES. (CMitlnun! Tnim VMtarday I (.'be Htudled litrtalf a luna while In :n- ir. v,.r KimiAw .,k th mirror. inr Iir )m ami her () h1 ao litttn ah It-1 iii'il' n.iiim mum im ii"r '.iiiui wsriirur, ner alreii equipment. Khe practiced anch Xrrlun n alie nupiHiii t , rrpre nt Inviimifiii, Thy wcrt ailly nml they iii.nlo hir r.ithtr III. The f,n In hrt vUnt una u dhlifii nij ntlNt-riM tht ahe lrroui'1 amue of Lev i a warmeat fare ntit-r. nri 1 amenfril hur mouth rrmMy with lin vie ft w.ia a lunif Journey to tin' alurtln, with throe trenafi-r of afreet car. Hli I And If you won niu ov.-r you'd null llUK lu til il.lflUT mid th iimnuirri and lli huiIioi and th (un ite. alliw Mi(j woulil I'll' lomiMiiy ! p s'in if Blwll our un trira lucord to tlmr iiiimriilltyf "li i. vl my tuaiiia whnt your chararter i off tha lot rXt that your character will tiottrriili. iind a girl can't hat ln wtm piny Parents Problems II. w tun boy beat t taught to be " around the houae" Hy U-tUng UiHn h'lp fattier with h.a chorea; the in re of the furnace, th Ml UK Jl the WiHift bo, etc. liivt An4 1 ,'"ly"""" m th polysmiiy ! h!tn a Ikk of looia, and teach him to uxe mem. vknen nana neen in ia nutalile. a .... t ...... i.i. I VkA IMtn tn corrihanv that T im ' , .... . -1- . .nri HM.)t, 'P-J- .:.-.', , '"X wmii.ii.wui., arm uwn ine ni .... . . . . .H ivii. pin;ri ill. 4 tiiK in part or nn Ariibian woman reiiched the lot lnt In the afternoon. i,hl,i lector tefueed to accept you, or rreil Mr. roller, the director .rnroiuiird . ir ......i i ,... ... th v.... '""virib.-.. . , ... . could hold tha Jot. once 1 recommend- ha'. Soi win, o v',:'. ''uT rry,.?,lt V ' It? And whnt would the vn?.r n l. " ' V" "" 'T' th women on tha lot and . IT hntoer,rni. ..m""' f?'' ' -"-'h hu.ln.a .ytm were phMof rnph outalda In cur file? ' ,ln.,IM here1 What would tne po- -ll'-l. . B, I III ll'J I" OP ) (!r.ven in or any other email terpen tering Job dona, let him do it. Common Sense turn l.lly ew;pplrtir atorlra with lil neNlm-iit. II" "oke to her courteoua ly, and when the aeked If elm mlKht e i' lilni u iinmient he motioned her Into Mi rinV", gavt her a rhalr, cloMi'd the door, and took lila own pi - I. Mud hla dnk. Tha telephone rnnR. Il railed Into it: ';'iiry. Mlaa Waie; that part hua nen filled. The company couldn't maka your aalnry. I Iw-KRi-d you to t.ika tlio cut, hut you wouldn't. Tlmce are hard and you'd t.etter lialnn to renaon. You'd hava had four wepka 'if Rood money, und now you'll walk. Take my itdvlce rifXt time, old di-nr, and don't hntrarle over enlary. . . . All rl(fht Horry. Oondliy!" He turned to Mem and etnrted to apeak. The telephone Jingled. He had a piuicy with a director' who omilri not aie a certnln actor whom Mr. Tlrrey waa uipclmr aa the l.lenl for tha type. They dobntpd the man aa If he h'.d been n. race horan or a trained nn' Tlrr-y epoke of him na n (.'cntb-miin. who could wear clothra ond look the rnr- Ha had been ml-i nxt in hla InHt picture. He waa willing; to tnke 3u0 a week off hla aiilnry hecaime hla wife win In the hoHpltal nnd one of hla diiUKhtera wi.a rolnff awny to hoarding arhool. Another telephone cull en nBnt, avldontlv, for Tlrrey aald: "We took a t'-Rt of Ml r.a (Hover. Hlie'a terrible! Her mouth la repulalve, her teeth outfit to be atniliditened, her eyea are of tho blue that pliotoRnipha like dlMhwitter. We enn't ue her. Don't tell her that, of couraa. Tell her, were not certain abtjut the picture: we may not do it for montha. Give the noor thing a pood atory." Thia wna a (llHcournKlnif hack ground for Mcm'a Hlren acenurlo. Hut ahe wf.a determined to carry out her theory. Mr. Tlrrey'a eyeg looked her wnv now and then aa he llatcneO to whnt wna comlnn In through tha wire. When he looked awny, Mnni In all aelf lonthinir, ndjuated heraelf In her big ihnlr to what ahe imiiKinen w.m Ji-a. before the rompanleg were dlH-!, ..TL..V.; ." '. "I .J '.I. . i nualneaa and theraa a lot in every m., and ,h. U.pertmel, for,, ra- lt " , ; . J. Th; gate,?.,,r. knew, amd at ' we'rVSL'no." ! ''1. .irr nn'i ii. ner in. nne weni in um i knnw 'i pu,-w. ,,n u, m-i".! um. mni ... i , , . ... 'to deliver the good to the puMle. ""-"V Implying that the, ,.Tn - th Interview wng emkd. Hh broke out ,,,, frr r, gft ymir J(),(. w. i . i. moetly mighty nl-a feliowa. megnet. A wm S V "VT ? tr"?',11 handaonja. gmd eporta. hard work do anything, ahe plcml. cr He looked PIh1WM ,,, ,lUhn wouldn't aad, but roae and Khook hla neni. ,,,,,, ,,,,, .,., .. .,.,. .... .,T, l; . i mil l aieinli1 with the.,, you joha when thara aren't any. now L,,-,, ,lko ft h..d aport. mayne, . 1I1'J",!,'",1u,e 'ou ,0 Mr' gometlmeg. If you try to be loo cold and tinnppronchiiblo when they're In a friendly mood. Hut that'a it dan ger you'll meet anywhere. "Forget thla old rot about paying the I'rlce. flood Lord! If you could bold. und h He moved toward the door to ea-! tape from tha cruelty of hla olfk-e, but a frenzy moved her to aolza hla mm In a IWco clulrh. Hh tried to play the vampire aa ahe hod aeen the part enacted on tho areen by varlotia alllhy fovea. Khe drew her victim cloae to her, preaaed tight nguinat him, and poured upward Into hla eyea all the venom of nn amoroua baalllak. "Ml pay tho I'rlce. I know what It rofita to atirreod, and I'm willing to pay. I'll do anything you any. be anything to you. You can't refuae me." Hha rould hnrdly hellove her own enra hearing he own voice, though her pride In the acting ahe waa doing lifted her from the dlaguat for the role. He looked nt her without aurprlae, without horror, without even nmuae nient, hut nlao without n hint of aurrender. Ilia only mood wna one of Jaded pity. "You poor child, who'e been filling your head with that atuff? Are you really trying to vamp me?" The rrnae word angered her: "I'm trying to force my way to my career, and I don't care what It coata." Tlrrey'a earcnatlo nulla failed: "Sit down a minute and llaten to me. A little common aenae ought to have told you that what you've been told la nil rot. But auppoee it t. Suppoae I were willing to give a Job to every pretty girl who came In here and tried to bribe me with love. Do you know how many women I see u day a hundred nnd fifty on aome (lays- that a nearly a thouannd a week alt hi re and aee the poor llt;le Idiot that come In here and try to decoy me, I get It all day long. Your work waa pretty poor, my near. I congratulate you nn being auen a bad had woman. Hut I'm Immune. You'd have failed If you had been the nuaen of Kheba. Now go on outalda and tell Mr. Dobba your pedigree and we'll give you the flrat cnaiice we get, and no initiation fee or coinmla alon will be charged. How'a that? A little bit of all ritrht, eh? You're a nice child, and pretty, and you'll get along." (Ti. llo Continued Tomorrow.) .... UU.. Ih.,nh 1 MHtlT,., in nnVO ll UI fn u ASM,n,a a Cleopatra n wnuomiy. mm ..-" - , ........ ..uc of her beat llnea: aecretly twitched up of kida and I like 'cm vetty well at her eklrta nnd thruat her nnkleg well ! that. Hut auppoae I waa King Solo. Into view. Hhe turned upon Mr. iir ley her mota languishing eyea, and tried to p'mt ent'oement into them aa Into howia of fire. Hh pureed her llpa and Bet them full. She widened licr breast with deep slgha. Tlrrey aeemed to recognize that ahe waa deploying heraelf. He grew a lit tle tineaay. Before he finished the telephone, talk, his assistant came iu to sav that nnother of the directors had decided to call a big ballroom een the next day, and SO ladles and geot'einen mimt be secured at once. "1I wants real swells, too," the assistant .mid. "lie sayn the last bunch f mucker queered the whole picture." i Tlrrey groaned and said, "Get busy on the other wire." He took up hi telcnhnne ngain, used it as a long an tenna, and felt through the city for various extra people. He advised sev eral nctors and nctresses to lay aside their pride and take the. real money rather thnu starve. Tils tiat'""'-' e'eiiisttc enthusi asm for tho welfare of these Invisi ble persons, touched Mem with ad miration. She could not see where or when this Samaritan c uid find time or inclination to play the satyr. He was a bit fagged When he fin ished his last charge upon the In dividuals and tho agencies. Hut he was as polito to Mem as if she had been Hobina Teele. t "What can I do for you?" " want a chance to act." "What is your line?" "Anything." "Anything Is nothing. What ex perience have you had'.'" Mem hud not come t-re to offer her past, but her future. She waa suddenly confronted with the fact that nil actors must offer themselves for sale not tho pretty women only, but the old men, too, and the char acte( women. Actors are much shused for talk ing of themselves. Few of ttiem do when business ts not Involved, but when It is they must discuss the goods they are trying to sell. Shoe merchants talk shoes: railroad presi dents, railroads; politicians, ixilitirs: clergymen, salvation. Each salesman must recommend his own stock and talk It up. So Mem bad to trope for espcrlence HAT SALE Friday at $2.45 About 200 Women's ll.'t formerly sold at f.YOO t 17.50. ilcau-Up fl0 A ale rrice i4eS. Julius Of fun 1511 DoMgla Street man and Brlghaui Young and the sul tan of Turkey nil In one. A hundred and fifty a day really you know You flatter me! I won't ask you how I could do nny office work or how long my health will last, but how long do you auppoee my health would last If I gave position In return for favors? Uncle Sam Says Home Healing riant Operation. A large number of home heating plants burn more fuel thnn they should, still others do not heat the houso satisfactorily. This may he due to the selection of a plant of the wrong design, alze or type, faulty In stallation, poor operation, or to loose fitting doora and windows. The divis ion of Agricultural Engineering has issued a booklet telling of the require ment for satisfactory home heating and giving advice on the selection, Installation and operation of home heating plants. Header of The Omaha Hee may ob tain a copy of thla booklet free as long as the free edition lasts by writing to the Division of Publication. De partment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., asking for "V. li. or they may purchase a copy at any time by asking for the same number und en closing 6 cents In coin to the Huper Intendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. , To insert your Want Ad, "Tell the Telephone" Atlantic 1000. Why Worry If Your Cunarlrnce la tlearf Just beijiuae you nr accused of dolmf a certain thing flue not make It so. so why should you worry atuout what other mif, falsely. There are aome folk who are only Imppy when they can tlr up trouble. I'e proof against such mean aplrlf. Your own conscience l th only thing uu have to answer to In the lung run. If you have done wrong, you hava more to fear In th sllll small vole which la bound to chide you when you least expect It. If you have done wrong you cannot forget It. I'nless you are hardened by much wrong doing you are bound to euffer for your mladeeds, whether other know ntsiut them or not. Hut If you are gulltle, you cer tainly huv nothing to fear, Those who are deflected from yon Im-aii'S they think u lime don umihing of which thy d) nut ap prove win Und out In th long run that you nr Innocent. And whether they dy or not. a clear Ponnclene I a wondetful help In keeping a peaceful mind. lOlirrtlht, 141 l 40 Omuhmu to Make Debut on Movie Screen From Rfar Forty leading Omaha buslnee men mik thlr debut In the movie thl week-'-froin th rear. They'll 1 ehown aoon on th World theater crn. If you fn guea m, you win a !in prlte, (leorg B. Oullette and John li CnniplN-ll of tb Oullette Campbell Film company of New York ar In th clfy photographing "Who' Who In Omaha." Their Initial film wn th Triangle club, taken at lunch yesterday, other local club will be photographed, be aides Individual. Th week ftr their rear vlw ap pear on the aoreen, they will right a li ut face in Another film and graet Omaha Mend with a amlle. WE CLEAN ORIENTAL RUGJ DRE9HER BROTHERS Mn' In ana lhre-ple 1 CQ lull l clean an prtu4 DRESHER BROS. RUO CLEANER 12 IT Farnam Street Tilevhiineai Omaha, AT land 0348 South Side. MArkat 00(0 OMAHA A Thorough Phoenix Service for all the family At Pray'f, Phoenix aaiortmentg of perpetual completeness await every member of, the family. KcgardU-sg of what th requirements may bo In tilt, shad or grade whether for children or for grownups they srs certain to be fulfilled at "The Family Hosiery Store." MinenlK Kew Low Frlre Now Effective The Family Hosiery Store TWO STORES 608-10 South 16th St. 1908 Farnam St. oAnnouncing heCooi AX WE LL Club Coupe Representing an advance in vehicles of its class which everyone can instantly recognize, the Club Coupe presents a contrast so striking that it is bound to take precedence in a market waiting lor quality leadership. A car whose greater value the public can grasp at a glance. There can be no question that in sheer beauty it is entitled to and will receive precedence from the buyer in blunt words, that it is the handsomest two passenger coupe on the market Note in particular the unusual quarter side windows, which can be lowered and raised; the larger window at the rear, with curtain; the advanced type of windshield; the visor, windshield wiper and rear vision mirror; the exceptional hardware; the leather upholstery; the devices lor raising and lowering all windows; the comfort of the driving position; the ample leg-room and roominess. of the seating arrangement; the convenient package compartment back of the seal, and the unusually large rear-deck compartment. Heater,' disc steel wheels and cord tires are standard equipment Inview of these superiorities, mark the price. Prices F. O. B. Detroit. Revenue T to be added. Touring. &85; Roadster, 85; Club Coupe, 985; Sedan, 1335; Four-Passenger Coupe, 123S Peterson-Millard-Hayward Co. Phone HA rney 5066 27th Avenue and Farnam i r w i What Is Your Money Doing? MAKE IT AKN i, t t ... nk on k a. '. Km v a4 ... aa .... AND MMlMRtR T M Its hkk M !. tea ! Ml H.IM fifclttSM itai S rM CC IMA Persian Minnin Mta. i;. U. Htllr'a. iHH ljiidun co ml. c.f th XihreM. liunun ao-clt-tr. rdiinied from a vUlt In !' Mnine. t.. find that her -...r-o!.l j Mr., Hub . J won't be hpr wntll I'eiaian c-at, Jerry, Jr , h td airnyrd frnm hum. "Jerry lis been my i-i'iiip.tnUin nn trip front roast to ruu," ni"Unid I find lln," Irani ba 4,&i)0,0oo liiiH.t bby- Ol.'l, The Goodyear Cord Truck Tire Is Now Made Rut-Proof The buoyant, active, trac' tive Goodyear Cord Truck Tire is now made proof against the ruts. Special design and con struction make it capable of mastering road condi tions severer than any other pneumatic can pos sibly endure. 1 ll hdi an txtrt thick tld itrucitd oj rtnulnl Innt-Uaplt up th trttd, wall of toHgkttt tread ttotk cotton tor di, Uul in group! of 4TI1 irtaj ilulf U tht fa- reaching from brad to bead, plmthal atttrnattinditrctio. m, Goudytar All -W taunt 2 lit body it iptciaUy ton' iAdoubltbrtakerttripbackt Trtad.iurt fooled in any going. The Goodyear Cord Truck Tire today it the supreme pneumatic for dirt'Toad hauling. Its special lidewall itanda up to thousand of miles of combat with the deepest ruts; its patented group ply construction minimizes internal heat) the famous All Weather Tread assures reliable ground'gripping traction. Its tested ability to withstand the severest conditions of service result in unexampled mileage at low cose Made in all standard sizef from 4V2 to 10 inches. For other types vf hauling, Goodyear makes other special types of tires. Sold and serviced by your Goodyear Truck Tire Service Station Dealer Goodyear Means Good Wear RUSCH TIRE SERVICE ATlantic 0629 2205-7 Farnam Street 98 Out of Every 100 Women Benefited An Absolutely Reliable Statement Important to Every Woman Remarkable Results Shown by a Nation Wide Canvass of Women Purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. - 50,000 Women Answer For some time a circular has been enclosed with each bottle of our medicine bearing this question: "Have you received benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkhatn'i Veg etable Compound?" Replies, to date, have been re ceived from over 50,000 women answering that question. 98 per cent of which mj YES. That mean that 98 out of every 100 women who take the medi cine for tha ailment for which it is recommended are benefited by it This is a most remarkable record tif eiikienry. We doubt if any ether medicine in the world equals it. Think rf it only two women t ut t i 100 received no benefit VS UKiciscioutif a jvteible 100, Did you evrr hear of anything like it? 'We must admit that we, funclvri, ire aton!hed. Of course we know that our med icine docs benefit the large major ity of women who take it. But that only two out of 100 received no benefit is most astonishing. It only goes to prove, however, that a medicine specialized for certain definite ailments not a cure all one that is made by the most scientific process; not from drugs, but from a combination 'f nature's roots and herbs, can and doet do more good than hazily prepared prescriptions. You see, we have been making, improvingand refining this med icine for over 50 years until it is u perfect and so well adapted to women'i nreds that it actually has the irtue tti Iwnefit 98 out of every 100 women who take it. It's reliability and recognised efficiency hat gained f r it a sale in almost cmy country in th world-leading all others. Such evidence ihould induce every woman suffering from any ailment peculiar to her 101 to try Lydia E, Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound and ie If she can't be one of the 98 . inc. uiuiA u h.tmiam MtPlUNK COH Lyon, Man.