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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1922)
'4 THE OMAHA BKK: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1022. Like Forest Is Bombarded by One-Pound Shells Two Proi-til IVnrtrate Fraiiria Ftrw-fll Home; Two Othm Drop on M Cormirk italf flilciiai, Oct. 2 I,nlt Forest, the 1-,'otih hhore home of mmy of ritl niu'i millionaires, al shell lire yestnrdiiy and todny a youm; t.f fleer at Knit Hlierld.ui Is under a d.f erent kind of Pre. A result of misdirected fir train a field piece, two firoJ lll- rnetrat evf tha Krai.cla Kiirwcll home, which waa occupied only ly two malda ut th. t!m, two other shot fell out sort, and a f w other droi,ed on the C'yriK M'C'ii ruli'k tst.-ite and nearby I'.rlK. On. f Ifriry V. If. Moselcy, commandant at Port Hh'-rldjin, tx-Kim to lnvtltlon and leitrned that a demonstration fire hint teen rnladl. reeled, mid ft younif officer In ofuiric". Whose name whs withheld, will he ellecliillfieii, it waa anld nt the com inandfiiits ilfli toduy. J'ori of Urn Karwall family was at home whin the ahell hurst In yislcr tiny, hut two maid wra frightened tdly mid wh-ll iilao hit nr two in tin raretukoie. Oik nf tlm' sheila fiemtraled tlx root i't the J'orwell home, another went ihruttKh the wnll of a be.liooin nil two mora entered IhrouKh 'he bnetment. Rock Shown in 'Stone Age' Murder Trial AlbetiZ . rvA L , - I MwCiara ''v ( Kirs Keggyi Mm. (Iiiis riilllli, wife if A. I., rhnilpn, Ivh .Inucli'K oil rmiio(rr, In on Irlnl Hiiti In imi nf the most cinnlloiiul iii iii i1 r it lulu In AiiiitIihii n linhinl iiniJ tli "Moiii Aiie" Anirdcr, of July it, ot Mm. Alhcrtit Mriulim, wIiIuhJ bank clerk, wlioiii Mic limf to riinfli firnr f.o AnKnlcn hIHi a liiiimniT, Jriilouny Ik ripurlrd In liuie Ihn-ii Ihe motive. Mr. IVKxy uf fc, t iiiiifldjiilf ot .Mm. I'liilllp", wan with hfr nl tlir time of the. murder. A Will, had nitkivl him for t tin rock to , turned, and gout down Ilia drive ho placed In evidence. Lng-uln. Trp Occupy Vladivonlok. Mo-ow, Oct. :'(!. (JJy A. I'.l Tha frriffi i.f the fur eastern ra P'lhlln hava lr'in lha r'eiipiilnn of VladlvoKlok, In Termtit with the JapniieM Irocpa, who aia evaciiatlna; tht elty. Dre Dept. CLEAN-UP SALE Friday w offer Women'f and Milan' Dreaaea, formerly tuld at $15.00 to $22.50, Clean Up Sale Price j J J yg Jufi'ti8 Otkin 1512 Douglaa Straet lly UnVAKIl WOllHiTV. Angelia, f)ct. US. The atuto of fiillfurrilii hiia hilfiin to hulld up li cijhij Bxulrmt Clara I'hllllpn, churned Willi the muider of Alberta Mndowa; to hulld It on ii ro k. It la a ll rock, whllo one, aliilned on Hi Ji)KR''d with dark pota. Kor more tin hour It rented on the wjtmmi iit.-ind, wtiero Mra. l'hll lip niimt look nt It, where tha Jitrora could not fiiil to nee It, where the reliittven of the womiin on trlnl, and lha reliitlvea of the dead woman, could olnirve It e;mlly. It wna thn rock found rentlnx on the right arm and ahouldcr of Al berta Me.idowa when her body whr dlacovered lyliiK n Monter-ito roud luat Jtily U. Deputy Hherlff Frank DeWar car ried It urrom the court rejoin, unltiK both Imnda, atooplmr a llttlo aa tlioiiKh the rock wua heavy. Deputy Iiixtrlct Attorney Charlea Krlcke, eanmlnlnff I'ollceman II. M. Jnorn Trimaliie, IS, aiater of the dead woman, K"ld when elK wiw fieW'nr carrying tha rock. Mra. I'lill l!pa' roiiiilenaiiee did not change. Hill told of finding; the rock on (he body; the bl.-Kk apma were blood, he it Id. The blood woa on top of the r k. There were etrimd of hulr In thn blood. 'It wua poxalhlo the rock hail f.illen from (he bank ubnva the body, he wild. What elne had ha found there? A cleim brown writpl'InK pujier wrinkled na thounh xoiiKttilnfr hud been wrapped In It; aoiiiethlnn about 12 or 15 Inched limp, a hummer, he thought. Anything' elite? Vea, two plecea of blue atrlnft, found further up the grade a wotrmira hat, Mooiy, a Tiolo In the aide; a pint w Miiky holtlu with aoma whlHky In It; hijIo tmcka allowing that a light mo tor vehicle hud come up the drive, atopped about 30 feet above tha body, The hut wua put In evidence. The atrlntr alao, and the wrapping piiper. The little alHter of Alberta Meadowa had come nenr fainting enrly In the day, when for the flrat time, aha aaw the plcturee tnken of her alKter'a body picture. Introduced, in evidence and aubmlttod to the Jury. Who eniiRfit a rllmpa of them .over the deputy dlatrlct nttorney'a ahoul dcr. Her fnce turned white. She dumped In her aeat. Attorney Italph Jicon, altilng next to her, putted her arm. Tiacon repreaenta her father, Fred Trt-mnlne. When court adjourned Mra. Phllllpa, who hnd aat clnmly all through the aeaelon, cnlmly roae, greeted her ala ter and her huabnnd, amllcd, laughed and offered her lipa. She waa 1 hx Ilka a woinun fighting for her life than the actreaa who granta favor to congratulating frlenda at the end of the flrat ax.t of a new pluy. Digppmig Get Grain Car; Klevators Cloned Two Weeks HlgHprlng, Neb., Oct. Z6.8peclal Telegram. J)igprlnf haa .received the flret grain car In two weeka.,,Tte elevatora have been ahut down two weeka. Venango on the Burlington haa managed to get a few car and farmer have been hauling wheat there. Farmers Get Liquor Fine Allen nichaidnon of O'Neill, Nob., waa fined $200, and I.eonHrd Houkup, $ 1 50, for Illegal porno-union of ll'iuor when they pleaded guilty before Fed eral Judge Woodrough yeaterday. Iloth are farmer. Scoutinater'n' School ' Conducletl jn Frcimmt Fremont, Neb., Oct. 2S. (Mpeelu! A ooutmatera' aehool, under the di rection of the Fremont Scout council, haa been alarted In Fremont wit) an opening clans of 3't leader. Tin meeting are held every Tucaday and are featured with exhibition of for entry and aeout work. Lincoln Man to Stand Trial for Slaying Sleeping Wife Lincoln, Oct. 2. (Special Tele gram.) Homer Puling, charged with ahooting hi wlfo aa aho t&y attleep. waa bound over ho district court after a three-day hearing In which he ia!d hia wife ild it herself while in a high ly nervouK alntc. If come from a pioneer family of wealth. L ii M-rjouaua loyd George Fights With Mis Back to ike Wall Lloyd George is down but not out, seems to be the verdict of neutral observers on the resignation of Britain's Premier, whose Coalition Government has been in power through the long stormy years since the war got under way. The London Outlook blames his decline on his handling of the Near East problem, saying : "There comes an hour in the career of many successful men when some fatal flaw of character, hidden in the years of struggle, and perhaps hardly upected in the day of prosperity, exposes itself suddenly before the world at a moment of sudden crisis. The damage may be patched up, the idol survive some time longer in the temple of fame, and the multitude still flock to see it. But th e crack is there for all who choose to look." In defending the action of his Government at the Straits, where he claimed to be a peace-maker and not a war-monger, Lloyd George states: "I am told we were right in our object of keeping the Turk out of Europe, preventing a massacre at Constantinople and injuring the freedom of the Straits all that was right, but we ought not to have used force. We ought to have argued with thenv ought to have persuaded them. He is a gentleman who is very amenable to persuasion. . . . General Har rington in his message attributed the fact that he had succeeded largely to the reinforcements we had sent him, and if you have any doubt about it, just you hark back to the speech he delivered to the Turks. General Harrington was doubtful whether they were going to sign, and this was his last appeal. He told the Turks that conciliation had been carried to the utmost limit, and warned Ismet Pasha that Great Britain had on the spot a very large, powerful fleet, large numbers of airplanes and guns, and by no means a negligible force of infantry in fact, that Great Britain would be a very awkward enemy, but a very valuable friend." One of the most interesting articles in THE LITERARY DIGEST this week, October 28th, pre sents journalistic opinion upon Lloyd George's resignation quoted from the English and French press. The article is illustrated with cartoons from the foremost European papers. Other News-Articles of Striking Importance Are: The Standard Oil Melons Bankers' Fear of a Money Trust How Massachusetts Has Fared Under Prohibition Plenty of Cash for Uncle Sam Turning the Light on a Race Riot Railroad Brotherhoods Drop the Big Stick Hours of Omen in India Filipinos Peeved at Uncle Sam America's "Booty" From the War Stinnes as Government Dictator Marvels That the Next Century May See Medical Derision of Coue The Diary of a Stomach The Battle of the Music Makers The Death-Toll Through Heedless Accidents Episcopalians Endorse Faith Healing Smyrna Under the Greco-Turkish Terror How Jack Scott, Baseball Pitcher, "Came Back" How the Negro Feels When Chased By a Mob Topics of the Day Many Interesting Itluntrationn, Including the Pent of the llumoroun Vartatwn Laughter In the "Movies ft Knm every i nnk of the yloh where Uutrhter lurka The l.i'erary let jfitthern the cream f the hunn-r. The best joke ami epigram are aeleited emh w'ek and ixhlbited at leading thentem in The IVvot'a new wiul only abort motion picture rtU "Kun Frm the Pre," th laughter feature uherexer presented. U' prklin new and you will tnjoy puing t.i theater showing it. lrop u n iinte ard we'll tell you the theater in your locality now shotting "Fun From the Prem" The Literary Vvtl Producer: W. W. Hodklnon Corporation, Iistritutor. Radio Will Trap Seattle Speeders Motorcycle Kquipped With Hdtlio Can Check Up on Motuiiu Without Cliiihe, H'Hiilr, Witch., Oct. i'll. AlTiimo iticnia mi. hHiiK iiiiiiIh here to aftrend a mill. j net over the I'ac'llle northweal to flitch ciIiiiIiihIm mid In line i,c. wirelfMH lo trap niitonmliilit aieedira. I. tike H. Muy nt Kenille, preaident of the NorttiWPHt Ankik-IhiIiiii nf Shir Ilia noil rollce, hint aiTaiiK-d with n K.-nttln iii.wiiiiir Hint iniijntuina a liniudraHtiiiK atiiiimi lo Hind nut the l.itent Information of Crimea, with In aiiuotlona to nlflrera, Peaco oltlreia nr to cooperate In thla pint) hy UHliiir radio ai-ta of their own or ili-pip ll.itnf pi-iHoim in their communltlea who liiivtj H'ln. The HhcrlfT In hiulnn two motor-tycli-H equipped with i-ndlo. The wlley motnrlMt, who haa a mirror on hie cur und tun tell a apei-d cop u mlK 'vay, on u atriilaht road, la to he outwitted, ho promlMca. All there Ik to It, expliilna the aherl.T. la that aimed copa with the radio cyelea will atution themilvea In thn hruali, any live mllaa apart. A flueh will he given hy wlrcliwa when the auapected itutomohllo pnHHea tho flrat point nnd nwnln when the aeeond clocka him. Ita avnniK apewl hetween the two Ih Intended to h deadly evidence. artii'lra of prnfin. u il jntfiHt to the Hullo t-iu: In. "-r iipiKiirinK in i ui t flit priiodritla la in ' piiUlialii'd nn inlily hy the l.iVjfail i t li.n lll lU'MI In tin Uuilni Ki-rvlre I'.iilli-tln I'or ahc.ut two yeara thla Hut h.ia h'-en prepared ii a a a-m innntnly reirt of tha bu reau of 'un.lnnU, hut the iiunilnr t coplea hlia Im-i ii Urn It K.cintly, iWllllt to till' Kl'i lilly turn IHi'd lli'lllllllil fur thi-an llatn. Hie lirtv plnii i t piilill i at Imi wna i.m upon. In Montanu radio la fui nlHhimt tr (.it Ml imu nt to the oil w-!l drl'lera. Sparks A lint of referencea to tho Important Apparently undeterred hy mwril Ami'i'li'ii Ho- "radio auiilnot I'.ilile" lined fur Riilduitf I'nlH-.l Hintin n-ivy ahlpa Into New Ynik hurlior ie illKtuilieil hy ilnii.iiiK uiiilioin, i In MiIIIhIi iiilmlnilty hlia Juat laid a mini In i culile. Tim wire la laid in tin Knitllali channel olf Ho' humptuii, whi-re the foaa are fri-iiiieut, and I ei'til to npi'il tianaatlanllt! trnvel. Itadlo cmri'iita are a-nt throuith the enlile, find hy ithmiiih of aiitenuan hutiK on re rh alilu of the Nhlp tlm lu'lina II in i la ahle to kt-i-o hla veaanl directly over the cal'le, Mi-iTlnrf ao that the alunala are hi'iird with "iinl lntenalty from hoth elili'M. Hhei-t tnilKii' pulillaliera l- In I a that hroadi iiHtitiK la a l.iir naai t lo thi-m In Inti'odtlclnif new compoHitloim. Fremont Company to Kelmild Factory Dchtroyetl by Fire Fremont, Nidi., Ort. 2tl. (Special I f'ontraida for tho erect Inn of aevei ln new wiiiehoiiH"M have heeii let ly the Fremont .Munuf.icturinK cornimnv, tol lowlnw a I'iOll.lH'O fin that wiped lilt thn entire plant. I'lana are IwInK dinwn for a H rl iiml .-Iiih fnt toiy (o lalie place ot tint one ilenlruy-.l hy fire. The new hullilliiUM will he fire pi oof ami up lu il it i In every wu Five hundred tliouoand ncrea of land, which haa heeii virtually worth luse, have la-en rcclaiincd In Italy. A n V F.K T I H K l h T. AiiVKRTitr.Mi:'r. Cut out this message and hand it to some sufferer (rem constipation! This Laxative Works Fine on Old People THtmJ kirt l$ft tkeBhr( kMHbf , with Dr. CWwtll'i Syrup ftpm k iiv it.nii aire 1 aul an tiiui b the witll it bdued ambition and atmintni cnuM m made very happy if only '! Iienlth mi-ou-liaiucil it, ami thn In-tin of gmA uealtli, a every one li'itrna upon reaihiuff the nn of mi, ia the regu lar daily move-ini-nt of tha bow el". If it tan he elfecteil through Ilia fxl eat, tlie water you drink and the ex en lite you take, heller. lint ii nature mil not operate it mutt Ih- UMintcil or aii kneM will follow. No(li'lcl count i pa I ii m cau tho lihunl pi mii in to ito up 211 per tent, and that ia the forerunner of hiirdenititt of Ilia arleriej. It iintkea ihcuuidtiam uud gout wurittt, too. Tliu Men constipation remedy for pcoiiln of ailvanciiiK yrara ia I)r. llalilwi'll'l Syrup IVpnin, VCKetulile coinpound nf Ki(yplian aimna and pi-piou with jilca.-mid-taalimt nrouialiia. It 1 Kntlo ami milil, anil dma nut cramp or (iri(e. It ia a mUtako to tliink you need n violent lalt or txiwdcr or pill, calomel, coal-tnr drugs and aiuii UiiiiKi. They purgo and ANT FAMILY MAT TRY IT FREE Tflwnib ff pnnntt mn tkin$ Ihtm-ttft. " H km Mil An4 a Ut Hrlhf InJuil LW wivimm ii (hi fam Uy Ml I. A. it totutiaittetp" I mrf um tm try tivtum )'pin. I VUl tMr fnmtdt fiVrut fr tompit kttibt tuScmt far m mibqiml If it. H"l IM trturw a fn4 W W.frni lr, W. ff. (MLbLtll, .111 M tukinilMi St., ManlialU,, llluuu. Ot U nuft weaken yaj, and Uieir reaction tenila tti make you more inimu pate. I than lief ore. Now try th milder method. Dr. Caldwell' Syruii I'epain tha not loan il inaal effect mLh re peutcil ue. anil increnaetl doael are unncreaaary, Mr. E. M Huraeaa of ljili.1.1, N. C. who ia 73. keepa lirrarlf in voooi health with it, and Mr. Charlea l.honnan uf Slaoleton, Staten Inland, N. Y., waaU-d fifteen year and conaitl eralila money on other remmiie la-fore finding a tend y relief, with hyrup l'cMun. I'an Dr. CaMwell' Syrup Pep ain yourielf tha next time you aulfer from ronafintiim, hilioua nesa, headache, aleepleaaneaa, in d ideation, pil'-a or night crampa. Many thtauuinrla of elderly people line nothing elae, and it coat them i-a lluin a cent a done. Druggiata have aold it aucccusfully for 30 yeara, ami it ia the moat witlely bought family laxative in the world. Nature haa lu-ovliled tlm oiih mire nei'iriHnent relief from thn hoi-rrn i, conadimtlon !KA. illojf'a Bran, cnoKen ann Kruminen: urnn will cor rect the aevereat cane of conatlpntlon if It la ealen regularly. For Hran, na a nature' wonderful "roughage" food, clear the ellminativa tract In a poaitlve way, leaving It clean and purtnefl. Do not let constlnatlon ret the miner hand; do not neglect thn mlldeet ayrnp- toma Decauao conatipatlon la only the forei'iinner of illm-aue.,o ni.t uk. and many forma of child Illness! -Mnery per cent ot all alnkneaa enn he traced to conatlnatlon. which l the direct cauae of auch dlwtaaea aa dla- hetea and KrlKht'a. Fifcht constipa tion with Kellogg'i Bran! We guaran tee reeulta if you eat at leant two tnhleapoonfulH dally; In chronic canes, with each meal! KuIIokk'h Mra u U not only a per muneiit corrective for t.-onatlpatlon, and n very tlellciutia cereal, but it Is one rif nature'a most valuable foods becuuee of Ita rlchnera In mineral suits. It stlmulutea brain and nerve I colla in Krown people; it uids rhiltlreu ! to become strong and robur.t! Kel-1 logg'a Bran will correct a pimply com- plexlon und on obuoxioua breath. KelOgg' Mian Is not only an tin-1 enufilod health aid, but delightful as I a cereal or Korinkled over your favor ite cereal. Its nut like lluxor Is very iippeallng. You never ate such miif tina or riilnln hrend or iiiacuroona or countleaa other bfihery hnlchea na modo with bran! Trove out. Kcllogg'a Pran today, liny It at all grocera! DRESS SALE Friday at $11.75 Cloth and Silk Dresses, for merly sold at $15.00 to f 22.50, Clean- t i 1 7C Up Sale Price; t L I I U Julius Otkin 1512 Douglaa Street BIG LACE CURTAIN SALE AT VALUE-GIVING PRICES SATURDAY THE VALUE-GIVING STORE Howard St., bttwsan 15th and 16lh Like New. That comment is made every day by people who have their shoes remade here. Our workmen have that knack of restoring style at the same time they are adding months to wear. Your old shoes will serve you faithfully another six months, and look like new ones, if you will r.- S. t-t7K f lie, off av.H 1 tUnm SfA ''V. im':m a ici uo aLLcwu iu vucui. Standard Shoe IT X M JSs L iwUx m v Vil "V V ft 5s, --aw Repair Co. FARNAM STREET Wingfoot Rubber Heel, 50c attached Coma Down and Have Your Shoes Shined 5 WaWaVBHMMiVHBJiM El Get October 28th Number, on Sale To-day At All News-dealers 10 Cents f trm 4 f OI.Ha4la) le) 1 la.. e I VflMtHareif VCMvee J Fathero Mot hero of Vh lwJ irtnaf ihtlAen af wr ih. l-unai A VVfnJ" C- Aok Their HOME INDUSTRY the Foundation or Greater Omaha Who Will Be Omaha's Queen of Industry? Who Will Win Many Valuable Prizes? uu and titliii who tu) Uml a aUr $o -, ti tn !i now ..nriiit r II. v. id ! ;'. I' lie 1 1 i v a Wltl tout n."i l!i ii t '" in tit, a I'd lueiifiau S. e. 4tt J'4 l.l Ml Ul.l.ll.4 lii4de Hit f ':i..i Jou it trt a in. n mi I jn ti m im tUWald lnoig I'll t( : a vrlj l miA III . t'Hii'.t irn it4 .". u Mi'e i8J! bite l-tr 'Mt.Jf tit I. .4." ti a tit i . i.inal Uii.-n uf our H UI'. 'Uti a I '! t t J t 44 avllutix'.l ', r ('.) l''l!(!i4l ItJlltll, li l t'. (!(' luB" f t ,ll't.;.rsie It t 'm' 1-1 mOU'h t 4 IvU.I II 11 4' Ul tU 1.4 li ( , . I. .1 f t- ti u iii tn i ' it. t f cf t 1 !. 1 1- ;, ' . a,- ; 1 , 4t ! I - i I.f VajKu Im t' c -'t ;j tt H-4 if m faa.ilt' t J..'ltat j : - v. I i I As h'icn its ou hvo at-lrttcj uur candtdet. f ir "Mai. ten OH1M14" bv ut in tend h.r name a il addu i laltn .tiolu,itin ( poslhl t I' e (t titt4t M4n,ier, raie l'ory & WcKen e I 1 ill '.Ut t "lll' lUl , It i. .Mio-r ) "ir ttididjti'a naui. U tetit In t" t btu-e i.siit 4lia la lu am H,r bauia ail .t rftim.ntrj ! ei I evtiita i'i add tt(ii a ay f..r hr ! Wtl-e jni rahJIdat.' aai4 ea I a ! In - 4' ! i jiii a r in. B. I I t '.: I (.11 m! l.'iji li w ,-" l i e :, it ia i Uttt' t li I i-m tain, 'i.oaoia (uiii ra- J J.'a a l . ti, ,Hii tvt.f :. a. 4 e!i.'e o tVn-j1"' ii. : .' .(..a I ' j, th Iftat li.l till ii-., "'i "i 'it t'l i. tt at. a uf ike tot.t H' .-.. I'k 14 b..te i .ii.t Ue Mt l. 4 . fi,. H, tt a.4i Htf-t til .4 I v i a a i a i 4in It" fa a, iia' lj U ak4 4 l t H A M t I V t '4',W aittnH Ji- 4- , Omaha Manufacturers Association America I4hne A-I Cvwe it uvUiJ lKkmr nMJ J el Knt Il ftei ufce in., Teachers