The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 27, 1922, Page 3, Image 3
i rHK OMAHA r.KK: FRIDAY. OCTnr.KR 27. W22. i 4 hi- S 1 Woman Dreams of x Burglars; Wakes Stabbed in Back Girl Shrieks at Trial of Wife Who Slew Husband and His Stenographer Jewelry Valued at $1,200 Taken From Chicago Home Do Not Think it 'Hrg. ular Iltirglar." rh!i'KO, Od :. Mm. C, K. Millrr i1rrriT!l thut Mln i h live In thn limiM In it ninlit hiiiI haiKi in find alio lml Ix-rii utiililK-il In (hi! I'H' k with mi lie j.lrk, lir h'iliitnl Mimifil l the iul!c fmliiy. Jin ;nl h fmjtl'l ili front ilnnr ipn nii.l ili-Tnvari'.l that (Wi-liy v.ilil'il lit fl,!"'! Iwid been tiikin. Mm. Milli r wonti'l wim not Mrlniia. Mih u 1. 1 h 1'. nut Hunk It wh u ",Kiilnr liiiii-'" Mini ll a vvi'lr'l rimy iif niiiioviiiiicn r-xlcmf IrtK Into Dm in Milt wlili li Mm nttrllmtril to n Kri'M h miiiy liriileiiiinl whiim h' l iul r.'Jfcti'il In Him KiHiiclKiii prior tn Iit miirrlano n yrnr ik. II'T him Imii'l .iy li" In the mill of a will! hv I (in kinim In t'ullfoi niii. Mm. Mill r l.-c In r-d Hint hIi hml I ll pl;lHl(i ttlli'O )l'lir HM III Kill I'nmrlwo) l.y lu-r Kn-iii li millnr mul liinl lici ii III l'l ui-ckx. Thn mini fnl Inwcil Iht In flilriigii, Mm rli.lm. Tha Kr'iirlmiiiir i: 1 I.-h''! nhlllly to I'hiii lira wIhtchIioiiIm, even aei-ri-t lhoiii:tili ( iiiiuniiiniilriili'il only to In r liiixhinnl iiiiil other ixtiji Tenrca, Mm. Miller (iMriliiiN 'I to HlninK" oi'i iill pnwr-r Willi which li" creillliil th' man, lliipn on ilnom mul the Hpp"ni. unci" In Hie lion . of 11 nnlo ilcrlni'tiiK her hiirtliiinil mum liiiiiK Willi he, were oilier in.v.iieiiouH liieiilentt) jo liileil hy Mm. Miller. 1 1. I.I for Car Thcfu lle.-itr'e , N'. ll , (li t. i (HiecllllTM unim.) Kmiik ViriirK. Melvln Htiiiilcy mul Hem 1'niker were hound over to thn dlmrlrt court hei on churn!' of hreuklnif mul cnteiinii two lioxnim In i ho I'nlon I'nrSfio mul Hock luliind V" ids here. .Mm. ( al hrrlun KoMer Mint lirr him li.inil. l nr Hooler. adtrrtikini; man, mid lil liii"riiilirr, Mildrad Krrk- , it t, hint ri-linury when Mm MH-gra ' Mm found thrni in ru h other rut- liriu-p. Mir awallnurd poimi. They died. Mln I ri in r red mul lit now on Irlttl for th murder of MIm Kirhill. l'hllaililphlii, Oct. When the lilnodKtiiliied arineiiia Unit rlothnl tieny" Jterkltta when th hullet re Iniieil l,y her I iiij.l.-t' wife, Ml". ' CulhiTllin Iti.Kler, emleil hi r life, up ! peureit In court, Mm. Hurler hurled her fui o In lier hiinilN. ! "Hit down," rliouied eouit ' aitend 'nl to the liHiihld horiln of miecla ; lorn, naynl In their fuel In their fiiKerncmi to ruled 11 (t!lin" of the Kl lii'Hnme rvlilciii . Tho mmiMiitn, l,ottel with MulHler led Ktnliin, ami the hlack Milk dreM worn hy the rliln n'rl when he met her iluith, were flunu ovvr the mil of the wltnemi Htinul, where they remain ed moat of the il;iy. While witlil'K'-i lliiced tho flight of the hullet throiiKh tlielil. I, linn of Faith. They wein ftmt illMiluyed while I'e teciivo WJHiiim Tiiwon occupied the Mnnd. An he talked, hol'llnif the cruinijled cloihlnc In hi hand, Mm. I'.imler alilvered and drew her fur cotit iiKnind her ahould r. TeHtlniony of thl wilnpioi revealed tho ulter Ion f fnlth In Oxcnr Ito ier thut hud pompled Mr. Itimler In kill, lie' TIkhon told of li ii nvemutlor with the defendant t the Blalioii, There Mr. Itoaler I.Hterly ri" nouiu'eil (iMiur Himlcr. I'hcIiik the door, he cried: "Ho Ulleil hi flrat wife! Thut I, alio died of a lnoken heart front hi treatment." ' Spnt On Ilia Wall. Afler 1( led li e Tiaann and Koy, who nlf i vlsiled the cilice, whera Mildred Ileckltt and Oxcnr Itonler were allot had fealilied to tho pre ence of .1 aniMll apot "ulaiut the alz of ft iiuiii'ler" on the wall of the. ii lice, IMairlct Attorney Maurice Music nnd Ceo! Evsnfagi Go together. If you ever intend to buy a FIASCO or PLAYER Now is the time, as our prices and terms were never more reasonable. We know you can find the style, the finish, the tone and the priced instrument you want in our immense stock. Play as you pay. We have arranged frrms on all our instruments, in many oases as long as three years to complete payment. Your old piano gladly accepted as a substantial part payment if you so desire. Jf you wnt a. used or new piano, NOW is the time to make your selection. Only S275.00 Only S385.00 This beautiful toned ex pertly built and attrac tive Upright is a real T)uy. It must be seen and played to be appreci ated. Complete with Btool and scurf to matck. Terms $1.50 Tor Week We have just received a carload of new Schmidt & Schultz Player Tianos at the above price. Com plete with scarf, bench and 10.00 worth of player rolls of your own selection. Trade in your silent piano or your phonograph as a partial payment. Terms $2.50 fer Week These used Piarog havo been ovorhauled by our own factory experts. Many are as good aa new. If you want one of these come in this wecU. Kimball. unrlgU SSS.OO t'onff rvutory, tiprisbt .SOS. 00 Harrington, uprhht . 812.1.00 Sumner, upril S133.0O Imnham, ur-rl-M ....41.10.00 W'rKuiau. ... !;,M, 1 10 'Cramer, uiuiel't .S?."i.O! Kremlin, uptight ... Li 15.00 JichmolUr Mueller, nprti;' t. l 210.00 Sieser Sons, upiIsM: prlrd t S1I2IVOO ronronl. upright 82 JO.(M) Cahli NelbJil, upright. S2 7 5. 00 Milton, phiyir !S2r.KI Il.mfonl, plajrr Sslt I ,". Holland. pUyrr . , . . . .'.Xl.YdO Arlrmlii. plater S.'t IS.IHI Solo I'onrrrln, plaver SiL?!YOO 8i limnller A .Mueiit-r, plnver, at only S 100.00 l.'.t:S 00 d Stflnway C.rand, wonderful value; only Sl.Oi'O.OO WE HAVE MANY OTHERS WHICH WE HAVE NO ROOM TO LIST Xj t'ther pin l.ousf in the twiddle wrM can offer ou meh an arniy of hn;!i trade piano ti lft from, 'ic!i n Strin !y, Hai uiu.iii, .!i"ii:irt. Stcfe'iT Si Suit, Kntrrn, Mi-l'lun!, I.ii'.l. isimi & Si.i , IWhr Itrow , rnu.irr, lrvu , Camp & t'i, wA K-hiit!i' Si Mul!r. If You Uve Outside of Omih and Wint aa Om&ht B irnin. So4 U Ttui Coupoa kUrH I ut J with as "X" lk 1 m Utmtt4 la riM i;p4 sue c.pUte lnfcrtnUj acl dtarnpnoi. Sdimolkr Sillcclki' Flano Co 1 j Mildred "lierry" S.cBi r hiiii'leil M piece of wall awr to flliolh"r detective, Jiiue A. Me l.lilott. lie raid Hint It wu that part on which llin p-t had nppeared and kuM he la. i in) it from the wall. Tr. John Kolmer, I '(ilvrrcliy of I'i niixylv.uilii Medl' iil achool, then de clared li" had analyzed the apot and foi'lid It human Mood, Jiy the p the commonwealth hope to prova that Mildred Hei kltt won Mint at her typewriting deMk anil then er.iwlel to the rojch on which Mm lay when found. The aeiiMfiMiin huiiKiy crowd that choked Hie court rmmi wa rewarded with the thrill they seek iliirlnn th if!criioou emlon, .lilwt li the fir'. Willie oillid HlcpiM-d to the atand a woman' voice alirleked from tho r a r, "Let Ood Im merciful, l-t Uod W' her Jiid'." Thn room wu filled wllh iipniir, while tlw ynuiiK wom.'iii wa ladntf ejected. Hho av her namo at "Hweet Marie" I't'tljohn In the, outer corridor tvher aho remained for aomn tlin. "Thi' men will crucify thn Klrl," alia ald. "No man oiiKht to ho ul lowed to i in ploy n Bill atinorapher He what happened." Her; til-. f tf A CIul) Women Air Urircd U) Vote I Mate l cilcralioii (,oiicnlioii l'orinallv Open in ' riatlc. N'olill I'liille. N.-l. , (lit. lie. eiul Tel.-ifiain I The iMU il.l.(ii. lo li .Netd.okii H:ni KeilciiiHiin of W'oiiihu'. i hih III kern-Ion heie were llil to Vote, at the N'oMiiilu-r ehe. lion hy Mm. John Hlaker of llaxl ln, ;eiiriil federation director fto.a Nehraxkn. " toiit not f ill to Mudy, wolk i"in) prav for ninviTxal peace." Mm 1 hUnier ild. "In order In JiiiIkh oilier linllou .'iilv, wu muni uieleriilHiid tlnlr limitation and tradition, which reiiin wtudy. Aln, knowhil' without wImIoiii I not well, an w niUKt prav for Unit hlKher wlmlom," Tho roiivriillon opemil at the I'lmt .'.let hod i xt church with an lmpreiiva liKireh hy iluh prealdent. Mi I'loreiiee McKay of Norlh I'liille liava nil oiirm prelud' und Mm, Arlhur Trunin val aolo, AdilreM of welcome were iven ly thn two hoalen iluh of the I'Hy, Mr. M. i; Hintt if lliiilf of thi North I'l.illo Womim' i luh and Mm. W. H. Hlarr fur the Alphu pelphliin aoclcty, F. I,, M'mey, pnlicnt vt tho 'haniler of Commerce, In Ix-hall of the ciiy, premnted the convention a Iiijki floral key. Mm, 3. Acker man apoke on I half of Hi Hlxth dl. trlet. It-apfifino wa Klven hy Mm. .lame T, of Miicoln, vlca pri-al-dint, of the Miilo federation. Addrre were Klven hy th Hlx'h dlatrlct preienl afler which Ii" ceitioii wa a-lven ly thi! North 1'latt'i Wmnaii'i iluh. All atnta officer and dllrct piehldenl nr III attend-ttin-e. lir, rrolln H. licdner wa unal.l'i lo attend and her report wa real ly Mr. IMitiir li. I'eiiney, Ihi pre; dent. Mm, John lleed of I-nv r gave it reiidlm,'. i Mr. Catherine, lloaltr. Heatrice Man Injured i hen Kngine Is Destroyed J!Htilce, Neh net, 2. (Hjiedal T'd (Kinm.e A threaliiiiK cnKlne hlew tip on tho farm of I'liarle Hteven, outii of IJ"trlce. Henry I'". llrawlt, mm t,t the men at work atout tho M.i-''ilii-;, v.u injured hy h-liii atru-k In the faco hy a jilece nf Iron, Tnn thi eHhlii',' mil fit, wlh (i coiiHl'lernM'! aniouni of wheat, wa (l-lniyed hy fire. Omaha Mission Worker Take Up Work in Kansas Mle I'liehi! and Charily Overholt, former worker of th Untie rmaalon, 131) Ilodgu Street, left lh city llit niKlit for Harper, Kan,, to taki i haro of n pastorate. JCev. T, J. Overholt, it brother of the di partlnir'workem, mid Mrs, Overholt, who have erved aa paatom in Hloom Iriffton, Nel., the lat four year, have ( hare. of (he Mopn mllon fur the cotnliiK year. Ml Amelia Overholt w ill awlat them for awlille after which ahe will lake (hare of the Hope mla n'.im In Kouth (wiiaha. I i li New Order Gives West More Cars for Freight In a teliKtuin received hy the traf fic department of the Omaha, Churn her of Commerce, It wu unnounced that the ear rvlce dlvllon of rail roads in Connecticut ha iued or der (learned to better freltilit cur aervlca in tha went. ' VmmU Hi line are to (llacoiitlnue all li'al li.adlm; and loud only for hlp inent to v beyond ChlcaBO. Car which cannot b fied are to hn mov(;l wet. emply. Krelnht cam loadlnK'weat of Orand Uaplil, Mich., Toledo, O., and l'ittbuiKh, and nil "empties" will bo aiilpped w-t to owiiliiif liry . Ill ! For the Last 4 Days of Our First Anniversary Sale of Master-Made Furniture We've Assembled Six Great Values in Sample Living Room Suites Which Will Be Sold For Cash Or On Our Easy-Payment Plan 360.00 LIVING ROOM SUITE 4 15.00 LIVING ROOM SUITE sa"cniP7i""y 225.00enlPv"cscary 295.00 Pavcnport ami arm ihair, covered in I:ivt nport und rm chtur tovtrcil in blue cr niiillteiry mohair. Uupe nmhair. 345.00 LIVING ROOM SUITE 452.00 UVING ROOM SUIT!: Anniversary o O fl ff Anniversary OQrl AH Site Price ZiD.VK) Sale Price ZiOD.UU lavrnirt mul rm chair; loot j'illow ; ltciiptit aittl arm chair, t;upc imdiair arm, tovcret i mhair, .ftviiinff. 350.00 LIVING ROO.mTuITE 652.00 LIVING ROOM SUITE srPv,ciry 250.00'. 395.00 I'll l'l Save Money in This 3-Day ale of Drugs and Toilet Articles Thursday Friday Saturday October 2fc October 27 October 28 The articles listed on this page are .standard you know what they usually sell for. Look at these special prices they tell of savinKsand not penny navinfts, hut dollar savings. List the things you need and Imy them lurinn this sale you'll lie ready for winter and save money. Dentifrices l.OO Litterinc l.OO Lavoria Woodbury'a Facial Soap 3 bars, only 79c 69c 50c Pepaodent Tooth Patte Mavis Talcum Powder 50c D. & R. Cold Cream 35c 15c 35 c 2.00 Mineralava Beauty Clay, special at 1.39 1 Quart Metal Hot Water Bottle 89c Nickel Plated, Will Not Rust 50c Prptodent, 50c Pebeco, 25c Vlvaudou Tooth Ple- 60c Forhan Tooth Paste, 35c Revelation Tooth Powder, 25c Norwich Dental Cream, 1.00 Pyorrhocide Tooth Powder, 60 Wernet'i Tooth Powder, we Manicure Preparations 35c Cutex Nail Preparations, I 00Cutcx Five-Minuto Set, Lotions and Creamsjij 50c Mind's Honey and Almond Cream, 50c D. R. Cold Cream, 60c Creme Elcaya Vanishing:, 50c Pcmpeian Night Cream, 1.00 Ingram's Milkweed Cream, 65c Pond's Cold Cream, 50c La Marie Hand Lotion, 50c Mavis Vanishing Cream, 50c Djer Kiss Cold Cream, 1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream, 75c Theatrical Cold Cream, 2.00 Luxuria Cold Cream, 25c Woodbury's Cold Cream, 1.00 Aubrey Sisters' Beautifier, J17 35 3.W 370 70 JJ5C 38 WW 1.60 J9 79 60c Aubrey Sisters' Greaseless Cream, ; 49 Shaving Supplies 35c Palmolive Shaving Cream, 27? J55 39 35 50c Gillette Blades, U dozen, 35c Williams' Shaving Stick, 50c Mennen's Shaving Cream, Vest Pocket Razor Imported, 1.00 Shaving Brush- 40c Ever-Ready Blades, 35c J. & J. Shaving Cream, Badger bristle, Q5 29c or j. iV 10c Colgate's or Williams' Barber Bar, 7? Depilatories 1.00 Odorono, 50c Neet, 1.00 Dclatone, G5c 37 79 Medicine Specials 1.00 Lavorii, 50c Norwich Milk of Mainatia, 1.00 Squilib'a Mineral Oil, BOr Mrntholatum, 35e VirWa Vapo Rub, 35e Byr' A.pirin, 1.00 HorlicU'a M.ll.d Milk, 75c Anatiiqua Bauma BHua, fiOc Sal llapatica, I 00 S. S. J, li tha blood, 1.10 Tanla, LIS I ) ilia Pinkham't Vafatabla Compouad, SDc I ytol. 30 Pkanala. . b0 5rU( f f'i, 40 HrUbr' Catluria, 4$J PluU W.I.I, 30c Sleaa'a t iaimaat, 4lc lr H II Piaa Tar lloaay, co 71 37- Jf 71 :i 7f) sue sue use 2iie tse '2ue H'2e Jlr 2ue Soaps and Shampoos Mulsified Cocoanut Oil, 37V 17c rM 19e 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap, '.1 br for 25c Packer's Tar Sap, 15c Sayman's Soap, 3 bars for 25c Cuticura Soap, 3 for 10c Palmolive Soap 10c Creme Oil Soap, Per dozen bars, 10c Hard water Castile Soap, 15c Pear's Unscented Soap, 17 7c 75c 11c 25c Vivaudoux Soap Assorted odors, 1 '00 Westphall'a Auxiliator, 50c Herpicide, 75c Glover's Mange Cure, 19 38 3 Talcum Powders 25c Mavis Talcum Powder, 25c Djer Kiss Talcum, 3 for 15 17 50 30c Pompeian Talcum Powder, 23C 1.00 Fleur D'Amour Talcum Powd., 75 25c J. & J. Talcum Powder, 25c Squibb's Talcum-odors,' -Assorted 19c 25c Mennen's Borated Talcum Powder, 20c Williams' Talcum Powder, 25c L'Ame Talcum Powder, 25c Mai D'OrTalcum Powdeir 18 11 15 18c Face Powders Extracts 80c D jar Kin Fata Powdar, l.OO M.vii Fata Powdar, BOe Java Rica Powdar, 60e Puny Willow Faea Powdar, 2.00 Jirky Eitract IVr ounce, 2.00 Djer Kit Sack! Pit ounrp, 1 .00 Djar Kit Compact Powdar, 1 00 Mania Compact Powdar, 1.25 Manon La. caul Faca Powdar, L'Orlian Toilat Walar, Djar Kit. Litrarl - IVr nunra, 80 DrmaVia, 1 00 MavU Tailal Walar, 1. 80 Djrr Ki Vtala, 1. 28 Norma Talmadfa lac Powdar, I SO Pi.e.'t Vatalala, b) Pampaiaaj Fa.a Powdar, TS La Maria lata Powdar,'. TuiUl Willi, v,ue j:isr . Lin Zre sne 2.UH Use , sue 1.1l Me Sundry Supplicsl Roilg'CS 60c iloapital Collon I piiuiul, 60c Kolva. Kutbrr Sbrin -:W5 im hf wide, 1.2 2 nuart Hot Watr llattia, SOc ProphyUitic Toolh Bruhi, SOc Dr. We.l Htuih, 75 While lory Cmba, JJ,f 60c Norma Talmadgw Route, I 7C j l)irr ' Hue, IJIfiSOc I'ompaUn Ruu, JISO 50 Mavis Hou, 3."C Vivian Com pad Rou, !."C 5(t! Lathbrowina, C I7c 37c 5!)C 37C MIC T!wi1 add aim chair (uuml in Pa'i purt arl arm i hair, t . . t . 1. 1 1 1 t i .i ldfi moha.r. 'ta i!'' ami Mi'cV mba.r covriin. Seventh I loor )r 71 MaL.llm,, ,1fifi A7MirUVsf Wm'-mF. .i ae Tfc m -m i