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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1922)
T1IK OMAHA PKE: FRIDAY. OCTOHF.R 27. 1022. Woman's Storv of 9 ' Double Murder Stirs Community Tangle Surrouiniiug If all-Mill Slating JYli-vel to lie Nfuring Solution Grounds for Arrot.' New HruiiMHlrk, N. J,, M. 'J jiiy A. I'.h-Th diemullc iiry "f a uolnan farmer, Mi. Jan !ll""ui, that li had w Unwed I ),' lliil! Mill inur. ilfT, had identified hotli thn aliiycr and it woiimn who M 'iri;i nit 1 lilni, tialay ,ileclrllli-d New Jlrunimlck. AIh.ik Hi wiM Ihii luidice tit th ft.-v, JCdward JU.II and Mr. Kl ti nor Mill, it alna-cr In hi clmlr, were found under a irah 'aiif'l" tree on the 1 ' t t H t f m f,jin. Win Hun on- of the i,t Intricate murder niyrterlea Hint IlIlM I'llK'IKt'll I I'D llllCICKt I'l UK' COUII- ti y In year, ha kiiiiu uiiKuhed. Nnw, Hh th (nil atcry of Mr, (illinwi rii'ulu ptihjlc, the f. i I f j kC I" Iron- tliHt (ha deouement I ! prowrlilnK fuat. No hint of when arreat mUcht he upected, wa jilvn hy 1'aputy At torney Genera) Wllliur A. Moll. Admitting (tin Importance of flit try told by Mm. OHmon. he pro. fied to have other information on which ha could net, independent of lirt affidavit. , Ground (or Arreni, Tit admitted that Mm. OlhRoti'i Id. -i. tlflc,ton, Ksmrilly ieiikliiif, would afford aufflvlent ground for r rmt. rlorjralit latn of th aiato ifllce, Nlal llutoctlv Mhdoii end county detecllv vhtlled the I'liUHo farm attain today, going- j if f ii I ly over the around, mentioned in Mm. OitiKon'M tory. Mr, fllhaon, who mtiu.U from tho thrill of a clrcii iluv to mlmi pta, Introduced heraelf unolitriinlvvly Into til a whi'ii Clifford lluyr, it youth, wa urrunli'A. K pirn rlletice, It 1 net f oi lit, becauao of tho flnnnrlai Influence penum whom her etory J4vmm ill rJ At 92 He Still Votes His Ticket Straight Knvid nun. O'Neill, Nrb Oct, 26 David J lit" !'2, of O'Neill, believe lie In the old Kt "cunt In now republican, hiivlng liidpt-d t orK'inli! the pnrly lit ny- ton, 0., mid JmvliiK voted the repulill- rim tli I it utrnlKlit ever ln' wiiti out inlxxiiiK mi ijci'tloii. Ilito iiltcnded Vh llrtt repuhllriin onvtntlon, nt which (ln, W'lnllrld H'olt wik inmiinHted nt Dayton, O. Ho hihI three nthem In hi prfi.'lnct 'huw thn lluht" thut year mid voted the rcpuhllo ticket, hut In the neit cleclliui hlN precinct oixt 2.' vote for thn repuhlhun, known then fm "barn huineid." would Impllcnlp, tihv neverlheleMi Wulit to the uuthoiUU'D wltb her tory when tlio mind liny fulrcly account, At thut time, It wu Imrtied to dny, 'nhn wii hrUKhed ucld In thn excitement of th tti'ret. When that trull proved u hlind alley, ftoms on retnernliered thn "ply woman," a Mr. CIIikoii 1 known throughout lh cotintrynUlc Num Mail Known. lJi;t'tlveK went to her hutnhle lit tie home, for thn prewrvatlon of which kImi hud heen Mtrjtltiitic cvvry nerv to meet norlKK enmnffment. If wan then repotted thut the author! tie had located a woman who had hven on eyewltnw of the douliln inunler, hut It WH not until TuttniJuy thut her imnie hecaine known. At thut time It wa learned that ehe hud Identified tM woman with the murderer and had heard her cry out the murderer' nutne, Hho had met th woiniin Koine time nfo at a rummago IMlln. 'fodny nhe told iilwwpuper men that xhe did not known the murderer at (ho time, hut that the kIiico hud met hint Hguin In the proncoutor' office and rcognid hhn. It wan learned thut Mr, flllmon had re onui'teri tor dtoctiv. ncr move inenl on tho nlht of the murder. 20 to 25 Discount Expenditures of Democrats Exceed Contributions Firtt I'iiiuiicial Hruort Miow ... ii. i .MOM III I llllll III? I II ity (.'uiitlitlali'ii Vtiletiii Doti.itfh $2iH), Willillitlill. Oct. ; 'i'lte I'.iMt Anuni'lnl r-mrt hy the ilcmocnitlc humIiv o. k. Iiytira. '". K, Tlmnioim and I lull ii I roininlltee, filed today hy Wll- tiiff .Murali, trcnmiicr, nlmvuil coiitr hulloii of ;S!U.'I, tk iiillt in lima far excei-dcd tnla tlifiirc l.y lia.MO, which Hih rci.,fi ahowed hud liven borrowed. Conlriliutlona, luoaily l.y drimaratlu eatidldalea for the limine, iuiik" fraii up, Huiilac Tiiiiililc, fnrmri'ly i leik of the houac, hendltitf the lint wild 11. W. The rep u ljli.nn ciiiiKreMHlnnniil coin- lulttee la expected ti llli 1 1 H tateuint totuni row or Hni in dny, Thuwi milk lux the lutaert cotitrlliu- (ton In the deiiuatinilc national com mittee fund were; M, I., lien, diim, J'lllaliurKh, 110,000. Ilunlaou Neahit, l'ltlahiUKh, 4,000. Kiank It, I'na ker, New York, ii,O0((, I. Y. Crawford, J'litelnirjih, $.'1,500. Norman II. liuvl, New York, 13. lull. Cyru Y. McCorinlck, Illlnol. 3,000. Thotna V. Kyun, Virvlnlu, $1,600. liernatd M. Haiucli, New York, I2.SU0. C, N. Iluakvll, Okhiliomu, K'.'.uO, Former HenUtor t'laience C, Wat on, Weatj Vlrylnlu, $Z,i00, cornier nennior i nunea r, inoin- a, coioruiin, 12,000. Th fnllowliiK 1 coulrlhulcd $1,000 each: Jo"ih i;. Willusd, VIikIhIu; C'harlm K. Crane. , llllnoia; Wulur M'ujre, Alabama;' l'. Caiiln, Vlr Ulnla; George T, Hradley, Colorudo; Kdward ti. Hurley, Jlllnoln, and ileiiiy Morgenthuu, Joavph M, Hurt. Held, tlalph I'ttlltxer, Kdward Wiao W, A. Ptiy. Udmund U Mooney, Goik M. K. Ifowmun, Perry . t)truua und Way mi Johnion, all of New York. Thoae contributing $.'.00 were; Wll Haiti O, McAdoo, Vunce C. Mi'Cor nilek, Pennaylviinlai David It. i'run el, MlMourl; John W. Davl, Went Virginia, and Kmik J., Jjfolk, New York. Other contributor of $200 or more wore A. Miteiieii I'ainier, i-enii' eylvanlii, $300: .loaeph I', 'iumulty, Wuahliiiiton, $250; Woodi ow W llaoti, 1200; H'tintor Curler Uluaa, Vlralulu, $200; 'J'homua W. Gregory, Texa, $200. Nevv U. S. Hond Slump. New York, Oct. 2. 'J'ho new gov. eminent ' per cent bond which recently were mote than three time overaubacrlhed In ciiah Hiibactlpllon at par, old on the New York afock exrhanico today at OH. 91, the loweat price to date. Opening aulea of other I'lilted State government laaui-a were 2 to 6 rent below yoaU'i'day' cloalng. On Suits, Overcoats and Top CoatS THE big thing about this sale is that it is taking place right in the heart of the season. 4 You don't have a wait for January or February sales to save money. Come to this store now and save 20 to 25V on afino Stratford or Vojrue suit or overcoat, right up to the minufe in style. The reason for this sale is that the unseasonably warm weather has left us with a much larger stock than it is good business to have at this time of the year.. As an inducement to our customers to help us bring down our stock to a healthy size, we have reduced the price on every suit and overcoat in the store. The values we otter cannot, we conscientiously be lieve, te duplicated for a lotnr time to come. 8ave that -0 to 'J.V.o NOW instead of waiting until January, 1809 Fawam Street Randall Wears No Man's Collar, Kiwanians Hear IfuMlJuuril nu I'M Hue.) ohm ii w wi'iit. ItciiiuiniMr thut lout f.filut of nil your luxm ai levied l.y your county anil haul Koverll- Le nta, and It l tip to tluiii to iimiuih tint pmt of thn tu.'' I Amiuiii thoMi who Mr. Itamtad wciv 1'icd Ataiin, It. t', IJiomidl, IJin.l Wolf of Momu llluff. It;ilili Main. John t'uiack, Fred Hcofl, WlllUtu Ituxlcku, Mia. William Mckle, Mil S un Amen, Mm. Kluii i'iihik k and Mia. r'red Acotii, At Valley Mr. Kamlull wiin Kieeled rinulin A, Iteed, who tin roil in t-l him to nlaiut 1 in men und women, lie met John Kobbln of Cniiiliu, alutu nHU toilul I'litidldule. Dcfunt't Ilrukerut' Firm File Haukrupt Srlifdule New Yoik, Oct, 2ti. Kollowlng a referee' h carina" at which creilltor won a healed I'Kul fijht for the up polninient of an uccouniunl to exam In th book of th defunct broker age holme of Kutdo ft Murk, bank ruptcy ichcdule were filed tat today In I tilled Htate dlatrU-t court allow lug llahllltlt-aof $2,1 0, KliO and aaacl of $2cn,;tio, I'naccurcd arount of former rua totner, amounting to $1,492,242, com prlied th bulk of llubllltle of tho firm. Account of lecurett- creditor amounted to $656,109, tho achedule ahowed, Th member of th con- ti l ii gulnt which en Involuntary niintiruptcy petition wa inea met I'ebruiiry, are John M. Kardn, Jr., and John '.urk of North Dnkolu, former treawurer of th United Btate. Feature Transactions ' of Livestock Exchange V.. V. Kruutli of Muaaenu, In., wna on the Omuh'i llvetock market with it loud of fed lamb thut brought him In u (-omfortuhla profiM Jle mill ho bought the lamb here a few week ago, when h paid an even $10 a hun died, und they aold for $13.75 u hun drtd. "Feeder and atorker cuttle ure ao cheap on the Omuhu murkct that It la a good buy for the farmer,' mild Mr. Kruutli. "There am not wuny cut tle In the feed lota In my aectlon, but tlio wuy th price uro down for feed1 cr It I my opinion thut the feed lot will commence to fill up pretty rapidly," Klirht cuiloiida of lamb were brought In by V,. T. Illfo of Hud Water, Wyo which aold at $12.96 to ii:i.l5 a hundred. , Tho movement for.thi euou on nhcep I about over," auld Mr. Kite. "We hud m good ecaacm and there la pltfnty of hay put up In my ection. rite aheepmen of th woat are bugln. nltiK to come back und if condition continue u fitvorublo next euaon u the put Hhoeptnen will recover their loc und commence to make gain. Price thl year are far bette than l.'iat und it look a though they mny tto at III higher." llcpublican Speakers It. U MOM .l I., (audiilale far t uiu a la m kruaUir. f'ltlliAV, OCTOIIKII II. A.lllnllJ 11,11 MUMy, Ul'TUIIICH J I . . .; A. M -,arMiti ., n .. eiriiffialtura ., t,, I'te P. Uw"PilU X,U l TtKHiiAV, ooTonnn it. lutiil I lly livon A, tl M. M. M. H. l. loaiaaril , , , :0o f, inm . , 4 no p Krvinuiil , a ; on If. WKUNKMIIAY, NjVKtHr:tt I. N,.illi 1 1 - h a , , in (iv A. M, liuyli-r :ii0 P, I'Mlmiibu , t (in V. Out rat Tlly I , (in , 'I'lll'IIHHAV, NilVKMtIKH I, Pullailuil ll 00 A. l, tl. tl. l. tl. tl. ' l-o Iitni p, it l'Ull IVllUT 4 I") P, tl i allien IM P. M. HtmAV, NUVKMIIEII I. PHr :S0 A. .( Point t ID V. , tibnr ill r. llneii 7,30 P. M. M. II. M '. II. HA Nil AM.. C'siHllilal for Oevrriuir. vninAr, (xtoiiich v. NHl,r..k City ...111:00 A. M Aiilwrn P, M r itn. k 4 jo p, ti. l'MMiica I lly . , 1 .00 P, M. ATIIH)Ar, OC'TOHKH . Tour nt Hi, hurilMii i nuniy with fnrintr CuliarvMiuali HrmviB. Nu diitei lv,:n, MONDAY, OCTOtlKK an. U'ymore ,, , ,,. 10:00 A. tl. Kuli l.ury ,, . ,, , ,, 1:110 P, tl, H.I, run ,. , 1:00 P. M. II, nnln 4:111 1". tl. Uaneva, , t.UO P. tl, knatoe incottr.r; vr. Knnni. Kit IDA Y. ftCTOBICIt 17. Hcuttnlilurr 1. 01) F. tl ( HA TI'KUA Y. OCTOUEIl it. ftrokmi How :00 P. 11 MONDAY, OlITOHCH . North Plan 1:00 t. M. Tl'KtfDA Y OCroiICK II. CdUtrnl City , 1:0 P. il. WKIINKMUr, NOVKtlHKIt I. Celumbue I: (111 t. M THUHRDAY, NOVEMfJKR i. Om.lia 1.00 r. M rillDAY, NOVKMBKIt 3, David City 1:00 P. H gATI'KDAr, NOVBMBKB 4. Ortean 1:00 P. tl Heaver Cliy 1.00 1'. tl MONDAY. -NOVKMBBR ' Cuinbrniii 3:00 P. Mul'vuk ;00 I', t. eWRKTAKY WAM.ACK. FRIDAY, OCTOBER !7. Ilmilim 9:00 P. M - liulUi'u 1:00 I. t) . HATUHDAY, OCTOUER SI, Oi anil Ul.inl I 00 P, tl Reward 1:00 P. M HOD alMMONN. CanilldaU alur l unareu, aad A. K. II CM I'll UK V, Candidate for ciigrra, abort term PRIDA Y, OCTOBER tt. I P.ytnl t:uo to 11:00 A. M IHrlilanpnrt . ...13 AO to 3:10 P, M Broadwattr . ... 1:30 to 4:311 V. M MONDAY. OrTOHKft SO. Ifrmlriifroid 3:00 to 10:00 A. M tl. Chadrnn 1:00 to 1:00 T Hay Jto1""' sl ni1 night. Tl.EKDAY, OCTOBKK 31, nualivlllo 9:00 to 10:30 A. M. tl. (lor.loi 11:00 to 1:00 P. Only 4:0 to t:00 I'. M. (l nnilitluncij an train connection.) Mi-rrlin.n 7:30 to 3:30 P. M. (Conditioned on tralu connection!. WKDNtfibDAY, NOVKMUKR 1. Whitnay 11:00 to 12:00 M. I'rawfnrll 1:00 to 3:00 P. V. llarrl.on 3:00 tu 4:00 P. M. Aata t:00 to 6;30 P. tl. C. F. KgAVIS. FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 37. Pawnee City 8:00 p. il. SATtmDAY, OCTOJ3BR 28, '1' of lllrhtiritlion county wl(h nlaht iiic.rclniat ralli city. fiOVKKNOR H. H. M'KKLVIK. BATITRDAY, OCTOBKR 21. .. fulnr Bluff 1 1 :00 A. tf. Wahoo 2:00 P. M. YlllKl 4:00 P. M. Anhland 3:Oo P. M. MONDAY, OCTOBER 30. Weit Point :00 P. M. TUKSDAY, OCTOBBIt SI. Union 11:00 A. M. Norfolk .' 1:30 P. tt. Mudlnon 3:30 P. M. Albion 1:00 P. M. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1. NaIIkIi 11:00 .A. M. Plalnview 2:00 P, M. Bloomflcld M P. M. Laurel 3:00 P. tl. TltUItDDAY, NOVEMBER X- Wayne 4 11:00 A. M. Poiulrr ' 2:00 T. M. Bancroft .... ; 4:00. P. .M. Blair 7 3:00 P. M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3. Hprliiafleld 11:00 A. M. Weepln Water 3:00 I'- M. HyranUKi' 4:00 P. M. TecuniKi-h 3:00 V. M. 'SATURDAY, NOVKMBKIl 4. Ptolla 11:00 A. M. Humboldt 1:30 P. M. Pawnoo City 3:30 P. M. Falrbury . 8:00 P. M. Paii'Pacific Congress Meets. Honolulu, T.JJ.. Oct. (By A. V.) Tho president of China and Aha pre mier of New Zealand wera elected hon orary preaidenta of thS ran-Paclfic union at its dinner here laat night. The J'tinl'aclfic Commercial con- greaa i In aesslon here. l To fare a Told In One Hay. Take l.HXHllve UftOMO UU1NINK tablnla. Tbn bix bi.ara tho atauatut a of M. W. drove. (Bo aura you ot JiROMO ) 30c Adv. fcEfiRIYINN0VEMBESi: to much larger qitfirtrr nd mors conveniently lo cated. We'll rlava TWO polling room and mj'ny Dthrr wonderful features.. - 9 Pc. Aluminum Set With Monarch Ranges During Demonstration Union Outfitting Co. Hoi BiKuiU n! Coffto la YitAtM. A BcJroom Suit Givtn Away, V cm V.ti It In iititr an) ih kutkta hi imnie 1 ttH a M .ert, Mi!t4t,l.i I kn in r kam, I il t vi ti ta oe ) oh at In iw. a ii,a h4 ea tef. mJ fr MdAA'tlt HV k l at in li4(ittitf IV w il k aUitl4 lit th 1 -tp1 4 t okxtt M- k Itre In. i a fie,.!r, a'w tk Uk ion tktt ! m .ttii!, trtf Mt rt A fi I It ttj M-ii unl W iTo (io 1 1 .001 1 .Mile to J!nltT (iollt p- Canton, .Mo,, iM t. ;'G. A. IJ. ftrtain and hi vnta. of Jiuncdin, New .cu Furs if Hudson Bay Sable $65 American Mink Capes $395 Jap Mink Capes . $29 5 Golden Fox $35 Mole Capes $175 Friday - Continues Our Sale of Any Hat in the Entire Stock for One- Half Price WtTth hut and are nude lv us in tur guarantee the quality which ve build ino every hat. A Worth hat or Thoroughm! jliatVill give you an umjMul anttxint ( rritr n i hold ii luv under the hardest kind ff u. 4RRisfourf!TCa con- tt TOOT KIM AND Und. eiaiit Z'i cl.o luvelim; ll.lH'O In I Ida city tu enter Culver blmUtott i'i 'I Icy iv Adiitna Wiia a atudelit lit Cut' vT MliH'kloii Ufnre the wmld war. lie I it meiulnr of the junior cluaa. of Quality Hudson Seal CoaU 10 inches long, shawl or - a a 7 rt crushed collar, J I u Hudson Seal Coats 45 inches, wolf collar and cuffs j. i q fL Luxurious model, vT Squirrel Coat 45 inches, large claw collar, Man- eL Q CL darin sleeves, yUUu Jap Mink Coats Soft, well matched skins, shawl or ' , crushed collar, o pf tL 40-inch, $Jl D Nat. Muekrat Coats Dark full furred skins, Air); 40-inch, ylZD Near Seal Coat Unusually fine - skins, 45 inches j. r r gL long, Near Seal Coat Crushed collar of squirrel and cuffs trimmed with squirrel, 42-inch, yAZtD Fur Scarfs for Fall Superb quality is evident in every ncarf in the ThompHon, Uclden & Co. selection. TIktou own fact Khhrcd hat, kp ory, we ian y 8witerl.ind h us: wttth ftctorte ami Hinkahopa. emplovln JM0G woikmi'ii. There) ai 17." ""r tacpltf etlKUilctl III thn IlldUatrY i their own hiina, Ml Black Lynx Stole $195 American Mink Cape Stole $195 American Mink $25 German Fitch $15 Stone Marten $39. 75 Baby's Kid Moccasins in white or while trim med in pink or blue, $1.00 and $U5. Pink or blue silk moccasins, $1.00 and $2.00. Second Floor t i Vna kt tJ TW(ktw,4 t ! em' J la you, U !it, M let lUl aaueuaj aW.ial tmewtiiH MM