The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 27, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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THE OMAHA UKK : Kill DA v. OCTOiSKK '11, 19
Ncwl for Change .
in Tariff Hates
May He Queried
Iiirtipuliim May Hp Maile
I'V (louimiftfioii on It Own
Jiiilidtiw I'mliT I lexiMt
U illiMli.l'ifl flit. 21 IllVeStl
K'ii"ii l i ilri' i mine, the iii r . "oily fur
liinsrija In fiirifT t;ili. u provided
llnd'T It" o lulled III Allilc (jroViMKllia
f (h in w t.iiiff l.iw. rimy In- innd
l.y Km Im iff emjiuimaloii on It own
iiiMnifivr, under ruiee of prm ciiure
outdo iiiilillo toiluy iy the Couilillo
ii m. Thla i'i'IUn nut only In the
linn if H'-'lluil 314, llrnlliiK taltli lin
f ur inithod III tliv IniporUtlon of
KooiN, r.iit ulso In 8)'t;)ii SIS, -hlrh
l'lnv 4'H fur nn liH t'iimi or deorrnae
of a fun' h as Ml r cent In the
rule fined by rong-rcm or for the
() l.iliillull of American vuluiillon aa
the hue. for SHseamritf and viilorcm
I ii'li-r Hi tn-w rul s . application
for Hit Inveafliriitioii mult r 1 1 1 ft sec
tl"fi or KiTllori 317, ilcullng with
diacrltiillwflori l.y foreign countries
Sgilne! Ahicrlciin foiiula and com
merce ni'iv I hi nimbi by mi y person,
pnrtiicrer.Ip, corpoiullon of uiisocla
t,ni. Sit Itivt atlgiitloti will Im ordered by
fli cmiiinlHHlon iiiili'iM iurh applcu-j
tin ii or prelimlnin y InveellKJitlon dis
close tn the a.illnf;lctloti of til" com-
ftiliislon Hint there lire K"'l mid auf
t1i'l'iit rcuaona therefor under the
Miiht be I mil r Oalli.
Applli-ulloim inndc under fortiori
HIS mint Iim under on Hi and together
with the evidence, MilmilMed with It,
hull Im considered by the eotimilsalon
with a view to dclcrmliiini? whether
the nnUy of ''my good almuld In' pro
hibited pending further ItPiuiry,
Th coiiiiolenlon will not Im eon
fined to Km leauea presented In an
application, but riuiy broaden, limit
or modify the lusuc to he determined.
Hearings under Hectloim 315 and
31U will be public: imti'HM the coin
mlH!m order olherwiHe.
IMdcni-c, written or oral, aiibmlt
ted In hdiritii-'l ahull, upon ord'T of
lh roiiiuilHNlon, li mibjwt to verlfl
ration from tli boolm, pHpi-r and
rni-onla of pintle In InMieHt.
The BtipnUiiiice of wilnmnt'i and
tho prodiut of documentary evldenre
tnuy l rcijiiCHti'd from nny plnre In
tho I'nltf-d Htatfii ul any d'lgnuted
plute of ho.nliiK. I
May i;iiiln Ki-uorf.
fiirtlpn who have entered ppHr
nice t hcarlnKK prior to the Minn
uf brlff bav opportunltlne to fx-
mine 1 tin report of th coninilMloner
nr lnvfntl(?ii(or in chiirge of (he In
VfHtlgntlon und lino the record ex
fpt BU''h jiortlonH iih reluto to trade
rrptu nnd prorfHHPH.
riiml hriirlngn will be before the
Jf In nny Invf dtiKiit.lon under Sff- ,
tlini "17 It iH-roiniM tH'WHXiiry In tho;
jiideniPiit of thu rotiimlHloii ordfr j
it In-ill Ihk', ni.lii will bo Kivt-ii und
liciirliiKH h'-ld nn provided with renprrt j
to linirliiKH und'T KPi tioim 315 and i
In Ihn fam of nil ln"nliRiitlon
witiiffiwH Kiiiiinioiif J will bo paid th" ;
hiinm fi'i'M niul miU'HKe thiit are paid
v-IIii'Wch In tho federal courta, aiioh
fern and iuilfKe to Im paid by the
imrty nt wIioh liiMtance the wltneMH
iippcur, I
Girl Travelers Shielded,
Cupid Aided by T' Bureau
rT"T w-f
I iii mniiuiiii, In Iniiin. on lonely ruun
liy ronda or In plai'i-a of noiti'iiiint.
! "I'ofl't Mi'l-ll I'tlHily, foml, cold
dilnka or glima of wulrr, or ainill
,llowi-i ofrrrd you by nir.(iii"i Any
'of Knue thliiBa may rnninin diui,'."
I'll "dun'ta" nmy w-i-ll lie hvfdrd
I l.y fvrryoiir, In the opinion of Mr.
' M ml, w hone i cpnrt ahow im.-s of
: n-i n.iiia whoa ranite from 4
! In l.
i I'lam'oa J.iKcrnintin cunm a'Toaa thu
in hii to nwirry a youi:tf Oinuli.l inan
I whom nil hud not aecn for four yiura.
Shu km pl.u rd In the care of the
1 1'r.iU'li'iV Aid Hoclcty in Nrw York
, by Kllm laliind authorltlea.
Cnnix m miKKiii from New Vuik
to Mm. Mi-mi nukliiK Hint the pro
ipccllVK liutiand In Ouialwi he Inin-jvo-wiil.
Mra. Mead found tlm younK
limn, lleriiinii II. Wtndl, 3" 11' South
Ninth attt-et. wna honiat und of kio-I
i r.r
'linre'n ulw) g frlemlly nille and a proli-i (inc aim for younj girl
from (he V. V. (', .. Iravilera' aid wcretnrie ul I nimi and liurlliiKtoii nln-
llllllN, , '
lo-iii'vieve Itixoii. II, of lllnlr, Ncl who linn mudV Iwu Irlna to (nil-
fornlu iilniic, N nIiiiwii i oikiiIIIiik willi Mm, t iara .Meiiil nt I nion xlalliin.
Her parent m, Mr. and Mm. ,a lllvmi, are lioverlnx near, lull the picture la
lypliul of M'enea nt Hie Iravelera' aid denka many (linen eaili da.".
Mra. Clara, Mead, Kriiy-hnlred und.'"'" collide mid work for my board
motherly, amlled r. a-aurlriKly on tho!""'1 r""w- i( 1 l,",1"'t f'u"' J"'" 1
. i . , , I wouldn't have known v.-hnt to do,"
mini uiiiik fill! vv ie ni.,"i, f,Mii-
yed find nervoiia it the Travelera'
aid d'-nll In I'liliin Hlntilill.
"I'ut down your anllr'nae, dar, and
atop worryliiK," iiwd Mra. Meud.
"We'll Und you a nii.e, clean, anfe
pbie to stay loiiinl.t, und tomorrow
we'll try to find u Job for you."
And although Him wn Jimt tin In
clilent In lh day 'a work. Mm, Mead,
who la one of the three traveler' aid
iMffrietarlea on duly at Omiihn nln
tlotiN, Moon bud the younK Kill Hnfl
im; und roulldeut.
"I've never traveled before," the
girl eonlided. "I want lo ko to bunl-
Mra. Mead nnd the other aerie
tarlea h.ive niaiiy "don'la" for younK
Kirla coming to Die eily for lh flint
time. Hero are a few of them:
Don't unit fur or take Information
oi (HrfclloiiM efept from olhVlala and
'i ravelera' Aid workera.
"I'on't nieept work iiffered ellhei'
bv pei-Kona or by adverf Iftement, with
out flret okltiif Information from
1'iiiw reliable aoinvo or the Young
Womefi'a ChrlKlian ,uaoclatloli,
"Iion't ko -to an adilreaa nlven you
by it Mtrai'.Ker.
"Ilon't Kpeiik to NlranKi'ra, either
men or w iimen, In tjie aireet, In nhopii,
money in t,rjii hla aweetheart to
omnh.i. hho afiokn llltlo or no laiK
IikIi, but Willi the n Id of the Tntvi li ra'
Aid in New Yofli, ofrieera of Whlrll
put her on the rlKlil triiln, and the
aeeretalU-a here, who pict her, ahe
waa cilred for until tho happy wed
ding day,
Thua Ioca lh aixlcty aid Cuild,
Mra, Mead find the other two aeere
tnrlea, Mra. Winifred Miller find Mra,
ilaiinub llurnbam, who la in thargu
of the lluillimloi) atatiou bureau, tell
of many aim one caaea,
"Meet (irodltfa Iozarrlne, wearing
gray dreaa, no hat, due nt H;35 Mon
day morning on Illlnola (.Vntrul. Cull
1,'nlon I'ni'lflR ticket office for pre
paid tblti-t, (Jlrl in route to fiance,
John Urcmilln, Dunamuir, Cal. Wire
Trnvelera' Aid nt dcatinfttion to wit
neaa ceremony. "
Theae were the Inatructlona received
by Mra. Mead from New York aoclety
offlrera for the tare of Mlaa Loznr
rlne. To her it .waa all very almple,
except for one thing. There didn't
happen to be a Trnvelera' Aid bureau
at Iunamulr,' Hence ahe decided that
the wedding would have to be at Hao
riiniento, where there were Travelera'
Aid offlrera. And in Km-ramento the
cerenmny w performed.
'i'hua doea tho aocluty Interfere
with the plan of, Cupid. Often theae
aecrelarlea muat nieddi'e In family ftf
fair to make aure nothing goca
wrong with the glrla who come under
their protection.
A ynunjr woman, whoae name Mra.
Mend would not divulge, landed In
New York recently, en route from
Iioiimsrlc to Omaha, where ahe
plunned to make her home with nn
uncle whom ahe never had aeen.
With the aid of an Interpreter till !
New York officer of the odetyl
i leiiineii O-' fin- wax -I. ami ilia;
I lie tiiii.'iia uiii'lw una only 'JT.
Oluah.k niitliorlttea hurriedly Inveuli
li.ili-d III- rune, but found that the
younK nucie wax naldliiK wlih a
hl;'lily iciM-cliilie family heir, fag
irly awaiiliig Hie rlul of lux iiieci.
Apoaii oily he M uiuicr the Im
i prmniuii he wua it a child. When
I I he full Hoivii Mecu arrived, (he Mo
de iy raii'i) to I Ik- ri acue, however,
and fo'in I In r eiiiilnyment with the
Y. W. C. A.
"I'm IT yeaiH old, but I appear to
Im- about 15, aa I urn only live feit
four Im hea tall and very allm. f
hiive fair hair and bltl cyea. I ex
pect to ivoik for my room and board
Khllc ,il li'iiding buxllieaa collegu in
Ouililiu. Will you ileao meet me."
'I lua apiHiil. from Margaret Ilurden.
Ko'.Hh Jfetid, Neb., ia typical of liuu
on da lit I ppeala received by the ao
Ciety here. Thla girl and hundrrda
of her kind would keep coming lo Kit
eily, cvtn though I hern were no
ayenclea for her protection In the
opinion of Mr. Mead, who In the 13
tnra of her aervico Iimh grown wmc
in tho pxychology if young glrla, fci
well aa hi tho dangcra which are apt
to doairoy them.
l-'liiaiu-lal aupport and aupervlalon
of the Tiavclcra' Aid work here li
ctirrled on by the local Y. W. C A,
I'liring the moiiKia of June, July an I
Auguat, 215 children between tin;
ugea of 1 and Id, were aaalatcd by the
three alalion workera, During
tho aamo period, opproxlmuttly 8IH
young women, between agea of ifl
and 25, wi-ro aided by the three aec-retnrlt-a.
; U. S. Representation
j at Peace Meet Urged
J'Ufia. Oct. :. tlly A. P I Allierl
can repieaettlailon nt thu l.auzi nnn
conference una InalKled upmi by l'id
I'uizon, tho Ilrltlxh foreign aciTctary,
In the courxe of nn Interview Willi
J l ount le Kiint Aulliire, Ilia l-'run
! Mii'lMaiMiliir at liiiitiiu.
I lie Hiiiited out Kiiiii an Ann He. in
iiiIi.i-iwt waa pi i int at Rut Itetno
, nion hi Hrviea treaty Waa ilrnftfil
laud it Mould bn In Ipful If the lulled
Ht.iten waa irpreM-iitrd at the forth-
i oliilng conference, particularly when
thu aubject of the atralla waa illai ua
ed. It waa (veil dcalnible that the
I filled HI. 1 1 ex mii, I not merely an ote
Ni-rver, but a real peuiiotentiiiry.
I. C. C. Will Announce
Rail Valuations Soon
Wuahlngton, Oct. 20. The Inter
atato Commerce commlaalon la now
entering upon the final atagca of ita
1') year taak involved In the valuation
of railroad properly In the United
Statea, according to an announcement
yeaterday. Within tho next alx weeka,
a atateiiient an III, It will put the find-
Inga of Ifa ex pert a aa to the value
of 40 railroad propertied up for crltl-
i larna and argumenta of railroad rep
reacntatlvea .who may wlah to alter
tho tentative declalona already an
nounced, Ita valuation work, the commlaalon
aald, waa "tho moat monumental aci
enliflc valuation of property ever at
tempted," alnce It called for the in
ventory of equipment, reul estate and
rolling atoi-k acattered over 250,000
in Ilea of railroad llnea. It will take two
more yeara, (t waa added, to pre
pare oil of the tentalva report a.
Guaranteed to End
Falling Hair and Baldness
or your money refunded
Science diacovar mot bald
neaa due to Simple Infection
(Sebum). Now quickly over
come it. Hair actually f rows
on 91 beads In 100, by teat!
Written Guarantee to Grow Hair!
Under Our 3-Bottle Treatment Plan
Thli ! a illrrt n(tr to grow hair on your
tidiiil. An nffur htrlird by wrlilan (uarantx.
iant hy your own druiJlt. If w fall, II coin
you nolhlnf,
Hrln. haa rerrntir m'! amatlna itlwov-
erle. Jl hxx liirnM thai blr rouia aelilun ai.
Vhay run rnvlvfil. W liv proy,l IliU by
grnwlna new hair nn 01 ha In 140.
In mt e hllit auttiorlllM approva thla
Diw way.
ioiMnra la n,f a itlnaaa. It la merely a
eymptoin of lnfctlon In moat raaeaof ao la
taclcil atalp oli tailed Kebuiu.
Infected Sebum
fabum la an oil. It forma af tha follli-ln of
fha hair. Ita purpoaa la lu aupply lh hair wlia
ll. Hut It ofun tfrom't Infncteil. It ,aa on
tha aitalp; cluaa 'ha follklaa ami plnaa Iham.
l.rm hy lha mllllona tli'n afart to fr1 upon
tha hair, fiaml-baldncaa eomaa ftrat; then cgmaa
tola) balilnaaa.
lomova that Infection and rour hair will
generally arow. Wa bai-lf thla atatamant with a
fnonay-bai k auitrnnlae. Henra it la fullr for any
manor woman with failing hair nut to make tha
We remove it
Our treatment la heard on ihla prlnrlpl. It
tnetrata to lha folllclea of tha hair. It kllla
liifaetion--ramovaa tha lnfatioia unburn. Fall
ing hair afopa In three weeka. It. ueiialiy revlvea
tha dnrmitnt hair root makee new hair grew,
itemamher. It la auaranie-d.
No red tape. The guarant fa poaltlve, Tou
are tha Ju1, your own druacKt a'ana If. (in
today, aak 1,1m for Van Kee Hrlp Maaaae on
our 9'botile treatment plan. The guarantee will
ai-eompany it. If the treatment falle your
money back.
5007 Lake Park Avenuo, Chicago, III.
under our
1' a I a we
tree hair.
The Van Kaa
trexaimeat la
bee I a 11
8 uef anteed.
an era the
aola Judge,
The warrant
fa ale next ttf
year owe
dJUATglet. ion
oeetime na
rlab maklag
Ihla teat.
yoii no
tnuini'i Mrsr,
lll I
I'JIUILL) lnni LliCQ
If 111 1 1.1 IIUULLHU I
When waahdar rwiiiaa will yoq uaaa
roaree, rouiiimn aap nr will you
rhmiaa l.liin. the aoap leader with lh
lemon fragrancaT 1 here la all the rtif J
f.rei.ea in Hi world t'unimnn ana pa
mnark with lha hue of lye and raiiatlcj
. won uia oirt diaanlvlnr
touch of pwre a.p owlr. mmmi
wild tha fragranre f lemon, l.lnn roo-e
taina no rauatie. Iy or grit, haeulta J
wnolena warm and dewy nh iha( aainai
ii cruinur irei mry nail when ,ww
i.lnil Luiuahea all illaHKrreahla waah
ndora. And It la kind in heautiful
lianda. No irrl'atlng, reddening harah.
neaa to make vou ehnnk from
taaka. Kvrry grocer aalla Ijnnj
under a guaranloo of aallafarllon or!
your money l,i k. liuy one backaaw w
We Pay Return Cberget elf Anf
Mea'a Iwa end fhree-pleca 1 CA
auita cleaned and preeeed . , , . eV
By Our Stlenllfic Odor kite Cleenlag
2217 tainam Street
Telephones i Omaha, AT Untie 0344
.South Side. MArk.l OOM
For Sale at All Leading Drug and Department Stores,
Millinery Dept.
i Friday we offer 200 Velvet
Hats and others formerly Hold
I at $5.00 to I7.&0, djo AC
choice at PoaftTO
Jiiitifl Othin
1512 Dougla Street
mt vseyw vieejwwwi
Howard St, between 15th anal llfc
Ctiroiicr In Investigating
Diallii of Boy and Girl
nnllUi I'rer-k, Mich., Oct. 2fi. Himl
lai lty of i lriMiniflancea Hurrouiiillngftie
death of Myrl .MeCiiire, 15, and Ger
trude Niikoii, 14. high school gttidenta
here and fact frienda for more than d
year, led to nn InvcHtlgutlon by Cor
oner t'arl tlray.
Tho theory whs advanced Hint the
youih'a death laat Tlnirailay, ami
tlcrtiuiic'a death Tueaday, might have
hi'iii by iiu'l between the young lovera,
or that tierlrtidt', Iri her grief, might
have ended her life ill the name man
Her llinli Myrl died, by anphyxialiim.
ii i trude'a body was found in the
bathroom of her homo 'J'tiemlay. The
ii-in waa filled with pxs from nn
open Jet. The lioy'a biMly waa found
iimUr lileiitioal cin-iimstiincen, liut the
coroner concluded his death wna ae
ciilental. Man St'iitenml to Death.
HirmiiiKhnm, Ala., Oct. 26. Julius
Keith waa convicted of aasault upon
a young woman nnd aentenced to
death by a verdict late yeaterday
In Judge Harrington I'. Ibfllna di
vision of the criminal court.
Our Scientific Odorlee Cleaning
Procete Approved by tha Mellon
Inetitut ol Univvraity el
ritleburgh. Pa.
Oyere, Cleaner. Mattere, Furriete,
Tailata and Rug Cleanera
2217 t araam Street
TelapheiteM Omaha. ATbuitw 034S
.Sou ill Side. MA rkel OOM)
Friday at $2.45
About 'Jt'O Womvn's Uata.
fornicrlv sold at f.VOii to
17.50. lleii-l'i tfJO AC
priv PetaaTU
Jtdiuo Othin
Mil DaMla Street
Ask The Waittr
T ry m twttlo f
lr t I'rrriiia' ?dttrt
with twr Uerttla, Ikanl
jua a st " Wrrtrr
ablrr Newer, (tt
CKaJ Inaial IM Killg
K JfrNttitMl
Friday Bargains
Boys' Wear
Nrlmol Nulla
.100 Boya' School Sulfa In cor-dui-oy
and fancy wool mix
ture, alzeg 7 to 16 years. Spe
cial Friday, each. .. ,g 1.08
Juvenile Stl if at
Juvenile Kitlta for boya, In
corduroy and wool mixtures,
wizi s 3 to 8. Special Krldny
In tlic Annex, each . . 7g2.98 Confs
Hoys' Sweater Coats apeclally
priced at, each Sl.iiO
llnjh' Miirln and lllouaea nt.
cadi 580
Jin j i.' Klue Iti'iiini Overuiln,
all sizes. Specially priced a',
each 65t nnl 85
lluva' Nats and (ops nt.
each 1st
llii)' l iiliinnlli, all (spe
cial at. each 81.50
llnyh' Sclinnl J'alili, hundreds
to select from. Special at.
per pair ..980 nwl 81.-19
Mainied jiroiia 40c
A lot of stamped aprons,
bath towels, baby pillows and
card table covers. Worth
to 7!)c. Friday,
at ,
Neennd floor
Friday Bargains
Men's Wear
Men's I tallier Vents
Molo and corduroy shell.
Sheep lined vents, molo shell
and leather (Pr Af?
sleeves, ..
Men's Work Tsuts
Good heavyweight, Q-J
all sizes, at .... vAaltl
Men's Worsted I'nnts
All colors and all (JO QP
sizes, at PiJ
IMack and
uhitfi skirt
liclliii!?, yard,
Woi'loc saffly
pins, assort ml, 3
cards for 1Q
String shop
ping bags, 7
waist aiul gar
ters, 21 f
Hi'dss pins, 3
pkgs. for 10(
h V A Genuine
V I "01d Fashioned"
y Bargain Day
Men's, ladles' and children's.
A big assortment. Qflt
salo price, dozen .... wt
Hooks and eyes,
will not rust,
3 cards 10
Baby rubber
pants, 23
Stiekerci wash
edges, 3-y a r d
bolt 10
AVJiite rick
rack, all widths,
3-yard bolts
for 90
Bone hair pins.
r. i t
if ion nox,
Friday Bargains
Linens, Blankets
and Flannels
Breakfast Cloths Circular
or H. S. Squares, damask
quality, each 81.00
Pure Linen Cream colored,
70-lnrh table damask, $2.50
quality, for 81.95
I nhleaclied (Sheets High
crude, aeamleas shef tine, ppe-
clally priced for Friday only.
72sOO slse 81.27
81x90 slse 81.37
Blankets In pretty plaids,
wool finished, $7.00 value.
rer pair 84.95
Blankets. Plaids, also sani
tary gray; large, double bed
alze: tR.OO value. Soeclal at.
per pair ...-86.98
Flannels Plain r ay. pink or
cream; 25c value. Yard. 190
Flannels All wool white
Saxony quality, for Infants'
wear, rer yard WOO
Main Floor
Friday Bargains
TISC.4X 5i:r
The most popular lace net
for curtains. I'lain and fig
ured, natural color, 45 Ineher.
ttida. Very speclal.sjd. 850
New f;t'l patterns In both
n!et ami casement neta, 4.
to li Inches (vide, In white,
Ivory and natural. Special,
per jatd ...S50 S3.75
i.i9 ards t'retonne In liRlit.
iiieill'.mi snd lieaiy welghte,
all iiilora amliolor roinhlnit
tiona aud desljtia. Wry spe
cial. )arU ... .ISO o 190
31 Indus wide. 1'h moat
praitual material for over
ruttains and poriietea. Ito.
blue, (rean, mulberry and
breaa. J'er lafd 850
FriJay Bargains
Infants Wear
a M TabU af lataat.'
Miar IUnirt. lei.l.n,
uiia sb t aiia iiia, ail
r.nt m.i ehiita, rubber
teet, ue. (uaaa 4 ul
teiil. .- a'it'u'1 tolled.
itlla iftt o't ita, !
14 . I a.a. liHf
i Itata le.ll KS).
a4 t re i
S.M t la t t u I nUr,
' Tl0
J (.tattsi lr 1 Id 1. taluea u II IV
m. a.tb ..-T90
Comforts and
Cotton Goods
E 000 yanla heavy brown
or bleached towellnc. K
Ini-hri wide; extra value
at IS
J.itOI) jarda heavy Hrotch
cuiImr- In light and dark
enlora. 1 tn tO-d. lentha.
Trlday Hale, apeclal at.
per jard 14
Vlrtnr ferrale
The luarlttt la advanrlnc
en all rottnn foede, but
we hat a food aiipply and
oii In-ne.'it. Aaaln KrOlay
uffer thea tegular ?j"
prrvali-a al, arl ...,mUt
taaafail t releaa
Aiimhir lot f tloi
pleiiUnl rretunna In
hw tarlely i.f ra'1"".
All aher Jvleie. A
ape lal talu in iJ-'J
tfeiiita. i rulay ....10
Rlaaael aa4 t !
A iy aaeeial numSer la
a bay .i-mtrit iiu me.
t win ) l.t ri.iure-l ere.
I ana eooinf a4 all
hue .n l.ll'aa t''i-
4a, r.., ai, )ai4 . 13,31
Weal Nae Hlaahela
Va.t 'ia -a iu 1
iaeaie o a irr vi
e 4vi,M I'ihk.I ia
na'i. a4 ta A
Meaty leila la
t la e W. I ..) I
i e aai ih il ii a1
at ia .e'.Mj 4 t
a4 iV ,. '
Friday Bargain Annex Sales
Children's Coats nt $o.S
Good heavy costa. full lined, high
atorm collara, double breaated: ail
colore and alsea, dgzena of atylea
In I to t and 7 to 14 aliea. Fri
day Bargain Trice 85.98
Children's Kiddle Korerulln, 75c
A nee I to I only, extra heavy qual
ity reinforced, in plain blue. Stlefel
atrlpa and pin check; rraular It !.
valuea; Friday laia)in price 75
Women's Outing retUcoats, 67c
Heavy fliiallty Amnekear outlna:
flannel petticoata. in pretty pink
and blue atripea, full cut and well
mad. Rraular S9c quality. Fr.
day llarcain J'riea 57
Tho Wonderful Coat
Buritiifiis at $12.75
Warm winter coat In double
faced cloth, a few Holtvlo,
cloths and fine Veloura, full
loos back, plain and pleated,
billion trimmed, many full
lined eoata, largo collara,
aoine of enrariil; eoata worth
to S19.50; l'"rlday Bargain Snl
Price 1112.75
fl'iM and e-Tl-iO Coats
at I'-'-'e'lO
Fneat French veloura In eight
different niodele, all the lateat
atyle. Inrluiiiiig liioiia backa,
new Maiiiliirin alepvea. lonea
nnd beheil atvlea. Regular
tii in and IJ 1,0 coat. Frl
ilav liarcaln I'rics ..(22.50
Another I -rent liress Sule
All wool, fine French aerge dressea,
neatly einbroidered in ailk and
yarn; othera ailk braid and huttun
trimmed; new rtraiRlii-line modi-Is,
aiaea to 4t; regular $10 values: Fri
day Bargain .Sale Trice ..$5,69
$15.00 Clinton and Wool Ifrvusi's
300 new Canton crepe, Polret Twill
and tricntlna dreeaea, ineliullng nov
rlty, clever panel and drape atylea
In atraight line or Mouse effects;
ions- or abort aleevea; regular $15
dreaaea. Friday Bargain, special
at (8.05
Children's and Infants'
Infanta' ewaater roata and allp-ona
in cardinal, tumuiim, hrown and
buff. Infanta' alzea ft to 14; miaara
aiaee ?S to St: In three lntn. He
clal at ..SI. OH. Kl.eil.
Metal and Brocade Hats
Hat and Veil Friday
S3.95.S5 00 "dS7. 50
A -f Vrry atnart and i!i ciili-dly jmpular leauliful ci hats, tiiiniiitd itli flow-
i J''l rrs, fcstheri, fur, l.iev, tte. An offtriuit demnnitrstiiii the sdsiit8cs
J J cf Ilaydcn'a luy and fur caahccialuttiun.
Friday Hosiery
rr It Staaa H
Wai.a ' -. ' '
oi, in St h I i-l
,!,, ..., .1 1 mlo t ''
I us r . it 4tt
at. ere alee 4 -,
WMI I ' a' .ei,a.4
I e ki . KHII K.aka tm
Si-. 'Joan a4 ' I
lr !- - e4 ! -
Sea vaUaa, at .....
I l4 M
.Mb' f-aiak't k
.,S-efc r '
;.. !- . .. It.M
Underwear l!ari?aini
Vumra'i t.anat at
M emea e ae , en-lia ni
I II e, k e 4 I -la e.oet.a,
eli'f.4 4 a titi-HH..i
- ..'. I an t I ... at L !.. tn-
,- ..I al M- ..,.4 e , . .i.
d4 Hi . ,i. I. , I jl lull I 1
. t f t 1 : a l tft,!
hall (illU-.aU
...... w a I . ij i , a
a a- ' -.M'-'! m I if
1.' a., .. 4 f.Mia a4 -.
at , . .
H-.' 4 tirU' t ts
al Ae
tN." a " t ' a I t
,. j . , ta I at ,.. 4
aa 4 tla m "e II I
I et
Friday Men's
Wear Bargains
Mtas Wool Shirti ml
Drawers i ..'cd nmkr, l
! twine; 1'iiil.iv.
per t:n incut .).
Men's Gray 8ter i; ,11
follsr. li, e rlia.u atiit, aitt
W !, ii, .' mU ; 1 i. l iv
t -Mr
a Ma, a Mk.4 1
e-a-a eii,4l a'ffia. I.. .!
t , .. .ia t.4ar
Ita a Im
and Hosiery
l.adlea' Heavy, I nlnn Salt
Fierce lin.d, full cut
Raj-nienla In all stylra and
sizea. A regular $1.25 suit,
Vrulay special at ....08
Mleea' and Chlldren'a All
While Inlan Suite In
heavy fleece lined for win
ter wear at 08
Raya' Fleeee Lined Heavy
Suit Sizes 2 to IS years.
A regular (1.00 value 70
na' C halmers Knit t'nlon
Suite In whlto and natur
al; all nt. a 2 to IS yeara,
special at 80
reei We have a special
front lac eoiaat m extra
heavy count that w
hIioiiIiI sell for more; ales
2 lo 3d; special i'rl.lav,
at (2.10
Just received our new ape-
nal In a l"w liual, fanry
briiLA'ted eeraet made to
II at i: 10. Frldav ape
cial at f 1.00
tuir tegular llinli. medium
and liiw liuel inodela r
tieavy muni at a lrolay
ai ' cial prna ........ .USr;
I'laa, lore and Wnalln
l,waa-oiir regular ion-It
r pink, trap and aatiaiin
gin. n in a e ruiay .i il
eala at 40)
l klljM.1. a 1 I .
- - -.Mai u.r.
aaeaiae Med ef bavy
Ii ai uulieg. nisea I
- flday at AB
ItMlery l.adle' ailk and a,,.... k,. tm. si! - - - -
anil tariety ef r-.l.ia a
l-lllllf III! ulna- 1. 1.
I . He. I... a e..a
aaee Mae I ail a See ii.r
ltaeV Hea(iUk. !'
"-"l waa w I lla
".! M ! ', I . 14 ,.
a A I' ii iivi I
' - - al3
! Heat t eee.kl l
- l e e.e f"i i M.a.
'' "
ewf r ( f.. ... il.oa
Hour Sales
in the
9 till 10 A. M.
Fancy Grape-
fruit, each til
Diamond II Piin- i
cake Flour, pkg. l"t
Fancy Cape Cod Cran
berries, 1 OJL
per lb
10 till 11 A. M.
Fresh Honsted i (n
rcanuts, lb 1UL
Crab Apples for Jelly,
market QPw
basket OUt
Fancy Wuo Iiose f, jer lb til
Friday ltargains
Front Hoom
Udlf' two-rlaap real Md
tilnfi'S, phjua' en, reiular
1 1 on ,ie, er plr.9'..'ire
Ijtdles' strap wr!t tel kid
(iautitlrt Glorrs, heavy till'
brnllered backs. It Mark,
heaver and broarn, US' t"l-
u. rr pslr M.'l.IJI
lid $Ut Meah ia
each !:i.lH
III) ladlra lra HtoHiie
lu .a, .b J1.M
t a4rlinnt ef li t W
ter Hot tie a. ririE. "'
at'h 14I.OII
inn i r nu" m
I'alm.iliia Hiin, lu' - . .
Armour's .it.-ifl.i'W -ts
h Mr T
I tllolU H"P. Mf, - 7'eC
lijukin r
S.Mf, "t Mt 7'4
a. i. ut at ...
'"i aaa.lei auk a
X ! .,t ! kla.
i a - eft i. a I ea
me4 a e M- 1.4.
i-iuy at , ....
i at r . ..n
aa ! !. at .
a I, I., ,.,.H