The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 27, 1922, Page 13, Image 13
n THE OMAHA HKE: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 27. lie. '6 I ! i WANTED JREAL ESTATE. UiUiU, .,r nulrk teeulla Mil rmi M.ll Hunk Mig J. Illl. uooo riaTINHH rrtM TO It. monk ncai.Tr co. at, llll. I.I r jtoar Romeo fur hi. ant ua M heie Ik cmiomnl fATNU INVEST Mk NT O , Realtor. I.lnf potur Iirobarte ilk 1 faraaaa I ml'B Co ma raraaaa M. WOMLDJlealte Co., Realtor, a. I, hTWIi-a:,r.o eeiaiel AT. Mil "at'iiih" Vr. CKU ao. Cloirar MoraiL T. llll! Waalarn Waal Ratal C JA. lei? VllloraJ C Rlshough. Ma I lor. JA. . l. B. lll' K CO hue and eeif home NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO" o o o o o o n o o o 3 o o o r o o o o o o ft Mara l J net that you ha tn looking nr. A fin Kalla.tone bungalow, ready lo wova In. Mira larf living roin with Prenrh door, dining room with rn h doero, street room ri"et, wonderful allrhen lih bi-elfaai room, too nl bedroom evnh ill taih ha. twaanj overi furne. Pin ok nil whit anaiual flnlah; oak floor throughout, t'tix lo rhoal ami ear 'lino; laraia fllh aolld drive. LH v aboar you Ihl today. .TH. Cliai. W. Martin & Co., REALTOR!. Tlf Omaha Nat. Ha.liid. AT. (117. o O000A6000000000000 O00000O Must lie SoM An Exceptionally Good Buy )jrt.d on North lllh Hiraal. Hood diatrlrt. rlii.rimiii houaa, lo alnrla. having four room on h firat floor, llvlnk room, din ing room, kltihtn apd dau! iwo good hadroom. alaaplng porrb and bik on aarond floor. Larga lof. r.araga. Mt na hot you ihl houaa. Tor furthar Inform, tlnn. caU lfamen Invritment Company, Realtors HM1I Douflu. AT. 0l. 2124 PINKNEY ST. MOVING TO CALIFORNIA. , WILL SACRIFICE. 'hi atrictly modarn, oak flnlahad hnmai aitarlor atuooo, tailll roof, brink founda tion. Bunroom, larg living room with firaplaca, Invaly dinlug room, handy kllih. n. Oak gtalr lo ircond floor; I cornar badroom. Planty of window, larg clo at. good bath, wall llghtad baaamant, rnrnar Int. paving t'm. cloa to rar and a'hnnl, aaay tnrma; rail buy. Evanlng nil Whatar ill). Fike & Price, Realtors Tatlmm tin, ml rity Nt. Ttank Wflg, CirrtlCB iBVEN-ROOM NKW HOME. UTRICTf.V MffKRN PRAIRIFfl PARK. .1.000 Down-4liICIi 6,v0l) Worth 17,600. "iir elany and nl'-a. Juat ha to to apprtriat. Hnlandld conitructlon. Owner inuat ll. J-knn 121. OSHOBNB RKALTT CO, "will buirdonyour WrAMPRFTI B t contruollon.rti1-01-'ljlu Frlra. tarm. til Kaalln Bldg. WA. 704. flavan-Hoom Modarn Oak Flnlah. Ciaraga, miner lot, clo In; want offer. '.'II Owner, AT. 6131 or HA. ITIi. THE BEST of WEST The Highest and Most Sightly Ground on the Beautiful West Pa cific Paved' Road. Overlooks Even the Most Lofty Trees of Elmwopd Park. Grand Panoramic View for Miles This high dass ground 30 acres has been added to Loveland, and is the third unit in the big West Pacific Suburban Homesite Devel opment. Finest section in the district. Nearly $200,000 worth of homesites sold in Ridgcwood and Loveland, the first two units, when put on the market last spring. Divided into Acre and Half Acre Moderate Priced Homesites SALE ON TODAY Continues Friday, Saturday, Sunday NO CITY TAXES-NO CITY TAXES Other Big Advantages 8trets bars been put to perfect (Tide; trees are being planted on every tree; ; moat streets ere to be raveled; water m. in petitions filed; Facifie street Is paved; electric light lines ran put tbe tract; on the road to Happy Hollow club s beautiful new bone; restrictions for medium priced home. In the Path of Omaha's Westward Growth! Prices $650 to $1,500 Per Tract Hit Extra Lvrg Sxi, Hightr Terms: 10 Per Cent Cash 1 Per Cent Monthly How To CM Th-T: 0 west from llnmeed park Faeifte street t TvHb street, Call us and we 11 eeae and (M yet SHULER & CARY NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. RKM, KoMK A MKAI. Uh'ATIiiM A II ML, l-Kli'K KMI. TP.RM Tlity r brand n. l-fwm eeml.purige li ? cut Ion litm rix'in with et ; - k ..a t ..... ...... , - .... i . . I 1R i beautiful knili.ln huffete. dandy kllrh.n ! with rablneif occupying on aide, tireea 'flat lebl. lie Dot rnulll, f'lll CaHienl tiaee. inenl wlh e.tra heavy furnace, I'loora ra all oak ilh o.uerlreae. oak riaieh will aianrl tha moat rigid lnair on Tha l-ria on thee f,,r Immediate aala la I..SI. with l no i titi anil balanr al I I month. Th.y ar real valuea for ma abnv pili a. To aaa thee call W, A. Loia. " A. 1.5? or ii r fi.Anr I'D! nKAi.Ton. tt'h anrl A in -a. KK IH Grniuiif Extra-Heavy I'-Incli Sturro Thi graat big ft .' loom kuiiMlOW Vllh aglra taiila va upiorlii by inftaalva hr'aa, -ann.larfully big fiorrh: living r.ioin Mt.l, llk inaaatv firaplar anil Loiiki-aava; buffat, pantry and rafrlgara for rtiiim; lw mammoth badrootna; full ramatu liaaatnant. a'uev garag I match nouaa aiith front, pum 'ra ana Ulrt fur s 1 ,909 raah will bandl. Call U quirk fur th: (nap. D. E. Buck & Co., 141 Omaha, Nt. Hank. Jai-kann I MO Kv.nm: Nawlon, KB. lilt; Parro, WB, (llll Ov.iier Will Sacrifice Jut Think of It A 4. room full f-atory modarn limn. Oak flnlah louth front, nn fin late lot. Paving pal. I In Knuniia I'lai'a, ona-half blork from i'ar and mlfr convanianra A anap at IS,IU" Worth I.I4. Kay tarni. Don't dalay. Call II A. HDt. 00000 00000000000000000000 a o jMI IOWV, kllAI.I, MONTH!, T PAYMKNTK. n laig lot with nua had fanra; an all.mndarn hum wllh flv rnoma; nawly drorlrd. Lt u allow you thl horn today. PATNB A CARWAHf CO. "Tnur Raaltnra." (HOrrmh Nt'l Bk. Uldg. JA 1411. 000000000000 0000000000000 ?,r) 1(00 DOWK, Juat dandy flva-roonr .HI mndnrn but heat. Wllh garage, .on 10 -foot lot. nd high and aightly location. Clnae to rr lln and chool. If you could pay about lion down you could Uk thl fallow equity at rock bottom prlee, Call Mr. Twlaat WA. 1421 thl evening, or R. r. f'l.AHT CO., REAI-TOHB, 24TII AND AM KM, KB. 0171. " A I'RIZB riiW, THE PRICE, Modern, riceptlanatl wall built home; f light, pleaeaut room, larg elofai; hard wood flnore: built-in fature; In good neighborhood; paving paid. I'rlr 14,700, Kaay term V K. 2294. i7J7IKCATiyt"-eltm., Mod. Kt. het I lota; 1100 r.nh, balsnc monthly. Crtlgh, 401 lie. J A. 030. NKW ant-room lutch colonial houee; oak finish, "net front, fin location; priced to ell. Klv. 041.0. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. Attractive Practical Do you want ' comfortablo horn t a reaannabl price? If o, look at till Mt nn Bt comUtlng of a tlo-etory frame, Ix room. lrln porch, tiled nth. oak nd enamel flnlah, full baeement, fur. nac heat. Can only be ahnwn by appoint ment. Bea me for price and tcrma, C. A. Grimmel, Realtor Omaha Nat. Bk. III. Ik. Phone JA. 1615. To InHfTt your Want Ad, 'Tell the Telephono" Atlantlo 1000. Nothing Finer in Douglas County For a Homesite. Th is Tract Will Sell Rapidly. So Come Out at Once and Select a Choice Site. REALTORS lUfiue on the .VMitiurO SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. RfsiiJenrc Stop, Look ami I.iitfn WM i.f tine T-rooro. full l-alor., iricll ttt'.d.'rn rxaidea.., luiaiaU on tlta MJt'actini 1'itk uoulavaril, Juml laju bio. k eohth of lianacam Paik. fallrdiJP hia n.oining and red.jcaii th prira of lhair ,i:vparty from ,00 to l.3 on verr areennaute larma The owner te bound o all tht property nd d II toon a piaaluia. !: lame living room, dinni room nd kltrnen. the fltat floor wllh oek f I core and oak finlahl ihtea lra b. rnMmi and alrova an Ih aecund floor; Rood attic above; foil rinenlal baaamanl, II modern uoiiveiii.n' Danny eaat fionl lul on p..lar.J mill aM lei lal '' paidi pvd alloy, all paid; f-'ar ra Owner makea etalameni ; "If "U re" how u pnylhln In tha vllnlly that will rnmpara wllh Ihle property for l-ea than frnin 11.10 t II.K'O morm than alia la king li would like-li ae II" Baa ua t onre w don I ea how Ihle iiii. rrty ran laal at Ihle ptl'-e Very reaaun. tula larma Payne Iiivehtiueiit (.. ill tlinaha Nat l Hank Bin '"' '' WEST SIDE PROPERTY. $3.500 $27.50 Per Mo. See photo of home offered at thin nrice in Friday Evening this price in Friday Bee. Amos Grant Co. Montdair $6,500 Quick PonBeBhion MuHt Be Sold Ilia fir Urg room all on on floor, Living room II ft. long, with log fireplace. Handy kitchen with built-in feaiuraa. Ampl apec for two good room up- lair If daalred. Pull cement baaamant, Kurnac heat ami laundry. Bltuated on fin ecu ill front lot o fl. frontage, Ab'ind am of f lower and ahrubbary. owner leaving tha nlty, daelrre Immediate ael. W conalder thl vary good vlua. 13.000 cah required. Call ua for appoint ment. George & Co., Realtors AT. J0I4. 211 V. 4TW, ATTRACTIVE? WHV, BAT. Tou'll feel Juet Ilk w do whan ou throuih It. We think It' beauty. Hl rcoine on one floor, on large room up, Th flnleh, decoration nd ritiiire ar vary fine Pineat plumbing In hath. Marage, Cornet lot. Owner leaving city. Plaaee do not bother tenant, but call WIl.l.AHIl C. BI.AIIAL'OH, Realtor. Omah l.n Hlilg. JA, Stt,t. Uvenlng, WE, C4TI. Owner Will Consider an tutomnhllf, vicant lot or $ 1 .090 'h a part payment on Ihle beautiful hunga low Juat completed, for a home, but aa hi wife died he mut dlapoa of it at once, A fin -ronm oungaiow, tn very flneat clear oak floora and flnlah. llulll In buffet, wardrobe, hreakfuat nook and kitchen cabliivte. Hlg riooren attic, imjii cementtd baeemenl. Tli prc I ca thin co of construction. D. E. Buck & Co., 741 Om.h Nit. Bunk. Jackaon liCI. Kvenlnga. Parro, WE. 01)2; Newlon, KB. 114. 11,000 CABI1 and It; per mouth buy .thl 1-rnntn trlctty modern liom just blng com plated. Room are ray. Not far from fiuiidr car line, call owner, Ar, 7,11 day. Ak for Mr. Cart. I PACIFIC m 32S Keehnt B!dj. WEST SIDE PROPERAY, Only $700 I)ov.n, &0 Per Mo. Ik ti mt Th ui 4-rij6m buiigalow buy in i Hnal4 I'nUy, Ta o'-l, id A l i.rdtuon, ftttra.'llv Umh in mt4 tut. Full ramt-nl biM'tiiffil. Moulh fmnt mUH ithj u. I'huii ioinrroir Seavey IIuiIboii Co., T tout tf fiiy Nat l 2784 Davenport Pino l.rooin all niKilani home, all in 'teal of repair; hot Haier heal, laiga aouih irnnt lot. paving pain in full. I.lve cloae m ava carfare and rent out room or Iwo ami lw lndepindanf in a few yeaia, Prii only fa.wifiiatHint ll,.'t reh. Kirl liroM., Reallort Ill Kelne lll.l AT 47: Five Room Btricily nioiletn, in i hic location nn pvd alreel, only about aer old; nicely tiecoreieit, oah and enamel flnlah, btillt'lti bnokceaaa, aliad tree, lan, vto. I tOO elll henill Temple McFayden Co., Reaiiore iroi Parnam Bl. Kvenlny Phono WA tnJ. 0000000000000000000000000 CloHe-in Bargain Plie rooiiii. Oak and whll en i inel flnleh. On pavi'd Hreet. f'en glva Immediate piaeesalon. Eaev leim Pur full par'lcular cl Mr. Hlnan, Walnut ihl I. 0 000000 000000000000000000 iiK.poim w.'tin'I cam7 Fike & Price, JA. 2419. N"W Humee linn AT, 4tt4 Grove-Hibbard Co. Mf BENSON PROPERTY Somebody Getu Money's Worth r'na ifimann liom. well r rnngerl, nio.iern "d In A-I condition. Unrage, laig bei'l'lful yard. Cloae to car and achool. Xuil he anld thl week, Por particulara, avenlng cm It HA. 0231; uaya, Ja, aei. DANIjy (-ronin bungalow; lot tIO; half oiora rrom car i ne. price ii.iia. n. a. Orlmmel, phone JA. IBIS. FLORENCE PROPERTY Home Agent A." mSCEU,ANEOUSPROPERTY "We Build to Please" TemplMccyden Co., Udt rrnri Bt HAhTIMIB A) HEvitKM. Realtor. ' DUNDEE PROPERTY. 1,000 Down 7-ronm hour; flret floor contain large living room acrota tntlr houaa; library, riming room, all fliil'lKd in ouk; kitchen and but ler .niry fimehed In birch. Two Urg bedroom tin nd ht ed aleplng porch, flnlahed In birch, datum In connection with laundry. I'rlc, 19,600; .ro ca.h, bal- "nee on pnymeni. inf. Located at o'ui izara htreei. C. G. Carlberg, KI1AI.TOR. 0l. ill Brand, Th. BMg. JA. DUNDEE PROPERTY Dundee Homes on Easy Terms Tour choir of thro new, wll-bullt, com- i on iiomca, a nv-room bungalow at l,60; a two-tory. ali room houae at "n very aitractiv oolonl! lg- room noui. at ,uuo. ah hav tile bath, room, biillt-ln feature. Nlcly dcoratd and flnlahed throughout. y terme that oeui renting. Glover & Spain, Realtors Pll-30 City Nat'l ja. 21(4 KOB Iunde properly e K. II, Bcnnel Co. 404 Ke.llne Bldg. Call u. DO. t4U4. Vllillll!.'i.lllltliMlulilillllilli','Mi;lin. : WANTED ( By Missonri Pacific at St. Loui, Kan City, imporUnl point: f MachiniiU, i Boilermakar, - Blackimith. Littla Rock. Omaha ant! otkar i Standard wagaa and working condition. I Apply 217 South 14th St. - Omaha, Neb. '1 i':-'t"''iiil,ii'"'!'ia,aiaMii:i.i:i(''ift.i The C. B. & Q. R. R. has made pertinent agreement witb its present employes. Have va cancies for a limited number of Machinists Boilermakers ' Blacksmiths Car Repairera Tin Smith Applr Floor Burlington Building, Tooth and Farnam Street, Omaha, Nab. i I BUY THEM WITH CONFIDENCE DRIVE . THEM WITH SATISFACTION MONEY-BACK CUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY USED CAR YOU BUY FROM US I'ould you a.k for hotter protec tion? reed Tourtng. 11; lord louring. a4; lloirk '1'ourlng, gMl mechanical conditio. I4, Ruick Touring, fma cnadttloa, ll4 Chevrolet ltl Touring, gone) en. ilitiun, ll.i; I.lir louring, III; ftrlnd Model 4 Teuring, !;, Ill, tlaaland, r 4 enndnion laith inlee .".. laeral eih.i aka and a'l aejual !.. HY TH.SM Ml H.NaSl k. UlARt.C I III !! I! WILLYS-OVERLAND, la. IMS leiaaae ,eel tl-. 0 eeie. - Oi ee. aukdaia M'lirn in Nerd of Hrlp Try Ilea Waul .U Sell Now Before We h..e,t ...,a aa.a i te. . ,n,e e eae-.ta u u.t v. .a a WE WANT IT We ' r " ' I A. l Tukcy & Son I.I ie a-k kwejuf laufcMi. H.i,e I ill t II! - I ye e (Jives Radio Fans Science Lecture Creighlon Aolronoiiier De claren Mercury Tellencope Plannetl ly .Mining En gincer I4 Impractical. I'nef. William K. Hinge, t'reiglili.n iinlvriily' icuf loiiHlly known ggtrun oiiiit,' luel nli;ht lirngilraat th fmnlti Icitni of lhi tinlvrially railin et Ifimlon pingiani from tliu Omaha drain Kvlmnge, offltlnl call, WAAVV I'rnf Will linn K. Klgifp'a ouhjixt wan "A Klfly Kotit Morcuf TcltK ncupo." lie m1i in part: Wo all have font Mm, even if II bn a fnlnt one, of lliu Iklll and pa tlmt lulior that are required lo gimp'. the blft Ihiihcm antl mliroi of our glnnt tlcoi.. It ttefK ulMitit thrin var to frrlurl iho BO Inch mirror fin Mount Wilnoii, ami about flv to gi-t' lla lofl lnch Into correct form, Th n w 120 Inch fur KeutH may roiulr vn ygr or more. Kvrn the cat Inc of aurh lin g (lim a of glnea, th it rnuat lie almoat flawlfM In vry re l,prt, cull for the hlifhrat tklll anj iepeale trliilx, 17 having been nco ary for the M' k S Inch gla. And we may be aure that l exponae la In proportion. Ida Nlartl World. "Now here coniea man who la no rmtronomer and no optician, but a mlnltitf viiKlncnr, and ha'atartlrl tho world with a brilliant Mm. lie will build a tlec.Qe on engineer Ing p.'luclple; ha will almly at a konln of mercury or qulckailvtr In r tot'on, and In a few mlnuiet he will have tha beat, Urgent and lnu e i.enaive telcacope in the world. lie will mke It not only a few im lm l.ti'iur Ifcun the preaent larvent one the loo-Inch on Mount WilHon; no, h will jump at once to too Inclif or 30 't ' Marvc lonnly aimple In prfm-l"l. It the mere rotntlon of a "lasln o' mer cury, and ulinoHt rocklexuly boll in lia ,'ignntlc nie of SO i't, llil U-l'.xoyi will be an everlaMtlnK monument fo il (.'eaiKner, and will Innrrllx! bin name amors the greatent mn tho world he ever known ' rrofeonor IilKKO then explained condillon thut would be produced by the whirling of the mercury, ahowln.r that the aurface innat alwaya be rip pling, and hence unfit for optical put- 1CUCg, Forua Too hhort. The designer of thl giant merc ury tciorcope," concluded liigc, ''may bei a good mlnln engin eer, but hi conccptlona or thin in alrument are worthy of Jeff. He pro poaea to bJlld it m latitude 26 defrrc-;. IS minutes noiith, Am! observe Mora with it on Auguat 74, 1924, when thli planet pancn overnend In latitude 17 leKreee, 3r, minute eou'h, over !,0'l n.lli-4 away. And in addition, he cx pecta to five hie niri-or a apeed of cne turn a aecond, which will prndu'ie u focim ol 6 lncbea lnxt.ead of the A'.iO L fet that ho wanta. For thee rei:t rn I do not men'iO!i hie name, be cause If he la redly In earnest, bo will want to lie low. aa he la now doing; and If he ww noeylng a tempo rary notoriety, lie tlot not deserve the advertiaement. ' Mki McCune Gives Talk on "Music in the Schools The feature of Thursday's program at the Brandels restaurants was a aliort talk on "Music In the Schola" by Miss Juliet McCune. Mrs. J. M. Albertsen, assisted by Sophie NoMtita Nalmska, gave a piano selection. Miss Dorothy Stelnbaugh aang "My Wild Irish Rose." Marriage Licenses Oeor' Vodicka. over 31. Omaha, end Marl Hopklne, ovr 21, Omaha. Waldo O. Truax, 13, Omaha, and Jo hanna Eketrand, 22, Omah. John T. Becker, 12, Union, Neh., and Marjorle A. Fitch, 21, Union, Nub. Fred O. Mayfleld, il, Omha, and Que lle Btreand, 19, Umeha. Peter B. Tarter, 26, Vlley, Neb., and Ruth A. Hubbard, 24, Valley, Neb. Blley P. Harrington, 25, Council Hluffa, la., and Mwy Muaek, 40, Council Bluffa, la. Jame R. Barrow. 10, Bak'T, Fla.. lnl Alphretta Dure, 23, gmlthmlll, i'a. Harold J. Pratt, over 21, Kdgerton, Wl and Florence A. Jenka, over 21, Omaha. I 1. 1. li:iili;liiiiiii'iiiii;ii!ii!liiiiiiliiiiiiiiiii.iii-j Frisco Wft Machinists, 75c per hour Boilermakers, 75c per hour Blacksmiths, 75c per hour For Springfield, Mo., and other points on Frisco Lines. Permanent employment positively guaranteed to who can qualify. Agreement with NEW employ, en now in effect covering working condi tions and rates of pay. Room 118, Hotel Carlton, Betwtrn Harney and Howard en 13th Si. I I I I M H I I I H I t I I I t Cold Weather , pi i . die. TO SELL! f m ra trH J ike. Il l ..... (Fremont Protests Northwestern Rates l.lmuln. th l. S. irlpt-i'lul SV. II. Villlli); of t ha Kli'lliWIlt t'olillln'll-l.ll Club iieenlit to lli lalo milway cuiiiiiilaelon at a formal hearing tho pioteat uf the Jobbing Inlorrel ft that tily bmhIihI itlecriiiilnnlloii no- tlnil aualnat It by I lie Northwratn n rnilroHil whnnet aniilhcrn N'braki liruni hc, wbirh leave I lie rher at I'litln Itlver Junction, have been at Icmpiliig (o meet the ahort line com pelltlnii of I he. liurliiigloii and tie I'nlnii I'aclfic, where theae rtmif t ru It on their direet route wml. on ehlpnicnl from Lincoln. Kreiiiont doe tint object In till, Mil It do- want to have the anme rait to ItiUrmrdlate poinl a l.liiroln, It nva that It ba no deaire lu te given any ailanlaae over Mntoln at ihi-a.i poinl, alihougli many of them aia nearer Fremont, but la content to have (lie Mire the ninii an long a Inbound rate to rTeinont and l-m ctdn remain the name. , Ho kubmllted Iwo proposition--to allow the NorthweNtern to nit-t tbe ahort haul line at the croMlnga, which a now tinted aa terminal, and ap ply tho game rate from Kremont lo tie Intermediate ptlnta aa from Lin coln on the tiauul bala, or to allow the preeent plan lo etand and hIvo Freiniint Ihe naiiie raie aa Llncolii l a, nubjett to the Clarke era! maxl l nun, Mr. Young anld that the troubi la thitt'lha Northwestern apiilleg the maximum ecnle to ahlpmenta from Fremont, on a dlMtawe bal, but not to ahlpmenta from Lincoln. I'ndrfH Finds It Hard to Explain County Tax Lowes M. h. Kndrea, deniocrHlli! county treuiurer, la finding it funiculi to explain the lna of $l,7") to the county by reanon of bl nt-Kllitence and mat of hi chief deputy, Otto Hauman, now candidate for treanurer, In tno Korfer-Mlthen tax-buy tranwictlon. Kndreg det'llned yerterday to anwer fiuegtlon, repllea to wnun mmni prove etnlini-rnhclng to him In the eyea of county taxpayer. Hirlh and Deatlin. !eelli. Leon Klihaida, lioapltal, Harold n J girl, Alfred ari'l Ren Ruhren, hoepliel, gin Albert nd Florence Warner, luminal, Mart and Kaglen, hoapltal, bof. . ... , ... Thomaa and una rry, 'r Tllghman and Ann Wilbur, hoepll!, Jr. na Mrgrei iroroy, noani, ei'i, Louie and I'eail kaleabury, hoapltal, . .. . .... '- . .. . .... John ari'l jwvrtie wan, noaui',11, i-.r. Tony and Klla Tunm, hoapltal, girl, Juro nd Francle puaplaek, hoapltal, boy. Harry and ftoae Kleetialatt, hoapltal, Wolf Henry nd Ann rmuei: noa- pl at. girl. ; itaymoMil and rguerit inwriin. hoepllal, girl. ... Frnk and Mabel Hayior. nnpiti, gin. and Ellen Jenklna, It'it Kouth J 7th St., boy. Itnliert and Mary Kimball, nnepitm, noy, i'lrnc and Katherlne Kdcc. hoapltdl, girl. Harry na ayivia neagren, ui;e aiyrtie Ave,, boy. Francia anir Outdalup Alb, 1117 Houtn 6ih Hi., girl. Joaeph nd Rn El k:n, 1712 North 2tn Sr., boy. John Jacob and Anna, G017 Fa- Clint Ht., boy. Foreet and Emma ismery, nnapnai, gin, I,en and linn. Allgood. hoapltal, girl. Herbert end Anna Hoeiner, 1910 South 14th Hf girl. Frank and Elala HHln, (004 Capitol Ave., boy, . Jannlnga and I.ena Johnion, 2102 Boutli lath St., boy Karl anil Brflth Bell, hn.pltal. girl, tleorg did Pearl Uufflngton, hoapltal, bo,'. Abmm nd Helen tie Voe, hospital, boy. Death', A'lolph Brackhaher, 70 yi-ara, hoapltal. Anna Hhv. 47 yer, hoapltal. Jn,!ph Hchnejgt-re, 21 yeara, hm;ilil, Hni 8iolt..T. 4 yeera. hoapltal, Allen !', 41 ycare, Elkhorn, Nae elathew Malone, Infiint, hoaplta). Wary J. Burbe. 70 yer, honpltal. lir" .J", a.0 & hp m ttm minim The "Want" Ad section of The Omaha Hee is the link between buy er and teller between you and the person who can and will satisfy your wants. Omaha Jee "Want" Ads are sure, quick, economical. Witness the hundred of people who put them to scores of uses uncommon one., too and j;et results. Your "Want" Ad in The Omaha Hoc will put your message before nearly every j-oten.inl prospect In the field overnight -and at minimum expense. It costs less than any other form of adver tisinij in the world that possibly could reach the same? jfreat number rf readers. Omaha Hoc "Want" A(U will fill all your wants every lat one of them. Use them for all for today's wants and the wants that turn up tomorrow. Uam the peat value of Omaha Hee "Want" Ads to you now. Renumber, your "Want" Act in Th Omaha He it luaranlead la brini at good or bttUr rttultt than you will tecura through any olhor Omaha mw. paper and at lata coat -or money rafundad. Could Case Grows More Complicated Iloejiilul fur Iiieaiic Head He fuars lo Allow Heireas lo Leave Super. iilTon. Mncolii, tk t. . (Hpt lal rTha caae of Ml Mabel (iuiild of Kearney, former lumHtn of Ihe hoapltal for Ihe Inaane at llaatina. la Inncnining more complicated, Mlaa Could wa com milled In 1V1S, tiring very norvoua and eicltiible. Ib-r fulher bad willed hla eeliiln In the boiird of rnllon of Ihe Prechyterlan i hiircb, and whll hi daughter h cuiitenllng hla will. aha lierame violent and perltd In tlirnwlng rotka through the I'reaby lerlan church window at Kearney, Hhe aucceeded In breaking the will, but the flO.000 that came to her aa her ahare of the eatate did not bring back her anully. Mia (lould waa later paroled, aienf a year In a private home,fnd la now at a private sanitarium In Lincoln. Che la 41. Dr. Kaat, superintendent of Ihe Hunting hohtHl, refuses to dls'hnrge liar, and members of the board are upiclou tb'tt the parties who are now sstiklng thut discharge are attrucled more by tier money than by herself, but the parties violently deny thl. TherVmrd hi Indicated that It will fn. by the deration of Nuperlnteti dllfl Kaat, He kays Ihe woman would be a mennce in aoridy and her- aelf If allowed out from under super- vmlon. The stale bua a bill for II.S'im ngulnst br for lier atny In th ho- pltiil. The fnmlly tilatory, a aun milted, ahowathe fulher wn en-en- trie, the mother died of tiiberrulo! nml two uncles on Iter father's side were lnnne. Former Cohan Star Directs Elks Show .Oimihil iiiiiiiteur firtur till prrforfh In tint profliittlnti "Hello 11111," Wlilch la to lie given el;ht nlKhta at the IiranrMa tlit-ntre hy lotul Klk. The show Is put tin hy Kolx-rt V, Hheehnn orotliittr Wf "JIkkt" and once atnr t,t fifotite M. folmn'g Mg hit, "The Yankve rrlnce." Relieitraula ara lnMnif helfJ nearly every evnliiir, nc'irdliiB; lo memher of Ih" m-llvltles comniitt'-e, f-itinpoaed (if WcIihM ;rolt, ChurlfS Iwrlierty, u-llllam Kolli-r and A. Taylor. The show la brimful of wit and humor. The latent son hit of the season will he introduced the opening night, Fijiirt-olor souvenir programs will be given away at each performance, Ralihi Colin lo Speak on "Biukner and Salvation ' ut.kiier and Knlvatlon" will be the title of a aormon by RnbM Colin at Temple larafl Frlitiy "night at t. Thla sermon will be the continuation of the discussion on Rev, 3. M. Buck ner's stand on the subject of orthodox Christianity. Saturday nioinlng at 10:30 the ar mon will be "The Ark Vpon the Wnters." Ccle'Tal'on Planned hy Chamber of Commerce Team captains have been named for the membership drive to be wnged dur ing the next threo weeks by the Oma ha Chamber of Commerce In celebration-of the 80th anniversary of thf organization. Plana have, been made for many special meetings, tho first of which will be held November 3, when all campaigners will meet to re ceive their instructions. wftdT ijott warn SMS THE WANT mi in..., KiyVM..i..n....n mil HI 9b Oaaha Alomtnfi??- theeveniksese League of Women Yolcr Iimtt-d lo Meet in Omaha The UnwIiA ChaaiUr of tVniineree iurl an InvltulUm to the imtloiinl board uf the Lfaigua of Wotm-il VuOM, wlilcll meet III Cllk't Hi lt luolith, to iwlect Oilia fur Ua amiuiil (hhi ventlon to be held early In April, 1923. The Omaha I.iu if Wmutn Voters was nollfiwl vt thta action by Mia, 1i a per Hniith and It give lirai-ty enduraelnrnt to the Invitation, Tho league will bring up the suhji-ct at the dusting state t'oiiveiititUl Novilnlur It and aak fur Ititet nnperiitlnn If tlm riulliinul kagu rli'i'litra to accrpt tint liivllatlon. 57 A fine meal in a can Heinz Spaghetti makes a fine meal. Prepared in the Heinz skillful, careful way, after the recipe of a celebrated Italian chef flavored and enriched with Heinz famous Tomato Sauce and a cheese with just the right fla vorit comes to you in a can, ready to heat and serve. HEINZ Spaghetti efawfrcotsW, rmdytomrv DRESSLSnd MODERATE PRICES Julius OrMn tttt-DoutfasSt Uphltre1 4'arnlture Cleaned and Made to Look Like New by Our Scientific Cleaning Procee PRICES REDUCED Man' lw and thr-pUc 1 CQ ull cleaned and praad . . . . " DRUHER BROTHERS Dyer, Cleanara, Hallere, Furrier, Tailor and Rug Cleaner 2217 Famam Street Tlphoni Omaha, AT Untie 0345 South Sid. MA rkt OO50 OMAHA DEE AP I i ) w a nt aft k&i I