THK OMAHA ISM.: MONDAY. OCTOKKK 1!: Nebraska's Victory Over Missouri Feature of Last Week's Middlewest Games Huskcrs Plav Sooner Eleven Next Saturday . I ,'rei jrhton ll Tough Foe, in Mrfiiele Here Sat urday Marw !.lk hi mi i n w (.si it. N' LIIHAriKA'H university footlwll listna tame through will) fly ing color In their atheduled krldiron contest lVl Hat unlay, and f'ntlicr iletnnnalialed that I In eUs of footbsll plnyed liy grldsfer of (hi .int must be re knned with by mibi and fun of middle western t The most Important victory of hint r-ntunluy win Nebraska's 4 S to lc f at of III Missouri Tlg-r. consid ered on lit tha wt ryrt cr t Missouri alley .itiKrcKutloiia. I'nill It met the llusker, Missouri hail won two val ley striliftfle. In their gnme with Mlrsmirl. the ' ''orii'hukrr showed it brand of foot hall thul slump them aa on lit the k' congest eleven ever turn'-'! nut at .Schrankii. The Husker plnyid font hall lliiil Would he (mid fur any 1'im In (he country In heal, ami It i mil that the i hiiinploiishlii of the valley will fi in rial In Uncoil) at i he rln of the present grid ea- in, Husker In I'lay Hooiirrs, Next Hut unlay Conch "Hwip It "" I in ann will take hia flock of lin 'y football player loNormon, Okl,, where the Hunker meet tha Oklahoma nnl- orally team. In .the second confer ence rriiitt for both eleven. Oklahoma, arnt tha Kansas Aifgle battled to a 7 to 7 tie, score Inst week. Crelghton nnlveraity emerged from lia game fr I n Ht thn Tic Mnine iinlvemlty at 1'ea Moine last Hattir oay on the long end (if a ( to 0 count. According to report received from the Tiger cmnp, Crefghum hud the best of (lie DrxuiijiTit from the start. I'iclghlon'g victory should holster the Kniiiha train' pluck ii a fiMitbiill ag gregation u Urn strung J J.-t n tt un tvcrally eleven only a week pre vl,.oa ,l,.r,Mil,'il tha Ilea Mnlnea elevf n by h 9 to U moro ut Detroit, Next Hut unlay Oreljjhtoii und Mar- quell play on Crelgliton fliid. Muriiuellc Hero Nalunlny. Without doiiht, the M ii ri licit 'i ihiilon union la the most, hnpor l nt contiil icuiniriliig on ihe Orelgh i i,n t huliile. Tho Marquette team v no fi rm i inic iivl.'iUoit school eleven t-i:l H.iiu.diiy hy tho scorn of 50 to (:. While III" uwiitois illiln't prove l.iiicli r'lciupetillnn. the remit of the I, nine Clews Unit M;iriUlte ha a piAvorl'ul ft-'.riii:i coin'ilnitlloii, Tho M.'iriuciie ImckrleM In coiichoj ) y Klein: ii I' itZKcriilil, former Noire ) imria ftiir, who lout year cuiii hel the hiiekiiehl of the frelKhton Icmn. I'mieli Ailiima' Oraahii unlvemliy Ham ,won II flint gnine of thn cn- i:in wlifn It wulliipcd the Talwr col Ion of Tabor, J ly tho ncore ut 30 to 0. Tlie Miiior.nn have an often dnle Ihl wcok, hut next week piny the Trinity rolleH eleven of Hiuux t.'lty In l Inmhii. Important Grid Games This Week t Iliihlwlo-Wallaie. I llll) AV. VliirlrtlH at Kiilnnin.iiil. W llmli lna lit Ilnhlwln-Walluce. r inixu In nl Otliiwa. Iln.loll lixMnne. nt Faltaliuinit. "(erllni,' nt Krlenila. Hniithrwi-iitrrn nt Kanaaa Mat. normal. 1'rthnn.v nt Slate Milnliel Normal. Inwit Hinte Triu-liera at KlUworlh. . SII1IMII III I'ltlNOIia. I 'nil a! nl IMIIIain Jewell. MlMMiiirt tuller rollrae at lirury. Ml.nourt Mi-kli-rn at Marjatllle Tenrh- IK . I iilhrr-Mliii'hlnn at 4 antral VtXIrjan. Ileilillnf at lnr. kn M.VTIMOW. Ixieil'.. tittnnrlle nt I rrlahlnn. ' V rth lira Jleliiea aiiuyiat ( riilral Lriitua 7'e.C. Trrh nt I tneiiln. v.nlh lllh hi tminell Rlutfa. mi ate. Nehraaka at 4klhitnta. IllhaP,'. rt hiiat. f'rlneelon at I'hu-acn liirtliia at limn. Illl mil Mlililaan. Ihh. "mil. at Mlnnrejila. I Itie nl I enlre. vt.'circan Aiatea at ledlana. h"r. it n Kanaiia Aailea. vii. - at at. Ionia. V it'll' nit loe al lewai male me. at, tiri- al Kriltllekv. II inr at rarlliam. lwh nl Ililllrr, :tliirale at lirPaaa. krn mi I aliin luk'Ht,-um at kena. Mnlrr Heeria at Moualar, Ite-mUaa at Miami. X.I. I., ml al Mir . ni. Hk.f al H.,l,l.ura M Mima al halamatmi. , It. ,,.ll at N.ilalirl.l I'rxrt al l,it Hetlrlaa l.f tiinell a I aa, Ita- ttwlHra at fcmifttMMt, I Miba at leper !.. I a a rt al t tHiwrll at, 1hiNia al rtl Itakula M tiuf al 4 ariHtw. Mainlina al ttrAteaier. Xlllaaaa l.nalneara at laaraara. t ar'all al Milaauka Swm.1 N-Malh NutHHil at Jaaa Mllllkaa. rwtai at Itnat. t-tiHripia ttiiiian at Marakara. t atthaaa at Mmm.-mih. l-aai.t ralv al tllwl Na.aMl !, at MllltaWla. Sooner. Tie Afie. kU. IVl Hiii. A. -WWII f'ahl In ft hat iPNid t tu a h.iprhaa stttiiat. UkUbunia n4 lha h. 7 t . I't Hi kt4 tt ! - vf r,lf hrt H-'nitirt a..,ltU h Kalia,i Aiia' I lit and t r II yr ! an. I ( ul ar ih Hi.i..t' lea .... it. lit ft not a aui.ilur I k. tit p.t.k el ia la lha, . t la' ' Nebraska Horseshoe Pitchers Plan lo Launch a Membership Drive lliuaathwt p.ttti.4 a a d tt.r C V a.,.!. -ta a ,...!. ul a t ai-r la tbi titli If Wat ...-i. In a M ttoM, a- j 1. .ui. vt lit ll ....- It , II tl M -.I t. t-( '.i.'tKt-f imtul.- titts . t4 a.-.t'-- .. i ,Vff. VI a itwat.og tl ! buaiil tl tit - Iraautan, Ut . . ! . a V a lt el ! aM. ka )tat ' ll M l t-U f ( at .l aa. ,1.4 1 attKA Uu eiar iiil t-wH Nt inaaii a w.k .i...t t a,,a I ( 4: t ya.t a 1 .t . i . ,.,,a--, M,'.l-a. l tt- -I at t,.l, t -,- a . i i - -1 i . . , . ut t 1 k,. ifc.ol.Pa tot ' -a lit aaat , ,a,aut.t. at EDDIE'S FRIENDS ! - uni own ' ri i - r ' IF HE UDWT UAWWA, HE UAWNA! thats all! Atlantic Team Loses Contest to Olympics 1 'a Eleven Wins From '.va Aggregation ail League Park, 'j.'UoO. TVriNTff'M lF THK liMK, llljr ion Anrila tmiiril In rriminae. ,S7 I' lcl dimna Ill I'HIlte r I'lil'la (( riti UK I'linl. rrtnmril (liinla) ,..,n: uniler nl kliloiff. Klikeff, return (jBrii.) ... 44 I'ruultle (yitriln) a 1'io.hra ulli-liinlril 4 I'llllNPW ll'fl,ful I Tuhhea ijiiailei'rnMfiil , l-limlilea . . . , 4 Kunililea rernvereil ft H i 1 111 11 t H HI 3 I t OnintiH football random .turned out -"'O itronif yeatcnliiy nfteinoon to watch Ita firnt profcwulonHl fool bull tcutn win ita -iune ugalnat tho Atlantic, (la.) grlflater. The Oinnha Olmplca won, 13 to 0, Miunulun of Ui local temn, provld ed tlic afternoon' thriller, with a 70 yrd run for a touchdown. Tho OlymplcH outplayed tho Atlantic Unm Jn 3il branchea of the game, and with tha exception of once, the At l.intlc team never threatened the Omaha itoul. The entire Olympic backfield played well, but on the defense, Kerry, Munn nnd lllKKin were bent, l-'or Atlantic, 1'n rce and Wilkin atarred in the buck field while Cox went good on tho line. in the fliHt quurler Atlantic kicked off to Waixh. Several line bucks put thn ball on Atlantic's 45-yard line, from Where it wan curried over by a i'l.' ynrd run by McKeehnlc, a ltlyard run by WalHh,, nnd several lino plunges by Leahy, who toted it acroHa Leahy made 4 he try for point, making ' the score 7 to . Whunnhan then kicked to "Tub" I .erce of the ow,ans who was downed nfier a 10 ard.roturn. Olympic held for down, forcing Atlantic to punt. Slinnahan received the punt, running 7it yards down the Hidellup for u touchdown. Leahy missed the place kit k. Tito liicup: ItlyniiHea, HlM'na: . Cnularil ,,, Hialry ... Hrrry . . . . Illorlnar .. Mull ii .... Kiury . , , tfhartaban Wal.h ... I.eahy ... is. Allanlk. II. Hlake . ... McUorlll . k. v. H T . no. . C. Hrr , , Uerniam . I..T Uuiim-t . lK- Amh-isiin .ii H hui'lie U II J. Wilkin . k". H I'irre .1.11 A. Wilkin Mai-K.etimr, tiffit-lal.; hulwa, t'rallhtuti. rrturea: Kru- p uluit, t'hlrii,i, umpire, aitauaban, Uma ita. hrail linvaniuu. . Nuol ltulit,nai H mpi al Larly fur llial- , M.' tor Ittaatiia. W hi-ri.-r fur .l.c i hm. All. rllr. Hnbarl for lllakr, llnff ' man f'-r i, 'IkjIoi ..r .. Wilkin. I Mooie l y rl, ,l.. olimim a ... a 1 1 a - II . A t la nl ii- . . il ii v 'I f .ui Into,, n. t.rtthv. ahultah.iu, loal afiar louclotnarn; l.rali). i Tuna uf euatirra: 12 tnlnuif. Valhu Standings 11 . 1 ..! . I . . I ..I ,.3 . i I.. Pt 't. I'l p. t Nattraaa a i una a I l a .. i ; I ! . 1 t t ,i la l-ie , l aaolirt , . . f Kjliitaa . . . I I . xi. la l .'ta i 'tJioaail : ! , 1 it I OkilkiMl i Htl ti'a Nt ! 1 1. .t-ta.4 4t tl.-. ,K l'taik ll, W .tn a1--, 7 !.. siata 7 i,o.i.i tia'aaite. I fe.aa.aa '. t ta.baaa, 41 Utitiim iv i a .--'.' i -. !. tatta am. t..ftt -iaii l N-it- it .Sl .a alt i-.t la a t t.e' a,. -a. a rat tt.aa. a.a at U.a ' -" .a-.. ' l.l. ,..! ... ...I 4 vt yl.4 a i t v u. a,,.!. WMA r i f s t s s J ' y s f s s j s s s s s S s WS'' ''''W'W) CHGC"S rS wwy. My r A i ""T iii vrivi i va r - Jimmy Crowley Stars When Notre Dame Defeats Depauw Soulli Jfend, IihI., Oct. 22. Th Noire ume 31 lo 7 victory over Jlo p;itiw rin'unlny, aelileveil after the Tlircra luol held a necond ntrlriK Notrn liuriu) hrtek field in tha firat quiirter, wiim feiitureil hy Die hrlllliuit runnliig of Jimmy Crowley, who broke looi with frequent ilimlie (hut included Utah of 5 mid 35 yard for touch down. Corucy, who worked at full hack hern huh of tho Injury to CtiKlner, Football Facts Q. Ten m A klcka off and halfback of team ii catche ball, with hia full back nnd halfback behind him. Jle leturna kickoff by punllng bull, thee two pluyera being behind him when ha punt. Opitonenl have all come down field on kickoff. ill fullback Dunn Star in Marquette Win Milwaukee, Oct, Tl. (Special.) Marquette unlveralty won from the V. H. Technical school eleven here fc-'aturday, BO to 0. Although the Mar quette were autwelKhed 35 pounds to tlio man, they allowed a form of team plhy that kept the aviators on th-i Jump. Coach Murray Injected sublltutea into the Marquette eleven by the score after the second touchdown had been made, suvlns his first-string men for Crcighton nVxt Saturday. Dunn at quarter starred for the A till Topper w ith several long-end runs and was exceptionally brilliant m ojien field and returning purrts. lie wa replaced by Curtln, who also showed, well in getting through cen ter and off tackle. The lineup: Marquette, Fah.y, ollla HMlinnn .... krnnnly ... Htntun .... Mrilinnl. ... MarkwaiK . fkrinp .. Itcniirlt ... I mi for U I'unn I1. .U.K.... .L.T.... Teehnleal. , ... Bo Ul Vogt , Klik.i'ken rhalk . . Oroileckt ,,. llorilrin .. Orlffith I.lit.kl Hilar M..:k.y , ., Barilry R r,. .. R T. .. R.K... 1. H... R. H... V. II... Ql... Townsends Win Over Cechie Team The Omaha district soccer league served up another one of thoaa da In hum diwhe of soccer )elerday aft ernoon. At Milter park, the Caledoni an defeated the All American 9 to 0. Hint the Innaha Sporting 4.1 nnd a CV, ilefeuted the tiuarautee Clothing Co., lo I. The Caledonian, who i all hand 1 1: .Z . ' 2 . .. " , and feet at the game, had IUtleh" with t.lllna -ffert. after lata trouble In inning over their mora h"'1 marked advantage, A i..u ..-.i I..-.I-.. . ! running atU.k had proved futibt. so llieM-i icnced opix.nanla. .o,t,iii of , i, , . . . in nauhed In four goala from morn tt.ii 30 yaiilt dladtnca. I.nepkc of the : li'-rt Ih-.r la-at man. playing a ttotai a in e at inili ai k, lioi.l.iiii lha Coardi'i.itttt f.iinanla In a few 1.11111, ' While llu-a.' tHI aauie Wria prt.g I l'H. Trt , Kt - ali,lrl (l ie..iiid al Millar li. tha Towiiaend j,u""'JVed Te4 itnleraiv on I i il in IV and CUiiv war hattn u;ya1iron hera to.l. .tnUiT i mil al, I Tha Tottnaeml tmit hdown tn th fnat p.-uod .. i.t in Cnhiva, 1 tu 1 Aiik.a. 1 ,n B h fourth, wi'h lota! tti-n Wft fuiaid ft'iwart. tat ,'! ! to l T tun- up a f.. tha aii ft llli ruiileat .la I h. . -. lit i-l 1" . . I 4. .,, a. . "aalt , t.ona .- aa..a -la-.g . I t.a ia 1 . a - a J I'alnirr'. U'i.Varl hdtli . i r INirjtle i tr In.., t i . ui aat,.t 1 al Id It. I tun l. the lin.'l. Vtr.,in. t .tl lttlflia ut-at th a t I.... k t t. I II I -1U1 lha I'm .l lk.l. al,ai..t4 Ut a I I I. t htl a ,t kai.l In a tl . (al.l.i M nklt, f t-,t ll . t!a n.,., aea a-4,i-rl ata it ii.iat.J ! -I H'.''it.k a .. a lloal liiti li.l Ktit r..ii. a tat It atl !. .It Saaii l, Hl.J bt heclt Vnur Kubber Check at III Dm. WW COOBSE ITS AMTy -rJOOuTJTW kejOWi TV AT BeTTtRfOJ But that xd LAMOUOaC WAWTS ( cash ikj the f a i - - J returned the opening klrkoft (if the Hecoud hnlf O.'i yarda for a touch down. i'"ltzpntrlck, DepHUW quarter hack, crriKHid Ilia Notre Jiiirne goal line for the flrt time, thl yi-ar, after u n yard run around tha-lrlah end. Iitylen nnd Itorgman ran well for Ndtre Jiuine. I'rowley'a runniiiK aim, paved the way for another touchdown which, followed tt paaa from Wluhldreher to Muyl. Worth Knowing then ruiiM up Held, picks tip ball and ruiiH for touchdown. Is this o, A, Il ia a loiii'hilowii. flayer be hind hull when It la (ticked are onalde and cull recover hull on Ihe Held of piny. Hole (i, section A. Q. Team tries for placement kick nfier free catch and kick ball out of bound. iJoes tenm get another kick, same ns at kickoff, or does ball go to opponents at point it crossed slrle lines'.' A. No, the I earn recovering the ball lake possession of it at the point where the hall rroase the side line, All players of Ihe klclter'a side bring oil-side. Ifule II, seel Ion 2. Q. Team kicks off and ball crosses side line extended beyond goal line. Is this a louchback for defenders of goal or does team which kicked off kick hKuIn because ball went out of hounds? Is such a ball a dead bull when It crosses side line extended? A. II Is a tniiflihaek for defending leant. KiiIh 7, section 2, y. A forward pas hit the umpire and an eligible man caught it before it struck the ground. Was thl completed pass? A. It is a completed pass. Rule 13, section LI. Q. Team A punts and ball Is caught by opponents. After ball is caught player of team A rough the kicker as he runs down field to make a tackle at a point 15 yards beyond line of scrimmage. What is decision? A. If player rnuiih Hie man kick kicking aflcr the hall ha been caught by an opponent It I ruled unneces sary muchness and it penally of IS yards is indicted front where the ball wits downed. Rule 21, section S. THK JBKST VI AY TO VSK. With the ball In your possession on your 40-yard line, first down, near end of first halt with a two-touchdown had to overcome, by all mean open the attack. The score itself Indi cates that your running play have fulled, or else thn opposition 1 abla to stem lung advance for a touch down. Now pass, mixing short passe with long one, using the latter In the I t1rt Instance to carry you well pant mliltleld. Some year ugo, Washing ton nnd Jefferson assorted a long and I . , ..I BHa tttn,,l. k ......... , l Washington and Jefferson awltrhed to erie of Consistent nam leading tn two score . . . ,. , , illlilcrlillt OlltpM) lea II ll. iiiirt 1 1 rtil r-tl. kiiketl t.v (iiaiay, in lh I,. l- rnl III tha aaHtn, .rli..U I'u want tr fir tan, Horn lut.i .koft l---ea till tha 1 ta-ka l IMtt luiii h. lea 1. a. Walter Hagen and Kirkwood to Play at Field Club, Nov. 2 alia tl-cit III. .It . - ...... f l ii- 1 !, n4 J I. . a A.iai. t It -anl. I l-. ut Im I an! ll 0. a.h l.teit u..i...a .1 tfttlA I '! I -.' v t(,'-n4tt, S-in.Ui t t.v l.,. 1 . ttit-ii. r Im 'tn" at li 'i. ;'! ll' 4 a. '.I k ita..s i, i (Ivk ' i a ( ,-.t M. .,.., til it- a-t 1 v .a. ti a - t a" -a-.. jlMissouri Is No ilaiehlorMrong Nebraska Team ( fatljil I Vila stii ( f t j I A la Sntrf Aliiioti Ht ' Will ()rr I lie Valley r,ieen. l ls1M a IIP (.4 Mr: Ml., VrU ginfl tn r-rliniua '7 iln IT fHrilK itirewn for loi 14 Nuntlr of flml Hewn ...... 1! In1l en flowtm 9 Kni wsril ,an.a nitiitpli. . . , KdlWHT'l mrl cni'Uti . ..ft Korwui'l m"ieii IneomiilHte ,, 11 Kri1alird pMioi't lnlreif U . . t Nuinlit-r of funiMm , ? I'uriU itrttt it) 4M-7 I'mithlea rruvrei , ,,,,,,,, I Viinia . 7 I'UIO llllilil :! Punt lutprMA r'1n 4:11-7 t'linUf fliirio-'l yarOel ,,, 1-4 Klikoft o'.ll n Ntimtitr of Ulrknttt 1 Klranftn eriumel yanUi ...ll'i tvio,ulMt f arrla 711 I'erwaril !! ()ri1 ,,,,111 Tarda piat en fumbla , ... t I 4(1 1 B 811 4 'I 1 s 1 (I la II II) KAIJ'II WAONKR. Nehraaku Klcld, Lincoln, Oc(, 21. Victory led It tirood to tha banner of the University of Nehraaka for lh aec.ond tlm thl aeaaon, The Cnlver ally of Miaaourl fought and iruKKled Ki'lmly hut buckled at laat, to bow under the rruahlng welicht of the Hunker hy lh cor rff 4 to 0, here Hh'urday. It th firt football gum of eoiuaqnene of the present aeaaon at Nehraaka field and the defeat checked the Columbia, entry out ef the Mia ourl Valley conference atrugfle. At the am time the victory added atrenrth to the Huakera' poaitlon a a atrons contender for the Valley champlonhlp again thl year. Tiger Outplayed. The Tljrer went down to defeat be fore a better team, It might be added that tha BetiK'il bowed to a blazer team and a tronrer tnm but theae quail tle are iiol aiway eennai 10 nn - Iron iicre. Nehraaka w bettei - Rroundert in tn runm.meniaia, an. i there hiniK Ihe key to the huakera 48 to 0 victory today. Nebraska ran It play off with more finish and iipi-cd and in more than one vital In stance, with more brniti. Nebraska's superiority on the de fenso was most marked, Coach IJnw- ! son's linesmen charged as a unit. They lost little time gel ting Into action. The two tackles, Wenke and Weller, per formed with fine effect as did Nixon, , right guard, and former South high Hchool star arrldater. S''herr and Sohoepprl, wlngmen, plnyed the brand of football that starts the funs to talk in', while Peterson ut center was a lower of strength to the forward wall, assisted by Esssett, left guard. Forward Not Alert. The Missouri forwards were neither aggressive nor alert. Now and then ho Individual, usually Hill, Adnms or Wert, would break through and ruin a llusker pluy, but seldom did thl happen with a great degree of uoes. Knight, Fowler, Lincoln and Bcannell, all backfield men, played he game for Missouri. "When one of the Tiger wa called upon to carry the ball hi In terference wa weak. Thl is shown best by the number of yards gained Nebraska plowed In scrimmage, through and around the Missouri team for a grand total of 417 yards In scrim mage to 17 yards chalked tip by the Tigers. Thl alone tells the story. There was nothing like co-ordinated effort in the work of the Tiger charg er, and this deficiency contributed to the size of the llusker' score a gen erously as anything else. This much can be said of Missouri they played hard and fought gamely, but a they played Saturday they were no match for the 1922 University of Nebraska team, which appear to be one of the strongest eleven ever turned out at a Husker camp. Diversified Attack. Nebraska used a diversified attack that netted satisfactory results, gain ing on straight play when straight play were the thing, and gaining on pusses when passe were in order. It wa "Homecoming day" at Ne braska and many former stars of the gridiron were in attendance. To add !m the lm-ce student body. Kverett lluoklnshum and hia special tralnload of South Omaha booster paraded around the field during the halt. The field was a pretty eight for one's optics with the Illnck and Gold color of Missouri unfurled to the wind along with the Ked and "White colors of Nebraska. Long before, game time the small stadium wna filled to rapneity. It was .,,, Ih. m,lr. Ihli fan fsm,,tl, witnessed the Husker walop (be Tier for the first time since 1919. Tha reull of the giimo was never In doubt after the first 11 Itilnulea of the first period when a double mis. Hartley to Oewlt. resulted In the flrat touchdown. I'reatoii failed at Ihe try f.irextra iilnl from placement, but Ilia Tier wa offside when the ball nappiil and Ihe iilrn Oilly wt i tnle.l Iii the Huakeia Viirt lit Tiiim hilnwii. r'n.iii Una nine on. Vebiaka 'earn oiled over Miraourl, oiing alnnai l vill Kiv of .Nhi-aaka'a tout Into n 01. acot 1 in the tn-l half In Iht ...nd n.tMi li-i . Minn, guard, In'ei -pti.1 a forwtrd ft n M " oil a liyaid bne and ran ?S r loin hdow ii The fourth lout h : .wo w-t aiuel l lha lanky atlible .;i.n aitrr w ik n in i and tUtim ; itiieiigti tha in ;ir M ...on inm 1. 1 a dia'tiM tf ) tai l. f. r a tmit It .--ul lai. ali to uatt ott H a I'll f.. ft fa ta-a K i a . a 11 t . 1 1 a a u, if i I lit- k in l, .:, It A-aiita ta I .1' I ( It l.ut III. I 4 I ft 1. a al-,,,1 t I - it,' I tli v , lis I- I I , . t- ' .1 i -. a-i.' . al ' ...... i - II I . t. ,a-y a -t a. - a . a,. a, - 1 - I lit Al . Irellif. ; lea Miileei, llnmlia lnlirl. fti fa hot, II. i tn. Ni.bra.t4, 4-, Vla..nrl, . r f. Siirlhwealem, 7; yHimeMMN, 7. I hlraiit, lit furilne, I. Mlrhiaaii, IV i I Hilit Mate, . I. ota. ! Illlmila. 7. H ImiiimIm. 0 linllioia. . Nnlra llama XI: llriau, 7. Ililllrr, V7 rJll llHill. 1, liriiUi-. Ali Maalilnaltin, 7, 4 o. V lllllimiue. It. mea, i i l.rlmo-ll ,. Ilrteall, l Itoalmi tiilire, I. haiiaaa, it; Haalihurn, H. till hll in Alra, 1 1 Miiillli Oakiil. . lake rureal. all u.lirtlllr, .. H ., 7, latl'lmi, 4i Kie l, 7. Miulharn I Mllfiiriila, l eatl, . M nhliilun, 14 1 lirron Alra, J, Ill-lull, Hi laorrme, II, lulu. I mil--, Mi I olii. 4-silia, , lima, 14 1 nuilMltl iirmiil. . I iilnrwln tlliirm. III) I lull (mlra, 0, KalHifiavoii Sormal, li I H)raa 1. St. V, A., I', Wiiriiurlle, ,Ml I , . Air Heliuul, 0. I lah, f filiimilii, II, Kllreka, llli ll'lnoia nrmnl, . I uliimlilla rfillrae. I'll l.tillirr, a. Mennioutli. t AiiaililHM. 14. I nrnrll llrr, Ii , lima Healeyaa, V, llhln Hralrjan, 14; l liir Imiall, i. Ilharlln, tit Hiram, 7. I relahlun, i Ilea Holnea I ,, . lalietralMi. Al I'runa rnllf-r. , hi. lanallua, IU Ml. aatlrr, III. Miami. ; Ohio NiifllHTll, , I al ruaae Nurtiial, 7i I'latletllla Sor liiul. . Hrhnlli T'arliera, i:d Mnunl Mnrrla, T. at. Illaf. ll at. .f'llina. III, IImHoii, VI: K 1'iily, a, irlli O.ikiilw Aualra, 4 Monlaiia Mime, . Ml, Thnniaa. 7 1 lUmllae. t. Hlierralla Nnrioal, Hi aitilll Inalllnle, . Allilnn, 31 1 IllUel, U. Mitrnnib Teai liera, II; Palmer I hlrn ptarllra, a. lima Tat'hra, Ii almpatin. . Ilerlilanlal elpe, 14; rnireralljr af f'allfnriiiit. Miulhern branch, 7. Mullnninah Athlrlle elub, US I lonce onheraltr, 20. I nlTrralty of f'allfnmla, ID OImpl rlb, e. atanrord onl'oraMy, t M, Nary eol lece, 0. Nebraska and Drake Stand Out Above Other Teams in Valley K'nii City, Neb., oo. 22.- ,ral(it anil l)r:ik unlvcraity nlood out l )(0v(, (()(, m.rn ())hp, .(.Ii)( n Mlfietourl Valley eonfi i eco foolhall , , v Nebraska plnyed lis first conference game yesterday, swamping Missouri w hich hud I wo victories mid no defeats lo Its credll, 4X to il. Iintlie, which has won two games and lost none, yester day defeated Washington university nt St. Jiuls, ill to 7, Apparently It had a much easier time with Ihe Kt. jvnrslty will pluy the Kansas Aggie Lolll school thiiti I ho Kiinsn Aggie, on the AeKie' grldlryn at M.inliattiili did a week iigo. jnnd Washington will plsy Am nt twiurioma university, use ,ehi';ika, made ils debut in f h? conference yes terday, playing the Kansas Angle a 7 tu 7 lie p.-irne. Oklahoma staged a desperate rally and niadn a touchdown down. Tlie fifth touchdown came, as a result of itussell 45-yard return to the goal line after receiving a Misouil punt. The third period pussrd wllhout any scoring being done on the part of the Hunker, but in tho fourth period, with the ball on Missouri one-yard line, Hartley smashed 'over for an other touchdown. Soon nfier Ihe kickoff, tho iluskers advanced the ball down tho field, where Hartley hurled the pigskin to Klcmpe, who Urn,'1"'(1 lh,! leather out of the ozone ana sieppeu ncross tne main inr uie final touchdown. Hartley (food Line Plunger. Thus did Nebraska win ils second victory of the season, and In gaining this victory Captain "Chick" Hartley of Nebraska 'wa one of the shining lights. This Husker hit the Missouri line like a battering ram and did not stop until a half dozen Tiger clawed him down to earth. The playing of Dave Noble, former Central star; the Pewit brothers, Lcwellcn and Pres ton deserve worthy mention. Mlaaourl Hill Krltor .... I.MVifl .... Smith ... W.rtr. ... Vanrlyno . Adama . . . Hrnnn.l .. Knight .. Uni'Oln .. Powlrr . . . Po. K... ..7..T... . .T O.. ...C... . .R.(!.. . . . n.T . . . . , R. E , . . . .Q.B... Nrhra.ka Bcbneppal . .. W.nka Nixon , I'.!i,r.on , , Ji. . .'. t . ... Wrllrr . .. Si lierar I're.tnn .. Hartley U lirttlU . , B.W .. J' H Offlrialu: Witllama. Iowa, irfaraa: Car. ralhiir., Illlnnia. nniiilra; Mi.Crtrdry, Noilli w,.Mlrrn, lllie.inaii. Bulwtltiitlnna: Mlasnurl, IVslrnn for A.lnill., B.)i fur Klllsht, A'tumi for Hill, Hill for vmnlyr.e, Knlslil for K'liwi.r, Pnlinorniii tor Wrria. Vt ln-rl-r for S.aiiii' l. Nrhraaka, Rilanell for I'r.', Klrllikr for S' lioalairl, lloy for II a rl ley, Holme for Putai.on I'olllna for Klemk. MiUlranon fm- Hsi.i-lt. llnlika for H, h-fi-l, .MrAI llalar for Klenike Score br parltiihi: Ni-Irka 14-11- o n It Mlaaourl I) -0 -U i TourhJoM n: ItKWll. Ilnrllay (!i. Nttnn. ta'allan,, Klt-iupka. floiili follow ing tnuihdosn : liewita 4- I'r, .ton, S. To clean nigs on Hit floor, mix equal parts of cormneul and wilt and weep briskly with a bloom. ia. LLlki NOW SHOWING ENTERTAINING PHOTOPI.AVS I IN "Dusk to Dawn" A AM.I IV.atM Willi 1W.I taaa. thH Pillvtaal Aeaaal. KIC30RM000 THfATERS VIllllalA ,.. ftik aal laat JAMt!t .iakAOOD la la. l.a tiattt !"..' bMt .... Uik a4 B.aaay . el iv mil s roir la -Illl Mavjl I l'ia' MAtAU I ""I . - " aal Maatllta -THE f OiH IIOHlIMtN Cr lU AflH LVP!H.H aaa I. t i tatti I rant al lint i t., llivl attkok a i a. t ti a a fea t la I V W i -.. a la ! 'lH ia. r.ttti ftlTKal ltt lataal' t M-t U'taat taina a . Iw-.l aaat . . a Ilrtrall. Ii H.l"ii. Niiralliaalile, :i; Kalainania, aiiiai I tl, i hiiii falla ll'li, Nl, lioil., I iinilirrlanil, 7, i r lartard, '.'4 1 l iailrr, I, tale. Ml Ulllla in., . rrlnealiin, 'fat Marileml, . tartiiiiiil, at HafiMMilllH, . lalairlla 'li H.irUi.rll, ?, Iieurgrlimn, 'ii I iinll,am, IH. l.itirala 'lrh. h. Neat lark I , 7 4 iiIhimIiIn, . I iirnell. III 4 iiliala, . I'.nnatli aula, ill Harllimire, . I'lllaliurali, ill airaiaae, II, IVaa hiale, IMj Ml,l,lll,nrr, . I af lira la lrli, IMi 'Ihlrl, a. Armr. sl New llamihlre Klale, (. IIimIuii I, 7 1 llnlr I r, 7. inn llainllliia. W Kanarllaer, . (Ilrl 4ilakliilifit, l)i llniailillia, II, moi'i Hi nl I; TrOilli, . Mrali-;aa, 14 1 lli.liarl, V. I eliailiin lallay, 41 l, Jitaaiilii, MimiiiI Ml. Marta. Ill Hrati-ra Murtlainl. lllrl HiHliralar, 7i I nlun, 7. Ilia) liellyaloira, i liililenher, 7, lliiailiilii, Hi lnlli, i l le i. Mull,., IV llalra, . 'Illfla, 7 SnrMlrll, 0. J'lin. lloiiMna, li llarerfuril, .1. ItetliHiiy, Hi lluliera, 7. Imite I ly, 'till, II. Alfred, a i Murrain, a. Maaaw-huaella, lll Amlieral, . Nliiiite lalarol rnli-f.t 7 li.laware, , Ki-anHln I ull.a, K1 1 I of liiilaillla, I. Ilraillry, Illlmila eell.., 0. , lllile III llmlnnall, 1, l.alll. H llroarn, , Mill Til Vmiilerhnllt, fill Inn, I. Kilrnittn, 'ii OalelMirtie, l. Alalmma 7 MeMMiiaa, 7 lllrl, liriirala, 7 1 Telineaaae, X. Tillane, lamp llrnnlllf, I. Iteiirkla, It TefiHeaaae, , Henlllrkr. 40l lieoraeiiMM eullaaa. . Illrnflnaliam Meilllirrn, I hallanmiga, t Hlei, Hlii enlleie, TIMI; lnlr, . Ilkla. Aaalra, 1 1 Hire InallliiU, 4. Ml. latiila I', 0 ( umberland, 7. llanM linbar, 7 1 1 leiaa I hHallaa, II. Auburn, ll lnreer, 7, Mlaalaalpi.l A. a M , till Mlaalaalppl, 14. H'aahlmlnn and le, lt Meat Vlrliila, Oklahoma Aale, tl Rice Inalllnle, t. Ne'lil the last few minute of play, after thn Aggies had held a 7 tn 0 lead since lh first qiiiirier, Oklahoma' ability lo tlo I ho Nciire yeslerdsy, places it nmotig the tennis In th. upper cbis of thn confereiic4 lo the other conference gam yr--larduy, Ames defeated Orlnnell at Orlmiell, 7 lo (i. Jwimsum university defeated Washburn college. Next Hatiinhiy Nebraska will piny Oklahoma at. Noiinnn, Kansas mil- lAinee. Missouri and Orlnnell will play nun conference games Missouri against HI. Louis university nt St. Louis and ftilmiell ngnlnst Coe. at 4'ednr Jlnpid. Vale (h erjiower William With Jordan Scoring Twice New Haven, Conn., Oct, 22. Valo swuinpcd William here this after noon, 3S to ll. Led by their returned capliiln, Jordan, who scored two touchdowns before being replaced by Cochruna In the second period, Yale showed Improvement today,' Conch Jones used 25 Yule player. MADGE BELLAMY JOHN BOWERS FRANK KEENAN IN "Lorna Boone" AND Albert Van Alstyne & Co. Singing Old and New Songi ale', MONDAY TUESDAY COriSTAIICE TALMADGE IN "East is West" WIDNr SDAY USATl'RDAY He Ingram' Production, 4Th8 Prisoner cf Zenda" mm i rata. m Ivj t I .. .-avteaa.' t VIM 4.1- 4t. M"t'1.,lCAt R'VUv SfefUjl trttMit i I 11 i aittioa f , noataa t I I at ll na - , e. t . t f t ta,,..' , t r W -itk tJ "Hi? Three' Will Over Opponents New Vmk, tut. 2-llnrd, Tale and rrlnreinn eonvtni Inaly demon l;'ated tmiinl;iy why Ihev are lha "big three" of rantern f.ioihiill, and throiiah iheir trio of thioii,-. 4V 1 ntiiae for the .i -.l.'l.n, that the an nun) itiollp of roiileei hiiomik I hi Ml bile in thn !,. n will ir of ai.i.'lin ilitcnalty. (lyernhudowlng In potmhir lnteret nil the oilier conlieta mnnl In Id i Hal cm iirriiH dial weekend Wna the i I l.irvni il I Vnti a auioe nt I 'iinibi hlge Willi ll, While not folivht It t-loacly q I fm In a luol been "ilopnl," Hilled (i ! proaiiiuiii ly In what i-iitlc bad i- pei led - it vlcloiy for Harvard i In Ihe Hccoiid hnlf the Kenlui M;u. 'allowed Unit Ihey were more llin ! irtlieaiiie collxclloii of gladlntor nti'l Unit liny renlly bud fool hall tillf. Their f ooilil. a In the firnt jqiwirter and tlnlr Imilnlily to collect i thrnieelve nirnltiat the rrlmaoii on- I atnil(-tl U'l.a a i...i c,l..luji t.t lial th Colonel really ar rapable, I In it n i .1 proved Ihnl II hn atienath. Yftle and I'rliireton allowed that Miey, loo, have power, tha former by van qulMhlng Wllllniiia, 3H lo o, and the Tlirer br clnwlrm Mnrvl'ind, to . NOW SHOWING! and faith you should ace it, for it' not boattin' or brasgin' w are, when -wa ay'It' A GRAND PITCHER indade." , Starts Next Saturday WESLEY DAMN "Rags to Riches" NOW SHOWING FROM HI8 STORY LVILfJFIRE ' Yflur heart will bt to tha clattrin of mclnf horai' (t, pul with tfca dcda f th graat outdoors (rip with tbo impinii of an amaiJnf lovo atory STARTS SATURDAY 1 Hm Guilty" Big Myttary Play e NOW PLAYING LOU and JEAN ARCHER J nmuu Start ol .Sonc And Danro FERRY CORWEY Mniic.l Cleaa tram ika N. Y, lllpttoatt artta Clavar .Supporting Stiaar an 4 ,5iinatk PI. lure laaloia " Pilgrims of the Ni'sht M Lew it Slona. Ruby D fUmar, Raymuad Halloa, Wen. Man, Kathleen Kirattam 1 "Te tbtvevvirt 0tmlU-4,UWCflT VAOUlVIUf klaL Dailt. Ill Inn Nitbt, tlrakaum Ctrttuil Ik leal at 1 aalurv Aaaitattatp Was Craa WILHUK A 4 CAUtu.r la "a,,.i ik j?i--t: rriaaet WAIIa t.ETKA lata Aaa aa aaaa Saaa.t. lUa, i..,rk, ..a tRANft, A tlUUY KttS la Irf ' ' "i....J'"tA Zt k '.ljt aa...l" t e t al .... I .laat e . a. . . 13 l" Ht- tat I :. lkM trimn ' ' n.tif t ta I, va ll a ''.ai a-.tat .ar i a m -i Ha l.t. ria tit,t t.-att nt I ... U I 1 a . , .va.K, Aatt W