The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 22, 1922, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 47

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The World Outside
ByllaiaUi MacOratli
(('nllaioa rrM I'x I lire )
now. Confession to cmmJ for tha
soul; o I'll make mine. I n
lonely man, noun thin of self
made ouiruat. 1 drank omn. I
had no Anchor. Thru I law you
nil you en in: hi my fancy. You
era different; you luiil charm ami
manner; your environment ir k 1
you. My house u empty you
would have yiaced II; I n.iw iiivself
no W'fiK ' kind of Am ii el Mail
tier. I'eih ipa there was aoine van
Ity. loo. Vou itre Is'nuilful. mil yuii
have tiJi lit, and tlm the town Is--finning
to tulk about ,,ii "
"Thm It I'li't .oliiK to hurt."
"Not half an rim, h u m l l,iii In you
to till me these facts. Besides, I
am hliiuad twice us odl Just ii bilk
litre In the ashes that would prob
ably huvt' died out In a Week or so."
"I wsnl to cry!" Him sold, sl"lnr
flown ami rnverlrir? her fine.
"Toti mustn't iln IIihI!" he cried,
llarrnrd. Hi. mlKht rimiII It till If
h anw lor In bars. "I'ridrrnlund, I
In not In. lit you to your promise.
fou an free upon one. condition."
Tlint binnuht her fare up. "A rul
whnt la thai'.'" O, If It ncrn only hi
faulty tlmt nbo had hurl!
"Will, Unit I may ilroj) In once
tn a while fur lea and Hint you will
Ink" (Hi Willi mn anme i fc i iwx.n "
"0, anything like that!" aim iTirJ
rujrrly. "JiimI friends--1 havo u
"It' a, barnaUi," she said. Si
limit as lii'l no 1,110 1 1-"-! "Well,
I'll In- a-olnx ahuiK." Hi' stooped ami
picked up Ilnif Koo, "linn ho been
frmsl pnl"
"I don't know what 1 should have
florin without him." It did tint irrn
possible f hjit Mho Kut out of It so
"Ml tell you what," tin aald. "Kil
ler him at tho I'lafci show. I ll send
you hi pi'illtrrcc ami hi registered
number. I tlln"t send them because
I was never aure you v,ir- koImk
to lei p Mm. I'ut him In I ho novice
ml iujiy das,. mill ho'll win. Il!
hna stout bone, a fine rout, urn! an
exceptionally K'l head. It will be
n outside Interest; anil tlmt'a whnt
you need. Your mw salary will tslva
you more fr'?d"io; an ko In fur out
ni.le InUrt'RtN. Now" aa h') lror
pwl I,ln Koo In a chair "foiict
thla Inlervli w anil the cauai' of It;
wlpti It off t)i Rlaic. It wan all
my fault. Ami Juct a aoon a
you ran move. You hav thought
to much in thin room."
Ktmnnfl loroimiatiiiiy! Mho tiu!
suff'Tiil In thla room, ami ahe wuiilJ
(to on aiiffrrliig ,ln varloua ili'n'rii,
n lur.K aa ahtr rriinlni-l; ami yl
ahe now fiail no whih to lfave, lint
he rxxliled, ao tiu would nut iiurauo
tha auhjoct and to K-t him K"ri.
Ha Imile her koo hy, puttft'l hr
hand rcannui InKly, ami mailo hla
departure with thn air of one who
had riulalKil a miiHt raiiuul vinil.
Aa th door lalrh' d Nanry lonrioil
nainut it, In r foiMln'ii'l iinlliiK
upon hfr arm. No teara, no nolm;
but occaalonnlly a Iouk, dm p aluh
atlrrcd hor ahoulJfrii.
C'ralfi liml the mlHfortuin- to meet
Jenny on tho aiiti wulk; and of nfli
peraona Jenny waa the laat he rand
to ate at thin moment.
"Hullo, thorol" rrlod Jenny. Thin
ahe riot low! Ii In fauo, niy and
drawn. "Why, wliul a th' matter?"
OraiiT roallzcd, with much Mttor
tifBH, that If ho did nut take Jenny
part way Into hli confidence ahe
tniKht InrioeiTitly pi'iHluee In Num-yV
mind th vry offeet h hud tak'-n
ii inueh painful ,d,r to dlMHlpai'.-.
"("an you keep a nm-rot. Jenny'.' '
lie knew, ty tlio uhruplncHtt of h r
HUeHtloii. that evi-i j iliiiu; wai wi'
ten clearly on hln fan).
"Well, th. n, don't aik Minn How
man any qin st Iohm. I don't wi'.i I
her hurt "
"Hurt'.'"- -t'cwililt i id.
"Yea. I ll.'d to h. r; t.,1.1 her It
didn't matter."
"In llawd'a name, what arc Jim
lalkin' alioul?"
".Sho promised to many m-; lln
nlher nlKht. 1 have jm-t i v i , her
hack that ri iiiImi . I never want
her to know that d hurt. That
la nil."
Train entered IiIh mr nil! 1
Into the (Molded rorrirr, floHln 1,, i
Jeiinv Ktood at tli
walih. d the rar until it
i 01 )l II'.. I
vaii...i- I.
In r llniiHt sioffv, her een . loiiov
Tie IlltlO fool -to let U White 11. I!;
like that mI li through h i lit , , t. '
A man who eeiild f;.. h, r i-sttv
lliuiK and l.ivi , I..O S I .).
want a ii j li ' iin J..ii,v .-nl
Ul 'hi lltUll I- Ills r , '.,11, e, .led
Ttia I'-x.r k d' of .our-. if -1.
illln't f-.i l iiiih Nan . niit
I, ..d to ,.m
ii i . . i' i i,.ii
II. I - t '.. 1 d. ;i
II I M.i. V i k II I
1 ho.
r.. .1,.
,1, I., i. I. I., I,
WI it
nn Ii '
N .. . y I! .m.
f W
1 I'
r.t .
I i ,
lundlng;, Jcrrmlah arid Naniy!
Wvll, ahy riot? aha di.'iniiiidrd
tielllKeri'ritly of tha huil ah.iduwa.
lloth younc, bo'li hU;hhroi; t ralrr
n bit too old and aha, Jvrtny, Willi
mi iinim brulna than hllinp.
"(lew!" ah wi hi, atldlhly, "lint
tMa la a toiiKh old world, at) Hi'
Threa diya later Ikuaroft niade
nil rti aurdln iry dincovrry; or.
rather, thla dlnuvi y wiia llirual
upon hltn In A nio'.f I'aaual inanner
and druva him to wanderlni al.'iut
tha atieefa, hla hraln tm:t:y and hla
h'art aferjd In miner. It runn"
uln'iit In thla faahlou:
Ilia head no longer hoMwrrd him
aive when ha atuoprd and reeov-
red 'Hilikly; then lli'-ra waa a
triiii- i t i.i ah and pnlnt'i of dam liu?
ftra, iittierwlMR epepln tha fad
Iiik hi o k oy-h,' Waa fillto hlniwlf
Hit had art, tally Ix'kuii work on hla
I ntin lr imer; t o iaea, In'rmlii"
lory. (Wldeh la aa fur aa h rver
Ht )
'('tin itiy wiui cold and bluatery.
If .ia 4 In the afternoon. Jenny
waa mnklnu t", Nanry w.-ia Idly
thruinmlnK tha piano, while linn
eroft aat on tha Inunitfl and ruffled
tha puppy'a inara. The radiator waa
t,.iii!nn and aputtrrlnn an regularly
thai Nnney rould not alnit. t'ln.illy
Hhe laid Komi to the aKaililn(f tulw
and aiimmoned the Jaiiilur. They
were walilmr for him
Jariaen cam a In ahortly, with hla
urpjul Kiiimhle. lie wore en old
irrav eiitr, Ionic alnra jii1Iik! out
of ahapi; Iiy the wrlffhta h" had car
rl"d In tlm aide poeketa,
"Why, all you film do la ti torn
that," hn aald. IndleatlnK tha nli fcl
"WlMit kind o' flriKera d' you
think wf'vo fot?" Jenny wanted to
know. "!1umhr'?"
Janaen fruit tod and droiipr,! to
hla kn.a: nnd ahortly tho haniflnjr
riaawl. Aa lie atood up noincthliiK
f.;Il from one of hla poekem, flvlni,'
n metalll rlna; aa It atrurk the
"What a thla?" aakod Jenny, re
eovrliiK tho ihjct. "A door plate."
"May," hi'iran Janaen, tukli K the
plate from Jenny'a hand, "I found
that atop the cellar wall this mam.
Muet 'a' been ther- fur yearx.
f'ouldn't make It out until I nave
it a polish. Home hard lurk ntory,
If you want to know. It nil cornea
hark now. I've heen doing Janitor
woik twenty-odd yeara In thla lo
cality, and I've heard noma rjueer
ntorli:", hut thla one knoi kn 'em
0. 11d. Want to hear It?'
"do ahind," Mid llaricroft,
"(If courac." aald Junacn, leaning
aijalnat the radiator, "I ln't fot
anythlrur but outnlde facta, what tho
nelnhlioiliood hald. The man who
once owned thla houao went to
Month America and never came
South America. Hancroft atlrrrd
iiiiennlly, conacloUH of ft chill.
"fieernn he turned over everythlni;
Iki had to a friend to play the mar
ket on n aurc thins, Imrrowed money
on hla hoiiMe and all that; and thla
friend cleaned him to a fare ye well
Stole everythinif and beat It. When
the cranli came the poor dub wan
thouManda of mllea away from )iome.
The ahork killed hla wife. There
wan torno talk alout a kid, hut I
never KOt the rights o' that. Hut
iIiIh poor come-on" wavlnR the door
plate "i;ot news aome way and
J imped overboard. Anyhow, he
never ramo hnek. Ho didn't mort
li'iKO the hoiiHe but borrowed on
ao-diiy notea; and when they fell
lu tho b'tnk cloi'ed In, with an
auctioneer to clean out the Inalde
"tuff. Hut thin town's full o' tales
like thin. Queer, that door plate on
tho cellar wall nil these yearn."
"I.t mo nee It," aald Bancroft,
lils mouth Rone oddly dry,
t he door plate waa of copper I i
iiio (enter was graven aimply
Ki niiedy.
Hinrroft walked the mri-iti fir
Into the I'.ltiht; and there wai a
L-eHtletilalive frenzy In hla deMpair
Hint dtew the curiosity of j,iatoern
! y. He wa:i Indifferent to kilt -i.iel
all tloy lnii;M hold of iMillly
injury, lie did not cire whetlier In
lived or died. That hoii'a-! The
. Inu.lly riih erii a tlmt ntlll h 1
io ,i h ill.ayn! lie underatiK. 1 ev
rvthiiii; now; the pu.ile had c. av, .
' i ! mm I l-eciiue all open p.ii.'c in
I-.. 1-1 tj .r. I he I. low he had be. ,i
Npeiiuo; fioin the IM-K.nitiri,- hid
t ill. ii Mil f l tier h.ul, khiii vl I l e
I llo- p , t, e , II III, Hid .11 ill. I
' ! ! 1.
it a.h i f ii i ni .tti r that .
i'ii' -ii Willi Kiifll A l'i,.t.-,.
fil'ier I id I f.'il l
'hit he t..i 1 I, It, Ml mid ru !
i '.pi .i r lev d of a t . i e u-
' I'.. Id K, nr.. Iv in fall ' , I ri.-i ,fi
l.if,! leiv i'.il, f'ed Vinf.iih.i
t I i u- .1 i I ii,i.1--i .1 ii v of
ii . . l. V- .ii ' af'i i ,!' I hi
' , , I. r ; i I ! li in 11! h.- I
i ,,- I o. i, r-. I:,, -i i ,i. i , i
1 1 . i I t li- . d , -. i , I
'., II mil t. i
1, .,1. . In .t.-Hf , . ,1 , I
HI. 1 I" ' . IV,,., I ' . .'I :.
it . , I fc i f I H i
If Kennedy luid wreiiKed l.lni au-'h
reprlxal mi hoi rlhlc.
The inillliuia of loa, then, er
l.i-i il upon the blood and lioil of
a dupe and (lie roin h tv ruin
..f hla family. O. he, Hinciuft, have of that riion";
lm would never touch unolher did
lar of II. W ti it he h oi pivtn In
l.a' i al'.onM elnit: fixni nut of
'til: liul an for hiiiiKilf, not a ieiiny.
lie Hiuil'l y.u to wurk at unythliiK
fie could put hlrt hand 1'- pick ,'il'd
,hovI, If neri! he.
He waa Incapalde i rralimm at
thia moment ttml he could li-nore
oiTlnnd thfe million almply by
mllu.; d, that ll would takit him
, to ,:,ve them uay without
tiilii,in hinieelf under the irif'-rrel
of lint luiiuey i einuilMfion. Ilia
thoiii liU were fo. uwd upon the dia
oviry hla f iller had roldnil,
luorally, If not l.,.illy, a IrunlluK
man. The iilH r knowl. .lK'n that tila
fatlirr had been a thoioiiKhly h..n
Ht Hum all hia life aa the only
one t Ii 1 1 ik needed by wlil'h tlia
fou could forgive the vara of cold
in and lnler(; and now hn rniml
hold bin f.umr'a rneiuoiy forever In
loiiieiiipt. A memorial window!
tin I -nulled aloud, brokenly; and
policeman eyed him (louhlfully.
The blow had two edr, and prce
ently he felt the cut of the an'orid.
He had bmt all hope of Nancy, for
now he had nhivilo'cly nnthlriK to
offer her. He would have to leave
that houee, loo, where ho had
known bla Hint happy hour. (,
no; he could not remain there with
the black deed of hla father fllllnx
the IimIIm and room" wltii pitiful
The hlKhly developed Imagination
kuowa but little of the liappy ljv. 1m
of ordinary mortal; today It la the
height, to-morrow it la the abyaa.
Such lma'iriatlona murt uriulre the
baluncliiK (ihlloaophy of worldlineaa;
ml llunrroft had ao llillt that It
waa rieitllible.
All thoHi; forlorn yeara, and tht'i
10 cap them! Aa he walked on aim
t'aaly there wan prnjertnl
upon hla recolliM tlon the ereri. face
of hia father, touched by the settlni?
Him; a face upon which he had never
een any emotion, any m;itutlnn,
the graven cnlrn of one who had
Mtruck out of hla life all thlnKM hut
money- money money.
llancroft atopped, aa If aorno tn
vlnlhle borrliT had reared ltelf In
ln path. Blind fool! Why, of roiirac
I hat waa It. The (Irpat Adventure
Comiiany. And hn wan to pay bin
father' dehla!
Tomorrow he would -c Hm ll. He
would tell the old fellow of tho In
famy he had stumbled upon arid de
clare hlmaelf aa rcgardi-d the money.
Ami Uriel! ivilh-d lilni a fcxd, or
worda to that effect.
"How are you Koliu- to K't rid
of It'" cried the old lawytu' wrath
fully. "If you atart any real dam
foolery I'll apply for trunteoHhlp on
the ground mat you are not uipable
of hanillim; your uffulra. You II re
fiiHO to touch a dollar of If, you any?
What then? Money doean't rot like
vcKctnhlctt. It'll keep on grnwlm?
and nioun tins; and aome far off rela
tives will come In In it and blow It
like Bailors on leave. If there Im
any taint In It bike It out doliiK
i;nod with It to the community at
larue. Take tho HI. Ijiwrence river
where it leaven Ijike Ontario. Il
11 drinkable; and yet It haa drained
Hreat clUea. It ticenmes pur by con
tact with air. Well, put your money
out in tho air, and It will become
pure enoUKh for all earthly pur
ioneu. And I tell you 1 don't give
a tinker', dam what you have dlv
covered. I'll hold untl' the crack of
doom that your father never rooked
anybody, and that he waa us IioneMt
it man ii'i ever walked thla earth
Vou, hla son, nifty doubt him, b.ii
i, hla lawyer, never will."
"Hut why did he hide?"
"How do )u know he bl.1V "
"No office of bla own. The
t. l kinirkH at hia dour, aa If In
arinl some one. and all that."
"And all tliaC" Knell. "Boy.
) iii'vi FtumbliHl upon aotiiethlru!
lue.-r, that' a fact; but damn m -.
if jiiu've rm th rlKht ancle. There'n
i mycieiy, I II admit; hut It con
crim not your futher' lion, ity but
lie ml I way he lived, lie t
i kioovc for hiuimlf und never Uevl
il.. I " ,t of ,t, venr In and ymr
"What alioul im' How did lo
fi.-al Hit ' ' nuked i.eucroft bit
'.'I I.'.
He left y.ill e Veil 11 . i 1 1 1. CK. t.i
' iMi na you pieam-d llo limine
U ,oiimi,i fr y,,,, h
', .I u w i'liout lit kiht Die alter- I, o I
i .,ll, hie lie Inufct I .el
to l.ih.r ill the fivlda, to know the
V of in I,., m I, i.iia.d dollar
"r t -noli h! ii J wliat ol -,..'
.. d o. Kliit, h. la. k f fin d
i e.iiiniiluii Irlwi.i, t.ihir ant
i ,11 V lu , urn, ol ill. o I t Uial
I.' .v t l.eid hue-'f lo..t y.,i
'o. ' -oo. ( if i e j .,.,, , , . .
It lo
II l i
'l tit I ,
l h I .
a. vt
I (-
your head. I told ym nrx b fore
i hilt It la ii ion ii I oMitntlon lo Imi
iiiiiulty. If you do not ., i;,,
i lillKa'ioii ) oil II Imi far In, ue con
ti u,itil,lo than ou l,i lli-vif your
tailor to be. He hud tlm cur
i,e lo Kit ihU money; mid vou
liavell't Hot I'o'liliice to ftpl-n-l If.
Ilah! You I'e riMleep; yuu'll v il. up
piewlillv You've li ll re:. Iihk
mm Ii nod taliii'K for "'l'il fa. t
what la in. r, Iv theory."
' I. ihape." I'.til ile'd-t la-mi lo
e.l.e Into the )oui,. iiian' mind
Hndl mlKht In1 rich' Moral oMIri
tlon; to direct Into 'Aoiihy i liar.
Ill In that Wbp'h llrfll Collie out i f
"Do oii know what Ihexe irvin
loU'domi repi en. ot .'" went en Hi. i ll.
' The vieady rriiidoyiiient of O'W or
4,(iao nun, when mllll'ina are out of
work, when Iho flnanlml worhl I
lorlliitf around like a drunken man.
Hon, the nHrinjr of money la nearly
olw.'tv tainted In the binlnuiriK;
,1'a what a roan doea with It after
ward that I'ourila You're unlx-liev
able; you're one out of 10 mil
lion boy. They would whoop 'er
up for a Couple of years, then y t
diwn to bra km t.irka. You're a um, r
'I had a queer fainr."
"But be at in I,: ha waa oo the kli
when be died. Now, lire you join
to allck? Any man who Is ready to
defend hla girl nKulnat four lho,a
- ye, I heard aNiut It - la paine.
This money la dlataateful lo you,
but you ran make aa white :ia
aiiow by ke.-plnif It movlni; toward
the lie! ferment of human briny.
A man l happier earning. I!1 tfuin
he is reielvlnf It aa a c.lfi, tli It
ao that three or four thouaand men
can fn on enrnlrut It vln wjkm
until tlie end ot their daya. The
averiiKi' mini doea riot want charity;
he want a Job. Take three mil
lion and turn them Into a thousand
more Job tbnii your father did. A
Job Is a man's self respect. An.)
you'll loae yours If you throw up
Una Job, I'm an old man; I know
this world from contact and ohm-r-Vatlon.
If your father ever com
milted a dlehonorahlo act which
I'll never admit be did you, bis
son, can wipe It off the slate l,y
manfully acceptliiK tho obligation
tlirunt upon you. You've been llv
InK In a dream world of fine books:
you've seen the world only In the
printed pRC; nod yiu want to run
back to your hermit's den the mo
ment the firnt job enrne. fter the
liiHt of the year take a trip to
one of y.,ur (arKO alilps; ,u up to
your Krcat loitpinr; ramp; y,o down
anioru? men.
'nuil'll cure yoij of
this nonsense."
"All rlKht,"
aald Hamrnft; "I'll
Pieces oj Eight
tea house I have In mind," ahe
challenged etithuslriKllcally, "for the
like of It doean't exist anywhere
In the wide world. Jurt exactly
like if," ahe amended. "It would
be a limp, low, whitewashed build
in, with little friendly eyes of win
dows that look down the road for
;;iHnlfi and twinkle brightly, when
ihey come In slht, to hurry them
aloriR. W Ido little window with
iinvtll panes of fliwn and white cur
i a Ins at the aide, and red fran
hmi on the aill ' winter daya.
"And a thatched roofl It sound"
foolish, I know, and I'll lie havlm;
no end of arguments with the
builder about It, hut thatched the
roof shall be shaKKy over 'he
eaves like n white iwnslle's liHnp,'!
ami Kolden ond brown atop of It
like a n. w baked loaf He can
uinke It of tin or stone, under
neath," she decided, as un aftei
"i.aifcht, Hiiiiently In MpTieosa Hi.
"But It's the iiial.l" that I !
aa no other tea room an) where. Mi
I'lrate. One blc, lon room, with u
Ma. k NameJ celling, irnoky and
old livtikniaT. and A fir pi n r That rats
up tho whole end of it. lAaln.
t ItluT to !lpieltc itie builder to with
a canny k now led;e of opi n fire
lilacee ) And the steiiinpiiM-s and
railliitors hidden U lil el llo- lo,;., of
' he walls.
"K '-tr. coiufiii i'll '" ilniiv nxuii
-wiiboiit a tal l. In -n-M I mm i n
',-led t lbli ', i IU', llnll t " 1'
' K'i kiiywtore and lin t
lot of
-i if lf
tables waiting for imiaeoue a-i
l lace io ii I m a.ular as t I
,k. i
rVoin the oulldi ' VV i i, t
it o v
I ltd. 1 tlli-y'll eo ,1 ,: ii. , i., .
bli( ihiii,i
one, f, r ! . o
pa', 'Me i
, a- ...l i ' f
f I
four, or a
i.ihl s ait
',u lief ..Id i b..,i -I
d "Vl.e.l II,. .,i
p. II nf the rl, ,
r.iiii h up - I.. :
4, l.ll l ,V II .
two rl alt and v
I ,t,h. ir as i" tt. ,
' l lo- pai i v I .. !
i.d 1 I ,M W , ;
.,ola of an oi l ,
I'n i il 1. 1 .1.
,1, i,i- f. li.ii li!
0- S' . ' . t , ,
II !
two I" I
1 --nil t-e
mii. k, i ,i a thotifh ,), , 4 , ,
"And one of tlii,. ,.M ,
Ihank me f,,r ilea .ii.,,-, , ,lk
jour i on, i .,.i tv, , ,jy ,
he wa it v m i,,, ,,
.eir f.ith, I- ,oj, hi (I,,,, ,
die Mi, I. '
"bill II,.-,. a (, ,,,,,,
I ti
s bl.l
ll'!' vrl y
W'l, ,1 M.o at
ll.M , I Ull' I .
r to
' I 'll
fail,, r
"WI,,- ahoidd tm yon,- a ..
lll- f.'ilber '
"'l IIKe.lfiri '
"M.ue I wok stuff "
"No. r',.r Hi..,e f,,,.,
to try to kill ,' a .i-l c
"W h 'I 'I '1 ill vil .11, ,,
liliollt '' "
llat'le, ronido
dentJi. My father
r ei, ,i.,,
b-tt luyi,
. i. It"
v or ?,
K"t to pay tie
lilbly "
iiav you it:riei ai r
demanded Km II
"I'm not telling; y,,u nnotr. r
Mr Hia II I v rot lo n ti,.
nun an neioe. .Now, 1 W;l,l y'
-ti In
Jot down the bctiiio i,
I ou never ran tell."
"A wlll.V"
"Whv n. '7 :..t lo ,,.!,, out
some tune, Mid ti.i i ti.ippu.H he a,
Kooil time I II v r, M "iiil.iv m
slKn It To HllNa Nancy Iliu "
"liiunt! man, I'm K"ir.i; In lav
vou iiKHi'U up until w inv.- ti,
Una bii'-liu en!"
Ifuricioft ai(rl,...l "llo
II ten
i y ot
wiisiiiik 11111" I tie name
,'Kaln the moment J was fr.
"Have you d.eOed aw,,
your piupiTly?"
"1 holieiitly don f know. I'.
1 did I had to do "
"Had to?" i-ri.,1
I "
' lllrf
loorr and more la w ild.'i "I
atiiiiif that iiffldavlt o, (
draw up?
"It may e.-rv ; I dor, t I n,,."
"W by can't you lal..- o- .nb).
your eoiill.l. nrr son? I i ,,,-M ha
able to Hiiri'eHt sornef hinc 'I I m boy
was beyond him.
No dr. l iu sorry. 1 o
only add to in y ojfll,-j( '. n n
ll.lp.l prolon,- them 1 il I, IT ;
el per
'i thi
much: 1 wa ut to be : b
'ty .'lire
that .1 man nmrhl toy filler
I have a fairly ;om, , nri,iri
lieli.-vinr I know. I,'j I n,, ,K
tlia prnof. J ani not .nun pi
life liKikiio: over mv of-...,i.l.
my fath.-r muel have, I u.
to have it over vviih n.,w "
"Come li.1" Mnell I II!.,),
Ilenlly, in ar,- m r to a I. , ,,
"A teb-;:ram for you. mi .
UOUt'Ced Jni,,u(,f,, I,-,- ,, .,,)
rledly ns he lie- u
rouritcnaiiree ,,f ,i i en,,loi-.-r
,' fur
r, us
r p
"i my
O out lini.l t rem l',i,, ,,..)
or twice I was fearful rln- had
oaui'ht the ri.rnbli. of the approach
ing; storm. But rdie wea hviru: for
the niutueiit in fii-r tea rooui, i! -..-rib-Ing
II to me with Intent, hneht yea,
that law tovln,:ly eniy small d. tall,
"And tt bif, wide, perfectly enor
mous rhest of drawers--that la
even now In a aecond hand store on
I't'iinsylvamii avenue, with such a.
Utile price Ix'ini? aekcl for It, on a
count of Us size, that U s a shim
lo mention It! nh all stand In one
corner by the door leadline Into tha
kitchen, wuh all the .lift, rent, rlzra
of table linen ready to v.h!i.k out
if a inoriii id's notice.
"Th. re'll be a kettle-!, f it, black.
heerful l! . t I b-id 1 1 1; i iik on the boh.
'f iniirse, that'H only for effect
iho kitchen will take cure of i-very-'
ti In,;, for it shall be as up to the
rolnutc as morn
I kettle S Ml' h
'luiiK and boi.e-
an link... it
A comfy. s a
i hie
y liK.
ht 'her
n plain sli;ht.
"That's w In re era, i. Id. el
Ind. II, net ill li e ki 111.-,
uies In,
of , uraa,
r. re, bliss.
ai I be.'U
t.ut ru-ld tin re by ti, .1
Ms ch'Mv old i.)un'
i.e lariuii' bl.s
lie 11 a ,l'o
tail II. d lie
Millie, HO In."'!'
It I til
1 old n
t.ik m'
r now
ih i
Is ,;rsud
,:ny froro
i. one Hu
keep and
I II h t him
fi.l lie for Ins
l ru b-iiier
ii .. h. irt ..,
'..I. I
,, ,e
if Ol i '
l.l t . f ddla
, t.m
Ir Ilia.
I., ni.
ai iha
' I U
,- old
h.t'ol I Hlllo .11 P
to a. ill
',y .Mi
ll,, I t.,
I f l'(t
l ive .'i
' Tf.
f i '
Si l.ll n ' I- 'it -.11 I '
, h lei 1 'i a. n. s
l rt
v ry
' v-
!l 1,
. til l I.
rl W i n
II .(' 11
-fill ' .
r-.r r..
H la
i t I
ll ol
r -
v. .
U fo t I