THE SUNDAY VKZ: OMAHA. OCTOBER 2:'. 1922. 9-C What the Theaters Offer fTHi: (iipheuni ( in ml la about to I nlcl-iata i (hli.1 i,f n 11 ciiury imnlvervary, ami every rlly In (he r .'" emcnmp.iar(1 ,y ,, grst I'luilti of vaudeville la en-npi-ruHrm to make it n notable event. The '"lt of fht.h.r 22 h-rn ilvx.KMitnl. Iirnl it will lie , Ik thlnn In f- h f it Hia lKurl In Ida Oiphettni circuit uveefu hMory, it i ii Mt; thlmr for th mphetim I'lr uil iin linln-putuble utmt n liN-vr. tnetlt, l-'rnm Iwn iou-n, vim In I-'niti. inn j,r,. tj,e 1,1 hi r In I.on AiiK'-lc. th Oipbetilii circuit. Krw to II" pre ' fit kIkiiiiI:; proportion by rial lift ing t j - f ' . 1 1 1 -1 . i r 1 of iiiliinlliiiia from Cli il.i in 1 1 pi I'riiK 'I by ni form f vaildy 1 1 ii imnriit hull aorne uihI lirtixilr In !IiIk. In (lie evolution of vnuiji villi- ii (III country Hi Or pi. um circuit hn played an tin xtrtittit part, It pioneer lii'Kiin "houe. i I' iiulnic, " iiinl tlil renovation i nn tn. hi ! nilil thy lunl ellmlwiteil r 1 1 lijri II'iiiiiIiIp fiu(uri from proKiwii m ui ll mm th theiter Bii'l tli'lr ellm tiln. Th'-y rtiitillfh"t h ii"w atiimJ inl nnrl by thl tru k the Icy not of lill'ir tUcccaM, Th tint theater to be eatabllnhcil ohIhIiIii uf the Orpin um native Oil fnrnht In Kunaii t'lly. Omiih.i Kiia 1 1 x I . ill1, It rapid and con iuot 1'iov.lli lii tii'in In t I'X mi,.iw (in Mm v H'tii uf i'IiI'kuh im'l Inn U in llii- IVii illi' count, and In timiiy if thee rlllin, more thin one ''( i. urn circuit, lln-ntcr la In operation, in tin- notion bounded l.y tin- Irrcgij lr Inn- Unit i una from Winnipeg lliintii-'li ( lilrai to Ni-v.' Orleun. to I-o-i Anxilin, to Vancouver and tn Wiiuilpi-K, tlii (irpheum la n. hoiine )kii wml, aynnnymoim with vauoV-villi- lit it h leal and entertainment fur tin' entire family. Th circuit Ii" Ix'fii a itrrnt In Cuence III rmiklriK hlKh clan vimde. Mile It la today. Ha policy tuia In-ill to lirliiK to Dm tay th lililiat Mtidtx of til' llii'iiti !cul hualiKK. It lui iilro1iii'i1 inuiM at.ira Into v.-iudi'. t llln Hum nny ullur nninnit''iinnt. In Ita n-UftitK to mnl. the thft-iCr wr Imppy In th"lr aiirioiinilliiK" lh clr cult fin Iniilt fur (hem Mm hiithcat l'P uruiip uf playliuiixca In Ani'Tlca. uriirpnai'l tn urclilli'ctnri', vi nll lutiun mnl (licunillun. i .. -Hi vinil yciuH iifn-r ili (iiplii'uin cir cuit li.-ul cnt:ililllii'il H prertlge und won I ln iiiiillili'iiio and (jjoiai will uf l niillluna of pdtiuim. It decided that the Kimur trrltury cuiild nlro cup port u circuit of pupulnr prlcid then tra. The Junlu( firphruin circuit wa (atiilillHhcd to fiirnlnti vimdevllli' 1n coiii Inuoii pM furm."iiiee t pupu lnr pi lcca. Th Kf-'it. State fnko Ihea ler, Chlcaeo, van the forerunner uf till circuit, and th fame of thin In illuflon ha iprtad to tha fnur cor t of th (Tlube. It rpraent the moat, rumlcrii Idetm In theater con-t'-uct!on lid I built to care for thuiiaanila of perion u day und tu Bip Halloween Fetival COUNCIL BLUFFS AUDITORIUM OCTOBER at llndar Manaf emtn-it of lb American Lafion Auxiliary Car' Party In AfUoioon Dane at Night TICKETS $1.00 fiOOD MUSIC A food lima and a Gardner ut (Ivan away. THEAXRE S ! Til ,rS-C I a WM. ! i i-1 i. 'ITT- i 1 taw ..;.''.??-' - -i0a-.n' mMm. CraneWilbur ORPHEUM JcssieMiller EMPRESS Vo7 I ho moMt IiivIiiiik I'liViroiiiiient ever liiHiallcd In h pluyhiiui:c, J'our iilhi-r ijch IhciiturH have ainci; Ix-en built In Oiihi-utn ell lex, And It wan lu sppi fcclutloii (if eiu h city' aupport uf II Una entcrprl that the Orphdiim circuit erect d ihrw. pal acca of uinuxi-mcnt. I'roflla of former year and of futuro year were rc-lu-veated In another thmiler fur KaiiHM City, MliiniapdllM. Hun Kranclmo and Lu A nut-leu. Theao are now well entalillnhed Inetitutiotm and arc fur nlahlnur Kurid. wholeKome iimuxemeiit to maxxe at nominal price, practi cally aloiiKKldo th houm In th parent circuit end without conflict to ell her. Hero 1 ih week, lieiilniiint; with the matinee thin afternoon, which In to celi-hrat the Orphemn circuit H lid of ii ceiiluiy annlverary. And for Ihla uccHMion a Hhow of uiiuntiiil cftllcnc 1 to tc offered, f'ranw U ilhur and tSuz-nine Cauhert are In (Ifcr one of Hie chief altractlonn, ami th(- other headline feat urn will lie the inymlfyliiK peifurrnance of I'rln o.da Wah-Lclka. The play In which Mr. Wllhur appearH, "HiKht or WroriK," waa willlcn hy Hamuel Ship man and t'liim IJihii.ui. Known a lh Aiiierlcnn Indian xeereaa, Prince Wah-Lclka I a Cherokee, coiin!dercd thfi moHt i-e-nat,loii(il of thoKS myxtlfv ln peifurmcrH who cunvlrico audi ence that they have the power to 1ur,k n'n tho future, l-'rank and Teddy Haldni will lie featured In u ri w verKlon of th'-lr coineily, "I Qull." A daii'-lnff fantimy, "The Throne of Ti t plKchor," will be offered by CImhIi? and Oeorg Hewell a another fa- pUlVi'd I1:MMIIL-') III III" i.t called "lilrd t'almut " A'-aiip a Kahli will lie, aliow n on I he arreeu. Tuple of lb Pay mnl tho I'mho Weekly will 4lo Iki film f. .nun a. "A Carnival of 'iiii." -iii. to he one of the lint mi nine. I and uuiaid-xt Mluit---t "nulla" that will vialt thla city fhl eenwiii, conn tn Ihii Hian de:a tlieiiler fur the entire week te xniniiiK wlili a matinee, today. In the i vaudeville portion will Le-Hi-i-n the m Uulf Klila, heiullliie m that ha ; "tupped' MUl.e of the heit I. Ilia In 1 tin cnunlry, who will offer their new. let llch, "A Love Tour." Clark 'and Verdi. Well eatabllHln-d for their i 'ever lliilliin impci-uiiHton, will ap nr In an act uf their own ilt-vlalnv. Alfred I ,ii I ill. without an cpal in the licpeinoniitlon of a do, will he an i-Hled by Mi-i Klale Vuk" In a clutch eelliled "Th I'up " Clemen I U-lliriK mid company, a Kuropeun Importutlon, Will be Mill III 11 tlOVi'lty aelldutlon. The Human troupe, In acrobatic Muni uf the hair ralalnif kind, and Hell nd jjimu-ii. ii team uf inlith piuvoker. win cumpiein ine vauneviiie 'i n "unit" I up of the breezy revue , Hint move aloiiM with a ilnnh and a tiwlni,', a nd ehiborniely n'lixed and cot I limed, with IlKlit, tuneful number that have. Juat iiioukIi of the "Jazz." element to put them over with a hana; J'lrkiii '! and In Mi ill 1 the head Una ntlrai-lloii at the Minpii- otiu-tliiK today, Till atlriictlon will he eape-i.-lally enlerlainimf fur th children, Mumford und Hluulcy, mIiikIiik come, dlan, offer thvir latent aoni; aiiecen, entllled "A Nickel a Nickel With Me." An iiffeflnif that I exception ally Kund, hot Ii In II cunci ptlon and i II cxecuilon, I prenented by Kennedy 'and Nelmin, "Thoae Hpeed Hoy." The in-t fairly leetn with iiiIkIiihI mnl thrllllli aluul. Mabel Harper, "The I''unbiam of Vaudeville" altil by ICthil Klilipntrlck I Ihe final act on i tlilei Mil. A new cycloiilu munlcul revue, of two act nnd II ccne I offered at thn (hiyely Ihcatcr thl week. The tide of the how which 1 epoiinored by Kred Clink Im "j,cf (io." Hupportlmt Collin nnd I'lllard are a cant uf promi nent metropolitan fiinmaker liuiud IriR Max June, llallln Ilean, the f Illtr Six llarmoiilNta, Hoy Mape, jfllnyd Kern, l)ut Hay, Hud I'urcell, Hay V car wood and ollu-r, " do" It I nalil, ha th fanleat (lancliu- ! youthful choru hen ill lea that ever left i Hroadway. The added a (I ruction Im (Jcoixh S. lirown, wuiM champion walker, who preacnl hi famoiiK "W.illtli.K Hchool," fealiirltid Ulllli) W. ( Weal on, rhamplnn buy walker of ! America, arid Hue lielle, champion Rlrl walker of Texa, in dully conteMl iiKalrmt eiu-li ollu-r. Friday nlKlit will he amateur walker' colilenf nlKht, compi'llni? ai,-iilnt each other. The public Im invited to Join. Today' inn linen alart at 3:')". T.otf and Jean Archer In the way of a moid? and dunce aiiectaclo IiiIiik their arllNlIc and melodtiiu headline act to in World U: the featured offrrliig. In hoiik: and dance thcMo Iwo clever per former buiiiho uIoiik comedy line with ilcMcrlptlvo trlmmliiK. Ferry Corway'a putitomlmlr fun making und mualcul ahlllty innke hi Veek$ttirtin7 Today- 1 1 iu uric c - i o. u v r. vi . WpekDavs Daivet 2130 rr -r l r . nnr t vem nqi-except oar. a. a a i v . -o! -7Ki i a- 'ar -v I B I l If VI I I w X i i - -x-j-v m m. m ax. w j I W II Kl II at. I taaaf - " I f I K ll D jummicu K I I" 7 v V Ail .i r A.aT - ' v J . . ' LJ - LL ;t -S7 I V 11 I V tVl t I TnWaVIa I I kh ItUlU W cAPnoyt wULr vJltiLb0C0RC,cue a'alOvtlTOUO'.A CAQOt VN PTCR &j IA A'ao co CLAWVEIiDI Jot? ALFRED LATC-LL m ROMAS TROUPE CIQMC-NS OtUUKCb. CAR V. I I PRICCS-NIGHT3 o i SUNOAV 251? JcifV Weber BftANDEtf Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaia-aa inTiaiaj lined part of I ho hbnw. Huh Murphy I offering a novelty called. "Comblii Inp JiuMtiewH With I'leaHiire." Ho I a vocaliMt with an excellent voice. Hera and Will caper lu a ceno mIiowIiik baekyurd untie skillfully pirfonned. It. Is an act audience particularly fike. The lulolllKenco of feathered cnlertuliicrs Ih to be dls- new Show today PICKARD'S SEALS Antlca by Arctic Ac lor MABEL HARPER Tha Fiinbaam of Vnudavllla KK.NNEDY A NELSON "Thou Spetd Boy" MUMFORD A. STANLEY "A Nlckel'a a Nlckl With Ma" it ound to a addeneii Kiorse" Dashing through the forest to destruction. Just one of the many thrills that Zane Grey gives you in his latest picture success. THIS X A WEKK t I'.nJing I riiUy y Mil CU1QE ADAMP AJapUti fiom lh Novel "Wildfire" by ZANE GREY i.E-rr------ r - - :-:-:r-- a net una uf Hi" iiiuat uiiliie uovelllea uf thn fall . until. Ketch nnd Wllma preni nt, "Votal ui iel. a." t'oiuedy la the keynole of thia Int. I "Inn lea tiilih, ImlUiiiona of viiilmi Mirlnft Inairip inent la decidedly out uf Ihe ordinary. The Three I'eluioiu have a rnuuue. Of iIIhIhiIii k I i i 1 1 1 i i 1 1 b.- and loop thn loop ef mil reallv Wol'lll While. Cnlliplet liiK the vuudcvllle ectin of the bill la H'laher'a i imi inndo up of pottle, do- and niunka Arthur HajM Introduce 'Tor Ixve of .Mike," an a comedy organ nolo. The full eii(h feature photoplay I 'Tilicrlm of tho NlKht," a thrlllluK adopialiun uf ',. Phillip Oppenhelm'a well known novel, "nHei ty,"' lu Ih cumi- ale liuhy I Heynter, Lewi Stone, Kathleen Klrkhiiui, Hnymond llnituii ami William V. Muni;. The JiirvlM Id vuc, ii mlnature mil i ul coinedv with the n pitlallon ot In InK one of Ihe celveret ad of II kind, I Ih headline wlartliiK next Sat urday, Jink lenipey, champion of thn world, I ni heiluled to appear In pel-eon at the World (heater Hcvetl day lariinK Novemhcr 4. Wenley Harry, "the boy With I. "00.. WW freckle, " In comlliK in peraun to heuilllne (Im Oi'pheiim xlluw next Week. Kvei j IhhIv who udend (In; motion pictilie theulei know thin Juvenile war of thu creen. On th" atBK lie I" appearliiK with a company of iu can-fully chow n player In the i-utcrulnlnK fliclch, "Wclcomn Jlome." Tho eimiiEeinent uf Kuifeno O'NelH'a play, "The Kmpcror Joiie," with Chnrlea H. flllplu In the lcadlnir role, nt tho I'.iaiidel theater for threu day, HtaillnK ThuiMday, November , will unduuhleilly aroiiMe much Interent amnio? Hiuhc who urn concerned In the udvanci it of di unmllo art. Tin; pi-eri'iilnliun will ho made In thl city mi the name Hi-ale and with the name attention Kiwn to detail uf 111 per firmance that won dlMllnclluii fur th" play and made the mar th timet (filked of Mclor In all tlieatrlcal dur hi it run of an entire enon at the I'rlncer thealer, New York. VAUDEVILLE PHOTOPLAYS J I NOW PLAYING Continuoua From 1 P. M. Daily r LOU and JEAN ARCHER Famoua Start of Song and Dam in Their Original Speclacla "Tailor-Mad" Suburban Programs M'MIAY. Vh toilie , lame Klrkwoud In "The Man From Home." (ii-and Tmii Moore in ".Mr. Harry of New York." Hamilton "The Cray Dawn." MONDAY. let oi-la .la s Kii UwiioiI in "The Man Kroin Home," (,i -anil tiuy Hale I'oht In "The .MuNiiurriiiler." Il,iiniltiiii-r "I'our llorHcmen of the .pii(-al.Vife." Tl KSDAY. Mi lurla William S. Hart In "TraveliiiK On." Grand (iny Hale I'oat In "The Manieniiler." Ilamllliin "Four Horsemen of the Ancalype." KETCH & WILMA CHARLES GIBBS "Vocal Variety" Muaical Miniio FISHER'S CIRCUS THREE BELMONTS Komedy Kepert Novelty Artitta Th. Muaical Clow FERRY CORWAY Krom Ntw York Hlpimdromt An Extraordinary Photoplay of Thrill, Myttery and Sutpcnie "PILGRIMS OF THE NIGHT" From th Novel "Paaaaraby" E. Phillip Oppenheim' Great Story With Ruhy Da Renter Lewia Stona Raymond Hatlon Kathleen Kirkham William Monj Next SaturdayWILLARD JARVIS REVUE Tha Beat Miniature Musical Comedy tha World Haa Presented TWO WEEKS MORE AND THEN YOU'LL SEE JACK DEMPSEY Th Creataat Champion of Them All Appearing in Person The Tuesday Musical Club Presents GERALDINE FARRAR SOPRANO Auditorium November 3, at 8:15 P. M. Prices $1.00 to $2.50, no war tax. Membership seat sale Tuesday, October 24. Public sale October 27. Box office opens at 9 a. m. Held Over Three Days TODAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 ra Strand Orchrstra Harry SiUerman, Dirertiag riaying "Chu Chin Chow' Atmospheric Prologue BERYL BL'RTON Singing "Chincae Melody STARTING WEDNESDAY FOR 10 DAYS Hopeless Caresses Kmk.l hl fn the Iten ..f .1.. i. .. S U,,4 ?u Y "r hu. h. l'k .V V' A ifeal Lite lr il t ) V .' ' " V--. i . l i 'i l . J 1 a M ' a VI l1) Beslnram JWi; The Prisoner 1 oF Tienda hf Anthony Hon AtKt 1 a KkT. liWilt ttOHC, matni iniYiiN. nun IHHMH, IK, aaajee . IKI M1 , No Advance in Prices ga1 a ' "