The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 22, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 30

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    8 C
rllAT do you lliirn for In mualc'
I'hnt la ii i until ill which w may
laamuully aak r h other, and
yet which many of u edm take
Unit i.r 4 hiiimht t auk ouraWvea. VV
enloy the atraina of a familiar rum
hr perhap ami bet-aiie we recognlM
and Ilka Ilia melody, wi put much ut
uuraclw Into th llatemii, and do
not atop to notice flint (litre la
much difference in Ilia way It la piny
. or sun a ther la In tha way dif
ferent people would iiiy tha latna aen
On person ran make an oMInary
allium about tha weather vibrate
Willi th eiithualaeiii and buoyunry of
living, another will keep it drub an
casual, anl yet another run aometlmea
make urh a commonplace remark In
audi way tlint If It wara worth tha
bother wa would almost resent It.
In tha Ma of tlia profeaalnnal art
1st before we Iwkiii to listen for any
thlnif, we ara influenced to a certain
intent ly Ihe personality expressed
In Ilia mif.irjii' e and manner of tha
artist. Ita hi seem lncere. Ilk
able, uip.ith. Ik'7 Jlow can he
Then Ilia first note bejfln anil wa
listen fur the quality of tlim. If the
OUallfy la txrept liirui I we urn pleased
at Ihe start. If liol, tha artist muat
yi t win ua with hla ait and r'itil
it v. Ak-iI'I personality. One naaumea
that nnles h person ha an excep
tionally fin iiuullty ut voire, or ha
developed a fine ii utility of tone, lie
mwht not to start professionally. Vet
If he hua arrived ut professional simid
Ink, hi must have something mure,
ontliiuiilly f listen for tlia per
aoniilily expressed. The artlat must
know nil tli trick of technic, tint he
must hide them Jint ua tne structure
of n fine buildliiK la hidden, r,r the
skeleton of man la hidden with living
tlssue. It docs not take, ua long to
f -! whether ha la sincere, whether
lie la In tune with Ilia mualt: he woiilil
rxpre, hiuI whether he la delivering
Hie iiii-HHHKo of It to ii a, That la what
we are looking for, the spirit of the
inualp, the reason for Ha being writ
ten, or onni having been written, the
reason for lla being played or ung.
And If It la played or sung, wa want
II alive, full of that enthusiasm we
would like to f'il In It.
We ilo riot care how the artist does
II, whether the technical part la hard
or easy, nil that concern ua la tlint
Hie certain thltiRs that we llaton for
me there, la he accurate In Intona
tion? Ii'M'H ha play the notea with
that assured rnrret'tneaa that allowa
ua to dli-tnls thinking jihout them?
lines ho have variety In ilyiiarnl'-a, anil
hkhIii, I he peraoriaiily to line them
properly? fan he Interpret a pianlg
almo paaaaRe with reatrnlnt, and a for
llaalnio without conaeloua effort? How
ii bout tliu aparkly, fletarhe'l pnaitaKea,
iiml the aiiiooth flowing' auatalned
part a? - Fa everything equally good?
lioea he have apeed, repnan, a feeling
of liilaine fir iiiualcul valuea? fan
lie piny or alng with that fluent enae
Hint protect the obaturlea he haa tnet
from prying ania? And, aa Itudolph
Caiu iin'B aaked a pupil: "Can he
umlle while he iiii it?"
We llati n for all these thlna. Many
pwiple are lilcaaed with quality of
voice, iiml for ao much, we love them.
Many people draw a fine tone from In-
, atrtimenta, for which they are to be
commended. There are many who
havu charming peraonalitiea. We ar
tli lighted that they lire alive and hap
py, hut wo can not entirely foriciva
lliem, nor lve them profeaaional
atandintt If they fail to otwerve the
general lawa of music. "Genius' we
any to ourselves, "talenf, la wonderful.
Jinny people, have It. But that which
differentiates the great from the near
great la in the lant analyala, observ
ance of theae general lawa." And Juat
then, we nieet aome one who obaervea
all thene lawa, faithfully, alncerely,
conacientloualy. We liaten to him
nnulytlcally. and every point where- a
law la found he meeta with careful
workmunahlp. But anmehow, that la
nil he doea. there Isn't nuy pleasure
'in It, and while we ought to forgive
h:ni and he thankful for amall fnvora
we do not. and he lan'tjnfour aura aa
a prufefcHionnl artlut at all.
The Kricnda of Music will open
their aerie of concerts Wednesday
morning at 11 with a piano recital by
Mrs. I,. V. Orofoot at the resilience of
Mrs. K. W. ah. Although not In
professional life, Jim. Crofoot la one
of the best known and most talented
) innisls of the city, and her program
should prove eapeclnlly interesting.
The Frit-ml of .Music is a new or
gun ion In which membership ia
g.ilned entirely by invitation, n4d the
lecitiiN w ill le open only to memhera.
I he olije, t of the oclety la to bring
the lim-st Onisha talent to a hearing
before a dlecnuiiimting body of ba
ll 'net a who are Interested In aponaor
Ing local iiiuaic.
Tha Nebraska I'linpter of th
-Ainei lean (iuild df Uri-Hiiisis plana a
i timber of guild events fur the com
ii.g wiuler. Not only organ recitals
will l Kiven under the aui-ices of
the guild, but a rie of recital by
tinned choira will bet held at variou throughout the enun. Mr. J.
I I piiinma, lb-ail of (ha local chapter,
acl Me Martin W. Bush, HTetary,
anniniiu I hut follnmiig a meet
1n of lha exerutna eominntee. the
IihI thaptrr will roierata with
Munc week y apeelal linialo at one
ct lha church arrticea of that week,
lha in, id will alM hold a regular
mciilhlv luneheon ihrouthotit the
Mr A V Kinder of Omaha, wat
tact at a dinner In New inik my
la honor of Jenny I md At It. i din i
in a itiHl to ml atalua lo ,
J. any l.m.t la Mattarv I'aia waa Inl
tiala.l t tha Jenny land ealalUn.
Aetitrdinf la !! Muil iVurter, a
ill M(vil nenfiam rrnt.t aat
HU aol IHa, 4 ttlltt
IHKkli ' ia
W aita Im Cafe, lt tar
, tl MS tit tfc tMMM.
tt a. M. ia I r. M.
a.TOai . lik 4 fert
t -t Mm , IWaM
tl'! ' a4 tM
U ( WM
tUMitnwi a4 hMMHai
1m m4 , Haiaeiaa
iii v i tt -'tv r i . a" f.v ,-i-:r st
Barbara LaMatr WMSSMl
the apenkera, among whom were both
mualcal and other professional people,
brought out many point of Interest
In the career of the great singer.
Mrs. Klnsler says It was a most
neplring affair, and the picture and
prints of Jenny Llnd, the many old
program and clippings of her Ameri
can tour, and the sheet music of her
favorite songs, mostly from the col
lection of William Hlldehrand of Jcr-
tfy City, were especially noteworthy.
Special provision made by Saint-
sains in hi will has released the
Carnival of the Animals" for public
erformance, according to the New
ork Times. "And for the first time
since the private performance -for
.iszt It was heard at a Colon ne con
cert In Tails on February Zo of the
present year, with 4!nbrld J'lerne
conducting. The Carnaval," say the
imeg, quoting I,e Mcnestral on that
occasion, "proved to be lit the finest
vein of parody, and delightfully
amusing. There are 14 part In the
uite, only one, the famous 'Swan,'
hlch has been allowed public; per
formance. The titles are: 'Introduc-
ion and ltoyal March of the Lion,'
liens and Rooster,' 'Wild Asses'
(lleet footed animals) 'Turtle,' -file.
phunt," 'Oentlemen With Ixmg Kara,' '
'The Cuckoo in the Woods,' 'The Bird '
House,' 'Pianists' (are they all ani
mals?), 'Fossils' (can these, too, b the
critics?) and lastly the well known
'Swan' and 'Finale.'" The auito was
heard In Chicago at the 11 tin! Kavinla
artists' conceit.
The membership sale of seat for
(jeraldln Farrar, aoprfiio, who comes
to the Auditorium November 3 undet
iha Im-al management of the Tuesday
Musical club, will open Tuesday morn
ing, October ':4, at the bo office of
the Auditorium. Kxtia ticket may I
purchased at the same m ihera
will 1 no war tax. Tha public aalo
will begin th-ibe rS. The bn off lea
npena at 9 a. in.
A cerium clmrai (eristic of tleialdme
Karrar'a art and career ha been, and
one would v ever will l, ) truth.
From (be fnat moment when h re
turned to America from her atudiea
and ailK'ic baiilea abroad to conquer
critic and public, to send hurrying
Caaliauaw IIi4l le II p. a.
First Sho win t In Omaha
Kig Myttatf flay.
"I Am Guilty"
WnW LaaiM UUwaa
M.a-r., w4.n.
BRADY ritKtiiif
i American"
Seialal A Cat
Si,!- Sl.ff
Ii "Tit Clin"
tms mi
Clam Kimball Young
MUSE Fri.ty Sat ?
their corner upholder of tradition
whose eye were blinded to the event
and ihe accomplishment of today, her
course ha been distinguished by the
fire, the courage, the IndoniUabllity
Another Big sical Burlesque
' W
XX 1 I
-lk RltlY W VESTON
The t t H.' at the Olympic TVtr In ear, an par
iitl any nf the h t mumeal eemethea, RU 1 rtj l' K-i!e in t'.fU' n.
Mil t1 rVIUU'r, frptHi!cr It,
mm SDAvwa
a In aa at aaiiat W.
timm Mot, " ttxila -t" t
Now Showing t th
of youth and talent. For her there ha
never been the word "Impossible;" for
her no labor la too tremendou lo
achieve a. thing desired, and nothing
In the world la too big, too great for
her to attempt. An Individual from
the bottom of her heart, a woman
who act aa ahe thinks, for hcrnelf.
Hhe has made a host of friend In the
country which admires conviction and
Initiative a it ndmlrea almost noth
ing else, and some enemies. Hut she
has always triumphed by her sheer
force, vitality, charm and optimism
which nothing can displace or dismay.
Whllo others are wondering what will
happen, Miss Oeraldina I evolving a
new exhibition of art.
The City Concert club band of 55
men, Arlhur K. Hmllh directing, will
play a conceit program Friday eve
ning, October 27, at the Auditorium,
complimentary to Mayor Pahlman and
Omaha citizens. Herman K. Mansfield
is band adviser of tha club. Mis
Kdlth May Miller I treasurer, Mis
Blanche Horenson, secretary. The
three vice president are George V.
Knlpprath. Mrs. A. V. Klnsler and
WilHam A, KIM. The auditor I John
W. (ramble. The program committee
DAILY 2 :8:i
IhUU - i - ,
aai RAI fPlt.t
iB4Hrit la tt k mm,.
wmtiwi i
Include 1'iank Much, tlrK W.
Campbell. John H. Helaren, Mr. A. K
Mullen, Mr. C. W. Axtell, CharU
.' ,Mih Tha ririiurillll will (ipen
promptly at ;!5 p. in. Friday, a fiH-j
tlanh "t:l fnpllnri" anuria
ttvarliire "IVel alii l'-inl". hupi-a
l.'nriil "lo Ora
My lluti"lt (
Vail ' -Kti" WalltlueM
MailM "lnra ut tha Huun" , . I'li' hitialll
Inlerv 1.
BtnaiS -"Tha Apir,rlailaa of
f,ir M'ili-,'' Wnr'.r Jmn t' I'shlmaa
Man-h -"Star and Siri,.- Krrvr". . . .
, , t ..... amiita.
Miil "Sotiaa ut lha South" I.aml.a
Tau l'a voi ih -.
la) "A Maht la Jiin'" Kin
thl "Tlf'h Sir-t K" l"ti,n
ffdprasrj aoli.a ,,,, al'-ta,1
Hy Aim tluntlr-r
f)ai rliila A llumins s. n,a . nureoloaal
I ll IU..,-i )
Klnla-'Tlia i'r Sniiit Hiini''
t on la Hi-till Kr
Tha awilUii' a la r"ii''"l t lr ,1 &c
atf arttiiin wlilla tlia nat-'iiiai atiihfin ia ba
in lk'1.
Mlsa Hl.iiii he Horenson luia beeri en-
ytiKed to Klve a aerlea of Victrolit b-c-tut
recitala In lha KuiKi aa Nash
audllorlum Weilixsilay nflerii'Hiii be
KlnnlDK November 1, Mia Horenaoii
wa fur four yitr a liiiM-llnif repie
iiitaliva of Ihe Victor Talklna; Mfi
chine company and huvh Iheau rf-Hnla
all over the Cnite. Ktniis. In ber
ret It il Mlea Horenann will present
many bi'Uiiflful rettir'l from upt-iiia
arid varloua roiinlrlca ifinlered by
rent iiiuslt'iana and will Klve cxphimi
lory renin i ka on each jiumber, Mlea
Horenaoii ha a clasa In moalcjil up
pretlMtbtn fttr mother arid teat liira
in which she frivea similar work at
.1 re I ' . i. .,... , . tt...u
lltr. ir-lli lir-tS IIHIIllfiH ft. IH"'I HI .V1ISS
Johanna Andcranri in tti" raftersoii
block rSaturdny mornlnf; and ha also
opened her vocal atinlloa fit her resi
dence, Ilurncy street and 21 Arl
ington block,
John f!renory Juinleaon, teacher of
aliiKlnif, aniiouiict- the removal of hia
atljtllo to bla residence, ADi HtUth
Fortieth street, Harney OW,
Mr, Id nry V, rfiii( ave a lec
ture recilal on "The Music, of the
American Indian, Its I'rlmltlve ami
Art Music Forma," before the Chic,io
Historical aoclcty Tuesday evenliiK,
1 .
i MB- i
12ialto Symphony Playcro a
C7A. rata, :i(wt, rr ruvillf'oil
- I -TVV m-
Connie as
''A lit I If ( hlneae flrl, onlance TltiiHtli;e ras probably Iter nnml
(Mipnlsr role In "Fast la Weal," which ruiilinuea for three tl.i) at Ibe.hlrjnd
tinnier. Ileside lr In en refill pose ia Hyiluey I ranliliti, ilireriur, whn mud''
"Hniillu' TliroiiKli." Mr, Krunlilin alia illrii li d l unula In lo r luteal ain ieaa.
October Kill, Mr. Fame has nlso i
iinnounifd a number of lecture recital
wilh musical illustration upon Varl
on musical aiibjifts, .Mr. Fume baa
published a number of attiilar find
sacred souks, a well a a number of
short choruses.
Ktanley J.ui f.etovsky ha reopened
hi studio In the I'allerson building,
lleilde hi acliville a conceit pian
ist, teacher and composer, Mr, 1-tov-aky
la aIho liistt-uctor In theory at
- - a'SSV;
a- 11 , .nil l m . fV oB
7iL'6Lsi& out tAe tUrn i
Ming Toy
Otnatia Cent nil IiIkIi at hind, Mr. I.-
tovsky la fit pri st nt wm klfiK ta u
Jjipiifiese suiIm fur oit'lietia.
A am nd cniiecrt will be presented
by llm choir of the .North I'lesbvitr-
Inn dum b Hominy, (it tobcr szinl.
special oii.ii n Miiiilei", nnlli'ina
by the choir iriid aoloa by Mrs, , W.
Icken, Kopifiiiii, and Mr. Cli.-iilea Hu-b-r,
bur's Will be im'' n, I'r. Kielt-r-Jt'k
K. KiiJiKer, ch'ilr ilii-or, Mia.
If. K. ''lit lie, si,
-1 Tlf .-r-g -r
Yf. . TJ5vr
as LornaDoone
as Jbhnl?idd
asruff Sir Ensor
bandit and gentleman
Imagine iihemspnTim'
as from the authors pen
to thrill, to fire us, to Iovq
fiht, voo, and vin For the
$orld aain
Another triumph by tho
man vho made 2 Last
of the Mohicans." You'll!
live every moment of it.
'tCoWoncte Ware,
cproud 0 'Present io
Jfij Adviiiie h
Clem DaccyJ1.0encSUnk7
Sinking Mr. Van Alatynca
Old and New tongiiC
(Julius K. dohiujon
t 'i. 4' I )e,
ovu A Little ColLwki
-- -
Popular Novels Make
Successful Plays
( rralinaMl rr,rrl !' eaa.
Ill which alia eeiiie, In lead anolber
Hhlrlt y M.ison will he th leadlnf
star in lha film which will run Thin
d.iy, Fildty and K -it unlay. "The
lui'K"d llelrra," d,al with the trial
and mlstfniliim a i f a youm ulrl whn
h been leiired In tveity, la-nnrant
if lha fint that alia la lha rlKhtful
poasesaur t f a foil une. The tory, n
(iilllint ,1. one nliiiiiiidliiK In plltin.
Rpiinkled with ih lii ula humor, and
pronrestiiirT titwaid a putty romance
and Ihe unlit Vi'lllnit of a mystery
which la tun illy a mystery to lha u ,
"My Uiltl Iri-h Fine" al Kurt.
"Mv "Wil.l Irish I!. is." a the at
(rat Hun fit the Hun fur on week,
ll bt en n Fiimrtliiy.
A'l.ii'tcil from I he f iiio. ua old aluae
siniti-s, "The HhiiiiKbiailti," by IUmi
Foui'lt'tiiill, It Inn it Ita if. bill at the
I'niiy tjine Ihcultr, Ignition, In I"
and since then his been played all
ou r I he I Inrush aimiklnif wm ld. The
pl"t Is an nl.s'irt'iiiK one; there ai
apua, llifitrini ia, "if Icoala" Mild pret-
J ty Irish ciillii'iia ealore nnd In addl-
lioli Iht'ie me three hue atoilea, (hre
heroes it inl' three heroines. The pic.
lint' bus been pr'tliVr-d under th di
rection of li.tvld Hrniili, who has audi
successes a "lllni k lieauiy" and "The
1,11'le Minister" lo bis riedlt. lla l.iia
brnuirht out Ihe pl' l iireatiieiieaa and
old world charm which I Inherent In
111" llliec(.
A prison ship la another of lha hli:h
lit: l In (ho product ion, and ninny of
lha 'fi nra historically correct, lie
liiK a repllcit of tlmsa which tlll lat
on th" old aod.
Fimbria Htaik will lake th part of
M'tja, sweuihcitrl of Conn, thesbaiia;
liraun llrah ft.r "ne'er do-well") tha
hitter part lielng played by fat '
1 w I.- t
I, I l!v
I; ; j
1 a