THE SUNDAY OMAHA. UCTOUKIi -'-. IV'. 70 Novels of Popular Choice Make Successful Movies Classics on Omaha Screens This Week Prove That Theory; Current Attractions Are Adapted from Most Popular Hooka; "Lorna Doone" Plays at Kialto; "Prisoner of Zenda" at Strand; "My Wild Irish Rose" at Sun Theater. For their hcenurioa the motion picture producers liuve been turning more and mote to the popular novel, not the heft teller, but the old favorite that have held us as much in their thrall as they did our fathers and mothers. It is a wise move, for they are utilizing stories whone appeal is definite and already established. To every one it in a pleanure to go and see revealed In action the hurrying figures which heretofore have lived and moved only in his imagination. The film hero may be dark unci muMtachiood whereas his mental hero was blonde and clean Bhaven, but the pleanure is none the less real. 'I'M lill'tUll'M UllriWn Oil flnmha . T'-rm tli! werk are an unumially Pat Has Trouble 'Wild Irish AW" ifocxj fiami'l of thl tendrney, for al most tvf-ry nno In the (Irnmatlaitlun f a well known novel. The tlii-mee mit th wir are varlrd to a high are. There la thn Knl!h rnuntryalde and the areat i;nillh hrolne, lxirna I wine, at the Itlulto. for thou wltu r-fr the buml i.f the rlty, intrlRtie nl trim there U "I'lltcrlm of tho NlKht" it fh Wtn-M, a mm vtral'iii f tt tle'erflve Mory by K. 1'hlllp Op. i x-nhHm, anil for the "All American" Hie Moon prtipiit "Vli"n liorninte U1-c" a thrllli-r m A on "Wll.ltlrc," ' v the popwl..!' Arm-rtriin wrllof, Zime ' li ry. "The 1'ilnonrr of 7,(mila" la ailmlt 'illy one of th? hvt ndvi-nturn torla ihaf ever knt 'i ninall lioy up imt hm bi1 tinif. Anthony Jlop'-'a novl hIU app'nr rtramntlwil on the screen ii. (lit. Mi.inil for 10 May, birlrinlnif vilnadjy. If tha .;ttlng of an iiuiKlnary and highly decorative rnon ireliy df not aatlufy the craving, 'he movie fan nwy bo trannported to South Africa and wit no one of 'ynthla Btockky' allghtly lurid tnW , m portrayed hy Clara Kimball Young md Milton Bill at the Muae; or If h'i 1 more aentlmentally Inclined, My Wild Irlah Roae" at the Bun la jrunranteed by the advance agent to ..ui:h hi heart. Written by Don Couelcauit, It wa never a novel but nil an old Wge aurc of 1SS0. Two mils at Strand. The popularity of the pretty Anglo American drama, "Eaet Is Wet," la mien that the Strand has held it for three more day. Constance Tal rcailge aa Ming Toy ha acop for all her caprlclou charm. , "The Prlaoner of Zenda," which haa thrilled thouaanda who have read the book or een the tilnv. ha been made Into a photoplay U llx Ingram, and will occupy the e. An at the Btrand for 10 day, commencing Wedneaday. r.aed on the novel of the aame name by Anthony Hope, It 1 a atory of the adventure of Rudolf Rasaen dyll, a, young Englishman, who for a time became the king of the mythical country of Rurltanla and who won the love of tho Princes Flavia after a, aerlea of plot and counterplota Downtown Programs Kliilto "Irna Doon " Mrand Todny till Wednea day, "Kiuif. In West." Begin ning Wedtieaday and next we-k "Tho I'rlaoner of Zenda." Moon "When Ho ma nee Hide." Sun "My Wild Irluli Rmn." i.iiiprcim Today until Thura d.iy, "Inmk to Imwn;" begin nliiK Thuiadiiy, "The Rugged lleirOHH." ' World "PIlKt'lm of the NU-ht." Mine Today, "I am flullty;" Monday anil Tucailay, "III Hildul NlKht;" Wedneartoy and Thursday, "The righting Aiinr Piiii;" I'Vlilay and Saturday, "The Claw." 1 1 in huddtfrrd ovr the dceda of the bloody Doone," the beautiful love tnry of the captive "tirnii" la told. Contrneted with the tarly acenc of the vIM moorland are vivid gUmpm from the magnificent court of Kin Jaiiu where "lornti" i takfii In re gul atyla after her rescue by the her ctileati "John Hidd." Abulia l.fllumy I'l.o the part of ' Iornd. It I aaid that In the beau tlful rf.BturncK which ahe weal In ncene at 'he cum t and Weiitniliil O r Abbey ahe might well be mltaken for the model from whom tha faniou paint. ng of "Lorna Doono" wn made. " hen Koiniwire Hided" at Mixm. A wtMlvrn drama featuring Claire Adama, t'nrl fiantvoort and Jean Her opened yeatenlay at the Moon theater fur aevtn daj. Zane fjrey' "Wildflro" la preiiented to film audi- I'at O'.Miilley, lui lia lltn rule of (unn, the kliaiiKliiaun in "My Wild Irinh Itcwe," which will he) Mumn at the Sim theater IW week, find never al iiiMmiiiiifi. during the limiting of the production. In one M-eiie lie, I ununited by the vllliiin, full off a precipice about fif teen feet and lamli mi it shelving- In making thn fall he didn't calculate jiiKt right ami Infilled nilli s Hind, bruKIng bin eiile, "'Mint ' reiilixiii with a venueaiu p," a lit J'at O'.Miilley un In; picked Mill (.i IT up after the icene had hern alutt and Kent to the company automobile to rub arnica mi hi liruinea. "My Wild IHhIi Himc" l a picture of Irish nit and humor, with a touch of ilniiim and palhoa hIiIcIi only mi I rluli atory run have. ence under tht tltlu, "When rtuiinni-u Kiden." Thn pr-xlim r clnlfii for line pljoto play that It In a new type of modern wretern ih. una, .'or 111 It the wentern flannel ehlrt ulternatea with tlie tux edo', thn riding habit with tha tlecol ele gown, and pictureaque run--'! tenure with elaborate, and arilitlo In tirii'i. ' When Romance Utile," contain the lively Incident, the human every day characterization and the m enlc background which have proved uch a powerful magnet to phture patron In prevlotia Zan Orry plctuir. It contain one of the moat thrilling hoiae raoea ever atiged and a a cli max, the heroine la een, tlfd face down on the buck of a fear maddened home recently reclaimed from a wild tale, riding toward a precipice, The photography of thl Mmeppa like ride tin., fur t h gnat horee race at the looro III it (me cualiipl (if how emo tion tlrr!iig mere inot'.wn photography can become, HoiKe valued at in. .re than :'Ml,0l,i appear In '4'hen Romance Hide and two of them ahar in the acting honor the bt.iutlfnl malllon which linpn non. ilea the Wildfire of the noV' el apil i he dopeii horn. Hag Hruh. A lielgian pulice clog, 1 il n 1 1 n-t In , will alho ciiptlMite evrry peron who llkea dog. Drram Drama at Knipre. An tiniiHiinl plot proaent Itnelf In "Duk and Dawn," the feature drama which bring Florence Vldor to the Kmpre theater tcHtay for three day. Therein Marjorl Ltitltiiin agree to ruacue a young man from the tolls of a deignlng woman. If aald young mnn'a father will tay prosecution of ha f"ll headlong tn love with M!. her brother, accused of forgery. Jorle, ho refvued to marry him be When the joung man forgot the eaimo cf Mran'ly realUtie dnanie "delKtlllig Woman," tie by li.une, turn .i fag Sine, t'oluntn Mghl. I" IKE the sparklin' dew, fragrant as the new mown hay, is this pitcher with its foights and thrills and a love story that will charm the Ioikes of yez. during which he 1 compelled to fight for hi tery life. Beautiful ettlnga, gorgeoua contume and an exceptional cant contribute to make thl romance on uhlch will be talked about by all lover cf good picture. In the cast are Lewi Htone, Robert Edtaon, Alice Trry, Stuart Holme, Ramon Navarre, Barbara la Marr, Malcolm McGregor, Edward Connelly and Lola Lee. Alice Brady at Muse. The Mum present for today only Louiae Glaum In "I Am Guilty." "Ill Bridal Night," a breezy farce, with Alice Brady playing the dual role of twin eleten, can be cen on Monday and Tueiday, and "The Fight ing American" will be at the Muie Wednesday and Thuraday. Clara Kimball Young and Milton SHI khar honor in "The Claw," a gripping atory of South African life, adapted for the ecreen from one of Cynthia. Slockley' novel. It come to the Muae on Friday and Saturday. Tilgrlma of the Mfiht" at World. She believe he owe filial affec tion and obedience to the greatest criminal In Pari. She la In love with the amateur crimlnologlat to whom all things con nected with criminal 1 repugnant. Such 1 the dilemma which con-1 front Ruby de Reiner, dowribed by tho French urtlnt, 1'util Ilelleaii, as the moKt beautiful girl In America, In thn photoplay, "I'llgrlma of thn Niitht," which i booked for thla week at the World theater. It la an adaptation of the novel, "J'anHix By," from tho pen of E, I'hllllpK Openhehn, the noted F.ugllih author. The tory cit?ern Itaelf with tho adventure growing out of the theft of 4,000,000 franc from the French ub-treaury and lta euhae-quc-nt. disappearance from the place where the leader of the criminal band had hidden It. The beautiful daughter of the mai ler thief, complicate matter contid erably by falling in love with the young Engllahman who U actually responsible for the breaking up of the criminal band. Riallo Bring "Lorna Doonc." Romance come riding acroa the acreen in plcturoaque 17th century garb In the umptuou production of "Lorna Doonc," which opened at the Rialto theater on Saturday for an en tire week. From a novel that ha been a fa vorite with three generation, Mau rice Tourneur haa produced a film that combine the beauty of an old world painting and the thrill of a modern melodrama. Agslnt the background of the Dev- onehlre hll' and moor, visited annu ally by hundreds of tourleta who have VuvmficJ SURE it's not braggin' and boastin' we are, when we say: "It's a foine pitcher indade, and sure it'll do yez a lot o good, an faith, yez 11 enjoy it. COMING NEXT SATURDAY WESLEY DARRY . "RAGS TO RICHES" Free Musical Program Beginning Monday, October 23, . Continuing Until Sat., Oct. 28. A Different Program Each Day From 4 to 5 P. M. Program Will Be Givvn in t 'ht GRILL ROOM on the Tenth Floor of The Brandeis Store Everybody Is Welcome! Among Those Who Will Appear Master Samuel Carmell Omaha Boy Violinist Mr. Karl E. Tunberf at the Piano PIANO Mr. J. M. Albertien Sophie Nottitx-NamUka Mi Edna Taylor Ida Luitfarten Uabelle Doolin VOCAL Central High School Glee Club Elsie Howe, Director Mi Dorothy Sleinbaugh Mr. William Maxwell Adeline KelUtrom Edward Derrington DANCE Blois Adair Farrell Vivian Stain Nellie Darland Lauretta Boroff Martha Doty Loretta Denniion READING Central High School Dramatic Clais Monday -"Muic Appreciation," Mr. Robert Cuacaden. Tueiday "Memory in Muic," Mr. Hrry Brader. Wednesday "Interpretation of Mu.ic," Mr. Jean P. Duffield. Thuraday "Muaie in School," Mit Juliet McCune. Friday "Vcica in Muic," Mr. D. B. Welpton. Saturday "Civic Mutie The Appropriation," Heater Bromon Copper. Under Auspices of Brandeis Phonograph Dept. ' ' Holdraootoyoiuiir-clhiaiir! coirne Chm 17 7 . T ies Jniwcrasoim sTheThrill-a- Minute Stunt King in V with LucFox . aa asr-. M a v aiaW. r y y anaw aT M aBr Pafheserial w The Pathe Super-Serial that pulsates with a thousand thrills There is tragedy in "Speed"; there is also drama and comedy; add love, ven geance, and greed, and you have the working tools of a stort that will hold you spell -bound, reel after reel, and episode upon episode. GJDo not dismiss this as "just a serial"; picture it as it is, a logical story, so replete with in cident that it must be unfolded in parts. In the end, you will thank us for the tip. Exhibitors Everywhere Are Reserving Rights on "Speed Ask your Theater man when he is going to start "Showing Speed" the fastest moving serial n Fafthe Esdhiainige? lime. Th Home of the World1! Beit Serial PhotopUyi. M17 lUrney Si., Omaha