The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 22, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 28

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    6 C
ft. ft..
Benson Society
jjenin torrepondnf tU Walnut JJ70.'
Renaoq Woman' Club,
Mr. Austin Taylor, jm North
fifty-eighth street, will be h'',M
Thursday, October 2, to th membr
cf th Utnson Woman cluh. Th
afternoon program w.ll be the eludy
tt tli nuv.'l. t ( tnry, "Master of
Wan." by IUII rin. Mr. N. H
Tyon will glv the review er.d Mr.
. tc Vanderllppe th discussion of
IhU book.
Mrs. It, H. Kramer wse hote
Tliiir1y afternoon to Mr. C f).
Andron's Unr division, Th after
ft'inn w spent In fancy needlework.
Foreign Missionary Luncheon.
Mem bet a nt th Methodist Foreign
UlM.on society will ntitr'aln at a 1
O'clock luncheon Wednesday, October
26. in th parlor of th church. Host
erse will be Mesdamcs K. J. W h ta
ller . C. II. Stephen and W. K. Moore,
Following th luncheon, report from
th branch atnl district ronventlnna
will b given. Mrs. C. H. Penoyer,
president of th society, entertained
th member of th program commit
t, October 20, at a luncheon
at her horn. After th lnnchiti, th
committee completed th program for
th socltty.
B, B. ( hapler, P. Y. 0. Sisterhood.
Th H. 8. Chapter of 'h I'. t. O.
manhood will be entertained Monday
October 2J, at th horn of Mr. A.
W. Francis, 231J North Blxty-flfKt
afreet. Mm. L. C. Hodder will talk
on lh uli.lft of "Legal ItlKhta of
NVbrsska Women." Mm. K. A. Mo
'j!aaon will mlif cuircnt event.
Dinner Party.
Mr. and Mia. hirby Parker enter
tained at dinner Monday, compl'men
fary to M' ssra Maurice l'ulmcr, U"V.
Barton ami Allen Wlllard, and Mis
rial Duttiai arid Mr. and Mr. George
Narcissus Chapter of 0. E. 8.
Th Narcissus chapter No. 211 of
th 0. E. H. held itn refill ir business
ession and Initiation evening 1n the
lodge rooms of the I. O. O. F. hall.
Thla order Is arranging for a Hallow
'n prty to he given Mond.iy eve
ning, October 81.
I.nli rtalu at Luncheon.
Mr. I. O. Wataon waa hostes at
her horn WednMtdny to a 1 o'flook
luncheon party of !x cov-ra. Mra.
Alice C'!ary of Chicago, formerly of
Omaha, waa th g uet of honor.
ProcreMlva Lumheon.
The ladle of the Meihodlat Aid ao
olety will ntrtin at a progrtaalv
We Can Make Prompt
6-inch lump ...$10.75
2-inch lump ...10.25
6-inch lump 11.25
2-inch lump ...Jg 10.75
6-inch lump .. .Si 2.00
2-inch lump ...$11.50
Wyoming .... $12.50
Colorado $10.00
All Coal Reacreened
at Our Yards.
KEn wood 2261 I
JAckson 0840
KEnwood 2262 J
lunchaon Wdnljr, November 1
Mra. George Hchafffr and Mra. W. H,
Iie.J will be th fliit and awonJ hot
, whi-n enffp, aandwkhea and
aulu'l will be a-rvd. At th horn
of Mra. H. Iavy th program will he
concluded by the 'rving of th dr.
aert and a ahort Illerary and musical
program. ,,
HlrtlnUy Dinner.
Mra. r. Llnder and Mra. M. Kin
rxcan wer among th gueat at a
birthday dlnniT runty entirtalimd
Tueaday by M;a Anna, Laraon of
Kejktone Park lard flub.
Mr. and Mr, a. W. Hamilton n
teruinod th membTi of th Key
atona I'ark Card club at their horn
Saturday evening, lctoher 21,
Illrth Alinoiinrenient.
Mr. and Mra. R. If. Mnloney tin
nuunre the birth of a aon, H, II., Jr.,
born Saturday, October 14, at the
Home From I(opllaI.
Mra. O. h. Kharp, who, with her
hualxind, liev, Hliarp, of the finptiat
churrh, wa In a head-on colllelon
auto accident Hatnrday while return
ing from Lincoln, wna brought to ln.r
horn Wedneadny from Mcholaa Henn
hocpitil. lioth cjira wer wrecked.
Iv. bharp waa unnble to fill th
)ii!lt Ktinrliy. I. fj. Carpenter of
Calvary Luptlat church rave an Inter.
etliiK talk to the congreKattun, Mr.
I-uther t;oblcy had charg of th mu
nil. Fariinwfirtli Mcli her.
A pretty autumn wedding waa aol-
eimiized MonJiiy evenlnir, October H,
ut 8 o'clock, In tlm Lnxlieli l.mhiran
church. Rev. O. W. i;brUlit officio t
Itisr. Tho church wna il-corated In
red aumnch lenvea nnd fiaparagua
fena, both alalea being lined with
aeptiragua and defined with white eat
In ribbon.
Mra. O. Arthur Melcher aan'K ("ad
man'a "At iJawninr;." Lolietigrln'a
wedding ntarcli waa played by Mla
U.irnet Netaon.
The brlil", Miee Edna Kruncea Farna
worth, daughter of Mr. Fannl I.
Farnaworth and tho late J". P. Farna
worth, leaning on th arm of her
cousin, Lieut. Col. Amo and preceded
by the email aon and daughter of
Col. Amoa, bearing th ring and flow
era and followed by bor brldemald,
Mtaa Ethel Flgg. cam down one alrle
and th groom, Dougla Melcher, fol
lowed by hla beet man, Carl Poecke,
cam down the other, meeting In front
of th altar, wher the ceremony wa
pronounced. The brlde'a sown waa
Ivory e:lk, hand embroidered with
pcarlw, and ahe wore the regulation
bridal veil and carried a bouquet of
brlde'a roaee. The bridesmaid wore
pink georgette. A reception waa held
at the home of the brlde'a mother,
following the ceremony. After a
ahort wedding trip, Mr. and Mra. Mel
cher will be at home at 3.M0 North
Fifty-fourth afreet.
BeriKon Community Center.
Th Eenson community Center lit
erary program wae given Friday eve
ning In the auditorium of the city
hall. A community dancing party
will be given Friday evening, October
Pupils' Mu.iial.
Mina Marxarlte Llljenatolpe will her home Monday evening, Oc
tober 81, at 8 o'clock, tli flrat of a
eerlee of pupils' musicals. Theae mu
sical are to inspire confidence in
yourig atudenta and to give parent a
knowledge of the work being done by
Mi sa Llljenatolpe'a classes.
MUalnn Society.
The ladies of the English Lutheran
Mlaaion society will meet Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock In the church
parlora. Mrs. Clarence Strawn Is
leader of the program.
Mrs. H. ITlgbee entertained at a
luncheon Thursday at her home. Cov
ers were epread for six.
Lions Club Banquet.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Shankey were
among those attending th Lions club
banquet Wednesday night. After the
banquet the party enjoyed the pro
gram at th Orpheum theater.
Entertain In Honor of Missionary.
Th Methodist Standard Bearers and
the Queen Esther society entertained
at a banquet Tuesday evening In the
church parlors In honor of Misa Win
nogens Penney, returned missionary
from Twchow, China. Covera were
aprend for Misa Penney, Mrs. C. H.
Penoyer. Mrs. E. O. Smith and 15
glrla. After th banquet. Mies Pen
ney gave a wonderful talk on the
"iMfferrnce Petween American and
Chinese Olrls." Mins Penney was head
of th Caldwell ache-jl for stria tn
Mr, .lame Main returned after a
visit In Chicago.
Mrs. F. Kohlert Is visiting Itev. and
Mi. W, V. Hum of Harrington. Kju.
Mra. O. W. Ubrlght la h"in from
spending th summer at Carthage,
A daughter wn born to Mr, and
Mrs. W. A. Talbot Wednesday. Oc
tober 1.
Mr. and Mr. W. C. Wolf i t Smith
field. O , ar gueta of Mr. and Mia.
C. N. Wolfe.
Pineal Italleck of Rptlngvlew, Neb.,
la a guest of his slsUr. Mrs. C. Wolfe,
and Mr. Wolfe.
Mr. Loren timall of Creston, la., la
a guest at th horn of Mr. and Mr.
Wyman Woodyard.
Mr. Wyman Woodyard and sister.
Mis. Cornell Wllloughby, la visiting
their parenta In Indiana,
Mr. E. L. Currnuhael of Lift!
Hock, Ark., who b-i been visiting her
daughter, Mra, Diet, and Mr, Diets,
left Monday for a visit In Colorado.
William Francis, accompanied by
Frank Hull. van, hla roommate at the
state univemlty, spent th weekend
with his rl !, Mi di;J Mm. A. W.
Mi! f i ma Co has returned to br
horn In hr, after a vielt at th
born cf Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilroi.
Mr, and Mra. C. N. Wolf hav sold
thrlr home to Kunnell William and
have taken an apartment at th
"Wright" for th winter,
Mr. and Mrs, F. II Prsnt and Mr.
and Mr. O. N. Jeffrey of Iluesett,
Neb., spent th wek at the horn of
Mr. J. M. Jeffrey.
Mr. and Mra, C. P. Mcl'liersuj, are
horn from a vacntlon spent at the
ranch horn of Mr. and Mrs. V, A.
Kinnle, near Midrid, Neb.
All Around th limine.
A too hot Iron will fnd lb ma
terial. Kerosene will remov rust from
Dry silver polish will brighten tli
brae bed.
Cold tea will act as a ertlllxer for
house pl.inta.
Choos a cool day for airing the pll
Iowa and bolsters.
Use cheesecloth for dusting. It will
aheorb tli dirt and Is readily washed
Married Life of Helen
and Warren
Attacked at Sea
By Appendicitis
Man la Treated by Wireleu From Ship
Fifty Mile Away
A M.U'r ii I i'.nf 'ihr' "
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I . ft
Helen Ignore the Captain' Order
and Kulnmisly FIimhI Thrlr
"You ought'v packed soma of this
stuff tonight, " scowled Warren, glow
ering about the cluttered stateroom
for a place to hang his d nner coat.
"Why, dear, I'll hav plenty of
Urn In the morning w won't land
before noon," Helen wa straining
after an elusive hook In th back of
bur evening gown,
"You always leave everything to
the last m.nute," ripping off bis col
lar. "Didn't you see that notlceT All
trunk rri'ist he ready by ll."
"I'll get up earl," propltfatlngly.
"Oh, he shut nolh portholes!"
"Ye, and they'll stay shut," grimly.
"Go!ng to be rough tonight alway
I Just off the French coast. That
ventilator open pltnty of aJr."
But the vcnt'lutor gav very little
air. The one stormy night of th
voyage when both porthole had been
closed, Helen had almost suffocated.
And now th: holt n ght so near land
surely It could not ba very rough.
"What'ra you ringing for?" de
manded Warren, a sh touched the
"I'm going to nik him to open on
Just a little. I'll be sick without any
"Yea, and have th whole place
flooded. You can't travel Ilk aiy
body else nlwaya putting up a kick
about air! Next time--"
"Hush ah, dear, here he l!" open
ing the door to Mie steward knock.
"Steward, can't we have one of these
portholes open? It's stifl'ng In here!"
"Sorry m'arn, but we've Just had or
ders from the br'dge to keep them
closed. It'a blowing up a b't."
"Hop you're aatinfieil," growled
Warren as th door closed. "Now atop
chew'ng the rag and turn In."
T.fiek of air seemed never to trouble
Warren, and he soon waa sleeping
etentorlously. But Helen could hard
ly breathe In tho s'eken'ng room.
It waa not rough! Noiselessly she
cl'mbed up and peered out. the thick,
round glae. A black starless n'glit.
but the froth'ng waves, fa'ntly l't by
the deck lights, seemed harmlessly
far below. It would take a much
stronger wind to lash them up to
the'r portholes.
To open one would be perfectly
safe. If It should grow rough in the
n'irht, he could eloeo It.
Finding ahe could not turn the great
brass screw, she stole out to look for
the wrench with which the steward
had screwed It down. Bhe found It
on the ledge under the corridor port
hole that was also closed.
Back In the'r stateroom, the obsti
nate screw f nally yleld'ng, the port
hole swung open, letting In a rush of
cool salt air.
Kven aa she drank In the grateful
freshness, the "Orders from th
Bridge" omnloualy shadowd her
But she slept very lightly. The first
rl.ilmr wave would arouse her.
With this reassurance, the fresh
air and murmurous sea soon lulled her
to a deep dreamles oblivion.
Bang! A thunderous crash! A dash
of Icy water In her fac brought a
terrified consciousness.
"Hell!" Warren's explosion tore
through the darkness.
The next second he had snitched
and the lielit and bounded from bis
berth in eolutterlr.g, dripping fury.
One panic-stricken showed
Helen the drenched stateroom. With
fear weakned finger sh was trying
to close th porthoi.
"What In blazes?" roared Warren.
How'd that damn thing get open?"
"Could enuld It have blonn open?"
h faltered, frightened Into th near
"T!c-n open" thovlng awr her
futii e.fcrts be bngd th port ho;
lm'. "Vher'd tM com from" h
Hhrtr.klngiy h gated t b
trvng wrench h sriat'-hed from th
Tfur In -? for sir"' In a
br. k rd re ' Y 'i ei ;M to 1 rul
in a 'r'ht Jfti-kft'' Ju lock tt
tht m"'
"th. It It rit r . .!.' 1 t dMi.'t
think H wcij;d M- w tip A H'4ica."
m. rPlrg tt ll!l g U?' 1'h
4 I
' Voi bf-l t tbt itiuM M
.tN-.n oi ! f-.-m it tr;.1' hft
f'.-nft.! 'T I Hi. i,ti' u in
in t n tf ,-sr.ia.n11 T? i '
'r. 1-l ftl f Irt . i 1 '
t . i i r u wr-' N.ft-.v i, 4-n't
t ' t t r ftrt I ftt l
-! S t.-rt! i f It up ' '
U .! W I ft. l im
11 !. l-t,' ! ft tU5f;Ht Ml
. ! ir ii 1f 'e ft J-
l l ISU ' ! I'.Me ! '
Sft lli'sg I I) il a mv .i4-
( !"'
' II ..; it fti i s-i't
at d- a t ': I Hfti-
a 4 (ct-i k -.ii- -I ii-c.'"
l i . I t ftiftH 4 .n tl t.
f-i't ir-ft ft t. -.1. 4 ft
t ,i i . . - . m . I .t
,. " , 1 I
ftii tkft? 4 tlft f ift
"We're drowned out In here," War-1
ren flung opn th door, j
In blank connlernstlori th steward I
stared about the drenched stateroom.
"I don't e how this happened,
air. I screwed down those portholes
myself soon aa I got th order
from the bridge."
"Yes, but Mr. Curtl thought sh
knew mora than the captain," grim
ly. "She hunted up your wrench and
opened one,"
Hor crimson face averted, Helen
felt the steward's gaze aa ahe wiped
rff the dripping woodwork with War-i
ren'a discarded pajama coat. I
"X)on't worry, m'atn, worse things j
than this happen at sea," the kind-j
hearted teward pl'led her distress, I
"That was a pretty big wave but!
I'll soon fix you up."
"Oh, I'm so sorry," almost breaking
down at bis kindliness. "But It was
suffocating and It seemed so
smooth "
"Treacherous water along here.
Get. a lot of cross currents blows up
mighty quick. I'd better screw that
down a bit more," as another lashing
wav sent a thin atream trickling
through th porthole.
He wiped off th water-beaded
wall and celling, remade the berth
with fresh bedclothe and changed the
soaked pillow.
While Helen fluttered about trying
to help, Warren, hunched up In the
ono chair, hi overcoat substituting 1
for hi wet bathrobe, watched the
hurried renovations In surly alienee.
"Now I think you're all right." the
steward wa giving th last drying
touches, "Anything else you want,
"No, no, thank you so much," mur
mured Helen, resolving to supplement
the generous tip Warren always gave.
When the door closed after him.
Warren flung off his coat and rolled
into hla dry berth.
"Well, he was a darn elfrht more
decent than I'd have been. All that
work because of your fool stunt! I'd !
have felt llko reporting you to the!
ciptain. Damnation! Look at my!
'With another explosive outburst be
extricated his watch from th soaked
wall pocket by his pillow.
"Wait, let me dry It off," recklessly
snatching up her Bilk petticoat. "It's
only the case it hasn't gone through
to the work. I got In the tub with
my wrist watch and It didn't hurt It a
But this proved an unfortunate con
solation, as It elicited further acrid
comments on her mentality.
"Got In the tub with your wrist
watch, eh? Just like you. Haven't
the brains of a rabbit."
Then suddenly sitting up In bed, h
glared under the opposite berth. i
"What that under there. Look j
like a brkone bottle."
"My tooth wash! That wave
knocked It off," hastily gathering up
the fragments. !
"Now I'll get broken glass In my j
feet can't put on those wet elippers."
"I'll get It all up every piece," !
picking up the tiny slivers. i
"Huh, you've made a fin me?s!
Tou can't travel like anybody else!
Always got to have every blasted
window open. Never Mtlefted until
you "
"Oh. dear, don't scold snv more,"
tremulouidy. "It can't he helped now.
I'll never ay another word about
open'nc a porthole."
"You bet you won't! Tou won t get
a chance. I'm about fed up with this
sort of thing. Next trip I'm coming
Through blurring t'.ir Helen
groped fcr th broken kU Th
neck of the bitle, the ecrk s'.II In It.
hsd rolled under tM berth
With a smothertd erj? drew
lck her hand
"I h What's fh mitter Cut vour
A r1 tln was r,;n tbrcuth
t"el tb riene1 aVuit r.r fin-
' A ftp! e'er ef tl-ft glitt' ' wtnMrg
from th st.T.t pi n
' 5."' ." rirni br in'.-r th
light Now h 1-1 ft' !!."
t -)? br fel-r ftf e '
fr-ifcftl pt i ft :t i-r i : 'r.
' st u: t. ftift. .! !' J'
thii r' ' r-i r ftey
'1.41 ' I ' !, ..!...
ni .- itft-fcfti i a fi-ii-i
4 14 ft ft.l . -. U ft t .-'
, l t-4 tu.f 4ftft ft
t - i . I M.f
i.lli O.lll , I I ft ft) ft. ft
j ft ftK l) Itftft i i.44 t
) T - I ft ,
' . I ft t ft I I ft
l I . ftftftl ft
I t I ! .
rJt a ,,
ft ll l
ii . m
I'ftl I
' il lft
:i- bhftaftl' r' l '
b '!1 !! ur br "
r' e her i ih
lt lift f it '! eiftf '.
M-.-.' i- f'e t.r
1' r ; . i i 1
hftft '
K ft'- ini f Y 1
1 tt ' i1 i
ft jii m u- ! ! I -I . 1
ii "
B , It 1 i -il
ftjii , hi ft(itiftt . f -. -i
H -. Iftl v9 ' I
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ft'! (". I 1 I' . I
!. 4. ii"N ' -.- ' r
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f 4 i
'4 -- . ...
l, .. ft . ....
I .
- ' ft -
Iiotj- (J) Joppin villi R)ly
' 1
' 1
M V3
When th frost la on th punlri and th fixidei
In th shock.
And you hear th kyouck and gobble of th atrtitln'
ttrrkey cock.
And the clackln' of th gulneys, and th cluckln' of
th hens.
And th rooster hallylooyer a tiptoe on tho
O, It's then' th times a feller I a fielln' at his best,
With th rtsln' sun to greet him from a night of
peaceful rest.
As he leaves hla house bareheaded, and goe nut to
feed th stock,
Whn th frnat I on th putikln and tho fodder's
In th shock.
They's soinetliint klndo' hearlj II!. about the at
rnusfer When the heat of ummr'a oier and tl coolin fail
Is here
of mm mis the flower, and th blossom, on
th trees,
And tho inuml.l of th huniinlii'blKl and biuln'
of the be,
Put the all's so y 'pollzln'; and lb Iniidsisp llnoimh
the ham
Of a rrlep and sunny morning i t th alilv autumn
I a pltur' thst no painter has the colorln' to mock
When the frost In on the punklti find the fmldr'a
In tho shock.
I arte Soft, .Naliiral Wale Instead
of I nbccniiiliiK Hlralcht llilr?
Xiroi'LDN'T It tie lovely to wuk
nillK DliKSH PAKADK I of auih unusuul Interent lliU ear that I fini-t
-L tell Just a little of I he late.t model of the hour. "Khali Ilia short
frock stay, or go." Isn't th only Question to ronsliler. While ktralght sil
houette continues to be one of the favored modes of Hie fall ami winter ""oylng straight hair. bd bean
season, there are other which ar of a derided Interest. The circular skirt changed Into soft curly lock. It
I steadily gaining In popularity, while godela rrmlnlnriit of the Wis are would seem like a dtenm but that Is
Meeve are perhaps the most erltlng part of (he rout nine Just at prrs
nt. They may be long with a deep point much on the order of (hose worn
In the middle age, they may be long and full, gathering Into a nsrrnw ruff
at the wrist like those worn by the peasant of the HhIIihii, or they may be
sill, although a bit of (lie srni to show, In fart Ihelr mud are many mid
Ihey do much lo give a chic air to the cost nine.
1 he Pomegranate Shop.
INF! very name suggeM all sorts
pretty things and that la Just
what you will find In the little shop
opened yesterday bv Mrs, Mary Lydla
flow In the Morris Apt., IRth and
Dode atteets. Beside th many
unique and unusual gifts. Mr. Row
will furnish Idee fur dinners and
parties and will design and make to
otder favor and decorations at very
low price.
Weed May Be Made ss Peatitlful aa
T ES, JUST common weeds that
l vo
you can gather In any empty
lot or field. Th process I very easy,
Just put on the varlou color In
combinations that you deslr with a
brush and then let them dry. All th
beautiful hronr. color may b se
cured at th A. Hosp company, 151
Douglas, at only 25 cent each, And
by th way, when you get your color
of them, they will show you Just
bow to do th work. Try gathering
a few vrWi and see what attrac
tive home decoration you will hav.
up In the morning atnl find the
lust What will happen If you Imv ,
farrmu Nestle W under lbs direc
tion of Mr. Frank or Mr pobert.
owner of Hi Black and W hile
Boom, the Union (l I'.iniito and the
Blackston Pimp, Whether you
hav fine hair or w hite hnlr, they rnn
wave It succesMfully for you by thin
successful process. You will enjoy
having your hair permanently waved,
'in Into one of (li-lr simp tM week
mid mi'k nti uppoiiiltnent.
For the street brown Is very popii-b-r
for evening there are rich bro
I hi You Wear a M.islif
OR Is your real face fi-h and
blooming? Tunned cheeks sun
burned necks nnd freckled noti ar
In evidence everywhere the gift of a
too friendly sun. Wind and dust have
probably attacked your skin; fear,
worry and lliii'-is huv done their bit
to line It, and to pinko It dull and
sallow by retarding th circulation.
Graduallf "'our freshness bum disap
peared behind a mask of yeai. How
remove It? With another mask a
mask of beauty that you can ssctir
at the Black and White Boom, Bur-gers-Nnsh;
Th Balon de Beaut, Fon-Mft-
tenell; or the Binckstoti Hotel.
terlals Are Fashioned These Crev They will glv you a Lonrnay tre-.t,-tlons
for MUady to Wear During the "'nt which will dear your face cf.
Coming Winter Months. "ne, impurities and dead cutlcl, and
leave It fresh and radiant as dawn.
From the Most Luxurious of
Mirrors Oblong or Oval They Are
Penally Allnuliie.
HOW FORTl'NATK tht the ship
ment of polychrome mirror
your Jewelry Reflect Your Taste.
Wrr.THKR at work, or play, your Bros., In th Conant Hold Build
Jewelry I conspicuous. If you In, are distinguished by their or!g
deslr that feeling of self-satisfaction "' of deaign, the flnesl of ma
in appearance which really good Jewel- wH and furs and best of all they
. .,!. ..n..i..-j . are normally priced. Whether your
know thayt at W jVelry Shop! th- rt end utilitarian which ba. been expected dally at th
fS Douglas street, you may choose tf'P ''"t or on ' tns mor elaborate Brandol Picture fhop, should arrive
from exoutslte assortments of rings, '"r-trttnmed and embroidered models, at the very time when everyone la
watches etc of the very best quail yo" re m'rtl of a aupremo valu. lH-autlflng their homes for winter,
ty and' If not convenient to pay all Th"rs r "'y''8 10 "" V(,ry Of course you will want one of these
rnh, arranitements can be made to en1 ,lur9 'onioned from th new- mirror with decoration either at th
divide the payments and make them '' t... ur mr miu rv.oi ymy
ftiiauri. .no vniiwij, is bu Kiuiii, i.iiai are pnceo ill omy i.ii eacn. i ny
you will surely be ploawed If you come In the delicate shade which die
make your selection at Oikln'a. tlngulah th polychrome from all
other. Don't delay Bending In your
fiend for a catalogue of bulb for order as there Is but a limited number
fall planting and aprlng blooming. to be sold at this low price.
extend over a period of time. Prices
nre exceptionally low; for Instance a
beautiful little 14-karat white gold
watch was only ?50, and a handsome
white gold ring with genuine dia
mond setting waa only $200.
Exclusive Gown at Moderate Prices. Milady Must Have (ilove for Every Occasion.
Most women have tho Idea that gown ef exclusive All Imported glove purchased since the tariff became
dslgn must necessarily be high in price. This Idea has a law are much higher In price and will continue to ad
been erased from the minds of those who have visited vance. That la the reason that the wise woman Is se
LaRoschln's In the Fontcnelle. The way of the dlscrlinl- tenting her gloves now for the coming season. Fancy
natlng Instinctively leads to thla shop where modes of cuff gauntlet with tasteful contrasting trimming and
unusual design may b found at prlrea unusually mod- long glove 1n kid end chamolsetto are very popular and
erate. Mies La Boschln la serving particular women who will be until Christmas. Then during the extreme cold
seek orlrdnallty and distinction in dress, hut who do not weather brushed wool gauntlet with fancy eulT will be
necessarily want to pay a great amount. Beautiful gowns worn extensively. At Hayden'a you will find a splendid
for every occasion, luxurious coats of the most fashion- assortment of tho finest quality gloves In all styles and
able materials and line may here be selected In an at tho price are very low while their present supply lasts,
mosphere that la different. Bhe will ba delighted to They are advising making your scleclfona now before you
show you some of her latest creations. have to pay more.
Luxurious Velvets Reign Supremo 4 ltjt of Kmlirolilery or A Sparkling Aralkian Mghls Turbans for lU-Mau-
for the Winter Costume. l$tat Make the rroiU or ( out Much rant Dances or Evening Wear.
T T NDOUBTEDLY, velvet i to bo More Kffp,iive. T?0R 1,10 re' '101"' tea dances, or
the smartest material for the mo be absolutely up-to the, minute " the after the theater supper dance,
coming season. In fact, it is already L ymr new or cost muflt nav Fashion' newest, conceit la a metal
the undisputed favorite with many n touch of eirihrold ery or a few beads cloth turban brought, out of the color-
of the most famous designers. It Is nrft anfl there. The Ideal Button Plctuies of the Arabian Night
not as perishable a fabric aa many nn(j pirating company 1n the Brown dories. It Is the Arab chiefs' turban
Imagine for it can be kept In perfect Bjock, Kith end Douglas, does ex adapted to th present mode by a!-
condition by careful steaming. It n,jSice work, both by machine and by lnr the hat o come well over th
gives eoft clinging lines so desirable nanfl, if the skirt or pne are to an'1 Slvlng it tho height neces-
to the majority of figure and linea i,a pjMted the Ideal will do If. for to ro 11 becoming to wear
that are fashionable thla year. An you whether the matertal be silk or ,h nw ni1 cnatt- Th
extremely fine assortment of chiffon won), and their prices are so rea- t,m ar" founJ "'"O un '"
velvets are lieing shown at th Silk mabi. brlghli -olored velvet, sometimes
Shop, 1517 Dougla street, in black
The ;out woman louks far im-re
stylish In a straight line ruwii or in
and navy as well as In all the new
evening shade They are marvel
lously reasonable from $4 85 up. Why on .m, df,sk.c 0r,,k
not necuis rigni now vo gei a velvet
dres for the coming winter?
trimmed vvlih touches of metallic
i loth. Medium-sized black hat share
favor with the turbans. Burgess Nash
.ire showing a beautiful assortment of
'hese favored atyiee at price that will
l)n certain to pb-ase.
Style to Satisfy the Discriminates
Woiii.wi, That Are Strictly In Ac
cord With Paris Fashion.
Old liir Mnde New Auain And Ob,
hat a Big Saving It Would He.
PKRHAPH somewhere (n th houne
you hv an old furple. mat I
out of stvl wouldn't It he foe to
larlty cf th tyl selection st tun, up n4 uh ,t v,r,UfrSi
th "Dres Fhoppe" among th on 2:17 Farnain, and hve tbeu.
tnnrter dree.t women of thla e- n.k It over for you? Vmr a 4eiy
i'n Is due to th experience with small sum sou 'n hav a beautiful ( ilitft-n (he lloiiie With I loners
hlch Mis Mcf.uire and Mr. Mc oew fuiple. that you will er,j,.y
cov. owner i f the shop, select their wearing and or. that 5 our f , l. ml. T1"' ,1"'1- ! ,,'- "r
.vi-ment The.r tuo-lel ate exclu will adm't Call Atlintc O'n an.1 x 1 llher.t ant rr..l chrv bv
itv-e and aau ; of de.i1dly indl H them at-mt their tut rm'-r r plsntlng a fqw buih in p. t to b...iv
- i-liiit r .vir New frtvl and vie 1-u will ! Inir'd 1 am i,inin i, t tew em ..-!
,SioiS of the siiiiirtest looking wool
boe r being shown hue In plain
cc'oi as well as hea'lieis. soiae hav
(!o.v. And Just thii.k tlnv ate priced
at only i! 1 n pmr Why not oider
a pair In yuur favorite mior bv reit
luail before Ihey are ail lone'
arriving dilly and are being ptite-1 at
ev'tftnely re deint prue. Mia M
i', ,li, ho t . In New T"rk. will
t hive it; w.i1! ii.unv tviii'i
'il rw u.c.l.l ftili'.'h v-VM w;ll t,!'V
;r I
4 l. viiifii.i l.k if u a; ff ftftjUi,
ih retrten ts.ff anl ct-iur i tm',
l is s i v; -ii ml viu a'
t; t ! " pi i
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tta.h t ft :'' f l1. ! gt
Inir.M i f
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Ori' Th Place I 0t lthflUft
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