The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 22, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 27

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f ,
Finance Week for
Y. W. C. A. On
TM wi.'k t a huy on for all n
t.rt. in Dm young Womm i Chrl.
flan i.n.Klniicm. tha annul rltunr
wck ilulM hs-lti- Ori,hr 1 "g,
n-pli.nln wllh a rnnam-raMnn ml
pri.prnHiin srrvlr.. At vspr o.1b
I f! p ni , l, iHs tern wllh
tivliy fur wnikfin In Hi rampnlKn.
Mr. I'tiinm Pvsr. fortncrlv nf Otna
h.i, now nf Now- Ynfk rlty, will pnk
at f ho vrir srrvlr.
Mmuliiv vrntni-. a X 3ft dlnnor will
I... hM fur stt worker. Tlil will
t-'-ii-itil "rnllv" trc'tlnr. Ths mntnr
rir.l wrirk.'r will .If nf ftm tiil.- t,v
ti-.nns titnl Al-n Am TUufik. rHinpsls-n
fliwtor will irlve ft imt Inst nu t Ions f.
fli work wlildi will -Klti Intensively
ty "IT, on TifHitnv nmriiliiir
I lie workcm will not report ntilll
V. prni"liiv noon t liinrliron at 12:1s,
wlii'ii flic flrsf ri'porm will Is mad ot
oil titiiiiiitit m-i'tirnl lo flfltn. I,lln ll-
'"it" nf till" hour will li 1i.i rIko on
rluirsitiiy mir I'rl'lny, whip dully p..
pnri n;ll , iilun l.y lm ttntii
Knvnnlilo roii.tin-nt In Iwlnif fissri
among iliurih Hltiiran' upon th
iiflniP nmniier In which tlm Voting
"omen flirlHtliin sssoclmiijji tin
" 1 I hp orttiuiil flnnni-a week,
' it 2.1 2K In rnnny of th rhurrh
of I tin cliy
fnliif1 of Inking up lh tlm nf th
mnrnffiK st-rvli-n In thi usiinl stereo
ljpf"1 limner l.y hiivlng a three nilnut
lniiki'r on tho tanipitlKn, Htlrnrtlvn
liook mark printed In tho "trlsnKle
Miin" were plncf.l in i,o hyrntial.
marking th" UrM hymn of tho serv
Iff. This ((inlnliii '1 no mention of flmue
or amount neiileil, (mother fom of fn
voiiiIiIh comiiifnt, imt Ida letter f.
W. '. A, ami lhi' worI youth, worn
anl'iiess, rliiirartor mnl amhltlon.
Thin part of tho piihtlrliy work wan
rloiu! I,y tho ri'N'Tve Rlrla, Ufmlntod by
1 oar tiifiiihort.
M.oa Ava Wank of New Tork rl!y
I illrerlitiu tho cnnipulifM. rhfllrmon
Mr I' Klridtay, Kpniritl chair
Mr. W. K, RhondoN, chairman In-
ltilll Klfl.
Mm, 1''. W. ''Hrmlchaol, chairman
rumpulKn work'-ra.
Misa Hfll Hatch, chairman filial
ri women' rilvlMlon.
Mn. J. Alien Htcwarf, cha'rnian
colored women 'a wiiviaion.
,lrn. M, U. f'amcioii, chairman pub
Mr. W. A. Willard
Mm. (!. W. WU.-ki-raham, chairman
curni'HiKii liinclicuriH and dlnnor,
Mr. '. M. Wllhflni, IreUHuror.
Mm. Carrie Ada Campbell, general
Kilter liuaiiieA.
Tha commi rr inl field haa claimed
mother of Omaha'a well known ma
tron", Mr. T. M. Orr. Mr. Orr
helped orifanizi! tho t'rcrhn and ha
diiiin connlilerabla work for the Oily
Miaalon and Red 'roa. Her oxperi
em e In tlu-Hs l ii i Ion actlvitle lina
liclpod her in ctiibllhlni? herself In
biiMlnen, aim declare. Mr. Orr 1
ffeneral aalei ancnt for radlotone pho
tography, a new proct-B of producing.
jiieture on metal. Tho vice president
nf the company, John Hoffhlne, wa
formerly a chemit for the Union I'a
ciflc here.
New Walking Club.
The t!iiln' ('ominunliy Service
baKiie lias in sar.lzi-d a new brunch of
their actJvlticii In tho Hiking club,
which is open to both men and
A Skin Like
Early Girlhood
Real Beauty Conies When Stuart's
Calcium Wafers Are Used to
Rid Face of Pimples, Black'
heads, Blotches and
Such Blemishes.
After umim Mluarl's Calcium Wftfrri
j-ou will note thnt thev rrmnvo from the
system the w.-''-i v
ilti-ti that no oftea
got into the lun in rftu r-:mil,a. tilai-k-hoftiU.
hlelrhra and ati.-tl romei'-xiiin d'
f 'iiurrnn'iit'i. 1hin the calcuim in a as
l,rl ftul lo aVia repair soil hi-allh.
uijr akin leU only imi'faa Imt Ihoro
la ft grneisl aiipearsiM-a of firmer f)-ih.
iir fa,- anil fill out to n nstural !
ll IhiB. horftiiae lh .tinn of th lfium
si!iih',l in the wafer tinm!ate las
t-ao.faranro of tho it srlapinl blood to '
h ih- vrnoua or alfti hlo-wl hsa l. j
r.oia imiiura Sti4
ho irrutalii'S.
mu.t t-a rmrn4 t
t ou fann.-t a-t thl wontlarfut raautt rnaitl, lea er tlruf. V,r rn fun kftt
..H.lr4l t,,,i,a.-, o.. ...n ou of.
rr ft Hru .' s. a f..f a aol lw
f Smaili l'.-ni.. Wal-r. far hol'av
m.,.1 MaM afl.M nf tha lf,U ll toO Wftftt
ft -7 A
K Ittlitf- , f 4- av " o' I
trt.' ll kl ll lUa4 l j
U ui -t. mi" , vt ii'.ii 'l lh .
a ... at la- I l ' -ntn -j
dt ai J.4. i t li .ii it inM
I .. .kIv l- k. P .! Ih
a ffiaoa) Shi Ui'e
l oi l' M k l4o,t livt
, a I tiio.1 tv.Jiio ,4 i J .! Ill'
. -! iln ( i. li.i-' Hi A
o, ( i l ,. ail !.( l ..
4'l ! I.. vl h I a w
I .'..I M
I: . , ij. V. . Mi l I lU
avai aa i-.'l ,r, : (
f '. al.". ft, - - ll l
M.irian Wcciht, Itclly Howell, (icoritla Hlreef, l lranor Madtelf. Dolores f. I iSIStW- ll ' & ' h I
M.irian Wcsiht, Itclly Nowcll. (icoritla Hlreet, llranor Madtelf. Dolorosa
parlHch, Kheuvclla lilalr, Ane Ural
fred Kempsey, l :lelle Kinney, Margaret 'I rutnail, Sim caret William, Helen
man, Olica il"i(ienicii, Anita l-jlnilston and llori-nce .leiiscn.
A aorority liouao. I no new thing, A iz.'ibla acrvon pon h at tha front
but a sorority cotlagn out on the ,' Kuarantee siuuer comfort and In-
... I,,, i ihldn th housekeeping 1 of the beat.
edKO of a wood, I rather a un (jue .. , , .
, The wall paper and tha window cur
Idea. Motorist and pedetriHnwhoe:,.llnH ,. f.Mh nr)d . pretty and the
way take them north of i lorenop,
alon: th river road may hava no
tlced a neat little houan sot back from
the rimd on tha high bluff and have
een the pay Ki-oiip of Kill who fre
quent It, without knowing; that they
hail ((tumbled upon the "Kappa Cot
tae." Tho house belong to Mr.
and Mr. Thnr JorKenen, but fur tho
lnt few year tha Kappa Pl Delta
Klrl at the I 'nlverslt y of Omaha have
looked upon It aa their special prop
erty. It la here that they gather for all
kind of doiiix, week-ends, weenie
roaat and invitation pnrtle. In the
spring and fall many an afternoon
bike end there, and In the winter
It la the gual of alclfrh rides, fur It
la equipped with furnace a well a
cook atove. Turtle at the "cottape"
are alwaya Informal, bloomers and
knickera are never out of place there,
and Wnopale, the fox terrier who be
long to the Turtfensons, and hi
friend from next door, Phep the black
and white collie, can alwaya find a
rotiRh house If they look for it.
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
The Ibiiibling Fiancee.
Pear Mis Fairfax: I am 20 and
have been engaged for the past year
to a man four year my senior. We
have had numerous petty disagree
ment, and we have always made up,
mutt of the time he taking the blame.
For the nast two month, although
I we do not argue. I aoiin lnnv feel that
i he is growing very cold toward me
'and does not act the way he did. I
i have spoken to him about it, ami h
sa it is I who am growing cold, and
; s.t'v he still love me. Hut 1 tlll feel
that thing are riot the way they
i were. Is it my fault?
I Most of this la going on In your
own mind. Don't let your Imagina
tion run away with you. if you were
calm and serene and believed In your
sweetheart devotion, you would
probably find that It I your In full
measure. You' SUV that your fmnece
i assure you that ha still liir-'S deeply.
I ami that It I oil who have
changed. poit't you see that lie I
i sintering even a you lire? fie gen
! .iron in giving jour hue 'l syh
! pnthv, aii'l stop uuestloiiliig and
! nrtftiinar mi cut deatrov the beauti
ful thing th.1t I your If nll pull It
t p,-i ra t Is sclnsh to Wonder JUst
llpW nmeh li'Ve you rn (ettll(. lie
licvat 111 the biuty of iir own feel
ing and trust o the sutiiiMy aim
jl.nnltv of nur lniy love, A tight
..ttiiiiil will coiiuur all this tirrwm
.U.'-.iiti.. ami ur otier..H arid
under l H 11 ting will trettthli Ihe
olltiflll He iotoell )ntl.
,- -
lleiii( )irlf onv loll.
I Tor Mia Fuf. I am i'-'
riins ili ro. !eit I have little 't
l...h.. ton and imlil t i t-o Mt.
ltd, I'll! uiio litilu Itiunl inili lu
tiuari'l Mv I l iniril fiy
.ini(( ii. mitt tut i.i.i toiy lny
out tliis luohoe M fol a-!f i mix imia.
tlrrli!l'i i. fr'lil B.nlllig Willi
j , in. nit 'i ki I WiMiien
lull a.. I li."li! ''! o,'l l
if Hi St" I il.. ! l'.':l lll
rt.ffret f".iu mom all, 'J lhi j
I'.ll'l too ' UOhoCl'i j
IU,i I ll I f-l ll '"! 1
thai fti.V IJ l.-ll i. a- I l.4
l.i.. i. . I Ml VMM
li.i.ol.f 4 ftU'il
mail! i, i one I I 'v Ii Mm
ltilrf lao illla ( I I t-a
Uiildl i h) )mi .4oao.ft An-I lK"J
i'f In a-p!e ui' lh i'oii.,iii
l baa) .l.f I .tie h. ol l H'l'Hl
i !!. o . .e ti!i. ii..a ioi
I lout )t .in , ,' ,iii t ii I
,1. . v 11 1 ... l lil j
.) e il II IMi'iuM I ll' pen ll ft i
Psi Delta Sorority Frolics at
- . V.Uiv. Mcliwartz, Alice I'fclffcr, Wlnl-
livinn room chair are wide and deep.
A miniature Vlctrola la one of It
appurtenance, and the footstool haa
come into H own, for there are at.
Ieat three about tha room to do duty
a chair when pare Kfowa dear.
There I n dlhln(f room and kitchen
downstair and three little bedroom
upstair finished with soft grey paper
and fitted with Ivory finished fur
n'shlngs. Who cooks? "Why, the plodc-ee have
to pet the wood and do moat of the
work," confesa the member, amid
Rrouns from the initiate. Rut the
rroari were not particularly heart
felt. The cottage I actually the aummer
borne of Mr. and Mr. Jorgr;risen and
It I their hospitality which ha made
of it a Knnna iratherlnir place. So-
rorlty partle begun there wlien their me spot along the bluff, and Hie
daughter, Miss Olga Jorgensen, wa a I'Kaiipna spend their Idle hour dig
student lit the University of Omaha, :ing for the hidden goid.
and now that she I n alumna the It wa two-or three winter ago
sorority still make Itself at home that they had another thrill when
there. The story run that 2 glrla i they found a Mexican desperado had
have spent tha night under Ita roof, broken into tho cottage and had
known her for the paat five year and
she ha alwaya treated me a a good
friend, but nothing more.
I am at present emploed a a
freight checker, and In answer to my
overtures of love, she replica that wo
f x.
(T(A Ram
' WW
wnirmniiiiTniiiij. nr-nf -fe!aaiwia!jgg
(.rovliiif Ihe existence of a large re- peacefully lived on their provlalon a
aerve aupply of cot a, j lonK a they lasted. lie wa later
Varloua hltorlo Incident center caught in a nearby cottage and haled
about the neighborhood. The old to Jail, while the Kappa had to re
.Morman trail runa through the place, stock their too inviting retreat
and there Is a atory of burled treaa
nra which provide each new aorority
tiister with a thrill when It la unfold
ed to her. Many year ago when the
government had men at work farther
up the Missouri, the river boat wa
h,.M in. cinil a ISA lian nnvrnll stolon
IfiuppuKedly tho bullion was buried at
are on different social plane and that
I lack the qualification of a
"polished g' jitlernan."
How can I win this girl?
Is she worth winning? If thl wo
man cared for you, wouldn't she try
to give you tho benefit of Borne of her
knowledge and training? Your am
bition ought to urge you to study (at
night school, for instance), and make
vourself worthy not for this partic
ular woman but of reaching a higher
place In the world.
Vote for judge sears
for congress,
he has served you
faithfully and ef
ficiently as a mem
ber of the 'state
legislature, as
speaker of the
house of represen
tatives, as- a judge
of your district .
bow warden
of Tultps
tor d-
IX , t i i , .
I vi.. I
t.aa i o
, a ... a a
ill. ri
( -a'.a t
lryVn i . H1I It.o
l'tr White Viiiom It us
ti-i IS.ik ow..o w
V.aj. IW 44 ll
. 4 I
1 ( il
''' A ' ''. '"f' aaaas as ll I null II s
':' it".
From Nature Own
A cunning
tinge of frost and you have the most healthful
of fruits Cranberries I
Cranberries are also the most economical of fruits
the least are easiest to prepare quickest to
there is no waste!
Try these recipes:
Ci'k until oftlh dettretlquajnttiyofcranberrie with
l' pint of watr for Cawh two quattt of tern.
Strum th julc throufh jelly bug
Mraiur th Jtiic and heat it to th boiling point.
A.1J on cup of ir fir tvery two cup of uvr , nr
until th augar I diolvit; hnl hrtukly fur fivt ; knn, ami xiur into (lai lutntUi,
n rveUti ur tiw .ery tm.LW.
Cranberry Sauce
Oiv qviart rraMiltrn-, two cio IxhIiia wtr, I J J" to
J cup iiir. Itoit suKtr aivl water tnKther ior hv
Cook cranberries in porcelain-lined, enameled, or aluminum
vessels nevvr in tin.
To be sure of a selection of the choicest varieties ask for
Entmor Cranberries
( Thm rr ii ttt,j tr !mrk !ll it on Imrrrli an t Imtn)
Library Chats
Thl Is tha time of year when thej
houo and It fiirnlhlnr are of '
mount Interest to tha housewife. In
order to spend tha limit winter eve
nllip roniforiulily Indixirs, tha hoilo
must aatlefy tha esthetic a well as
tha physical aid. Tha library la di- I
plavlna- a itroup of txioks that are
filled with clever Idcaa for homo nuik
IfiK and furnlehlna. Thoxn who like!
h of old time tradition In their
furniture will enlny tho period furni
ture liook. and tho with more mod '
rn tendncle will find ninny ordinal
Idea In the book on Interior decora- 1
lion, Homo of the best title are-1
"t'olonlal Kiiriilturo of New Knglnnd," I
by l.yon; "I'erlod Kurnlnhlnas," ht
Clifford; "Dutch furniture of t,e
KlKhleruth Century," "Italian Knitil
tnre." by (Mi. in; "Illustrated History
of Furniture." l y I.llehftold: "KiiKtisii I
Furniture," by HtraiiK"; "French In
terlors." by Stranije; ""raii-al Inter
lor Decoration for Modern Need." by
Wrixht. Round Volumes of House
mid harden, House fleaiitlful nnd the
American Airhl'o.-t are In the refer
etjeo room.
The reading room Pan 2 7nfl stcrcii
scopllo slide khowlna; the lite of pre
etil day Kurope, Asia anil I'linaina
Travel lover find a mor potent
vlsiinlla'lon In these picture
i Ify inn f I inilll II ll II luai I ll' e'l ,1-
script Ions of foreign lands. The his
forlo eorie of American history are
aim) shown for tho use of any bor
row era wo have liinletiis. '
Hook list for ri-ndliig Hie compiled
for Various Interesl and IhsIos. John I
Ii. Nelhfirdt, our poet lanieaiM, who
spent the past week In Omaha to com-
pb-ta the sittings for his porta It by J. i
Laurie Wallace, ha helped. Many of I
hi friends and admirer develop j i
well balanced tnsla In literature, b, j
recommending book that tand as,
literary mllealotie. The library hopes ;
to have a Nelhardt list ready for it !
patron In the nenr future,
v . ' i
Kdmond de (ioticourt, founder of the j
Oonrourt Aeadeniy In 1'nrl. which I
limited to 10 member, left an annual j
prize of VKJ franc for the liesi vol
um of Imiigainatlve proxe published I
In Fiance, llene Maran, the negro j
author, Is the latest recipient. Ills;
"Jiatoula." won the unanlmoua vole of :
the academy member. It I a t range 1
exotic tale that live mightily and has
lost none of It astounding simplicity j
and genuineness In translation. The!
library has both the French and Kng- j
llch edition and the member of the,
IAlllance Francalse are reading the
French edition with a gnat deal of
interest, !
Ayer' N'ewpuper Directory ia tliu
most used hook In Urn reference room.
I'ofiular book of the week: "Mlu
Circle," hy Jordan; "This Freedom, "
by llutclilimon; "llabbitt," by i,ewln;
"itreakinif rolnt," by Klm-hart;
"Mario Chapdelalne," by llcinoii;
"Cllmpse of tho Moon," by Wharton;
"Ureal, J'tinco Hliiin," by Oppenhcini;
".Man' I'nconsclou Conflict," ii.v
Lay; "Kssentlul of fjood Teaching, "
by Turner; "Key to Culture," by Gil
bert: "He Can Who Thinks He Can,"
by Mardon; "Relief In flod." by Core;
"My Macovery of England," by la- j
cock. i
theft from the soil
Cranbmy Jelly
Girls' Community
Service League
Susitur llrlohor If -Tin II !.. eluh will
lli-rl Hi .-I .1 el lh ,.,n ,r lie-
1 ut i i ' t" l, fr s en lir,.i
. ft .,-1 M t !f-'tt l Iii-IMK IMS 1 t lt 't
i'iiiit o - , riiPii,i ,.n tj, lie ill k jitm
(.. ilinM r,M.,,. i., 4 tf.i. f ,..t t!ie
s m .i pins mii ,.ir If
, 'Nil lull thti- Mill I' ft f.'f ,!( If
il in'i' ll'his iur ii 1 , in h. Tin
. oflillKll,-.. It'll r,.'f, 1 rfpl tii h
I I In i h,h .- I.t I Oo irtti eff.riB
I'.i'Sjl' III, I' r'ri. k II, , r -i , Hfif ,
U, I'"!-,, s,.,r'i'V. !Hl ll I- o I o! I ;
I -illl,il e. i,!jn Vary i,lltl; 1 1 fa -j
4UM r . Il.-li ll in, V , g
' M'ioiIiit 1 I ' -1 'tHM tl-ili ii 1 IS
I , ui'imh i,ni, Mia i li.,i,a -,T-i'i,ri , in.
..t.y I 111. .!.! r.: ,i I .f' l..--
' 1111 II
I Tlioailsi 5 lb iI,.l I..H. Ml II M.di
mi, i, ll, (fw'iw i uil, o,ij t- r , 7
hl'l ll i .ft fl.l", V,l, I Itouro, '
7 ii. i1 1 , ma I h , r V.ra lielirft, I I",
. ili.-liiiiM' s. M' V'i ' HI" j
i. ii. l T'i ii.i.aii-i 31, fur tho
i II ,i in , (-11 I .it U
WiI0mIs J Vi'i'll 'Itll, sill ef ,
7 no vt , ,iH ii,,, lira Iimiii Kai.ier. t n.
(M '-il t-. ft m,,I (una ot n I a. 'iuailil.-il
it. n in,. ;ini fil
ilno-ils) f If, I', T A ,lnh aiii.
f nU i ' M V 4t i I il im
it..,. ; -ii
l l i: . Hi
in, iii,
K (liDtt-olUIII, ,11 M""
" ' t-f li-llt. If ftltlM-l-f, tl.
1.". t't..Ultig i I iii" Wn W. I
iiliinU .
ii I I- - ,
li.....ii-. h.i
, lull v 1 1 a
,f t), i, (in. t mm tut
I ( nf tllf it' III t! it't " ill I
. Nf III" - I'll. '1 It I
I M (!..!' iaf, Hi 'f in I j
(Ml . .hit i Y Ii 1 1 K S'.Vfllil.iT I, ( it !
M fli' I'-.ltilDiiiit'y Hi-f.ii i f t ll' wlM tfiv 1
H ilifii- Ml llm I'lilllrsf Mi i i hill h-xif.
I t iiy IUirt't .i . n,.fit nf i tit- I'nmu-. j
S ' 1HI ! 4' file ',lf , ! I
' ","l'i,,i"S iii faiik' ihoii'w l"T Ilia nam
I U i.i. i. ........ i.. . i.. .,1,, ,...
Luncheon for U nman' I lull.
Over ".'U llietiiliers of the Woman'
i lull In.'.pei'ted the NcIii-iinK,! pimer
pl mt I 'i i . : i y iiml mi ih the gui s's of
J. K. li.nnli"in at luncheon iiT'i-rwards
at the pl.iiil. Decks of (iliying mi. Is
lu i'le nttriii live in liviiliial favois.
One Year's Subscription to
The Designer Magazine
Regular ,1.50
12 issues one each
month ,
The Designer is a woman's magazine,
containing stories, articles on cooking,
housekeeping, health, etc., and featuring
the Standard Designer patterns and new
fancy work designs. The magazine must
be called for each month at the Designer
Pattern Dept., in order to get it at the
reduced price.
1517'1XUGIA8 ST.
Laboratory !
-a whiff of the sea a
minute: ullin; aiU th cranberriM nnd boil wnhout
itirrtnR tfivc inniutr it uiuully nutlicioiit) until all
the uliitis r broketv Ktmovn from lh fir wlnn
Strained Cranlx-rry Sauce
If a lt!:ul 4iue u 't ( tifil. cm 4 lh unberri-
ui vA,4ter, thru f rwiih tis trner, fcrrpu,.
hli th akin; i1d th uar n'"! I'mi.h tho co.4u ,
i iii9tid
t'rew rlli l4IM III L,' I lull.
The Crescent Funu'il Dnnilna; rluh
t'us iMilnle,l tho folliiavltiK oninilt
teea) fur the seu.i I f K'l .in,1 (;; .
M a m It a r k I I' I Ii in mail fiftli W
II... I
II ,,l,ot I Shiiiiii. ft II
II .!. ..
"i. ,. Aiitiur
I nt, l i VI. xa.,r
I , r oh ii
In. ah r Cutler .
-a l ilfiwn. Hi t
I,.,.. 1. 1 I,.,..,-. I
mlllt Kla.l S'tiiiO'ie
:l ll' II II,. r I I i HI V
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l.l.i-.lrr, rion I.
I I all.. A I'. II. I. "II. A. t. Ililin.ll. N mI
i ll. K I'lNlka
Teacher of llanjo, Matnlolin
ami (.uilar
Studio Ssaford Hotel
AT 1313
Men's Suit
Cleaned and
Pressed , . . .
2217 lain.m 31.
a r oi4
Jewelry Auction!
2:30 nnd 7.30
teVf diamond tUtgt, 2,000 pnpuUr Hiift,
Arnri It sin wait kaf f in )trrlry n4
ilvrtwafi. Hue now t four pwm priit;
Ij.jrxn -fJ-
Jaa iiSKir ft.
two V an
North of Pustafllr
AT 0137
most' zestful
they cost
cook and
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