The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 22, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 25

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Council Bluffs
lllrt Inter I'artr,
On Monday afternoon group of
happy children were entertained by
Mm f'harbe Tl. Ilannan, r , In honor
of (tn ff'h blr'lifl.if annlveisary of
her ton, Kellev,
Hallowe'en decoration were much
In evidence. arM rm th rflnlnf fable,
where him hotieti ervd lata
In the f'erriwm, wna a miniature don
key rnrrylr; (m b! back Itq r.askete
of flowere.
Noisy little fnvor were ud fo
tt iirk the place, m ri'1 )nt iK'furo the
birthday r;ile wna brotixbf In each
pnest mi riven nn rM'lf paper cup
Their m.p'irfitu'o In these t 'he table
In llm l irlil of tl. candle, formed
v ry pretty picture.
S I the triune ti were played th
prs winner were Ilnrhara Van
Urnnf, H"rH Imc. ,ffi(in Ibmnati,
Hubert Tlnley and Human Van
Tlio bidden tn itila Mly party
worn Mut Jan Mid h' II, P.nrl.xra,
Wilcox, liifin Itiinnnn, Florence
1'hy. ,f"r Van It"ler, lllcanor, Jnn
find T!-irl.iii Vim !unt, Horiald l''tb
l"rt, llnlrf-rt Tinl'-v. Ifnnnan Van
H'litit, f f 'ifnf r Orrell. T'in:iM ami .Jack
Un i 1 Id nnd ( tiiiil' a lliitiimn.
Uridine I Hiii heoii,
Ttose In a variety of rhiMlc formed
the fable (liriiiiillona for a luncheon
to which 32 trues' w-r Invite! by
Mr. .Iijll'ia IIwtif'M on Hniurdiiv
Tha afternoon hour wt devoted I
l.rldt;, j
To Keslda In Mlililiuii.
7r. (mil Mia, ,Iii)iii H, MeAlce and
i hllilren, John, Jr. and Jean Marie,
Ifivn November I fur Alpena, Mrh
wIki they plori lo map I h'-lr future
The MeAtec are (it present wllh ti
dm tor's pnrctifa, Mr, and Mra, H, T
MrAtce, and ibclr Imfiia In Hie fiilma
will hi iiciii!') by Ir. nl Mra, M.
I'. Mnld'-n, wbo nw r'-j'1! at 707
Ona i'f Ilia b;v li'f, tit Km riiilumri
fimi llni, ;k tin- liir iti Krubiy I
wbjrb Mia. Wi(lw;irlh Alln ana
Mra, Jvlwnnl Hli"'''ril n'ill'''l.
I:h bl'Hiriii'l biiulitly In bnwla
nml l.nalicla liriiih'iif l)i nllrJii:
llvii Imtnn nt Mia. A II" n ari'l tliMrt
Imad'awa rcc'lvnl llnlr ftiii'Bla In lb
JriiwlnK ri'Oin,
rink wia Iho filir Hitmen fr fho
cjlrilncr rnifiii wIiith flunera, rnnillea
iini) irlber nppniiitniefifa rairle'l out
llila riiolif.
Mra. Ivlwunl Hi Jl'ietilK'eH, Mra, Kb
dun IniKea, Mra, W. II. Mann anil
Mra, I.ymart HIiukhH iniiireil.
Fur Onl of Town Vlailor.
Mr, ft. H. Hl'iorner, on TiJy
bial. itavo ri ltiii'hi"n at thn Athletic
clnti bin"lin Mra, VAxnrt Ilontflnnd
ft J,na I'rurea. .', M., who with ber
lnialmn'1 mm then vlaltltiK at the O,
V, Hpnotier bt'inr.
Anaenihlei! fur (ha ori'iialnn were
Mra, HpooiiPr 'el b'-r KiMat, Mra.
Kriink Kveri Mt, Mi a. I.yiiuin riliiiuurt,
Mra, Kliner fhiiK,irl, Mra, John Da
via, Mra. C. V,. VVmilhiiry, Mia. .!"
Htrillh, Mra. Atnriial Jii-reaheltn. Mra,
Hurry Menrlea null Mra. W. II, (Vaariu.
'J'lint evenlntf Mr, and Mra, IIikik
Iii ml wera dinner y'liexta of Mr. mid
Mra, fieniK" Wlllltiinann anit tha next
lay they l pinteil fur their b"m.
I lined In Omaha..
Mr. Henil Wil'liitna i.f Wati-ilno,
mi ifflcliil of Ihe llllnnla Cent nil
I'Uln.iiil, vim wna here l;ia( week In
liia prlvalo ir, wna H illnner Imat .'it
tha Urmiileia ream lira tit mi Ttiea'Iay
eveiilntt when bla itueala Inrliidad
Meaara. (mil M'ai,imea CenKO Vrni
Urunt, 'hiirlea Ilnnnnn. Jr., Wlllltini
fnppoek, Kred Hurd, V. H. HUlltnnn
nml W. i. liiniKlna.
1'nr thn llrnnlimcr.
Mr. nml Mra. U.ihert Wallaia enlar
lnlin'il at illtiner Tiira.lny rvenlriif,
riiiii.lllneiilai y t" lr. ntnl Mra. I. 1.
lb -Milliliter, whu left mi Thiirailiiy fur
r.'iN.iilinii, wlii ie lluy mpeet to per
Inanelilly r.'Bul''.
.iinther heal ami healena, ho r
ceiilly hniiui'i'.l thn jlennitiKera, were
7'r. ami Mra. ', I.. Trcynor, who Kiive
a beiiutifiilly ii.p. iintfil (llmier at their
Ilall'iwe'rn Featival.
Tha nirmhera f tha Atnrrlean T.a
inn aiulllnry Imvn Hrranit(,il what
Mi ..
in ii tha i.i mB
tt iH m 4t i
I i..t
ti t ...'( l
I ! it t iW-t ll tfclf
t... t , i. i , ' if l t'H. , mil
IrMOtf U ("'' I I ' 1
1 . , ft. Vl ' i. I r j ft
I f I t I !.. . t U ! t- .1
.,- i i-i,' . .. !,; . i i m.
11 J ... ( ri r b. . a im t
I I, ! K, ( !-H IkhiJ
. t I f ti J.,,,l. V ft,
( tl t(tln,tfe f Wt er,(
' I ' Int.
Mi -4 tUl ! I
Cliocolate Covered I
Ui.r !
Popular Singer in Concert
tfmmmmmmmmamaaaBammBSTT i '...mi ml aa come
Mlaa llaitel Mnr la a f"iun II llluffa
Klrl who hna apent tlia paat few yctr
In New Vork whera ahc Ima aitilnd
mi oiviallu reputiition In the mtiab
ul woi M.
Hh lia a rolnraiura anprano oca
of meal tallica and flexibility and of
latu baa been In
d ri);iml for conceit
Tha flrat of November thla younK
ortlat la to appear In New Vork city
promlaea to be two very tnjoyabla
cvepia for MailoHo'en,
In (In) afteriionii labha will ba
placed In tlx; Auditorium for a card
puny, whera bridge, "()" and hlKh
flv will be played, mid prliiea r to
) uwaided for all of thn iiauiea.
Kvery lady who buya a ticket for
thla sverif, will bo Klveti a number
which will etitltlo her to a chnric on
a beautiful new automobile.
That avenlnir tharc will ba another
dellffhtful party for tln.aa who en
Joy daticlnn and purchaaera of ticket
for thla event will llkewlaa hnva an
opportunity to win tha Oardner car.
Indication point M record break Ina;
erowda for (heaa Iwo nffalra, which
will have for their objectlva tha In-
rt ';!( of a fund for diaitbled aoi
diera. IMiiner,
Mr, and Mra. H, A, VVIckhain ravo
a well appointed dinner at their borne
VVediieaday evenlnif, when cover
went placed for 10.
Autumn bloaHoin were effectively
iiacd a a c'enterpieco for tha dlnlnK
Tlecplli! tha fact that the regular
nutlvitlea at the fount ry club cloaed
early III Hcptefiiber, a. uroiip of enthu
ai.iMtlc Women K'ilfcra alill fre'iuent
thn link, and every Wednesday morn
liinr am to ba aeen tiiotorlnif down
early for aeveral hour play, aftur
which they apread a picnic luncheon.
Mra. I). O, JiruliiKton I one of tha
e;reatest lover of (coif and naver tnla
ea an opportunity to play a few
Mra. John P.ivia and Mra. Frank
(iarrelt ara filao entliunlaata,
mid anions tha other Council UlnfTa
Kolfera who hme continued to be AVed-
neaday "fans" even through the
month, of October ara Mra, T'illon
Hon, Mr. Crawford. Mra. II. II.
J'.loomer and Mra. Hlrocliben.
Ijint week Mra. Frank Illker waa
on tha hnka and aha, and Mr. Itoaa
won prizea for tljeir playlm.
Knterlain Together.
Mia Carolina Thelnhardt and Mlaa
I'.ilth McManu were joint hoateaae
of Halurday wlia entertained In a da
liKlilful manner at the noma of the
lirldiia occupied the afternoon houra
until tea tltna and about rs wuesta
enjojed tha hospitality of theaa young
hoHteanea who have alan planned a
luncheon for next Halurday.
Invitation time been lamied by Mra.
filcnn Wilcm and Miaa Kllxnbeth Ko
iiiKUiin her to a luncheon at tha home
of tha former, next Haturdny.
To Kntertain.
Mr. C. (I. Omen and Mr. W, A.
Hone liHV iMiird InviliiUi'iia f T a
br.d ,' pal IV to Iw preceded be luiich-
j on iti (in i mien niviim on l am m
' mi lout 'I'liutdv.
I vclil lor W rrltieil.i ,
Hi llillu...n epliltmll prevail
at a party whlih bi bn piaiitud
bv h fat hollo PaiiKhteia of Anieilca
l.r nnt Wedneediiv aiannif In tha
Kn'ilhU of Colinobil hull.
Ie I. O llowdid haa returnal
flai a.,1 I tl i to I In. l(i
I; I I . I.;t r l linina f i om a
u,MVa tl,p to S aal.,1 Ktoll, l f.
Nrll ailUi l dil.n
Cm Iloltl li(,.(), H ll( iv
the tin lnu ii!ii a
3 1 ir, ..tii iiy nf tbl city tut
!. if Tnl I'M, a fount ll
.. ft J! ..f 1 J I . 1 J t), pit W'k
l . Ka I . I l Ml, hu Hal (Hait no to
i I. i. -v l a ot.a U i ty pail
if . ' K
Vif a I VI. J ll I , ot ...
U n l 4 I I. I ll ( ll-ll l !'
i i..i liiii ii a- j i . i ii i i
I '1 f . v.
M I. I i Mi:i4 if t
r i,i 1'u.m iih -. i. U ii Iii f
l at th lu-ti M di h i. t
ifcV t lit i.-l't
t" t '.M a ..f Iik . C''
i.. 10 .i. i ; r j i I j..
., !.. fa l-iiiit'l '
I i . VI r I . I 11 IK '
i I Jbic a... hi, mr-
.. t . a i i ' I
I . ltl , 4. l
1- ,' f I. 14 ' !'
' . Wi, I I i.i.iiofcl
i-i H ' . l Ki a f -I
at tha it A ta4. . at ak
I wllh riilllp rlevatla, n biirplxt of lintr?
iind ItniiK .li iii ly there,ifti r will mila
n tour vim H will liitiu In r u fur
weat li ClilniKo nt which lima aha
plan to eiiiiio to f'oimell lilnffa for a
vlalt with liT purenta, Mr. ami Mra.
Willlnm Mome.
On retimiliiif to New York iiftar thla
i trip Ml Mnora will xlva a aerlea if
coiicerla In Hit eaat with Mn (Jejfna,
ci lebrnleii celliat who laat yefir toured
with Mine, Tclniw.liil,
ftrd motored to Council IilutT with
Ibnry Qtiinn, who, en roulfl from
I lib iiKO, atopped (hers for a few day
to viflt relative.
.1 J, lie mid fieorua Muyn have
r( tiirin i fioni it bunliiiK trip In weat
mu Nebraiiktt and C. T. rllewarf, wbo
ai i onipaiileil them, la expected home
lliia week,
Mr, and Mr. T. N. Petersen, With
tlnlr dnuchter, I-lllian; aon, Theodora,
mid jiiiidoii, l'hillp, left Wednesday
f r point in Florida, wher they plan
to winter.
Mr. and Mr. Clarence Peter, wbo
were married Heptemlier 30, are now
In New Vork city, accordlriK o recent
Ii tier, and expect (o a tart for home
aoma tlm tlua week.
Ir, and Mra. A. CI. P.rown have na
lln lr KUeMt, ir. Ilrovvn'a niece, Mlaa
liorothy Fuller, rlhe 1 en route from
California to her home In Oak 1'ark,
III., mid will be In the city until the
U.tter putt of the week.
Table Talkers
By i,vnrfioN imiiif.kt.
Meal time, parent a and children,
can be an Intereatlmt combination,
but will not bo unlea especially
prepared for by the molhcr. Why
not make it one, of the pleasantest
time of the day and teach the
children at tha mme time to take
their part In conversation with
aense and dignity 7 Thla can beat
be dona by making It tha time to
tell the phnsant thlnita that each
one hn aeen, heard, dune, or read.
Knfnrco a rule that nothing dia
areeabln shall ba talked over at
meals thla la not good for dlsrea
lion we are told, and no gossip, hor
rible affali , nor cros word should
ba allowed.
Kven llttlo children can learn to
talk about the picture they liked,
the funny atory tjie teacher told,
the dog that wagged at. them on the
way homo, and any Utile detail of
cheery, hnppy day. Daddy could
tell of the people he met, of any
thing be m made or done In an
unusual way, and relate (torle of
"whan I wna a boy."
Mother could talk about tha peo
ple who bad telephoned, or been to
the door, the book aha bad read
or beard about, the atnrlea of when
grandma waa a girl.
In the morning no bad new from
(ha paper should mar the meal.
The occasion would be a merry
one, and everyone would feel better
and brighter If we nil learned to Im
the rlKht kind of table talkera. It
la never too early to li'gln wllh the
children. Kven a baby will react to
amllea or frown, and good cheerful
tulk breed kind, thoughtful d I
A Restful Influence
of lh urth piU nj thr ytr In tumplete
payment. Your IJ pian or ohunufraph ilaJly
actt ptl ai a tubitantial fait paymant,
I Needlework Guild Will Make Annual
! Collection of Garments in November
The annual collection and diatrlbti- I Hon, tarried lo a central distributing
itbui of gartnenla by the N.edlswork j ' Ion, g.neially a church, wheie
i.ulid will lake place thla year In tha ! they are listed and distributed on
Hundny ehisi i hapel of the First I tuble assigned to tb different ( harb
I'intial CoiigrrgatiniiaJ church,
! Thursday t"l Friday, Novem.
, her and 10 The public
I Invited lo Inspect tha gaiment
U 'fore fiiey are lurried attny to II
vol lou dunlin i hard Ice no Friday
,1'iernooii, Ten will Im aerved
! The Ninlli'tvork timid of Aim ilia
Is not confined lo the wmk of any
jibiinh In Omaha, but It la an Inter
I i.le-iluil oik aiii.ifloli, founded In Fug
land III lii-'i, Whlih becmiin nfflllaled
w.lll the American Itcd I'losa In 107
and with the Ceiicuil Feb ration of
Uoitii iis fbiba In l!io'). It Is a inein.
Lor of the National Council of Women
of the I nil. il Hiales. It la noiisi c.
laiiaii a ml diatts member fimn
eviry known di iioinlnatioii. Men, wo-
tin ii ( ii.iiiiii ii may ln'iinni. mem
biis. The Millonal office fa iocatid
at M'l 4 foloiilal Trust building, l'htla
(! iplilii, I'u,
1 he object of the Needlework flulld
g to collect and to distribute inw
plain, suitable garments lo meet th
g.ent peed of hospltnla, homea and
idl er cliarllle, mnl lo extend It use
fulness by the oiKmilatioti of
bi urn lies. Special collect nine of ynr
fo' iit tuny ba taken nt time of local,
national or Internal loral disaster.
'J hi wna don in Omiiha at the time
of the tornado In 1D13.
To become a member of the Needle.
woik (lulld of America It I only
neccMsary to call the aecrelary, hand
in Minis ami addiesa mid end two
K.'irmeuf, which must be of the same
ai. No old garment may tie count'
ed. There I no money chatga for
nn fnhershlp, unlea the member
wlsln a lo ba a money member.
The Omaha branch of the Needle-
wok fiulld wa founded 22 year ago,
with Mr, vnn ostrand aa prealdent
liiirlng that period moat of the char
ier member have passed on, and the
three remaining (barter member to
day nre tha honorary president, Mr,
W, il. Tempieton, Mra, J, (I, Fbllllppl
mid Mr. W, A, Hinlth, who are still
active member of ihe organization.
The officer of the Omaha branch
today are; President, Mra, W. W.
CurmlcbHel; vice president, Mrr,
f, 'bat lea It, Hherman; eecretary, Mlsa
Klsle (ioetz; treasurer, Mr, Oeorge
I lenderson.
A branch consist of a many sec
tion a possible. A aectlon ha a
pieslclent and four or more director,
emdi of whom 1 responsible for not
lose than 10 member find one money
ni'-mlsT, making un equivalent of 2
mirmeiil. These garment ore col
lected by the president of each see
Shoes You Don't
Want to Change
All alioe have to look trim on your
feet but there are ahoe which hurt
you ao that you change from them
upon your first oppoii unity. Much
ahoe interfere with one' dally dutle
and pleaaure many women aeem an
aent mlnded, "out of aorta,"' because
they ura thinking of the time when
they can change Into more com
fortable shoe.
In the Cantilever alio which ! ft
good looking ahoe bol, toe, ole and
arch are carefully faahloned Into a
ahoe trim, yet comfortable. The Can-
tllevf shoe 1 made with the rounded
toe and lower heel now In vogue,
with a natural aole-llno that ha every
consideration tnr the ahape of yotir
foot. ind wllh an arch, flexible like
your own arch,
These maka up n ahoe good looking
but aupretnely comfortable. That
flexible arch benda with' every atop,
atrengtbena, through exercise, muscles
that Inflexible, afeel shanked ahoe
tire and weaken. Cantilever help to
Increase a woman'a vigor, endurance
and vitality,
Cantilever ahoe in good looking
enough to pie the eye, and their
comfort ease the foot. View a pair
on your feet. See how excellently
they are made.
All guesswork Hltnliialed; every
ahoe la now filled by my without
extra rhnrge to "ii.
Sire I lo 11, Width WW lo FF..
For Men and Women.
IIOMFItV. KIWI and HI liltl liS.
Sold In Otnalin Only by
New I ii nt Ion
VM Howard Street.
lllSMiH V. W. t . ,
Write for I 'ten Itnoblct.
Th Jtrinway U an addrrl
(traction to any Itome, ba it
ntnion or cotlatg. It it ,
th on imtrumcnt with
Uitini ton beauty nj wort
tnanihip, Whrn you own
Stinway you nerj offer no
rnuii or txplanationj you
own th brit.
NS' are th fittuiU trpre
Mntative f NKW Steiniaayi
in Nvkraika ami Weitrin
law. Trm. 10 ir ctnl
Ilea which have previously artit hi I
a taiiuest for certain klnda of gar- j
meiita or bedding, ao that no clmilly
rcc.iv.-a anything which la not suit
nl ln for It us. j
private preia r receive alien.
fun by a committee (,f which Mr. I
i:, 1.. ritoii I chairman, l(i"iicii
foi there case tome from school
p 1 1 ii i'ii 1m and responsible persons who
vouch for each case. There can be no
dtil'lli ate under the ayslem of I
coiding these cases. The case Is pre
a'tited in writing, with tha tiitme of
each "-i son, tha age, sir.ii and th
list of clothing nee, lid, ii ml it u
sluneil by tha persona responsible for
Unit (e.
The distribution thla year will b
held in the Hunday ac
(Impel of
The opulence of Autumn is reflect
ed in wraps this season, which
show a preference for soft, cling
ing materials, that are usually
draped to the hips by a metal
buckle. Large, fluffy collar and
cuffs complete many stunning creations.
V if v"
the Flrat Central Congregational
iburcb, Thirty i th and lltiney, on
Tburwluy and Friday, November t
and 111 The public ta Invited to come
mid Inspect the garmenta before they
ni carried away on Friday after
noon, between the home of 1 and t,
Tea will I served.
I pi si opal (onterrma Cancelled.
Mis. V. II. .lime, diocesan prc
it. nt of the Woman atiiill uy i f the
I d'lscopil (bur. ll, until. uncca that ow
Ing to the i. I ions littles i.f Ml-"
I. una l.ovii', liallotiill
siciet.iiy, the confercni a planned for
episcopal Mi.uicn for Monday and
Tuesday of Una week will not lake
place. Mlsa lloyer may be a l.i-titcti
spraher The regular monthly meet
lug of the auxiliary will take place
in xt at 2 p. m. In the crypt
of Trinity catheilial,
Kciisiugliin l.iimheon.
Adah chapter kenslngloii, O. i' B ,
Mill linvo n I o'clock Inncheoii Wed
nesdiiy with Mrs. P. M. Campbell, 44.'!
foul Ii Twentieth
Charm of the
e Irresistible A
And the fairness of price combine to make this
an ideal shop for discriminating connoisseurs.
Arbitrament of
.Wt ,m t a IV w,
ui ct'ii s and v'it't',
in .ty lt.H and
prices tu'll likt1.
"nint'ii' Ki-Iii'f Cir
llol. I Dislrirl
Tlio W. It. C. conveutloii of the
H cond i oust .'""loiiiil district nu t at
1,1 una Friday, Oi lober JO, Mra. Me
Monies of A. I.. Cuti s i'liiiHcr of the
I, nine W, It C., and 11 corps
Were repl' seiited. The ladlea of the
.Methodist clllllcll Wel.i hoslesae at
dinner. John II I'u W. It. I of
Ulair gave an exhibition of f!irwiul(
I list rlct officers were elected lie fol
lows: tieitiude Pcind.ii of I'remom,
president; Maltha Hound of Omabii,
lice prealdent: Itllii CteV of lllnlr,
junior lice iiresldent, Williehiiinii Jack
of 1 :1ft Ir. treasurer: Ida A Miller of
I'miihn. chnplalii; Myrtle Htrl.klett of
Hlulr, comliictor, and N'H Hmlth ft
l,)ous, guard.
i sta ( hupler.
Vestit chaiiter No. . O II. M Km
slngtoii club, will meet Thuiday on
Urn third floor of Ilia Masonic temple.
New Fashions
Then again, as usual, the new
season's most alluring styles radi
ate from this magnificent specialty
shop painstaking followers of
Fashion's whim, enthusiastically
pick and choose, then reap their
reward through your stamp of approval.
Golden Beaver
Siberian Squirrel
Platinum Wot
Silver-Tipped Fox
Marmont, Caracul
Lynx, Taupe Wolj
Materials You Love
To Touch
Mum Ha
J J '
1 . I
Christ Child Society
In epile of tlie illaaatrnu tli at
the Center Thiirailay aflerinsin, tlasa
nnd cluli woik will go nn usual.
Mis Margaret Itnnnes. who baa'
just relumed from Fuinpe, will teach
music at thn Center Una winter.
Tcaclara for all form of activity
niu iiecdeii tunny, mi) one iiunrasieu
I In volunteering a few hmua of time
a week should call Mis Km a r han-
ley, Atlanllo ;'t31,
I A IbillowrVii party for Ihe younger
I children la planned for Halurday aft
jirmain, October i'l. The older boy
and gltls will be entertained rUimlav,
'ta lober I'J, and the evening of Oc
tober 51
Tha i lasses In dianuiiln and rug
milking organized for girls of II im.l
V Will meet Wcdiiesihiy of each week.
M's Fsther Meyer will teach dra
i iell. s ii nd Mlsa Alice laiwry. rtif
ii. liking.
Time iprnt In worry i lime lot,
Lust rota
J i