The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 22, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 24

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i Fur
Smartest Fall Styles Worn by the
Ak-Sar-Ben Court Saturday :
On of tmiei which drew Inter!'-'! attention during the hulc of Hm ,
,i ,Ml"Ut i ,Mc HmI urly afternoon, wi dm one In wnnh th tiov- I
rniiri of Ak Hr It' ll enlrrtnine'l th Ityl Moium hold.
Among III il'iwu attractively roatumcd occupant wen ; j
Minn (lerlrud Htotlt, th (Jut-en, who waa i harming in u iciuihlnatlon of
il autumn brown. Ht null waa a tailored model, of Ian K.ih cloth, ,
lli whit Ilitra and ruff of her alllt bloiine, (h only notn relieving the '
m-vi rlljf of It line. With It h wnr Minn 11 hut with liny Hit imp to tin mill I
crown rif mimed duvdyu trimmed with fold of tangerine, bimI orange !
M'liri, Over her nrrn wn nip of drown, trimmed i livr,
Ml dull lnugh'rty the piT' eding ijmfii w.i dunnlin', wearing a
liml rout nt killm-Hy, made In ttii Ul-l Itutwl'in nmde I in Inly filled ul tli ,
hp, over a tiret dun tit l rmn. J Ur hut tit match vi m uiiuiitu ntcd
11 h J'i'li'.
A unit whli h hIki followed th Hum
h.iii mode Vi.ii worn l;y Min Willow
oI'im-ii. It w it dark I'l u, Man
r. ill. iiml uinl with wld flowing
k! ri, li-r twil we trimmed w!lh
h tin I tit Coque f i f 1 1" r K around the
Bellcvue Hostess
crown umt hanging tn Iit ahoulder on
on mil''.
Mm Kri(lirln penny' dark eye
V..TH iiiphiiy.cil by tin) l.r. 1 1 In ii t nil
f.-nth' r hat h" win ut ii Piiixtt angle. 1
ll i' Mm 'i t ilnx". panelled i. ii it,j
i nli him) made m long llin w f.iHli-
l"lCil ri ii.iik liiijit poili-l twin. cue
i.ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 irt fur
Me Milium Wiley and Ml' Vir
ginia I'lirllHl Wnl Unl'i'lti-d Hpull
Oil 11 flf Flench lllll llll'l lull tWIIll,
MiMN Cuilnde ;n,ill Mink velvet lint
llll'l I'l'illll blolC lUlll t hi nut
through the turn mi hiiui, M!
Wiley' hut, ut 'Ink blue, w i ImIkIiI
Willi autumn flnwi-t.
. . ,. ., ... i ,(..., .....11....1 it.
,T VI I'M' II"H!' 'I I' III lllll llllllll"-.! t Hi j
i.i i ll hii'I rn.-x, , Hi" front i f Hi
I 'Inns tu in.'i t a lon'iil kIi II nt
li'.u liil ntf iit mi to th limwii fi'xk
nrri t.y Mm U nwini i (inriiu,
v. ilh Iwr hinw n mill tan h it m t oft
vith Iim riiiliiulikiy i f Rulil.
Mli DllwilM'lh Klllolt wot ilull
(.'olil ml lii)l inn liiK with lir
miiihll hlii nf herroii f'iitlul.
Ilir emit uf hlii liullvln wit f.iKli
luiifil n tlKhl wniiifil Inn Willi
liilimin rlci-vtii niul trliiimi'il with
ii.i cmlrr .'mil rtiffi of puHHiim.
1 y
n i
Mi.f tin roli ut ami
Hti url.iy hftrii.iH'ii Ml. I'hl!l Put.
trr nilril lliifl Ht lr In himur of Mtm
I 'nrut.M !in k iln of WuHliiiiijliiii, IV
i., who, with hi-r tin ti er. Vm. H. I
Hiirkiihiw. In Ihr Ki.fnt if Mti K. II
I i.i '(K.
Mm IT lii'Uil Kill irUo f
Inn, hiiMi ou Thin '';iy (ur Mi It.irU'
II low
M.n. Is II Uu'hI. r , ill fiiti'itnln
fur Mr liiikiiluw on M'nnl.iy, mid
TilfK'Inv Mr. ItivlN will nlv hiif
fft iiii''hi"'ii In h' r honor. Mr. T.
I,. I civic will I h'i- Iwintiii Wotni.
iluv ut him hi-on, niul on Thin ut;i y lif
!ll I thn u u"t i f Mr. Hiutimn
1 lx It) mi I' tiln l.iilli il,
l"ii Tu'"'liy niuiliiK of In' wlf
Mi . If,,inri' M lllvyliiN .ilu liuii' il
nt ilinmr ul tin AitiliU'1 iluli hi
hotiiir of Mir N"lli' It) mi, I'uvei'H
wlc IjiIiI f-ii "lin ,i'll' Itvnn,
Klluil'i'lh Ci-'Kiniiii of Uruoklyn, N.
V., Mr. l'' nc It urn, Mr. Miuy
lli'i'i' ml Minn KllxulH-th Uynn.
Women to Decide
Fall Elections
(llll III TllMII ll!'t.
Iir ini'l Mr lli'oixn K. Hliiinii'll
i nti rtiiliwl nt iIIiiiht Huii'lwy lit th
AiIhIhII,' i'IiiIi In tumor of Mr. Hlinn
in U M nIhIith. Min. All, I'll Hiifranell uf
I'olorii'l'i KpriiiKf iw MImmm Jen nnd
loin Itlrrhinaii of V'liliiMi. Nh,
I ovi-r WHfB iIiii.i fur flKht.
'wiW.i&yifrTott. s Kelly
Ni'Kiiii -Curium.
AiuiDiitiii'iiu'iit l mmlu of tli mnr
r,ii;,"i of Ml I'rniii i Curlwui of this
r.iy lo Mr. Ornr NiIhoii of Council
muff, In., which will h hoIcuiiiIzimI
Wriliifwliiy I'VenliiK, Octulicr 24, Ut
H;:!0 o'clock.
Th ciriunnny will he pcrforiii"il at
Him huiiiB of th Kiouin' mother,
Mr. Ilnitna Nclmin, 827 lli'iilun utrct,
t oiiiu il IsliiffM. I.i. Th hililcmiiil'lH
nm to Ik tho Mi,',' MiirKHict HIlioi
of Council liluff niul Kriinct'i lVtiT
Hon of Oiiuihu, while thn Koom will
ho iittcnili 'l hy M' HHrn. A Hu rt .Incoh
noil nml Hum IS' 1 1 - 1 1 1 , IhiIIi of Council
MM Ciirlwuii hii hwn n Kucut ut
Htvcinl hIiuwbii) hIvtii In her houor
timing tho pant t-w wck.
(iiahani McNiiir.
Th iiiiirriiigi! of Min M.iiKHrt't Mi:
ti.ilr of (hi city to Cluu, l Clrnh.'itn hu
JiiMt heen aniiiiunci'il hy Mr. (!rn
hum' aiutcr, Mr. A. I,. Anltruii.
The w'liIiJiriK wiih mili-inriUc-'t Octotmr
1A In IlFliuil, Mich. The hrldn I u
prmlunlo iiiirHu of the Clm kHon hoxpi
lal. The younK couple wilt inako their
honia In Nwr JoiHcy.
Mr, M. Myrton HUully I rcrrctiiry
of th wuiiii-n' Auxftliiry of the
Anifiilciiii IKluii of th of low,
who j mitvIiik in thn rupaclty nt ho
ten mill cuiiliict officer nt th Hill
vim V'ociitluiiiil R' hiiol, loctilvil at ll' lli'
vuo, Nch. Mr. Hlii-lly I alti-nilliiR
the Amrrlcuii I.pkIoii convention nt
Now Orli'iiii ii h ii il"li Knto from Iowa.
Mr. Hlu'lly ai-iit two of hef ami to
l-'runc In llj recent worlil war, on
of whom liut'li! tho auprcin ancrlflie,
h.tvInK I'een lillleil In ticlion with th
Secoml lllvlMlnn.
thi'ir iliiiiKhtir, lil, to Huhi'i't H.
.Viluin on Octol,i.f 7. Mi. Ail.una
waa ii (laniiiift I'hl llili nt Niulhwct
crn miiviHlly niul Mr. Ailmn in u
nicinlii-r of tin- H!(,in.i Chi fniteriiity
of tho I'lilveiHily of Nt-'hruHkii. Tho
yntinn coiiiln iluu to mak their horn
ill t Una lui . J
(aril I'atiy.
Th Columhliin chili of Hai-ri-il lloiirt
piulMi will aiv i-unl party Thnm
iln V Vfiilnit, Octohcr 2H, at Lyceum
hull, Twenty m-conil iiml I,im'ui. Tho
hiwtt'Mkn will he- Meciliiini" KchIiut.
M'irKIIM, (illl.ll-, ' llllllUHII, llllllK"!!,
Howell, IlilKhe, liMllHKllt-r, N. VV.
Iliiv Mini I'liul llaye. Kf-fi'1-i.hiiierit
will he ei vil.
i It, ('. V aril I'arty.
i I.inlleH' auxiliary lo thn Unl'-r of
I Hallway fnmlm-tor of Amerl'-a will
! vlvp n nrd party ut th Swe'lmh Bmll-
torlmn rtii ThurmlHy ut 2.J, Thi-ro
will I"1 a whort htmlm-H 'lon uf 1
o'clock. The puhllo In lnvii lo the
rani party.
Alpha Omlcroii I'l,
Th October mc-Unic of the Alphu
iimli-ron I'l anrorlly will h hi-hl lit
it I o'clock luncheon r'uluiilay. Oc
luher when the hotee will he
Mr. Ihilph Iiyke. V, W. Duvla anil
Ml M.-irifiiret. Cnnnover.
1 ) !
. v ,
. ' . ' 1 I , '
, ' : ' ' ' :
l ard I'nrty.
There will he a mrd r''ty at Ht.
MHrKat'i't t"l Mary nchool, I'Mfileth
niul Culifonil.'i Hireeta, r'nly evi-nlnn.
KcHcrvutlon Hhnuhl he nifote with
Mr. C. V, Coy, cluiliiiian of the cotn
mHlec In chui;e.
(.Ills' I'lieinlly Mm lily.
The CIiIh' I'Vlemlly r.or-lety of the
li'iml Khepliiuil KiIkcoiuI church will
ilitertiilu Hatiinl.'iy eyenliiK, October
In th pm-iKh limine. Mrs, A. M.
( io'iilyonr Is ch.iirnuin.
AiiiitiiM lieliiiKin.
Announcement, ha Jimt hern mud
hy Ur. n lid Mr. K. V. Hellniuii of
liin drove, In., of the niiiiriiiKo of
SIi-vciih I.) in h.
The wolillr.(r of Mla May K. I.yii' h,
iliuiKhler of Mm. Kiln hynch, to Itoy
SI. Htcveim, took ilacii Katunliiy mni n
Inrf at Ht. Ccellln pminh hiiimc, the
Itev, Ci'Oi'K tiuilal.ol olllciatlnir. Mr.
and Mr, Htuven Imvo Rone on a
motor t.iu thioiiKh the Ozark anil
will he ut 1 1 "i 1 1 at 3012 WehHlcr HLi ect
on their return.
Announce. I jicanenu n(.
Mr. mid Mr. Chiirlcs Ilurwich nil
tiouiice (he iriguiri'incnt of their
diiutrhi'-r, Mollye, to Alhcrt Wohlner,
on of Mr. K. Wohlner.
Oniah N c
w York
i i J
il k V
$25 Vo
To express
and Charm
nt on a tul t!'f
Mine Iim i P"
ih!e if you aelect a
Haai Hrothfn
Frtvk. Kar-h day
vvr n'lipatfrsti Ar.
rivf, keii'in-jr the
II iai rrvlhen stock
!wfty f'enh, fvff
nffi-rii c A w iilc Atvl
u n.'P
ti' K:
r .l c
l tM
tki a U- r
if t J-e C
J. It Htlt
Per sonals
MM l-'iicilu IC.ilin liu left fur a
month In New York City.
fiehiicr If. Davia la ii-ii,Iim a few
'lay nt the Hold Miirtliil'iue.
Mr. mid Mr. K.
Hut ni'Iiiy luoriilns
New York,
IVti-iH returned
from Huh I on and
Mr. C. S. .StenKer I ieniliii(r ft
few dnv nt the lintel McAlpin, New
York City.
Mr. ami Mr. I. O, Huriison I'ft
lunt cvenliij; for Sioux Chy, where
they urn tn make their lumie.
Mr. and Mr. Alfred MutiRer were
ainonir those who motored to Lincoln
Saturday for the football game.
Mr. Ann Roberts leave tomorrow
for Kansas City, und later New York,
where Mic will upend tho winter.
Mr. ami Mr.
Laramie, Wyo.,
will return the
V. M. .letters are In
for a Hhnrt trip, and
flret of the week.
Mr. and Mr. Uobcrt II. Ad ima and
Mi .H (ierti-ude NuHbiuun left Hutur
day to spend tho weekend in Lin
elm Mr. K. C. ririffui of Portland, Or.,
ha been spindlun the past week with
Mr. K. H. (.'anisan and Mrs, KrcU
crick V. (iarke.
"Thn worn ,,n i f will i-ch1e the
am mini elect loin;, nml politliinu munt
reckon with her," recently nld Maud
Wood 1'n ill, president of tho National
lrf-aru of Women Voter, who will
bu In Nehraka tout nionlli,
"Men voter hm-n ununlly hiKim
their political acllvltle at oneand
twenty, t.ikiriK their political convic
tion from their father nt an air
when enthulam I l-oiirer than
Judirincnt. 'I'll" women who nre now
j rornlnic Into politic are for thn great
' ei part Women of malum year. They
ha mi grow n up looking on tin mull
I ence. One imI twenty I content to
; i hei r and kei in up th habit once
Mt l formed. Women want to under
r,i a ml what it all about; they want
t't know what they are dolnir when
they aelect a parly or a candidate,"
Mr. I'ark will ho at Ilaatlrig, Neb.,
November 1117, for tho atat conven
tion of the league. Mr. C. (I. Kyan
ol (Jriind Inland i prcHldent nnd Mr.
C. II. I Hd rich of IhiKtingH, director
of the ixth region of the national
Native of ISonton I Mr. I'ark, grad
uate of lUid'iiffe college, organizer
of thn liuHlon I'Mient Teacher' ao.
elation nnd pant pienldent of the Col
lege Iviual Huffiagn leaguo.
Mr. I'ark gained her llrat national
prominence wlu n a vice president of
the College Kuuul Kuffruge leiigue
alio croHH'-d the continent four time,
npiiikintr on woman auffi uko nt large
ruling and atnto uriiveiMltle. I'n
ncr her gcneralnhlp a rf ngrcurlonal
chairman of th National American
Woman Kuf'rage aanoclntlon wa con
(ItU'led the lluiil two yeai-K' IntenHlv
ifitiipiilKti In VVaiiiington for tine poft
i iKe of the fediM-iil aiilfrng amend
ment. Many enngrenamen Httrlbute
their converalnti to th principle of
woman witffrago to the dlgnilled, thor
ough and Intelligent, way in whleh
Mr. Park followed the courMO of th
amendment, In Ii perilous Journey
through congreH.
Cranberries Are
Not a "Single
Track" Food
The cranberry I commonly re
garded an an accompaniment of roast
turkey, and a aiuh, It place at the
ThankHgivIng dinner or any dinner
where road turkey I aorved la as
atandard n coffee for breakfaat.
In a way thl fixed rule hna
niililated against the fullest ue of
the little red fruit, which hn the ad
vantage of re'iuhing no peeling or
other preparation before being cooked.
When we get to thinking of any food
Htuf a pecularly adapted to one line,
we are apt tu overlook other uhcm to
Mis Miibelle lligdon. who bus been i which it. is quite a well fitted.
vlKitlng Triend In San Kraucimo nnd
l,o Angeles for the pant two month,
will return to Omaha about Novem
ber 1.
Mr. and Mr. M. C. Poter. accom
pinied hy Mr. and Mr. louglu Pe
ter and Min (ilady Peter, motored
to Lincoln yeterday for the Nebraliii
Mlaainirl game.
Mi. Oeiirge I'linx iiml Mr. W. IT.
Wednesday evening. Octolier Z'i, at
Nw Kngland, were In 1 let! vthuru.
j Pa . a few dnv ago and lire expected
I in Omaha during the wn k.
i Mi Jom-ph C. Weeth and d.iughter,
I Mi lieitruile Weeth. tiae gone to
! New York and Moduli M epi-ml a few
,ki and will upend "in tune In
luotoring thiotigh the New k,ngland
l4tl .
Mr f R Caldwell, who went runt
th end i f Xepltm! with her ilauifh
ter. Mum JuMa Cildw.-ll. I ni In
ht I out n;ii. her l , ih. r, Chrle
A II " Ml Catdwr l eutreit th
Knmn Wil'ard h.. at Troy, N t.
I Mr J. li H tUlt-.l, wh
th 'iet if h-r imii.
Mi idi.f Whit, for u w
t'r. ti,u (, r Mcf
! h it Mr. lUll-rrt, h i ht
llll M H I. ,!, (ftp
ht h-n
Mr and
'. K. Ifl
M will
t-a In
Mm M Wi iht ft tj
i( i f hr ''r Mi l.
.";iin, a, . Mi nan will !
ini! f-f f l.i . h'. ilt I
v pi I v Mt r '.n ?.
i will ii i, ni'.'rr lit
i I w
4 o l
, V
I'l I
I I ,ll I )HI
14 ll 41 Ul
' C-l
I In t
r m n
A a rauce to perve with any kind
of meat, fowl or game, rranherrlea are
An a giirnlfh for aula,!, they add
a piquant flavor which i I ho delight
of t!ioe who know what grood eating
Conered ci anherrles nuiy be aerv
cl with rreiim cheena nml crackers,
and In thla form they run a clone
race with thn fur famed and rnatly
I ar e due ronere that grace only
the table of th rich.
hteumtd i ranlierry pudding I one
of the mod ih-luiou of eld weather
cranU-rrv aau roll I a twin
muter to Jelly roll, and eld od ouiig
alike will it ucld I n ii a palut
plrtallio of the flint Older.
I'ntl.t'eliy pie - ln,p., with fluffy
inerltinue or ie Hy uluwing thmuh a
laitli'tt uf Mtry ktnp-l f t lo r.n,k
wtih apiil and fun pkln among tint
top niiiiin i In ih lid of lh! typunl
Aim rliiit d -i t.
lotrve I
!.' Vl-k-r n in mi hf T
d' i H,,ll . i. ,,'.,...'
.Kihi la etr iuin I-1
It Wl'l Ml '4 I
It .
v a
i f M
1 I 4" V! ". 4 1. .
I ika -H 4 i"l
hut tt
4 I' 'i l
l ..le Be e"i '!
'I'm 'Ilii AflcniiHiii for
Mr. Kiifrl Turner
of lill.lllll.
Mi-, lleiuye Ileilick will t.iln
at ten till iifteiiiiion to In t r-"t ui ei Mr.
Ilupeil Turner of Lngliml, who ar
rived till morning with ln-r coiimIii,
.Mm .lobn llcdiiU mid with Mi. W,
A Itedick. who li nl met h r in I I.i
c igo. to be th" CM, hi i,f Min, ,,,in
ll'dlik. Mr. I'aliou Mill., id, Ml,
('hiilie V. Mei7. and Mr. John Itciiuli
Will Kint.
Tuedny evening .Mr. Iturtoii Mil
laid will give a dinner for tlm vlitor
niul Inter in the week Mr. Met will
Iw her IionIih.
Hirth Announccnicnta.
Mi. Martin wa formerly Mtc
Clara King of Oiiuihu.
A oti wa Imrn Oi tuber 10 at tin
Klewart hoHpllnl lo Mr. and Mr., H.
K. Wright,
A ati, llobcrt Miller, wa Imru to
Mr, and Mr. H. P. Jik-oIihoii at the
Ktewiirt Iioepllul Octoher 21.
Mr. and Mr. Hay L Martin, 211
Lillaon nveiiue, iiiiii'iiiii'" Ih hlrth
of on, Oiioher IK, at. the Nlchola
Hctin hoiltal.
Wooiliuin (Inie Parly.
W, A, l-'rnser grme No. 1, Wood
man Circle, will hold It Hrt ocal
meeting ut regular hall, K,I7 Ciipl
tol avenue, Thumday night, October
28, Th" eiiterialniii' nt will he In the
form of a I lallnwe'cn pady and dance.
Represents State
i-gi-tabio Hlalu,
lip your llug'i' Inl'i very atrong
lea. for a f'-w mliiuti and then waali
them In lieir warm water ami the
Main from piepunug Vegetable will
bo removed, ,
lb : . t
ri-pieeiil the iiluiiina uf I'ihIikii!
I'olltg nnd Mm. John A. hndeij
i it deleii.ile from thu itel "f i
Merry alumna, Mim Vroiica
Oi'iuinor U lllleill'itil delegate ft tt
III k.imi tnditutioii. Mi. U. A
Foley will repienenl the, Ht, Kl'inri,
Mliiuiinin of Couni'il liluff anil Mr I
Hllll. llll .lllti-IN of I llll. ih I Will lillelld'
a IH Iiltate I "III III lloiy I l"
nlumiiiie of Hill Lake City, wliem
hIiii wa yni, hi it' d. Mi. Phlloinena'- and MM Mm Unlet hwift Will
he nieinliei of th pal ly.
The coiiventloii laxt fi'UU Oi'lohrr
lii to November 3 nd foreign nation
Will Im lepieeented. tni of the feil
till" of thn ptogiam will he a Umt
lo Mammoth cm. Mi. K.ind"i and
Mi (ITonnor plan to vi,l In Chi
oikh Mild Mllw'iilihen hefniii they lie
turn In Oiiiahii.
Mr. Fnink Handle,
Uelegate to Hie Inlei iiallmiiil I''i d-
i t itlon of Callinliu iiliil'niuin conn a
lion in Louikville will leu vo Tue'iiy
evenliia. Mr. Prank Itiiiulle I the
giiyeriior of the alumnae for the dale
of Nebi.i.ka, Mr. Mark Coad will
Mi lliilliuiin i'ovn U
l.iiiroln (idinr.
Hatiiidiiv ufliinoou Mr. uml Mi I'.
Loui MrpT union d to Lincoln for
th M.-kouii Ni hraek i game, t iking
n pniiy lu honor of llieir pm-it, Mi
I'h, ll-l.i e lb ill., i. in. of Hill lik lilv.
Willi th'iii weie Mi and Mi. I I
Mi,. .lib and liny l ui 1 1 v
That en lin g .Mr. wild Mi. Men P.
Wood, Jr., enl' rliiili' d four table nf
bridge at their h"iu lu honor of
Ml Ihill'iian.
on Tue'lay Mi, iluy Knld wilt
i a luni heon lu Ii. nor of the !!
lor. (ard Parly.
Ladle of Ht. .loliu l.'pln-oil ihur, h
will give a card parly In lb p,n.ili
riHim on Tuemlay at 2 . in.
l.adi' or Man' Cluvet of any
malarial mad lo look lilt nw,
2217 Farnam AT 0345
y -
runsosA l .mviiut
0mm I1? IV
A Very Specially Priced Pr Holiday Mi-iwinf
DIAMOM'S Ami llm other piriioii ami a'iiil-
jiredoti atone, intmdiiigly ilevclupei) In ai t. i
ing of giceii, white or natural grlil, or if ymi pig-
fer, jilatinum. '
Our luratioti, alightly off the beaten path of traffic, !!
eiiul'li'H ii to quote unloundihgly low pnce, nml J
Hi ill nliow tin; highi-Ht qualily of meriiiiindiHe. I
our tpecial ngafamnl rln, $HiO, A baulilul tlnn ,j
in nw mounting. Yau rannvt rfuehtai II In Omaha, j
John Hcnrickson, Jeweler. ,.,J
r.lahh.ltaJ IAA2 SinlaanlL at fanil,.
, afotfleWia
:WM. I HOlXMA.V, Tre;
on day's Feature Event
For Women and Misses who are
ready to save on Fall Apparel.
mm 300 New Autumn i
II Vw ft
jj I J n licauf i ful new si vies just received and plnwl on salo ;it i 'l !M
j, I jj l ;l l'1'"'1' KC" 101" (iu'u'k l,,n('- jj ' ! M
111 v Canton Crepe d A Or The Rmeof m if
(fflfy&w Crepe Back sat'"H the Wanted ' 1 i
wifft'Wfy CrCpe CnC : Shades-Caramel '
E'liLTjil I Brown, Cocoa, tlr1
IM-?1 Tricotines JLL .JLL Navy and Black josi &JjR&
W l Values lo $29.50 difK
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Business Wear a Real Opportunity
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