I'- f , THK OMAHA HKH: THURSDAY, nCTOlIKl. 1?, 10-"J Nebraska Winter Wheat Suffering I rom Bad Drouth "MJiiniiijry of Slate Crop Con ililiniii Say Siliialioii Worn; llian Yrar Apo Car " Slioiiapo Iiirr'uiii. Amateurs Offer Snappy Action Photos l.nii'i.hi, M. -- Tdn r iln.iHh rniiiii iinliroki'ii me-r . 1 1 nl .f the wliilcr wli.'iit lu ll; ) il'UUig nf turn Ima rl iili'l n ml " iri i T Hip '.' t 'if HUR.ir k,'I, piilBliJ-N llllj Nl .:i rl.nl ilirre, lI'i'l'llnK lit I 111- ilnl Hii'iitlilv i milium v i.f t iiinilli Inna fur .V hr.i!iit iiiml' piililli' ltuny liy i. I!. AtHll'tK'ill if (lie ill lni,if I.f I'lup Hint llW'Mmk eatlm!" diirt I tin Ni1 liim.ku li'i'ii i In-enl of Hti Iriiltwe. iir lAmi-Hiir. m Inn f.mlnif, Ihr vr -i t Mli-a, hilt Nil MiriiiHHKliiK "IK" i lll'l'l 111 Ihli llli l'i .IKe.l alllpllll'lll Inly Hi" niiilc i.f ip r aim krr cult In, v lil' It, Mr. Aiiii iiiii Hiiyn. hiiM iijm'i' ii .in iIuiiIiImI linn .ir. The (nil txt nf lln li'piilf fi.ll.iun: VViirxn Hum I. not mr. Tim wli'iii'lliinll"ii out i"i vr fit nl Hie ni'r v In-ill lull Ik virv tin- f 1 1 i OH I'll1, llu. ti l mil IJ'I ill'iillfll. I iiiiitlHi.li Hi' Wii' I tut ii ii yriir UK" n( lhln llnu w In-u ihi'v f I f4i wii mi til iifiililn lii ill. i. ill hulf nf thf Hlnlii' u hi nl iii.. A hunt !i2 p'T i riil nf I lii' xlii'iil rn.i mm IiIiiii irriiiiH mi lli'liilHT 1, I 'flio liimklnir r.f r.iin li.-il liirln. Them In ii K"'i'l ili'iiuiii'l fur iinn liiiki'iH nl K'i In 1 i'i iiIh Mi' liiinhi'l fiii'l I "-ii lull I In' liihnr Miipi ' n.Miim In hi' wlinit, .IiiiIkIiik I'V I'"" wli nf Hi" api'lna' pltf imp gml Ilm Ihik" ri" ii IplH nf nloi l.i r iiml fi'niliT I'niili', tin' ii i-n iiliiK i f l In- i rim hi In- rliiiiil mil w ill ho i minlrti'i nMy Imvir thiin Hi. mil, I'.irtiii'iN in limwullinr il CIIHlll'T lu ii'.iK" nf ciiwic lii'i-i HilR your. A IhIiiI 4 I.iiii'I in riu uiim iiliinlril (m iiiiipwiil wild 7 l,(HHi tn'n- iilmili'il n Siiv linn. Tim iiiiiillil'iii of Iflm it') nl tlni Ilm nf luiorm linli. nlii liliinil ilin xiiiim ylilil mm l.iHl. yi-nr. Tln iiri'iiK" i.f mDnir Iwrin fur ilm I'iiIIiiI Hintu wim ri'itiifpil iiii'(ixliiinlily 3D irr nl nt ihiK Mirt " HlK I'iiUIii ( nip. Tlii Otnlipr iiiitiilri ciii( nffrri'il but lllll f iii'illi'.iKi')iH'iit. In wowvi-N. Tim inl.'il iri') nf Ilm idiimry wim iilmi'il i. m,HM,m) I.iihIh-Im, ii m (ijiiaici v.llh lh flviiyi'iii- iivi'iii nf 373, liiiD.fiHO IhihIhH. Thn .Viliniiika mil ninlii (i rmlui'cil NlDfhlly ovir l.iiiio.oiio tiiiKlii'lH, 1 ii Ut tho jimir re liiiiwi fn.ni In In pliiiilliiK I In wi'Kli'i'ii Nflirankn, but. Ilm cniniiii'ii'liil iiiir plui Bllll in I'utiHlilrriililii uuirn (hull llml. nf Iiiki. yi'ur. 1 "ilifd tillll uro If vJJ t f'lU ' .A: IWl, niiliiiilllcil hy Iiliin Nch. I.iiivit rllil, xuliiiilllfil hy Vli, I pprr rlitlif, niiliiiillti'il liy ilnlni S, 1700 nl HroiiilM ) , IiiiimiII Hlnff.. iumIi-hI, H;ilunly( (irtij. J. nli', NiIiiiii, lllliilf lloliili.il, Th omilm H"" Ai iimi I'hniii ( 'mi ' i i hii nf i lot In iIim. iivi'i IfiK illinium iiltiilKiir , lirr I hoi nl! i pin i m imii Ii liili'nt III iii'i iiiii- lii" 1 1 1 n t I l. i'i n In nil niiiHteni' !Tlllll lllffli'llll f'dlK III ll lilillllllK ! pilllil.'lllplii'l" l'f ,rlillkll Hllll ivnulll cf iii'llmi plrnirm IMctiri-n I'lili i nl I v i Mei ii Ihwii. An HWyr'l nf flTi will In Ilm i'iniip'1 .1 Inn iii pi'mif lli"iicl in nl" fur Hie li' l in ilmi pli lni'', ninnli'iir nf .".'"I'm kn nml minilnvci'i j V" t"t '" cytiil pi lz- Mini l.'i (hlnl prlr.". JfiiitiiiK, hihrr I rwlii WcIch'iTalk No. 18 (iii Imvit will "Ir v iinyihliiK," iiml v, ii Ii ciilinfiu'lnry rKnilin, In h Hiirpi llnnly luiK" prri i iiMkc nf liiiil. Tin plmtiiivriiplii ii'prniliii'i'd iilmyp mi' fnuiipliu nf mnnn of Ilm hntliM' wnik li"lii !(H" hy Hi" hiiiiiIi'Iiik. Miinv nilicc pii'firi"H nf (iiiiil hiitK timi li'it Miilmiilli'il hiii iwvenil 1 1 1 1 ii llli'il llllil'f III" ixpcrli-il licflill! Ilm viry In". ini'Klly finni 40 In .Ml i'ihIc pin- hiifuti'i'il pniiiiilit fur curly niipm. Tim HlilpiiunPn nf )!iii'Ui'i' nml fccili i' rnhi'1 nml ("illle Inln .S'i'liriiiik.i fi i in tho pi liii'liml iijiirltftN fur lh flrnl ilfhl InniilliM nf Hi" yi'.-ir mo cniiiii ohly mini! limn Iwlin thn iiuinlier fi r l he luini" pcriiul liift )inr. Tim rnmli tlnll nf Ihi" fi'i'ih r nil Hi' finni (he xmnl hillN In (Xi'dli'lit HI III" IMiiK" Ii'im hc"ii pli'tillfill, (Inn tn hilmf ninli r Mlni'licd fur I ho iiiiMt ln yi iii H, The hctlir claim nf fi'i'il"iK luivo hrmiidiL very (WilHfuclcry pili'M. Thmn in ,i Hiirplim nf liny in thn wind MImm HiIm yini', ami thn pirnml nulln..k fur tliiH Ki'i llmi in Impnn lin,'. (Hi" ilnll.ir will hi- pill.) fur iin h pii' Irrc Tiir (iiniili.i 1!"' iii''('pli fur pule ll.'iilmii. Ili'ic iir" III'' ('(iii'lilinim nf rniiip"tl linn: All nl.". tilmvtliiK i''i'"'iii I) 1 1 in in I ' in nhji'i l'i In Hurt Inn will hi- rlimni'il Htt mll'ifi pli'lnn K. I 'lillilri'ii In H fnnf rnr", n ilnn; flulil, iliU'm in Hlr," linin Common Sense it Women Declare Meanly (,'onleMn Many mothers urge their .small Hons and darghtera to eat the delicious WELCH rice or custard instead of sticky candy and frothy soda water. These mothers know that growing children need foods which not only ap peal to the taste, but which build bone, muscle and health. Hence Welch puddings and desserts are more and more be coming the children's favorite when down town with mother. S.rv.d in CLEAN dihs. prepared by txprt from tht vry best materials, WFIXH foods are REAL treats. (7f 0" St Omaha Keslauraate Member af National Restaurant Aieiatia Univeriiily War on J.liii'nlii, Oct. I. Ucpriwnliitlvi wnliii'ii (iliiili'iilH fnini (he Rncietl'-M nl tin1 rulvi'i'xlty nf Ni'hnmka liavo ih- lined uitr mi bcfiuly contCHta cmi- Ini-lijil nit Ilm (fiinpiiM, At lh recent llii'ctiilff nf tlm Cnn-Hellcnlc hkhocIii llim, u rtHiiluf Ion wild piiHwd li-:ln rliiH' thnt whllo ii n IntdlPi timl or oven u popularity fontci't nilKht lm appro prlaiu for colli'Kii vnin.n. a hcniily cnnlcMt In lint ill Kond tiiMto nil tho ai'tidcmln cnmpiiH and that tho nKHocln. lion know nf no tvoinrm amoiiK the hflif liiinilrrd wlwinu pIclurCH wore printed liiMt ypitr, who like tin" nltihi ilnn In which Kho wan placed. Tho Vulkyre ncli'ly nf tho univer sity, In W'cldriK (ho roHolntlon fnun tho iiHHiii iiill.'ii, had UiIh to Hay In re Kurd to bt'imly inntcKtH: "Wo mo lint 1'nlliPH plrl.t or nctrosscH and w do mil expect to h"cnmo mnvliiK plctino t'ir. U Riven nn no piu tlciilar i1oiih uro in having the cotioral ptihliu mid tho liowMpnpciH dlHrimn tho dcliiilM nf our fo.'iturox, our coniploxUmM, our modes nf hnirdreMMliiK, whether wo me Moiulen or hninetlcH or whether we are not really homely and set into the content olely through political friends." vinturi'.txr.Nr I EndiStubbornCoughi Woman Forger PaKses (Checks on Merchants at Fairluiry Falrbtiry, Nch., Oct. IS. A woman fortfer ha tici n wnrkliiK In Kalrlmry for the pant few weeliH. I'mlcr tho nlRnitture of Kthel Clark, ho (iished a chuck at tho "Tnuirery." under the nlKnaturo of Dnllle llrown'nt l'ort wooiIh and under Iho name nt IIchm riaRir nt the Jenklns-Crookx cmn pany. Hy conipariin the three checks It appear that tho name Woman wrote and HiRiicd each nf them. $l."j(),000 Dianioniln Stolen. Now York, Oct, H. Max MoKer, New York Jewel milemnan, reported rnhlted hint riicht in ClilcaKO, rnrrled linnet diamonds valued hy the three fti'iim Jie repreneiitrd here at about $lM,oni. Dog Hill Paragrafs Hy George Uingha,m- I'riiciiixliiiatinii fine of tour r anils? Smiic day von Intend In Hail mi iiml ex i rii wnik you know yon can ilo. In earn an add' il itii'ouie, hut you HI" Mill pIlitlUK II nf). I Vnu do nnl waul In pin V"Hridf ilinvn In ilolntf iiinii' (hail ynu have in i do In draw our piinciil conifoi'lalilit imninc? often you have realized that a laixer liicmiio Ih CKieiillal to our fil lure, hut you ai" .eiMn alonK m, well in Ih" prcMi'iil with Ilm effort yon ai" piiilliof forth (lint yon ni" avi'iHe lo breaking Into Iho habit of comfort you now enjny. Hill, iniiHiHih;; aniiilier nIhmiI'I take up tho work you iitiend to do and oi hern 0ioiilJ follow him In Iho clrcli! of pntniiiiiK" you would have to de pend upon lo make a miceem nf your extra undei takliiK, what then' AImo. If you xhoiild becotuo Incatmcl lated for any line nf work for which you arc prepared, what would you do? o all you can now. l)o not wait to find time-make time for II. Start immediately on that npecial work ynu have planned nulonff to do. Future tlrno In always uncertain: KiUHp prcnont iippfntunltles and make niberi!, for there is no time so valu able an the preHent, lo it now. HpiediiiK Heroic a laid),'!' die i-xaiiipe, 'Ibeic iirr, nf cnurne, lunny subjectii toy fln Hclluli phnlos. I holiiKraplm In ho rliKibl" In the kiiiIchI must liavo been luki il lu .No biatikit ni' lowii In i'l-'.'. Tln i" ai" nn i"i,l I Id Inns (is In H.1 nf plioloiii.iplis, or Hie tiuinber In lie ii.lcicd by sin h i niiiesiiiiil . ('ontini pnnls III" iiiilied, clher ciiIiiik". nii'Dls nor ncKiillves mic iici ept;ibe. All jplclUITS Hlblllllted bei iillin Hi" (impel i y of Th" Mi hi 1 1 ii l(ee for pur lores nf tills ciinti'Nl, livery effort will be made In el urn photo, If posl ,"( Is eiieloHid, but The Otiinha Jiee dues lint (nilirillltee their H-lurn. In luilidllliK a lai!it liuiiilief nf picture i in re In likely to be u Mllllll percent. I'Ki, of unuvoliliilihi loss. Address photographs and cuiiimunl- ClllOIIS ri')!lll'lllllK ll(t I'Ollll Si til AcllOI) I buin ( oiilisl, 'I lm Omaha Jtee, I ri.'H will be awardcil by a Jury of ( loaiia professional phninKiaphei'N e peclally iiinllfed to Judwo notion pho-tiiKi'aphy. 'Airmen Kcady to Start Cross-Country Flight , h.lli lm no, t'al , Oi I. I l'ltTolMble jtM.iiher i i.ii.I.iii thioiiijhoiit eastern Stales ll'pl.ltlMj IihIiiV Clllised IHIIIOIIIIi ' iiient by I. n uts o.i I. ley Kelly mid ,l"hu .Miiclieadv, Himy Hthitors, that I imleia s ilnnm" in the element nc i ill ny ii.iiitfiii, s'.iii win n mail" early li'iiiorri w nil Ihe prnpnseil K;m I'li'KoNiw Voik iiniisiii (ill plane II. Kin, 'llie record llltlil was nl liimlty lllledUled for II. Ii..i-I fi, ' buf wn I'irwiili.l .y ilniidy i niiilliii'ii In the i 'i'ciii'H uln iii'.iiiii.iins and I'i snlKd In itlin two avliiti't reuiainlnif In the air J for moie lh. hi 3,i hnins Hud establish i iiitf a law win Id endursiice reemd. ' 'I lm 1 1- army , -fx l l. net T whli li ; 1 tie, aliiiien il dfin t lie-It lydurance I lllk'lil and wbli h I lie y Hie tn fly In , I heir New Vi.lk effolt. Is deilHtnl I'V I tin HVlalnn In be III perfect t-niidl- ' lloli for the proposed I lip. . I iliiiioA in Deadloek. I Manila, Oil Iv-iT.y A. I'i-Th" jdi-adlock lu Ilm i'hllippliin lions nf ! rept"Si iil.iiU' s over Ihe ele.-inui i f a IspeiiLer continues. After lliree hal ! Inln hod nlilil hud f illed lo return a Majority rnr any candidate, th nouse iiiIjoiii in . until Thuiaday. ah' tit 1 1st ho r. Her Rheumatism; Has Entirely Disappeared The successful ti'-aiineiit ot rheu matism by laklnsT TanliK! I mm nf Mm ouislaii'liiiK feature nt Hint r" mm luibln medicine. Thousand of pi'iiplo everywhere liH'e leetlfied Ihat II. has brought I hem l otnpb-ie relief from this Inn ill ohm disease. Mr, har all lie.ily, slO H, M.i In HI., Miniunkela, Iowa, says: "For fifteen year, f nuffered tor ture from muscular imd sclalli then matlsin, and my , trobnleau kept me lii-i'Vous and woi nout all thn lime. It took Tanlno only a llllle whllo (o over enme this rheumatism entirely end I've ben in Iho very best of health ear since." When the dl;,'clive nyutcin, liver and kldnc il'i" not wnrklnR propeily tiilc acid and other impurllle nirumu Inl" In Iho iiiiiki les and points, cans Iiik t hctimatlsin, Taiil'i',' (ulckly ovcr iuiiies this condition by eiuililiiiK (he vital oiKans to perform their func tions properly. (Jet ii bottlu today nt any (,'ood druxKist. g ii.. r aarik - - - - -- -. W 1 1 1 1 1 J in I? 'The Georgette" 6.50 An Esclusiv: Model 'Hie line (if litis allrH'li o itfiif t toinl lo malcc tli" fool ftpprnr more t n fill. For Semi-Dress or Street Wear, in A Hover Black Satin or A Hover Patent leather villi Flexible Soles and Covered Junior French Heels Third Floor East. "The Ardmore" 8.50 First Showing nl' I hi dihl iiiKiiilii l 1 rfi i j l -it-t iniiilel. It hick Satin Combined With Black Suede or A Hover Black Suede All Over Patent Leather with Flexible Soles, High or Low Covered Spanish Heels Third floor East. Our Permanent Shoe Window on 17th St. Displays the Latest Patterns and Lasts in Footwear for Men and Women. When your motor tart hard, Inn. k at low speed, Is tlunwi-h on the pickup, balks on hills, niUsca at lilh speed look to yojr spark plug first, as these troubles usually are caused by old or incorrectly de slyncd pluj?fi. Very often costly repair bills are In curred, various adjust ments made and finally It is found that new spark plum are the remedy. Avoid this expense by flnt putting- In n new set of AC. AC Spark Plug Co. FLINT, Michigan Th, Sitodtri Spark I 4 in a Hurry V1 I . teal .Be. ittenea. Hale aid f t,.u,M.twe-l Nwnli Mae ax eaal. T : le.il., au4 ee' irvs4. T I tuii;l (oti Vn.i h.-w quUltlT a ta-l "Hi!! f ill be eml ll led, until v't Ii, ill Inii.-u, ell li.-ine m i le rem elf. st;iie IK hi tumi'iied all ,U b.I s.l nH. II 'ie i mil, 1. 1 tie ti . il i.im i a ait I k mj . II .t tn 'leiet. Hi lIu-ftM h.dh.i.J 1st let ( i-iuh. int, i nt botW, 'il ixt Maine f! l'.Kt, ! ait '' (;.'.sii l I e ,'it et i ap J li f HI- t j i tn e i-' ir.iu i nt '' 4, " , . ii oup. itiiel et eu.-tr el me I ', i t I "l eiiea ebiat I . -ti le vl t ' e, 't u-i ti. I 'i" -l i e .i4 x . .. t,t, t.l.t.ie ' N 11 t-efle.'t'V, 4 In : W-oaat ttl i k .1 . M'n.l. il .' I ,lat', - ' 4 11 kl 4 i lei.n. !. . . I I S tIC II !' fcl'iW i ...,, a j', ,.f, .,, il .' lie 1 nut e Ike t uiiu v'" i I I welwel Ul u,e It u M f a el I net 't t 'teat I i l... uUi J I ei'- "K ', k -e-e., I tM"- I es l aa'l a I" -I ael (n'diki. ; I'le4 4 vl (.e it e .inn lite .ii iht . 't I Hal ,nv,t loss I a. ( . ' '- e i l'ae III i 11 i. J. a-.et tel. ..', -iale. I te t,. . I t si, t a m '4'4i ' m i 3 1 11 I I i1- - I A ,.VVl I ' I T' I mm H "... 0 Pyorrhea Strikes Four Misses Only One Nature warns with bleeding gums Four persons out of every five past forty.and thousands younger, too, contract Pyorrhea. So be on your guard, especially when the gums are tender and bleed easily. Play safe. Brush your teeth with Forhan's For the Gums. Ii used consistendy and U3ed in time, it will prevent Pyorrhea or check its progress. Keeps the teeth white and clean, as well, and the gums firm and healthy. Pleasant to the taste. The formula of R. J. Forhan, D. D. S. At all druggists, 35c and 60c in tubes. 3 Formula nfR. J. Forhan. D. D. S. Forhan Company, New York forhan's, Luuited, Montreal AIIW:HllsKMI.r. I WW Wswtitniji I '"Hwwtt tf 4 A ?5.'ertle' Buster Brown Shoes For Boys 9 and Girls 9 I'Jiu I'oiwi't slioc in the right size for ihe, growing foot, made on the foot sliaping last, win 'always lie found in Iho liranilciiS Childrcn'H Shoe Depart ment. Priced from 2.00 to 5.00 Growing Girls' Bustter Brown Shoes Priced at 6.00 and 6.50 Third Floor East sMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiriiiii:iii:iiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Get Our Prices Before You Purchase Elsewhere It creates no obligation on your part to inspect our complete stock of furniture and household needs before you purchase elsewhere. So sure are we that our prices can E not be duplicated that we know you will buy here, once you see our merchandise and E I compare our prices. WHY PAY MORE UP TOWN WHEN YOU CAN SAVE MANY 5 DOLLARS BY TAKING JUST A FEW EXTRA STEPS TO OUR STORE? .ii mrisKWK. r. Beautiful Living Room Suite CSV fciiSr f..yY-A' il?5l MLA V FKEK Willi each living room suite, a full sized floor lamp complete with shade. This is an excep tional value, complete $99.50 Specials $48 Walnut Dresser at $2390 $35 Heater. .$16.75 $69 Walnut Table at $34.75 $75 Buffet. .$37.50 $31 Lamp. . .$14.85 $27 Rocker. .$13 65 $75 Rang... $42.50 $32 Library T.U at $1435 Wonderful Dining Room Suite A valu such as can only b obtained at th "State." Eight pieces of the bst quality merchan. dJQ!J TC diee, priced at only J)IOe O BETTER THAN CALOMEL n is your own fault ; IF YOU CATCH COLD i ..( .ur iul, a. Inn, till e iiu. loriai i lwt Wilis BAUME DENGUE (At. ,swiiavt The I"l H Alani luy M.k - keep lube harolv lb. leesuae i'av, M. I Aatee. A a-a. a Fhotisanils I lave Disc otvrrnl Dr. I'.dwnrils' Olive Tablets are it I .armies Substitute I'r, l ilw inls' (Hive T.ihU ti lln S!l.t;t'lhi fur l illiilllll u ii . lull. I but it r l.uitui', mi. I llii.ir rfT.-rt mi tin hvrr ii uliui'tt iiiHi.int.iiMi.u. Tin ip l.ltl.i ul.vij. olui. I til liters' th- ! r i ilt 'f I 'i llilvvmN' i.' iri iii.u.ili"ii r .1 I.I llr.lt ll .nn! h""l "Ul .lite lv lilt 1 ll.il.li I II pi, l..,lll l.ttl, 1,1.1.1 .1" ll ti ".i-l lh.il i ti, I d ue. I'tit 1 1 in t i I uftir rlliili. 1 In ' limit Hi ;me Whi-n it Is uiiili rstiMi.1 llml mills r milt fnun Vi mi living. In I nil, luxs I.f Mi-i p, okrIMiilk llll.l Willi), l'i t'e Tu bllike 1 ' Mut.l t' t" I , hi s.- ih eK-'it a- '-'i'iH It v.--l I t li !". I I. i k . .! 't.i I tn - l ii si It le - t .( I' I t ..N.i.s, 'is li Vl r e II, t I. . . I a'-' 1 s '-' I1- ii I ' lie , 1 I'll Se lake It.. i i as , . I , I I f s w I i ' , a ki l a i . Ik ' it '' a. a be t le-t b. -.e.i tile e. 1 in he l f . I- - a i e 1 1 " 7! I 1 v 1 f.wtie le.el a, the In i'i I k iiu'Hi! I. ii,. I T( v t it Ii..; I i I ii'ii. iv r. "it. t II l,o din II II l r. w I .'it e. iii. Mm I ! I lie ( ul. S,i ,l i u i le t i.. I . nit I !'. 1 I ' I I ' . I I ' .( .. .,. Inr f t,i. i.'. t ait t 4 it.e'i'tii I Ii ei.le' IMua T .1 ' I. ' a. I he . I.i.!- I 11. i All I j" ' , I J nl i..l Ih.. I i t ti ll .. 4 I .I...I I nr ril ti..ui. . I 'tike I v.ii ; tliliv Ii illicit . Unit It t ""VS. E I f s ,. 1 f.Hlll If ul t f J A, f . it.ii . ..hi. if A" ' -A I ml ; U . 1 1 , vf ,''-1 C luall'i. ulli.wl !, I ' l 3 ij mil ii If I nl I 1 7 i , te-. ..in.' i.i..i., I'Sr Z. Jv- s .11,. I tt.ili f SaS t e,lllil! I , l 5S 5 it l . I l ii S 1 : A wil' ii'. n iiai itti i ail 3 ''' l.i Ul i l.i !..'( ..IF ii. I, U It lab r ' ii-. I !V i- J-. It i. a Nli.li ii.e. If tut a .lit .. .tin ..Il . i .in line II ..'f t.) g 1,1 lii.. 14 ti'li'i i"iu i M i;. ti,- 3 ' i :,i.. f l i ii ',. i.'i jii i a ! t J 'tn a 2 ' V,.i. t t.-..'h ul h,'"i , i 1 1 .iuS.''. fiee fit HI .' !t '' ... 1 -ft I 'I 3 "I s IN Beds. Springs and Mattresses mmm A WrV Mik ear rr IE irnriil ill J tit 00 HrJ . , . tl 00 H.J tie! 0 .Nfl-tHf a 00 Out Mil f (tl MMe 4 tMttllT t iHll IWl U Ml Hf I lb I I ! 1 $IT 50 7S IS 71 Wonderful Bedroom Suite Ikrs pieces ef the k.it graje fiirni. Iu,, at a siitce thai cballena sat furniture haute. Pries) OK lumplele, el P O.awO 1 rati t be a- Will s t"lH Mill HI III 1 1 lli III! W Nf U Electric Iron Each, $2.98 ieil'4 tiae aiikeUj lib- ajutik beaiiag a4 keel elainia. a.aelbef ''Slat' U I ek, only It la. Console PHonoraph S69.50 tail - Vk.ib k eae at Ike f.ieki, a lut aie4 lw, lee e akeas r s.itiuMi M It eekMt eett a tee a teat lee ee a4 lb Mei,te. keal a nl be le yee baea at ao.e ikee a' SI ek ee imi.I k. beiM mi s4 Exchange Dept. Our eichange Department enables you lo turn in your eld furniture at remarkably good prices and replacing it with new furniture at lowest prices. High prices for your old furni lure lew prices for your new, L.I us figure with you before you purchase ! her.. Home Outfits We specialise in tempi. te kume outfits luok l these pries, 3 rooms complete for $98.7S 4 rooms complete for $114.50 rooms compute for $137.50 . I wwnt nun i wilf Phonograph Club a4 ,e kaak INIE. lbt keah will enable eu to tai aad lb in"ae tan ke aa pli.d ea MIINsVbKk,. Pi Fictula-Pay When Curad t e 4 ..m l i.Mtw,l ikll -ll i-ea ttl- a4 tv I ..... .a a ,l .1 l me ie-ee li'i e. a- Te .w to- iiM-l.-e ttfc., , .. a!!!- S . eirie m it... -e.e a .. i..,i. ..i l-e n l t . ill wi.te a. -ie. I k !!-' l it. ..-.a.. i e- eke ... e lee. ieie.'. i.n-e a a a laoaf ei-, r - ( i . IMIMII N pt a. Mit i Mtti mat State Furniture Co. mm v ii a; IIIMIItt I tl 41 iHt siati Corner 14th nml Dodge 1 OU CAN MAKE, YOUR UN ICKM1 II . Hfcte . III 1.1 H.Hl l. , t s- a i i e--e t A.e itimiiHiiuHiiiuititiiuiiHimitmiiiMtiiiiimiiiiiiM