The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 18, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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The Morning Bee
rm nrt mm iMirc company
Vm a- I'tw i TV. hm .n h, i w itfMlr
Me.--l H, -M I' I I. l ,( of .il b.a. -l..,"l l! Ml It It trf
I.. .... imim ri "1 u. o... ;ii, , i a.f. "i lV ' i lawa,
Atl ius - f.'t. . Ac ctf inj ... - M. as. 1 4r- tmmmk.
utt HLtriusr
Jfl' Urr'h tvtu.f Ak hit it m . - .
l-,.., ... I fur M ll (Hit Af'ar i J1. V J
fc.4liol al i, mi.,ii, Al 11 ul lUi. 1000
Mam Off.o i "111 nt lirMt
. iiinff .... tt r,ii g n, ht.. n tv. cr. t'k 4 H
..-i ri'.i, Amu.
Mad'ng'-a . i.i Mr y.,1,-, ', .. . . . T! ,ia-.r HMg
ha, rrswe- m ll ,nia
"(;n'r lota Mlb no titun than till; 1 1. I a Mm
lay h n lo I. fa for b.a frond," drollerl,
'Jh W, (-', T. J'. of Nehraka and Amen.- it ft
nonpar. Iran organization. purpo ar... to fur
ther the rati of prohibition ami otrtrr cause, In
order U bet eeivi; the mowi fur which it stsmlt, it
l-p inl, of party hI(Ic.
Accord. eg to Mr, Marm M. falflir,, former pre.
i'lent of O.e W, f. T. t'.. th state organization ex
a j'l'")o from W J, Hryan that h wnjM not
mk a p'y! m I speech hefore the W, C, T. I'., t
IJlfoln, Monday
Mr JJiyun not only i miw a jitrtMj'ht out out rivth li-fori' tiile ri'.iiim tin rnritm,
lUl he 'ilii toh.'.t fniny thought W. J. Vryun rniutr.
n liU (t - trr'nu'ly ;ri,ri-.riprit''' ihi! fai t. Hy
unniiiri'ioi vtii fh Vi. (', T, IJ. con'ifcinfn-il Mr.
Hr'jiti 't ' i 'iii ,
Hi'iiifor ))iiriii' j,ni.T may l trut"J to
hv pte-t'4ij ii t w'A'Hi in the mmi fu'or
tW y J'. in, 'ii,iK pnper ijunt' Jirynj
'"I'w-i ,hi 'ill yii flK.f yu rhoiil'tn't Viai fi
ii y 'I' ip.' j'iMi- inii'i; Uit.n urn ij In 1m
I'liiK (.. '!?',( Jli'i 'k JiUlili.K Ihir Cfc-
Ji'.lMl' ill, ill! iihiA'i t .1 liinliiiiifjyl,"
neourTir'nin- Brd no one would !nr rhhrut
that live bru'y of the jcurijC ooirn (i ur.nolirrJ.
( Mr, Tft h'iulil not dnpuir, n l prolliy he
tWi not. If i plte may he Ukrn a one for more
rruetive work in the mu!l uwn. "Whet w ntf.
m nation," he ai.J, "m fj trkcb our ihiMr-n to
ue thrir hand in di-KiaU) an J okiL'ful rrafli; to
fire them more rrtivt gum, Uur ilitl UUy U
a;ir.iMij in the word of the ruan who aid to hi
email ion: 'Johnny, iudy hard, o ome day you
won't hnve to work yoor hand.'"
Artii'i wurk with ttuir )mi,.e, a do aUo rraft
rm ii. A run m-t'il a W'illiurn Morn t.i ilmnify
and hrauiify life end the common tatk.
44 from State and
EJitorial$ from vthvr
Hitchcock's Two Opinions of Bryan
''Whatever x"- up mut tome down," unlti
you put a irop tif.d.-r it.
The ri-juMiriiii Hrty ha put a prop umiur the
Airn-ri' an j ayroll in the nhuri' of a proteiiive tariff.
'Iwirn two i four, and no amount of ohii try
will make it corne out five or thrw,
If you huy an article mudi; adro 1 that could lc
madi1 ut horm-, yoi drprivu an Arnniran workmaij
of that rnui'h employment. Money paid fof It
to pay waK' to a uikmun in a fornn Imid.
Omaha lit aliout to witrx,, an i'Xhibiiiort if
Ornnhn-mdu goodn, the ohji-rl hi-inj: to lllleret the
aliinit in their home town prodiu'i. Not an urli
rr to h rxhlh.ti-d there hut can he produced for
If mm mon"y in Fntfland, Germany, or Japan, IxiauM-
j urn 1 1 there aii lower than hen;.
I Whii-h are you moH concerned in?
If you vant l prenerve American utandfird,
vol the republican ti:ket. If you are intereated
in huddinif up a fore yn land at thn expenite of our
horn! market, reducing Ann rican payroll, re-ea-tahlinhiiiff
hread line and noup houiwr, vote for the
free tradi) ehumjiiont.
lint, do rot oid yourself when you vu'e.
l'.niu tradition, yoinif no di-rp aa almoat to be
niehfinc able, cropper' out in thu burning of the
Apinrnitiy, Mr. ian urrnlndful i f thfe fact j liner City of Honolulu In midocean. A thinenc pa-
nener, direirardinK the rule of "women arid chil
dren fimt," leaped Into a lifeboat. A ehlp'g officer
would have ahot him but for the Intervention of
three Loh Angel achool teacher. It i eaid that
they mai a JoU of thn Oriental' precipitancy,
and laughed a'ay the thought of hi bvln lain for
violatiiig the law of the ea.
It ! not bent to aMgmatia thl (Ihinexe m a
coward, for there no doubt are rdrcumnUnera In
v.hich he would wi!lin!y xacritlce hi Jifebut not
for a woman. The male alone count In thl
ancient philoropby. Iteverence for womankind I
to be upponlig ftenator j he particular fruit of th Occident, receiving it
I frxt inapiratlon in religion and being car ried on by
j Anglo-flaxon tradition.
I Tise ancient Greek, nplendid though their civ
j illzntion wi in many regard, never felt called
j upon to tep a"idi! for their women. There, arc
many pot on the world' urfce today where
women are held littl? better than hIuvch to the men.
j One may a well laugh at the exhibition of thin cu-
tom a denounce it, for jf anything It can he
changed more quickly by regarding It humorously
than by empty condemnation, even at the platol't
limr. he win ut that momi nt piit'.rg politic above
hit own prohibit!., and putting hi own "iiroiher
rharleyV' fandidacy above, all olhr on.ilrraliin
- above kit prm airaa lo id W. C. T, U., above
fa.l lsUinni f raioral and above Ike raapact
with whltli da fin hen formarly hald hy many
fcamaa f Nebraska,
In hie. ctiiiemifii u'joted above, he how that
hi chief anxiety ia for "candidftU who are up
foad to .e aofiportlng .H nal.or Hitcheock." I'y thin,
he utd'vbtdly tvU. t to "lirother Chariey," for
"Hroiher t'hr!'-y" it 'be only democratic candidate
Vl if. )Ut "0p((O1'J
lliti hcoek.
iuotiiig furhrr from thy aUu-ment in Kmi.tur
Hitchcock r. riew.papir, Mr Jiryan ;ild:
"I toi-i" iiuy i i'ii4em r ilviw ntt j,n .i n
Woo inn till in j.ji uikI wfcirt'j Mr llowelj IIikI
rin "tit f"i P" hll'i'lon?"
And th' n, by prvrfoa arrangament, a member of
the aud.euco rore and ataied that K. ii. Howell "h4
navar ho for prohibition,"
Thin crude political byplay wa promptly cor
rected by a from Mr, Howell, read befor
"the convention by it president, Mr, Lea G, Ityar,
Till teb-grtm told what every N briirtkiin, aiid W,
J. liryan, known, that K. Jt. Howell ha alway
a proliiiiitinniat.
No "eleventh hour converulon," eight week he
fore. the election wan reci wary In Mr, How-ll'
eaje, prohibition being a tredi'lon, buiided down
from a grundfaher and taught him from th cradU,
Kariy in the primary campaign, aeveral month he
lore Ii'lUhf'Of k'g "convenlon" Howell reiterated
Si lupport of the VoUtead act.
Ii'a a far cry, in the eye of th woman 'voter,
frent tb Hraa of o4 to the irynn of th pt
wk in Nbraka.
A 'i'U rminid fialv'jtion army enptain ha won
kcr rl'ht to hold her afreet meeting in the 'roar
ing J ortie.n" e.b ng liroadway. ihv ami her troop
wero arreted and charged with di,;ttirbing the
pea' e and ol.rt. uc'nig iiuilic, hi cauar tliey had hel l
a meeting in front of one of tho big. New York th"a
ter. The police rnnifin'riite Miid he htd attended
a great Maivation army meeting, in al! part
of the city and all over the country, and nevr rknew
of one thnt ujui ;i ill ii urbunee, and accordingly di
chtrgeil the iHp'ain and the xoldit;' .
!o Iio dccUion of the magiHtrat"? there will he
jlcii'Tii! If nothing wow than a Saltation
army tioPt t.r hnppeiied on American street, te
country .would Hi; bleu..- !. Maiiy folk uted to take
umhr.igv at lie ij;f iium and tainboiirinet, bc.t
:hey ion found t'nitl thee ar but the iii.n-.r etn-belll-.hinenia
end not the real minion of the arniy.
It tnakti a little clatter to attract attention, Jut
t a pruiK nt riicr hunt inlve' ime hix ware, and
when a throng h: ca'hered, t'ie army diaj-enw it
(otpei of Koup, S"!if and Salvation.
The light of th.- gospel, the beauty of rt'igloii,
thn glory of t lni.t. ha l en carried hy the Sal
vatinn army lnti placi-a of liarkne no other or
anUed body, ave 'he police, ver pi-ni trate.l. Arj
annoitioH that thin wonderful organlnthm of de.
voted worker U a diMurtnnir element i too ab'iir.i
to reiUtre cotiidrtlon. They are not only the
bcU dvcrtter, hut among the moM rUl.'i-ct gr.
palen of ti e tin.e and deerv every poit! en
eoutagemeiit, Htree'e irtr and lnui!d he
open lo thim,
Tree nd tjn U are the efily beamy iiot in th
Tr mr. ton, i-erado Tafi dec!ra In a
P,h hefer the He. reati oi cini?ri... After the
tiWtur I gh n th th h--'t! an) the rem.
tr, tb point of ii.'ri-t r fhii'.d, tti -'u'P"
ll it la be iipcli t"i ci hi ! h ha
Hu itif1u.iicd by th rt ir detoUttng oplnn-r
of hit bro!hi iii-U, lia-tilm t.atland, " . h
riitn ef mii.t'.e wt in it n. i p mittt c.uth.
True enough, thera I a..t nwch ali.!iii) of vn
gid (.hittli. in the at'M mU l..t. There
piill eotiiinueiia tii r.:lv tn-b-ral
hr. m. it a l'H if l t' a ' ptl.(cit a of h
iatii ,t i f th grt Wtitir h en,
dil .ii t fmia t It "ft that !h tpait, vf !'
gad i l r.catioa k l tn ttt . J
.. I.
Th i-hu td t i."i' '' i' ''
ffj th hI f b' M 1ft
A, t --"lh tJ ' t n' l tt i -.rt
Tk fkit4-ja t ri ma .! l c l.'tmt
fTtt ', n i't tntouei f !! t'lmi
Utin IVt ephy f-l i w' It
rr. -n ffl .i! k i '! I ,l
Material for thu confederation of the foreign
debt funding commission i found in the conclusion
of a New York banker, Harvey K, Fink, that
France' wealth today i equal to that before the
war, Tho extraordinary thrift of the I'rench peo
ple, he declare, ha enabled them to pay HO pur
cent of the war cost out of their own pocket, and
emerge a well oft a when they entered the
He find that 75 per cent of all Frenchmen own
their own home, and that there are IS.OnO.OOO tav
iiiKi account in Fiench bankR--aii average of two ac
count to inch family. The national wealth he e
timate above 3')') billion franc?.
That from a financial atudcnl fit in very well i
with the opinion of the congrcfMonal delegation
that recently returned from Kurope.
"Tho United .State would not be justified in re
liruuhing one iota of the indebtedne of Franco,"
Senator Ladd exprcsxe it. "To rornent to can
cellation of any part cf thai, indebtednen would im
ply encourage I rain e, for inatanee, to continue to
maintain an irnmcnxit Htanding amy which now an
pioximati 7"i,000 men or more, let Franco go to
work with the rnme degree of carnentne that fler
many i allowing. Trance ha not yet gone to work.
She ha ghowa no diapOKition to reduce her army or
pay her debt. She i playing polities. She i in the
midit- of a dangerou game which I bound to react
unfavfirably upon her, aooner or later."
Thn enal)f referred to the encouragem tit
given the Turk in their litrugwlu to return to
Kumpp. There con be hnrdly a d itibt that if the
I-rorich government were induced to practice the
name economy na it people that these venture
would reiike and payment of American rhligatlnn
wnn!d bf'trin.
Another tr clu..ter h been reported, a little
further back in "pace than any heretofore deajt
with. I' distance from tiinaha, or wherever you
happen to be ntandir.g, it . t down na '.',! 00,0011, n(nV
tiOO.OnO.OOO milet. Tan you pronouni-g that? It
it almot i ay t saying "am hita," or "forty
pinochle," and mean about a mu 'h to th unln
pitted, J'it ay "To billion one hunilred million
htllton milt." and you will bate onttyd th idea.
How .an man b niftf 1 wit tM thought thai
I .t fa hft'find ht comprehen.ont Thorn (i
t,'iincy, leteniy ago, Inspired by l.rd K''
pit t'lc.p, wrote of h "tid called up frvini
dream a mm into the te.iihul of heaven, and
aid, Com thuii hither and the gimy of my
hoU!" h"t(prd of fih, h it framing bit hear,
th man wm g'.vn lM" rat of an at1!, god with
h m 11 thi.ugli ""! i ' .laiVurM," aio)
me of light." worbi ftf worl t, itm
t'ta tvtiim, unl.!:
,.ll " t I'.' .'! I" ' to- lit tt
ii,fMi, ,U r', t ''. ttV t !ll evr at.rml
i i. a i it iv ft ? t'' .
t, ..s,, i t.,1 i '.i 0- n I ,ii. . ;. kagnt
.,t i w.i . i I. - it . ,
.,-. 41 l. I'- ' 'I - I tt l t
l al t It .-.. I. t ' I
1(... If t.. I,'. I tt " I .'! f !
t t III. ,'! I t ' ''I'.' " '
Ii , , I4i , tl '! ' ' '
, . . g t l t ' ' ' ' l" ' '.
t't i ( m i, i A-.i ti l
:.,. eg 'i it ' tt i't t
v.. t t 1 "'t '
t' M'l 4 I t It t t "'
' .' . '! . 41.!
t 4' t "
I I ?, O, , I IO frl Ul ' t
t or Frea ItrWga,
I r. in ih T o .f-Tln,a.
Th uniaha Autnrnobll club ha
cine, our for f'" t rioao a1 roa Ihq
i. "ii'l i it i r.
Kvny irnteler who ha had to pay
fur Urn privilege of croaaug mat
Priitgc win aplnaud tha euMid of the
Ulna In club.
1 1m toll con iaj from th pi-ople
who huvu lo tr'ioa thl tirldge run
in.o tin thouaaiiit of doliara anil It
Paa Ik en f gur. Ih pul.llu haa tld
fur ll," hrclu aeveral Ulnoa. Wimn.
aver ilia uUvotlon of liuildlng a frw
l.r.ilgx ucroKM 'lie Win.. on cirnt up
for it-ei.on at n elxeiion the com nAi,,ng Diu I.ii.Jm'I g"'ii huay
uii-l pul.lirhe a bit of iiropaganila
aloU( (lie cat of a iiew l.rl(l.. and
Hi, rlriil'l tkiouy, r vot agalntt tit
, toll hii't- thf) rtaya In tlila
.limi of tin, cuiitry la a rurlnaity
i aiel f ti.i ot'i al t'lonliii nhoiiM lo
I alallal.e.) If th" company will laut
I liefnill in puldlc to nan (ha hrkJge
ii.. 'i a on aliouM M eonalrui;lil
' or Hie ieeiit liiioge houahl from the
! i ompiiny and a l glvim to tha
I jihii o (he ilH fur Can paa ovtr
Jir' now lli iP'ct railway vMn
lny i wl'letilng thn hrlilgn ao more
Hit anil poiile can tm na ornrno!ftt
n.Ki.trii.r wlih th trt care Thla
l in time for Hie pix.pla lo Inalat on
aoine ori of contract ao the hrMa;.
Will I fn
'Ih Krtolt of III ( larenrea.
frin ibn t, 1,'itit f'ial-tiaiiat'h.
Tim linen' e l.tvn rualil to arm
over lh piofnna, Ion of Ihelr honor'
ahln r. inn In van'tevlllii ami funny
Hl.eii. llMcruilIng of an liiiei national
ori!Miii.i,.in atarni'l hy Cirnco
Mu oy m ( levilanil bar, apreftit Uj
tiifiir ete,i. It la ri-ponaJ that tha will ho Joined hy th
AlK'-mon. 'erclval an4 Mewallyng,
wlih a loaainiuiy of P njueMiiinK to
tlii Maioiu, (im i'ef l'ia, the Carrol
Ileryl arot Vivian
Tli of iheaa namafi, which
hav fallen aliko on thw ,lut and the
urijuur, the fiuallo anil the burly, rhe
loliaiwo ehewwi and tho pcrfumo
prayer, have lor,; hem enuil4 to
reinliatory vloirieaj of on nort Or
anolher, l.n. (Ii.-y ruijut a'irnll, that
aald naniea, Uiacbd from Ihelr
tfiirera, trn not neceaaarlly Inapirlng
io in neroin imaginanon, The faa.ien.
log; of I Lean lat,ela on i woflale,), man.
ly rnn I hur u itliitony that theair
men rw-Kan lltui (lie reat of ua, in Ire
fancy, lait that, foml mamma vory
paMonnhly fnlle'l to reellxn tht. thlr
aon Wdtil.i one day glow to tire
alaturo of riiaiihoiaj,
Xueh I the can., and the Clarenca
nnn Algernon may mako of it what
they tlee. That there la nothing
in a riainn we may all admit nolle
in;, that I, but the name ii!f,
Ti-.-ti hlng I'ertonalliy,
fri.m the ,',u t'liy Jo'irnul. '
H.uderilit at .Vorthwralern unlvur
l.y, Kvunaioii, Jll are now enrolled
wuh a mow (lefiniti! plan ut educa
tion lanfori them than formorly waa
provided. They am to I Instructed
In aornellung hi-lde languag.-a,
ronthenaile, chemiairy, hliory and
o.h',-r thinga found In toxihook. Tney
r to ho taught peronalliy, er;ord
log ro an announcement rnude hy
I'riHl'lent Waller tMi Hclt, wno ha
l-eeii eonvinv'-d that the added rout
would pi-ov advantageou to North
wenei n a udcrit Unly,
An expert In ihla lln hu rx-en em.
ployed hy th unlveinliy to Imparl to
the ciud.'-m a working knowledge of
what p'Twmalliy mean, and of how
Ii may ri developed to advaniage.
j o couraaj meima exactly what It
auya, loo, and Diet la the mudeiiia will
he laught varlou thing atKiut them
")ve in a pronal aenae, alway
with lh vlw thai they may rat Im
proved Jiidividually, made more fit for
roniart with the world. I'rldent
Mem fa announcement, in explaining
i he work, to be underiakan hy U. JB,
toiklnn, formerly of I'hllaielphla,;
"Northw-atern I the flrat unlveralty
to loa.all peraonal aerv.oo in tho
l.romleaat. aena. Mr, Ilopklna will
i-eelvi; eiiimate fiom tho faculty
roen,l,era nn the peraonallty of the
rnii atudenla with whom ihey come
In contact. Id' may have to ahow aome
that ihey make a iior p raonal aerv
Ice. Miivin- tliey are can le In iholr
'r'a, iinildy, alovenly; porhap th'lr
mmrera are too rough, AH thl Mr.
Kojiluna will attempt to iron out.
lie' in (tlve NorlhwoHtern a'udentg
'perannali.y phi.' "
Hkefi a might get the ld-a ut on.
f oil N'orthwealern haa Hdop ed a plan
under which mollycoddle are to he
o. v. lojn ,i and tinned out, hut, 1 Mr.
Ilnnkina la art exiert In rwraoriallty
woik, he. uin ho dopended upon to
get at imiMi nxtrema. Hiimly hi would
gl" ij.jlto an much atteiitlim to r
modeling the foi, tho "'-akn enter."
the "lour. de ll.iii.i." Uin "hu flair,"
v., aa to that ottur typu which dla
datiia the ntectia of diva and man
ner". What Mr llopkina will atrlvo
lo aceomt'llxh. If he juatifn-a the. con
fid -nca of tha Nor hweatorn author!
tie, will la) tha detiiipnint of young
men wlih aufflclem ,,,fe m their par
aonal appearance In their manm-re.
and In g.-riaal diK)rtmnt aa
will raw. inc. end tinni aa ehrd
not not ridii'iilotia. Th rat type of
man a hi who give tba pro).
atuoiiiir of atl. ntlon to hla dreaa and
then ihlnka of aoinathlng elw); hi,
If hfc imial eeqiih-A a POlloh, acquire
. and then eeka to attain oirr
wm'l.y ihlnga m life; who r'iiile
h.'t ' o haa and marnera do r.oi uiaka
tl.e nun, hut thai thy help a lor;
who trie, to do Ih rlht thing la
ih r-fcht p'ne, eOhr In the huainea
f i- ih,, an, ml world, and who d'a It
etiMiy Htol it .ir.ilij Men of mat
r ara m ernng. r,tarialnlng ar.d
a'ira.i . a a rul iny tt n
mom iiio 'i) lha do i.'h-r I i.
.ii oly may l a InautrVt l,la wre
in "i.Mik k ' and r."t mails ay
! f.-r iii i f th real tk ,,f
N ,i . , .i.i ,, rtairo in hava dun
n... Ii In iniiodvn it. a tn t,i.. (,: if
r i "oio.i iv o-i,t, tita p., 1 1,
. ii,,u n, ..,.(, wir ft at In r.U
! Kllr if l,. tlfn.,1 kltlM,,
f ji I . ih. . t ,1 1 I h . : a- t:, r ; l I, i
Afttn mentioning tliat hat notfeov
eirmr iiwarUt withdrawn hi nam
a a proeldrnruil candidate In Nv
hraaka th Pryana would hava put
up a caii.ll.lHle of t hair own, Hilator
lliti hcak, in hi l.ewapaper April 2,
Mo, aayai
"Jt waa ftg'ired that with Menator
Hitchcock and tJovt-rnur lilwardw
hoth In the Held tli" Hryana would
hav interel a canih liitu of their
own with a fair chance of winning.
That chance vanlhd when Mrnalor
llltchfak wa loft uriopiioeml hy
Ivlward. and o th Hiymi hroth.-rg
are r.ow urglna derna-ri to make
a J"k of the pna.dentiul (irlntary
aval ni hy voting fr lt..a, th
Lexington (Neb.) freak who make
a practice, every fourth year, of
PlhiK both a repuhll. n nd
demiNTild candlilat for prellnt.
"The dla'dosur ha1 a flood of
light on th political method, on
th candor, alrieerliy and courage
of the drotheig Hryan.
"Heiiitiae thy were afrabl they
would loan, they refuae to aulimlt
their ciiiidlilati! and their cuuae to
the d.-niocruta of Ndiaaku for a
fair dwlaliii hy maauiiy vote.
"Ili-cauav they f.ared the primary
would go agalnrt them they re
pudiated tho primary
"Thy d. niund row that W. .1.
Ilryan t oent aa u dalegat to th
nnilonel convention to aupport a
candlipii h hu feared lo name to
Nhraka d"mocrat nd the can
didal'! p-rhi hlmaelf.
"Mr. Hryn rafiiae to 'trust thn
people,' unleaa he can I eur, In
advance, of th Ir verdict. If he
rhlnk It will r aKalnl. him ha -fit
tha peopl and eta hlrrmelf up
a an lireponlble lioa."
Now, two years lattr, hfter
a political fcllinnre had been
arranged by which Bryan and
Hitchcock hoped to fool the
voters, Hitchcock auys in hi
"Mr. Bryan, candi
dal for governor will ap
peal with peculiar force to
the independent voters,
who are rapidly growing
in number. He f iehtg more
for principle than for
party when he believed it
hi hand egaingt his own
party when he believes it
to be wrong."
Whn was Hitchcock s!n
cert' when he was de
nouncing Ilryan, or when ho
praist-d him? Which of thce
contradictory opinion U
The People's
Editorial I ram raaaWt al Tha Morning
Bf. Rttra al Tha Murnlng Ba
ara lavtlag ta ota Ikit talumn Iraalr
far uriiHla an maltart vf puklk
of whltti the efflidunt, conacluntloti
teacher i capable". Kducalprn, In
deed, roema much mora tnun readln'
and wrntii' and rllhmette. Thl ( a
practical world, It la admitted, but at
tha alun time l he little courlealea
(f human aaaoclatlori, tli dealra to
atpear to tlie tat alvaniage and the
(luterrnlnatlon to climb upward Inalnad
.f NlUlIng tiackward ruake life a hap
plnr, fuller, more aatiafuouu-y ex
intanco for 6Vrylody.
fut rederal "J'ork" in trtorage,
rr'.ni ' 'I'
J'r.ldent Harding haa determined
to flgl.t to the Urn it any attempt In
tha next ..aaion of congierM to put
throiiait bill oroviding for late ex
Piidliure of money. Particularly, It Hunday achool, an a man who got
I understood, he will opae "pork hi weahh honorably, and a an ex.
barrel" appropriation, Including thai ample for tho younger generation to
financing of aomo 1 00,0(10, 000 worth follow, more than any other man In
of public building, propoaed by Hep- j America. Ilut when hla eaiftto wa
raeeritailve l.angli y of Kentucky, i aellled It wa dlaoverel that he had
ohairrnan of the public building com defrauded hla government, ataio,
niltttii, county and city out of taxi-a amount-
Thl crii Ihe part of wisdom. jfln to hundred of thousand of dob
intelligently extendod, u':h a policy hira; and hi helm settled ll hy paying
A Hwan Hong.
Omaha. To the Kdltor of Th
Omaha ilea: Jf rlena.or liltchca-k
can forget to give In all, or part of
hi peraoiinl property for taxation,
there I no raon why o.her cannot
do the same, and that I why there
era o many In thl city that cannot
pay their tax, Hitchcock, and many
other, who fall to give in all their
property, haa compelled our officer
to put heavier burden upon the
humble home owner;.; aid now, a
In every o.her lx year, hi swan
ong can h heard nil over th aula,
pleading for vote.
The late Marshall FM In (lay
gone hy, wa h'-lu up In-fur moie
can be made not only to prevent
further overloading of taxpayer in
the next year but to promote in a
urnnll way the task of providing a
reservoir of Jobs to help atablllso labor
and prosperity In cmergenc'le.
There 1 no doubt but that tho gov
ernment could usu IOO,Ooo,Oiar worth
of new f.j.larai buildings, Chicago,
for Inalaniw, haa urgent need of un
adequate new poxtofflce and federal
court building. Our lack of accom
modation of theao acMvltle now I
slowing up hualncaa and coating mi
huge um. Ilut it !a alao true that
prlvatD building operation now are
forcing up building coat to alnioal
prohibitive price, Th.-y aro upply
ing Jobs at xtremely hifch wage for
al) building tradesmen who apply. J.
mand la also keeping up price of
material That ail nation will not
alway obtain. In the course, of a
year, or perhapa a ll'tlo longer, w
may txpect. some reaction. At leant
omc men will be out of work. Wage
muat fall because of lack of demand,
at least to the recognized scale.
When auch a situation develop
there will be opportunity for the fed
eral government ro build. I?y build
ing at auch a tlmo it ran construct
its building far more cheaply and'
at the anme rime relieve unemploy
ment and hrl;) to srnblllae. industry.
Wa have no doubt that sucb a reser
voir of job would work out to the
advantag of all concerned. With
such an Illustration of its advantage
It might then I extended to all
itphllc worka. and to eome etent to
large prlvn'e work.
ff the president' propoaed ban
upon "pork" could thu lie unla-
mented it might he expected to mark
a nuw era of stability end content
ment in thl country.
A Book oj Today
a little leas than a million dollars.
The cliUen ut Imuglas county, and
the city of Omaha, have nn opportun
ity to alia:t on November 7 ft hoard of
cotnuy coinmiaii.onerM who are
pledged to clean out tho courihouso,
and bring the delinquent tax dodger
lo time, which Includes the senator.
The vole cast for the threo cornrnlB
sloners on the progressive parly
ticket, will Indicate whether there are
more holiest citizen of this city and
county than there ure tax dodger.
A great demand haa gone out for a
S'ltiaro deal, and we. can tell by
November 7 whether the people want
It or not. K. J. MOKKOW.
Th f otioly Attorney Contest.
Omaha. To tho Kdltor of The
Omaha He?! "flirt years' experience In
th county attorney's nltlce, from
Mt-mi." This Is the statement of
misrepresentation that appears on
nan of Lloyd Maguey' cards, now
candidate for county attorney. In
1613 Lloyd Magney's father wa coun
ty attorney. At that time Lloyd wa
a mere boy, only ii iir of ag-.
Lloyd used to stay around the coun
ty attorney' office, use the stationery
and ofllce space there, at the e.xpeiie.
of the taxpayers of Douglas county,
Lloyd wa never olllc'ftlly connected
with the riffles, never was a d puty.
Mow at the age of 32 he phv to
the office of county nrtorney and; I
misrepresenting to tho vol-ia that he
bun had " Ix y not' experience." I
uppo Lloyd means "alx years' ex
perience In taking money from the
taxpayer when l.e had no business
to do ao. I am primarily Interested
In the men who s-k rhe oftlco and
not his political ainilatlons, and I
think thnt there are many democrats
"AC'lluFS THK Mf.flA," hy Jarvia llnli.
Th Pfnn PuMtnlilt.g C"., Phllaiiltihta.
It I evident that Mr. Hall has b. eri
around a bit In the land beyond the
Kin tii-ande, where "ma nana" I u
favorite collouulallsr and where
adobe hotiaes, cactus and mesn'ilte are
part of the scenic fleet. Inci.l iilal
to th" atory In chief ore Interesting
rnfwnriots to Villa, Cairanza, Oli-e.
gon nd olher Mexican notables. Tha
author has a cheerful manlier of i m
belllshlng the action with whlmhical).
(tea and flaah.- of humor. Then- la
plenty of action, th kind one me t
up with down In fconma and ChJhon
hu nd other northern star of
Polly P'reet, hMding ladv of rhe
story, 1vh her happy home In Chi
cago to visit her n wly wed hroiher,
Kohert, who ) superintendent f a
coal mine at Athene, Mexico. Her
trfill at hortsmanahlfi, swlmrilrg and
golf prepared nr for tr, advi-mur-a
which ah ncunterfd In th
trouhlou reglona whet romance and
thrills were waiting for her fh
mela Msrc Hc.'tt, a'.htM aupei-in
lnd-nt of the mine, and dm id a that
he wa th nun d.w'iii), m- f,iia,
had a-d-clM to t -r her huai-in I. Il.-ury
liar I. i tiicf tt.g.u -, ! d.Ai.Ua t )
raeo'inc hit sintla t li.1nea and
lh.-r la a .1. unit: wtttin l;.Toui g
ihrooth th p' oy la J cn I ndue.,
fner.d of Vim, nl wh.t ni a
e.dvu-e ar !;, in Innr ! log uuita
p.l'.l- on ir tha rapid p, mwt'.on
aifl i.iiiii ly '.(ua .M-IT.II
ni'luaiv 1 1, rf Th atory h
' l.g " nvutv.tig a twn.l .f
V..,ul In, I, Mi,. . . a -u .. a of
I a tiu. ll is a In rv ; . full , f
in ; m i,', I it flU.
STRENGTH Nrurty ntn
ntj ont-hrtlf n.ijlioha m
Afftat And uur huntrd
Ihnuanrii. In rtirvt (m.ti
r th tUlt ff th Hi -hrei?
yrf' rvirj of the
0cirintt IIMic. A I "hi
SAFETY t Amen k.i
llti u ta fh f ftfnuiirJ
Targit n him -.urt
((iltttal n (
mt(ii. f.mii l"r hy
th Hnkinj h'rl
iM rrf'il fone,g(.M.ut.
tfonirnl f' t('n
r.K4 fitirtt kr iit
M RVH't - CVidMJ i
v4iiMfc bv it" r
i tr . A t'i th 1
t th IBVfj,l,tf
jitJiU'S Vfi f Jantsfti,
i'U-, ' t't H i O I ' r.
m unite (fun
I.I 0 ! II HIM i e..
' ll
fa arm Mat a, iu, ,i
I'ailv Tid'.i.t
,s'.P.Uv ,, .tl,-jn.
K iRIVrt. t... Ma,
It Ml H I. RtMHl, ( u Mi.
. aat tW-.st4 -
! fala
t . -.. .
t i o a a, i t.
- l I ' I ' I . t,
ii. ..4 .,.! I:. a. i ,f.
. . . fc. - . .
' - ' ',.
M. , . , .',' . iti
I - . 4 '
, I .) (
o. Mil,., M
Money to Loan on
Omaha Real Estate
Prear nt Interest Rate
Chargtf !
sva rifc' sw s
. i
Ted sreuwd norvt.? xov
MAS A raAaiatEP'sVG
wruisj UA.
" (All
III fl 1 Tli
Who feel tho m nlmlil t. Aside deceived. If h will misrepresent to
from the fae! that Henry Heal, re- g, t Ihe office, what will he do when he
publican raudidato for county nttor- get In7 Will he stand for "law eit
my, I thu latter man, and lor Mat forcenient" a hi pretended platform
reason both derma raid and tepuh- (IhcIbh-s, or la that unolher plo e of
lieuiia ought tn vol ' e h'.-. 1 e " j iiilsrepresciitntlon?
see how any vcter wilt stand for being ' lNTKItKhTKrj VTIT
Jid tley lived
liappily M after
Mr. Fred Williams rose at 7.15.
He was decidedly out of sorts and
he didn't care who knew it. Mrs.
Williams and the cat took refuge
in the kitchen.
Fred cut himself shaving there
was no hot water for his bath the
soap slipped out of his hand, as soap
will do doggone it, the whole day
seemed to be starting wrong.
Then suddenly he stopped and
took a long, soul-satisfying breath.
Mrs. Williams was making Coffee.
The aroma of it the mellow fra
grance of it the irresistible appeal
of it came floating in to Fred with
its glad "good morning." It was
like the handclasp of some old and
trusted friend.
From that instant all was well in
the Williams household. "Feeling
fit as a king," said Fred as he kissed
his wife good-bye. "I tell you,
there's nothing like a good cup of
Coffee to chcr one up in .the morn
Mrs. William, being a clever little
.vom an, smiled happily and nu lf a
note on her daily calendar.
fit? univemtJ drink
f l e-
, ,1 j, ,ri -rf tf - J
aaa I a-w 4 f ' M t
si.rit aa r-
fsMH, M J. r-
Savins 6 loan association
r ft a r n q y
kri( final i t k m i' t ' '
j.'f..imi ! If '''
bDliri ' "
l X- .1 1 It 01 .
. I 1 1 I'd I .
S t Tt
r'as stt t'tati ! I 't ej 4 $ a
g 'I