THE OMAHA HER; WEDNKSPAY, OCTOBFXv 1. 1022. Danker Tells of Wilson Regime's Deflation Order Mutual Blame in All Accidents, His Theory Condition of Ranges Better Than Pastures livoiix k -MinlH, t'nltail Hiairrf. ln- ' lh nthrr raime rnunlli-a hriaut thn imiiinnit nf Acrli-ulliiri. at iH-nver, puatuia wm iioorrr. 7 hla report covrra IT wratrrn ataltaj Hay an. I foraga nmn In lha raim ami ahnwa that in Nvhraaka, tha avi-r-j I'outiilra outaula nf Ilia aanilhlll la Couple Stripped of jjfliy a valnrl at ailahily moral Tlllnf lhir thllio l ll H ' tlmn Ijuu, iitlur ni'. Hi lial!i 111 tu a rai Jewelry by Bandits!. Mr. ami Mia. y".inn.if hail ln nanrhy an'l ilfin off. iinwnlottii ami wr walkliiir hoina I ait of til tha oprti tana a Iwiim rmlmr poor, Hi rrport laia, ami from Hi lifinia I'ark amna. l.n Thr ar to rlmii ni-- hyilroga HiiJ rarhon known to l th l roln IHiniiil of nan thui 7'") ioiii4,iiil -itnlnly i j -1 na fnrla mw-I "I Vnla. t.iiicnlii, M. 17. Tha rofi. Ill Ion of 7 p r rnl nf normal, wlnla paalurw fornii rropa In lunat nf th aonlhwul Mr a.,,1 Mr.. Knrnmn, i.'. ta",," ""M"? "'' i "oiii Ha anil iinlrl thni In alop. a..ilvar.l, wr hM lip Mon.lay night -rhtY ,r, H nn.htM, f,m M rr. hy-two Immllta ami M-hM of )vrty nwn'a nwk an-l aiiippnl hf ami a am.ill anin of Inoiirv. Throf lii .limin.ii.t rifiyi. ruiiKi a pioprr In .NVlnaka ia inui h Ik iir thuii ttia p'tiri-, ai ronlliig tii walrru IIVi-atiM k ami rang n-port jnt imiril hy th illvtuion of crop ami ami raiia logaihar vrag-i , ; rn rounin-a i-r ilamaneil by ilruuth, Nhraak ealil era rpnr!il lo l Th riinii i-oiuitrv, aa Khola, ha In vciy fin romlitlon In tha aamlhlll 1 fiioiiuli fH-1 for th ftin'rr. anoril ara. hut not In rimhI comlitlon In lig to th i-ioit. 3a (i x J ; !) (iiiiuiiiiiiimii!!i!iii ihiimi laiuii a inaniiiiiim,, iinniiiiii.iiiMii ii i ii ii ijimimiiiiiMi.! Miiiii iianii im iiii iiiiiiini a;i umi ii it u in mi muim in m, i mfi7 k"1 I'll' 4 Sty". 1 ' Dcrlarri After Dtbalc Willi Democratic Srnatir That Film Will Show Copir i of Command. Unrnln, Oct. 17 (Kifrlal V-F-na-fur llllchrM k'g Umpt tu unliiail fin Ma irpiililii'un iiilnilniatriitltin riiii ailtillty f,r (1raall: 1 flutlon, Inn t fool ink" Nlrnk h-mUi-i-a A U d ik . II dirm-ll, r I'll ii I lit Id Flint NmUkiiiiI liik of Valentin, llnf)ii'!il to ii f n h tli wiiiitur. Mr. Ci. rin II tiwk aom ii-I'dnna In lint iraii' of Kurt liii'l dm, tha vnatiir rl;iry, anil at tit liiiifl wh Klvi'ii ii ai-ut at th llidli ( in k I ihln Hlirrx Ii iiumliiiiia-il tint in runny nt wiiiih nt f hat tain riii-n'a nuiil". iiin ot Ida remark nf th nien film hunker rimlNlrieil In a letter to Jmlf" K. II .1'etty, reiulllriin atat i Iiiii iniiii. throw hiIiIIIiiii;iI J Ik lit on the, ili fhiilnii rtuilirif liy tha iIi-hhm rata, Tim litter It nrt f'lllima: llniinlon Ordered lli-ftnt Ion. "Tlm tiiitor rliilma Hint deflation la iin to a r audition dy tlm i iiil,llriiif convention fi nft Hi r-j rnuika i f I'll ii lit Hauling In hla letter nt Mei-iiliin(-. I any Hint i.-fii- j tlmi wa ilye. wholly lo nn wilerj wlili Ii iiilMiimtfil mHIi Kirri'iiiiy ll'iim J lull anon after li ail' -n-eiled Heiietury j t;in. 1 loimloii nni-r-'l n eallltiK nf loiuia, kivIiik .m liia n-iiaona Unit the luaua nf i iiiriM y wiia very near the limit allowed iiihIit Him in t r'UlrliiK A 4o ier nut k'iI'I ri'ii-rvi', limieiid nf Mdvlalnif Dm liinka lo griidiiiilly le dum their Iohih, ha ili-iiiumled an Im Inadliit fnlllnic "f them, Tlila hriniKht im Him unprwa'I'-iilcil full In vnltjf lit all cnminnili'lea, "That a tiinnllia In-fur Wiirren l. llnrillnK wan elerled prralili-nt, Al IIioiikIi on orderly deflation alionld liava lorn (nanunited, tlm kl' I Mr. llonct'in Kiim im wiia lint Hint cnii .iiiilrtl"i ly the. trpul'llrHti. If il Ik im It lluilci-a. "I tolil Mr. Illli li' iii k (lint If Ii'- I li-mly In iiilmlt thui tlm iIi iiuh iiilli: i-ni lil Inn- iiiliiiiiilMli'itloii m I' ll on lli ii-it'ilijtioii nf Hi'' ikiiIiiiiiiI ri'piililli hii i-oiivi'Mlloii, I uoiilil i on-'cilM Hint ho hhn rlKhl. Ili ti-K-il In k"I ikioiiml It liy aiiylnic thui fliin-riinr JliinJIiiK of thi! fMli-ml ifMi-rvt Imiiril tiiini-'l ri-iml'llruii. I li-inliiili"! him Uit (iovornor lliinlitiK mum lint tlm whnlo IiohiiI, hut Hint It look th nrtioii of thi" fiitlru Iio.-inl, rmifloil by fTfanli-nt Wllaon'a ai-irc-Inr, of IIih treaaury, ll iIoiIli-i! Hint hy hiiMiik tlmt IhH coiiiilry iinlli.-ipntcil bwiiii IiIh niin lilin- iiithkb th" Mlr.ft thn rlLi-tlfin of llnrilinif mid Hint tholi" H Htt'llH'l to hl" k tin- oiiioinliiK Anhiir Wllliuma. prlili-iit of1 Hiifily liiatllutK, .iya; " I mil vkIuhIm iirr ipoiiililn for ii"'iliiii. i;inh limn la hla own ninl hi Inolhi-r'a ki-i pi-r. lli-ioniiiliilii y fur iimim- an ) ouita in mill mi I Willi ill in r n-l I i-il nil inn. Hiifi ly ilni illon la JiihI iii-i !! i im nny oihi-r i-ilin atlon. Thin- I no liil'imn. iinli- It Kifl 1 i i iilfn iit- of ili-iiih from o!il iiio. i U.S. Martial Hit livHrirk Froiii(!ar Offiri-tl at nri,i Altai kcil Aftt r (iam.' tif "Iliilf I aii'l Srck." 2. ! Il.mloik, Ni-li., ml. I "i - n-nily ! I iillnl Ktnt'-a M.iiHhiil Ii. N. Miaou,! ftiitiiiui -I it llnvilo'k, w,-ia knoi-k-il ' uoioiiHrloU" hint iilt'lit hy ii Inl'k ' hiirliil fn-in mi iiijloinolillo Ik-Ihk ill I v i ll HiioiikIi tin- ltiiMl;in ncttli-. Till- lltllirk WllK tin- illllnllllllloil of ;in Imiir'a "hlili- pml m k jimin'" In vUilrh Hi" ollli-ir uiik ".'' Aii'onJIfiK to ,ilon. IiIh ulti-iilinii wna i t rjf (-! iilwiiit :3i hy uu iiuto-liiohlli- heliiK ilrlvi-n ulaiiil tin- hIii'iIh iiml from wlilih powirfiil poflgHl j in hi-itiir flioilii-'l on tlm liiilliiKlon I alinpa. Hi- k-iii' i-hiiKi- In hla nil'. Tin- rnrx in' t on T i nly font th 1 alri'i-t In lln- Ituaaluu iimirli-r, Mlcou iPMulullmi and auhai'MUMiit ri'frin: to It hroiiKht tn Ihn rnpld il'-fliitlon. "The fllc-a of any iiiitlouiil hunk will fiirnlalt InWreatlnK ramllriK "nil cum piilKn, muti'i I'nrtlciilnrly the lrt lra ami iinlorx from lh rnlnptrnller, th" acrriiiry nf Hi ti'-imury anil Ihn fiiloriil ri'ai-rva IiohiiI. TIh- xlv lh dcli-a kIiowIiib when w wi-r onloiPil lo ri-ilure our iliN'.-mmla anil wi th tolil thnt wf woiilil ha di'iilifl RccommoilH tlon lit thn fi-ilcnil ri"urv hunk. In H'dko ln vm I''V wi'i KlvInK onli'ra, iiulte liff'i"tit from tlm tenor of their lttra now." Eastern Cattle Buyer Says Prices High Here , V. T. finnilh of H.ilt'imli", M'l , ' wiih ;i via, lor t th alnrky.inla y-a- j ti-nlny looklnir ovi-r l"i''il m.'ifk' t run- I lUintiK, on runic to olhf'r wi-Hti in live- aiirrk inn j U I n. I .Mi, (irllllili, who ii'pn'mntH a mim- j ln-r of Hi-!-l"( l( fi '-'lcra In Ilia own I al.iU-, Miiil Hint Hip price for f'tili-r 1 rot Hi in lln- '"t pr it llllli" IiIkIhT th;iii thi- -' iMoiiK In- i-ppri-Hi-nl' il wit villiii't to tin, hut thnt h- h;ol In th pi, -I IW'l '-' VH hlllppi-'l 1" IoiuIh of I fi ,.! to tin- o.-i-.t ii nil hrul or'h r for s-M nil incut- loioln, Ar.i.nliii(t to Mr. fit IfTlth, 'Iry 1 ,iiln r hut. i!i l-i.wil fall ap'ilinu by 1 1 i in- is of l In- ' H"'. i We ixi-'i t to fowl aa ninny fiittlo I ih: . iv hi litt." ho hii lil. "Our urn In i-ioiii Inv I" -n fion.l, In aoni ape llont (. r.-rn hi-lnu huvlr than lii!t i y. ir. Wi- v;int Ik'ht rnttl, whii-h ', will hr i nn thvouch th wint'-r on j ivunh fci'il. pHiturnl tp nmmr. ii n aofl corn nrxt f ill iiillu. An Hip "pi'inul tmichlni! turin-'l almrply to tin- rixht hihI piiaai-d, tho Miolllitht Him flanhi-'l upon Hip clop ;uty unci n hric-k hurlp'l throiiKh the i wimlhlplil of Ihn ollli i r'a car, MIkoii iiill'K''H. lie hum k nol le. I uui-onacloiiN hy th hrii k, which Mruok on th" iii;hl nlilp of hla hi.'i'l, an-1 alio una liully cut on the hoiiil hy flying Klaaa from Hip phattpnil wlu'luhlild. When he ri'ciivpi conMclounni Ih at tnk'ia hail illH.ippf iri-il, .Minim anya hv atmpi'iia Ktrlklmr flioptni-n, who, he cl.iiiiiH, hold 111 fp' limf toward him liicaiiHp of hla lie llvlty In Piforclnn Hip Injunction iM.'dlnxt th nillroad mn. Th xh'-r-ilia and I'llltPd Htntoa mniHhal'ii of-fu-prt urn InvpftlKatlni,' the nliack. Ndnin la the only deputy atalloiii'd in Hiivplock, i Misfouri Pacific At-kd Swilrliirifi C.hnrpe Uooht Lincoln, Oct. 17. (Hpc'liil Th Miiini iiiulla & Oninhii and the Mm Moiirl 1'iiclflc rnllioinlM altiKPil a atnall halt!" today If fi I (In- Male railway minmlHHnn. Tho lait'-r road ilcnin-a ; In i4i-t IS a car iiiHtiad or for U illvi clock i ililinn nt haiiillod hy It for jlh" foinn-r load, and aNo warla the : awltchim; rail1 on (train Inci i-nad from 7 to Js.S'i a car. Tin- M. O. It Hip only road enter i Ins Oin.'ilia that doea not have direct ( coiim ciioii with ttip atockynrda cm- inny, ntid t no aiiaioiiri I'aciric naa hen handling Hip cni'a fur It on a .If tint awltchlntr rntp. It conipliilna that thla npceaaltatea k'HpInu a lot of rroorda that ar oxpcnHlv and tin-nocPHHiiry. ur.d, fed uniln In . . I finii-hifd off with iDcfunrt racking Company Official Arraincil in Loiirt Kalla, fict. 17. -F redef Ick ISooii for N'cHiapfrmen It-iiin, o.t. 17 illy A. ! "Down Rod nut" iH'watiapiTiiH'ti who hnve bt'ii walk nit thi utieela of H'-rlln alio other ritica In ( crnuiny in lam nui.iliera In iirli of Jnha will h I flciarl.aof an aid fund of iMi.e"".. Oi a niaika tthi. li lliiuo Ktlnnea, th fiiiiiui n-r, la promotlnn. Dog Hill Paragrafs -By Gfotjte Umpham" foliunlaia AUP' wif lw( Ihmica ulwasa hppn when rompany om. to nd th day; aoin.-li.v will I re ik on of thn purlor n Winn hair. T?r ri ' if , m Mm 'A I SlolIX Hawyt-r, former officer of th defunct Midland I'aikliu ci-nipnnv of Won I'I'y, la., phnded not Kiillty when ar raluneil In federal district court her today on chnruea In oonnei tion with lhi company a fnlluie. Two other former nfflcera. Hen I. Holllnifer, Jr., and II r.iiillnmime, fnilnl In appear In court. lMairlrt Attorney H W. t'laik nn noiinced that a heaiinit will he h,, tonionow on the motion lo forfeit th IIii.immi ho nd of Hallmci-r and luiitnat id that In iiiii Ihe tu -int la finfi-it.-d a lietiih Wiirrant for hla nrreat will h ake,l. No hen rln it haa t-n i t In th in of liui liiiuinie (lulicniatoi ial Noiiiiiicf Sliip to Oinaliii Market John W lln, I. I'llhlii all I ulldlil.ttu for the i -ID i of iii t-i ni'i' i f W ii.iiiln," iiiu I a pioliiini'iit luiiiio r Kii'l Iim k nun if limit hi'iinai. ii-pi. reli-d oh Hi h'tnl liulUet l- d- id'le ili-tk o.l.! i f .li.ljl ),,!,t,V lea nioifioa n inoi i. -a in ai i-,,- fiooi tin a,io,- a-'Uiii- toi!ina t i f 3't 111 f ahrtp ti- in l;oV "t'l'l'Ht Uncle Sarn Says Hunk I of I IllhlriH In ! I i n-i ! a fj .oi ( no la II i.-l Mtl-a o rrjt "f ,.(-,. 41. ola wit la H,i ai-tal I ti it Mat Sal. t'tl I ,i,a if M t' a I r in I a l-l I I "M l- at ,n n - H' 1 1 I' - -a f i I t, i I, to 1 I - l f 1 a- a ..: a .1 ii", - a ff "-a a ., ( h.l ttaa i e .ul I, at , a a t I t it. . ,t IK at Mt -il g ' i I .a it I . -. a --at .:.! ti -t t ! U.t I. , "g hi. ii, t. .' - a ti.iita -- - r h . . 1,!, h I I ' " ' a1' -oial I a , l.,tl a a .a ' ,. I in ! a . (l Ik' H..ta a.a I I . I a i. I t. 1 at - a t lh l t , i. , ,.,,. I trf I,.. 1 ,,t I., I lh l 1. . .1111 ... - I f ... a , I. M , M . t ) !:,-! la .1 I '- ' ' - " ' " t - a-til It.. . a i, . i - t 'I- a I-- -i a ..,, ,f . ..( Il an ' . , . l-inati ait ,i tn f aa lt in t -a It . aa M .a t t I., t I ' i I III t ,.,.( a V aa- . II I . a . ;::ifiIS Handsome Winter Coats That Strike a High Note in Style and Value Bat a Happy Medium in Price KxcluMVf imported moiIi-Ik have hcvn vtivt-fuWy rcprotliii'i'd in tliPHi? po;iin, jhij a"h if-ving a tyl litiriction far in exccfH of tlir-ir jiri'e ranjrp. Jiiiftiroun iilf fabriH in that royal trio of folor favorite, hi up. Mafic nml hrown, jfivp, lli'-in warmth and uprvippalu'lify for morp than oik .soaxori of war. Grouped at 39.00 Moilclg of Arahflla, Hitrfo Valour, Bolivia and Ormandalf trimmd with Wolf, faraoiil, OpmiiiB nd Nnfria. Grouped at 55.00 Koahionwl ot J'unvpliwn, Aniln-Ila, Maryaim, Sumara and OrmandaV are wrappy ylo furrt'd with Bfavtr, Sijuir rl, Wolf, Fox and f.'aracul. Grouped at 95.00 From :h dvep, Milky pil fabrifa fl Ocrona, Fashiona, I',...,... J. J 1 ..a J I. J .1 . t ...;j..a i iiiniiaufi nun ijiiairnan urr iirvnrn:n uii! IIPHitlllill wrspa JjTi. in thin croup with frent rollars of Squirrel, hmver, Fox y and won. Main Floor W.t. 41. mi Silk and Cloth Frocks Priced at 15.00 A Friendly Little Frock for Any Emergency, You'll Find For street wear under your coat, for afternoons at home when some one may drop in a froek of this sort, happily goes its way on any and every occasion, largely be eaue the money investment is small so you don't need to feel "saving" of it. Poiret Twills, Cantons, Wool Jer seys and ('rrpe-Baek Satins are styled in the 11)22 manner basque, models, low-bloused waists and siraijzhf-line eoat dresses. Tn black, brown and navy; sizes 1G to '44. Sacond Floor Waat. i Prunella Cloth Skirts Specially Priced 7.98 Attractive Colorings in Pleated Models For knockabout wear one of these skirts is indispensable. The colorings are .serviceable, yet the bright striping keep it from seeming too sober. Pleat ed models made of fine Pru nella cloth. Remember those requiring ex tra sizes will find them in this sale as well as regular size-s all it the same price. Soeond Floor Wait, Shown for the First Time Handsome New, Dressy Hats An entire new line of attractive hats. Many trimmed with Spanish laee metal lic flowers. The gold or silver turbans so niueh in vogue for midwinter wear are shown in this lot. The newest trimmings are applied as well as a large variety of shapes. The price being so mod erate, Madam can afford more than one to wear to mateh up her different costumes. Priced at 15.00 to 23.95 loeand Floor Eat, When Knowledge Is Power Th-" Lookout in the I'ori top" is the symbol of acute shopping sense. Just an the individual shopper visit many mark-t within lur limited reach, searching ami comparing goods to find the lowest price and th' highest quality, "The Lookout in the IVretop" pop ping system searches the niarkefs of th' world, pxaiiiiiim the offorinifa llicrriri, reject tinworlliy fa-noil, n fiiHi-a uiijuatif.i d pnVi', Imt miai up d'p' inllli' mrr idiaiidiac iffercil l rijflit prica, Tlnw '"tii I.imk'Mit in Ih Fun ti'p" i thn ptiirliHaiiiK aifi-nt of every indi idunl ahnpper in Hie Ilrandi'ia Store, This a(fiii wideim ill ai-ope of effei'livenen of it i'liitoinaa' dollir. Winn atlraHive prieea are offered in distant iiinrketa, Tlie lookout in Hie Foretop liriiiK them within ey nneh, Thnt the women of Omaha and vicinity know thi to he true and are takinx advantage of it 1 evidenced hy the erowded aiidea and eoiinlern in this hi(f atore, K,peri eiiee ia a (freat teacher, and experience haa taught iheac women how lo jf't I'M) per eent efficiency out, of theij' ahoppinx dollar-a knowldie that in power. Crepy, Crinkly and Drapable are These Printed Silk Crepes 40 Inches Wide, 3.75 For hlousc and eomhination frock thee fiifiired erepea have a variety and d inline) ion over the plain hade. There arc wrtall eheeka, two-fone hloek plaid, mottled dM((ii ond Meroll pattern in charming .eoloritig. Many have dark grounds with the piintin in ft li'xht eontrattinj; ad", some in aport color. Mln Floor Cantor, Plan a Patty With These Fascinating Halloween Favors Should you chance to xauntcr through our candy wictirm today you would immediately decide to have a Halloween party. So clever are the hlaek and yellow favor and party decorations fat pumpkin, apooky wilehe and black kit tie, nil humped up at unseen goblin- you' know it hound to Im a jolly party, for it i o eay to have fun in a Halloween "ttinr, For children' partic there are eounllcH ipiaint. eoneeil. For proven ii. too. Why not atari your party plan today! Man Floor Wait. Sale of Imported Luncheon Sets and Napkins Beautiful et nice for ift piece. Sc eonisf of ne 24-inrli centerj'ii'ce, ix fi-inch doilie ai'd ix d fj JA 10 inch doilie. Per net 4U.UU Mapkin, per dozen $5.50 Linen Table Cloth Imported Irish l.iiKn eluth, 2x2 yard sires; f mid heavy damask; tf f( norcd pattern Here If Is At Brandeis, Of Course! First in in Omaha Introducing The Netherall .-M,iU The .Vrtherall U a new tfiiiuniit inr !ru li-r umnu fn,"in, indi i f kllk lli.'"l I' Willi a..I a n ill I intli ill lnaflV aliir of firah, orchid and while It wiilta lr lliau f.nir nimcc a.n ran I. a t'll'lfd In t I'i'wl fVrrv nil,t !ilr a pair i.f aiik alui-kinja-a. nt . t - i nree viunnems in une TU NVhetVI lkr ihr j.!a i f rfu Ui.dr. r, luaUirr ai.d If'r4', t'U ihr r-per a-n l-i 0, fijiirr, vet k.fpic,- It a tlAlh tiul filial: I Ilia Xi'lr'.i'l i ti-m il iii, ,il rati . I in J Jf i i-'IF -'arl .1-pa.i-lii t 4t f u a.i a I a 1 1 K f i 1 fklriin lf i fr thl .Um, f..f ti ki ito- I i find H .IthfMM Sale of 600 All Wool Styles for Boyi of All Agei Thfe big, warm ."Wentcr ni jnt I be t ik t for I r play mi eiiilh- l ln it it i t-rv w.intt d hal in taiilnl en), n, ImhIv triM' and with fuiilriiaimg -. tar ntid cuff. Belted Juvenile Styles Pullovers Cout Models With their bii foil ri.ll.irs the,, im Met are ft'n) bof tuff - ni.i.a f..r "tli dm if ut," and llirit i jatJl if j"-- ntilhiiig in. .it- a t a I rv i'f .ldi' In buv f"r it " l-t J ft ' & v t i ii .i r i IV J sill Priced 5.00 to 10.00 thrill. 5i'ai J lo 18 ara. fa.4 ..-,', tk.a I awia a a a a. a ii ti,. I ,- a- . , - a a a' a i feat . I a : .-. a l. - .1 li a a I - t a a , .t f a ta .!' A Catmint lor Y0ulk,