The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 18, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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Marv I light Makes
First Nebraska
Speech for C. 0. P.
lWnre Wowhi Will Not
Forget Record of Demo
rratic Senator on Suf
frage Question.
Mm-oln, Oct. IT. ffi -vM. Mr.
Mary Might of Illlnoli poit lit mam
Mon ioy Co fturllnttlon en.ply.' cf (lie
t Llncriln roun!hoti. It waa liar
1'iiual apiu-aranca In Ni'l'rank on b
half ft tha republican tirket.
Iurlng h r caratr aa a public aptalc
r. Mm. Il!ht tma Mimpalirn"! In 37
a(ot'. frrihlbltuin l tu only ute
luaiia nn wfili h bhi tow Ins.
"Cut Mr. Bryan miy that prohibi
tion la not an lmn In tlila iani
pnlan." nhi' wna r mliult l. She r-plll:
"Thin whv la he hr. aha r.plld
"Whv are thay r-Jin-ctlriK h'm In .Mia-
iijrl to 'ftnipBlBii for 'Jim' ld-i-d u
K&nxna f'lty, Jnplin, FprlfirllM and
HI. J(iMii? And why In h Ruing Into
J llnrtm to fanipulKn fur a rmgn-a-moral
mMI'lali- who, up to a f i w
TrionHia kMo, wan wet?
"W'f woiiini linvi- lonif r.einmln,"
h (! Mr. MiKht In an li,t.-rvl-w,
"W n-tiH-nittf-r that two y.ara ago
Mr. ftrynn jromldH that If two yram
fci-w flllirt M. Hlt'hrork wre u
ranlMnt frr r elation, h would r
turn to NVbranka to lumpnlxn nfpiliirtt
tha afnatnr. Wa women mint to
know tho mirt f f lnflintira a man may
l.uva who iiivrt (jn tliiriR tmlny ami
a rout ni'Ilc foi y thing tuiiiormw. No
woman In tho t'rltnl HtHtia I
He Helped to Prevent
War in Near East
Omnium Shot hv
Jealous Husband
Dies of Wounds
Bluff Salesman h Krarrettt
rd When Victim Expires-
Wife' Condition In
Aliio Scrioiii.
Vr Wlmirwrriiark,
irwt, hu wui ahot lata Saturday
nl(,ht by John H. RolfaohnAld.r,
Council llluffa jiccmnti, iui-umll
Monday night In Ird Liir ho.plttl.
Mra. JCalfehnl1r, wiun1I at tha
aama tlina, la atlll In a dmr'roua con
'diilon. Kha ta In Jannla Edmumlaon
Blind Solicitor Dies
of Self-inflicted Wound
rhonlx, Arlg., Oct. 1 Llando Jf.
Muck nf llnocln, Krb., a b!lnd aollftl
tur, trylnc tn raiaa fun da for a library
fi r tha Mini who aho hlmlf In
hutl at Wickanburif, Arli., Iat
WaJnraday right, la da.1 ef hn.ilf-Iriflli-tthl
Miii'k, about 41 )eara eld,
tavfling about th country vtira
pnrili-d hy Mr. and Mra. Hardin, !
TMuplaa rf Lincoln, who alan ar blind. Tha
thra wrr na.-al In ranvi)lng for
money wilh whkl) to mtalill'h a
library for blind popl and tn rq.ilp
It with Wka prlntid In raiord Irttrra,
It la aald that Wednraday MkIiI
tha thraa aaihortd In tha holfl al
Wlckanbur and chck1 tip on thif
arrounl Tli'y found that thrlr hotal
Sou of Packer and
a Divorcee Elope
Lonis F. wift and Piitr-lMirli
Wimiiui Married at Crown
Point, I ml.
Chii-aso, Oot. J?. Iul P. Pwift,
Jr., con of tha paki-r, and Mra. Mary
H. Itcnnn. a l'iitbui;li dnm-.,
M pel to frown l'olnt, Jnd Monday
and wr munli by J'J'Iku llouard
Follow ing the rcrfinouy rontiK
Hwlft and III brl'io rnlried a touiltig
car wblrh tha younir nilllumalra him If f T) nt.nfLn..e PirA
lf waa drivlriif. and ap-d aoulhward ' 1. lOUIlUIlUllt 1 HC
Destroys 8 Engines
ov. r the Jackaon tilahway In tho
dlri-rtloii of t'clitr Ijk, Ind. It la
U-llevad tiny ar on ihrlr way to
sum wlmar rvaort In tba aouth,
prolwMy In Tlorlila, to apond thair
I .mi la V. Pwlft, ar., had ef tha
pai-klriR firm which N.tra hla nam,
dinl that ha knfw whrra hta aon
had fo9.
"It waa In a aona an flopmrnt,M
ha aald, "but varythlna; la all rlxbt.
Thir wna no obji-otlon on tba part 'f
tha family lu tha niorrlnns. V knrw
Ixnla and Mra. Ilcunatt wc-ra to 1
nianiod, but wo did pot kjiow llntt
today waa tha duv, tlmt'a all. Mra.
lii-nntt la very charming youn
Ktfht i.-Timt.vM wira d-atroed
rarly yeali ilay morning whrn flanva
gtitti-d tha llllnola t'rntnil roundhouaa
at Kouriwnth atntt and Av-niiB M
!n rounr.l llluffa, Totul lia of tha
atr'itturn and tng ni-a wna 1 1 1 ,000,
oitl' UdH of thf- m 1 1 i'i m d n.ilil.
Only tha brii'k wnlla wra Ifft
ataiidln,f h-n diyl!nbt broka. Invoa
t gut. on m to thn or g;n !a I-nlnic em-
jovrr tha li-Jnld d.atrlct UTTOUDtUfcrf
tha l uf.
I "itip From Heformatory
Sentenied on New Charge
Mm oln, Oct. I. Charlaa Mewhor
t.r, fortnn- lunula of tha itata rn
forinntoiy, who w.ird Liat Jtl'J
from th Inntltutlon but waa latar
cnptnnd t .M.iiihit'in. Kan.,
f hi l t,.d.iv In dlatrlrt court to
i aorva five ymra In tha pcnltrntlarf
. ,i i m.rMoii of h.ivlng brokan into
tha hnuaa ofC. V. Hlnda of Mnrnlu
uiid Imuii att.-ickad Mm. Hlnda. The
hoimc bif-uliliiK oc-tirri-rt on tha elglit
tond lilt prolml.lo ib f,' tn l-tr.C I .., i.i. ., ,, fr..n, ih. r, r.irnutoiT.
w.r tof. j ... -.
Tin- I re burned fr"Hj from mid To Want Ad. "Till th
n'ght tint I , finni ng fagota and " ,i-m' - lno. llftWr
ihfi-ta of f ,r alinoiliig apvclacularly Iicnulta at I.taf-r Coat.
r-- r-1'JJ.UJ
. .11 1.
I hoHpltnl. rounrii Uliiffn.
I nlfi bneldr. who wua arralgnad . bill alona woulj take pi artlcnlly every
Mondav morning on a iloubla amiault Pniy they hud pollartad, An hour !
. . ,..U 1..., kt.AII
cti.UBO and reie;iad on nonna or t"' imnwu. n
2 Duo. aurrniilered when told of tho Mr. and Mra. Hardin, deitituta, an
'e&tiUtrv 5erutilorv
.I r.n..
M, Krunklln lloiilllon, thi' mBtery
rniin of r'niiif. rriiininl''d hla gov-eii'im-nt
lit th- .Minlaniii conference
bctwtxu I Ih nllli'i ami Miistaphn
Knuil J'HdiH wlili li pruventi-d war In
the mar at
llh hlni that prohibition la a dead
1mie. Nor la Mr. Hitchcock f.llng i.iunKUrated th.jr drlv,
that ha rever was for auffraga.
"No mnn In th'' world l going to
repildliiie the right of women to vote
aid then ill) daya prior to election,
pat them on the bmli, cull them
lovely Indira, (ind Buy he appreciated
tnelr protilema and get by with It.
$100,000 Drive for Stadium
Started al Vlirai-ka "IH
Mncoln, Oct. 17. (Sprrinl Y 8U-
dents of the Nvhrnaka Hate tinlvernlty
for $4'u.00u
with which to build a itjnlimn with a
hilt convocation Monday, nttended by
ctnil-nn. Tlii: stuilcnta linvo
pledged t Ik riiKclvi.' to ni!nu J90.000,
and the faculty U down for f fj.tJOO.
Hpe chi'K with made by iiicmberH
of t'ie faculty and repreHetdativea of
the Hiilint Ii.kIv. I'll.. rniiii,uii.'M in in
The women of NehrRMka will not pr- JM gtntewlde.
It hltn to go lifick to aahlngtoii
They are going to vote for Mr. Howell.
They know he la a aiifo man with
whom to plio' their ptoblcniM. And
tho protilenm of our women are e
entlally the prohlema of th hua
biinila and children,
fihiroprartore Open Second
Annual Stato Convention
IlDftlnga. Neb., Oct. !. (fipeclal
Telegram. H-The Nebraska branch of
the Unlvirhal Chiropractors' associa
tion opened Its aecond conven
tion here today. The attendance li
aald to b nearly 100 per cent of the
Nehraaka. menibarshlp.
The principal object of the conven
tion Is to make arrangement! for
bringing about a change In the law
requiring a course of 27 months be
fore a license to practice Is itisued.
It la contended that 38 months Is
the standard courso of other states.
Officera for the ensuing year were
elected and are an follows: l'resldent,
C. Norman Burgess, McCook; vice
president, Edward Milllgun, Mitchell;
fcecrotary, C. A. Pierce, Huntings;
treasurer, S. L. Ashworth, Lincoln;
executive committee: Lee V. L'1.-w-ardn,
Omaha; C. K. Aertiie, Colum
liua; Georgia Onrkson, Holdrcjje,
Jolin M. Matzen AJdresses
Teachers' Meet at Alliance
Alliance. iNeb.. Oct. 1". (Special
Telegram.) John M. Matz n, state su
perintendent of Instruction, addressed
the annual meeting of Nebraska
teachera ot the Sixth district here
Saturday on "The rurposo of Our
Schools." Nearly 1.000 teachers from
the following counties are enrolled:
Banner, Dawes, Hooker, Sheridan,
Pox Butte, Deuel, Kimball, Sioux
Cherry Garden, Movr.ll, Thomas,
Cheyenne, fliant and Pcotts Fluff.
Mr. Matzen also held eonfrence;j with
county superintendent! of tho coun
tlea nameu.
Farnicrg Near Scotlshiuff
Cvi $):U)00 for Meet Crop
ScotlHliluff. Neb., Oct. 1?. (Special
Telegriun.l Tho Kcoltshluff augur fac
tory today paid out J:i;i,nnn In ciitdi to
farmers in thli region us payment for
thj bonne of C. K, Jllndh of Lincoln
t' rribcr. S.rullar payments wore nunle
by (ierltig, i!nard ntid Mitchell fuc-torlc.i.
Wealthy Auhurn Man Weds.
Thomas H. Gurdes, 72, wealthy
farmer of Auburn, Neb., and Minnie
M. Simmons. 54, of Hushnell, Neb.,
were married Monday night at the
home of the hide's sister, Mrs. J. H.
Trimble, 2219 North Thirty -thlni ave
nue. Rev. Charles W. Kavidgo per
tormed the cercmonj'. Mr. iind Mrs.
(ie.rd- will at Auburn.
Tuesday Coldest Oct. 17
on Record Here. 27 Degrees
Twenty-seven degrees, low temper
atuie of the aon son thus far, was reg
Htered at 7 yesterday morning. It lu
the coldest nctober 17 of record here,
according to the weather bureau.
North Platte was the coldest point
In the xlittu,yreyiterlrig 16. It was
20 nt Valentine. '
death and la now held In Council
llluffa ilty Jull charged with murder.
The ahootliig took place near tha
Heif'hnelder home. 1310 Fourth ave
, nue, Couiv ll muffs. Wlmmermark,
j Mra. Heifschnelder, Mrs. !lue Young
'and Walter H. Hrown, who resides In
lOmuha. were aeated In a car In which
they had driven to Council liluffa
from an Omaha dance.
Jtelfsi hnelder, n a he nfterwurdi ex
plained to police, waa waiting In tha
shallow a for tho party. He opened
fire nt the automobile aa he walked
toward It. .
The flrnt ahot struck Wlmnn rmark,
who leuped from the car and stag
gered away. Mrs. Relfschnelder
Jumped from the cur and waa shot aa
she run. Keifschnelder then clubbed
Hrown with the weapon.
Mill In rhoenlx, hoping that. khh
means can be found whereby they
may return to their home In Lin
Oinahaiis Appeal Decision
in Hank Suit for $1,000
Lincoln, Oct. 17. Ida M. Wharton,
W, H. Plainer and the Corn Exchange.
National bunk ot Omaha have appeal
ed to the supreme court from an or
der of Judge Welch of AVuyne cuunty
denying their claims of ,$4,000? totul
against the atnta guaranty fund. They
are holders of certificates of depiiilt In
the failed Kunners State bank of Win
side, which they any they bought In
the usual course of business. The
state reslHted payment out of the
gun runty fund on the ground that
they represented no actual money do
poilted In the bank, but were the evi
dences of an Involved transaction In
the sale and repurchase of stock in
the bank in which Fred Welble. L. V.
Spalding and W. T. Waldron participated.
Merna Legion at Funeral
of Auto Accident Victim
Broken Bow, Neh Oct. 17. (Spe
cial Telegrum.) The funeral of Guy
It Heckman, 27, who was killed lu
an automobile accident tsaiuraay
night, took placo at his home In Mer
na Monday under tl.e auspices
of the Arnerlcun Legion and Masonic
fraternity. Heckman was on his way
to Sargont to vlalt his wife, who Is a
teaohor there, when his auto over
turned with. him. He was alone at
the time of the accident.
low a 1'rinou Inmates
Invent Human Still
Fort Madison, la., Oct. 1?. Wata
prlson autriorllJea Investigating tha
apparent Ineffective!! of the IHth
amendment to function In the peni
tentiary, Monday discovered that con
victs had Invented what to all Intents
And pun"1"" might be termed 4 hu-
rian atlll.
Gathering certain weeds growing
In the prison yards, the prisoners
placed them In buckets of water, ac
cording to the investigators, and a tier
the concoction reached the deilred de
gree of fermentation, tha Inmates
swallowed It, following It Up with
chaser consisting rf water In which
sugar and yeast hud been dissolved.
The result, the Investigation showed,
was a startling Jug that lasted alinoat
Gilmore Shippers (Jaiin
U. P. Kate Favors Omaha
Lincoln, Oct. 17. Specliil.) Ship
pera at flllmore complained to the
state railway eomnflHslon that the
Union Pacific charges them 8'4 cents
it hundred on wheat and cents on
corn to haul their shipments to Oma
ha, whereas tha rate from Omaha to
Gilmore la but two cents.
Ford Prices Cut.
Announcement was made by the
Ford Motor company here Inst night
that prices on all their models had
been cut $50.
Hoaaewlves who are Intent upon cut
ting household expenses should enrslder
well the economy of using Linn, tha
soap powder with tha lemon fragrance.
A small quantity ot Linn in waur will
ao more comning wurit umn a miii'n , i
vratAe wflirhf of shaved nnRD or lens I I '
effective powders. When you purchase
a package of Linn you purchase a large
volume of work donf. That Is true
economy, especially when one considers
that Linn does Its work well. Trua
cleanliness is its only after efTnct. Linn
Is unexcelled for washing dishes It
dissolves grease Instantly, makes glass
ware and china sparkle at a touch of
the towel, and above all, keeps the hands
soft white and beautiful. Uuy one pack
age then be the Judge.
Bandits Roh Taxi Man, Fight
Duel With Marshal, Then Flee
Scottsbluff, Neb., Oct. 17. Special
Telegram.) Three men engaged N.
Brown, local taxi driver, to take them
mile east on Overland drive, the
wain highway into the city. Five
blocks of the trip bad been made
when they pressed revolvers to his
Ida, took the wheel from him, drove
to Mtnatore, 10 miles distant, locked
h.m In a freight car and robbed him
of $10 In silver, and then, after a
pistol duel with the Mmatare mar
shal, rode away In the car.
let Coticm Keep Your
Skin Fresh tsi Yocnf
tAtOy ms a 14 tmf r
km ia w sa4 alsas. wM
as? t OitmM a4
van ItMla sat amiMs haaing
mm Cwfeara 1vm ta Usai
m sm.Wp e4 svi
mm m J t t
Shame on Them.
pERHAPS there are a few mothers who do riot know the virtues of Fletcher's
Castoria. Perhaps there are a few who know that there are imitations on
the market, and knowing this demand Fletcher's. It is to ALL motherhood, then,
that we call attention to the numerous imitations and counterfeits that may be
set before them.
It is to all motherhood everywhere that we ring out the warning to beware
of the uJu$t-as-good". For over thirty years Fletcher's Castoria has been an aid
in the upbuilding of our population ; an aid in the saving of babies.
And yet there are those who would ask you to try something new. Try
this. Try that. Even try the same remedy for the tiny, scarcely breathing, babe
that you in all your robust womanhood would use for yourself. Shame on them.
I 1
-a. SV CT
re4t Comenti lfiTluid Prauhri
K jfjvtcOHOL-3 PH C.T.
b;,$3 Arabic fcevarUA
......i .i.nJ the rood tn Brfiiti-
B.ivyf nny uiT .iii w-i - j
Children Cry For
t sa.t " J .
jst tiafLIl'"
t a.!.y..lBrnkrlc
Your Friend, the Physician.
Tb tdxtory of all medicine. Carrie, with it the ttorj ti Uttlee
t(&Jji&t polar beliefs: flhta gainat prejodire: tie difference,
ot opinion among tcientiata and men derotinf thilx liret to research
work; latK-rici tlmtjt for th betterment cf miallad. ThU lnfor
raidoa k at tha band of all rhj.kUoa, He is with yn at a
unmet t'l call be the trouble utfUnf or pttt. II ia joax friend,
Tour hocaebuld cannaelcr , R ia the oat to waom you can aJwayi
lork in adeka tTta taeih it iniht n.t bt a cm of Heine,
H U tot jaat a dtof. He la a Itmdett to h!a laat and 6nl tll.
H!a fatieat gre a la UaUT tad to U oae ta Unit 1m th
U't e ai aia Sesh aad bionl.
rWl.eie s!ta an e tall U tiit FUtcber't
C4ttu lu aever i armed tat Irciiest Uhe, aad that h ia a o4
thiaf u keep ta l.N aius. He kati
t-t'ottaiwH!!!:: a em5 ue tm m nrt,Mrftftut
Salesmen's Sample Lines of Women's
Muslin and Silk Lingerie
Gowns, Skirts,
Slips, Bloomers, Etc
Outing Flannel
For Women, Misses
and Children
1.50 Women's Gowns
Sample Sale Trice, 75c
2.00 Women's Gowns
.Sample Sale Price, 1.00
2.00 Billie Burkes Sam
ple Sale Price, 1.00
1.00 Petticoats Sample
Sale Price,
1.25 Petticoats
Sale Price, '
1.50 Petticoats
Sale Price,
62 i2c
Petticoats and Bloomers
Of Silk and Cotton
4.00 Silk retticoaU-S(inii! Sale Vrke 2.00
5.00 Silk Petticoat and Bloomers Smut)!
Sali I'ri-e, 2.50
0.00 Silk Petticoat and Bloamcn Sample
Hale 1'rice, 3.00
75c Gingham Pettlooat Sample Sale Price,
only 37'2
1.00 Striped Gingham Petticoat Sum pie Sale
Price, 50
1.00 Black and Colored Sateen Petticoata
Sample Sale Price, 50ct
1.50 Black Sateen Petticoat and Bloomers
Sample Sal" Price, 7ir
2.00 Look-Like-Silk Petticoats and Bloomer
Sample Sale Price, 1.00
50c Girls' Black Bloomer Sample Sale Price,
only 2."C
Basement East
For Women, Misses
and Children
50c Garments Sample
Sale Price, 25
1.00 Garments ---Sample
Sale Price, 50
1.25 Garments Sam
ple Sale Price, ' 2l
1.50 Garments Sam
ple Sale Price, 75
Salesmen's Sample Line of
Men's Underwear
Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers, Wool
Mixed, Cotton Ribbed and Fleece Lined
Shirts and Drawers.
3.50 Garments-Sample Sale Price, 1.75
3.00 Garments Sample Sale Price, 1.50
2.50 Garments Sample Sale Price, 1.-5
2.00 Garments Sample Sale Price, 1.00
1.50 Garments Sample Sale Price, 75
1.00 Garments Sample Sale Price, 50
Basement Arcade
Salesmen's Sample Line of
Men's Shirts
Samples from the TJsona Shirt Company
and Rotary Shirt Company. A splendid
assortment of plain colors and stripes in
either neckband or collar attached fdiirt
1.50 to 4.00
Main Floor South
Salesmen's Sample Lines of
Infants' Headwear
Group IInfants' and Children's Hats
Hand made velvet, velour, silk, crepe de chine
bonnets and hats, touches of ostrich feathers,
French flowers, lace, frills, sonic fur trimmed.
Wide or narrow brimmed styles, pokes and
sailors. Bonnets and hats that would sell regu
larly from $8.50 to 12..
4.25 to 6.25
Group 2 Hats and Bonnets
Also cunning hats; in white, blue, pink and soft
baby shades in silk, velvets and other materials.
Weil made, soft and warm. Hats and bonnets
that would sell regularly from l.r9 to 2.98.
79c to 1.49
Group 3 Hats and Bonnets
Of velvet, corduroy, tliinchilla, velour, silk pop
lin, witin, in buff, brown, blue, white, black and
all other desi cable shades. Sassy bows, long
streamers, dainty designs make these hats and
bonnet lovely headwear for the little folks. Hats
and bonnets that would sell regularly from 4.03
to 7.98.
2.49 to 3.96
Group 4 Bonnets for Baby
Cunning styles in pokes, narrow ruffled effects,
little ba y bonnets and caps, tarn o'shnnters,
some with car proteeter; in white, black, blue,
brown, buff and red. Hats and bonnets Uuxt
would soil regulat-lv from 1.98 to 4.89.
98c to 2.45
Third Foor East
Mi) .TI-'Mf NT.
1 "Protect Your Child!"
A fc doei of Mritho-I a-ne Cough ,rup will stop a bail duch
n4 coIJ m Vrt iirU r. Kvcry 'levi-tcu n i lln-r ill urly 1 1 th.nk
f il to kniw that fhncan mako tin tm rcnurh ijfup at inta,l -vpria
wi'h fna nuiiutvt o? Iirr tnie, II y lninr w, a.' k r tin- i-
rit-ctuijr hi-f love I ui.-i from b
fnilonirrit fct if a I i.i .-hM an. I
(ircvrntur I.k-'i'nul i 1'iui.
iiuiii.a. I' f.uins. i'nl ; ,ti-i.'u!iiia
A m- iictU rwlil n tt f ii'H ..f
-i'i..u ma'i'lict.
' ' Ifl'.'l'ltf.-Pt nuilll? tft Ut (!tl
Jf ujh anti olt nif.iiciit.' nit.i-n
a ' r'.' m p-l i-r- c
ji lralB-laa i s
J 4k 'r. in , ut .r.. u.. -. i hi- .-'
t ' V. t It ' a h V t. in -I . . !
."W r , r ittr V'it mi r i t ,.. w.'i .i t
A-- ' I. ,. . . .u...
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ihm I. t
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i,..t 'l.r.H
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How' Your Stomach?
Any Wrakneta or Piitre?
I;h.1 t'Util, '11. n tlllrt M
I I H. l- tn t'l I'Ihvi a liialll'a II- 'l
, fi r liia .ilMi. Hi ii-k' ti'l tn ny i i
uh tn. .I-!.-. lilil I vm .il- iim
' nmi. Vi I Inn Hi tukli !'i I ! . i
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ivm y i'
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ft. h 4
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