The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 18, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Return from Honeymoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Isinald l,yU returned
Tueadu . from their wedding trip
and will o Into their apartment at
tha Carliny tit nfice, Mr, an1 Mr.
J.yla were Hi gueat of Mr, and Mre,
r. it. Itusaill In Washington, . C
nd wer iilmi entertained by Mlas
Margaret Mclaughlin during their
ittf there. I'' til Mr. Jliisacll mid
Mia Mclaughlin are old tnniha
friend. Mr. and Mr. I.yl stiiid
for a, few day In Hi. Ivou where
they visited In. anil Mr. Uerald
Btryker, formerly of Omaha.
fMicrnff Franklin.
Th marriage of Mix limnm Frank
l!n, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Jnllua
Franklin, and Jieph iMhcrnff of
Hloug Clly, will place October 22
at the tfwrdlsli auditorium. A wed
ding supper will follow. The In Ms
will have as h r attendant th Misses
4 mIiitiiIT, Hilrley lititm'-k and
Minnie Wobblier, and the ushers will
) Max Cnrr, ,Mrrs Franklin und A.
Jlaker i-f Hi" iix Clly.
Former flumhnn fiueat.
Mia Ollva lluMiliin f An.
gea, Cal daughter i f Mr. And Mi.
It. V, Hutchison, who, until th paat
two yeur, were resident of Omaha,
haa arrived to h the guest of Mr,
ft A. Flndlcy for n few day. A
number nf Informal affair are being
given In her honor.
For .Ml llallnriil.
Mr. J. K. M'-gcath entertained t
luncheon Tuesday al the Country club
In honor of Mia Flon-iue Hull" ran
of Salt I-oko City, k ucut of Mr. I,ouis
Rmlth Club Meet.
Tha Kmllh Colleg club will hold
II flrat meeting tha your on Wedne-
day afternoon at th home of Mi.
Alfred Mungcr In th Hagamore apart
mnt. Kensington.
Fraternal Aid khlngtoii will meet
Wednesday at I p. m. wltli Mr. M,
1'. Cannon at 720 North Twenty-second.
Omaha Woman
Mr. O. Y. Krlng, who returned In
late MepicnaVr from umiiuT trip
along thn I'gi Ifli; cof, spent 1 1 j i
weik In Alaal.a, Willi In f tinier, Mia.
l.i. il l ull hunk, who live In the AIU
Hon Inland. Mi.;ii a I n
li twl in (mlit for a iny lutr in
thn winir.
Mr. Krln prnt tunnn tlnia in
llollywoiHi ijii.1 finind t ainfuliim to
lo vunily ovnrli.
"I M,.( (o Ik) ruiiKht lip In thv
mnd whli I of a wild and w. ki I rlty,
Imt that la n't wh'il 1 found nt nd.
Tim wholn world la inl,Hud with
ri ni"iii iiili'oni''iUoii of vvcry dny
toiiillilon lhfr," aha aaya.
"Holly winxl In aiiiiily Hint nrt of
I.o Anvli- In whli h tliu finijorliy , , , .. ,, ....
i n I,, t ii
A New iiinird fur llm t'ornfli'ld.
Old Mr, 1'iow iiIhii)4 I'liilini-d i,il
lio lii'lid Fniinrr (liiii'ii In Mm torn,
flil. I. Huld th-it It n hi dual,
lira In j! u.i id th fli LI, from plMiitlnf
lima unt.l fall, Winn lh torn wn
rut atnj atood In lona row of ahork,
Mr, fro' wna fiiri-Vir anlii(f, "K.niii'
lir CJj ' lln KlVill ino full l.liMIK nt
the cm i.lli ld."
Hkn In form il.iyimiik Mr, row
im.l in awiika with at.irt and a
Inuiiai, aiiinw(f, tu hurry off airoa
thn iniinlow for whiit ha callad hi
"ily inornliiK vlw" of lh rornflald.
And If li waan't Hi flrat In iirrlva
t l.i hu waa auta to lm frlithtfully
Uiar-t und Urrllily angry,
"I f ' r. you"' Mr, Clow i-nlled lo
Fully Coon una fall niortilnK. from
ttig top rail nt lh fi that ran
Mv Mi
Pi . i
v lviamaiie rrooiems
Adil iliirlaoii' Nw f'h of "Rovoliillon of a M'lfu,"
alona; I ha ixirnlWId. "What ara you
dolnir hrre? can't I lav thl rorn
rid over nlnht to g"l my iwt uh
out finding you har whan I coma
hurk on duty?"
"What am I Mug hi-r?" aald
Fatty, "I ui guarding th fMd. 1
I'i'ifitn ln'foi yuii wi-ra awake, you'ra
loo lata, Mr, t'row. I hava full rharga
Mr, Crow w aparchlMi with
ruga, Ha glarad at Fatty Coon, who
rnuni'had hi hraakfaat of corn calm
ly. And anon th old ganitlarnan flrw
"I ll t on hand aaihar loiuorrow
morning," fca inuliarad aavagaly aa It
flappH towarda tha wooda, "I'll gt
th atari of that arnart Coon.
That avanlng Mr, Crow wnl to
had hit than uaual, harau
Itimunii half.
Tha Aid aoclaty of thn North Tn
l.ytarlan church will hold a ruinmnK
aala at 22ofl North Twenty. fourth
traat on Thuradny, Octolr 19.
Minting I' iil poncd,
Th annual masting of tha alumnii
of Duchnana collpg and tha ronvrnt
of tha Kacred Henrt hag bcn pot.
poncd until Nnvcinhr,
Msaimic Kecrpllon.
Tbo ficottlah Itlt Woman' club
will hold reception WWInradny eve
ning; at tha cathedral for Hcottlah
Itlta M.iaon only.
Mr. and Mr. J. C, Rahcd hava
moved from the Alaiitlun to their new
homo at 6710 Maaon atrcct.
Dr. and Mr. Leltoy C'rummcr will
return th lat of the wek from nn
extended honeymoon trip In Europe.
Harold Jme Trait of Now Tork,
whoa nutrrlnge to Mia Florence
Jank will he aolBmnlzod October 2(1,
will arrive Sunday morning.
Mix Myrn (lllrhrlat ! apendlng
two week In Lincoln during the t.
aonoe of her parent. Mr. and Mr.
J. M. Cllchrlirt, In Excelalor Spring.
Mr. Stephen Iloyce of Taaadena,
Cat., In tha gueat of Mr. and Mr.
A mo Thoma. Mr. Thomn return
ed Monday from th Htewart hos
pital. Charlea Hall haa definitely poat
poned hi trip tu London, Ontario,
Canada, where he wa to have been
an attendant In the MThlllip
MeConell wedding party.
Ourdon 'Wattle of Hollywood, Cat.,
It In Omaha for a few day on hi
way west. Ho ha been eaat with hi
daughter, Mia Mary Wattle, who
haa Jut entered I'lne Manor.
to live
Karemher lat
Well bite mora
larger quarter
TWO poling roont
n4 many other
underfill feature a,
fit lla foollon olrturii Hhitlloa Mini tlie
horui-M i f ih ni'tor iir loriiiml, Adoiit i
2,000 pi'o.e there ara coiini'i ted wl'h
Urn motion .li lni linliimi y. It Ima j
no lorul govi-i niiienl, never had u
aiilooit, no rhiireta, not even a hi
Uitirunt In which ilimi'ltig la pi-rrrnltiil, .
II only real ii ii i ii n I a ara cafetirln. It I
Ja ono hotel uiid oini tlieiiter, i ailed the
('oliillllllllly, auppoi'led hy till plctllie
ai'lora, who m allll lniiie'. In tliu
aiiokeii drama and who favor Hi" pro
dui'tlon if highbrow laj. The ac
tor work wiiiiout coiiieiiafiioii and
hiive given iniiny fin performances,
'i'hay have a few cheap movln houai-a.
"There are many attractive Iiiiikii
low built by well known net or.
Thoraj I no niiunl colony; they lire
(Uttered from tliu raalilcncii dialrpl
of Li.a Aiigele to lb far end of
lloverly Hill. Kverylhlng In tipli k
and apan and up to ilatc; there I no
imoko or duel In the ulr, oil the roada
ara oiled, an everything and every
body look clean. Helitom do you mtu
any one on tliu aireel In lh" duy
lleeiiled W hen He ! cuablon coin h I had Improvlaed,
T'Hik ( liarii," I From down th road ramn tha aound
I could not aea Allen Drake' fuc ' of rai lng motor and blowing horn,
held a dlatiM-t and I runhed to the aide of th road,
clmrly, but hi vol
l,oe of iiiliolralloii aa h aimwi red
my CKiilanutlon of tha pollen wlilHtlo
"My npologie to you, Miladl," h
aald, "for culling yoii Hmii'ii Igrun.
That yiiill'inan, glfied aa he wa.
didn't uiiil' iKdiiid lh firat rudiment
of aluvo ililvlng I aliull fly ' oucif.
lint take cute of youraelf, child!"
pimaed me awifily in th dark-M-aa,
und 1 felt hc comradedy touch
of hi hand upon my ahouldr. And
ihn Hi" "und of th racing car
thrown Into gear and pcedlng back
ov,r lh wood mad brought forcibly
to my mind th terrifying ffl'l that I
wa alona In th wood with a help
lnaa, unconacloB man for whom J
could dt nothing,
I dropped to InV krieea beald'i Told
Cheater and put my finger up-n hi
imiIhc In the abaiird Jmpula one of tn
ha to 'i through th niotUm of medl-
lime find at niht 11 la too dink to I ml aid when Impotent to proii-r any
aee anvthlna: there la llltlo evlden. e ! n al help. Thn aound of hi voice,
of life, wicked or olherwlae, day or rational though weak, alarilcd me, un
night. The penplo renm In In Ihelr
home rnoatly after aundowii, conao
rinently whatever guy, naughty or
wii'kcd life exlola la confined t'l It
"Anyone who knowe th Inaldo will
tell you that thn big alar cannot and
do not woik like Trojan all day In
th alinlli.a, then dlaalpate at night.
It can't be done. The only time they
have for recreation I th abort vaca
tion time between picture,
"Wo vlalled the Arnbanador hotel
In Los Angele on the evening that
thn motion picture folk go and nothing
unuHuul happened. A large number of
piople danced and went home early.
'J'bo representative people of Lo An
gele fuel a prldo In nil the moving
cc.lcbritlrt, who are entitled to respect.
"At preaent moat of tha studio
wore running on part time only, sal
arlc have been cut, actor are en
gaged only for each picture nt salaries
they would have apiirned a year ago.''
Evening Bridge in Honor
of Miss Jenks.
Mia Florence; Jenka, who 1 to be
wed lo Harold Jaifie J'rult of New
l'ork October 29, wa tli honor gueat
at bridge last evening, when Mr. and
Mrs. J. ('. ltahnl were host and
hostesa. Thoan preaent will hfl the
MlKe Ethel Magney, Ben Heaton,
Itcatrlco Johnson, Mildred Jthoadex,
Mr. Anderon Long and Meaar Bay
lias Hpain, Worlnnd Ingram, John
Krotherton, Dade Clark, Lawrence
Shaw, Marvin Hundley and C. K.
In addltio nto the affairs already
planned for Mii-a Jenks I a bridge
Tuesday, October 24, given by Mr.
111. H. Tarry, and a luncheon given on
the Wednesday following by Mrs.
Henry McDonald. Marvin Hundley
la planning a dinner fur that evening.
New Chapter of 0. E. S.
The O. K. K. will found a new
chapter called "Owolsaa," Wednesday
at th Maaonlo temple In Florence.
Thl make the eighth chapter of the
Uaetern Star In Omaha.
Flail Dinner.
Mr. and Mr. Oscar Allen entertain
ed Monday evening at a "flah dinner,
the reault of a catch made by Mr,
Allen and It. B. Weller on their trip
to Pelican Lake, Minn. They return
ed Hunday. Coveia were laid for the
Meadainea I!. Hall, T. K. Panders,
and th Meaar and Meadamea Frank
Ilobertson, U. It. Weller, Oeorg Cun
nlnghnm, John Haininn, C. H, Dun
ham, Vr. and Mr. A. Hugh Hippie.
In Prohibition Time.
Soma of us mla th added flavor
of sherry In our fruit cups. Try u-
lug a little grap Julc aa a ubtl
lute, putting It 111 when th fruit I
preimred and allowing It to mellow
vilih, tha mixture.
til I I'litllz-ed that his unconsciousness
had been but a temporary rami
brought on by the pain In hi Jig.
oArfyoii all right?" be asked
"Absolutely," 1 return!, frying to
make my voice cheery and reassur-
"Wasn't Drake herT
"Ves," I anawered unthlnklngly,
"H brought ma hack."
"Then you are hurt " He tried
to rulai) himself and fell lck with an
agonized little moan, but went on
speaking as If something were driving
him to utturunce,
you fall off the wheel?'
Madge arefully Explain.
"No, no," I returned Impatiently,
remembering that 1 had led him to
believe I had ridden hi bicycle In
pursuit ot Hrnith, "But something
wnt wrong wllh th tiro at the other
end of the wind" what an uccom
pllahed prevaricator I was becoming!
"and Mr. Drake ruahad rue back
her. Tho motorcycle will follow th
liinoualno with Hrnith until Mr, Drake
catehe up to them in th racing car.
And I saw Mmlth, and heard him
talk, o the chain of evidence Is com
piete. Now you mut rest until Dr,
pettlt and my father arrive. Listen.
They are coming hark!"
At least I wa not prvaricatlng
now, I told myself, as Tom Chester,
with his spoken and unapoken fineries
answered, relaxed against th car-
Inii'iil upon giving Dr, I'etllt all th
information concerning Tom Chester'
Injuries that I could before be saw
him, Aa I poured out my iory In
low voice, the physician and my
father leaped to the ground tnd cam
up lo rue.
"What haa happened lo you?" thf
demanded, a if with, on voles, and I
realized that the car lights wera Il
luminating rny face, brulaed with th
fall from thn back Of Hrnith a limou
sine, "Hlia I Klghl."
"Nvr mind that," Mid bruanualy.
I'll tell yon later, l'le come to Mr,
Cheater at oik, ! think he ha
broken hi leg,"
"But, daughter!" My father's vole
was protesting, hut Dr. I'tttlt Inter
rup'ed abruptly.
"Hh la right," h ld with d
clalon, "Her face can Walt. Come
wlih tu, both of you, I shall need
He had wrapped himself In his pro
fnaslonal authority, and my father
and I hurried in hi wak to the aid
of p'xr Torn Chester. But even
through th stress of the minulea
which followed when my father and I
worked feverishly under tho physi
cian' guidance whll the injured lad
manfully tried to reprea hi moan, I
ismld not help a feminine, catty llttl
conjecture a to whether tb phyl
c!an would hv heen a Indifferent
to my Injurlre two year before, or
whether he would attend Tom Chetr
flrat were Claire Foster fandlng In
my plac with her fce cut and
T!y tho lime he had given emer
gency aid to young Mr, Chester, how
ever, and with our help had placed
him In th tonneau of my own car
which my father had driven, 1 lt
justice have Its way with me, and
iidmlftcd what I really knew all along,
that whatever Herbert Pettlt'a fault,
a lowering of his professional stand
ard was not ono of them,
"W will push your car Into th
glndn her," he tlecldtd. "It will b
bidden until morning, I will drlv th
car yon drove, and you must sit In
tha tonneau and support Mr, Cheater
so that ha receive little jar a
possible. Your father will drive mine.
And I must take him to your home,
If I may. I happen to know that th
hospital Is crowded tonight accident
and operation."
(capyrlfht, 1I2S.)
Drive constipation out of your
system with Kellogg's Bran!
Oet away from th danger that
confront you und every member of
your family If you are neglecting con
stipation or cotiailpatlon condition!
Kat KcllogK' Bran, cooked and k rum
bled, every djiy, and you will lie aton
Ishcd at the Improvement In your
health and spirit!
Bran' value b a constipation cor
rective 1 wonderful. It I heartily
endorsed by physician because Bran
Is the natural mean of relieving con
stipation with the food you eat! We
guurantca that Kellogg' lirun, eaten
regularly nt least two tablespoonful
dally; In severe case with each meal
will permanently relieve the mol
stubborn constipation! It doe won
derful health work for children, mak
ing them strong and robust.
You realize what constipation means
when authorities state that 0 per
cent of all lllnea can b trced to
constipation! It I responsible for
most case of diabcte, Bright'
disease, rheumatism and hardening of
the artrr!. It dull th brain, make
the sufferer sluggish and cause head
aches, bad breath, pimply complex
Ions! Kellogg' Bran, nature' correc
tive food, weepa, clean and purifies.
It regulate the bowel naturally and
doe not cause irritation or discomfort
llko pills and cathartics, which cannot
afford permanent relief and only ag
gravate dangerous condition.
You will like Kellogg' Bran, cooked
and krumbled. It nut like flavor I
ddliclou. Eat It a a cereal, sprinkle
It over your favorite cereal, or us It
In countless delightful ways In baking,
such a In pancake, gems, raisin
bread, mulfhi. etc. Buy Kellngg'a
Bran at all grocers,
Cumin I tub.
Tha Ccmua club will meet for lunch-
eon Wednesday with Mrs. J. W,
Birth Announcement.
A a.,n, J.irk, jr , was N-rn to Dr,
and Mia, J It. Dwyar, tvntr 14.
iFire! Fire! Fire!
W with lo Irl our cuitomm and
frind know tht w will be bU to
take car of their ORDERS in th
umftl prompt, tfficient way,
havti two yard itcnUtd with our h!h
grade coal ready for Uc liTery. Thfte
yardi were not damaged by the fire.
Consumers Coal & Supply Co.
Ctl OMw, IV i Hi.k.1.. fk.a H 4W
Inforttidiioir f
So, 3-Stcrilixing the Whirlwind
U the Sanitary, clothing i dried by tumbling
Il In cylinder, whll 33,000 cubic fed of
hot, aUriliieil air a minute art drawn through
it by a (real auction fn.
This method wai InnUUt-J to give a hatter
kind of dehydration than that unl In must
iaundriea, whtr th water I baVril out by
tumbling lh wet rioter In a sujirr brateil
ry! nlr. Ilrat, applied direct, it hard en
wen the itrorgeat f tlcth.
1ho Vorrlon, I litre, bt rn!uliurtUw I
th ilr)ing ef clothe al the Sanitary. Our
H,t,mi,i4 r fnua lur f!.l, whuh i
th g l ar kir for cuntianOy.
rn.-a Vh, I .r lb i Air try, u
s,r IS i feml li, T rr Air Piy,
t per b
Sanitary Wet Wash Laundry
That' n aniwif at all." M Crirvr
he rnent to wak up earlier lh next
morning. It wa too bad that be
didn't sleep better. All night long be
kept starting up out of hi (lumber,
thinking that morning had com. ,
At last, when the first Sign of gray
showed in th sky, h hurried to th
cornfield. Al! To hi dsmsy be
found Eatty Coon ahead of him again,
"tfou may as well go tstck lo bed,"
Fatty aid with a grin. "1 have full
charge here today."
Mr, Crow gave one o,uall of rage,
then tore off to th wood to sulk.
But after a while lie flew back again.
Ha had a question to ask.
"Who gave you full rharg of this
cornneld?" lie equawkad.
"Well," said Eatty, gnawing an ear
of corn a h spoke, "if you don't be
lieve It wa Ermer Green, aak him
and see!"
"That' no anwrr at all," Mr, Crow
pliM)d. II flew to th wood one
more, vowing to himself that Kslty
Coon shouldn't twnt him again, "To
morrow I'll gel up an hour earlier
than I did today." tha old gentleman
But h found that Fatty Coon wa
ahead of him once more. To Mr,
Crow' dismay, he dlwovered that h
couldn't rise r1y enough to reach
the cornfield befnr Ftty. Howevtr,
Mr. Crow tried til beat. In a week
ha was leaving hi rot at midnight,
And still h found Fatly Conn in full
charge of the cornfield.
At laat Mr. Oow rrled on morn
ing or rather, on midnight: "What
time do you get op?"
"About dusk each evening"' Fatty
told him,
"When do you go to bed?"
"I'd rather riot answer that one.
Hon," Fatty repllsd tinessily.
Mr, Crow, however, aoon eined
th answer, H In'itilred her and
there; and In th end h learned tht
almost always Flty Coon went to
leep In a hollow tree In Cedar Hwamp
not long after daybreak. If hadn't
irit, a iu7l day at th cornfield,
but had left if to look after llatlf!
Well, Mr, Crow' sjiirll roa at
once, lie knew that hie trouble
were over. The next morning h
got up a b.l later than was hi habit.
When h reached tha cornfield It wa
some tim after daybreak, Fuy
Coon had gone.
Ho. Mr, Crow took "full charge"
sgaln In hi moat Important way,
He remarked to th neighbor that
Farmer fir-en was glad he wa back
"Ther' tha fall ploughing, you
know," said Mr, Crow, "Fanner
Oreen can do that now without
worrying about the corn."
Opynahi, m
Afternoon Bridge.
Mia Francea Burt will he hostea
Forgotten by His Summer
Vacation Friends
"l m Jul about hearthmken," eonfidea Audrey, "I apent my vacation at
a charming hoial n tha mountain and I mt a-mi of the loveliest people. At
least 1 thought they war. Hut I'V xn ! k In the city almost two month
and I ran ae Just what all their promise of loyal friendship wer worth. Tha
girt I chummed wllh ha telephoned m ome and then i.My lo put off an an.
gagmnl we mad I fore leaving the hHl. The two men who war Us
nbat lo tn haven't bothered to cotmnunii-sts wllh rim at all, I can't make It
out, , , la human nature aa unrt..nduble and disloyal a all that? Or
wa I unfortunate n the folk I met? They sewmed o nice, 1 can't ae why
they ehould treat me thl way. I there any eaplanatlon?"
Mummer donl often f'
laat ovr Into lh winter (eaaon,
Thl I no reflection on human n
ture. It I no cynics! comment on
our attltud toward each other. It la
just a result of our buay Lfe and the
Interest which swallow ua up when
we return from vacationing to the
work which rlalma u for to week
out of 12.
Ho, aim our vacation I largely a
matter of getting away from the
routine of the year, w rtiak friend
with folk who are doing thing lit
terly d.rTerenl from tho which fill
our Jive through th long month
of our normal, workaday year.
The vai-ation I over. W go back
lo th city, W lake up tha work
from which we have been real Ing,
Wa put on th ha mesa w bar
slipped, for a whll w ar eaper-
aieiy ritisy getting Ink g into our nor
mal rout ne and making up for the
week or mom ha that wer free from
our accustomed task. Wer too
much occupied wllh our reconstruc
tion period to pay much attention
to thn playmates of our leisur week.
W meet our old friend. W make
engagment. W com hack to the
accustomed and the usual. It ab
sorb u.
Thl I all perfectly natural.
Hometlme a summer fr!endhlp
waa bused on real congeniality. Then
It thrives. Hut when a happy two
weega' lnt:n,B-y cornea to nothing,
ther Is no cause for grief. Fummer
has .used-but II will come again
nd with It trior poa,ng acquaint
ancea to be enjoyed but not taken
too seriously
Preparing Potatoes.
If a pleca of soda Is dissolved in
tho water In which potatoes sre to
at bridge al her bom on Thursday ,.i,nned It will cause them to crpe
auernoon, fnore quickly.
I....-,.-, .. i
3tablienoa tai970
ever water was squeezed out of price,
it has been done in this lot of
The intrinsic value of cloth and trimming is
apparent at a glance, while the gentility, art
and supreme fashion make the group fascinat
ing. We render a real service in making avail
able to Omaha women
A Phenomenal Purchase and Sale of Both
Silk and Wool Dresses
for Street, Afternoon and a few for Informal Dinner Wear
Tis said that opportunity knocks but once. We know this is
an opportunity and it may be for you THE once.
Wednesday Morning at 9 O'Clock
A very unusual offering awaits you: A total of ir0 Dresses,
many being copies of imported models that sold for several
times the prices at which these are marked.
The Style Points
The style points are niodislily mithtnnilliig
and Include ripple flare, Irregular hems,
drapes, lattice work yoke effects, tufted
rolled hlt, novlty buckle, aid panela,
wood lace, head, Iltilgarlan aud Clisnlll
trimmings, moused effects, Mandarin, bell
and novelty iloeve.
1'laited panels, pin tucklngs, circular bklrls.
strslglit-llne and extended hip effects, fuuey
belt and baud embroidery,
Sittx 16 to 4
The Materials Are
It truly seems like old times when we run
offer aiuh splendid dresses at the. tmo
popular pliers.
In Two Groupings
Wool Stockings
for Women
A great I'.iye f ftua ar and uhih iim
at. m Mii In eilrAslte riel tKHim I ks .
lai tt. i.i.n.tiv Amniisii I ,r ul.iin
Irom h this. titiri ehl.h .i.ilin., l,
aak! altk Ik sheeiatst ef litla In Ik
kr nik. fo rnri r or fc'J !.
Mt i Thm With Afufuf
I Silk
flsia teU'tt, WUi. ethr 1 lots
tin' A lslls :iel.a a
., ine io, I sssar i tail s,l
r ki t ff.. ! t tii 1st
Sim , ft! fu
On the Floor Below
l.'t.i Nt). It I'iilua l ,
9 k,
(.'( Illililllili. l'lo t a,
l II,
IU'1 VlgiUul kn,i,
Ut ' kl
T1M lis t'eltoa foo lUi (,-
t II! ftll lit ll-Mto l.alh.r O"! 7,"
Fills. H . 0lll
IHJ K .. 'l4 HUstt, 1 H"
iti 114 .4 l'ikst 10 00
Canvas at Grand
Canyon Done by
Nebraska Artist
A csnvs by Alice Cl-sver of Fsll
Pl'y, who he won th John L. Wlv
ter prli for "collection of oil pslnt-
logs" at the Nebrsak rtlt exhibit,
Onwha Foelrty of Fin Art, hnt( in
th beautiful i:i Tovsr hotel at Oisnd
Canyon, lh ha twu been nt Into
the oufliweat by th Fanla Y rail
road to lnl tb I'uetilo Indians Th
Kant F he ix other cnv- by
Miss Cteer.
Mis t'lenver apent four year In
study at th Art Institute of Chi
mio under Vanderel, Frederick
Freer and Mwton i'arker Following
thia she atudled for three yssrs at
the reniisylvniilit Academy of Hn
Art In I'hlladelpbl under William
Chase and O.lll liesiix. Hha had
len In I'arl a yesr when th war
broke out, studying under I.u'.lnn til
mon and Ixiul Xlloul,
I'repar fisr W'luler,
Now la th lime for th chimney
to be cleaned, the funis. overhauled
aud the roof and gutters examined.
una auMuuit
11 v vi
a. M.ltKNfTCIfl A
at Tetg lisn ..jrm,
I iw 'T" I
J Sites M
I l46 I
Gives that Com
fortable Feeling.
We Have Them in
All Fabrics. Fur or
Fancy Trimmed.
Over 500 to Choose
New Fall
Canton Crept,
Poire t Twills
Worlh lo
8 m.r.o,
On Sale
1 I
PJ 1 to U. AH
In Our Stout ,V c
titlH-I'lKllM, Suitt
ami lhtfa.
St:t 39 t,t $?,
; j ! i w ead Flaisw I u,
SI. 75