THE OMAHA r.KE: WKDNKSDAV, OCTOUKU 1M, lii X Hydrogen Gas Is Blamed for lUss of Army Balloon l)crii lion of Army Dirigible C-2 KlpTtrrl to Krfirw Ai. tation for JVoii-Com-buatildV (;!. Famous Balloon Burns Whlfitn, xi. 11.-1, by fir f (h army dir. M i'l at Kn An t'ni tmUy, following n Oi d'lru'i t.on (( Hampton Ibjada avrl month ago 'jf Ui .iit a.rahip I !iu , la sirtl by a.r v ffir,l Jr to rti th a iadii fr J ("fmnt of rwifTitii'lil h'-llum . for um in all govtrnmtiit l.gblor- l.f r While ho t'U i .nl ri,it on tti 'J I lAfi( t n AntoiiW hiff bn r raivtd, off,rt-f mi1 It wa vImiI oValrufdon nt Hit CI a dun Ih ua of h)"troKri, a (),. a wlh Ih Ifl(4, Th 12 in urd JfZ ft In nnfii, mm tt f-l w.d and 7 f-f h:i, fh U having rfly of ilt.iKX) t uhie UH nt caa Him waa trl"Hd by two Wi horac ,i,fr Yfr ubl motor aril iKirmitlty rrrj'1 rr-w of i idt.ift an! ron, epd w raft at J tinl-a an H. t built at a roat of aw.roal ly Vin.DliO, Whm th I tnp 1f hr hoina alni.xn at Kil', Virgin:, on ii-r rwnil irip to th 1'v't r. tb-r wna no In- fistin to t;iMrli rt"W tn-utAo tut nper or fnthtrntK on th way mi (- th foil nfit or n Id rWurn trip, M-h ndd today ( Man Antonio, T)i iuriim nt tha flvhf wn in aur a;rVp roii'-, filioiorriifh a r ya for infirma'.on of av.atox an1 in r v frn't'c to hr r'W In Jotiu rilnn''a rroM t;ut,lry Hy iig. Itula Infa'uaMr, It waa an!4 that ta awndM n t war Journey woul'l prov In vjiIukMo, alfhouKh tba ah'n ha1 tc-n tlmriiy4 itttiirm th rHtirn trl 'M j t - ..... l.i . .t.. ..... .. t " (,.. M.ifi Antotiio, M, J7.- U!y A, I'J-l.ylov on a cot at lh Ja'-kaoii M rnortaj hmpii, ra)hl In limning aitli trok-n arm aiid .Mll.lllla of Inieroal lojurl, l'n ISalnn, JJht r'ilr, who wua jiudn- iigir, told of a"M. nt lu ilia ' 7, Farm Bureau Plans it i i i lemDersnin imve (anijiifii In He Contluclfd in i Two (lountira at II Time in MflimkLa. )( M'ihon'1 llm l.iuhl fioni lir'fika flll lorriliaii1y, It tiilcn in li hoilf l,y a womiui who Ia4 1rlv.'i (ha f1lJ (') m th aMit, to Ilia wt alita of lha fiimina of tlia Iihi.xuC it (Ikii ar'l l.i'k. 'Tln r fniiat lnva l'ii aiiwlh'r rit In Oi hum, for Ilia for: of tlia rm ap. loa K thewr in vtolfiifly in Ilia floor. 1 aroa ami Kim axuln lnirl'd "Wa r l-lnr toH out of l!il' tUmr. Tlin -ain Hi axplo- a'aixllii In front ii4 Hi real of I ( tlllnt.t. w run, ua tm ii4 In Ilia vur. j l, wiml Jt III llu l.a ko It "A lh no of Hi hip 'm oiil j 1roi-J to tln l-oti(in nt I ha tar, a'l f lit hanaur 1 noli4 it awiiy wimiiIhk lha fl-r, Thn a puff of l!ti tli liil, It rnrrrnni l'i al'l. wio-l rauidil ua, I twM to Jump, Hom of ua r In our aia. Thai "I Hlllii4 on my ft and fll to wirnl uyM it, arid mrrlwl It owr i lli floor," punn'mit uvrr Nola aa wll aa Yumii MuJ, II, II. Wruuaa, i.-onitnantr if iil lot inukloa; ai-rl of th inlla ll. -rafl, wm allKlilly hurl, mm of oili(!oal!y filnin, Tim llloip lyim it aliahtp la not 1 aiifii' for work, lyut lur- ln a tft fliirhl (h C. W1 no-1). I hla I' ua hrloK wroni'lit'l, II la ul-l lo . up uii'l la tmikihu a ilfiiiiii'il tv port to (loimimnilloa; olfl'i ra hra. CUUhkik Oct, 17, Th Ct waa tha fiiat raft of th dlMieil'la typa to t rompl' iM, Nn of lh liiin, how- vr riaa hwn rwoiv! In Waahin ton, In ailvan' of of I riiiii. Ma jor n-nral I'alrii k, lil' f of lha army avtr a-ry'', prrfir"l linm-'lliilly lo r1-r an Inquiry ly a birJ of rotn j.rirl uUrrt in iMim i. tha -auaa of ifi awlnVnt arcl f rffoi,a;loliy, If that adoiiM l .mi;I1, Tha report of th'a liorl will l auhm:n1 to the wrrtarf lit war wh-n etiHivUlnl, anil It la fli xfiM-lit!oti of air aorvii' iff!r!(i)a that It will pluy an Imporiaiit part In wh'cvr troi-nrn for tha 4 viifimHit of tuliiiffi itnn t'ir In rovr-riirni-nt !rhl.a mny tic pr"nf-4 to t:iiittr ., Th waiward fllitht of lha , (' J r.rlirlnntlj' afhlul-l hy way of "U'nihlnifion, Akron, lnviofi, F,!! vlll, lit., 1lHla Itx-k, Iwllaa, Han Anionic, Marf-t and Turna, th wi rn terminal tln; llrmn fM, nar 1 Anifl'-a, Xoin rhaiiK'-a In roul ir miii during tha fllirtit, th ahlt)' ronlfral;ly ttrmter than any hHichl wi (iio-ll4 li radi In i rtmmnu lha tooiiriffilna, All-r laiilrti of lha illrlrlhl, I :). ii, raiiinul wt auhmltiH hy th War 1rii(in-ol fr laiiiiilnif th war-llrtia Vv!ojii-rit of nonliiflam mahl hlium a for ua In army ii)ialil-a, Afir tha war fimuri-M timl diallimi1 apirorlailona for thla woik and lha ooly helium plant ifwr nitA hy th Kov-riuii(it waa chrfK-d down, Tha currant army piroprliiton hill, I r,vyr, llowt ti'0,0U0 to h (H'wint "fur !Xp-rlo)riitlon, raiiair vntlon and irodii'iin of rwllum," Cross-Country Balloon Flight Ended by Fire an aiiKtU'1 of i.tio ft, whhb waa i (-f,,,,i( , iranaiontliiiilal trip ovr Ih l.nllod (!. KiarlliiK from Mnnvy ft'-ld, NVwfxirt Nwa, Va,, at v;i a in., H-pttnUr II, ih ulilf, mad air hlatiry hy flylnu to JUw D'1'1, Arcadia, i'l., with hnl alx afpa firogia, r-i'hlria; lh raclfln coaal fiHd at t.l p, in,, H. iiiili-r 23, G2 Marks FourthBig Blimp Loss in 2 Years Nw York, Oct, J7,D-atni-tlon hy lira of lha army dlrlxlhla CZ at luMikn' fit-Id today miiil.a tha fourth api-i'inruliir loaa of a alrxhlp within la lhan two yarn. On Yi-hrmry 21 tha Horn Maw up mcr Jlninplon lloada; on AUKiial. 24, l2, th '.lit, hullt In KnKlund fot tha t'riltd HlaU-a, hurat Into flamwa ot-r Hull, KuKland, with a dalh toll of 42; on January 1, 10Z1, tha Mi. whkh mart two trnnaatlntilu; vny ju:a in waa wr'k in a rula at 4'atla4 from tut .) Harry Ml, both of tha ahlp'a :rw, rh baa a fr'turd !-; Itn Kalur titwrpHwr roan of Han Antonio, hrok- Jfowd"n, Knidand IJiiroln, OH, J7.Py A, HMn frFiv miiihrlilp miuigu will aain h laiinchiMt l.y th Nrhraaka, Karm 1!uimii frdvratlon, fulluwiii; niacllnc h'ld in thla rlly rxnitly, lndrd hy tha aaocullv coinliilll arid tha ,rl.lo of lha varioua loimiy farm huraaii orKanlnitlona, A'onllli( to III farm hUlaatl olfl iala, It la th Intention to I'oodurt lntnf v nrannljiMon work In on or two munlla at a Urn. Tha flrat roiioty (Hinimlirn will Blurt In KitoH liliiff eoiinly (Jorinar tha mn-k ' f n mnflip (wtiihr 22. Krly in Novi-m- lr, cainiiulKoa will atari aiiiiiiltiin oualv In Mnrrlll and Inmalaa couniu-a. "W liiliid to mo out In tha atat durlna; tha rirxt turn rnonlha and ti ll lha farmrra of lha bwipflta thi-y huv fvi-Hvwl h'-rau nt lha antlvlll of tha Amrlan Karm lmrnu fdr. tln," aiild II, U, l.uta, acrtiiry of lhL Nhraka oiKanlzution, "W will Miilflvor to lmpraa upon thdil th , iriarlMiii' of a alrou frin-ra' or Kfiljillon that will k-p ahrraat of Ih Iridualrlal world, which la urjean lzd from Ih i-apltallaili! on-r down to Ih lowcat lahonr in th ahop." lr, l,uf alald that a, dlaoranl,d fiirrnliiir Imlualry -onil not hop to cop with organized commi-rclal In- ilualrl'-a, Th Aniarlrfiaj Farm HnriJ fdimilon, h aald, which, throUKh Ih frm hlod and it Waahlnaton had'iti!irtr and Ihrouyh Ma mrpa of , alntlatlclafia, rata i-rta Mtid ti r- ' ocrla In Ita hadi"itr, haa accom- I nllhd rnuh duilriif th al two yiua and off-ra th farmr th iiuii'kcai and moat irciitr way of) I Hrrlvinar t aolutlon of tha furrnra' j.rolilcma, Waiit Tax on All l!talf Ahrulmm J-lncfllii Tldd of I'latta tiK.uth, iro(ficalv ciiiidldiil for con irrcaa in th Klrt dlatrlct of N-liraa-kit, in a !ntmiit iuillnlnu hla twail Hon on what lie coimldcra Important iUtlona of ih day, ha uouncd that, If alcctad, ha will work and rut fur an (nhrrltnw t on all catntca In xca of 1101,000, ao araduntcd that all 1-xc over 1500,000 would j to In th K"VTiimciit, fhcr (huiiK which Mr, Tldd dc. clnrc h would work for r, rpnl of th Kah l-'iimmliia act, n national primary law, national referendum, Inltlntlva and rccjill and government owuciahfp of railroad, tli'Kiih fttid tclcphon llnra, coal mine and oil fjcld. Tofin YfarliriK Markft. Tim top prlca of 112.10 a liiindrad, th hlKh-at for U'-ariy two year for loiiif fed yi-arlltiga, waa rclvd yea trdny at th local yard for 1 head of cju.ttl hy John Mndnon of Mechan- Icavlllc, la, i Wednesday-Extraordinary. Sale i Base and Shade Complete I I di LlSs J 4rf f)irftiiin Everyone oi the 75 lamps in this sale is the type chosen by those well in formed on the newest things in interior decor ating. The junior and semi-junior bases are finished in poly chrome and gold. The large silk shades are lined in a contrasting color of silk and finished with chenille or silk fringe. Each is fitted with a polychrome top and two tasseled pull cords. In rose, blue, gold and mulberry colorings With cold gray days and long winter evenings comes lamp light time when nothing radiates friendliness and cheer in your rooms like a pretty shaded light. Don't miss this chance to get a most attractive one at a moderate price. 111 H llatfUM i:r mi 14 'ta-LVTi 1J:-ZS,13K.ZZJi 'VIM u,it:t t i ivAvin i v l f,w r iv The First Anniversary Sale of Master-Made Furniture Now Going On in This Big Store Is Attended by Large Numbers of Well Satisfied Shoppers. We Sell for Cash or on Easy Payments $275 3-Piece Living Room Suite Anniversary SALE PRICE 19 Spring arm hiiitc with 88-incJi tluvcnport., chair nnd rocker; loose, upring filled cushion ncatfi; choice of taujio velour or tap entry and velour covcririjr. $220 3-Piece Living Room Suite Anniversary SALE PRICE 15911 A Chesterfield suite with Ri-inch davenport, arm chair and rocker, with loose, spring filled cushion seats. Choice of com bination tapestry and velour covering. Anniversary SALE PRICE $235 4-Piece Bedroom Suite irw 17971 Lomn XVI design in antique walnut finish; lias 44-inch dresser with large mirror; chest of five drawers, four-drawer vanity with full length center mirror, full-size bow-end bed. $210 4-Piece Bedroom Suite Anniversary SALE PRICE Jjouis XVI design suite in American walnut or brown mahog any finish, consisting of 4o"-inch dresser, H-ineh vanity dresser, J6-ineh chifforette and full-size bow-end bed. Mattresses oo " 0 The Carolina Mattress Anniversary i A 71 Sale Price 1Jt The Supreme Mattress 30.00 Chest of Drawer .nnivenar7 Salt Price 2r Anniversary " It Sale Price X 1 1ti..')0 roll r'li.'f cotton frit iiitittri'Mi, dia' tuftfJ Mal of walnut; 3 large ami 2 amall ilrawcrs. I'JD liiifriiil olilrlnd t tm Wt matt ', ihuiiii1 liay art ti.-kinV. Welifht '"Vfr.! ait tu-k ;.il ..iin.ii. inf. Wi'ltflit fiO pound. Stvtnth Floor 4i 00 6 T. 8rekfMt Iuit-Annifnry 1 7 1 al Frtce, il l rt.p 1rf !! at. f'i' iliirtj rh u tf icijr d Kl'i ur gray and Mue flip tr!ti. y 1 ' A iri f ! i I I t '4 I !;t 00 Walnut Preir. ttnivmry Sale frice OD7! 35 M Tki!tTW-A-BtTeniarjf ,)7I Ski rih, .) inKtt.-att a!i,ut 4 ttr ati Ji'.'iiii, f!a Horror. Brighten up the Corners A lurge piTcciitiiK nt niiii anil women ko tliroiiKll Ihe world rllnx Iiir for dear Ufa to a lot of rickety olrl-rnahlmieit fiiiiilturo wlnrh would look better In a airotirt-t and More or a bonfire l)::.n in tha honi of a nuppoxerily roflned and cnl lnrid family. Jimt hy ttn.aa pco pl prrfur to put nil monry Into ttia bank rnilier than aprnd aoirie of It In mMnu thiir enT Ir on rnnt a romforlHble ard pliaa ant a poattiblo It would he hard to figure out. If tiiry roil Id only rru.IVM bow much nior enjoyment they would have by flavin in Ihelr liotm-a aotna good up-to-rtnta fur ultura they would cerulnly take advantage of tha flrat nnnlvemiry aala of tha UmiidiU furnltur rlo pitrtment whlcU Iiukhkj Monday, where there are loirte of the blf geat bargain evr oifcn-d In Oma ha. A dlacount of from 10 to 60 will be given on all plecci of furniture, winch will lie cold for caah or the tany-pnynmnt plan. Thla lmmenne depnrfment, which la a block long and a half block wldr-, contalna an riorn.oti atock of the highest itrado furnltut.' There are beautiful mahogany aultea tipliolttercd In lovely ailk velour; wonderful walnut (Jliilna; room and bedroom aiulrn; and complete kitchen outfUa, In fact, there la furnltur appropriate for every room and the kind that will appeal to the moat fasJIdlou. tauten. Any woman who anuntcra th rough the department and aea the big reduction. In price on the choicest piece will not bo content to return to hnr collodion of an cient Junk, Him will proceed at once to dial her huKbnnd nnd In vito film to Join her on the Seventh Floor of the IirundoU Store. Fhe will alxo aiiKgeat that be bring hi check book with him. After t.he geta him thcr it will not be necre aary to do much arguing lor be, t"0, wilt be dcHlroux of taking ad vantage of the uuuhumI bargains. And how happy and contented they will bo after they have 'brown out the old and pu'. In tbe new thing. Never again will they be aahamed to have their relatives end 'rlcnda and neighbor come to vilt them. In fact they will only be too proud to dhow off their woll-furnlihnd home and deep down In their hearts they will always be grateful to the Branded) Store for giving thera the opportunity. Omaha Examiner. 0 Tl 29.00 Sewing Cabinet-Anniversary Sale f 1 !S Price, Zl . (jftiuitirt Molitl nmliounny, Martli.t Wnsliinti.n t.tvlc, 35.00 Spinet Desk Price 5 Mah''fiiy fmlltiNl d"k witlt tiiotdy fi!iilud vit j ailiaitit. i1 R"1 eja-W