11 THE OMAHA DEE: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1922. W V T IT Pi'Ol -ft-Mhn""'h '','r'ur'M' woiktn and if i (. a.;, inii'ta """" " 'ur me com- Kul ins to Keen 1 1 II. S. V 10 K' esscis urv Ndiraska Brain It In Scud Let tT on Siiltjtui to I'reciilfiit Nulional l)rltgalri Are Namptl. Lincoln, 0.1. 17. Ofpeilul ) At the rlnalnc session of the Km ronven lion t.f the W, C. T. V. the president directed to writ letter to the president end nitorny general of the t'nltad Wfstes rnrnniKiHlInc them fur making American ships "dry" wher ever they are. The orNiilzutlon lakes credit for origination this policy and 'hrrrin the sgltatlon f hut resulted In I ha order belr Issued. The folluwlnir delt-natea to the tionnl rmi vein ion, which follows Ilia orlil convention at riiiludt lihlri nut month, were pl.Tf'l: Mm. J W. Nhueinsker. Hl.ln.y; Mn K. V. I.imllrv, Afn.fii.KB, Mm Wllr.is, liiaiiil lalemt, lie, Maria Wllinx, Nd'nii; Mm, V II 1'iir.r, Wymmr; aire Klla limy, l.lft.-olii; Mr. binma l.ymia. hall; kit., l i.n... H H.bIiI I uairolaC Mn Nailnti, p'rainnnt; Mn Ailet. Currier, Ht, Kilvtaril; Mrs M l Vl.rni, Omaha. A Her rial aa: Mr. Harriet Van's. AMU in.f ; Mrs Jam. a John, Camtirl'lse; Mr.. Hyde, lliiltieuliurg; Mm. Ti'l'ham. It. ft i limit; Mia. Kaflin. 1'avinee ( liy; Mr. (.'. i I I. l l.in, l.lii.'.jln ; M ib. Kb'b Havia, I. In n.ld; Mia. Anna H.mia Cutler. Yirk; Mra, J, fc. Peieraon, roluinl.ua; Mra l.u.trh.n, elVyn.; Mrs, C. W, Itayae, Omaha, These drpurtment superintendents, log )mr Atnerti aaljal toa .lira Ui.hi, ruruina JN.,111, flan. au nan.iii.aiira Unit Jsnklnsoa, hii.ia in e h..uis Mi. tiella I'arklnaaa, t aueralla H;a.B. l imit ta.lf.r. sail naihin maxima " ' - nnm r.iia.un. a.nuuiK, fbii.uan i HiaiMiahiii Mrs, K M. Covad, Cti.aha. Kvaiiellam lte Marl Wllroi. Kel.tia, ,,".. nl aalilbila Mra. Marlba Cald. w, I l B- Iiesini suit nmillral tsini.renca lit. K.Hh.rn,. Wgif., .im,,m I . aiaUIInn- Mra. r. i i lavlon t.tnr-om. wuiti en.!... jiia Mabel Klirh, ht. Kilwarrt Parliamentary u.a Mra. Karn trptun. I. ..I, ,.i n. I'.a.-a anrt Im.i nallnna! arhilratlnn dir.. Anna ril.haiaiiu, VI r4wsrd I'ublli HrMra. , M. ahsparit, l.llii-otn. I'riaua raform Mr, Allia Jarkann, Lin coln. Mabhath oba.rvaaia Mra. Lillian tavl. n. Hiu. Hprtnaa. Mi'ionnfin f.mparanea tnalrutlnnMra, Rii.B HIio.lMilliarn, Kalrbury. H.M-lal maailnas Mra. Ksiah Merhaanay, Uelra.l. hh ibI mor. Illy Mrs. Mar . Hum, i'iNn. feniat walfars Mrs. Aanaa Kaaian, Al Ham a. ItumUy tihoola-Mra. I.oran Hann.r, 'run I, a l ..i.li.r.ii. anil mlasluna Mra, (Irara r.niiiirii, i na.niia. I'lilnn Miaiul anil Young Cruaadar Mra K. i ll.n, M. rui.k Wnmi.n in Hitluairy Mra, Anna llmnla Lunor, tork. S'uti-Bla.irhiillii rtavnrlnaa Mra, MatMa rnalfr, llalirmi. Kitiior linnin Worksr Mra. Ilarrlat an. r, l.lm ulil Young iiaiipia's lira nih Mra. It, T. Mo Nl. kal, a'arnain. I.uyal l.iuii.ranra Irglnn Mrs, Nina Taliar, Jnavala. tiiganla.ra and flald workara Mra II. M. i ov-ll, in.iaha; Mra. Iila Kauai Wll. llama, Nasra.ka I'Hy; Miaa Juai Hulllmii, l invvraiiy I'H.a; K.v Iva Inn.a, nillar; I..V, Utla ll.rrlrk, L'nlvaralty I'laca, To ln"rt your Want Ad. "Till that Tlplimie" Atlantic 1000. Urtter Hr-aulia at Umiitr Coat, M IBuBE'iraedl HJjp Last Yeac? Last year's fire loss in the United States and Canada was over $500,000,000. In the past ten years $1 out of every $4 spent in new con struction has been destroyed by fire. Each year we burn up enough property to build homes for a city of half a million people a city as large as Buffalo. v To put it another way,. $500,000,000 would have built over 14,000 miles of concrete roads at $35,000 a mile, or 5,000 school build ings at $100,000 each. Fire loss represents a total loss of natural resources together with loss of time, wages, customers, good will and all the disorganizing eSects that follow fire. In addition fire takes an nually an enormous toll of human life. To drive home the neces sity and profit of buildings that won't burn is part of the work of the Portland Cement Association. Time and time again con crete has proved itself the highest type of fire resistive construction. Concrete buildings command lowest insurance rate. Concrete construction means safety combined with longest life at minimum upkeep. Con crete grows stronger with age. The Portland Cement As sedation is constantly as sitting every movement directed toward reducing fire waste through the me dium o! better building. Our engineer are at all timet cooperating with builder, architects and others with a view to re ducing fire hazard Aiding the work ol fire pre vention it tTpical o! the duly service ol the Portland Cement AswocMticn, rORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION W. J. Bryan Censured by W. C. T. U. Convention HouiImumI KrolM I'ag . aakitJ. Ixiud it lea or "no" from all tMtrta of tha aiidmni' hall. "If you had Mulled until Illtthvutk vol ml tu irtvaa you tha balM, when would you Imve bad It? Kor two yvara hi wm tha una vota that kept tha ballot from tha wonii-n of th country. Mra, Cliflln anld thnt aha made thla atatrnn-nt out of f iltni'ag und a dralra thut tha truth It known, Hha wanted tha ilrlrRutea t know that tha commlttrai truat liud btatn batrayad. letter From llowrll. Mha an Id that Iiryan hnd ald Howill had not bttn dry. If to ha had ill"- llngulaliPd company, aa 16 yrnrs ago Mr. Tlryart had r-fufd tn any a. word for prohibition. ih rwid th follow Ihk tiligrum from Mr. Howrll: Mra. Lrta O. Iyar, Ira. W. C. T. V., Cure W. O. T. IT. f'onvi'ntlon, Klmt ConKrrKatlonnl rhurtrh, .Ini'oln, Neb. ( iimleratiinil thnt M', J. I'.rynn rniidf a atutt'ini'tit brforv your i-onvrn-Hon thla uftt-rnonn li'nvlfig the Ini ,reaaliii that I hiiva not bfi-n for prohibition, I Inhrrltrd my vlrwa up on the liquor quoitlon. My grund fathor, Vr. Joacph Howell, ai-ttlcd In l.annwr county, Mich,, In 132 and hortly thercnft'T th flrnt temperance aoclcty In that plona-r county wa or Knnlr.rd In my gnindfuth'-r'a home. "My father favored prohibition throughout hla life and my mother waa aecretnry of the W. C, T. U. In Adrian, Mich , my birthplace. "I have not been converted to pro hibition for the puipoai'a of thla cam paign. 1 have voted for prohibition whenever the opportunity hna offered. I have never dlaniiHued thla atibjeit with Mr. Uiynn. 1 am amuzed thnt a nuin of hla profi-aalona ahould lend hlinaelf to auch political methoda. If he dealrea the people of N'ebraaka to know the truth he will recall the lm preaalon hla remark wera calculated to make. In Juallce to myaelf I would reiiueat that thla telegram be read before your convention. "R, Tt. IfOWKLL." I, oat Ilia Head. It wna prlvalely alutcd thnt Bryan apparently loet hla head after he hnd flnihhed hla prepared apeech In the afternoon, and that It wng th many negative nhakt' of the head on the rnrt of women delegates when he said that prohibition waa not an Ikhuo In Ntbranka thut aet him off. He flrnt grew white, then red, nnd then biuiiched Into a. recommendation of Hilchcoik. Prohibition Director Kohrer, In a Hpcech to the convention, said that ha wanted Omaha to understand thnt ho would Hupport Tom t'llnn, hi an airtant In getting evldcncn, In hla trouble, nnd declared that Kllnn wns fully jiiHtilled In defending hlmaelf urder the circumstances. Mr. Rohrer complained thut the best attorneys and some of the courts in Omaha had advised bootleggers tl.at they could make all the whisky they pleuaed In their homes ao long as they did not sell It, and suggested various amendments to the Volstead law If prohibition dlrectora are to work effectively. t,ater, Mrs. Mary Hlght, republican speaker, addressed the convention and said thnt men hnd tha delusion that they could rnnfui women Voters alxiul the ballot by saying one thing at one time, and another thing al another time, and then vainly Imagine the Women had forgotten. Hhe said tlat It waa rather alrange i c0,n that a man ahotild (ell tha women .if I Nebra.k. that nmhlhlilon was a d-ad The purity of gold la egpreaaed In Issue here and then take the train ! Paral. Pure gold Is t carats fine Mrs. Kirmia U. Hterrett. fenlrul City, editor lnhlef. union Worker Mrs, Lela O. lyar. Hoon: managing editor, Mis. Harriet Vance, Alliance; hlatnr Inn, Mrs. Caroline M. Woodward. Un for two other states where ha pro piMrd to dlHcuas It as a live Issue, It waa a device to blindfold the women, hut It would not work. The following officers were elm-led: President, Mm. I.el (I. lyar. rtounc; vice president at large, Mrs, t'lma C. Clayton, I,inc(iln; correapnndlng aecre lary, Mrs.. Mary Lea Hi Ibert, Chap mnii: recording secretary, Mis. i:xi E, Maxey, Orleans; treasurer, Mrs. Agnes 1). Huberts. Omaha; auditor, 18 curat gold contains 7j per cent gold and 2S per cent copper. DRESSKSND.riVu MODERATE PRICES JiiilMsOrkin f fe1 Hi mi cJyindows are the Souls II - oF Houses I HOUSES whose lighted win- I Airm .kin. fsia-tl. nia..!nM II Bl uvna aiaiaiivs iui uif pacivillg fll the darkness, seem to have souls I HI that are alive, bright and cheer j HI It costs but little to keep your I j! house always filled with bright; I HI cheerful light. I HI ' To burn a 25 - watt I HI lamp in your home all j I night costs only a 3 HI fraction more than a I HI penny. I 1 A Light All Night for I a Penny and a Third! I I NebivskdfiPoverC. I Hershey't Cocoa, Three I'j-lb. cant for 59c Limit, 3 cant to a customer. Ideal Malt and Hops, per set, 55c, Per cast. $6.25 WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY -BUY-RITE RED LETTER DAYS 1 carload of Fancy Red Extra Taney Keifer Peart 1,000 baskets Solid Wisconsin Green Globe Jonathan market basket, Jersey and Cabbage for Tomatoes, Onions, Applet 730 Virginia Sweet kraut, 100 lbs. market basket, market basket, per box, bushel, Potatoea, bat., $2.25 45c 33c $2.33 $1.75 47c Fancy Tokay Grapes, square basket 75 I Large Ripe Grapefruit, 3 for 37 BIG-3 CANNED GOODS SPECIAL 3 No. : cans of hand packed Tomatoes for 40c 3 No. 3 cans of hand packed Tomatoes for 58e 3 No. 2 cans of Country Uetitlenian Corn 40c S large cans of Oto Hominy for 3!it 3 cans of tender sweet Heaver Dam Peas. 43 3 No. 1 tall cans deep red Alaska Salmon 95 3 No. 3 cans Franks Milwaukee Saur Kraut 43 f 3 Ire. can Freestone Peaches, heavy syrup 1)5 2 large cans Imoa Cling Peaches, sliced, .In heavy syrup 930 3 large cans Partlett Pears, heavy syrup $1,05 3 medium cans Van Camp's linked llenns. .3fs 3 rant of the finest Main Corn packed ... . J3f 3 cans of Grand Canon Club Peas 72 3 No. S cans of Crated Pineapple for 73f RED LETTER SPECIALS Sun Maid Seeded Raisins, 2 Mb. pkgg. 35 New shipment of Swanee River Head Rice, 2 lbs. for 25 Bo Peep Ammonia, small bottle 15c large bottle 2)t Tea Table Flour, per 48 lb. sack $1.90 liny your Flour now, it Is advancing every day. Crystal White Soap, 10 bars for , 47 Per box of 10 bars '-$4.50 P. A (1. Naptha Soap. 10 bars for 47. Per box of 100 bars $4.50 large pkf. Star Naptha Washing Powder 27i UY-RITE PILLARS rh shipment of I!ay Kite Cotfee, lb., 33f i !' tor O.-, Ni.hra Valley Huy Rite Huiior, prr Ib 4t', Lai rans ol iiumronl Unking louder for 20t No. J's vans of Pura Country Sorghum, .. .Hwaii.dowti Cake Flour, hargat package. ., I lb. l-.il of Pure Htiuey lor..,. tkSf Kama l'inrV Flour, 3 k(. or..,.,,,...23f W I tinrb Roll l eper. ? nvil for, ., 2Af t a.! ttritl M tk. 3 ran fur , 5t)t I) boi'lrs I'uie Touis'd Ksichup fo COOKIES AND CRACKERS lien's celebrated Fairy Soda Crackers, i to 4 lbs. net, per caddy , 59t Hen's celebrated ti ratia.ru Crackers, i't lba. net, per caddy 60s S.OOO lbs. lien's French Cake and Mararoon Snups. per !b 20 HAM! HAM! HAM! An..;;.,-r tn lou ahlpmeiit ot lii. ri-l irle. Hklnne.1 lUnis. While they last, whole r half. rr Ib 27' parsons ';r - m , I t aaaaaaa 1 aaaaai . Oust talCe imonia 39c BOYl-ATTtNTION lloit. hai t )our hane to ( I a yalr etf TlM " AdMtabla jUlllla FKI.K. .a 34 I'-itul. Soat ia.(n, t.i iii ii.i-iu to a H i Rl'e Hiore Sfid j-i-l ur alilu FHFK IVtriden .ti i larta ban tr 45a CAiailMAlO SUTIId Ttis la teat tuTTIR. I.u ? A woril to th wts U mffic!at. If you Iwen't alrai!y put ia your Winter' upp!y of poUto, WAIT ia about two weeki w will receive a Urt ship Sitat cf Ohto Revl River Winter Keeping potitoea. The price and the I'otatoea will be well worth wiltiu.; for. S ilt SOtr!! -A Short Cut to Economy A Buy -Rite Store Ad and Your Phone- 100 Dozen Men's Union Suits On Sale Starting Tomorrow iPWW n cfl:f A aVVSSa. i' Main Floor $1;29 Values Up to $3.00 Our Greatest Sale of Men's Union Suite 100 dozen union suits. Chalm ers, High Hock and Olobc makes; wool mixed, heavy nnd medium rib and eotton fleeced, in ecru, white and silver; sizes ?A to 54; values to $3.00; on sale tjl OQ Wednesday .... DliU Blanket Time Is Here-Note the Savings liKfaa-Jll Thousands of Pairs of Blankets in a Sale Em Wool bliinkel, V)'c pure Vir gin wool, full double bed size, rinlds In gray, tun, blue and pink. 7.50 blankets for $5.44 Wool comfort ables, high grade sateen covering, Flor entine plain ;olor borders. Cut slue of romrortr., 6x7 ft. $10..i0 com forts for S6.94 (olden Fleece. Iilankels, large block plaids In pink, gray, blue or tan. Large size blankets, very warm but light weight. K30 blankets for $4.34 Gray Cotton blankets, wool finish, 64x76 size. Standard first quality blankets that are worth 12, pair $1.24 Pale of hit rolls of cotton In comfort slue S-lb. oo t ton b a 1 1 s. T a quilted kind, pure cotton, op.ns In ona c o n 1 1 n it o ns atrip. 6x7 ft. Wednesday 94c Comfort ot ering, wide oliintz, fait color, nett patterns, 10 yard In tbix tale for $1.54 AsffSEUiaaa More Depends Upon Your Corset Than Upon Your Gown The Oorset makes the gown even more tlian the gown makes the woman, as a fa mous 'French dressmaker has said. Let us help you to select the model most suit ed to your figure. Our Oorset department is fully equipped' with stocks of Binner Corsets. Arrange for fitting. " Prices $5 and Up Corset Department, Second Floor Annex Sales Underwear I.ad lea' winter weight. Ion aleve, ankle lensrth, white, rlbhi-d and fleece lined 98 Ladies' pilk atrlprd cotton, low nack, knr lenglh, all ala H Children'. heavy fleeco Ilnfd rotlon nits in alios Z in IK yeura 08? Buys' hvy fleera lined union ituus. inter weight, an extra vslua ....Htie Blankets and Comforts In the Annex Sales One lot doubln wool nap blnnketa, 6i;x84. in white, lan and gray; an extra value at $1.25 una lot heavy cotton blankets, wool fininli, ne 64x76. colored binders; come In white, tan and cray: apeclal at, per pair One lot fancy pliiid cotton blankets, wool t'lniah, aize 6i,xS0. cut single, threa.' whipped enrta; woiirteiCui value at tine lot heavy frrav cotton blnnketa. cut single or double: alie !lx0: eauh, fl.29; pair ..92.49 fine lot 72x84 romforts In liKht colored coverinua, knotted and tied whits coltun fllllnu: a ri-eniar i'1.43 value on sale at $2.7S Ona lot l'eralan pattern rrvtonn covered, knoi tfd and tied, luraa sue. a heavy winter '..KM specially priced at. .m b $2.25 l ullua Filled 'ttarla special light welnlit while cottnn filled ooi 'ui t In b.d ne, list lit colored rent'ra and . olorert nrdera; a wonderful value at $2 19 Annex Sales Hosiery Ladies' (ray mixed cashmere hose, all sues at 496 Ladles' and mlanaa' silk and wind sport him., all sisea and colura, an extra value at ....$1.40 l-aillta' mercerised and wnl hnae. In nport palterna, all sues at fS) rtoya' and giria rib bed cntlun hnae, Hear brand. 4 palra for $1.00 Underwear Sales-Wed. Wool and Cotton Union Suits, $1.75 Women 'a wool and rotton union suits, low n'ck, Nleevelt-M, anklft length, si?. 114 to 4. r')ftilar jrit-e ei.fMi. CWldren"! Wool and Cotton Union Suits rhittlron's wool ami cotton union suits, wliite or natural, hili nre, lone slrec, auk. I'itk.'lh, U Xo 4, i51!.t4: U" 6 t lii ., 52.50 Hosiery Sales Tomorrow I'are Slla, llaiae. SI S voni'ns pru ailK boar, foil fUHiil.Mtrd, fir. iual li, fUr. i..p, iloutile lira and beel, veiy M,..ial si, per pan CI.Hft til llaae. SI 4T. Wonian's till wool full taatiiKhril Imae, ettta fine I'a.le. liCH taliica; lasulai and antra alto. 01. IT Silk aaal Kwl lli.ae. Sl.a S. Ik and wind hoaa, .-luiktil, all want'd er,,,rn. piiv-ed at fl.Hft 4 a.aiMtere llae, ST. Ui.nitn'a fin. ...liuivrB lm.., plaia end dri.pain-ti, l i t a I .lea. ape il at VT S.11 aa4 4.trla Haal Maa. IUa' and a111' f'oa na'-ed ii.ee, Is al -i.au... l iBinal SI ,...7ft sad Rl Hayden's Famous Whtte Bread, 4 loaves for liTiC Wednesday Sales in the Grocery and Market t . ... If .0 t1 ti 31 m si n i iranra Nan.. iv. l'ai i . ! . I r .a i ! ! Sf-,. a. a - ... i i .. . a a. t ti.a.a la I . .. a ,as I Dt I I. M ! il-'.V i.- .r a. . j i.. I.a If 111 ! t , ik II It.. . waa iMeatataaaat 4 Hatto. ,Him to . t ( - a m k , at ..'. - . . .. it ti . . i a - i 1.1 a t . . V.il.,a ,iaa I'ih.I liui.l na fu. r. a . tt.lS S' It !.'. Bta. Ai... M' a. ... I ,i, u ll i a a i . t I rtta, t -.a $ HO 4i.il m M'a Ma-ta-" " ... e'" fl.att -. Itaiti.il I . ......... il xtt t'..i kkbi , . Iia) il.nua aaas Man. m0 .. I. a " u'l.a 'k lu V' a.t-a a"i'S 4iit r." . ta H..4.1. I ut. I f:. a. ' I4 r.a-s 'a'a , I . . t,. J0 I .i...4 J . . ta, Ik 9a4 t.i tai a- ' i. If 0 at tt at trtl ISI k I a n. a i . a . f 1 1 t v .. t ..,. a. " I'u.l Ii.il ii. Iai. a It's IIMII It HI It l't III. f.M.V ii t4 lt..l Hi, , t.utt a. Si-i i-'it Ik. ,1 0 biai. In"" i .. au .,i...i i ii in ik . S0 li lu.til .ik ik ia t i to rt Ills 11 M.a -.l. .. I" "It aa la . ... I i .. .1 M a, 4 t Ik j '. . , no, ik, ....j tibial loll ik ... J S-I I - ar i.. X " ,-ia Iv fll. I l. .-.. si" .! I .. -a . . . . ... t a? t't t'i. a-,i, a a f I till kt-ki I tl t li i t ,i it'.i'i fv. aa 'Is l'a ana ita I R A a) $ as (U a a4 lUaaa a NAHIAm ( aaS I .-- Jtlli AO. 1.14 t Matt a t J ( M ta4 -a .aaa SB)a1Sa rllttttt 14 aaaa S eds (bAocia a. 1 1 aa as. THOAi 4 'wtw.ai ISfiiaae lNAJ 4 liSAH ik a4 . W'laYl 4 M tCILV Mlall taaiMi Sa.w'A 4 vS"i3A , a.i mm Ml! Iv'MM t t m aa 4 . SWa, fcaataBBBgak fBa'aaaaWaaaaaWgaaJ aSaal aaJafcaaaSaJJaSj ir r--y- yrn, gnp ? - a it im'i, i B it .. i a i a fill t ,. 4 - . ..i, at. Of Dlttr. Yf - Urtw ai f aaj Mrktl Oa.a el ? 30 V