The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 18, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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t , ' THE OMAHA nCE: WEDNESDAY. OCTOP.ER 18, 1922. ; 11
Large Advance Seat Sale for Nebraska and Missouri Game Saturday
! rniKtrnptinrr 9 ftftfl I ?rrli:c CDICMnc ........ , llTnrpns Hnvi Tn CtWeU J)nAy, A C ITiVpin In Knlor
Constructing 2,000
Bleacher Scats
for Big Contest
Tter Team Will Invade the
Hunker Camp With Two
Meinheri of Tram on
Injured Lint.
Llnootn, Oct. 17. lHperu.1 Tele.
grnmeWlth Hit advance it Mia
for Hi MleourlNobikii (am Hnt
urdy ruakiiig necessary an increaa
of l.ObO bleacher eat, come a atory
from lh Ungl camp which tndl
rate that Hi Tiger will b hr In
l.dy Imt nui In spirit.
Llmer Krhaw, doughty quarter
for tli MrMsourlan, brnkg a bona In
hi It Ht In lh Ame Kama and will
1 out for th remainder nf tha aea
uiii, Op'" 1 1 Hunker, center tin laat
year' team, who hi been perform
ing marvels at tinkle Ihl year.
wrenched til knee anil may not b
Mil to g'l In the gam.
And while 111 m moron,
tho Cornhusker ar champing on
their bit. They haven't hn under
fire for over a wk, Hatunbiy,
Conch touwson gave them a complete
Monday, wlili the return of Coach
Nwaiiaou from I-faytl, Ind., where
h Scouted the Notr Dame I'udua
gam and Conch Own Frank who
watched Mlaenurl and A met, '.h Hus
ker mentor glutted working th var
ally out on aoin nw play which
ere expected to counteract ome of
lh Tiger formation.
Kpcnklng of the Noli Ham team
which come her for th Thanksgiv
ing gome, Clinch Hwansnn utatrrl (hut
the description of Kntit noekn'
fighting machine a green waa aim
ply a misnomer.
Hwiinnon any th Notr Pam back
field la a itood If not better than laat
year. Heutlng the best team I'urdu
lid turned out In ncvornl year, 20
lo 0, la mute evidence (,f the team'
"Notr Dim will win nil It game
up to Thanksgiving anrl It'a going to
be mighty hard for Nebraska to con
nurr ui'h fighting aplrlt a wfl dem
onstrated In tlm Punluo fame,"
Coarh Hwnimon anld.
Illinois Preparing
for Iowa Game
chumpalRn, III., Oct. WHh
Iowa, conqutror of Yal. hr Batur
day for th llllnola homcnllnir,
Conch "Hob" Zuppk had evral new
mn In th llntup of hi eleven. for
practlc today. )lappny, Clark nnrt
JUchiinl appard tut th firat time
in two wka and may ! In tha Iowa
Km. To bat Iowa, Coach Zupptce
inllr.a hla team muat almoat per
form mlraclea, hut the hop" of the
llllnt run hiish. Practice tonleht laated
until aftr dark.
Seals Challenged.
Xew Haven, Conn., Oct. 17. The
New Haven KiiHtarn I.Mpu llaacball
club haa a-nt a ttlanK to Prealdelit
McCarthy of the Pacific Coast league
challenging Ban Francloco, th pen
nant winner of that circuit, to ft ilea
with tho local team, Which defeated
the Pultlmor International two out
of thro Bftine here recently,
Iowa Freshman
Keeps Posted on
Hawkeue Football
Iowa flty. la., tlct. 17. A fresh
man, watching football practice to
night, Hpotted a hackfield man who
aeemed to be performing better
than the others. "There ia a real
back who ouuht to make the vac
ally next year If lie continue hla
preaent gait," he remarked. The
football player to whom the young
man referred was none other than
Audrey A. Devlne, all-Amertcan
Quarter hack and freshman coach.
Devine'a fivuhmen were demon
strating the llllnoia play againat
the varsity In a light arrlmmage,
and not being aatlitfled with the
way the haekriehl men were carry
ing the hall. Deviue stepped In and
ran the team himself.
Distinctive Winter Footwear
For Discriminating Men
$6 0
fur truly -the only "lome-hat k'
ar... Ki) i ,vNoi i mSn ur rut-ta-i.,r
"com Uata," far mor U
u.a) fry' Shoe comhin t)l an. I
er' .tt wuj "mr thn-,ct J"
Itibg. wearin j quahtitav
fvery Kry h customer know
rry' rv rrly to nuV food If
ihtir ahor. aren'l rnttrely aatta
factory, a hrr at Fry a ho
r fittl la mere not mn to
ko, ru we aurprt'iiU'ly
fw tvhanfrt nr rh NfurtiU.
uiiut 5Ut tit MwV-if'i1
0O-o! 1 CtftTAiNLy V J HUMf ' . yoo 0'f
W.TH TMl FLU' oq sOMiimf G0tSi KN0W5 O) jj
I VVOUUO U sJZl fl T 10 TAKt IT HA'.
V 'OH. m TO rO OUT w 1 r T ?.UR -ADtW 1 n kniv 1
"H VOU SI lsA TvAllxt U yicAWHt in thu
p , ' J V I - " Mnow wHvan
. S I V I wch noway l
1 :M..ja7?r v-
Tebcau Starts Suit
Against Denver Club
Denver, Colo., Oct. II. Halt for
I7I.M0 waa filed bl Hi diatrli l court
tier today by fJeor Teheau, leaee
of th llroadway hatehall park of
Denver analint the Denver Wratern
Lea duo llaacbiill (lull.
Telieau baaea hla auil on Ihe al
leged breach of S contract Wlilch he
allege in lila complaint hound (',
II. A Ik Inn and V. I,. Whltelmk, t,t.
fleers of th club, to auhletH llroad
way park from him for period of
even yearn.
In return for thin le and In
part of the connlderallon therefore,
Teheau alate that lie worked to net
the Joplln (Mo.) franchlae of the
Weatern leaifiiei that It waa through
hla Influence and effort that the
Joplln franchlac waa awarded to
Cage Practice Start.
Lincoln, Oct. IT. Preliminary prac
tice for the University of Nehraaka
hHHket hall team haa begun at the
I'limpus gymriRHlum. Captain (81im)
Warren la In charge of the baketer,
alxitit SO of whom are out for practice
very night.
Footwork, pacing and other funda
mental of the can game are being
tresaed In the workout. Healdea
Captain Warren, Paul Tipton, Spear,
fehe, Mllo Tipton, George, Hummer
and Kelpser are among those taking
part in the dally workout.
Regular practice, however, will not
tart for alx weeka.
Checker Champ Wins.
Hoston, Oct. 17. Alfred Jordan, for
mer English checker champion, con
tinued hi airing of ticicesea in th
fifth American national checker tour
nament here yesterday by defeating
II. C. Neweomb of Toledo, O., In the
fourth round. Jordan won otia game
and thre wer drawn.
Tracy to Fight.
Montevideo. Oct. 17. Jim Tracy,
the Australian heavyweight, haa
signed articlea for a tight with the
Uruguayan middleweight, Sotello. The
fight will take place Novemlwr 5.
Tracy will use alx ounce glove and
Kotello, gloves weighing four ounce.
Ureaka Swim Record.
Honolulu, Oct. 17. Warren Nenlo
ha brok the world'a record for tlio
50 yard backstroke here, last nlglit. He
warn the event In 1 :1 1-5. The for
mer record was 1:47 flat.
every well - dressed
chap in Omaha would
wear Fry's Shoe s
they'd learn why men!?.
who do, buy Fry's Shoes
year alter year.
it! . r.t..jiti
I AX I Et 11 a' ela-
fill J ad n
Football Facts Worth Knowing
Best Grid Play to Use
lly HOI,
A mail I offalde, according to
the rule, If th hall ha Inst been
touched by one of hla own tide be
hind him, Hoe this man that If hi
f'arnam Will.
V'urium, Neb,, (let. 17. (Hp.rlnl T..
grsin.) riinum hlh nehmil won thlr
llilrd eonrutlv aatn uf Ih -aimn,
(natlng Ilia l.'urtli A(le rei-fv, tl tu t.
tilonmrielil V leUir loin,
IllooiTiflnd. NH., (let. If polnl
Ttlfgrsm.) By iWmtln Ci)l"rlilK hlsN
t i.'iilrrl'lmi prlday, Kimimllnlil H'pt mi
HI winning tiretK, having won til thru
nt It gaaiaa this aeaaoit,
lAiirrl Imm,
Jlartlnglun, Nu., net. It. iKp.rlM
Telegram.) Harllnatun blandul tha l.tu.
rul f.iollnll warriora hma, II t . Tho
work tit Itublntoii, ual alar, (atmx) tha
Oeniana Wlna. '
Pnlaun, In., Out. JT.(Hiull.) After
playing a aeoralea first half, Jonlaan
Plunged lia war M l lit I vietnry urar
th Cuunell liluffa high at'hool rlavati un
th local gridiron, in tha acfond half,
lianlaon limorlcil an aaeoliant hrMli-l nt
footliall whuli took llimi on atraight
match for tha goal. Long gaina by Hag
gau through thu tin ana tha vlciuua
I'lungea nf Hawley nattoil the locals from
flva to II yarHa on avery try. Ilawiy
regiatarad for hla matra tha (Irat linn en
a It-yard aprlnt In ih third qnarirr snt
again ralaad tha aenr with another tnmh
down on th aaeond play nf tha final pe
riod. A aevvn-yar.l plunge hy Maggau Juat
bfors tha whlaile tallied tha Inat tltna.
Th loeal etevan warn navar pri-aaad. the
hall hi-lng at all I linen in th territory of
tha Mhiffa. Only nna first down wna
raglatorpd by thn lltnra, who wara fnfead
to print aarh tlma they gained twaailon
of tha ball
Kanaka Team Win.
rawnaa, Nob., on. 17 -(KM1, 1 Th
oral alavan waa defaatad for tha flrat
tlma (hla a-8H0ti wh-n tha genara (Kan )
foolhallara trlmmad them. 11 to . Tha
Knnsana, ualng atralght football, did not
linva to hui-k up agrtlnai 'h oppoaltlun
which Pawnoa offoreil Unlveralty I'laca
laat week which put iham out of tha
running for tha arata tltla.
Ixing I'lne Wlna.
Haaeet. Ncli.. Met. 17 (Hp:ial ) t.on
Pino High achool won from tha Koila
county hlsh achool team. to 6. Thia la
the firai football team which the town
haa aver had, and It fecia Juatlflably
proud of lia Initial showing agalnat an
eiprrlencad lean.
KlinhMll iMiaa.
Henttablilff. Nel . Oct. 17 - tapaclal
T.legrain ) (Jnciiikliiar an amailng at
tack ef paaaca. trick playa and lltia bilcka.
the Hcotlabluff High achool team
wemp.'rf tha Kimball H'ah achool hera
today to tha tuna of en to I).
O'Neill Wlna.
Tll-lan, Neb. lilt. 17 ICN'e.ll ,et,atad
tha Inval grutAtara. 4a' to 0a
n Anihi?f,
t'.U t"ty( I u l. ; --IhH'f Hi Te-.
flram )rAkil flty hlnnki 1 Hip Jh k
n trtJ tt-etin on th lttr a f . It to 0.
J.i cek rmkut city wsll'n.c.l ih
JurrtlOllltfA. II tu it.
I utlifritn llcnU I Im.
Nrl. tut J ; T'hr l.tttl "un
Hlgth tihn.,1 ,Wfetitf,l lt fi '. 41 lgh
( hoI, 19 lu 0, nit l fun,
Valavm SfU . n 1 N.u. ti ( h
twwi tnn nvr i 1m r t n' -r In ft
for th .bird m raight th a .. in.
tt 6 fl.p turn vfe Uw, on ltit
1, 'Wt
ntr ft-l I I t w k S-tit.jti ti-
Hi l'loti4 lly 13 tu t
Srwaall lAars.
r'rawf,4. NU. mi I! - ia ,l i -tu
hard fut,am fitnia t' l t ate.i
-.aala H. yt l . ,.r ef tj t-i
, tha lutal I, eet a ,..u'".,l t
a furd t aa.aa
mir e' tha aa"
' 1 Mua) rgrjlur,,
! t v Nu I rt'"r-1 !
14 k UV U.Fll 4 4 tl 1 tefilt 11 !
Mtt- h ! ognKiMt Mt Mr t y tfe f
Mfilla)W W in
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JMi 'School
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IIW VH fl " Tfl
tr Iwl fM" mm
, team make
an outaldti kick from
scrlmtonge and an on;d player I
flrst'tn touch the ball, h la allll off
aid if he happen to l further down
tho field than tho point where the
onslilc playtr touched the hull? 1
don't how he can ba put onslde
unless h I behind this point, Kindly
A. No player ran be put onalile by
having an onslde man touch the ball,
Only those player who were behind
the bull when it waa kicked can re
rover It. Kill IH, Necllon I,
Q, An eligible player on a forward
pa hag one foot over end rone line,
10 yards beyond goal line, lie reached
buck In end mn to catch a forward
pass, touched It and fumbled the brill,
Hi-fore ball touched ground, an op
ponent caught It and tried to run
with it. If he make a touchdown la
touchdown allowed 7
A. No. Tha fact that one foot of
the player touching Hie ball waa be
yond the end tone governs Hie play.
The moment lie touches It It become
a touchback, Itule 17, eiectlon 6.
Q. On sumo play a defensive back
with one foot on end zona line reach
ea into field of play And attempt to
catch a linns, fumbling same, An op
ponent catches ball before It touchea
the ground. Pall ha never been over
end zone line. I that n touchdown?
A. The position of the ball lia
nothing whatsoever to do with the
play. It I the position of Ihe feet
of the player that govern such rul
ing. If Is a touchback. Itule 17,
Heel Ion 0.
Q. Forward tiasa 1 thrown over
goal line, A defensive, player and an
el'g.'ble end of attacking team Jump
for ball, They cntch It toirether, the
defensive man being over end rone
i:ne, the offensive end In end nne.
Pall never leave end gone and both
men fall Into end ion holding equal
possession of hall. What 1 decision?
A. Rule 17, faction 7 (d), alate
that the hall belong to the attack
ing side In such a case. Therefore,
Ihe ruling should be a touchdown for
the offensive team.
Q. A halfback attempt to make a
forward pnss, but la tackled a he I toward hi own goal and be
fore turning to locate hi eligible end.
Aa he's fulling, he make a wild
throw of Ihe ball over hi head and
toward opponent' goal. I was referee
and was going? to pennl'ge him for In
tentionally throwing the ball to th
ground. Put th ellg'hl end actually
raiH'ht the pun. I ruled It as a com
pleted pass. Wasn't that right?
A. iiuid ruling was absolutely cor
rect to Ihe teller of the law. The fact
that an end caught the hall mean
thai II was nut a deliberate attempt
to throw Ih pas In the ground. Had
Ihe pass been one thai no one of hi
s'tle r. tild have recovered befor hil
ling Ihe ground, Ihe penalty would
hm been called for. Il tll mut strike
the ground without loiuhing anyone.
Itule 17, Heel'on ft.
Willi ihe bull In oiir piaraslon on i
)i ui iippoiunl' 5unl, foinlh ,
down, rchl ard In u, in. I of
Ullie III !i tl ). l ul beb. nil J I
p.. ma. , I belli r try th l a !
on Ihe Hiroiy ii .. I i i I I
y.'U ar a'r.vmat f.r; II. at t loe g.iiue
a l.t.l Hiltieaatul lln II l I boat
li. I in tiWn !.... an I a I
nog ftnllill t-in.a hi (..nil
nui.. a bat k u ll I While the,
i i e .in o... Vl... li.ii-ii if ji,. m a
t t .! J i n aa aMn..( u as. i ta
I 1,1 4l ! ! '.! 'I t lid lit
w ..alMh.i tt I v ae. e.dlil,to- t't)
l i w,ii It tain. Tint al i ma i
t. I.i -..i I'M bo. t -r V -or i
I. am a'.-. a. I a ll ami. t HI ) -tie I
l 'ti ml le t.l.i.;,i II. at is .
,,,ur ai- ia a to.
Organize llitliard
l.raqur uf II Vitit
'.,( I- Iblia I o I
l r. t-aa li .
..i t ! . Hi
a- ' I It , : :'i ,
i. hi 11 ...!
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ha i i i
- . .' a I i
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. t i
a j l . .
I ' . 1 l, a
' . a r -
I t
Hirers Have
Not Won Game
From Huskers
lly KAI I'll WAn.NKK.
"Heat Nebraka. Tramp th Corn
htiakei in that dut."
Ho echo the yall of th t"nlvrily
of Missouri atU'letit and follower
from down Columbia way.
Hal unlay on Ih Huaker' own flld,
Ih Tiger from Mlstourl and th
Coriihtiaker from Nehraaka will rlaah
In a gam that seems to b attracting
a lot of attention right now.
In iplt of the fact that N'ebraeka
I represented by a gtronger team
than last eaon, Missouri fun and
Nluinni seem to entertain an Idea that
on October 11 imethlng awful U go
ing to happen to Ih lloskers. They
even go so far to com right nut
and y lhat Missouri will beat N
Tiger le II (Jam,
A g'ful'it at Ihe past record nf
Nebraska and Missouri game doe
not reveal any vlclorlc for th Tig
er, Just allow your glowing optic
to ramll down tli following list of
Nebraska Missouri (core and you ran
art for yotirlf that th Tigsr ha
yt tu dofwut th i tusker on (h gild-
IUI ,,,
. a
ISO .,
Iu ,,
leaf ,,
isug ,,,
ISM ,,.
He game gaareil
I MSI ,,
, ,, .No gm played
,,,, gam glare)
,,,, gam lted
,,,, game plared
1001 ,,
Ifloj , .
IN ,.
Il'4 , ,
I sag
lo ,,
u7 ,.
It'" ,.
, , , . game piaye
,,, , game played
gam played
. ... sin aania blared
lies ,,
luia ,,
ion ,,
mil ,,
ii ..
all ,,
IllUt ..
lul ..
IIII7 ,,
Mil ..
iKia ,,
i mn ,,
itm ..
mi ..:
.... 1
gam played
,,, gam played
gam played
Sin asm lart
hu m nlafed
,,,, gam played
,,,.Hu gam played
,,. t t
Neliraskii and Missouri hVi battled
13 time on the field, but not one ha
Ihe Tiger emerged with th long end
of the score and only once In 1012
wna Missouri aide to come nnywhern
nesr beating the Cornhusker, In thl
game, ono of th hardest game of th
Nebraska Missouri 13, the Husker
won ty the acore of 7 to ,
Nccirt 3Zd Point.
In the 13 game played, Nebraska
ha scored a grand total of 334 point
whllu th best MIourl could chalk
up wa 83 points, Th Huker hav
whitewashed the Tiger flv time and
each tlm th Pengal were cleaned
Nebraska and Missouri alnrted fight
ing each other on tho gridiron In
li3. The litiaker won thia game, 19
to 13. The following ann the Ne
braska team nosed out an 18 to 1 vic
tory and repeated th next aon,
13 to 10. In J the Ifmiker again
beat th Tiger, till tlm I to 4.
These beating wre not o bad, but
when the Cornhusker walloped th
Missouri team In 18U7, 42 to 0, and th
negt year, 47 to 6, Missouri didn't
schedule a game the following ynr.
No game wa pluyed in 1S08, but In
tha following thre geaaoti the Husk
er whitewashed the Tiger by acore
of 12 to 0, 61 to 0 and 12 to 0, Then
came th lull In gridiron actlvltle
between tlm two school, No game
were played for eight year, In llt
Missouri again tried to defeat the
Itusker. but without nny luck. Ne
braska copped thl game, 34 to 0, The
Tiger lot the next oon'a game to
Nebraska, 6 to 7, and then canie an
other lull In game between thee
two team.
However, In 1917. when the Husk
er were rcpresenud by a powerful
eleven, Nehraaka anowed MIourl
under a 62 to 3 gcore. No game wa
scheduled In 11)1!) becau of the war,
but In H)l the IIukr added an
other Missouri victory to their list,
12 to 5, and the Tiger athletic depart
ment yelld "enough." No game
were played In 1920 and th following
Thl year the Tiger have an Idea
that they can break Nebraska' win
ning streak. They figure that 13 de
feats by Nebraska mean a turning
point for Missouri. Mayba o, Mny
be not.
Nebraska ha 18 veteran In th
fold this year, while Missouri haa only
seven. Clmlk up a point for the Husk
er. Missouri won from (iilniiell, S3
tu 0, and lt Haturday Just managed
to defeat Iowa Hint, to 3. Lincoln,
one of Mlsaouil' glut- luuk, booted
pair of field goals, thus Ihe .Missouri
Th Husker trounced South I-
kola, H to o, and hav been Idle since
the giine.
Not lnviled.
state Colleg, Pa., Oct. t? Pool i
boll ailtllolltle lit IVllns) Ivatil.i Slut
collegi, said lo.t.iy I hut tin onVial In
Mlulloll had Iw-ell leeelveil fur a g line
iHlaan i ui. (hi nU hud l'nn Htate ill ;
Ptia.ol. i. a oil !.V Veal day. Theio
li.ivrj been Intimation that an Invil
te n might I eateinliMl. It . I
h,jI. , In th weal laat nlbt tl at
IVii.i i .le .i. lan elet le. f..f Hi
Slllinl eialWeat ..l)l.a
Senatorial Dome Art
F.iulaitgtrttl by Flying
Coif Hall at Capital
.l.itm, itii II Ylihiuti
knp eg lb giaaa" algna en lb
Mill -oil lapilid gli.uinla hl
inked (galiial iii and
eiliala, Otrg hat n letfaay tu g If
tmg, wbl.h M Uamtcal Ihe
' 4i.,ua iapil-4 giaeaawatal ! lb
Ht lux iat htaii.i). 1M W4ll.HIl
g.ll eiddaailv baa u4 It l'
uollil law Ma. I ton kabKaal Ihe aat.
ll () kalll.lli.g I., lug tat al.dl
' una' lla.l.-ai .e aaalli ailHi
i ai'thii. wtabie aa-t iiie Hi
itg fctdf h l. h4l M MtaMMd
t,ilt.t .(! ..U. th4
aiaaawatla at l-vlatg aM4 lw Itaml
rn lt a pulling k Imlall
ii paaala ll aik twaiaai lag
'4 .ta tw. aiii Ii i at. w.iaj
1,1. t., aa aaual g 41 -4
glfatia a...
Tony Stecher Ready to Start
One Stanley Burch on Mat Career
Brother of Former Champ
Throwi Challciite on lie
half of Stanley Jtitfht at
Clarence Kklund.
IN Omaha on a shopping egciiralon
yesterday after noon, Tony Mlecher
forgot about futures and furnlsli
Ings for th nw horn h built for
Mr. Htecher arid tha (aiecher twin
up In liodg long enough to broadcast
a challenge Into the wreellilig ether,
It wasn't for hla brother, Joe, that
Tony wag toiliiig hla trumpet yeeter
dy. On rltanley piirsli, II year old,
I th bid who prompted bunt of
enthusiastic belligerency from Tony,
"I'v been training Hlatiley a lu
ll," egplalned Tony, "and h'a a
'tough baby.' lie wants to wrestle
Jo Hlangl or 'lull' Drlsty or Harenc
Kklimd or any of that hi. It
weigh 173 pound and of Comae he
young but h'il (tirpris you when
yon him."
Htsnley Uvea In IVidg and has had
PO profeMslorml egperlene tu apeak
of. Ktecher want to get him started,
Htep up, boy. Don't crowd!
Landis Pays Off
1 922 Series Players
Chicago, Oct, 17. Check ranging
In sum from HO lo I4,M,V7I wera
malted today from (h office of Judg
K, M, Landis, baseball commissioner,
to 74 tnsii Who parllclpateil u I be
woild erles game, Thre ( hecks
for I2,42 M were handed to ilayers.
Joe Hush, Walte lloyt and Kred Hoff
man of the ynkeg, while they wer
leaving Chicago last Hiitnlny, en rout
to Japan with a number of major
league player given permission to
lour Hie orient,
Klghteen Olnnls, Including Mating
r John Mi'Oraw and Coach Jlugbey
Jennings, each received a check for
lt,r,tr,,7t. Klve inetiiber of the iliants
were given Individual (heck for
14,(4.1.70, which I on cent les than
the amount received by Ih highest
group, Ono of thee wa "I'tmy"
iJolan, the veteran assistant coach
The veteran pitcher, Jesse llarncs,
received 1 cent more than hi brother,
Virgil, who also I a pitcher.
Iowa Heavyweight I
Matched to Ho Miske
(Irand Kork, N. D Oct. 17. Hud
llyder of Clinton, la,, a giant corn
husker weighing iW pound and
standing feel, 3 Inches, hug been
signed to meet Hilly Mlsko of Ht.
Paul In the Inn'n bout on the Amer
ican Legion Armistice day boxing
card, November II, it wa announced
Major Leaguer to Play
Game in Vancouver
Chicago, Oct. 17, Th major league
ball player who are on the first leg
of their Journey to Japan, will b per
mitted to play an exhibition game In
Vancouver, it became known today,
Arrangement also were made to
hold th Lout on which tha play)
will gall for four hour on Thurmluy.
Tennis Meet Postponed.
Parle, Oct. 17. At the riuet of
the United Htaln Lawn Tennla m
sociatloii th International conference
of lawn lentil f"demtlon, which
wa to hav been held her thl
month, tin been postponed until De
cember 20. The meeting will be held
in London,
Ween (13) MX
tAZ Better j j '
tits' cigarettes Uf
X-liv ' -Utwr 1rtinla
itHl ViX -Uttar Btftlty
Kvf f rretlt futiaa,.
Here's Stanley,
crumbled .
ports M6
The grldsler waa a noble youth
III bead wa hard a stone
'Till someone kicked 'em on Ihe
And now lie' traveling home.
According lo Ih report received
from up in th wind hill country
where I'liaill Ofudner and Charlie
Trimble are hunting, III duck ai
falling thick and fust,
"Ibibe" Itillli ami "Hob" Meugel
relieved Omaha of scveriil humlred
ilnlliirs when Ihey ilayeil In an et
hlliltlon game here Kundsy,
Hecretary AntleS of the depart
ment of public welfare W'lll h'dd a
hearing at Lincoln, October 24, on
the charge lhat Leo Hhen, referee,
recently assaulted Inspector John
Kllmartln, but with Hhen, out of the
city It look like Hi Inspector will
he the main altrnctlmi at th hear-.
Coach I'atton of Hoiilli lilgTi
"Hied" all of hi regular for allow
ing Lincoln to defeat Honlb, 71 tu 0,
but week, but before the Ne
braska ( lly gnnm here Friday, they
will lie bach In tlm lineup,
"Itslllliig" ftlkl eay he isn't
(joining over lo thl country to fight,
which shows that even a Henegules
ha good Judgmunt,
haille Hanson aayg lie won't
wrcsllo Peek until the latter
throw Ktcelier. VVo think "Fgrmer"
llurns' protege Isn't very anxious
In wrestle Peseh,
If all the wrestleig were burled
Into a ring at Hie some time and
told to wrestle they would 1I lay
down because each would he afraid
h would hurt the other, thereby
Injuring the gum.
dake Kallemi i iuia a broken liiind
and the other guy has left town.
Heattle, rid. 17. C. H. "Mulch"
Tlyler, catcher of the Hull Lake Haae
hall club, wn married here last night
to Ming Liinille llilckall uf Halt Lake
Tigers to Knter
Husker Tilt With
Odds Against 'Km
llentfali Will Fitter Saturday's
Contest IMi-rmiucil to
I.attl .Nehraoka From
the Start.
fVlumbl. Mo , Oi l 17. rlrlal.r
Ihe Tiger hasn't a chaiic with Ih
I'usker when Ih two leader of th
Miour valley confeience meet at
Lincoln Haturdav afternoon in Hi
fliat rndlion iohle between the two
. hool alio llIK
Hut th Itengalg have never been
kr.own to ruler an arena without
lighting lo the last spot, and lht I
th way I'oaeh Tom Kelly a aleveu ia
plniiiilng lo Invade Lincoln, Willi
several men on th Injured Hal and
Willi all odd agitlnsl Ihem, Mleaouil
pinn lo light and peilops lo win,
Llmeg Kershaw, ' Klglitlng Ited,"
will not pilot lb Tlgei Kal unlay,
Kershaw received a bioken leg In
tbe Ame gani Hatiirilay, which will
put him out for Ihe entire s. aoii,
"righllng J!e.J ' has flarred for two
yeera At hairtiack, having len
a Itched lu th ouiirlef Job Ihl year
bom use ,f lack of applicant for that
position, Pub ebfliiliell, a (ophomor,
the . nil suing ((unrlcr, will prole
ably be Kelly' chop again! N"
biaska, However, Ihe former Chic go
mentor, Is likely to make) another on
of hi halfback a pilot befor th
Wick is over,
Cuplaln Herbert Hunker, all valley
player for two years, without doubt
the best man on Ihe Tiger eleven,
will also be unable lo play against
Nebraska. Hunker received a sprain
ed ankle In the Amea game lhat Will
keep him out of gcrlmmng for ninr
ihrin two week. Hunker ha been
playing center, but ha been (witched
lo tackle thl year, Wher h ha been
a bulwark on rt fen,
Ohm algn of relief come in the fact
lhat Harry H'hwliomer, phenomenal
wing man, may b ahl to play Hntui -dy,
Hchwlmmer wa Injured Irf the
Orlnm II gams and ha seen no avrlrn
mage sine. It I likely I ha I Kelly
will start ihe gum with Hchwlmmer,
been nun hi n bronco Haturday meant
lli substitution of four men In hi
plneo In Ihe Ami game.
Missouri Is going to give Nebraska
a chance lo buck at eveiythlng she
know. C.aicli Kelly la planning to
give hi team everything and If play
wrln a gnmii, Nebraska will need be
on Ihe defense, The Cornhusker men
tor are gwsre of the fact that when
Ih Tiger growl It also bile.
Boxing; Handed
Knockout in Denver
Denver, Colo., Oct. J. No Unit
biiglng houta In Henver after tonight
battle between Joe Welling and Jim
my Hanlon, wn th edict of Hlsti-H
Attorney Philip Vnnclse thl after
laical tlstle exhibition will havo tu
b discontinued, he announced, under
a recent ruling of the Colorado su
preme ooilit. The decision handed
down in a case involving Jack Wan
ner find John Corbet t, local fight pro
moters, held that a bout staged t the
s lock ynr rls (tadllim here wa a "prize
fight." under the state statute and lu
Which such I unlawful.
O'Duwd Hcalu Zivir.
Columbus, O., Oct. 17. Phil O Howd.
ColiimbUH bantamweight, won the
Judges' dec nion over Pete Klvle uf
New Vork In a 12-round bout here tonleht.
t I
' 1 1