The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 18, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Morning Bee
VOL. 62 NO. 105.
tala-aa at IkmI CIih lta Ma, , km. n
Saaka f. O. Uaaw A.I at Mart I, 117.
Mill (I mrli 0ll im U: laaait. MM. a-IOila tha atk rnt
Oaliigt Ik 41k mm It MI) Stil aa lulu, tlii aaka Ml. H.
Aid Given
by Capper
lilon Oader Open. Nebraska
Campaign Declare How
ell I Man Stale Need,
in Capital.
Wants Freight Rates Cut
Itealrlce, Nib., Oct 17. Hwlul.)
( nlld itata Henator Arthur Capper
f Kansas toll! n audience it He trice
tonight that (ho Harding admlnlslta
t'.un must I given credit for bring
ing about reduction of 1400,000,009
In railroad freight rui vk.
"We still need snolher and a
greatar tut," said Henator Capper.
Henator Capper gave l'rrnlrlcnt
Haidlug credit fur promptly signing
every measure advocated by thi con
KlMt'itittl "farm bloc,"
K nul'ir Capper dleunsed tint lonnl
loi'ijck nt particular Irttoroft to the
farmer. In part, he hmWI:
"J went to say a few word for tha
republican candidate tr senator.
lika him biMBiimi h I a fighting man
with a vision ittf what tlila country
needs, and one who will not swerve
fiom the path of duly, Mr, Howell la
lha lypa of man Hi In atnta and thin
country need In public life.
Nation Demand leader.
"Mom and mora lha country I de
mandlng progressive leadership of It
1 1 lone ri public servants at Washing
trti. No man In Nebraska la better
qualified to contribute, to thin progrcg.
alva leadership In Washington than la
tho republican candidate for senator.
"Mr. Howell 1 a worthy follower
nlonf the trail blazed by Lincoln and
l.'onaevelt, the trull followed by those
who ate enllateij In th never-ending
'mlit for h people against organized
gud and private Interest. I believe
ton will tnaka no nilnink In Klving
him a flno tnajoilly next November,
"Wbiit the fiirmera need In the
I nltel Htutea atttuile, and In rmiKrcaN,
am IlKhllnic frlenda who know tha
furriiirra' needa, and who knavr how to
et r'kulta. We !now Mr. Howell
lown In Kiiimim a that kind of a
oim, Mr. Howell hua freiiuenlly ex-,n-KMml
hlmaelf In tha atronReKt poa
aibla way aa In hearty aympathy with
the farm Mop.. I have read hla plat
'oim and hie aiieechea and I do not
.iMtute to eommend him aa a man
fcho ran ha of Immenaa aervle to tha
(.opla of your atato In the battlea tat iff
to be fouuht for agriculture.
Kuced Knormoua Taak.
'There la on tiling, I think, on
which evrytiody rnn agree. There
waa handed to J'realdent Harding on
Marrh 4. 1321, the nio.t tanglud and
dlkorganled wreck of Kovernmental
afralia that haa ever buen preeented
by ono udmlniNtratlon to another.
I i tv people reull.e what an enoriuoua
mk potifronlril the Harding admlnln
t ration. It had un almoat ImpoaHlbla
,lol to bring order out of fbaoa. W'e
b aid many people complaining be
au progreaa baa been alow. Tho
lirubla la they are not giving the
a Imlnlktratlon credit for what It haa
initially rcrumpllahed.
"Vaxt economloa have been effected
!n every department. Kfflclency hft
b"en reatoreil. Taxea have tieen
materially reduced. A greut Interna
t tonal dlHannament conference haa
been Vld which for tlia qiinllty of
HiutexmaiiMhlp exhibited and mugnl
uiil of arrompllahuienta will eniltire
one of the great achleveinenla Of
blMtory. It will aitve the 1'iiited Statea
lv.iuderda of million of dollara annual
lv In tha reduction of arnminniits and
preparation for war.
"I'lie niliiilnlHlriitiou found a na
tlomil debt of 24 OliO.OiiU lMKl and an
annual lnterenf rhnrgn of 11,0110.000,
'". Thia Indi'btedneaa . hua bnen re
il'lre,! ts.noo.000,000 in two yeara.
Kxiwimea llcing ( ut.
"The coat of running th govern
ment ! beim; ateadlly cut down. In
t'iCO the expenditure had been re-ilu-.d
lo M, Mi. iiiiO.onii by putting an
end to war woik thruuab the economy
of a republican roiign"a.
"In Ifat, giHI hualneaa nielh(Kl In
n,tine.l bv the new admlniatratlon
rniiher reduced the oiiallng appro
priaiioit to M.Tift.miom"'.
Kor the fll ar which ilond
luoe J", Hit) I "'' W'tuimi or exin-n-e
n bnuialit down to i
fli.. and lha riinrnt eiu It will '
iv.tuce.1 to aUmt 3 Oimi.Oi.o Oim.
Not old) have rduced the tolnl
,... ,.f federal taxation hy aU.ut
it a ri tut h
., --1 It to .... I. . point that tb.
..,mri,t of th. C tilted ,'"""
t in tl edisvna r capua -"H
,i,d a mint. -rl '
,h. noterniiienl of U'l' "
Our t the eoiv il
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. car I )'
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h lill IB'"" " , . ,
ii. . .!. lite niioi"
ail I'lh" nation hv t-
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K I I. t ' I t
fe ! iiae two i
Omaha Medium Stole
Spirit of 'Little Eva,'
Kansas City an Says
Kansas . Hy, Mo., Oct. 17...
Plrlt medium today appealed to
M. J. IJiiike, free legal aid aitor
... fur aaalklania In regaining lha
splilt tit "Ml 1 1 f,t."
lha medium WrrM I hat for a
number of eara aha had procured
advice for her patron from lha
spirit of "Miila fcta" ,
Herein ly lha aplrll failed lo ap
pear (then railed, and finally rout
munjcalrd the Information I bat aha
na klolen by a medium at Omaha,
Neb., who had stronger will, Ilia
local medium aaaerled. hh request
ed legal aid to regain poasraalon of
lha aplrll.
C. II. Randall End
Whirlwind Tour
of First District
Accompanied (',, O, P. Candi
date for Congi-m, Who Fa
vors Repeal of Rate Claime
in Kncli-Cummins Hill.
Hy I'. '. l'OWr;i.L.
hlmtt i nrrepnilent The Omaii Hn,
lleniiett, Ne, Oct. 17. (Hpeclal
Teleginm.) fhaiiea 11. Ilandall, candi
dal for governor, ended a whirlwind
campaign of the Klrat congreaalonal
dlalrlct tonight with an addreaa to a
good-alzcd audience here. Accompany
ing bl in on tha two-day trip waa
Waller I,, Andemon, candidate for
congreaa, and II, H. Thorn, candidate
for the ahort term In rmigraaa.
In Waller L. Anderaon the people
of the Klrat diatrlct have a man
pledged to do everything In hi power
lo repeal the noncompetitive mini
mum rnta clauwi of the Kach-Cum
mlna bill. Anderaon ballevea like
11. B. Howell, candidate for V I'lilled
Htate aenator, that If eufflclnnt men
opponed to the bill are put In the
uuu r and lower houiea ti be
either repealed or modified. However,
like Howell, Anderaon would, If all other
menu fulled to realore competition,
vote to acquire one of tha great trans
continental llnea and endeavor to force
down rate and reatore competition In
that way. It would be a lust aur-
glca.1 effort, Anderaon aald. J.Ike
Howell. Anderaon emphaalsiea, that
audi a atep would ba one taken only
aa a laat reaort whenever every other
conceivable mean ef reatorlng com
petition fulled.
Apple Grower Inning.
A a the party aped over the pretty
fertile hill of eoutheaatern iseoraa
ka. covered with orchard and laden
with beautiful apple, and talked to
i-ltlzena of Johnaon, Howe, Nemaha,
leru, Brock, Talmage, neatllng nicely
In the Mlaaourl river hllla, they
earned that the rat monopoly waa
making the apple induatry a loalng
proposition. Little If any prom wi
be derived from tne oi apm" -"'
m. ve due nr nclpuliy to uie nigo
..oiiiivo frelaht rate, the
BpealteraVere told.
Kxuctly the aame pugm "
rt ported to candidate who nave cam
paigned In the north weat. There the
potnlo crop la ulmoat a loalng propo
rtion becauae of freight ratea, and
the elusion of the potatoralaing
country are endeavoring to get the
alitte railway commission to uae any
Intluence it might have with the In
terntate Commerce commission to
force rale on potato ahlpment down.
Eiithuxed by Reception.
The apeakera were enthuaed over
the wonderful reception given them
UiHl night at Teotimaeh. The county
chairman, who 1 one o fthe many live
wire In the G. O. P. ranks thia fall,
la holding a aeriea of tax meeting
over the county, which la doing much
to lift the veil of mlsatatementa and
buncombe woven by democratic of
tie, aeekera. O. A. Corbln, 8G. who
ai rived at Tecumaeli by wagon In
IMS'i lot t od need the apeakera. He
had driven through the cold from
i Crab (m-nara w mimu
! W. Johnaon.
lr. B. V. I.orrance biiu
i men,
K-erehil. ureclnct rommlttee-
were in charge of the meeting.
Mlienk lo Big Crowd.
At Howe. K. J. Tucker, who haa
lived at Howe ever aince there wa a
Howe in Nebraska and who mlaed
hla tlrt Btute fair thm year alnce he
bin len in Nebraska, took charge of
Hi. .peakcra. At Nemaha, Y. U
Uoodwaid. piecin.t committeeman.
, S C. Lawience had a big crowd
.Menible.t on the aireet a the can
,i Mri l.-d tn town at the noon
1U ,- Tm M.iora. dean ef
: ,TtB u . lum .
. , -
Onl One Jefferauii Count)'
1 -. MS.. M.ti....
l-'aiiburv, Neb . la.t. 17 -l."tH-ial )
-if tha ltt Iraihrra In JefTnrwon
toOiitN. 14 asteiid'd Uie diatrlct
liortuig In l.liKt'ln I l week. tHi
l, a. t.t r wna s. from U lath'n
i ai.tmut 'f tlhieaa
You'd Be
tu U-ara hj man) people hate
tiHuiaheJ their ltnit( through
tti ''Houkih.'U tiuia'' fol
,ibui f th OntaH fl.e
1 ht airti.iiH wwik ia
a) - lhT tela W-ih 'i
nf aJl ta !. Tar
lltOfenilV. taaX.
Why t 4iipM uf tha v
..f f iraiUK mttk )J
J uil-l- r-Uil with
- Oiruuih the li uwh.iU
i.' l iata of Ik t'aaafca
Maia.od !' Te ltoK-f
ti lftHt-R f-r U
p of i),'
i!rilKirfl. )hll f
"M'l" ,4h llmt lUh
Hiuthx inMt iVii.
by "Wets"
Anti-Prohihit ion Society Be
gin Strong Fight to Fleet
i . ft. VI 4t f. 1
Aim- my ?oion
in November.
Nebraska Senator
W aalilng tua orrnpnndmi The llnialia Hea,
Wakhlngton, Oct. IT. Special Tele.
gram.) Evidence of a nation-wide
plan to make the prohibition queatlon
an outitandlng laau of the approach
ing enngreaalnnal cumpalgn were dl-
cloaed here today. A alatement wa
made public by the "Aaimclatlon
Agnlnat the Prohibition Amendment
Inc.," with offlee at 611 Kleventh
atreet, Waahlngtnn, endoralng 202
candidate for the aenata and houae
ill repreaentatlve. Henator fltlhert M,
Hltchcnek of Nebraska I on nf thoa
It la announced that the Immediate
purpoaa of tha campaign 1 to bring
about modification or repeal of the
Volatcad law, permitting beer and
light wlnea, with the eventual object
of aecurlng repeal of the 18th amend
ment ltaelf,
Tho Nebraska candidate endoraed
ar: O. M. Hitchcock, J, 11, More
haad, Edgar Howard, A. C. Bhallen
larger and C. W. Baal. O. C. Hinck
ley, national aecretary nf the aaaocla
tlon, aaya "All (candidate endoraed)
are regarded by tha aaaoclatlon aa
having taken a atand acceptable to
lta view."
Jaaue Statement.
Tha following tatement wa given
to the pre today hy tha new bu
reau of the aaaoclatlon:
"A etrong fight to ecur the elec
tion of congrealonal candidate who
are In favor of modifying the Vol
ateiid act ao a to permit tha manu
facture and aula of win and beer,
ha been afarteil by th aaaoclatlon
against tha prohibition Amendment, a
nntlon-wlde organization with quar
ter at Washington, 'and brancbea In
every atate of tb union.
"Definite plana to aeciire tha elec
tion of these uandidutea have been
completed by tb organization, and
the campaign already begun in the
aeveral alatc, will be carried on with
out a letup until election day In No
vember. A an earnest of the efforts
that will be made to aecure the elec
tion of congressmen of liberal tend-
encle. O. C. Hinckley, national ecre-
tary of the aaaoclatlon, today lsaued
a partial Hat of the' candidates that
would be actively aupported by hla or
ganization In the political battle which
i now on. --',. .-v.
202 Candidate Endorsed.
"The list Indicate activities already
under way In 2FI atate. It Include
tha names of 202 senatorial and con
gressional aaplranta, representing
large nimibere In each or tha two
great political pnrtlc. All are re
gorded by the association aa having
taken a stand acceptable to Us views.
Many are now in congress, and the re
election of these will not serve to swell
the wet element In the national legis
lature. Mr. Hinckley figures, how
ever, that If succeaa attends the vigor
ous campaign that la being prosecuted
by his organization, the runks of the
wets In congress will be Increased by
70 to 75 over tho present number,
"In some, instances, the list con-Lto
tain the names of both republican
and democratic candidates in a par
ticular district. In auch caaen, Mr.
Hinckley explained, It Is tbe intention
of the association to maintain an Im
partial attitude as between auch
rivals, although tha organization la In
clined to lean to the liberal candidate
already In congress.
Patterns After "Drys."
"In general, the association baa
stolen a leaf from the taotlca of the
Anti-Saloon league In ita campaign
plans, and according to lta officials,
confidently looka for an even greater
degree of success to follow, once the
'liberal' candidate la assured of vigor
ous and unremitting support along
organized line from the liberal ele
ment In hla own congressional dis
trict, tweked up by similar support
throughout tha entire country,
ia a preliminary list, aubject to rv
Uston and expanaion ns the campaign
" It should be further iiisiuiciiy un
(Tura ta T. t luwa
Gerge Sweeps Georgia,
First Returns Show
AtlaniH. " ' '' A I' w
i-.u- ri'uri,.. lh Atlanta CooMl
lutl.m fiom lh ataltwide primary
held In UeoigU llv indicate.! H
.e,nng vu tory fr Jud- Walter .
(iig o( lem lii-e.r "
li t'ni'eU Hi .ie Vtii.r Thom K
t iiion Pacific Offic'ul Hit-..
Ivater. vt. I? , Vfek
l.i-v, mwriei'idm o' U' lol.-fadu
ytV .loll f Ik I tU.l III." rdrt.t. j
urn.' 1 ui ih a .ital ai A 1
(.laa d,ait- tiaj lo ! fnn.l Wae ;
Ml Vtk ! a Ukait I" U- ,
f a fu-o a tbao at lta. d t.I j
tuK.lomf Ma ! kI j
.. lm ' 4lil'4 ' i-
ri Opinions of Hryan
Exprtsted by Hitchcock
Ilk aV4 Mr 1st ttarl
a aautavaa, H aataVa
thai aaaa a) malt )
Sarvas) kkMt a aM IU.
a. Ii a kaa asyaxaias al li4W
tkailat latiaaa. M lta alila
- l 1lM Itaavaka ar
palkH) ! -, k llauk,
ak, Sa m a. wkasi ka V
Ika SWi kvae ia ajt faM .
u IkaaiMliat, Pkatai In la,
ka lha m u pa H-ars,
lkl . a tMal.a.
Corset Effect Now
Proper Thing for
Well Dressed Men
Chicago, Oct. 17. While women
walk down the boulevard In the
aliapcleh assortment of panel and
string they ara pleased to consider
tyllsh, men will walk gracefully and
uprightly, In direct contrast to the de
butant r' "hea.
The effect 1 the proper
thlnr ,f . dressed men, accord
m'. -Si 'attending the Na
' A. jr.'l'' ' coiivunllon. Trou-
.died with a new pliable
y , .ancntly attached to the
, It la In two piece and i
. . around to t'ie front. The back
, .nsupportid by the hard belt.
Ilei-auxe of the pliancy of the trou
cin in back, aupported only on tha
sides and In front by a pliant belt, th
effect la the mine aa that given by a
woman' corset,
Cross Country
Balloon Flight
Ended by Fire
Several of Crew Hurt, One
Seriouly Damaged When
Being Taken From
Han Antonio, Tex., Oct. 17. The
army dirigible C-2 which recently com
pleted a transcontinental flight and
had rearhed dan Antonio on lta way
back to Washington, waa burned early
this morning while being taken from
11 hangar at Drooka field prepara
tory to a flight over the city. Several
of the crew were hurt, on seriously.
The dirigible caught on the frame)
work of m hangar aa It wa being
taken out. The bag split and the
gas Ignited. In the car of the dlrlgi-
Flier Crushed to Death.
Hun Antonio, Tex., Oct. 17.
J.lcul. Walter A. Hall, 27, was
crushed to death at 9:10 a. in. to
day when lila airplane fell 500
feet. The aviator was plying over
the southern part of the city and
the machine rrastied at the inter
section of two paved highways.
He occupied a single sealer ma
chine and waa stationed at Kelly
Kali was married, hi wife re
siding here. He was born In Mis
souri but entered the army In 1916
vhllc a rtsldrnt of Oklahonii, II.'
was i oiii'iilHsioncd In I'JtS and
aertcd In the Infantry and air
service since. He held the rank
of flint lieutenant. Air officers
are net pe-ared to state wliht
mined the accident.
hits at the time were member of the
crew and several passengers. They
escaped death, but first reports aald
several were burned seriously and one
had an arm broken. The dirigible
en arm and possible internal Injuries.
wa destroyed by the flames.
Just how the accident occurred has
not been learned. The big ship was
being taken out of the hangar. The
wind caught It and threw It up
Against one of the big doors at the
Passengers heard the hissing of the
gas and a few momenta later the
gas, for some unknown reason, be
came Ignited, going up in a flash.
The bag burned and the car dropped
to the ground throwing the passengers
the concrete floor.
Police ambulance ana emergency
ears and physicians rushed to the
scene. v
Those Injured when the C-2 fell here
today and burned are:
Maj. John Thompson, headquarters
Fort Sam Houaton, wrist broken;
Sergt. August D. Albrecht and Hergt.
ITarn ta I- Thrar, Column Two.)
Mahews May Appeal
Case to High Court
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 1 7. (Special.)
Attorneys for W. V. Mathews, former
Omaha banker, now In the state peni
tentiary, are considering appealing to
th federal supreme court from the
refusal of the state supreme court to
admit him to ball until the latter !
tribunal can tieur hla appeal.
Mathews pleaded guilty, and after
he had served some time in prison !
his attorney discovered what they I
ttiliik la a way mil tor mm. niey t
claim tha the law under win. h he j
wa conieted, while In force at lo-
time of tha crlino was committed, bed
been repealed before hi convliii. ii.
I Tha plea ha been raised III a nuiil
j tor if blue ky pruati-uiloiia, and Is
h.i - d on the claim that when the
legtulaliire k.ed a w bin W)
ami iidalei,ieiu statute, it failed lo j
,' lJ m ving rmuM Mini oui
jh continued the law In effeel a
aK ni,m all cf fender aftinat I tin
"Big BUT and Wife Reconciled.
Marital Tangle of Famous Movie Star ami Mate Is
Straightened Out Following SeriiHi I lines of
Celehiated Twt-(Um Man of Sere n.
I . Hat t ' lha l-... - r
4 I'll u. ha4 H H
lil ll. lf. I ajn (., . i t Ilka)
n f- . vi ik.M a. , 4 I
If! f r l : IM h- ia a r-la-t
ta a ta- tJM. . l m a i ; mmmm
M! as.! t.a f f.x i. t H,..t,4
W . turn kt.a l I a a n-
la? tt Ii nun .. .! fto imm
a , l at a .t , . ' -! .,i
'laa haiji
i T ! ..,.!,( a- , at
l-ull Mia t.. t ,a .. Ik
I v ft ka tnk. M t i 1.4 , .
x-'Va, t I . .1 W I
fit h- f .-a ' i a
M.. J I -a ( l k.l t,a
Bryan Betrayed
Trust, W.C.T.U.
Speaker Charges
Ex-Preeident of Temperance
Organization Apologizes for
Democratic Orator's Parti
san Speech at Convention.
Lincoln, Oct. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) W. J. Bryan wa flatly and
distinctly accused of betraying a
tfuat by Mrs. Mamie M. Claflln, for
mer president of the W. C. T. U.,
last night when fhe rose before the
state convention to apologize for
Bryan's partisan apeech in behalf of
Hitchcock at tho afternoon session.
A motion wa carried giving ap
proval to Mra. Claflln's remarks.
Mrs. Claflin anld that she made the
apology because she felt it was due
to thone who heard with pain, sur
prise and tllsappolnlmcnt what Mr.
Bryan had said. She said that the
Invitation had been extended to
Bryan a year ago, and at a time when
hla attitude toward Hitchcock had not
changed. When the committee
heard of hla championship of Hitch
cock It did not want to recall the in
vitation because of what Bryan had
lone In the past for the cause of pro
Promise Violated.
A promise, however, had been ex
acted from him that he would conllne
his speech to organization and that
he would not tulle partisan politics.
This promise whs fully and freely
made, and was repeated by him und
by the democratic state central com
mittee for him within the week. She
Gld that those who heard him at the
afternoon sesclon espouse the candi-
liicy of a man from whom no mem-
ier of the organization had even se-
ured a satisfactory reply to letters
know now that promise had been vio
She said she wax benu-lf surprised
and dismayed.
If Hitchcock . had
beel converted aim March. 1920, when
he ran on h wine and beer platform,
the women were entitled to know
when. I.v. r since 19U he had con- j
" .oiir.. .-...-,,.-. . (
Washington on prohibition, and had
constantly refused the appeals of men j
women, even of hla own party, to I
giva ear or helping hand.
Ho Not Trmil Sriialur.
Mra. i.iflln dxi.ire-1 Hint II bok a
great deal nf confi Luce f.r . man to
appear on a W. l T 1. pl-iiroim and :
i,ir., f,.r votes f..r Omt kind of a ;
"IM Jon Hint ti. litis! llittlumk j
.t alieng'tien II a Vt.laiast-I . !''" aha
iTa.a ea .!. T kraal
ta.: I fce
t)..taJ &.r
Uiut.4 tv i
, a' a 1 1 e
a a s
I f '
I Ihst .
I ll.4l h
t if liius
h ,1
.. liibH J Mi, H.ii. i, . .i
a. t tar I ha .., .. -.4
.1.1 a a i,.ie ,-l t n, kl
i,. . tls't -- a. a v- .4
a i 1 1 . Ivk-a-.g It
.4 ik i a- lull a- t I
. i
im t a. a f aid i. I
.. ii V-j f - -4
aaa) :;iii ... a -I I-. ka. -m-- I
ii- ,-. ka. t- .e, i,
at k a a .. . . i. , I I, .
a - 4 if -f i .1- n! a -m e- tl-l
The Right Side of the Cloth
iKvY,w Fool Me ) VtW
t vn " est s;;.ii
Young Gem Cutter
Eleetrocutes Self
Death Circuit Estahlihhed go
Pressing of Button Re
leases 110 Volts. . -
' Hutherford, N. J., Oct. 17. The
authorities of Bergen county and
Uutherford have begun an Inquiry
into the death of George West, 21.
Weat, who waa a gem cutter, com
mitted auiclde yesterday with elec
tricity, according to Dr. William B.
Weet's body was found In the at
tic. He had placed a steel plate on
a pile of bed ticking on the floor.
Then ha lay down flat on the plate,
and opening hla shirt, inserted a cop
per plate, which lay acros hla chest.
The upper plate hud a wire- arrange
ment connecting it with the electric
lurhtlng service of the house. At
tached to the lower plnte was a wire
which run to a gas pipe and served
as grounding.
By pressing u button that was Just
within his reach, West sent 110 volts
through his body.
W. C. Dorsey Proposed
for Federal Office
William V. Dorsey. special assist
ant to Attorney Clarence A. Davis of
Nebraska, haa been recommended for
appointment as assistant United
States district attorney.
The recommendation was made by
United Stotes District Attorney Kins
ler, it waa learned last night. The
vacancy w.18 brought about by the
death of A. W. l.ane of Lincoln.
Mr. Dorsty was formerly a district
Judge In southwestern Nebraska and
was at one time a commissioner of
the Nebraska, supreme court. He was
appointed a special assistant in the
prosecution of blue sky stock promo
tion eases by Attorney fJeneral Davis.
Odd Fellows Meinherohip
Shows (rain of 293 for Year
Lincoln. Oct. 17. -(Special.) The
membership of the grand encamp
ment of the Odd Kellowa of Nebras
ka Is wnr 5.11m, a gain of 239 tor the
year, aiioiding to repi.rta filed with
mate convention now In session
hp,.p. About J.imn Odd Kelbms and
j!p1i,u1i , ,,., for ,,.,.!
,.,,., j,.,,, f ,w,.h 0eitrtm-nt. Thei.
. Br 3 ,, .,,.,., , , ,M(, ,.-,.
jb ws order In the slate al the preaent
; "nie
A brink tiuht U on for tli position
" arao.i arvreiarr, a paid i rtn e. I
Hereof Iiement. titnibeld It f.r
" Jena, tiird re-s-Milv. and a il. -ri ' hte IlKh'hlng r ; al -
i.dv rwte. I.010 II H.tgr, In i
'i' astlnt, ta In tha ll-t
Nc trV U tiik Clcarins
Kcjih Ci.inlic
N ,lii, I- I IT - New tor It Ung 1
a ' ,"',-:H.lH
ma eir ail , i,..,.. lit. jh,
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V a I i-i e-l I. -t It, ma (tit
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tha ?- , -J I tk ft V, a
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It ti
I -.
Woman Hurls Self
Out Second-Story
Hospital Window
Deaf and Blind Mute Believes
Hushand Untrue and Leaps
to Death From Coun
ty Building.
Believed to be Jeuloua of her hus
band, even though she never had
seen him, never hud heard him speak,
and never had spoken to him, Mrs,
Diana .Moore, E0, 20JJ North Twenty
first street, deaf and blind mute,
leaped to death Monday, night from a
second story window of the county
Moore himself Is deaf and mute.
The strange story of the wife',
love was revealed In a report
made by James Allen, Investigator, to
his chief, County Attorney Shotwel!
Shows Jealousy. -
Mrs. Moore appears to have be
come obsessed with the Idea that her
husband was muklng love to other
women." Allen reported after a vis
it to the hospital.
"At times she would become so In
slslent that nurses would lead her
Into the women's ward and let her
feel her way from nook to nook, ever
seeking her mate. She never found
him In auch a predicament, but her
imagination played on.
"In the evening when Moore was
permitted to visit his wife It was a
touching scene. She. deaf, dumb and
blind, would sit there In the darken
ing dusk and hold his hand lovingly,
perfectly content, and he would re
turn her caresses. When the hour
for parting came, Mra. Moore would
cling to her husband, fling her arma
around his neck and display, at tlmea,
such violent objections to hla leaving
that it would become necessary to
lock her forcibly In a cell."
Body J-'niind.
Monday night Mis. Moore again be
gan imagining her huaband waa pay
ing uttention to other women, Al
lcii'a revort showed. She groped her
way to a window, and waa dead when
hospital attendants picked up the
laxly from the ground two stories be
low. The Moores were sent to the ho,
pital eil.t months ago by order of
l. us Hurt, tt the county
chaiitv Uiiird.
Case of Chainman
Is Given to Jury
loiy Phk ii cum. of r red
!'ieti at 5 Id tea'eid.iy afternmoi.
afier Uie. Uwyer In I ar(iirtl for f iur mil lulfe hid given
hi litali-uctor-a
I'rown bit Iw.n en trnll aim Moil
itny of l ta week fi r tha ktdnl'lnc
i,f JAtt I nl. It m 1. I t hftrlii,.
New l.rlt lsl..lUllUB ,L. ... vl.. ! .,..
l .a .-Mine.!, in
I Via
. s 11 1
' tVi.niv
.i,ii.U and a nmntM-r ft
Wttttt War irr-fil l- ar
.!,.!'. I At.rl HN.tWalt
j r.i! ih Anun..i l In t iitiy
Die Weather
:.t t.t and want,
llutitly ur1 al aira.
a a a. ! . , l
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a a. laa. ,,. ka
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tl a m 14 a. a a.
ll'tai'l taaaatat
' . t ... . . t
Legion Goes
to Frisco
Next Year
Pacific Coast City Wins Hon
or hy Acclamation; Le.
' gion Praised hy Dis
tinguished Visitor.
Belgian Hero Is Cheered
Convention Hull, New Orleans, Oct.
17. (Hy A, P.) The American legion
at a long session today beard lis
aspiration and achievements pralHcd
by a dozen apeakera, Including ills
tlngulshed visitor from Kuropeiin nn
tlon and selected Sun I'ranclco at
II 1923 rnnventlon city.
Keneaaw M. Lanill. baseball com
missioner, and ftiiniuel (lumper, presi-
Frisco Next Year
Convention Hall, New Oilean.
Oct. 17. Hun Kranclsco was
awarded th 192.1 convention of
th American Legion by acclama
tion. The committee on time and
place for the convention reported
that the delegate from 30 slates
signed th report. A d'degatu
from New Jersey moved that the
report be approved and a delegate
from Oregon seconded It.
Commander MneNlder chlded
th California delegation on not
muklng more noise and suggested
they call on their hand.
dent of the American Federation of
Labor, cat on tha platform with the
legion official. Mr. Oomper was the
princlpnl speaker of th morning ses
Mr. Gompers reiterated the attitude
of tho American Federation of Labor,
"In peace or in war."
That position he declared had not
changed alnce 1017,
An Impreaalvo ceremony marked
the opening of the session when tho
liken colors of national headquarter
of th legion were brought to the
platform and the convention stood
with bared heads.
Hanford MacNider Introduced Mi.
Qompers "as the grand old man of
After presentation of the natloiml
colors, Commander MacNider present'
ed John Barton Puyne, national head
of the American Red Cros.
Mr. Payne said the Red Cross was
'not a cult," but "the heart throb of
the nation, without creed or color."
Tribute to Belgium.
Commissioner John J. Tlgert of the
federal bureau of education, extended
I ectings to the legion. He endorsed
the legion's rehabilitation and hospi
talization program.
Tribute to Belgium was paid by tha
legion with a roar when M. Jeanne,
vice president of the "Kldac,"' and
president of the Belgian veterans, was
Introduced by Commander MacNider.
At hough M. Jeanne spoke In French
his address was punctuated by en
thuslastic-cheering. "HelgUim," said
Jeanne, "will never forget what
America did. Neither will she ever for
get what the Germans did,"
Oscar Cnrstrom of Illinois, national
commander of the Spanish Wnr Vet
erans was next called on by Mr. Muo
Nlder, Hlshiilutatlon had not ended
when the Iowa legion band burst Into
its convention ditty, announcing that
"Iowa, the best state In the land Is tho
place where the tall corn grows."
Cheered to Hie Kcho.
Mr. MacNider broke In as the hand
finished saying:
"I can pay Oscar Carstrom no
greater tribute than tho band from
my own home state."
Cheered to the echo, a representa
tive of the a. A. H. and one of the
United Confederate Veterans stood at
Commander MneNlder'a side grasping
hands and standing between them
the Stars and Stripes. Vice National
Commander Russ of the U. A. K.
brought greeting from his chlf.
Capt. Hacon of the confederate vet
erans was th soldier who grasped
his hand, atteatlng thereby to the
pence that both In the civil war have
now with one another.
"Viva I -a France," greetad M
Jacques Teutrac, representing th
French veterans. An empty right
cat sleeve and a left breast cnvei-esi
w.tll medals evidenced tho valiant
In service of thia veteran. Ha brought
greeting from hi com not, in France,
M. Teutrac e,!d he had (iinin to
this land to compare the uieihmla of
rehabilitation fur veteran In thia
county with tha mrihoda of Fiance.
Marino Takes Stand
in Trial for Murder
Jim M iriiiii. laklng tha n' tn l .a
tvrday afternoon In Inmit Jndt,a
!. eoyrt. wlirra ha la on t;il f..i
nuir taring rat a Nanflm, Aiuuat il,
ttatiffd Ilia! bia tr.uil a.ik Na
fila al.til.l Mii yaara -i h.u Lta,
Ufa lUd'kU wa aa t 11 t ( tl tr
ior t Ji ltflnn, lip art: Na.if.m
aalte.l ki if ta lo ftw-i ) . IU
b H k It M .kintl tVt.rn lta !
httUkid Stii (.. tt- ii -a .i t r,
tut! i Ik- f"il !. I ,.! a.',
ttt .t tta "
f-.l. -tita41 lt-iii ai a. ias , i 'a
fr e h.t tnl . litt a f - j, .,
ttkaii k-l !i Vi It. a M , , a, r
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i ,.i..., i, aj i tM a. '.). 'j t,
i') I!. t IL. a ,w i, , ia .
. 'a l'i. I al km i-i t , . ,
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