7 The Honesty of Noah Kaiallaw trum rm Twe.) By Eden Phtlljjolts THE SUNDAY KERi OMAHA, OCTOJtKR 15, 1922. "Noah lb aoul f kMl)i and a iraiKhter man fiever lived and never will All then year, while I'd (hona-lit Hint lie'd t Kit' it U about m and Imagined I till I We a frea woman, h'J don no nwH thin", Jiui, im the contrary, alway wniil t'i k-p nm to my woid, ao mmn aa ever ha u in poaltlon 9 a-ive me a. home. And now a rich un b of hm, what 1 never rnu h bela-ved In, ha rone arid dad, and left turn a he of loan, anI Id flrat thin h thoiifchf tit waa in Ant he' hit-n Wuarlnf out hH kla for weifc fHiii'"' I'lywiwi Cn 'ne chanee of In line; me; end he waa jfjMt off to advert ia for tit wiir be rumen till nn-nin upon mf riiiii-r l,wm ir'ligf afotfc 4 brr window at the time" Mr, Kitchen run-inled Id rre-.it beard, then h .t Into a d'toon, knocked out hi ple, f""l begaa 10 loud It n'ili, "And what have V'u C't to ay, Mr, HuM'ull'l" ! unV.uA. "What I've a;ot to nay han't tm rreat odd," J told Mm cheeroily, "I'll hear you, It you pb-aae, Me eauac In my judgment ifi "ou' rot to n y be Ilk U m-Hfn toe tit fair out f band. I',ut In any m1 tedwien ttriil'rwn, we'll no doutd UMr-'t that the lady'a ft to be th firaf umalderalon." "Momy'a a wwr, I we," mur mu '-d Jane, "Son talk like a in'in with a W. f hlii!f i )i!mJ y'ij fi;i, Nli " "Mof)y "n (J A Int." ftloi(tl th tvyotid rfitzlmr, "hut If ran't oVi n thlriKK, nnt 1 you'll txke what I'm K"i'i "ly In a frt:iiWy n)lrU for all nr nxkin, Hcolhull. Wa"r all clll l tinx our tro'ihl", and you've hal your hit tit KrA Iwh nw-iiiimriy. hut no I'm afiai'I ymj'ro (!ri tn lmv a hit of rfat-wd look." 3nn fiullf'4 out hr haHdkwvhk'f; It wa for htr yt- thla t!n; Mr, Kit'hii rar.K the tx-ll, "You'll fiive ne wltn io w. Htoiif! f,u''ky man! I wih I fuuld ill Ink it; but mi: an4 Jane A-ir-n't toiwh mult Utwtr. 'Twoiil'l l llnjc irlriar J-fh a V;my pair hk ua," "CSo i-n," I nH. "Why tor 6o you talk about you vn1 Jan I'.ll(?ht aa 'a f;1r'?" "That'a tha wbula MtU-r t'h," h (xolalii. J, "Whn first I akf thia yvotnnn to marry m -It waa on hr ftwwul voyaKu In the "Xttfty bird' hi told toe your atory and I Rave it a!l due wlKht. Hut In my JudK'neiil you were fairly rul4 out by paut of lliiiu, and 1 trld h-r ao, and aha waa thankful to Ood, tniriiH, ca bIi? anld hlK the ao-il of truth, aa you no d'olt know that what aha frit for 'yon at Hat bent, roroparnd to wliut nhf now fi::la for ton, la Hk! to rum, lnre for I put. It to you that If you waa to thlrik to kwp h-r to h?r flrat iTiKftinnt - you'd tie dolnic two thliiKa You d I brooking hr hctrt and 1 abnuidn't re kon you wr,a tkii; kind of man who'd Ilka to do that and you'd be atrlkina up a quurrtl with jne that would tm very bi for your b"itllh aora it had iroiiij fiir." Of ctturtm my (tiling waa to Kraop lhi aoond anitlnwr'a enornwia p w und UtHa him, but I hi Id in a bjl loriKi r and li kl at Jane and put on a very inrlanhnly fare, I rennmn!red noma playiurlina I'd wii hri a trood nan yifl'Vd op The W.orld by the raekliu; piilt.a fell b) tha level of dillltli-M, The money, ilia nneiitlda and lh watch w-ro none, rlomehow, lli.a Mlventure d d not Jo n up w.lh wh it he hail :i r ahl to p-t frmn H man ver.it ! im Htert, Koiir t h i iv a oit "f in iilley aiu-iiii'd lo laoii" from iiiiulliir latok. Anil one of tiu-iu Icimo iiioiir.li lo a'r.ke n Wieiiun Th a 'n.t ha II ohkIi' Into I ne i hmiii-l. Why bedn't N.incy lateti lo h.r hiila, 11 a f:ri ttiointlit had U eii t-i hold I lie iwinn in i-hiH-k to i;lv her t me. Kut af'er i lilow or I a, taken Km' ji ni. lie Im. I lulu, lt for Ihe Kir II 41. it III.' 'Mil nt ,t, m ley li( lli.il Sal" J bed run fur tuune, liuid by, i a- (or b'-lp liial.n I, ebti had eoma to he d. ih !!, mil lined thou.'MU-ul), I In r-awiie.l ilm, htniio.r none of Ilia ea lilili, Ih out su'lend i iiie-, llw f al.i le ma III .biubt, W illi.' I. ..in lik.-t n Mow S i ii M'v.ti.lna !i.hi Id. -o. il ..k) Ot in. f Vli U Ni h id I ked Mie It ia hi'p bin, l.a b d aoa in Wl f llt lit, tor III fun o it' i i alie I kd li'iit l'i .fiiMi be H, ot .i,n Hoi t-i l. i ' t i.ult i , w-k vi I. i 1 1, ill. I,... I . too Ui- (t ib I ( ef I I .....( t u i ...'... fi. I .; I"! :t M 1 ..l ... ' III'.- Ml ,r , SiA - v&'-JtMz f 7 Cf?at XT;. "l overheard it, ttooi'iA ivt lovi;d a,d Jfl utivtlir Uikn Irf-r, "nd wh'-ri did you think to fc warrM?" I axkfd, "How far lav you Kona with thia, Jan?" "Mu1wUwi, or ll'raUutji," do i:hiwI K'-imui-l, Jl rumpled In hia la-ard and apsit a;iln, I nrv-r amvlt nothing mo borr.bJa a bla tob-'fr, ttwuyti not vny jmrtUviiir wym-.t in tliii ttHiVrr, 'Ihi-.a mWmr. amooK ijk. Scientific 'I'm thnu;(id tup,mi,nr aalled lo one day tbla Kumtimr on 14 traaa ailanth! Ilni-ra from New York for Kunin; and It la Htrifit;d (h"y an-i,!. a total of alout J6,iO,fti( on their trio. Hi tman thrn1r leorn anr iiot Inti'reald tt-iy in tb pl'iya of Uhakeapare,'r!haw aiid Wil'Je than In tho proiluction of Ijcrrnan drama- lata, ay the Mai:hater (Juardlan, Frlenda Quiik(r have tui4 a UiTK' T proportion if woman prtaacb--r than any other denomination, aaya Jrldnt Hoirthard of the In tenia tlonal Ax-liition tit Vfuionn l'r-hera, ne borne, tSeneral !uaU'r'a dim fiiu h'', waa the only aurvlvor of the (lalll.- of Iltl) HIE Horn, waa never rlldi-n afterward and fa- nearly 20 yearn drew a 1,'nlted Htatea army permlon. A liorni haa arrluc waa uaed by a JikuH iiifxHlonary In anclnl China, the machine Mntf driven by a Jet of ateam playlnK on a rnill-he-l eonne;Ud by Bearing with one of the ax lea. (iieer tM-ta of aiillora of the United Mtatea tiuvy Include pU'", dora, par rota, ducka, K'ada and rabhlu and one entbualiiat took an Inthmlan tlK'-rcub on laaird the I'ennaylvanla. Miiterlnl for the auapenMlun brldare 420 feft ion;, over the Colorado Outside ill the bum hi.; you in-ed la to linit'lien your cheek, T a Urn aliiaifera, Pol a:bolar:i, who hari i xt ll.e di.Harn, And the wrealh'a on Ihe lol of (lie Inllaeuiil freflk! Hut wh? Ill what milliner would li.t di-atii belief l Miewuil? He waa nlH.iya i'hiii ii h.u'k to thai. Th nle had to I reak in l. llul lo rob h ui of b n Willed, wh i h niiililn't be In, wiie.l for two li in! lie ouabt not lo th nk of ihi.c Hi neii. but ha eoiii.i not l,.li i.iiiKrli, if Din man Htrttai t bail b u III" ln.l.r-' I Im .ilia of Mlai It.iiii'inlt'a ibetli 'fi i mm winded lo know why, H.iiKei. Well Dial Win li, Vl lilul lln r 'I, .ll-ni, it'llV III h.J lli.iualil i. of f ml nii an ilti'-r it n et i and Mill iiinilli r, hid li tl.iill, via ifliioiiir.il nli i Hit'-i.ii AH .it un . In llll.ll rt'."i I - or llilillbt lie did Miraail WAiitrd loliive him tnl of Ninth linl. i.n hlii llllil III i lli ahrii b . lll'l In. I lull-' ail) I'-rll K Wrll. IIIHl i ho ildni b I' ,11 ii :-i omI r -llilall ll.iii-r4 l"i I"' i 'I In lrti li'l Hill! Ho iiii k ii il m Wl a li 'ui. Ill b Ho' ii- it lino lo ii ! a 'I ! i.l'rv it i e al- ui it...! .,.,.(. I .e l. I , I ' I II , . ; I I, r l I", lie II I ! . I ' ' " I I' p,ii I li .!i I, I li nil ,,l, i, I , r i t- i 1.4 , I ,. It Hi i ' l ,. i - f a . t l,,l. I fl U - Ill- I l' 't " II I ' ill .11 I I .4? .., le H t. it , I I I,. I - ! It'. ' I . ' It ,; though $h didn't mean for tim I now hiiat'd brtwi-n two miaa I uld either t-il 'em tt" tri'h arid aoy they'd l-t In Hunt ia my dorkneaa and aavtd my aoul alive, or ulna I could jr-tiid I waa aroint to uuika a (jnwu tmcritWjt fur i -iin.it H.ikt unit jcive Ixr up and liva on witb all tho aalt out of my life. Awl wry Ilka I li;uld have lion that, jut for the pk-aaure of tumxUt 'em l)iank ia if It hadn't Facts of General Interest . Jtiver In the Orand Canyon, waa oirrl'd 11 nK'ea from the railroal by paek anfinala down hIm'P, wind ln(( tralla to the htUlye u'.le. vtpartmtnt iuxu-.i) nfe wat enjoyid by the primitive Indian ot yew IAvmWm, oris rain in Cliax-'j C.mjvii hHiiUK iOO rcoma and in IU 4-'iy aheltvring over 1,00 peopUt The bull-flKhtlna; rena, now un der eofaitru',-tion at l)ndi-ax, Kranc, will aat 10,000 pernor and ia of concrete and etad along ie arcMlti-'ural Jlnea of the col lege bowla of thia cuitr. More than 60 world' falra are heduJed for Kumpa tbla year.'and they arc bclna; auppli rnenud by ex hibition train eirntlur to tr-ai aent by Kranea lo tour fiinala put year. Keeda of the 'faraktweno Kuri! tree, from whi'h fbaulmoarra oil, the cure for leproay, ia made, have b-en ateureV! from Hurma by the Department of Agriculture lt tie planted in Hawaii, Hotel and household chlnawaro made in Aiiierha haa been found by recent Kovernmeut teat to b auperior in ability to withstand chlp plna; to thoae of Oerrnany, France, l:nland and Japan. KaJHeur KalU of JirKUh Gulaua, reiiorted to be t04 fet-t blfeb, aru eouaidered the hlabeat of volumln oua full of the world, and Yellow UMluiw4 rta ! Three.) tin the eight of either Nancy or Jen ny would. "dune In," b aald thickly. JIa u' tili-d hla head In the pillow and Iriinmrd Hie brdclnlhe under Ilia chin. It would be foollnh lo acinar ia aaliilnr too lapully. Willi uei nurava. J in t It a a man who entered. And who? Tha prtvat detective, who ahouM have Imi-ii, at thi hour, a rlri'iililniii tea Ihoiiauii! milea nway. rii?" "Yea a'r. Vnu'te m t with an ae ' f-.l. lit? ' aaked the d' In live, elna ln ihe iiiir 'A nhtfht mie, Hut alutt ai you doln heie?" "Well. I fuand all ymi nibel to know In Kan Fi a iiriaco. I'ure link. Are von well ionirb to bear lb" nloi y? " M.in. man! gn on Hh if" Thm a ml I le In lUr Hum ..II IH Im 'i tlliif tl.i.l ev.r .. "lull a. I gel la Mall I'lalel, ' nl.. I p-a id lu eaiaaailiv-, bill I le'' to wall nl I l-ifl .ili ml ilia t at, If.ul, and i.,. J Uii a a. eunlii'.iiim W im one II .1.. a a to taiktn ..'., I M a i Aii .11. -a 1i in.ka iol, II' i ii , el. me.l I i I i an ft hunt in la Tu v hai 4-i ymi ke.a t. 4 1 I luik' fan. l ln.,l. no .i.li.ia and I Ihtl. and Ii .ii loa in ...l h i ina Hip llu kur I a'-ol the ft. tit iia y'ltotfutd V f A T ji bP 2 to da $o." ! n for miolhi-r ind a deeper thought, Xhere waa Agifl'; iHutiwU to l tionaidered, ami J flt po-lty aure that wtiim I t)ld hr I'd found J-'in fnRaK''d to a ir rlno eiiKlier and not wlitlifuj b !,! Ixi'.k to me or My fortune, uhe'ii want proofa, iHfHunx, on the f;w of It, Ihe Kwond In the 7idy lilrd'a' engine roinii wi-ren't miah atone folia, of thla country, with a dement of 2,5(15 f;t, are the long oat of the "bridal veil" type, Ancient tlreek pLiyi-d a K'ime ihcy uilli i! "hariiaeuin" wh'.cb had many fisUuri almilar to th! prea- nt KuKby football. ryntf.r of thia country produra fuoti r.n-H year eul vil. rit to lliul furolahcd by ao,WiO dreaaed ateera and because of their eiitence on plant life and plankton of tba urn Uxinl, they really 'turn Wante into t'fi. Having ot 25,000,000 buaela of wheat butt year through the K"V ernment, c-miiBilKn for more eftl elent fhreahlnif m.-thoda not only aava the farmer nearly $30100,400 but produced 8,00000 more barrel; of flour, atatlatlcan declare. More than too alatui a on litater lata tut, noma tit which are JO feet. Lull, but all hewn out of voluanle tufci and tranaported, ametlmr four luilia, over rough ground, have Iit1d ai'lentiata aa to what they commemorate, how made and how rrHAed. "With many of the propertli-a of tbe Krapefmit and ithoul the ten dency to aiuirt when the apo-m ia inaerted, th Thornton tanrelo, a eroa between the ontnife, tanscrina and grapefruit la commanding atten tion of the United (it l)iart m nt of Agriculture. "lo on; dmi't cut It abort; lv ion everihlnaT!" aald Ilencrofl, who felt all hla atreiiKih ruturnlnif. "Kb; art bona hi I bo mliio from ilio ealHte of 'J. J. Kennedy." 'Ki-nnedyr' "Yea, air. Hut hi re' the odd part of It," Went on tha detective. "Yeara atfo Ki uiiudy turntd over to tiiia ibailvr In la I'M, a power of Attorney. That la, he had the pow er to aell the mine. If any acelili nt (In in M liaiHn to fwld Kannetly, an I o turn Die money over to the Ken nedr eetitl. A few year o Hda man Hteaart t irne.1 up In lat 1'aa ml laiualil l be mine." ' li'il where a Kefmedy?" ' VanUheil canpleli ly, Viara ' le,ie. alatard a aiii in III" Ian. In., and .that wna Itia laal any lealy tr heard .f bllu. I'mbr land, ihrra'e a bd of iuoer bnlea 'ill llil yarn; lul tbut ymi wanlml u III ii if Kel.ln lr bid i 'ml . -.oul H.e tellie He had" Hut Hi hob a" ' li a Hda The in an m lie l., lil d'aUr ii A'neil'ail laiiMliI lli f.i I b I a ioof Horn nla!l nrrltl, bn hnl -ip like a il.ni, au-t t mw u, ilur an id laji 4 fcloi rool 'l ft! h.lili.'ll'. .ahaai bill II. ff .( e. iil ln I Lata li.il up In I', ii l far !' H .. a , 1 1 . f.a M O Mai and nit ml l a ta iai.et.an Wt l ad (I i auk Ib kiM.f taf i ..In ' 1 i ' II ai d i- a II lu put aulmt a ki ntleiii.in al In 'to with lila thouaanda at the hank. Ho 1 dona liceonliii and owik-J up. "Well," I aald, "linn that l"'a me oul, my dcura, and I ui very ttlal for you and 1 m vny t:lud for nty 'lt. iJivr'n loe eviry lime," I add, "and If Jane here fi el tliat I'm no better than blljpi lo your ruin,' Mr, Kitchen, then there ain't KOjnK to b PO bloodxhed lietw-en you and me, I do anaure you. I earn) for duly, not plraaure; and, though I ahaJI alwuy f I a vi ry ood friend to June, a 1 boie alia will to ma, alill there'a aiioihur woman. I won't aay nlm flila my eye letter than Jurm'n, bei-aiew Ian would make Iwo of her; but I will Mir that I'd a Inn- el)flif iwennr mary her llltla tlny.fr Hum Jie wiiole body. And now I've done my duly. I ahull a" to my rewird," They were both tnu-h infirea',-! al th a aprech, and Himuil K ti hen went ao far ai to aay he'd never met w lb a blfier m'ndi man than me, " 'Twaa a very f no th m to hunt for J ane under them c renin Mane," beVald. "and I'm proud to know you, and I hope wo ahall b fr'enda. And I wlah you luck w.'th your youiiK woman, and no do 3 iu; I'm aure," "That I do," prum'iu-4 Jane, "i4nd I'd niui b I k lo meet her, I hope om day I ahall, Imcjuko I can tell her ft tew K"d th'rufa about oii, Noah, you'd never tell her "'U aclf." "it you'll do thai, you fun Meet, her tomorrow," 1 w'd. "And If you and your accond eng'neer w II lake your d nner w th me, aha ahall be there. And we'JI all dr nk to l'ioyl ence, I'm aure. And now I aiinll 'ant about for a bonne out Mumm mcad way. If there' any there to let; and ao aoon aa Auk e JJaaeU can be tr'-m ot hr tobaiseoniat " ahall certa'nly lake her." And It happened Juat ao wfthin Hie year; and better tr'.indn tti ua lhafl K'teben and hla w'fo nevr waa known. Jane would have b'-r f'rat born called "Ncaih," after me, becuuee I (cave 'em a n'c rule wedd na pre ent of money, J may tell you; and when AifK'e, after two fr'rla, bad a very f re boy, we called h m Sam uel, after the aecond enK'ner, The man be Krt, In a b'g- ejiro niwadaya; but Jane have lonar e'nee left the jia-rchani mar'ne and I'v-; In a hoijM" down Klonrhouaa way. o,rlb(. !':!. Th' Oiddp Vwi. lo (Jood Hooka for Children. Chooa ono of theai' bouka ti read each week. I'cruapa you had letter cut the llt out each time and tak it with you to your library. II it prefaied for tho llnpiiyland bova and tfrl by Miaa Alice M. Jordan, auperviaor of chlldren'a work, Tioa ton Public Library. Tbla o k ahe liuaaeele: Hldpai, "Tho Tortolae and tbt Ge." Enxika, B. It., "The Story of nirla tuiher Columbua." Marryatt, JVederick , "(.'bUdren i tha New Fureat." Idcluurda, h. E., ''aptain Janu ary.". Tanain, Algernon, "The Jtalnli ' Mtrliur." JioIiliiKer, O , "Tlie Widow n iU latrhan'a Hoya." i By Harold MacGrath 'What aatounded. "I had kI(1 to pay two or three thouaund moro for tho Infm matliin you have alven mn All I wanted to know you hav told tin'." "Well, air, that la pretty f,em f oim. Would ynti like me to keep ae ey on HtewartT It won't ciat yon ariythln." It wna a great ttniptatlon. "Mi Tt affair l.i eiaa-d.M "I'm Ihlnklii that tbla Keiind la Hie very man who wrote thai laa,k no anllniice ." "Thai a giaal aueaa. If I ehooM biiplM-ll lo ll'"ll ynu iwfi.lli, Ml I. nil for yuu In iter a'n now 1 m Krona y Ikil noted Ui with nnnt atieet Htuaa but Ul'lit. and they haltaiitl In U ciintldt n.h'ji ilmd bye and Hood lui k '' The daleellve a.uie, li.nei'fia I ir..ll iiw Irfaln lili.l lo .li.iw aniiia tliln cmi llialtn mil i.f ll.la liifm' lo.tUi.a Ilia f.titur ltd wnn.a I'ttkl Kai.aetly In r uil in'Ml, wl.Ha 1 1, man lil.alf ha.1 taniart id iMfcriji iw.'nty ar af.o ru li ft U-aan lu anaia-.-l ihal m lead , I a..lyinK thr it Hie fc b id no i I , I'rlti.ii nn fa- mill .' it t,ll.i.i i f a n ' li.iii. r .fl wouldn't i.iva li lumnn ii tw .In aa Ik - rl l"t In what i.iaaiiff ha 1 Ma f.i'i I a'irted IK nm. li r ef Hliat HI ..id riitle ll.e eM en. l' ll M'.kl llll tattliiaaeal Snt '