The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 15, 1922, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 45

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Rfifii. U.S. PAT. OVe.
FRec?, ths twins' pgt pinching
"Well wo can't II vu In thin old Jug nil winter," said the General, looking toward the
Jug where the Teenlo Weenies had been living slueo the fire had doKtroyed their little
village. "It is too iliirk, and bcHldos-it will Im ton cold when the winter days come on.
We've got to find a place and get some sort of it hotino hiiilt or the firm thing wo know
it will be Knowing,"
"Why not build houses like tny lieople?" cried Zip, the little wild num. "My people
build liouwH out of sticks and grass, Much nice and warm In winter, niueh nieo and eool
In summer."
"That'B u good Idea," cried the (lenerul. "Wo can build houses like that eaaily. Wo
won't need tools, and we ran get all the grass and Micks we want without much trouble."
It wan decided to build several houses along both Hides of a little tttreet. There was
to bo one house for the men, one for the women, u kitchen and dining room, and a small
house for Mr. and Mrs. Dover and, the Twins.
Tho Turk had made several big knives oittof pins by hammering them flat, sharpen
ing one edge. When handled had been put on the, knives tin y wjye useful in cutting the
dry grass for the houses. Some of tho Tcenle Weenies gathered great hunches of grass,
while others brought In many strong twigs and sticks. Fortunately the Clown found an
old pack of playing cards, and these were used to help make a roof over the tiny houses.
The place chosen for the village was a pretty little spot near the tiny creek, for It was
most necessary to have water near. '
All the little xople were mighty busy for many weeks. Some of tho Teenlo Weenies
had to hunt for food each day, mid sometimes tho poor little folks had nothing to eat but a
crust of dry bread, for everything they owned had been destroyed by tho fire. Paddy
1'inn set to work making shoes for the village out of an old kid glove which he found.
The Tecnle enie women, led by the Lady of Fashion, worked day and night making
clothes, knitting mucking and underwear, and making old handkerchiefs and rags into
bed dothes. They worked very hard poor little things.
In nVlte of the loss of their homes and possessions the Teenle Weenies were quite
cheerful. "What's the use of cryiu' over a spilt ice cream soda?" said the Old Soldier.
"It dorttn't help a thimbleful."
Pay after day the Teenle Ween tea worked on their tiny house. They sang and
""Joked and had all the fun they could to cheer them up.
Ono day tho Chinaman made the little people Jaugh until they could hardly stand on
their tiny feet, nnd it was all becuuse he grew so very angry.
Several of the Teenio Weenies were putting up tho framo work for one of the
houses. The Chinaman was holding a ladder, pn hlch tho Turk was standing, tying to
gether two of the heavy sticks, when one of the Lover Twins came along, leading his pet
pinching bug, Fred. Now Fred had always disliked the Chinaman for some reason or
other, and as tho Twin led him by he suddenly made a Jump toward the Chinaman and
caught the little fellow by the leg In his big pinchers. The Chinaman dropped the ladder
and began yelling at tho top of his voice. The Turk, of course, fell off the ladder and
dropped Into a catsup bottle top full of tar, which tho Old Soldier was fixing to paint the
roofs of the houses.
Tho tar splashed over the Iady of Fashion and Mrs. Dover, who were passing at the
time, and the Old Soldier received several spots In his long beard. The General soon
drove tho bug off with a long stick he happened to have In his hand. The Chinaman wasn't
hurt, but he was thoroughly frightened and terribly angry. He Jumped up and down and
shouted In such a funny way the Teenle Weenies were fairly doubled up with laughter.
"Ginlky Jim Oee! Ded bug, cockroach! Gosh!" shouted the little fellow in his
wrath. "That old plinchln' bug allio time bitln'. Mo gona get thimble full of hot water
and give hlin one blig scald.' Hug no good but for to bite Chinnnmns. Him no ought be al
lowed 'round bitln" Chinaman's. Chinamuna no like to bo blted."
"I unite agree with you, Chuck," said the Ocnernl. "I'll see that tho bug Is tied up."
Some of the Teenlo Weenies noticed that the Dunce, who had been knocked over by
one of the fallen sticks, was lying on tho ground where he fell, but when they ran over to
him, thinking he had been hurt, they found him fairly shaking with laughter.
"O say, but that was funny!" said tho Dunce, sitting up and rubbing a bump on hi
head. "I'd take that tunble all over Just to see the Chinaman get mad again."
'olyr.lit, 102!, tr William Duntiur )
Letters from Little Folks of Hdppyland
The Snow Image.
i bice tln-io were two little chil
dren, a little boy ami girl.
I bi rr li.u juit brill a log snow
Mmiii. The little gnl. whi.e name
w.i- Vioht, a-ked Inn ittot'icr it (.he
an. I In r little brother. Irony, might
go out ami hjv in the new fallen.
I he ntut'ier s.iiil. "Yet, mv little
i-!ct iiml I'ioiiv, ini in.iv go out
.i ul pl.iy." When tiicy been
ml t'ure (or urn fine Violet
iI.i Mud, "lit n tWe "4 i(. v
muur,' So Hie lull" boy Hgn.d
til ,! tiny -"woo!. I nuke
So (hi- t,,t t.i'V .nr
'.l'f I CMC 4 V-ri
I iit.'U th, I....I ,t ,'.
1 .it !! !o U oil it 1 ! t
I "li V til O .1 !-:l I'i t'n'.i
t ' C ll..v !CLttf. bt si h'
but t,l
i'ii .t
'i k It
1 It Ii. t h I I lv.
!- s mi I' it
11I I ' 1
k -. l'.r ",, ...
I . . t
h i I .1 .
P., .!. In! I
' . .... ... I
It. I.. . .1 !!., , ...
' i Hoi k 1
t .ev
1 .
now image or a little girl. She
went to the door and called Violet
to the door and akcd her if it
the neighbor's little uow girl. Vio
let an-vterul, "Why, mother, that
our little snow iiiKie, Ymi can ak
lYotiy. Ye, ni.iiiim.i, tli. t's our
little -uo.v linage."
I ., a ! ' v !.. ir'ei .tiiie li iiie .ii. t
Hi 't .ill id infill it Mil the
I tn'i 'iii'i liitlv ,:.t!, he i :t
em uM.l bioiik-!it 01 o.'o tbe I, -i: .c
a I 1 lit ii h '''-t -I 'o'. Attir st
, I to 1: 1 t ,r I. o .l out it w i
Ji! nil? 1 I . I he t, .1, . 1 1
i. ! vt . ,1 1 .c i'i ! oi c 1' .
in- it. Iilv Mi l'i,
I'tuttJ I'fll""
I r 1 1 i i t 1 . . . , . t i,v 1 ;,.
M .i . i n II I. ' al l I .1 - 1 -
piinul of it, nnd I wish to thark
you. My little sister, 7 years tdd,
wishis to Join. She Is sick today.
Will write liter. My pnim thinks
a great ibnl of Janus Whitconib
Itib y, ially the poem "Kneed
up In June and the After While."
"jiiui s ti ulv, Abbic S iiiinii. Age 10.
Ilrtt letter.
! H ippy; 1 wish . join the
happv ttitM". I am H'li.lin.t a nit-pi-it
and a two lent tumt. 1
i i !tiote. to the mth g. id". My
I.J. In I n. nun was Mist J '
C.iill.r, I will trv to be l;.''. M ult
liiiuli jn:i...ik I f nir pl
l.:1!.!i ami four p t pu.s I ha
i. or , tr nit. I one brother, I am
to i p. iliry i bib and I tu n.nn
t. .i i f rifc, tir iiuly, ' a'.u
v'n..!h. l: Ui ' Ntl i-
t ilth
,r II iff I .-ill ti n '. i
.11 I .1 in lb rf'h ia l it
- I -I I ;m -! l.n I .. !.!
! ..,( fi li.l i,ll..l! I lbl foi
i i. 'I., n i-r ..i.h. I t.i. to !
. . 1 I. i.l , ( it. l W i .it : I. '
if .- I f t I Mv l '.. W
, . i i .s i i I :i . i-... t w ii
I I tt . w . . t .l
. ii ". .i . 1 i
V i . I t . . I '...I U
Lilies School
lnir Happy: Our school 'tartM
this morning. I go to Fort Ketr
ney Kchmil. Our si hool house !s
right ucroaa tho from el l Fort
Keainty. They use.1 to h.ivo s,.b
i'ei ihere In the early ilnys t
prutei't the people from Ilia 'ndians.
Mv' greet great tim le. W. V li'in' iiil to own it. II mi aii til
ci lili.'i too. I have only nnerilf
mile to ilk to n. hil. Mv Metier
wti k two and a hilf roll " I di'l
II uus old itud in the'll tir.i le,
I urn sending two rent i mm f. r
;l bllltoll. I pi-ollilte li b klll.l U
alt dumb uriiin.iU, l'.. iil ill I' I .; .I..
K..HM.V, Nth.
Merle, A ltel (iulliwk. lf.pv: I riviv. th but
t..n ai. think It vrry i,tr I mi'
it Mbii.t tti't v hi I o I tin
tit i. if to h true tin II mW. I
b ii ina Ki to bird mi l
bi... ion bit! lrn M III eil,
I ,1 1 . tit iif ml l.i 1 1 1 i mil.
. M f r Ike b.f-l l t I
fit 1. 1 1 mil .ii I .r J-li
an t ivM lhm t tt H.e vtiil bwn
oi t.e.l . If i Co
If . ii ,.l a i it I I ,11 H
ni,,r Tn trvli, Vat lu tii.n,
' t t I. I n.
A New Member.
Iiiir Happy: I want to join your
tibe. I am sending two cut's for
a 1 inton. I will promise to lie kind
to all dumb animal. I nr.i fight
yiurs old. I hive two siter. their
names are Kdeen nnd Je'in. I ant
ill the third tl.lde. My teuber's
inline !s Sifter .Miiuieen. Wilt, as
my l iter is ii-ttunf lomt I wull
t Yours truly, .M ne. ii . t V iry
ltuike. Sti NMiir Si. uiinilial
Seroml I rlh r.
t.-ar ltpp: This l my .lllllt
I tlir to ymt. .My Ijt.lge ifut am
en Hint 'oU a I c lit t.nnp for an.
other one. I i,u the .i.,i itetf
fiiiiuiXy and enjoy tin til vviy much.
I tkiil .r..ini to i..tict all birtie
.ii I ihmili mom..," I am 11 )ieaia
ot mil in the f Mi i.e. Yuia
Tnit - II. Un WiHll.i.kt. Utib-. Neb.
I Ir lllrr,
Iwr lti This ! H, flm
,Ur Id you t k to doit
y.ue -H Int. lor hum a In.
I Lue-I ..t til lit Slot a tv i .
ihip an t a t.i..t.i. 1 -riiH. i
.i'tvtt a.t ti.t ahd riiiii.a iinimii
1 1. t I I o.iu th
it ui m t at .M