The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 15, 1922, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 43

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The World Outside
By Harold MacGrath
Ta Stuff The Wmr.
fa.ntl lar, 'nl(r
,r,ricrt eoMrai la (a ul.ply Col
l.agawi.od J.r.-mlh inriolt, who
)ul Uikr,rli4 hi f.iliar'a
(7 4i0,u ' .1 l lurlK "tha
world oiilaiiia" ft r-lil4
.w Turk, with S .lltlr '"f
$ 1 0,006. Tbs frrttlr
II tpi Hm Kiuinm, end
Jrrr jr of tha lonira.f ali
lh"' Mnim J'i"r. ilii
la ruih-ra uiytrloua niit, is
Initial , K." In i,n of l!
boK, srul a triarnorarotMiri read
ing. ' i'aiil Kniinir In full" mint"
dC" liv la Hoilvln to cwri k
for iri' of "gennMi.'' I'
ila tlml lh mlii!i Miawart
rria- fcai mthing lnui n
nllr mr'l'ty nail In plitlliig
Hiinil him. On nia-l.l J'fix
lnioiivl)r k !.. Janrtia Mall")',
ft rnorua alrl, whom Ita la a
crvrllri Soma, anil In onUtu ao 'Ilk'
eovua tkat tt Ikvs bpnu'irul
f liowrnan, ttvr ''hum, ft
trroftiiway aciftii favorite, whir enea
Wfta ft Jaroir ft! id aalo
tint tllarovara ah P.Vaa him
boifflatlv Jia mft'iclaa for it,a
kiDM, nun-r flndiii hir . r.u.'J
opaia, nDiolfl'itia ar vain, t'Of,iiit
to Ira loarriail to Arthur t'ralg,
bar-Mar of bar oimrtuit, but ra-pi-nt-t
at Mia (.n-aioo-ta of a "iiion
ijr li.nrrlnire" and brail. a a fmliMe
t.ui.i for turn ao alia ruaf ra.utl
t h'?r profoiaa, Jarr-y find u
4a-r m nuts tanaih hl pil
low, Kir la aaci.riina: Nancy noma
wlian vnJ of ruffian nlt
km;vkntix inbtaij-mknt.
A Nancy moved about, getting
flrt I'd neces ties, Ilig Kim; gut
loped and cavorted, tried to catch
her skirt, enatced kit b lit In love
tricks to no avail; hi tu'stpess
Ignored him utterly. Neither did
lit rtiavn im tti lounicc uny ut-
tf-ritlon to hlrn. At lcriKih ttin pup
py went Into a ctrrtivr tJ pHeve,
Thlii world wan full ot nurpr'nfK,
and inrxit tit them hurt; tor Hum
tIn cIobo to human ttnK, d!k
rxvr niinllar fwt atxmt I fn,
TJi nolithborly aurgeun am
fiulckly, and d attnoaed Jttrry'a raaa
a iil'crtit ntitiatin rrkA riaffrif.
when hla brain bftan to atlr toward
Ita normal functioning, would prob
ably b out of h!i head for a wli'li,
but in a few hour hn'd come to hi
prcipor cnii:. No; It waaa't nucew
aary to aind him to a fconpftal, but
h ought not to bti moved until
roorfi'ntf. Thn blow had fallen upon
the toutfhi'ttt part of the kkull, for
tunately; the aumo fore above th
ear, and th conaequc.iicea would
bava ln .-rlou.
"I'll call early In the morning."
Nanr-y'a relief filled her throat
with hyatorla, and h was glad
when the door cloaed upon the two
men. She drew a cafr to the aide of
the lounge and aat down to watch,
her flngera tightly laced. Hhe could
not hold her thought!) very well;
they were out of hand and raced
about eona'derably, but alwaya
touched Jerry, the background out
of wh'ch he camo and the aallrnta
of li'a charantt-r. If'a utter ftrli-a-nwia
In the f'glit. In whYh he had
ncirncd to call for help, her
to apeculute upon h'rn from a nw
angle. Tt amazed her (ua well a
gave her keen sat!fact!on) to learn
that under the kindly manner, be
hind thoao gentle gray eyes, that
general a!r of boylnhrieaa, there waa
1'on, vfgoroua and headstrong. No
wealthy young woman can Ignore
aueh a character m'r, enpif; ally in
a man alio Known, wnen. aa a mat-
tor of fact, the I'on 1 ke In man la
na tinirn n niioar rn hAi aa riiAiiro 1
waa to 8lr Daluhad.
From time to time Jerry'a cheat
moved Jerkily, aa If a Bob were
atrurri;llng for utterance: then the
agitation would anhftlde, did
not aeem he breather! at nil. Once
aha took hi hnnd In hem and held
ft for a little: It wna enld and limp.
Bhe wanted to rob It. . . The
he.uBta! Forever and ever ahu would
ee him billowing up through the
Haying anna and lega. and then that
gllmnao of hi turf, bloody find
terrifying. Whv hadn't ahe gone
for help ItiHtuntly InHtead of offer
lug him a pair of wek hamUT Kite
boiled angr'ly. but ailently. She to
called nil the InxtriimeiitM of torture
ahe had ever read ofthe beard
who bad atruik her!
rVveral inlinac lumMod In Milenet;
all the noU.a of the night had
dropned away, eri'.t the iKeititlonnl
far-off clatter of the elevated Komi)
thing touched her kneoa. and threw
her Into a flniter of fear. Hhe lit
tered a Kound ulilt h w.ta neliher audi
nor lut.Ki aa nlitt t!uverd
"My pui't'lV eha hlupered "My
rHr fiilotteii puppy!" alu i niclit
him up and rootled b'ln In the old
i Ik loi 1. ng.iliiftt her tl,ro..t.
"Ilunj:r. too. and alone all itu!
Voui' loilieaa Ik a wrttrti"
Mn wt ) in down, fill up M
i f t tiietii ii hit. I pit-pind hi nolk
hrr fct.ii.i- ttwtiiMliia. riiialiiiinlly
tow iid n llvoik f"t tlie
pol l . all (i i hi it. , t,, (hi i hu:r,
ii in t' I i t-m a !.. i (..,
tut I.. .no i tiu f. th i,i nr
tril foi' l iit ift r a I nii tii
li.a fi.,t. ik no rui iii.,u
Itii ri , '6 i .. t t, . t, - ,, . (. ( r
"No, no, nol"
Jler band flew to her mouth to
aupprea thn anton shod gimp and
(1 acovered that her J pa wera throb
b ng w tb pu 11. lint that wh.epcrod
try, the uumt uncanny thing ah
bad ever beard! It a (dent rally
the aitM klie had heard In thn iiip
ptr ball at Cra t'a. No, no noS
wben ahe deliberately flui,g heriwlf
Into llm abyaa, tiut of couian It
bad been her conae ence that bad
apoki n. There could not poa 1.1
have been fnental telepathy between
her and Jury, not with the phono
graph going at b!a eltow, Buch
tb nga wera linag nat ve abnurdl
tiea, Hut for all that, the- ulioel:
wan greut.
Jerry chuckled. "Tbo Oreat Ad
vent ur company! , , ." Then a
Jumbl of meaiiingleaa wonla ,ind
phraaea. "IMgi:w! . , , M'-lo-drama!
, , , ftcarft rn';? Not that
way. , . , My father , , .and
I'm goiiijf to jirova it! , , . Jer
ern'ati ... I uaed to hate It,
Nancy, but I don't now. , . .
Jennie It'arHjd mo when w nt
Jumpjig from the chair ehe at
In. , . ,
All for 8. flog! , , , Nancy Jfow
man! , , . Jennie, I didn't mean
to , , , I'm aorry!"
The effect of tha broken phreain
mranliiglee eicept for whttt a'g
nlf canr Nancy wlehed to Impowt
upon them waa pecul'ar. Dagger
and melodrama. Her imagination
efr-ed upon thte and Khe n-ri,t
atructed Jemn'ah (!oH'ngawoird lito
Momirth'ng mynterloijaly profound.
A woman w II take the moet trap
parent of men and Invent b in with
myatery and herolnin; aometlmcB It
la the only pom Me way to fall in
love with h'm. Hhe deludea her
aelf in the beg'nning and reaenta
the eulifteiii'iit d llualon, But a
young man, proven in herolca, who
unconac'ouhly d'ecovera that liia
gu!leleaaieaa Is a conventional manic
to myter'oua endeavors, would in
tr'gue any romantically Incl'ned fe
male m'nd, aa It now Intrigued
Nancy'. She atfrred uneaa.'ly, f-ar-ing
he might apeak words she ouplit
rtot to bear,
flio reached for his band again,
and found it growing warm: more
over, It automatically closed upon
her and held It. Ha began to .
mumble mutterlnga that died away
In his throat. The poor boy, the
poor boy! Presently lis) quieted
down, except that he began to
move bla head a little from aide to
aide, with corrugated brow, per
haps with the consciousness of pain,
which is always the first step
toward sensibility. Quarter of an
hour passed, and he began to speak
again. ,
"The beautiful old Iillla! , . .
But why did h put his hand on
my shoulder, Nancy? I would have
loved h'm. . . Always ao still
and STltorit! . . . And I was so
lonely! , , . When you cam in
out of the storm, I loved you, but
I did not know tt then."
Startled, wide of eye, Nancy tried
to release her bond. O, she mustn't
hear this; she mustn't! Hhe had
been tortured enough this day. It
all came back to her, the bitter
cup of shame she must drink to
morrow. Here, In this very room,
she would tell Craig what a base
thing aha was. And now Jerry
had to turn about and add a new
burden to her rlaing m'snry, without
knowing what he was doing! With
her free hand she tried to unlock
the fingers pressing upon the im
prisoned hand. She wanted to get
out of hearing before he spoke
again. Hut her efforts to release
tier hand were futile, loon the
babbling started again: and aha had
to remain beside him, territk-d aa
to what might come next. She
would have to hurt him, too, Una
was never going to marry any rnun,
Ixive. . , . Why couldn't they
leave her alone?
"Untoward accident or miachanr
, . . Kimy enough, if he wants
to gdt rid of mo. , . . Haiti,
murder and sudden death! . . .
Hut. dear Ood, the motive, the mo
tive! If I could only get a glimmer.
, , . Hlng to me, Nancy. . . , The al
loy ... out of the alley, viinn
I wasn't wiitehlng! ... My
His band relaxed and Namy van
free. Hut. strangely enouuii, she
did not rmo, she did not want to
run aay. Ho was In danger;
wimotliing was threatening hlin.
ut of tin- alley, wlirii tie .v4n.ii t
vuitrlilng' What did that tui.tfy
but that be lid H vied (I.uihi r
from t!t source? He hud kepi h"
trfty's look upon his face, when nil
the vilu I be bad walked with the
aliil of iliftlli lual'le ho, i' II. f
own Until ! f"'il itoulj a j.i.
tli. piarii ntoii ioahiiitule of )!
it. .iih.
m . waiu t fof loo te of !1icm
fienlo. Ma that l.e totr M f t I tr-
. I . I ,. .. . In IUr. in n.. n
l . i fi upon I hi I
mysterious Jeremiah had a com,
pelllng InUieH fir and above that
which he hml previously afforded
her. It wasn't Hie curloaily, hu
waa hop I nn that she might l,i Ip
him, lens fulll.-ly than ahs bad to.
night. Hut it fell out tas fate gen
erally decides It shall! that Jiny
babbled no mors.
What had he donatio Jonny that
he hadn't meant to do and was
sorry for? llm that Imaginative
atom which wt call a ae-d full upon
her heart and thrived.
Nancy need no defense. Hhn
was highly talented, honestly and not
artificially temperamental, and she
would always tat magnifying her
Joya and disappointments nine diam
eters: h would not run any
length of timo In the medium, but
would alternate the peaks and the
abysses, fllie flew at rather than
approached bur biixlears fiamM
Ingly. Things that Jenny (who wan
without talent) ahruggd her shoul
ders over and conjured away with a
i.nllo were objects against which
Nancy flung herself desiierately
with the s.ime mental shock as that
which the athlete takes physically
when, believing he is hitting at sub
stances, be hits nothing but air.
It d.d not mutter at all that ahu
was a born eomednnij; -very In
st net in her ro up in proleal
a lint the comic stage which she
lolorned. Hho bad set her gist!,
the class e. opera; and she had gone
toward It, body and soul. Hhe was
no Alalan'.a, to be tr eked by golden
apples. Hhe was only 20. Hut, ah;
If Nancy mago f ed her d.sppo;nt
meiits u;ne d ameters, so woubl she.
magnify the objects of ber love.
There came a knock on the door,
Nancy rose and answered It, alb.-nt-ly.
Jenny stepped within.
"Wha,t are you do:n' up ao late?
, , , Oawd!" Jennie cried, ber
hands flying to her throat at the
sight of Jeremiah's art .11, battered
. "O, Jenny, they cam out of the
alley, four of them. They nearly
killed him!"
Jenny ran to the loungo and
knelt. Agony pinched ber heart.
"TV alley?" she sa'd. "He was
alwaya aunl-V mo post' em, I
thought it was a joke. An' ao they
got him! But why? What'a he done?
What did you do?"fierce!y,
"I tried to help him, Ixxik at my
lips. But he Isn't a boy, Junny;
he's a man."
"Jus' find that out?" aald Jenny,
For a moment blue eyes and hazel
clashed; but It was metal against
metal, there noth'ng within to Ire
seen, A sight from the pat'ent
broke the tableau, for which blue
eye and .hazel were grateful. The
two young women leaned forward
expectantly, but there waa no re
currence at tliat time, ..
"Is he badly hurt?"
"The surgeon next door says be'll
Ire all right In the morning; but ha
must k-ep still for a couple of
days." .
"How' you code t' get struck?
"I tried to pull one of them away.
He struck me, and I ran for h'si."
"Good girl! But If 'Id 'a Teen
"And what could you have done
that I failed to do?" with a shade
of truculenca,
"I'd killed a couple with my hat
pins." "Hatpins?"
"Hure. A woman can bust up a
riot with a couple hatpins. I've
told you that a hundred times. Hut
alleys! Hornet hln' 'a goln' on here
that you an' me ain't wise about,
"Jenny, some one Is threatening
bla life. He'slreen babbling a tittle."
"Somebody tryln' V kill him?
What for?. What's th boy done?"
"I don't know; but he spoke of
alleys and battle and murder and
sudden death, and I don't know
what else."
"Why, that poor kid wouldn't
hurt a fly, Nancy,"
"Who wilil he would? Some one
wants to hurt htm; and he doesn't
know why, either, from what I
All at once Nancy knew that
Jenny must be got out of the room.
If Jerry babbled again about love,
tt would m:ik confusion all around,
It would not he fair to any une
of the tlireo.
"Jenny, what did he do to you
tbat he was sorry for?" Hhn shot
this bint to tinharraas her friend.
Jenny got up, "He Md ma In
th' hail one night. You know
kid stuff He marly strsngted loe.
Ha wan siared sit iff after bed d"Ce
it. H ild It ilMit I no mi It an' mk
a. iry, I didn't mind, knowln' whit
ji ,ta Hotnettnt you don't Inlint
Ju' Hint one, rtevef tried It ssuln
or on ni..l.f I It Why. I .l .li't
Ibll.k lo 'd sti r !.. l a voting
oimn lfor. He's a (nwt tuy
Wi: mo ( sol all .' Mim yl Wii,i
I . .(.,' ht'e . woik hi'
'tb wilting a l.tlin somi iS tif "
t i , .ii. !" r.o I( lo .r ii to
flgura put Imw to drive Jenny from
the room v. n limit offending her.
"Iitln your f.rsimy!" jeered Hit.
kept ml one, "I jit In don't buy
lol.atirs. He don't let til' wallet
put ovi r or.) lion', but he's no
"IIm'n spending Ills cupltal. Ho
told u that be Inherited a little,"
"Hut slbyii an' murder an' sud
ileu death-bow about that? Th'
morn think o' hliu, th' further Im
gets away. rf'p'Siliig' he's some
body tn?"
"Hut I saw him In bis own boms,
In the country. The old house
keeper called hlin Jeiry, That part
of It Ui clear, h may Ire something
lis iks fallen Into ulni'O .he tume
to town."
'I ilon't mil bow. Ilea Imtn with
lis nearly every iiitht. I gueas w
Iretter give It up. lie's th' kind
that'll toll us when th' llmo (vines.
What sort o light did he put Up?" .
aiked Jenny slyly,
"He waa a lion, Jenny! I don't
bow hs did it. If bo's had his
back to a wall, they couldn't buv
hurt him. f didn't dream ha was
so strong. Hut they got trt-hind
htm. It waa all my fault. The
Sight fascinated me; I'd never seen
men fight Iwfore, He shouted to ms
to run, If I had, probably I'd have
saved him thin, (Jo to bed and
come back early In the morning."
Nancy (Uncovered that she was very
"Hed nothfn'!'' replied Jenny,
towing aalde ber hat and cloak,
"It'a tionsensa for Imth of us to
watch. There's Very little to do."
"Vou go t' bed an' let ln watch,"
"Hut 1 couldn't sleep!"
"All right; w'il troth watch," said
Jenny, wondering what It su that
Nancy did not want her to hear,
should Jerry begin to babbie again.
All this exchango was carried on
In strained whispers.
Ho they both watched, not only
the patient, but covertly each other,
until the window shades whitened
In tho breaking dawn,
Bancroft's first sens.tlon tbat
be could recollect was of the sea.
He was far down; hardly any light
above. lie eaw strange fish, sunk
en ships, and Iron bound trerumre
chests, half burlwl in the snail. He
vaguely wondered If he could ever
find the p!ac again, Science spoke
of terrific pressures at this depth,
but he suffered no particular dis
comfort: except that hla head
wasn't exactly between his shoul
ders. He tried to raise bis hands
to rectify the mistake, and couldn't.
That was odd for he had no diffi
culty walking over the wimpled
sand. By and by It occurred to
him that he had belter be getting
out; soma of the flah began to as
sume threatening aspect. 8o kick
ing out lustily against the resistant
he begarr to rlic; slowly at
first, then with Increasing rapidity
(due probably to pressures), until ha
falrty shot out of the water, , . .
into his own bed, hi wrist held by
a strange elderly man, and beyond
the footboard Nancy and Jenny,
with tense expressions on their
"M-rn-m!" he aatd meaning that
tils bead stilt required some ad
justment. "Back to earth, ch?" aald the
elderly man rising. "You keep
your bed today, young man, and
the house tomorrow. You Just es
caped going to the hospital, with
Nip and Tuck for your doctors.
He's In your bands now, young la
dles. Just a look In once In a
while." After a few mora advisory
comments, tho rioighliorly aurg'ion
took himself off.
"Well, well!" said Jenny banter
Ingly to cover up ber rHf. "IJttle
of Doug Fairlranks In Th' Wliech
amacalllt! You jmor nut, wny
didn't you run, with homo on'y 10
steps off?"
"I did think of it, whan it was
too lute," answered the culprit,
with painful slowness. Jenny's out
line was rather blurred. "Maybe
I ate too much turkey."
"You're not to talk," Interposed
Nancy. Turkey! , . . Craig! . . .
The bitter aslns she must this day
taste! "Would you like Mug oo
for company?"
"Yes. Hut them's , . , one thing
t . . . want to"
"Who , , , pushed tb Wool
north . . . over on met'' his good
eye twinkling.
Jiinny luui.tod. "It t all rtabt,
Noti.i nMy pushed It back ao yrnj
wouldn't know It'd been stirred.
Nuw can th' i batter, Wa'ra golu'
t' gut a bite f rat."
"My laitd' but 1'l want any
thing in tat!"
"Well, you're golif t' Jus' th'
aaiiia," Jenny Uk)hm emphatically,
' Th' iliB tul lmt yoil ovef ' U '
"I'm nr," he aatj, nieftklng l
rue what?"
s.i' luriilnts to flgl.t, lt. I
l o t IH'ia to rn. IUt loiKhii I
b-1 1 fit tip In (..ft , , , 'tl. til
r. "
"Wv're all burr, so don't worfy,
WVII I back st nine. Come along,
in lie list) the two girls paused
and stared sob innly Into cm Ii
oihir's ryes, and shook their binds,
"A dngger, In tli' doorjatiib, in
Shis bis roooi!"
"Hotnelaxly with beysl I'm glad
tho surgeon did not iw-ti It, Hut
what ar w going to do, .b.nny?
'J'bls Is no Jirke: he is In dnngor,
If some one fun get Into bis room,
' as easily us this."
We'll make him trail with u at
night; iiobialy will trouble him In th'
daylight. Hut I'm golrf to ak hlin
"And thn nest morning find hlin
gons, for fear be might drag us
Into It! No; must not let him
suspect, , I'-ut It's rnaildenlnr! Who
could wsnt to hurt him?"
"Hosrch me," aald Jenny, bearing
-or Imagining she bearda new nota
of tenderness In Nsncy's vote.
"Hotter get th' swellln' out o' those
lips, or you'll hav trouble tonight,
Whrtt'll we give him t' cat?"
"!ocna: be won't car to chew
Jenny laughed at that,
"I sen nothing to laugh at," said
Nancy, bridling.
"it Hounded funny, though. Hut
I wish I'd 'a' bon there with my
hatpins!" vindictively, "In two
minute I'd 'a' bunted up that light,
lulleve me!"
"And I didn't ba tho bralna lo
think of It!"
"Aw!" said Jenny, as slit put out
her arms, "What you did was
braver than I'd 'a' done. Tou piled
in bar hundi-4. You poor kid!''
They stood tenderly embraced for
a minute, loving and doubting, and
ashamed of their douots. Nancy
doubted as to the true merits of
that stolen kiss. (Not that it really
mattered) And Jenny was hesitant
to belleva that Nancy bad been
frank atiout Jeremiah's babbling.
Hut Jenny would always be first to
recover from a -iitlmnlal wave.
"Th' Two Orphans," she said.
"AU we need's a little paper comlrf
down an' th' orchestra goln' pink a
punk. You aoaka a coupla piece of
toast fin' I'll see t' th' cocoa. We'll
show 'er.i. You've never nursed
anythln' but a Ik pup, an' I tieVer
nursed anythln' but grudges; but
we'll have this Jeremiah uptkladdy
In Jig time. Kay!" pushing free of
the embrace, "I wits always guy In'
blm When I catted blm Jeremiah;
but now. darn It. it sounds, like a
reg'Iar name. Huh? Jeremiah
clover an' hay an' all that, stuff
we never saw except through car
windows. Y' know, that's been th'
trouble with you arf me, we never
had anythln' t' fuss over. - Your
Iraddy Bowman was always fussln'
over you. He was that crazy about
you, I don' think he ever wanted
you t' And your folks.
"He was too honest td wi that."
"Sure. Hut love's a funny thing."
"What do you . . ." Nancy broke
tit Inquiry In two, realizing that
It was at once unkind and danger
But Jenny was quick. "Wont do
I know about It? Klnc you ask
mo, quit a lot. So I wear extra
hatpins. I'll have lb' cocoa goln' In
two shakes," she said turning
toward her door.
"You're a hotter girl than I am "
"What a noise, what a nobte!"
Bancroft studied the walls. Two
hot thumbs seemed to tie pressing
down against his eyeballs, He could
not breathe comfortably throuicb
his puffed nirse. There was an abid
ing sens of nausea, too, and ha
was suie th bandiigo kept hi fool
head from bursting, So th ftrcjit
Adventuro company bad begun ac
tion? Hut why hadn't they killed
hlin? Kuddenly he reallwd, as all
the old questions csm clamorlnff
back for answers, that he hsd a
horror of death, to die without
knowing what It wns all about!
Never to know whether It wo tha
linchatited Helmet of Mitmhrlno or
the Burner's Basin whether bis
father waa a true nisn or a Nine!
Ho ha must hang on to hla life;
no morn venturing against unequal
mill, mill, ho had enjoyed himself
up to the moment tha Wool worth
bad fllen over on hlin, Hn clinch,
led, flow easUy b f.-ll into Jenny a
Could b ti i li liia clullii'S ml
t;et tiack to bed? lis must try. Ha
with Infinite, csutioti bs slid out of
bed and stood up. Ifa took no step,
but waited for the bellying walls to
sober down and th vlnlnnt hsm
inuring m: lii"t bis skull to sut sl.ta
a little. It would tkw threw steps
to reach th rhatr. Its bfc thre
steps, bis ya cloned, and went
throuah his tkta blindly; It wa
easier that way, Pseept f-a? th
keyring, tbet was nothing la
tHMkf: vn til dollar wntca wa
ui.i.a It ataNr4 hack to bed.
falling ui- n It la half a rulnl With
final eff.irt h gl Uii t th a
era M trta not t thlea Hf s1
, aw4lMa - fan wira