.The Sunday Bee MAGAZINE SFXTIOnH VOL. 62 NO. 18. ( THE SUNDAY JiKK: OMAJIA, OC'JOI.KJt 15, 1022. FIVE CENTS The Honesty of Noah By Eden Phiiipotts lie Was So Honest That It Hurt; Hut Duty Is Duty and Must He Per formed, No Matter What the Cost V any man hud told ma I should ever find ',1 hunt tit I hon'-st he'd have hud the routfti ed ut my tongue; I Hi'hout doubr; for, along; of tny parent and s hoot r" in-, not to mention my own . urilrtiliir file rnt of i.uid, there were some Oilmen, even a a young man, wwM Uitvi! given mo more pain Ihun pleasure lo do, no matter what tho reward. A ri'l one wan to covet my m-lghiW' good nnd another wh to break rny word. As for what belonged to other folk, I never ll'l feel tempted in thai direction; but llf no fell out with rn that 0Wf, ami only oni, 1 eatched myself P r Jl sore shout solemn proml". H rehired to the rn't awful iindrtk- her tempi r wan ifivci'i and she'd got It well under control. Jtrlgbt km a link Mlii wait and 11 rare imp for lit of fun, and iroM'r glad to feel ii live, liut lelng 111 ebb-st of lilna had broke hi e In something amu.lng, und sh was patient with 'tin fools iiii'I never iv a sharp answer to man or woman, though her mi I ii ml g.iod wits mum have often ! iiiii i'd hr o do i, 111 furl, Miss Might stood long WU)S ahead of any female l tin I I'd ever cornn across, arid v. In r'iii umll she appeared, no girl hud struck fii as ft very Interesting object, with her ths tise was entirely altered and h tu-l m tlilnktriv vry imiIoiik and roumil in nw fir I of iiiud'Hn luiuli J und lidi-mvu'i't friiin" iif mind a I hudn't f'tlt Ix-fore, Month! jiHfliwil nnd It Kot worm', und mill I couldn't undcrmand wlifit dimrMftlon Imd overtook up; 1nt then all of midiU-n I found 'twiiK JUiu nv.nkii lti' iifT N-nittliii and I nil hr tn K'i tr a walk on twr ftflwnoon out, llttla llilnklnK nhn'ij mriM-fit to It, In fiu't, no ("Kity m th IM-Klniilnva of lov that wh'-n xlic aiild nln-'d ro;n I wim hulf worry I'd nook, liut I' would hv l"n a rud thlnir to lnrk out of It tftiT ahe'd nrr"A t ''W. mt I (t'"1 with ,fic-l "idd, KoIhk to tnko mo. For, aui'h la my minimi nnluru, that I don't iM'Ifi'Vu 1 I'ould huvit uxi d If my love iiili:Le1i'd wiiwa luidn'l mud" ion wo tlutt aliit'd lie down my tlnwit tin iii nuiiil I did. TIioiikIi u thought undi riilwd, I wna a Kood looking mnn, no iloiilit, with very nlro blink hulr and minor M fyi'a nnd a imijkIio lui tli.it look I'd wi ll ovi r a Mound t,t of Iiii ko, Ahllit U i'ih; but am h Ihluxii u thiil wouldn't tuivi' di-i'ld'-d Iiit; It wita my tilKh-mlndi'd milure and my way of like li llkod moat. An a imiili r of truth, alii- hud no uw for ilurk 'i'oIoiciI men, and, na I found after, my hiiir and Mue rhfn had mood aK'tlmn tun; hut my nnluin mdv tlna.- iIiIiikn of atnitll aiTount and, In a word, we frit ouiw-lvrn to Iw hullt for iMidi -tffhi r, hody and aoul, and wua tokcni d ni'i'ordlnxl In lh fure of tli tuition. 3 tut thi-n nm rfiilUy, and 1 told Jam frankly that on a pound a wfi-k rniitrlai( wi'i-n't In alaht for in'-; und ah mi w that very rli'iir Indund and wild we miiHt ho tiatlont and tlda our tlm. Thra weren't no Inrllnatlon on my muaU;r' ourt to rulao her monoy, nor y-t tnln, when the miK'iwmunt on- to hlH 1'i.rx In furl, tin- tioaa wna a hit vfxrd Injliln4 frimMn &i ' mm - c a ,?v m immr mm 1 . 'V - " " fcnr fhif Trl Hwf foi'fl ?ffc At." ing that can l rnado between imu human to another, and thitt In the promlHO to marry; o I thouicht noamitll ahama on mywlf that -n for an Inatnnt I Ml a cruid haiikrliiK to (fO hack on iny word. Yet ao It wna. Two Kfttt adventim-a I hiivo had In my llfo and that'a all. And hoth l.i lonK to thia tulc. Hut nothing out of the common truui-ndotia have ever hniifncd hIiki', ami I hoia for th rent of my daya to rn- uIoiik without no more ahfwka till ihere roinea tha Call, Mfw'a a vry lnti-r'Hiln thing tiililn It all around, find I'm fairly (,'lad that i wai 1,0111. hut I "hull have had qulto rnoiMth of It rotno I grt to "0, or th'Ti-ahout, nnd won't want no more. At 25 I wa outdoor man at "Th Coarh and Four," ,a llttlo puhllo on the I'lymuuth road out Yidverton way, ' nnd, though a ainall hou-, It nail a lot or ouHtorn ami unrr - 1 .... . .. ,.f .....1. f.. inn uilli tli, Iftiffti nnfl till foMMa. w.in iiiiiii ui , ..... . .... - M'i liilly III wlul'-r, wlii-n hoiimla nu-t at our dar- prt-lty Ofll'll. Kiiiull inony 1 Imd, hut. ao far, the thought of munny novT tioiihlid inyiilud. My ihani to a-nd It If I ifot It win. aniull, for I wia an oihiin man hy th'n, with no call iiHn me und no particular m-fd to aavv, I'd lnn an only oiif and my rvlallotia wro all di-ad ao far aa I knew, and I nmur hud very many at nnv llmo. My father waa cuaihiiian ai Kilraharrow Manor till h wnt horn, and he'd had hut on hroilur and inn- alat-r. Aunt Ha rah rthd In a lunatic navtuin, poor aonl -th flrnl In our family ever knmwi to .u tmitliHli -and I'm lo runiffify, hu d to Ciiiiinl.i, or cl AudHalhi, In hi yoiinif daya. My father never could call homo whlili It .ih. and It dl tn't inatlur, for u la aid of him no more and ho wua only a name to me. fliif then haw'-nrd lhi flratnf mv two aduMiturca, and after J, .l,c IHiiilil t anin In the Imr of "Thf Com h and Four" I a a hl man I du"-iy rha almid lliim Im hc taller ili.io m. for at ?. hlch wua her ato Hla u f u t met, alie'd i,i tier full Drouth and nolnlv ever aaw a flnci' aiiii wl'li a it - iu i Ii.imi. or .w r ulioul.h i h, in niuoiK- r aiu r Wu l.lili i...ii. and ti had hlux '' And a .i,.r maun of .i.d.-i fit liili tr-nt kepi tlie lr warm II- i..t.'t 1 . v . "Twin like a lamdiR, fUiy funiace. Mom tone, (i!i il.ui r.irt, vu net a tvnipr to inal. H lha f .ui.. ml. I a t. li ai k it and a- ioetiiuea i .tl,-r a hiah h m I Imi th.'OtH J ii b urn a l.i r f f "i a and thu f t. H. at . . itt . .. i,., e.i h'i d I!. ue tt il H liei m If, my leiiow Woi,.a, w ivw iu.ni my jou ilial Thuiadity after noon, and me and Jano footed It up to 1'ilnceton on Dart moor, and ahe cmai iitod to tako a cup of ten at "Tho Three I'V.iihera' In that place. Well, I hadn't Bone ahovo a mllo IichIiIu tho woman whon t knew I'd failed In love with her; and the fiatonitdi mcnt of It tied my tonifuo to audi an extent that I dart-nay 1 didn't apeak rnore'n once In BOO yard. Hut alie made up for that and I Moon Maw aim waa friendly disponed, and fnjnd hi-rra-lf very comfortable In my company. Who told mo about her family and how alio had to aend moat of h""r money to her mother nnd father, him helm? out of work. And ahe drew rather ft sorrowful picture of their poMltlon, hut ahe weren't In the leimt sorrowful Ix-mclf, he. Inir far too clever aod chi-ei ful to whine over what couldn't he helped by her. And I listened In wonder, for I'd never RUi-naid a wom an could be so aenalhlA. In fact, such ft witty way of look ins; at life made me think better of fenuiles In Kcrieial, lie.Tiuae till then I'd never met one with the wnaa of a woimIIouho, Hho madrt a very bimkI tea, and whett we alarted for home aha aald' "Now, Mr. Hcobhull, you've heard all about me, ao 'tla your turn to talk, and I won't walk gulta so taut solns; Imi I.Mtniiif, pleitHe, liecauae I'm a heav y i U'ht and up a hill I'm not too clever." "Ynii'm tho cleverest woman ever I nut." I said "lp hill, or down a hill either. And I hoe you'll rail me 'Noah' In future, same aa my other friends da. I wouldn't have irlven myself tha name of 'Noah,' ! may tell von, hecaus there's ft lot about that famous character I don't hold with; but my parents, helnif rt'llte unnl.le to decide the nuesllori, my father opened the Monk with hi eve shut, and my .mother siii.k pin Into the holy pirt; and "Jonh" It was " After ht we ifot on very well and 1 unM.I'd my feet Inn and found .tana to ha a K'khI a lletcner as talker, Kill, h s.'b1.im hat'ta-ns; and la-fura ws rearhed "Th Cni h." w..M ordained to Inks another walk In" we. k or two. Hha was very fond of the sea, I found, wh'-'h ha rath.-r an uro c.-oinmn !' mlih Hoim-n, I l-chevo. Tha fil. i .l.iiip oi red had In st unU, arnj Jut fir ChiliOnnn, or It ciiIkM hi' la-n New Yeai's I'ay, I t' f. r.i.l f..r I, t, I hi afoin I . It an ur as d i'Ji b wi our bucks, as I heard from Jack C'odd, tliouuli too decent a Muit of man to make any wordai about It. J Hit ho reck. Hied that If I loved Jane 11 wouldn't make me any more uw ful out of doors, arid If ahe loved me there mlht be a drojt of wbiaky slip over the bar sometimes, or perhaps a half pint, that weren't paid for In the ordinary way. v I'.ilt ho didn't know me, for anything like that I would rather have urorm thlraty than do; and no trniiihtcr and honcHter woman than Jane HIlKht ever pulled a cork or lever. Then, after alx months, which didn't vool our fine affec tion nor yet brln maiil.iKe a day nearer by the look of Ii, I Rot an offer from a aentleinarr finning on Irartmoor and atopilnif ut "The f'ouch and I'"our." Ho liked me and reck oned I mlKht bo worth '30 hob a week to him, no I talked It ovi-twlth Jane, and ihoutjh alio felt tha slim? of tho parting a ip.od deal, ahe knew this was a ineful so p nlonrr tho road to better times, and uaiecd that I ahould accept and (rive notice. ' Then my troubles hixan. for after two ncmlm with my new mticti-r he had a and disaster and lost all his r cy nnd didn't want me no more. Arid tiny wouldn't take mm back ut the "Conch" noiii.i-1-, IsH-auao my place was filled. I was on my beam end for a bit and the J0 I d saved had to ha all eat UP to keep m.i koIiik- Then I found wink attain, but not at 30 hub. I fell to a pound, and nftcr alx mouth of that not another offer and r to II sIiIiIiiiks. I wua In tho Midland now and hated 'cm and nould hava Riven the boots off my feet to lie back In tH-voindilre nalil. We wrota to each other, Jane and mo; but her .l. iiei wcra acarcer than mine, heeainie pens and ink was al ay pain and rlrf to her. and then I tilled up. Iim, for a hit, for my new master died very sudden, and I was out In the world anain and didn't want to innke my future wife soiiuwful about It. For a mailer of Ihre years we did keep In toui h anj then I lost her. I d not wrota for six mouths, hut preaniily my cons, te nee spoke, and, belo with lri"d Work oiiet inois, at ft his; hotel In llltiuliittham, I wrote and told Jana that thiuii was lookltif up and I hd. If t rould xl fear tl tv off at lbs end of Ih autnem, to r. roe d.-wn to lh weal and hr. tint the Utter returned to u nitiked "Not known,'' and ! b-i ft hater you'vs wrota to anoUr person com ba, k slailra you la th f ics aa tin I s ft iival at. k, I'm sr. I wji ft (i4 hit put about, thonia. Joa kail grow