The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 15, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 28

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Married Life of Helen
and Warren
Warren Self Atauranr Intoltm
Thrra In n It pent It Cam
of Hridg a.
"If rr ll ' hardly hav
tm for nothr rubber," demurred
Tomi to our tataroom.'' urged
Mr tialmer, ehuffllr.g the card "W
ran pity M .ant down
"Thank you, not totilahl," nndg'ng
Wrren under th labia, "I g a
beadac, hn I play too hit' "
"W'!l have a gam tomorrow."
Warren drw out hie ttallct. "Jlnw
doee lh score stand now?"
"That 4o rubber for u lf
filnta. Mr, palmar pencil r
down th line of fla-tire.
"At I cent a point that's fl? 10,
Vnrrn counted mil the money.
"You'll win l lnck tomorrow snd
Tr.ora," biuKb'd Mra Jolm-r, dm win
hr fulta
araif ovr tar f'wdf r1
"Iy hava another drink," Invited
iU. rxt'nnr aa fha,lour, al'ward
ifbarrd up thlr mr'y ir1'.
".V(,. 1 II tiika a turn on dk,"
Vhrrn pi'hd tinik h a rbifr.
riuf In Ih durlc af'nlon of th
r ow i!rnit d'T'd d":k, lll n a
rnorau'd r afilfuarit found upraa
"Tfx-Iv do!r' Twfir, wby did ynij
!.-t thm rmcka ll ti.V
"th, If lhr wlwit thy'i
in I'lnylotf for " paiirlog to r
1 Khf hl i trnf. "yon ran t ba a rvlkT.
"'Va ri'"'ri't hava ilvd that l
riihlwr. If w'd atof'p'd than you'd
biva r,.f only 17."
At. evenlna
"Yoii'ia burn arorf
of r""d brl'ifa on ahlrdioard la worth
12 kutka. I'y iriorf'n tbnf for
at fha orra and horad ailff "
"T-v'd aurh lufk w fh lhlr Hum
tnlra," fnktnr h!a arm tn k-t' up with
1,1a rifld rtru-n "M'-'d mnk It on
almot nothlfir and avrry tlma h
waa or on fhit ault "
"Y-, wa didn't atind micti rh'inca
alrit th"t run of lufk. In that t,iat
liand ha mada It haarta on only an
ara and two amn II na but aha
plunked down fha Kln, Jack and
hra othra Jova, look t that
Th lumlnoua craaant, rlld'nif from
hahlnd a cloud, laid aoarrhllKhf
path Afrit the Mark aa.
B-it Hl"n waa too rratfu!ly In
lant upon th lo of tha 112 to apprp
data th w'trhar of th nlrht.
"Radv to ro down?" yawnrd War
ran, toaalnn; h!a flowing cigar ovtr
th rait.
In thalr atatrroom h ondraawd
with hi ucukI caraleaa dcapatch. I5ut
Ilelan, aflll worrying ovar thlr !,
waa hroodlnely alow,
"Thy rnuat hava monay," raptacltu
Jir evenlna; gown or Ita hinr In !
tha wardrolia trunk. "Old you notlca I
hr dlamondat What bualnaa la hf
"From Boaton. thafa all I know,"
Warran thruat hi wallat and latter
of rradlt undr hia pillow, "Juat mat
him In the atnoklnif room,"
"I don't car for har ahe'a ao Artl
flcll. Oh, look whar you'v put your
roat. And I had It prwad Juat ba
for we aalled," raaculng hla dlnm-r
Jacket that ha had crammed Into the
rark over hi bJ.
"The yellow plutna ar graat," he
waa rummaKlna; In "Bon Voyage"
taaket of fruit.
"Daar, don't eat any mora tonight
All that dlnnar, and thoa aandwlchaa
ftarwarda and now fruit!"
"Now, I'm going to eat all I want
nn thl trip," defiantly munching an'
other plum. "What In hlawa?"
A lurch of tha ahlp nt ahowartng
down upon him aomte maxazln'-a that
Helen had etowad alKjva th life pre
"I thought they'd tm out of the way
up there." hfiatlly ah gathered them
up. "Oh, hare'a an ar'(jl I want)d
you to read 'Card Shark on Ocean
Liner.' About profaaalonal gambler
who make their living on the big
"Huh, that' an old atory. Don't
worry, they won't get a chanc to
trim me. Never play carda with any
body I don't know. Where my flip
pr?" "But you don't know th Palmer!
Aren't they under your bed? You
only met him thl morning In th
moklng room."
"Oh, Dalmer'a all tight. Her make
up I a little heavy but he' a good
fellow. I can apot a bounder a mile
off. Where th Sam Hill are those
"They mtint'v been ahoved back."
Poking under hi berth with a coat
hanger, aha dUlodgd th llpper
from behind hi ultiae.
"That thing open?" Warren ecowled
up at tha vantllntnr In the top of their
eobln. "lilowa rlnht on my head."
Reluctantly Hulfn pullfd th cord
that clnd tha ahuft. Tha porthole
waa oprn, but aa alway her greed for
air waa lnaotmble.
"Oh, I hop If not going to b
rough," at an ominnu lurch.
"Homrher It la, better I alip," aa he
dumped Into hrd. Then grimly, "If
that ynutiaier wake me In th morn
ing there'll l trouble"
Thrlr ahoea put out, th door bott
cb rurtnln dawn lurk fioin the
liorthoi over her berth. Helen finally
In t-el m Itched off th light.
fh lvd th nighta in netmer
Lrlng In a ami-. rm trth Hmtnin
to th rir if the iran, brouht
a Imui iou aniM if aecutily
IHU now, th t and th further
p.attl boao toiiiuriow, ihadowed i
bee ihouaht.
It would h ul to X't Vrio )
not lo play. He oull rail hr a
fptteft f. lt'' t M In Imk (itl '
fc.'ue tfv had loat, N'ir would h
a 1 I til ta '
)lr rool l'ua thuM ro flna'ly ;
lucrum) lug l.i lb In. I of the
when h r.iial ) v -1. In m
tea di,
llaiea "'out-: f ( halt I wr,t
lartntr -).rt u .!
IMUl" j
I I rVaimeiel tt. ! taf r 11.1 A '
m-xmnl a tii. ti ti N ereakii j
tf I hli a )! .tl 4 la(l !
Jut tlll,
M , br mat. Ii' tra. 'i
. It ,.! If il I
e aa it ( a r-"'
I ikat "
Ita ll and !
lou vole, "W may be was'lnf our
"Oh, h' good for four or flv hun
dred, That only chl ken feed, but
wr down pretty low, Not much
doing on thli iMxit, IxK of tlghtttads'"
"l-ton't, don't, they "'5' hear you!"
nisi red Helen aa Warren,
muttered oath, started up townr-1 tha
"There' thai man In th delux
tilt What Ma name'"'
"Morley. la, ha haa tha fin, tut
ha'a card ahy won't play. Homebody
tajat have tlppad blin off, Wa'd hat
ter stick to Curl!. Ha'a mora o
rofkaura kind they're el
taeye ey inaik,'
"Wall, wall hav to doubt on
l every hand. Wi can't mak much
at even flva a point "
"Wat'b ma handl him tomorrow.
Thought we'd lt..r go slow (ha fir!
, "'i'r" Sow- '' lnal. j
, r',v ,'f1r, "' J""" hslrvln
j'na hjii in vm inrea nonora rilfni
'tilda. Your powdir juff for apadea.
l-ft earring diinionda right fo
j trumpe. You got rn mixed on that
"You'r alway chanirliig no won
; der I fowl. W ahould keep to th
aairi lf tiiiln "
i "Yea, and have everybody on to u.
j .Vow, If you loaf thla trip w'll land
In I'arla without a aou. I'v only
127 Irf-alba tho twelve wa won to-
nlKht. Wonder if f :urtla wwuld gland
for l'l tenia a point?"
Winking off Helen' reatralnltig hold
on Ma ptiliiiiia, wph an tiinloalv
jariort Wanen tbtuat hla head nd
.K,,M. (I. I. .k.. ....u. i..
j ,....,..,. , -mi,,tjhii (ria 1I.JJIIIOIV,
!. ,w" rr''"k J"
ii.iw you re going io trim ma rna.yi
you'll let u pet aofria abep1"
A atlCed fjiilnln crejm. Then
alien', An excruciating allelic,
"Hah, t'uitla," Mr, lialmer w
Ihe flrt to apenk, ','Jue' a llnle prao
ticui Joke and you bit, W knew
hi w your cabin."
"You did, eb?" roared Warren, "You
big atlfT! I'll com out thr and
paat you! Now, If ther of you
touch a card for th real of thl voy
) I'll report you to th captain.
You know what that'll mean! Now
heat It,"
With Helen tugging at hi palama
h lend further out tha porthole
im th Italmat mail an Ignomlnloui
I retreat.
noi aucn eay picking a you
thought," he bellowed after them,
"flood for 400 or r,i,0. eh? Well, It'll
take a cleverer pa.r than you lo trim
ma! It a going to b a lean trip for
you two vulture!"
"Oh ih."' gaaped Helen, dropping
weakly on the bed a b turned from
tha porthole. '
"Oua that'll hold 'em for a while
W(h you'd eon their far when J
loomed over 'em. So I'm an tiny
mark, eh? fluea they've changed
their mlnde atout that! I'v queered
their little game for fhla trip"
"Oh, I I can't help feeling aorry
for them," breathe Hlen, "I didn't
quit truat them, hot I didn't dream
they wer prof lonal card a harp
What If I'd ber aaleep and nol
heard them?
"I'd have got wla to that pair," a
alwava depreciating her. "I wa
mlrh'y auapfcloua tonight th way
thoee card rn. Their hand fitted
too darn wtill! Put It wa worth a
few dollar to lead 'em on."
And only a few momenta before he
had oiiMv detarad tha Palmer wae
"all rlht"! Rut of thla Inconalatencv
Helen tactfully failed to remind him
Inatead, aha tuckd th cover about
hi ahoulder and Vlaad hla tumbled
ha'r with an adulatory:
"You war wonderful, dr-ar, the way
you roered out at htm!"
"Ye. that waa rich!" he chuckled
romn'aeentlv, "f?at 'em taceed and
labeled. I'll ae they He low for the
real of thla trip. That fsthead'll h
blamed lorry he ever tried to trim
fCoeyrlght, l2f
Y W C. A.
October 15 21
Onen Hon at Central fruliairi, 0 a.
m. to I f. m. '
Frnh ! 4 nd T p. m.
Wllllnrr. 11),
TArnrUw af elaha aiinaar. 4 . m ,
tfi'lftwel hy ela wafk Prnflniii annaar-
n"a, Olu club and rhrlntmm Olft cImm.
I p. tn.
?acti eliM .
fiimm'rll lettering and BuitncM Kn.
11. h etuMna 7 p m,
Fnillih for Vew Americana C1a 1:10
p. m.
Maatle af HnM of Dlracten, 1 a. n.
rrni'h elM 1:S9,
CftWry c1wi H-lrt.
fi.wiiie ra ? f. m.
Proniilty r'i. T in.
It . m, Bible elaaa, Re. Thru Ptmfly,
Miina ef Tha More lh Mrtlr"'
r!'H I I', III,
rriKh c-'n-a I 19 and f a. m.
eeftlim linn l l'i
f'ni'herv, 'il-f'r ' U 1 59
"In the Wiirk-tH'io ef flrnt linen
If.i.x'' rln.i M J a'rlmk unltr tho
(.irhlp cf Mr. anl W Ctr Hrr .
n n
ltetln ef But rirrla cluk I f m.
M"Hinr rw 'i
.'.uinr ri T
Girls Communitv
Service League
Hun Uv l v'afc llrh Il licit c'ua
i,l Rii l l Oik h, : In I in. i ll
h ittll ! I le! I '.
to - t-a . r ,,..i iii .,r
t'tn an4 a lu,h If tux IK
ii .-.I . ),
t'ii r
VIk4., ii
bm le t-aW ll ti-4l a
i,a tuie.r
1 i
i fea
. . ,m flu VI i. ' -
. Wii -A ta4 i V
M ...i..-i
T .mA, II L.n .M.1 -. II
i' .- . 11 !' Oik nuii, t 1 1.
I ' 4,4 e k I t It N (' h
ii..u.-l ll wa,a !
t ai. ' iii rt iiii di.i '
I I' t i.a I i B. .l
I i a" .i-.-ii ' a
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i t,, - i n 4 t h, f
' I i. ii . .'-Um h I a
,! -- I . a ai - mi i fti w- a-
ft.l.i I , ' IV if ,.MII Ml.
l. H i -AC,
i .. i ,... . .tt, w t.
.- ii I 1 - t i t 4
Jrrtf hort Cuala .Newest Offering,
tn Athletic World".
TUB Omaha Uportlng QoodsHuu
110 Harney, praeent fr your
utter approval, tha Jew Jertey Kport
Coat wlili h la made Norfolk jack!
aiyla w.ih Inverted iilrati In tha ba.k
and In tha pv km, A awarr b t ((
njiorta aMitrrl, l. Tha Tom Wya
Jraa ara ottnrrt at 14 to, 17 10 and
1 1 M. Kor cjlr dua, tha very
havy cat tweatot, IU and 111, The
naw nhow ii of (olt baa which tit. a
ra In prUa from IJ.f0 to 5 ia now
in tha ahop,
New of Inlereat fa th Home Builder.
UK HYOHAC'MC X'rea Dihk Compai.y 0ftb branch 1 now located
In new nuarlera. HIS Farnam.
I'lilg , whet thay have Inatulled on of thn flueat enblblti of tut brl. k
wt of rhlcago, Th eahlbtt I built of lly-Tex hrb k laid In varloua cobbed
mortara to reprrvnt the tlvlrg wall, i'laaalrig Indeed la th color ran,
blood rd, gnrneta and ox blood red In Chinchilla, Chaidan and MiH
texture, th valour mng of color, Hokitarn rug ahido arid th colonlil
ahd In rough and atnooth texture. They alao ruanufiK tut th farnoun
Oak Hark brhk In greena, purple, hrowna and old ro ahadoa, A rnarv
lou ahowing of brick for every architectural purpoa manufilured by a
great manufacturing compnny, for tha Hydraulic I'reaa Hrlck company la
tha latgeal manufacturlfig company of fa' brl'k In tha world having t'i
1 fjutorlea located In atata from Nabrnaka to Waahlt.g'on which ennblta
I Ihem to aerve you In any ahada and texture known to the profeeelon, Thay
j ex 'find a cordial Invitation to you to viait their dlapl.iy room whether you
' 'he market, for brick at lb preeent time or not. They will !o
: lHa w r'"1 " t"ur w r'anm, Kivir.g you ine r.aniu m yei i oi
oxperier' tney nnve nni l'l rrua una.
tit th Hydraulic I'reaa Hrlck company
write direct to him If unabja to call.
Hi lime Ifraw Near for ("lathering
Together Dainty Olft Trifle for the
YK Oft Khoppe, Weleh'a Flower
Hhop, rir.rndwl Theater, 17th and
Ijoiiglae, la tjtllt th rnoat, orlglnrd
gift ahop ImaglfiHhl. Juat can't re
elat th tempUitlon to allp In at leaat
one a day to view th new and love
ly thlnga wh'ch tk a charmful plan
In a, on helf and in covered box,
Hand pointed gin pendant on dec cord ar appealing gift when
ent In their flowered black boxing,
11. SO and $2. "Kitty" hood to pro
text wee erira ar 14.60, handmad to
lee xure. Dreaaed bnby doll ar 12.
card tM cover ar 12. SO, hand
palntad r, urn tier, fl a act. Tinted
greeting carda, tc up.
Swi embroidery contamination of
our dreamt, o finely wrought if it.
Rare indeed are the dcjigni on hand
kerchief arrived in Omaha from a
maker in Switzerland never before
repretented, Eppazcl. The price,
$175 unusually low.
Specialty fihop to Take Care of Your
Art Frame Work.
THE Owl Moulding Company, 115
Howard, la a peclalty chop of ex
ceeding artlatry, a ahop In which you
will find expert on picture and fram
ing, who will not only exhibit for your
appreciation their extensive atock of
exqulaltely tinted frame, for the
framing 'of your new picture, but
will offer auggeatlon for the refram
Ing of old picture and mirror to
make lovely the rpac over buffet,
conaole fable, davenport or day bed.
Very effective I th polychrom fram
ed mirror when hung on taele4
cord with handcarved hook flower
to correspond In coloring. In an7
color the taaaei and cord coat but
13 a pair,
Very important glovei for the
formal function white 12-huton
length, $6 SO; 16-button length, $8.50.
For le formal wear at the lime
pricei black, brown and gray, white
and black, black with white exceed
ingly imart, with the eason'i novel
Clolonn Enamel Faaclnatlng Foible
of Vanity Fair.
UNIQUELY lovely ar th iterling
Iver and gold plated vanltlea
and Dorln caa at th C. B. Brown
Jwl Shop, 211 8. lth (treet. A
aapphir itudded fram hold a long,
narrow vanity cat, decorated on one
;d with the adorable new enamel
work. Broadly banded in black ia
th decora tiv motif, a tiny basket of
flower. are offered In three
tea, 9, $12. and 120, In both the rare
ly colored blue and roue boxe and
th flowered centur l.d. If one w.ahe
to b a b,t d.fferent ah w.ll aelect the
tiny enameled cat hold the
fra 1 UhI vuluhl perfum Viala, tin to
tuck Into van.ty caaa or htirnlbg, U
112. A to del.ght the aco.u!ki
tive cnnnoiMeur.
a e
Trailing lace draperies of crchitl
give the decided d'ttinction to a
gown wliote Riftllr hat pearit and
emeraU enmolied in its silvered ma
tatlic thrcadi.
Tailor f'ulhtw IMcturrd .Mmlrla.
SVCH a creation! Th llttl tailoi
d frock which I aow at I Knee
tr'. !nd floor, Itth nd Howard,
thl week. "Juat Ilka Ihe picture,"
Mhute.t the lady for whom 11 w
made, dainty tilt of f.-tiilmnty bo
finila It ti-utiiik-ly il.lUiHilt In fmd
lb 'Juki fight" gatnieuia In itruj
in mjr ho You will find Kuetei
moat veitatlle In meetln artlaiic r
ai'tior.a, til ib nig mug aid lalbirii.g
in on oilly r.n. til ptoet veiy lua.
?.ther, rouge, idvrf. o! gold,
ftKltl, fi-lti'n btflfle 4.f- I e1 . i
th ifveiiiy tif l!jkl atil r-4.y il.iiti.
lVpo?it llftjuircil
on All CO. 1).
Whan tun ahop nh lully
i.,,,.iolr In asiul 1
in all lmi'-l i,M In ha eenl
I" 1 l , lb a an.oont H I
il i- i on ttt.AL,ni i 4 -I at ls
li i f
lb It Uj- I tn am I, tilf HI
-.) a I lit 4 u
U ; I, to i f i I ; U i 1 Ii -l;i
i.y Rt , t iii .. a w
-I !
IH. I f. JliH ail' l rt H
I'M ill 4 11 I.
t'UlU, M.llnaa4
Lott (3) Joppin villi ailym
Wind, Tvhen thou blownt fierte and ilrom1,
Driving ihe sullen cloud i along
Acton the
My timid ioul in terror covet t
Before the grandeur of thy powen
A-rushing by.
Inside the chimney 'ncalh the eave
I hear thee $igh.
1$ it remorse that mafyci thee moan?
on th ground floor of th W, O. W.
ak lor mr. n. w . i-uoo. mnimfr
when calling at. th ahowroom, or
The tare of Hutu,
fjlHE KRUflKK Hat tihop, m Bar-
kr Dlock, will rehlock your
hatji, model old feather Info ernart
lit.fla ornament, refnahlon fur and
rrmratou. Closed at i on Saturday
Have Too Seen
THE new Goodwin Corset Booklet
which Katherin Dwyer, Corset
specialist, 20? 8. ISth St., I sending
out? It contains twelv Illustration
of models which demonstrate th pet
feet efficiency of Goodwin corsets
whether your figure I that of the
debutante, bride, mother, or grand
Simpler net ha quaint little f guru
and old tln.o mottoes a charming
window treatment for th colonial
furnished bedroom.
You'll Find Ktrr(ne Willing
"Join In on Die ( horn"
TF you add th!a Hat of ong
X v.
your piano this fall for there' an
Irresistible quality to be noted In each
one of ihem:
htorie Jfic
The Old lliiitiratead Siv
I,OVealck I'luea , , I fan
I Wish I Knew S0
My Duddy Ufa-
These In thn sheet tnuslo ihriirt
turn! at the
1 1 1 thut;la
A, Ifoape
I. M4rveill, I'eiM. I rM . .-. l
trn Moii oiit!!niM in i,,n:,a
i "nt, rut I Iwd ia wiiti a dot una i f
anractlv IlitU sea shells (: c
Sun a Ilia W ll nl ol ul limit llio
ltrelh4 liter uiir l.aiden.
DON'T lwi lu isll J .bii JUL.
n rial. ith i.d yii.ini. j v
I'M, f.-r rl i ,,:i l.!,..,.ii, it fill 'i
fbiwtr ri-t't -nia In ' h V i
ftftl Irs s t fti ( t unutiaiiy . ,.
Brltin T'.a nail era n -
flri,! and f f h r.ib.rli
CO f,Mi al Its o . a f l.f it
rial I.Ml, III r ..f,,l. II" I Uli 1-
hlaMa ihini ai.-( '.
trfii lis ths U
trWa) Maana
lt4 HaihlMi
mm nn."
DKAH FAHIIION IOLK. Juat a word on faalnatlrg fabric cf tha
Ktyla Kann-m tl't', Tb rbt.ractr of tb autumn ctt may b detartolned by
la fabric. About f,4 Jncba wide and li a yard at palome, taahona,
rrilrio and eoe'ah,r plaid pobi with ifmi bar making a cha'k. r"'f va
nlng frotk milady may hooa frrtn liewildarmg ariay. roriK Ir.chea wld
la tb rough a irfuced broka'Vr, atnoo'r In flr.leh with a decided bto'44
( tb natnei deortva timUt, broka'l kre and lrokd aa'ln, Katln
ut,iin, 4') Incbe wide and about 15 yaid I ruoat adup'ablai thauv anuria
velvet br'K.i'Pd gwrgntta, Jt'i a yard, I alJurlog In color range, for ll.o new
Jauitielfea ao oulr, tb o'tmafi riiutelitae, 4') Incho ld, at f ti yard.
Hirnpka, to b jr, madam!
4( of Yurrf fofiw Itfy Win
try M lrtd.
AT 1,A MO.VIs ft, I7th and rrbm,
are dlatil.ived for vi rv In, all
ara rtlapbiyed for every fyp, ll
fur trimmed, luxurious ici. For the
till f-eraon ther la offered a black
Marvella mfia ielfh applied collar of
Mack raracul below fh aumdir.g cd-1-ir,
In re:il fy a yoke effer-t, Kmart'
Trimruad In the d!rbla Fitch fr
I a llteh! gold'n brown Oeron cjo'b
with delieMfly atllched tiarid A'
each aleev from th ahoulder, I-taah
log Indeed the wrap of Hxwnllnn blue
with allver f,x collar arid cuff and
heavily traced srrny ambroid' rie on
widely roundel p.-jnela.
Frothy Fluff of Chiffon, Olltterlng
lengths of Metallic l-a. Lustrous
Velvet Tumble from Tissue Wrap
pings, Hearing Name of French
HIRES CHAltMANT! Olrect from
a 1'arl to Omaha fcr the llttl
frocks at Thoma Kllpatrlck and com
pany. Very lovely I a black velvet
ilinnnr frock, wldnly callod round
th unevenly diaped sklit, ermln
tall to tflv a arnnrt contrast at
ulrille, soft while ermine to outline
the Jenny beck and abort sleeve
t'unnim ly cuugh! the looped panels
of a briu.J'.t lin n frock with ylant ro
of allk. Haiidiioole flom-ra ma touch
unusual on brown chiffon frock with
w.ilstllna collar ail th way round. A
Hiild VilM-t las long, nhliie( luillc
with f I in m ill;,) ou tie iiKlrt to
oil ei'ond, ii tast'iob- of vhet atol
iker cloili ft till uriinleit ft tun ail
v.r ill, bona at tbn rid", thn tunic
I imiIhI lii i earls and etnei iM. A
liot Ittg tn eritrnm'ei
Miiap Imi k bl'a.m ia Slo nuW aiioWli
hi nil tut fl oi- int. tn up In eat' in,
lira giade, 11 ',a
t t
Minim li tis Hti Yntnlnrss fur Itani'ri in let of fiold and
This Var a
Hi. i i. nn, ut
1. 1 m in ent of th
. . i . i , Tt
A (ill and lair.sni, haa pr-ned lnttesiig li,.l1 lo
i iy Mho ul,1 flint aelin the ulti .tlnoiiish ihrU
pit (Hsu' r.tM-Ully Inttly ar ta illnnar hat of
Hill - I i ,i ( tha bun of V Uniir, od or lllv,i
in-.ii,, nt I'btsa f r n-.i Willi ol i- itllilnl ill.i. i,i
1 1,, i l.-i i ,l! Lu I il. oi, t i e' 1 i I si l-i i at.: the lion
,i id. ,i,i ( -in. 1 1, a
oK M l at lo !.
lttnd lirt in
t.nli ' f in r el i
f ,1' l ,ll 'I 1
!,, ,, I l. 1 til
i ... .llill
la tn liao t i
Ml 1 . I I ' ,
r -! ii . ;,.ti
llimit i tin .1
lU til IV I
I I . ..-h I
t, -i ii l i.l a f dlilMitlg
r- li-.t-i-.- n. if of
, iiil lii r Inm'B
i t . , I , .... o- .1 'i ii
. I . Ii lo V mm It
I, ,i ,1 J , it, iit
'l I. I 'lis I'll.-,
A nn, for U'hich thoa wouldtt atone
Of dayt gone by?
But, oh, dear wind, I love thee brt.
When, warm, thou comett from the west.
And whispering lorn,
W eave softly through the lazy grar,s,
Telling the buds, at thou dost pass,
'Tit time to blow.
Th Wind ANNIE M, UKAI.H, !',rUnd On gonlnn.
tor Tim Fttrtlter lyrveliw ut Liutf
KENU I'Mrmacy, lth and
vJ llomird, may well take prld In
the latlva rienMa whft h dc-
peinia upin ttietn or in worm a
ticbb valient In fragrant powdai,
,rodi-f from l.borjlorle In f ir
(viutitrb will ba found In the to:let
reialt aactbx, a l-tlon wdly
varied from which Idy ISaaiitlful
may ehooi exoulaltrle without
w,t,v . V'ariillea, inllner
and alomlxer, exiilaie!y AwmnUA
boxes, graocfui tribute to f-mlnln
Holiday Linen Hitplay Complete.
IN the linen department at Hayden
X'tns , the seeker of gift will find
unut'ial value In decorative piece.
Intricately stitched Madeira dolliea,
qiis.ntly shaped, a&c and 96c; a large
Cluny lac edged luncheon center
piece, (4 Inches In diameter, 1198;
i Inch ftolllea to match, 19c; longer
loilie fur the buffet, 3(tc. Cluny edged
carfs, very effective with linen cen
tra cut In round th lace are of-fr-d
In a variety of izes, Sx3,
;2.5; IHa46, ,; 18x72, If. 95.
'tut a fitw of the many suggestion
'or g.ft to be found In thi depart-
llitfly Frilly K itching the Miter and
(mid lli-nistltihed Taffeta Trials.
MIHH fl!U ri;H finds most beam
ing her little taffeta frock with
tis fluffy h.'ineilb lud flowt r pet il
trim round Jenny neck and short
sleeves, Itlg luseltes of the peluls aro
f iw It alliij; at iilernl round the
rcallnpid s'ilrt. Tha Mode I'ltatlng
t'o., 4 4 It floor I'axtiiti block, H'h and
I'HIIi.ini, Will ielitlch )our en'-
i i-aui, fully.
Thlrla H'hatf Ulmlnaln Milllmny
o .l Ills, in. t I'.i- f on l'l II
m i i ,,rt . tin n lmn 11 I ulf i,
Amnliir tiiai a I mi ll - tit tod" I
Ii lo H I lilli ai"l slli. i A.lnil.g
S a ai . t on n )' 1 'lo '
. i ar Mit i.n lilloiil I ft a
lit I.k.!v I - (.' ' Mo .
vi nv .
m m am m a b r v
Handhaga for f.trrx Ocfaaiun in Ihe f lioti Hay,
IJll'OHTANT Indeed tha dlw rlmlMitlug (Kleitlon of a handbag a ic
lion which reiuliea an axienaivo ahnwlng of m'Klleh bflga, Quit th
largial ahown In Oman 1 that of tha Omaha Trunk Factory, Fourteenth
and t'lrnam. f ur afternoon calling la th brown pin eal cue with heavy,
guld anap of dliiiiv ehaplng, It lining very fin and aoftly ailkan. An
cxnuleli llttl affair holding llng curd and mirror, !f. Juat arrived la
a genuine Mcr'Kco u lb new brown tint, I'.ni I In molro allk of the aam
ttolor, p'xket within pocket, tnoel nit-rionly artmned, I" 7S. for very
practical u Indeed at tha hnnd tooled and d'eomted lenlher baga, hand
lated round th dg. U'Dh ih trolteur orm will rurely want on of tha
Ilk tit velvet bug with novel claap friime. I'rlnccaa Mary Vanity -aea
carry an unlliavall riumter if convi-nietii fur tba mrving of lb
K'errnl Fcminlria. An aitogrther autlKfyliig allowing of haitdhaj; at prkei
to tempt,
(,rei hllken llii-ry Abolul Net--
aary to IHrrlmlnullrig Wirtitan.
-TAHKME HOrilKUY, th only
'ivared by guararitee whb h take ln-
to gcouM all IHa known to h'aiieiy,
i f-aiunI in the tleotirttiieut and In
,fere,d at th popular price, 11,
r 25 nd f 1 51 wph a clocked humber
ofr II 4", Kverwtar I a good hoe
to buy for we;ir alao, ar.d 1 all al!k
to th top, f 2 43.
On th main floor at Orkln Hros,
Conant Hotel bldg , lth and Harney,
1 offered an uruKitnlly extetmlv dis
play of silken hoalery. Van Itialta,
well-known manufacturer to th wom
an of dainty preference, la responsi
ble for th dropmltch hoaa In glrv
tt.h, all shade, pleasantly low In
prlc, (2 25, Kxrallenfly road In other
weav arc th Van Raalt hoaa at
Ii M and I2 it6, of exquiitlt rnodlnh-
na th lieloke4 model at 14.25
and 4 60. Ipre. nted In th d'-part-ment
I th Kinlofk make which af
ford a good "buy" at 11.9$ with an
un"uii!y good all ilk chiffon ho
fir 1210.
Now That fold f)a Hat Come
lAt Faahion'a thajieaux tup
Motel Hound lr Face,
VIVID In coloring th closely ft.
ting chap"" which has flitted,
Ilk gorgeous butterflies. Into the
French room of th Iiurg-Naah
Millinery dpartmerit. Han1 made
flower, cunningly threaJed ribbon
of brllllanl metallic cloth, exotically
tinted ltada, brocades of unutual
beauty lv teen used In the tih
lonlng of then artful affairs. The
mlddl ajtttd woman will find of par
ticular Interest tha youthful hat mod
el offered, hat sent out by a well
known house who hav studied the
need of the face which are, well,
perhaps a bit lea youthful, shall
say? Boft silken brim, smartly
sweeping feathers, cunningly haped
Walcii Gift tor Holiday Keaaoo.
AT the John Henrlckson JewJl
fihop, Jth and Opltol, the early
seeker of gift will f'nd a very com
plete showing of v ' In standard
makes. AVrlst viu , tho proper
selection for women, offered li
the Grut-n, spt:iully fiitured at H"n
rlckaori'a, Elgin, Waitham, all proven
tlmepleco which you would take pa r
tlcular pride In pr'.-ntlng to your
friend. In making selection of
watches for men, you will have for
your con l deration, the Howard, Illi
nois, Waitham, Elfe'ln. Hamilton and
Gruen, Watche sold by watch spe-
clallats ready to aid you In your watch
choice, men of unquestioned Integrity
who take great pride In their business
Handing and upon whom you can rely
in every transaction. You will find
ih prices quoted fair Indeed, from
120 up.
Mule to )fw Hi I aiiilly flnuinl the
II mile I Iresitlr.
N ll a eouiid pro,.f ai trail
nun lurtimi' s, rt lis fi-. i't,
tih ai , you ll l tot. ii i h i v en
itrulrirJI by ih m t-".i l n i .
I ii i unity lolly aie t' e f-l..og lip
I 1 1, e, I.ill . , . ,
-H l - Hai M'.il !. s
1 1, n' i. ii 4 't - !,,.,
in in.
I, llns i,
N n. A
I I ' s
Ala I it I' l lof I lit '
)til ' 1 , tt.l t I
4K tt. a
b t ii.itt
N A It't
He l i I I
tl I i
a. t
-,- l
i h,iv th . t lo
la i an il On a ia n-toi ' 'a
. t allt ij -ti r --ili.l l,am
tu t t it loa.o- a 1 ''
be U l 4e.i im ml ill" I
It 'l !' to ' 'I
Healed ranela of Oeorrelt Olr
Touth Hlallnellv nn (anion (ten.
r Till" Meal l'uttn and netlng
company, third floor Brown
Block. Sixteenth and I)oula, on
flnda many unliu aijrt:atfori for
th adorotuent of frock. On a can
ton crepe, diil at each eld fallow
tb walatlln, they hung pluot-edged
yeoKott panele, nn-'tiUn plated.
Cfferl moat clever! Tiie new lierlha
collar of aiK-onllnn pleating Willi
abort l've alrnllnrly pleated under
neath nra ala'i very chic tiuggeallona
without end, Jual glv tlitn cliatice,
!l it well worth hil.
rrcudi-rit of lliia'tiea C'ollrg fy
'Ibm't Hit to School by hani e,"
nil, JVtYr.KH, pr
JSoyli Rua'nea
pree'dent of th
follece, JSth
(ind Ha tney, r-iys, "Itoti't go to
m hool by lian.e." V want you to
-titer our echool, but not by chance.
We want you to come banana you ar
ciinv need that bualneaa edurotton
w II afford yotj your very beat prep
aration for a succeaeful I f. We want
you to com to U becue you feet
that you can Kef. your duca.t:on In
our echool Jn !' t me, at smaller
coat, and mot eu cessfully than you
can Vet It elsewhere. W Invit yo;
to come here prepared to do a full
day' woik every day, and w aaaure
you that you w.ll go to bed w th a
clear connc'enc and ar se w.'th an
encouraging v on. "If you ha v been
d'-pend ng upon luck, desert your th-
ory and pin your faith to yourself."
Fleet rle, lisrhted vanity ease of
V'achette ar chic accessory for
milady fall wardrobe, 4, and
Waty Bobbs of Naturally forty Hair
Iiid;apenable for Wear With Win
ter' fiinart Tarn.
TJIOH wear w.'th th vogulah new
tarn ara th bobb of naturally
wavy ho:r which they're offering at
th F. M, Scbadell k Company
hop, 1523 Douglae, in e'g.inch length
v" -Inch length, 5, 10 and $12.
Glace kid i a tlatbed gauntlet
glove from France. Black fines of M
trim the white cuff to turn back with
'ITect tret ch'c over the luntrout
hack, $5 50. Not to be outdone, a
pair in brown kid have petal point,
on the ctilf.
What Doe It Avail My I-ad Fair
ff Kite In Noted for Her ExqulsiU
Taat In Ores
F RHB IS carelea n the vital mat
tr pertaining to the enre of
her kin and hair? True It Is that,
moat women know more about frockt
colore, style that become her type
than thy do about the care of their
person. That Is where the value of
the beauty specialist Is to be appre
ciated. Mr. ftobert and Mr. Frank
of the Hlack and White Hoom, P.ur
gee Nash; the Salon d Beaute. Hotel
Fnntenelle, and th Blackstone,
Beauty Shop ar well-know author!
flea on all beauty questions. You will
find them- moat helpful In discovering
your latent beauty and in It deyel
Decorative embroidered traceries,
heavily marked with gold, are the
dutinguiihirig mark of the ne-
fifth Atrnu Model Offered In
hi'elly hliu,
MI.-.I4 li
II h M fiulr of th Mn.
and M-Cay I'ra,. hn
lli.B,ilna fiikif I Ulna I ball, I till
and I'ii nam, Uft Htiur.Uy e-tiilbg
f r Pi nil, (there aha ill .,,! fr
' - I fto i ia tba g i.e. ti', Ulllaur
.. I t:..i . i bit I, a. i .,i imhi
li tn miuutii nf .i,i I mmi
. I i l IUiS' III latuii,.
. f It;
ai li' t-'
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,! I Ho, ., I . .I tt . J la. J J
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f "at .I t- H if U!. f ll, l7 I I J
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i,ii.ii( lliii mill Un Hlliilt fiu ' ' 1 .f
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4 . J 1
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