HIK OMAHA I2KK: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1922. J I Jryan Borrows . Code OpjK)sition from Senator William j. lit i.rry Klfction" Clark Jrary Tellt Leajgue of Wonirn Volrrt. "Tl '-mIit law it tcdy a pulltlral hij, not IxwaiiM of th nw tslf, lut l,u (lie dfiriio ralli- prly In I (W s'hIs liil In rlnliii that lain vr ifirHsl fr wnin rnmn uthur ilinn for flux kihA road and m illwr rII-f," I 'lurk Jumfy of Lincoln lulil I ha Omaha Iua of Woman Voter In lha r, W. C. A. building Thursday sflrrnoon. Mr. Juiry vt liitrodurrd l,y Mr. Irnir Hinlih. "At lha lima th Ivjflclutur puami'l Hi rod lilll," t'f.nllriurd Mr. Jsary "HiTiiitor llltohiixk ,livl that tlov. ernor McKHvl. would t a randldnt for tha I'ultxt Mtiit adnata. "Tha tritor' hswhinm In N". l;idka at one lartl cafupalKn iigulrist tha cod In an effort to dl-(i-adit lha man h thought would ha lilt inniit, Tha aanator n i anmd that tlovrnor ,MrKlvl. would not li a eundldul, an 'firother harlia' borrowed lha senator' nxl 'Uioallloii to halii hlin In hla rain I'iiIkm for governor. "How;Vr, Kltrhi 'M k hud r-liird Ma re he (KNliixt lha nMn ao Jong, In aiiilclpallnn of a, cnmpalKii Kiliit jit-Kalvi, that even now In hla tain imia ii for lha at-nala w hear him talk lua; slain lunula J nut rail of Issiirs which ara pertinent to hla own cam jwliffi. ' "Thla la cm of the amusing fix ture nt tha present campaign. "Inalciol nf In Ik In alula Issues, t Ilia aanutor tall flw peopl ah'out tha 'economical adrtilnlntmlloii of Wood low Wilium' In which ha played au Important a part. Visit Kurd Klecflon, "I am cmnliiif to Iwllwve W. J. Itryaii carta lot for tha popla of Nrbrnska, Jl make ua a visit tveiy am.'tlon. 'Iliother fharllo' la In trouble. Mtyun liua always helped Ills relative, 'When Woodrow Wilson placed him lit. a poallloii of trust ho secured for hla mm, willlum J. Jr., tha position of Inllnd Ktt-. district attorney for Arizona; ha had hla rrolierlM-lsw, T. K. Allen, appointed t'nitfl Mttlma at torney for Nebraska,, ami hla aon In law, Kiihard Hart-reave, appolnlad i.utioriiil bank examiner, not with tiMtiilinaj tha fnct that Mr, ilnritrmvnt' roi'iy firm had ajona into hank uiiley, and then, duritiK th war, had Hlin mad paymuater of tha navy, "I do not believe tha women of Nfl l.i nik will auppoit lh 'unholy alli ance' of tha Aryan and JIHchfock, Mr. Jllli lum k wna Uwi by tho Icel In Mire In Kilt in vole, to atihmlt tha wutnnn'a auffrace amendment to th people. Ma refuned. Kanrfall Doenn't Tell. "You cannot keep the people of Xebratka hoodwinked an long aa Charlie Bryan would like. Henator lUndall la golnir to give tha Bryant the nuiprlne of their live. "You know Mr. Randall' record. IIo'k Juat a pluln, rornfnon, ordinary N"bi Hka citizen. I la ran be trusted, lie ha aald that'll doean't make any difference who will be elncfed gov ernor, alula lax will be reduced. And Charlie Randall ducin't yell at the top of hla voice; he apeaka from the bottom of hi heart." took advantage of th condition of th people. They permitted every farmer In the eouth and weat to buy material for making the crop of 1929. They never even whlepered deflation until the rrop of 1!0 had been planted, until fertilizer had been bought, at high price until fracture and other machinery to conduct the furm had been bought, and the furm ere had gnrie Into debt, and tha mer chant had let out their gooda, and the In nk were lied up with loan. Not tep waa taken until that wa dune. Then deflation waa com menced, and they took advantage of the people." Th reeult of thla dt-flatlon waa tha bankruptcy of hundred of tbouaand of fnrmera and merchant. fMimnrratla t.'ongreawnan I-enUford. of liwigla. alao elated In part, on th floor of the houae In Waahlngton; iMt you, my friend, realize that during the year JD20 th deflation of the iMirrency of the decline In prlree which followed caueed Iom Vt th farmer of th nation In a um it nearly half of the value of all of the rallroada of the nation" g Then, there la no dueatlon a to when thla heartbreak I rig deflntlon took plure, and aa to who waa re- pnriallil therefor? A. No, It took pluce In 1920 the year before th republican ad mlnlatratlon rame Into power, and wn th reult of th action of democratic federal rerv board. Q Then why do the democrat try to ahotilder th rponlblllty for thl deflation Upon th republican? A It I jnuM the terrible re eult of thl act of th dcmicrtlc federil reaerv lioard b coin to be celled the "Crime of 1920." It brought ruin lo fnrnier In every commuiiKy tliroiiKbotit the land. If the demo crat acknowledged me triim turn lliey were reaponIMe for thl "crime" hey know I hot It would be a ue leaa for thm to appeal or th peo ple' uffrag thl year a It wa In 1920; ao, a liiat, deeper t effort, they try to ahoulder the reponlbll Ity for deflation upon th republican party. Q Jjt how much did the federal nerve bourd reduce lla loan during th lat year of the democratic ad- nilnlalrHtlon Hint i, during , th yenr ending Iiecemln-r, 1 9207 A. from about M.250,000,000 to upproxliniitely l,00,000,000, Thl drantli! definition, thl tremcndmi re liction of working capital of the country, "broke" hundred of bank, aent thounnd of merchnni Into bankruptcy and brought ruin to th farmer. MacNidpr Will Not Be Candidate for Head of Legion Vrvlare lie Will Figlit Any Propuoal to Change (!onli tution Dcrputi Mpii tionnl for ('omnia riilrr. New Orleaa, fht, II lly A, PI lUnford MacNIder, national com- nunder of the American Isglon, th Mailt dec-lured that under no rtrmim elancea would he be a candidate for aucceed bknaelf ee national com nmndr, aud that be would "bitterly oppoee ' any propoaal to i hung ine national conatltutlon of the legion which would make poeelble a. aetsond term for the national head of the legion, "I would regard ein h an action by the I-eglon aa a trnglo tnlatake,". Mr. MucNIder aald In a aUteuient, "The announcerneiit waa brought forth by repeated rumor, current among delegntea here that, 'In I he event of an Impending deadlock over the national coimiuindereliip, friend of MucNIder might bring forward a conafltutlonnl amendment which would make It poealbl for him to uc. reed hirnaelf, with a view to carrying forward th flht for nttonnl legla lation for adjunled conitiemution. iM-legafee from MIourl conferred witte William J. poyle, atat com rounder from Miift''huett and rnernlier of th Mmichueetta delega lion. It I iiiidcralood Ihnt delega tlou from iKilh alfltr fiir the can didacy of Willlum Iiecgtin, atat com mander from New York, for national head ttt the legion, Tu Mlanourl d'-l'!gatlon, acirdtng to eonvviillon rumor current her lt night, ex tied to upport Ieegnn, and believe that It can curry with it, to hi tupport, mlddleweat block of vote, Oklrihoma,, Kunmi and Ne braaka r mentioned by Mlenoiirl del egate alnte which they bellev can be counted on to join them In lupport of iMiegim' candlditcy. riutatiindlng among othfr legion naire whoae name ar being dl cueaed for the notional commander nli I i are Col, A, ttprague of Chicago, Alvln M. Ouley of Texaa, chairman of th legion' commlimlon on Ameri canization; Joaeph Thompon of Pen naylva nla, and T. Hemme Walma tey of New tirlciin. Deflation Democratic Policy, Asserts Howell (realised tmn r One.) fiatlri member of th Federal Keeerv Bnard In 1919; Chairman Carter Ola of Virginia, aecretary of th trenzury; Governor W. P, O. Hard ing of Alabama; John Bkelten Wil liam of Virginia, controller of cur rency; A. C. Miller, California, and CT 8. Hamlin, Maaaachuaett. The on ly republican on the board wa Vice Governor Albert Rtrauaa of New York, Q. The repuhllcana did not have control of th Federal Reaerve Board when the fir elep In Inflation waa taken? A. They did Hot. Only one out of the aeven tnembera of the Federal Re eerve Board waa a republican. Q. When waa the next alep 'In -deflation taken by th Federal Re eerve Board? A. In May. 129. Q. Wa th Federal Recerve Board rompoaed of the aam member iu vm aa In 1919? A. No, rjirlv In lilt) Strauae re signed and a democrat, II. A. Moeh lenpah, auineeded him. The board then became aolldly democratic Q, What further action waa taken by a Federal Reeerve Board In t;. that gave the lt touch and produced th draetk; deflation from whlrh. w hava auffered? A The order went out to decrean loan; In other word, to put on th lid Congreseman P. t. wlng of California. In a recent addree In th hftue of repreemitathee In Washing ton, atate.1 that be we present at , a meeting ft th lnkere of eoulhern j I'alirnia. held at Tl Cenir. after j he deletion order had gone tuit In , l;. He further ataled at that aieet ng: "W. A rav, th deputy governor tf the Federal tiMh-rve Ui.k of Mn VramUH'o, i-4e t the Fedrl Ite re baek aa4 delivered H i.ihim whM h he aald he wae eer.1 there la it liver. He Iffcl th beekeie there eeexMeit that tbr ' aot l Wn tit ear fmeie any mnM tot the tree vt enabltitf the fareer la haM guv f ate rre beiid are time, tf they J:4. he M-l. IM .leiel l;ert t whU mIjm t r A t ...uiil a t'i'e pte el rlf ! aa . a ea. tK He e te't ail th ferweta hiI4 ( all tHt eeepa at et tone, ! the 4 weeeee ef thai t ). Ik. If A-. . 1 t-AMA lkf,a klttlM 1WW W " - - - - T aoikHta l4 aeipneg ka Him . I e KeM -) t" l rt j I weiie wkai tla wtta el the j (24 flatimal Institution Jrom Coast t Coatt "Tin Store oi tht Town" Our Window Tell an Interesting Story, i Boys' Juvenile Overcoats l to 10 Year Here arc the ronU that . give the zmall boy com- , fort and warmth, alto a chance to 'frolic at will without cwnideratfon of care aboui hi coat, and that'a becaue 'they art made in our own factory from clectd woolen. And in addition to sturdy fabric you get etyle and superb workmanship "and the utmost in value," $050 Ti $ We Feature A beautiful quality chinchilla, double-breasted model in brown, blue, tan and seal brown. Broad collar and full cassimere lined. A wonderfu coat for gervice and atye very gpecial at '15 00 1 I 20 iW Ladies Blouses Soft Cottons, Miatures and Rich Silk . Their gmart appearance and unusual qualify ifive you a new and dcliichtful experience in blouse satisfaction, featuring I'eter Pan and Tuxedo collars. They are daintily fashioned in filk atitching, tucks, pads and ruffles, $1.95and $3.45 Are Extra Strong Line. Silk and Cotton Mixture at $4.95. And Luxurious silki from $6.00 to $11.00. Ladies Sweater Coats A ery special lot of Slip on and Tuxedo styles In fine all wool qualities and all the popular color $5.50 HARRY H. ABBOTT, M.eas.r. J Antiieptic jLAVORIS I Saturday Only A RegeUe It lelte lee atFra Sleek Wit teas ltWe fasskasa (tee t taytkief Owe l rut. Neea Laa. ilw Altes ike hew l.asa IttvH. aBaBB..SBBBBBBBJ. i i wa Ik ft ''h UtM t SMik-v ,.ef Ike , e4 (M i ..taeet leeeo 4'4 lit j AaiMWeaU. sMl NeeeOt A tj t , (we i I TRY Haines Drug Co. Sun Drug Co. lata IUii Mt ed ras I State Women's Clubs Plan Big Session Nuitb I'lalte, Nrb., Oct. J illy A. I'.) Tb. titb annual run ven lion of III Nebraska Federation of Wmnen lub Will Cunveii here October H, ii and U. North I'latt. eipert. the largest attendance tha iai federation hae ever assembled. A nine g the princi pal iM-ker at the convention will be I'r, Caroline B. Iledgee, rhlld epw-lal-lt, from the F.lixuhelh Mi4'ormck Meinoruil Foundation of Chicago, who will irnk on "Duties That the Com munity Owes the Child." Th aro-nnd vice president of the General Fedtation of Women' rlube, Mr, Wallace I'erham, Olnid.ve, Mont, laetpecled to visit the conven tion and deliver an address on cv to lier 21 on "Communlly Hervlie." Hi will attend all the sessions of the convention. tin th opening n'ilit'a feature of the program will be president' talk, when all th district president are expected to b heard on various phiisea of club work. Mr. Kdwar ti. I'enney, tt president, la expei-ted to address the convention on the night of October ti. I'nder auspice of th division of Amerkanitallon, a ueant, "Amer liu'e Call," will be staged by girls organlzatlnn tlmt have affiliated with women', club work. Town Marshal of ( Irorjcia ' Villdp AfftiffJ of Munlt r IiiMIn, tla., Oct. JJ. Kmest IU, 2ft, town fiutrshnl of Cadwrll, Z9 mile j that Ilurrli I fie, I th fust shot. from here, I In jrtll, charged with murder In connection with the death of Mathew Hurrh, IT, alao of Cadwell, who waa slmt tut Wedneeday night. Witnease said th shooting started when the two men were behind the prescription counter In a drug store. H.ias, who surrendered, told officer rulers COLDS I oouldaotbe-doaed." Tfd Vr tbeca ealetoellf wtil VAPORU0 H Want Ad pioduc result. a- . . -n-. ;am: : "T'l1 ypstCeci fy", HI f fast colore o II Bring in j our wife or sister let them have a look at our wonderful new, lines of woolens. Tho patterns nro maiTolous. Wt puaran tee our'tailorcd-to-your-measiire suits to h of AU Wool fabrics, that they will not ftkrink, that the colors arn fast ami that you'll say that you never in all your life had a suit that fit you more perfectly. J)-n't pro on wearinp; those "ready to jump into suits" wear clothes of individuality. The better workmanship only will yive yott months of additional service. rat on Dundee Suit Owe and You'll Never Wetr Any Other Kind. N, W. Comer " 15th nnd Harney Stretts. A - A immw T c v -c L 4wf J m 7 SIM L Horry! Last Call! Our Turn-Over Sale of Pianos and Phonographs Will Positively Close Tomorrow Night, October 14tK Th.igU.ed Player $165. OTHER VOSDKRBVh BAftOAIN fit BHAN0 NEW PLATEH8. This Used Piano This Brand New Piano I sc r-i- Sale Price $78 $1.50 week Sale Price $187.00-$2.00 week Largest Stock of Victrolas and Brunswick in the West HEUOBD SELECTIONS An Included With Z&ch Talking: Machuie Purchased During ThU SJ Ths l)ionorah plsy all rrords, lnrhidin; Victor, Co 1'imbls, Krflion nd rih. Thrs fijachinrs r insils In tfi 'l ot cabinet so murll in (l-maml. t abln-t rr- dir Ifffril si7.r. ronstrul(l of cloiiblti twiM-r, fanrjf figured noil lliroiishout. Ton Is slm- l)r iiirirvrl.ui. Mil t hir4 to ho iiifiisiH. m iMrlml Hh lltsu ms i liliirs Oils i k a jrr putnt wlitl Willi ll lo ilr Kilixiii l( nrila. Slut MWililrw sl "illi( lor lh I'slba triorils, sImi a II Vr l I.I And, r-iiml,rr, ih n.'Mrif V BLjiJU '"ll i-ir il n.ss ot rd for- r 'JS II tsillr, Inrl hllrif Eduort, Columbia. Pith, and Victor Sensational Selling Continues at This Great S.ile W art iellirtf rianoi about ai f4t at w rn wit on tht ruxtomeri. Propl art eomirtf to thla bif tunioTtr Puna Silt from point lthtn t sreat mBjr milei of Omtht. If you. Mr. and Mr PTMptcUvt Puna Purrhwcr. tnUrtalit tht ilifihUrt thouf ht of Inv.itmg In a piano within tht nttt flvt 7er. tt will pay you l.andiomely to tamt to thli talt now, Hurryl Pick Yours from This Golden Stream of Bargains Free 24 f In .1!" II - s.i. I i $42.50 II xs IUlkn Walnut Period Modal Consols, rtfcTilar $200 tylt. $89.00 3 1311 DOUGLAS STREET OMAHA. NEB. 1 1 l .