HIE OMAHA -LEE: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1922.' Omaha Legion Members Leave for New Orleans Cornhuiker Special Bean Delegation to Convention Stops to Be Made at Historic Points. Omaha d1'gafln tmui.4 (or lb Nw Ortnan Arark legion ton vaMi'.n, 14 niont, Mi n:t t II 10 on the "Off.bi)W frotrt url,f,rl UUn. Two (n M ill two tourist Pullman wv (i'(co4 M it r'gutar utn to f'. .UMptt, wbir car ttota Lincoln will M4 a el tb pKMl trMt up Ta per-UI will wry trout J'e per ron in (). A "p cT flv loan will U ma t ft fs.u'a 14 allwW th lgl'MJr (4 tl,i l'y. A u-rnnl o,p w)H U m'f ' lt h rir a vitlt Vt t)i Ma ilf I1 .f Kfcikb, wiita p aiMy fcir'l l 1'M, 0n, I'arttv in' Mr'hptifS-, Krwrt . the f(ni ' ( i r fh Moli'l A rhl 14 MarMUn, M.K.,nt UiaOrtaan A ;,!), w -Kl Simw (irmii Th train will raaft Nw Orleans t 7 Mn'lf TxMr, On the return, tt. train will lv YrUlaf evading, 'ktMr J", at , arriving 1 OiiiaIju HuttAuy t1rnmin. omii Mat ( up. An ofrWul aioi i;, utlfrl2.l by fh lot fihiU: j(ivin'i'n, will J!l!n jftilrii lb ,V-trifc v itr. Ann ir.4K are Mlr.g tJfti'h"1 try Ih Ornali f.hmir of Comiifn. bvrl wimim in th piy. Mr, frank Krmaiy, Mia jrft K'nn))', M. Vr-ra, i(utn4 eJ AJ ln KnMfy pita (4 ( C0 f Cut fflVvwInf th c4r)fU, Oman d'iiiri r CMtnm Broma n4 Harry C. Hough. N. . Jobawm ut VIIy ! w,ll rprMul lha 6lnrUA. All tr rmii f r ?.'or. PUir; K. 15. McKnlcbt, nMU, nJ V(ntr.r Iwry, Ku'h Onmim Mr. John KllinArtin In 4II4 f'r rh tvih& amuii.t lain Lstummi llUry. John I '!(', J"i,n KHrruirCn r.4 Wriit rhrn r nlu Kiri n4 AUifrtlc Tm. Tli rlfl t') n4 )ilrf!e trfi rpritlrig tb M' ra ra th p tU1 (rutin. Tullowinir I (b cimpli fmir vt 'rihuk5r ;nt(ani: Trark Tmmn fi. fo., Ii)f mii aiif ri Mfr Hint'", Omtti. mil; i. mil , i "fk h'i, p 4il IfAfj nft v...fii', OO'.b, It, Jlt.ymi ittttttm, ttitH nft. hr4 fiuiP, .hu-jii a (.! miff , w o. Hri)f. As' r. I'', rlr Hrr.i Mt.llin, !., , l, 4'J'M iai 4 rlf !, U V. ( krI. V,r, fe k a4 h'lMI.. aiuf iv.fkrl f; Ov.ar i''", Bill l-4 .KB Ull, atri tmm. M farfctf, lr. Um1 Rllr. Wiar ft. 1 V'-vt'r. tns f:ty: Ai Mtror, Omolit; iHl)o fw, Oouk t.i J, , mm, Oafca. Supect Arrfnted Here t fl9 Taken to Leavenworth Thi P. Crtttor4, nrl K'll r Mj-t ottUsnr, rturnA yifly trom tnvi-t.worth. Ktt , whira ha tW)4 in Jlirli t curt ltor f4erl rrr'l jury wlikb reiurned lni!itmnt ,'nt Wiilium IMnormn enJ J Hiiah. nrreawn' W t'y fV'lv Hriy wt An'Uirunn, Crwf6rJ W-nl'lf Iotcrvn .n4 Ruah a fh polr wbsrii wafKrt Uom blm In ffptftmVwr, IMl. t tb im wiun William . Wlh wa ,rr-a'M for rot,l.lf b pot'fr: at Hamlin, ton. V-th to doing tbra yr. rxfrl itt1vr coming ftr TiUMb n4 Iwnovati, ib ltr llng th man upi4 tit having bunjni Ih cuilcl from bl flrir In an ti tori to Ml h BriiiV ayaum. Accaveil f Mistreating Girl, Map Held for Trial Ai Fuio, 47, Uborfcr. 121 En cr'rft trl, wa ortoral bld u trial in Jiria tourt wvr tio.tooa bona by JuU Wapilh In nirmJ poll (tourt yU!rly en ;barg reaulflng tnm wpl!n'J by bl w that b h4 or.trl4 Irn Cbapo. I. hr aaugb r by ano.br warrwc- Brief City News llth, alt liani Dran TU Oath tvjin Noyaa. uaw iity cmmiionr. f tie h oltkUl bonl ao4 took th oatb of otHca tr4ay. M Kodak n Mra. P. 8. Light, 4JJ Lvnorth trat, raportad to poiica a ICO kcKlak had Un atolen (rrm b r boma, HrM f'tf Joyriding Harold Wan ing, 14T3 rmknay irt. dfllvery boy, aa prlrd bald In ptIU eojrfyaa triry undrr 13,000 bond on a eharg ct Jiiyriilifig. Krkday, I .UN. I ulMchy Friday, na nruvct to n an uiuutay mijt ur a. . lw ili.liK.rx. In...tiiictii galnat whom wra rrturn.d yairdy trie r"i'tl grano jutj. prinking Public Wamrd Th "drlnkinfc f.ijblW waa warnwl n-H In buy boliU-l lliiir uwu i"-r t-ni ihnj. dun limiua, i.y wrgi. !' fMilli, y irutjr. IH.I.rJ i rl lllr W. T. Hin.il), ril" r.l.lr.1 vriirmt nil to hat lti J mi mI i.y .hint, la hlna in .)0-l li Im..iiIuI ft lubarrulvaia ! .iui;e. ty . H b rMv1 no i ovri r li'i'l aid. Talk ll J"hn '.i, H. ra an t-.il--r n 'b t"rwn Mk. iU-l "I hura.y mM Funwal a-rvua i!l l,a litll ai a Ihia ti"rnii ttvm Ih ,..riia at M.' ai'l aisrt t ft Ann rliurf It at a. in. faOralrtaa Mil Andrrw H.-M ,n.-l uint.pai-ioiia by a f'ft ruui .imi by l'il i'. '" U'iriii Mini, r..tinil Isliiii.. alnlt ai'n.iH in la rra t it-4 hum at f vnr- i.m it, iMi'y. 4.. j tv ... DWa Kunar) HrV' .i t a.M at l" aft n-" Mi aiiuikl N, ttaik. ti l Htf-a ntht l tfc bwn ot rlauiiMat. I'l Marlba fc. I lk. l,wia av.au. afiar III i a tI woaka ku I v :,oaW ull f i'l aa N.'i'.ll aa-n at lta t'iiin lHu ant Ua M ', nin'tt I fuwti . ii.u Vy rta t wl, U-i S.'ith f.r'r Him, H-i a '. !.- a a W kar .k.U I. r . k u ,'.rl May t4 "la Tr4"-A aft 4 kt 4 C a 4 law ! 1 t-y luil t ,,hl4. ir l I. mm U4 I " Ik .4l" lHi.11,1 t ffc A kolat, iiX Ml.iif iu. a k. It fc i . Ii4i .- I. ... U a'J I i uii .1-. . 1 1 J V f Our Tea Dance VV Invv yn-j t4 atUnd tvtry Wdntly n4 Rattrday afumooo from 4 until 0 o'clock. Th tt of muiie and ftfumoon tag.' Taa Baaai i ak ylaa Specials in Candies Chocolate Covered Chrriea Vi'iioli cbarrl- In a thick yrup coaUd with rich black chocolat. Socially pnead for ft ordy only Pound, 09c Cream Brazil NuU DHccu Ur; Brazil nu( In althar rnapl or vanlllt f rm. Pound, Sic Jumbo Falted Pcanute rieah Jumbo It4 pcanuU. Take om horn to t tdmwrrow. Pound, 38c Dilling'B Marshmallows Cool vtnlne are fuggratlv of opn flr and tontiff marthmalbiwi. The arc vary freah. Pound, 34e Pop Com BalJjj H'lfnv nmAt popcorn ball, larg aiae Each, 5c ur-NA Muix ytaar Women's Woolen Hose Th new ailk and wool boa, hava arrival. ThM arc lifbtwalght In th popular English ribbd tyli. iirown, grtf and rameL Pair. $1.80 Varfaaa-Naab Mala Mr lf 1 1 II Jill I V V C3I I V 1177 II II IIW IV II II )) j! II II CY I! R YDODYb CTOnS torn Typical of Burgess-Nash Values These New Frocks for Fall Priced at $ Unly 35 00 Silks and Woolens A wider aelection of better quality arj not to be found at pricei that approach th mod6ratnai of $35.00. Dreattea f uch aa these are a aource of conatant wttlnfaction in th winter wardrobe of women wbo make it point to appear aiwaya carefully and tante fulljr dreaeed, no matter what the occaaion. Point T wllU ' Canton Crepe Satin-Faced Cantons Every dreaa ehowa the lines of the autumn and winter mode: low waistlines ellghtly bloused, rklrta paneled r circular, fullnrss artfully draped. The twills are tailored into extremely rviceable coat dressei for street wear; eucatmful farhionlnir has made charming' afternoon models of the crepes. Tailored Suits at $35 A group of winter suits tailored of navy blue rrico tlne are moderately marked. They are made with plain skirt, very long jacket, and notched collar. Brfa'Naab Draa Sb TglrS flaar ! Narcissus Bulbs If nari'iiMi bulb ar tartd now, thry will bo In bloom by C'hrUtma tim. Saturday Each, 4c flava akaf Maaaaakta Maar Veiling : Neckwear Wedding Veil Ntvcr i a pirl iror atfractiv than a a brijv In h'-r wrdtlitif voiL Tba nw vail art ilk cm broidrcd nt, mad In varlfty of ityli, AU r priced moderaUly. Real Lace Vcstees For contun all woman bavg lovad baautif ul lacs. Tba prnt vou for wearing lc with ulta and dra Mtifi a long-falt dir. A varitty of paltarn and ')l( in ral laca vailci and collar priced remarkably low. $1.25 Real Lace Vesting Nw vting banding to maU'b. This i mad up of a combination of filut and Iriih and other ral Urea. Priced the yard, $3.00 and up. Collar and Cuff Set Mad In a number of ttyle to fit all kind of iweatcr. fault and dre, Daintily embroidered with eyelet. The net, 29c and up. Organdie Neckwear hheeiett white orpfcndi rnnibitied vith color niak the dain' collar, ruff and vet (.. $1.28 to $2.50 PleatingRuffling Old dretae aod aulta art md new with th addition of a delicate bit of laca or Georgette. Ruffled or pleated. Yard, 35c and up. iurgaaa-Naak Main Fkmr Vast Selectio7is oj New Autumn Styles in Millinery Wonder Sale Prices Equivalent to Wholesale Cost After weeks of consistent preparation and searching for the very best values that the markets could possibly offer, we have gathered enough of these wonderful values to stage a sale that the women of Omaha have been awaiting. r f a taw Ckver Dance Turbans Panne Hats, Vulture Trimmed Spanish Lace Models Embroidered Styles flats Becoming to Matrons Brightly Colored Hats and a hoat of other styles that you will enjoy wearing. . Buraa-raab Hal Sbap Tklrd Floor ' Toiletries Marie Cld Craao. ........ Mavi VanUMng Cream ,,Je Ceama La Ma Vaalablag Crae, apadal, for Saturday, . . . . ,4f Cram La Moa Claaaaar.. ,..49 MalaiHaa Cocoaaut Oil Saanpoo, at 4 BocaballS Caalila Soap, 3 hart for .............. .25 Aaorta4 Soap, made by the Palm olive Co., dozen ban...... BO Auditorium Bath Soap, 8 for 28 Pabaea Tooth Paata ..SB Papa4at Taotfe PaaU .....SB Norwich Deatal Cram.,,,.,28e Oylaa Faca Lotioa IB Lila of Franca Vegetal. ,. .SB Amami Shampoo, 2 for. .... . 25a Buraaa-Wak Main flaar jor Hallowe'en With gay colored noveltie, Hallowe'en partie caa be mad mora attractive than any ottier party of th year. Never before have we had eueb a Urft ' and varied aeaortment from which to chooea. Everything- for the hoitaaa: Place crde, bridge icorea, nut cups, rat, froblin, witche and all kind of table and houue decora tion. Bargaaa-Naah Mam flaw Vanities and Leather Bags For Saturday Only JJM 95 About Half the We Offer Them at I Usual Price The ever-Increasing- popularity of tho vanity box makes thl pedal pricing- on there new arrivals of the fpreattt interest. A variety of style In bright leather at well at black. In thin croup we have aUo a few ellk vanitie In navy and black, and the more conservative leather etylm. Sport Bags at 49c Smart bag of iwecd In blue, red, brown and Uvender; port tilk bagt in a bright combination of colore; a few tup trep purii-s in morocco and teal. BuriM-N.b Laaibar Coada Shap Mala Floar em. Women's and Children's Underwear At Clearance Sale Prices Children's Union Suits Waiit union tuita, medium weight cotton tuftg and other etylet. These are slightly toiled and the size somewhat broken. We are offering them at this low price, suit 65c to 95c Buraa.NMh Mala Floor Women's Union Suits Very fine lightweight mixed cotton and wool union tuita. These are in all ttylee. ankle length and preatly reduced for Saturday. Suit, $1.89 For SaturdayAbout 300 Lovely Forsythe Blouses Onlv yv Blouses that characterize the woman who is accustomed to buying the better things and she it is who knows how sel dom "Forsythes" . e btainable at $2.90. Saturday's selling includes the popular styles in wash blouses. Among them the "V" necks that school girls find so con venient to wiar with sweaters. Women invariably prefer the "Forsythe" as a suit blouse because of its carefully cut collar that lies smoothly either over or under the jacket collar. Sizes 34 to 46. Bwcaaa-Naab BIoum She Third Flaar Prices Surprisingly Low on Things Electric for the Home Electric Bulbs Long winter evenings necessitate mora light. Replenish your supply now of Tungsten globes, 2 5-Watt priced OQ 9 Electric Percolator Yea will enjoy coffee made in tbit fl-eup percolator. Manufactured of heavy aluminum by Lander, Frony V CUrk Co. Each, $6.95 40-Watt priced CO-Watt priced Toaster Stove Everyone like toast made at the breakfast table and served hot. Food may be prepared on the same stove. Each, $4.95 . Buraaaa-Naak Faurib Flaar Smart Is the Styling of Chappie Coats for Girls $1 800 to $3500 By this time mothers have decided the things that little girle must have for winter wear. Foremost on th list, with mothers have placed a coat that it commended for itt warmth, durability and youthful imartness. And what could be more to both mother's and daughter's way of thinking than a dapper "Chappie" coat of heavy all-wool coaling or tuede cloth, lined throughout with leather, chamois, or UmbMrfn, and collared with raccoon, natural or dyed opoesutn. Size 0 to 14. Buri. N.k Cirla' Shop Third Flaar Hats for Little Girls Adorable felts, velveta, and velours, 120 of them, marked especially for Saturday. Each at $2.95 Bargaaa-Naak lalaau' Skap Thlid Floor A Profitable Day for Those Who Shop in Our Downstairs Store 300 New Dresses $12.75 h y t1 . i 1 Saturday's Price W'hun you the material and I'ylai you tU tralue lb rrtnarktbU valua tffr. Trlco Sham Point Twill Canton Crept' Crepe Back Satin laahk.n tiit lata fur the l.rw fall mud have tern cU'.rly foi:id In a idling ef era hrniilrrvd slid braided frt kt for tit war and St)ft clirgirg crirs fur ethar vr'siiuii, aa rak loit tt GirIs, Warm Coats and Dresses Savings at the Right Time Dresses Each, $4.95 Navy blu k'l ool r taller ar- Trimmad In hiia, rd and yallow braid. Th skirt are kmf r cnii tiadun aatd. Boys9 Saturday Special Sturdy School Shoes (ir auia Khvl J are sid t a f"S b-)(' tha4, g4 , . (f .al, at at a jr'miMie, n tartly ff(4 anjUirg .k ihU I,il piu. Breara tt i a 'al I. rm,Kr an 4 IpgUah yia Mala Willi ttiUJ Ua'har '! Mjm 1 l,i ,1. I J 61 MH't S'l t J1!.,!!" Bot awl rw.aaa mm i fmL.' The Coats Each. $10.00 t vu fir httr wr. All a tnuria la variaty ef color and t'y!, fooi r fur trlmma t, til tr fully Im.d Mannish Top Coats Sixes 16 to 44 $16.75 Nw, warm, rvit-bl ci d.f high school and eollfg girU, for puinra umii and oil.tr w.ar ilia 14 lo 41. Top eau of auffUirtit warmth lo g unlmd m4 lth sllaruund brh, dp HHkU and knit ha.) cellar. BtHaa ak fAooatuat )w Cotton Jt'rw Hloomcrh C kiW.aa i S a4 4, piah in, pa r. II thilaiaa U IS, piak. wktt k'a.t, (,r Ita waaaaa'l lmai, t ..r !, tar .,,,) Waa m ie itaa, . , Wamaa'l !. af fla !a4 VUamata, fatf, a If IE at. aA ttaat a , 4a. !. a I.a4 II. j S