10 Women of Ninth Ward Addressed by Candidates No Apology N4rl for Re publican Administration, Sayi Chairma Wom en to Make CanvaM. Women of the republican committee waanlsutlon In the Ninth ward were iMret yesterday afternoon In the Kurt-eat Naah auditorium hy (.?. L. Baundera. George K. Dyliull and T. H. Dyaarf, legislative candidates, whose dlstricte extend Into the Mnth ward. O. K. Enalor, county chairman, alao poke. Mr. L. M. Lord la chairman of tha Ninth ward committee. Mr. Kuundera, candidate in tho Fifth senatorial district, stated that ha has lawm listening to women all hi life and now he realised lilt aiiv bltlnns of being albe to do tha talking while the women Manned. "Tha re publican purty haa bwn n par ty of proa-re," said Mr. Haundera. "It has been party of constructive Ideas Tha democrats, In attacking tha code huda-el In thla atnta, hava not told alt tha facta. They do not explain tha mil economies that tha code hua ac compllahed. "W do not hava to upologUo for tha republican administration," a aerted County Chairman Knuler. "Tha history if the dvniocrntlR party la that w hava always suffered on ac count of their mistakes. All wo need to An In to ri-ad the hlntory of t!i democratic party and compare it with the hlatory of the republican jifirty." Tha women precinct worker of the Ninth wnrd will mnko a house-to-house ranvasa to obtain 100 per cent registration. Chief Turns Author. Chief of Police Mike Pempsey ltaa turned author. In the latest Issue of ''Truffle Officers' Journal," the chief hua a well written artlde on traltlo safety. - Itirths and Deaths. Mirth. Jama and Alice rinly, hnapllal, hor. Nwtun anil Mary 8waanay, hoaiiltal, ''wtlllem and Orac Dt JIvn, hoapltal, bey. Albert and !vln Kiiv. hnapllal. boy. NliH and Vera tlu-aa, hoapllal, girl, (loon and Mable Due, Nuahvllla, Nab., girl. William and Ellen Bnmunlann, hnapllal, bur". Tonny and Ianballa rimaniatl, 5511) Reaa etrt. alri. Kraiik and Mary McArdle Hanaon, R. F. "klmar and Sophia Pelaraon, hoapllal, '"waiter and Anna Morrla, 4494 South Twlfth alraat. atirl. .laaaa and Oarlrude Cohurn, I40t Pe tal ur atrial, tiny. ..... . Klrharit and Lillian foor,,4113 Iard ttr-it. BTtrl. .... I'orll and Kllen Ceven, hnapllal. nny. Waller and I.tmt Haialton, liuapllal, raui and Athana Arflropouloa, !40l Smith Twentieth atraal, girl. ..... I.nula and Sophia Hynnt:jkl, SJ21 South Thlrty-aevanth atrial, atlrt. William and Anfunattn. ?volanlc, 41910 Boulh Thlrty-aavanlh alraat, lrl. Halph and Blanche Hlnimoiia, hoapllal, . ..a tr....1 Hl.nl.v Vnrtv. fifth and llarrlaon atraata. hoy. Carlton and Ethol THt, H8 F alraat. boy. v-nrt and T.aura BBrno, IUJ Bouth thirteenth alraat. Rlrl. . (ilenn and Althca McCourtle, t71 4Jharlea alreet. ajlrl. Harry and Laura !Ialllrrf, 4T1 North Fifteenth alreet, lrl. Hugh and Ine Pavla, iill Tratt alreet, boy. Horan and Boverlne Dabl, V.t Pratt ,rA'pbaynd Jennla Bundbarf. Vlt Web iter etrel, girl. . . . I'onald and Olndya Douvlaa, hoapllal, Irl. Death. Paaquala Pova. tl yeara, I5 Boutb T a"" VMSSuk 10 North ll.te.Mk "Hane A. Pauatlan, Tt, boapltat. ' labert Palteraon, Jr., 1, boapltal. Joaaph Klnar. US, hoapltal. Viola M. Warflald, 45, hoapllal. Paul "!. MrKee, , hoapllal. Caroline Anderaon. 49, Irvlngtnn, Neb. Klla Butler, 48. hotltat. Henry Slrkenherg, 7, Fortieth at X Pop. pleton avenue. Forreat Jackaon, 1. hoapllal. farniello l'almaalano, 2, lilt Nortli Blteenlh atreat. llerth Vlarbar. 6. 1404 Caaa alreet. Plladelfia Valentl, as, soli I'lerte atreet. Frank Kocaa. 61, hoapitel. OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14. 1922. How to Keep Well By DR. W. A. EVANS . Quealurae aaaaaralai kygiaac, aanllailaa and preeaalUn el dlaeaaa, eiihmltted I Dr. tvaaa by readera el The Bee, will be eaewere awnawallr. eukjacl te roeee lleaiutlea. wkare a alaaaaed addiaaaed eeyaUpe la enalaMd. Or. Lvana will nel ma a a a diagaaaia Bar eraecrlba ler ladividual diaaaaae. Adareaa leltare la aaie al Tka Bee. Copyrigkll 1121. CONTLV KTOItB 1IAHITH, The' pnople who work in atorea will ha mtenated In a atudy heln made in twenty dve large mercantile eel.ih Uahmi nla located In an cltira. Thla atudy la now In Ita third year, and II la to extend over a five year jierlixt. Tha ell-knew rate aumna people who work In atorea la tilKh. The fault la not with the more hullillnir. Aa a rule, the ventilation la not what It aliould be, ami a full' proportion of tha employee do not net enough lull' llttht; tiut, other thun thla, the euant Utrv conilitloiia are rmeonilily good. lit cotiree, the porta of the atore oo- cupled hy the pulillo and viewed hy them ill' heller than tlie parte tielilnd th.j Hceiiea, hut III the latter zone the aitnltatlon 1 not conductive to JI' tuiee, tflme the rnuNon for the hlxh alck' ncae rale la not with the environment It timet ho with thn people thcmaelvea. Ir. lOnunona, who tnakea a pron'M report, lay a the reeponalhlllty on the rut her Mid health nanita or tno em ployee, their health opportunltlea, and their hrultn intelllgencv. In an inialynl of aii kneaa dtlrliiK Murrh, 1!C2, In a atore with a,6im em ployea It waa found that neatly 10 per cent wua due to acute reMplrutory dlaordera. Of courae, March I the aiuiaon for auch illaordcra, hut It la prribnbln a aurvey made In any other month would have ehnwn enryzu, coutcha, and aoif tli rmi In lending tltu let. I'lolnly, olurka In atoree, like other people, huvo not learned how to keep from cntrhltifr cold ann now to Keep from pteln 11 1 nitr thla typn of In fection. rlecond on the llet waa licute ill(;ea. tlvn illaordiTH. No detail are alven, but I premmio cotiellpalloti and Hn attendant cllHortliit'H la Kiouped her nnd coiiatlttitea the nioet Imiiortant cauxo for tho vlalt to the health de partment. C'onxtlpatlon Ih nothlmt tnoro than bad habit. The habit of laklntr pur Katlvea and laxntivea, thn tinblt of lr reKulnrlty, of llMyerarillnir Impulnca, and wrottK food hahltaull three are the Important catieia of conatlpatlon, Ita only witlafactory cure Ilea In change of habits. The third In the lief of cnueea nf ekkncea la the gctilto urinary group. t presume menntruul illaordere la a member of thla group. Difficult nnd painful nicnetrutitlon can lie overcome ua a. rulo, by proper hablta, by alrnple procbutirve, enelly carried out, nnd by better mental attitude, Dental ti'oliblca riitik elxtll on Dr. KmtnotiH' llet. The need of tneiilnl hj'Klene In noted by Dr. Kmmoim. Iiei.lally do the ex- ei'lttlvee and ndmlnlHlratlve ofllcere need to lenrn the witHtn of worry, fear, liiMoinnla, and other bad menu! hablta. Fruit Diet la Weakening. C. t (, wrltce.: "1. Will you kind ly till mo if there In any iIuiikci' In eating too much fruit? I practically live on it. and aeem to be licalthy In every way. "2..' AImo, in a warm climate, no you think It necraaury to hava meat every duy?" IlKPLV. 1. No. While there la no danger, It la Inadvlaahle to live aolely on cult, Thoee tropical people who eat fruit aluioal ti lualvly are bin bellied and Weilk,. 2. No. When Coualna Murry, M. P. I., wrltea: "1 fully concur Willi 'Mia. It, i:.'' lil.aa. t knew it mull who marriejt hla flrat rnualn, He had g( Ixiye. "()n hud A head lie big a water pull; two liiid ui ina which they rould not lian; one had no u nf IiIn lower llmha; one hud a leg which waa ten or tweivo Im hen allot tcr than the other and hung; like rone. "The only one who wua perfectly normal wua n paperhanger. I In Wal the olibel. lie waa Mlttlng at our Inbln eitlng dinner, mid he went atone dear. "Knew a. girl who tnairlfd Iter own unci, The children hud no head, "I knew a man who married hie fit t coualn, The flrat two children walk like they were diunlt. "There la u law prohibiting the mar' rliiKo of ci.iidlna In rfhna elutea, mid 1 think It la proper." "Alileriiianlc" f'lappera. Mia. K. H. wrlta; "I. Docan't the hnhlt of going uncoraeted cnuan Jh alomitcii to bei-oine fat and large? I a in ulmoHt convinced of It. "i have a I way a had flat atnmach. For the hint two yeara I hitve attend ed gymiiBeltttn and elnc that time have left off my cmaeta on 'gym' dnyg and tliii autntner more frciiuent ly. "My elolnaeh Imaj grown fat and prominent. My alMter, nlmi a 'gym' fan, la llkcwlau acquiring nil uiibeiiull fill 'frotit,' "1 notice o ninny young girl with the an me prominent feature, owing to the vogue of going tincoiHeted, My HlMtar nnd I nru both paet 4U, no poa aibly out" la an iiccutnulntlon which hi longs to our age, I can't ay 1 ndinlre It. , "3. What doea a rulher pei'Mlntetit Indlgentlon IlidlffltH at my age?" luci'ir. 1. It may, If the abdominal wall are flabby, they are apt to pouch. MkcwlMe, If there la no prenatir on hut region, and fut la being laid down, It la apt to be laid down there. I aeo eormi men with ablci inntilo front, However, aome fat ladlea de velop atich In aplle of cornet , 1. I'HUiilly, coliatlpatlon. Dculcr Finctl in Oourt for (oal Weight Sliorlugc P. KoHiilt'k, 2.'I06 Cuming adcet, waa fined $10 in ,IiiiIk Wiippli h'a court yiwferdiiy on thn chiugu of delivering nn order of con! inn pound under wnlirhl, ll waa haled Into court hy F. Hweeney, Inapcrtor for Hie city depaitincnt of welghta uud ineaKitre, miller apeciul order by CutnnilMHloner Dun Uutliir. Bishop of India Scores America for Indifference "Te Are Intfrfted in Solvn Knlhrr Than Othen," Minoionury Drclarei in Talk Here. Wehop Frederick Flelier of tho Melliodlat church In India flayed American Mnthodlata for their Indif ference to the rietnU of Indian ml alone, at a luncheon In the Hotel Home yetenluy noon, Three hun dred men mill women, many of them from aurroundlng cilice, were preacnt. "I find A merli n rhunged eomehow nlnco my laet trip home," en 14 the blahop. "Something la wrong. We aro InterrMted In ouraelve rather thun III other, "You talk of fliiunclal deprenalon here, I gee none. You are thn rich eet nation 011 earth. Home at tha pinnacle of her power didn't have tie much wealth a on American atata ha today, "In the country from which I come ilin average wage la 7 cenla a day, In that land, 0,iiiu,oito peraona go to bed hungry every night. They aweep away manure to find alray grulna of whvut tinderneatli and they eat them greedily, "In that land today the hurvcat I rlpu for mlHHloiiN, And the Methodlet cluirih I cutting our appropriation .10 per cent. That mean to blnat ua. Vet I don't ee the bUhop and preach er at Urn niter weeping end praying becuiiae of till terrible tiling," Tim blehop told of whole communi tie turning lo AlethndlNin and nf the turning of Hindu temple into Matho dixt chapel. J la told of tho tremen 1I011 wotk to bv done In 11 land where "TO biiblc out of every 100 born dia before they reach tho uge of 2 year," He I on a tour of the United flute to rnleo fund for Muthodlet mllon In India, in 11 Sill Banana Pudding Ice Cream thtwf, yellow banana big, mealy fellow, blended with" fresh Cfl and heavy rich crrftm, then frozen into an lee Cream t'eat beyond gompare. This week's Harding Suuday Special Ire Crearrl. Served at the glfin of Lit rt)lU?4r aft M W taaBBBaa Cfcem of alt. ICE CREAM I JW.M01M Jo0103 3ie.i. HA 0ISS 28th and Farnam Saturday Specials 1 -lb. bos Ataorted "Home Made Chocolatea," $1.00 eiie, ipecial for Candy JQq Omar Flour, 24-lb. Mck...95 Blue Bell Flour, 24-lb. lack Freah Kriipy Crackers, 4-lb. pkfct 57J Ptttljohn's Brcukfant Food, 1 pkga. , 45d Quaker Oatmeal, pkr. , . . ,10) French Button Mushrooms, per can 65i 3 enni for 81.70 New Black Walnut, 8 !bg.22 Pitted Cherrie. Red Ratipberrieg, Black Raspberries, Loganber ries, Blackberries and Straw, berries, all in heavy syrup, per dozen 84.00 Britt's Powdered Ammonia, 2 pkgs 23 4X Powdered Sugar, 3 lbs..33 Paarl White 10 bars for. , Soap, 39c Advo Gold Medal Coffee, 3-lb. can for 8117 Best Creamery Butter, lb. .43 Fancv Colorado Peaches, small basket 2X6 Fancy Eating Fears, bukt. .2St Spinach, per peck 33t Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for 25 Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb 2G Choice Young Lamb Legs, per lb ...30t IIOHGESiia BUTTER AND EGGS Quaranteed Fresh Checked Eggs la cartons, dozen 20 'it) Central Extra Quality pkg. Butter, per lb 42'if Block Swiss Cheese, well cured. Per lb. 224 t!!!tnleS7tt Douglas Dhone AT. ( r549(X; Harney phone DO. 1 1796 theTabli Exceptional Values in Foodstuffs for Saturday Fresh Meats Try some of our Home- Made Pure Pork Sausage made daily, per lb., 20c Faney Fresh DrtMt. Sprlnj ITikkens, lh 25io Ftney Steer iVt Kot, lb. .10c Pest Cut Steer ShouMer R.aat, per lb 13 ic rrime Rollil Hih IJ.yiat, h,20o Fancy Young Veal Ka, per rsMind 15c rt Tork R.i, lb..4.,.nHe Bsl RcrJ,re.l tartl, IK ...15c Fane Steer RnnJ Steak. rr peun4 ... S31 i I a i ' I We Have Another Carload per sack Selling ef Geoch't CANDY DEPARTMENT McCombs' home-made pecan roll, lb 69 Double Cream Caramels, per lb fjOe) Our 60o Chocolates, Saturday, Pr lb'- 40f) Best Sugar Flour Flour at, 11.58 10 lbs. Cant 8ugar for 73 4Slb. sack rillsbnrr Beat Flmir. .$2.10 4 lb. sack Washbui Cnwby Gold Moual Hour Il.fW t'arolene Milk, tall cans, eacs 7U IMrlty Milk. 3 cans tor 53 farnstlon. IVt or Mordin'a Milk, tall cans. Omm. $1.15 i pkRS. UtiKcli a Macaroni or i.agbett for -25f loiu. boc Maiaronl or Spaghetti lor., ).' t'amrbell's Tomato Soup, per eaa lUf l ee Oien ,. $1.15 Waller IUkr's (biclte, pr lb..,., 31. .ialloii fans Mjmla Oil.. $l.ltJ IV. 1'rlce't lii mat roUer, 2,c sue for....... 15f A4 l tr iift4 1'eaa. prr can , 25 rr il.aea 2.UO Kanio Ul!ket IVsa, per caa iStt dosea $2. DO Large rena t I Mont An'a-Ma, (an.,,.,., 'jr I cans (ue $1.00 ttiBiiaull tuufttrt uat!eaia Cute, per raa..,.,..2 f l1 d.ta .....$1.4Q Wfvlwlll Kerree Cn( p-r tea., 10 lr ! ..,....,,...,..........,,,.. 11 . 1 A CIO. I kvera. t -r S lb, teatral iul Cettee, pet l. ............. 0-1 Fruits and Vegetables Jtiat received a freah car of Engllun Walnuts buy them now, Pr Ih 27 New crop Kllherta, per lb... 174a New Ilrasll Nuts, pt-r lb.... 7 via Extra fancy Jonathan Apple. ft Nahel $1.08 Italian l'runea, bu. b ..$l.rV0 Italian l'runea, per bos 95 Kmicy t'ojorailo Trars, bu..$l.u8 MUliisia Celery, per taik,,.7',a Hplnaih, per lb,, 10 3 bunrbes of Hot llouae Leaf l iutuce for 10 California II. J lttace. I head 15 raulifiower. r lb lb. HtJ ltler llarly tihia ptitattH-e 20f fatib, per lb Ji U't tiiape r'rull, e 0f CRACK! H Dl"ASITMKT Hate ou nirt 'Suiun at ibe t rarhar Ivpt.? I'er pk .lOf ralry !iHla, pr, ... jjf MJB Coffee Thf Famous DRY Daroomtration on M. J. B. COFFEE li going over biff. Com to our item nd ltarn wnt this is. M J. B "THE QUALITY COrrEE Or AMERICA0 IK ViMium Vm i?c J 2 Ihi. Vfunm lVki-4, r V,K,m Pearl White Soap 10 Big Bars 3ac a ' Mt-a, te im i . a r- at . i . 1., a I , .... e -a . ... a w I - twA-:-e i-e a ', 'a t- 1 tt MM ka) lu.,M . t I - i (av.4 . aai - , ...... - ita. eea I ,. . fc I aa fca,. t'. ' I k k I , t.iaj ee - .... e.,.' .QtflNNEKO Judge Denies Petition to Hroprn Prufr, Store Kederul Judii WootrouKh yeeter lay rlenleil the petition of Tela Itoon ry to rien hla drttar atura at Twenty-fourth anil Hamilton atreets, cloae.l for a year tir violation of the tirnhlhltlnn law. Throe "Ury" aleuths were reudy to tvatlfy aaalnat Itooney, but the juilge deemed It Unneceaanry tu hear their evidence. Injunction ault to cloee the Vogue raheret In the Millard hotel, aleo was Ih'KUii yeaterduy hy (ieors Keyaer, naalatant IT, H. attorney, t'harhe Moore, prnprh-tor, waa arreated Thin ailny for lll.-arnt stile and main t.'ilMltif a, nulaNnre, Murriugc LiccnseH. Tha following paranrla ware laauael pr ntlla lo writs Onia Wrlalit, ever tl. Omaha, end kltliatiath Rat, evar II, Omaha. Uulaappe Manflamall, II, Umaha, and Ouiaapia. lA-neu, II, Omaha. Orran M. Covall, Tf, Chrnaaa, la , and Amrlta nilbert, tt, Caun.ll tnutfa, la. Ilarnld N. Sanaalail II, Omaha, and Allr (Hilar, 31, Omaha. Claude I. rrulita, I), Llni-oln, Nrb , and lJ.atrlr Atohlaa.m, II, Mm-oln, Nab, J, Oarald Waa V.ih nvr II, umatia, and Uartrude M. (Irarua, our II, Omaha. I,at"T M. .Tacnhaan, II, Omaha, and Iran Krnat, II, Harllnai.m, Nab. F.rm f) Haatara. oar It, ('nrlland, Nali, and Laura llanaon, evar II, Omaha. rrank J. O'Rnurka, II, Omaha, and Nor Mala, II, Omaha. Ilia S. Andarann, II, T.rnne, N., and Ham V. I.tniliratt, II. Moi,.r, Nrb. Alfrrd .'. 1 ara-.n, J I omaha and Uariaral M. Walnart, tl, Omaha, Karl A. Illll, II, Umaha, anil Nva Snavrlr, II, Omaha, Charlra llmum, Sl, Omaha, ami noma Thuratnn, ti, Oinahu. Common Sense Are Yea Cooklnc fr the Terferl Krlni.l? Hometlinvs y'i wish you iniutit have one friend In whom you rould find no fmilt, c-.d Itecanaa you do not know aiti h it ieraon, you du not try to make fr!nJ. A'.-iiiBlnlancra e, you have many, but yuu never o any farther with It. And so you are inlealnv one nf the moat tieatillfill thing III lire -real, W'tin frleiiilnhli. Hut why should ynu f iot any per son 1 "lii to measure up to your standard of perfection. Von cannot find am h a peraon, you Sia not oven eiitlafled with youraelf you know that you are not perfect, so why look for perfection In others. Inilead of your critical analvsle of everyone with whom you roinn In con tact, whv not winn up a little more and he friendly. The friendly spirit you show la hrtiii'l to Httraj t other friendly eplrlta. There la a tflve end take about friendship. livery pereon needa at least one friendly sou! with whom to lie free, and with whom to dare to lie free and natural. Art. you really such In anyone else? Your own attitude determines your friends. rirllit, ! Parents Problems How can an active boy of H who Uvea in nn npiirtment he kept attf flelently iiuli-t not to nnnv nHnhhor In tciiitnia, nnd yet he kept happy and himlthyT Title hoy must have outdoor nlay, Saturday Sunday Special Saturday Sunday Special 9SSIBSBBlS sfc. MAPLE NUT It's good for you ask for it at soda fountains. Autumn's most delicious flavor is MAPLE and you get it most delightfully in this Special. It's filled with freshly chopped nuts that enhance the flavor. You'll say it's good! Take Delicla Home in Bulk In Pint or Quart Sealed Pack, ages. Mads Ih Batter Way by Fair mont In Omaha, Crete, Crand Island and Sious City, A postal card rcquent will bring you an intercnting and valuable booklet, "New Ways of Servinj? Delicia Ice Cream." Fairmont's Bi(r ani tar Thaa Bat. Evar. Eskimo Pie 10c even If ol.llied to have It on the aide walk of the aruirtmenl nue; aiao he mailt he lvn the uae ot me atore room In the beaemeiit Monclnsr to his fmnlly a aiwrtment, fur a play rNin on rainy ilaya. A bicycle la aleo a help In polvlna- rurh a problem. ' llavtiia provided all tH.aall.U rnans of out doora and downatalrs active eserclee the parents of the Ixiy should renulre hlni lo le reasonably Ue( when III I I, A I.IU1 rimenf. ami try M tllakJ It clear to their nelghbora that hoys wilt be boya. and tliat their fimlllea as well xa their netahbore muat ha pre pared for a certain amount of ioie. nermany liiu S.OOKOO people In trades uiilona. Of this numler onlv' HMn worklnrmen were wholly out of work at tha end of July. . ' jpawaaaaaaeBSSae, ap i awn a m 10 V to J MA -Sfa H ALLIES at to protect your Home POLICE and Light ore the. foot of crime. They are Allies to protect your home. The darkened home la a pandiie a light In for prowlen. At night there should be your home ALWAYS. Ton ean keep a 26-watt lamp burning In your home all night for one and one third cents. A Light AllWght for M Penny tnd a Third NebiisUliSPoverfl. Lj$ CLEANEST STORES IN THE WORLD! ma mm m What would you be paying for groceries if there were no Piggly Wiggly Stores in Omaha? POTATOES Large, clean Early Ohios, fine cookers, 15-lb. peck,...,..., .....lSe ORANGES Sunkiet Brand, medium size, sweet and juicy, dozen 38c SHORTENING, ETC. Swift's 8ilvcr 1 -lb. carton Snowdrift, 2-lb 4-lb., 64c Mb Leaf, 17c 33c 18c Wesson Oil, pint Quart size . , H -gallon size Crico, 1 -lb. 26c FSf1 48c ill ,. 92c my size , 21c lH-lb. sue , 32c 3-lb. siie 63e STARCH Ariro Gloss Starch, 1 -lb. pkfc- Se 3-lb. Pkif 24c Flastic fctarch, 12c fctzts 9e Kinptford Corn Starch, lb 4e Argo Torn Starch, lh.'. 8U SOAP P. & G. Naptha, Trytal Whits, bar, ,4 He I'mana ramiiy, bar .... Ivory, small bar Ivory, larf bar ....... Kris Naptha, bar retrolenc, bar , 1'altuolive, bar . . . , , CLEANSERS Gold Puat, lnrtte sue kg. Small sue Star Naptha 1'owdrr. larire, Small Ruh-NdMere IVwdrr, Urve, 4d ,V me, 4 e Old t'tuih t l. atiaer, ran fr i ........ Kltrherl Kleamer, Pr ran POM I NO Ol D I ASMIONlfl BROWN SUUAR I la. ltH car- 10c 4 7e ,12c 5,e U ate I7 ...!,.,.4W 22 4,e , GRAPEFRUIT Medium size, each 10c Fancy Florida Thin-Skinned and Juicy. CRANBERRIES Dry and clean, quart or pound.. 12c The Advertised Eatmore Brand, APPLES Extra fancy Jonathan eating, lb... Be .39c Tound for Equal to any coffee, regardless of price. Lady Alice, 1 lb ; 29c M. J. B., 1 II) 47e George Washington, smull 36c Georee Warhinirton, medium 71c George Wahhintton, largo $1.11 COCOA Baker's, i lh., 21e, I lh 42e Ilcr.hey. 4 U 14ci 1 lb 27c OLIVE OIL TSmpeian Olive Oil, 'i pints 30c Pompeisn Olive Oil, pints 56c I'ompeian Olive Oil, quarts . . . . COLBURN'S SPICES All kituls, ftesh ground or whole, 10c pkg RICE Fancy Blue Rice, new crop. lb. . . NEW CROP BEANS I.lmti. lh C. 11. 1. Mi.hiran, Nay. Ih.... MALT EXTRACT Puritan, hop flavored, ran JtLLO All Kiavur, pkg Knot Gelatine, 'i't auo. pl.e. . . , PEANUT BUTTER Heethoul, sinail sue ItewhiiUt, rniliuei sue Heeihiiut. larvre sue t'noa, li oi. sue . SWEET POTATOES i Genuine Jerseys, lb 4c Pancake Flour, pkg., M '1 14c yrfy ; ' Buckwheat AwtJimima l-tf Flour' Pk- LaiTLm,a AUNT JEMIMA SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR Regular, large pkg Instant, pkg. ,32c ,27e .$1.06 7c .aw CHOCOLATE Wulter Baker's Premium, H -lb. cake.. 19c CANNED PEAS Fancy Sifted. No. 1 tins ' Karly June, No. 2 tins 14c Tiny or Petit Pois, No. 2 tins 27e CANNED TOMATOES Fancy quality No. 1 tinsffilici No. 2 tins, llcj No. 2'i tins I2)e CANNED CORN Fancv Country Gentleinsii, No. 2 tins. .15c loua Stun. Ian!, No. 2 tins LOG CABIN SYRUP Medium niit Table sine ...9c , .54 . ,2c ..lis I,. CEREALS Kel!.iggs Com Flakes, Post Toa.tits. pr pat.' ,6A i lirope-Nuts, pkg 17e Quaker Oa's, Ihi'w pkg IJ ,10, 10, . tt lit It 14 Wiukrr Oats. inMant .k hredJed W heat . . . . I 'ream of W heat, p Inataiit 1'oalum, small, 25 i larre.. tH)MINO xxxx t ON FICTION tRS' SUGAR .11 lit 22t 41 DOMINO SUGAR, HAU-SIC YARltlS t lh. at for lit Mb. ten rti lie a 43a Ikeae scWe () at all Pil Wtale tlt im Omak eaa tukitike- Ikes are ial l lr ted td k td.tattd Muedtf ee i4 tiy Sattifdtf 4 eety df ! e't aw kt. 16 lluty Storta ' leV, 4 .. Ml St S si lata lM a lit ht tail ttnae It i V t,k . Il I rm H k M, U4 N tik Suaal 4' tk l ta si. IMS , St. till M . ,. til M.I.W. .. a . l r. St, 5 Mora en lSe Way - XLLANUT STOKES IN THE V0RU: