' BBBBBBMaaeBaBaaeaaBe I tttt t yrr Afl SOULS for SALE By RUPERT HUGHES. Tra4V an.1 Iha riming f Hn l.r ..li.n, il.uitr of Iha Fi. lr. iMn, ol ! mil l of t airrlr, M tint I"' tn rt" an a'1'; ..I l.f an amnmnaii aae tfit o'l (rirf-atrl a an Willi a "U In h i,i.iitl ! lurmrt i tin fsmiir thi-t. . ,i,im. th.ra waa lo 1a a br i.tal.il lo luaf far tto A ruuah fim olilrh alia h-l ..iff.rlna. (urtitahKl Ilia 4n, tur aa ft. um lo rr IHR I in w.uihii.al Tli, h imMi, Maw a lv arranfa an lm.narr narr,aa In. a "l.i li.r iman.afi liulai.l ilia i.uuii " U-m MM 'f mnihar ih a t r II.. Mnl Wr anil ni-r falli.r Induo'l i'i aniin.va tha trip aa . imii fur l.r linh In l.n.ia nni. ah 0-k riliM a'lrn ti..n tal'l r.r on Ifl ll.in I'X Imaalnar Mr Wmiilvlil' an 'I llr wri hr l .r. lU alia ll.'l Bin "M" Wnwlvlll S..ln li.an.y, alia aiarl.il from Vuu.a, l lalin .rir.a, a drl i.aia, ! tax juto oaltr.M fin Hi aurnaa 'ha d.,rt from IB nillra.il alallnn lo I'alm ai.rla. n ,h.n.4 ui-on T..111 HoMr. famoua mviiun pi. lata a'ir. an mnfif out u lo ..ii, .n. Muibr. a.tii.irlna hr Mtr. ! ...i.alil ll, ion,ny lir..:to' In ". pi.a for liar aa an iia. Th diraei'.r ...... ,i.,i t.t a.ta hr a iham In In. thr "" Pf'C'l" "ahooc." In Thr i a yy "pirlt I" "'I" ciiiipiiny that !m h:l nevr met. 'Iha Kyi iy wi IrrMialllilc, owl h i.i.mnictii l cuninil her horror whn i,iio luuuJ Ihat ahe waa h mily wimmn whu rfuan4 i'ImiM. Lvi-n Aim. WJIkliKk.ii iliirf up I'.' nfi frimi l)r Awn I'uiw. Th prlnrtpul IimiI thlf rfrh n.ni'l tukn lo thain, nwl nmiti-hd 11 l.alwf il a..icf, Itohlnn did not f.a (it nil. Mil lived lit mi ti-rinil l-ril. aliuo h had 1 1'Kht qk I11K ifinli-iicy lo pluinpiicaa. Hli mf -fiwl anKiilahcs of titnltnK and lrl nilon Ilka a llialima ialut, lull fnmi tli .H'.alt reaaoli: th -aH turllled Iha (1ah liauaa It waa th ilivll lure; aha in vrfar to glva l dlluifmcnt und kw ilma'a tlawa oft lir aa Iouk aa poaaltila. Ho now. In luat that drova tha , di-acrt Inillmi Into tha ahada and 1II tivaa, thriw dainty aclranaia and an ti.ra Invlti-d aunatroka and laborad with niuwM and tniotlona at lull 1, 1 1. at In order to maka olHUrra and iiiliilmlzo tho ati)Hllln overhead ;na of fvrry wan(l hour. After a time the txtraa wra culled forth from the romparutlva ahelter i f tho tenia to tho avene of action. It waii like heinir toand from tha red h it atove lid Into tho very (Ire. To Main II vvaa all Inrredlhlo ihnn lunmnirory. Who rould not iMilleve lliut Ihia vii ahe who atumliled iirroaa the ami'!, twlti-hlng her aklrla out of the talona of the inetuaeii, eiirufully 'iliilililnif the aweat from her fare with a hnndkerrhlef already eolured like ii tmiiiler'n hruah niK, and jliiarllnif, a aha walked, with burliarie Jewelry. Tha moli went forward alowly and alio recoKiilzed Tom ilulby on a camel. Wis hoped that ho would not reroar nUO her, but ha aludlfd all the fatea and, belnjf und to difCulaea, iuhiId her out ami hailed her with the p!ie wonJ: "How you Btamllnir M" Hhn ciilli'd iir to him: "All rlKht, thank you," There wna t Interent In her from now on. Tha leftdln man hnd ainalad out an extra woman for aiiedal atten tion, ami the kohMp went round with a ruah hh of wlnxa. Mem did not know that aha wrta nl ienly a public property. Hhe would have fled ua from a, plaatua tf aha had known. loiter ahe would come to reullwi that thenn iuplfl loved to believe tho worst, forgive It, and ah n.lvu It with a forbearance, met hard ly anywhere elae wept In heaven, Tho dlreetor moaaed tn extra to gether and addreaiied them from hla liorae: "luliea and gentlemen, you are aup )Kied to be an Arabian trlb driven from your honiea by the eruel enemy. Von are wandering arroi the desert without focxl or water, dying of hunger and thlrat. J.ter In the lifter noon, If we can reach it, you will be overiaken ! a aandatorm and manv of you will n'rlxh mlnerably. Ita hard work, I know, but If you will go to it we'll he out of thla hell bole tomorrow ancphere will bo more comfortable, work In tho cool night ahota. Ho make It nnappy, (olka, and do what you are told on cue, with nil tho pep you can put Into it. 1 thank you!' ' The company waa then divldod Into prmipa, with Imalneaa anaigned to each. Long ahota were taken again bun iiKaln. Small groupa were poaed wllh an much care aa if tho sun were Lenten Inatead of diubollP. Close upa of Indlvlduula were taken, the moKfaVtrlklng typea being aelerted and coached to expreaa crlaea of feel ing: "You go mad and babbhle, old man, will you? Tear t your throat and let your tongue hang out. . . . 'ou. mlan, will you fall back in your loother'a ormn you be mother, will you, miaa. and catch her you are to fli, you know; junt roll your cyea back and aigh and alnk into a heap. And, you, mother, wring your hand and beat your breaata and wall, l'ou tinrierataiid oriental Muff, eh? , . . And I'd like aomebody Juat to look tipto heaven and pray for mercy aomebody with big eyea. Let me ace no, you're I'm Having you for the You, the young lady over there Will you atep out? l'leaae! Come on, coin on! I Won't bite unleaa I'm kept waiting; It'a warm you know, folka. Come out, pleaae. Oh, It'a Mra. Woodbridfa, lan't it? I met you thla morning, ilere'a your chance. lm thla for me, like a good girl, and give youraelf to It. Look up to heav en; if the aim brlnge teara to your a, all right, biat let I hem come trom your aoul, dear, if you ran. Voti ae, vou have aeen your people dying like flua about you, from famine and ImrdHhip. Vou look up and aay, HI liml, you don't mean for ua to din in thla uaeleaa torture, do you. dear Oort? Taka my life and let thi-aa olheia live kin t you. dear Ood?" 'donielblng like that, vmi linow'. iHm't I.Hik up ei. You'll blind your ((llaaaal Tf J aalf. Walt till I rt Iha camera art. Mere, boy, maka ry tloae tlo up of thla." Mem etood llinl.li. from bead lo foot with enibarraaament and with a etrange Inruah of alien moode. Tha liari-e eyea of tha director burning through Ma durk gtaaaea, tha curloua inatlgution in hi Voice, tha plea to do wall for lilm, quii.kened Iter magp tally. The camera men wt up their tripod Ufore her, the lenaea, Ilka threaten- Inn muzzle, aimed point blank; then they bent and ro,uiiitcd through their flndcra, and brnuirht taiwa up and held I bem tut doe that their not hand touched her when Ihey meaaured her exact distance, then adjuafed tha f'e iua. 'Hi" of thain lifted tha fold of hr h'Mxl a little arid from her brow. Tha director aiwred at her keenly, then put. out hi hand and aaked for a powder puff. II" dunlKI her face gently to dull the glltjnlng an r face. They ti.-alel her aa If ah war an autoiii'it'.n, and alio Ixx-ain ona, more channel for an diction to guali theonxh, Folger t'M.k her by the arm and murmured: "Juat once, now, dear, before we make the take. It. member what 1 told you. I-t your hrl break, lllva ua all you've got, look round flraf and a your dying ieople, Thol'a your father over tliere Juat gaaplng bla life but. Your mother Ilea u-ad back there; you've covered her poor little body wllh aaiid to kp the Jackal from It. Your own heart la (, I' 'ii In u ibouaand piece. Can you do It? Will you? That' right. Look round now and let youraelf ,," Hhe felt heriwlf oWltcbd, be r.umbed, yet myaticully alive to a thouaand Irageflle. Ifer eye rolled around tha glaring throng, Koine, of them ,wr helping her by looking their ngony; other were out of the mood, adjuating their rotiea, freah enlng their makeup, or whlaporl'ig and amlllng. Hut the gift of belief, the genlua of aitballtutlou, well upon her like flame, and nothing mat tered. They had brouifht mimic out Into thla Infemn a wheezy organ, a cello, and a violin that cried like tha "linnet that had lt her way and anng on a blackened bough in hell." Her heavy eyca made out Tom Mol dy gazing down at her from hi camel and pouring aympathy from hi own doul Into her. Then rne nung ner henl from elilc to rldo In ft torment of woe, aKt her bead back, and lieuved her big eve up into the cruel brazier of the xldea, aiemed to tinfl peer itig down upon I he little muliitude, and moved her Hp In "application. Hl;e felt the word and the atigulah wringing her threat, and the tear line trooping irom ner eyea. ran entil ing Into her moulh, and alio awal lowed them ond found Ihem blttcr mvect with an exalinlion of agony. She did not know tliut the director had whlBpercd, "Camera, and wa Matching her like, tlcer, alSvliig tn itrlvo hla own eiieiiy Into her. him ill.) not heat- the ci rnr.i men turning their crank!!. Then- v:aa atich weird r.-nlity in her grief that, the director' glaaae wcro blurred w.'h hla own tcara; tho camera men wero gulping hard. 8h did happen to note, a her up ward stare encountered Tom Ilolby'a eye on high, that teAM were drip ping from hla iiiahea and that III month wuh (uiverlng. The Might of bia tear aent through her a Klrange pung of triumphant eympalhy, und fhe broke down aob bing, would have fallen to the eatid, if Leva Ii-malre had not caught her and drawn her into her arm, klaalng her and whimpering: "Wonderful! Wonderful, She fell it band on hor arm and a drawn from Leva' arm Into a maii'a. Her ahoulder were r.'iueezed hard by big hamla and ahe heard a voice that Identified her captor a the director. Ho waa aaylng: "Ood blea you! That wan tho real atuff! Wo won't make you do it over, Wo hnd two camera on you. Vou'r nil right! You're a good girl! The real thing"' Then ahe began to laugh and choko, became an utter fool. (Til 'U Continued Tomorrow,) Marry ivmsoi me Tailor -Goes Oe Trial ie Omalia! Tomorrow Everybody .Saturday, Oct. 14 y BWe. Many of the dyke In Denmark have atood the hIoiiii for more than aaven r.enlurlea. luit givv that aor auuelc a comfort Ing rub with BAUMEBENGUg ( ANAUHaiavt ) Iti Mothlng warmth pi vet quick relief At any Drug Store Keep a tub handy Him. Iemlni & C N. Y Aaaer. Aima CUTICURA HEALS CHILD'S ECZEMA On fco and Neck. t$ So!ln. W Very Rest!e,. " Caaem f out ca any thiU hce aa4 awti 4 oat wee tUn that taay mm. aily hu Te aaM M la Umm 4 aJ w tMiWat, The aMj r" 'l,l1,J- 1 io4 aa 4wiaroea) M Call fitra tkvf a4 OwitmeM n4 ! u ! Mmr1 14 cin4 nt MM 4 Cwiam tetf e-4 W 4 CutMwa Ointment M bl4.M l44 Mtt. Vfi iaM.aef.Haal). MMfc, r. !. CutaetM t,x fa. Ckiu Oiaag mk4 M kl o4 Cat T ar4 4 ftoim t4l M aUtljf V I L 1 1 ll.liou Attacks Art Vimtlti Hut to Vit jo tr vnt!pat.!, not enow h of Nature' luhrleatiag liquui U pro. ilar4 la lb boarl ! keen the fowl woal oft J nntiaf. I Kir I r a ajrevrrilaa N iiu II acta (ike Ikw nalai l lukrUaat 44 Ua) rp!M iu r l u a lubru el awl HfifMi mt Uii ti t'lao. Iff It lJT. We Realize We Are Going On Trial Here in Omaha Before a Jury of Common Sense Men i If these men who demand the best tailor-made clothes will CAREFULLY IN- VEST1GATE our methods and our workmanship they'll find us "guilty" of giving The Most Wonderful Tailoring Values Ever Offered in Omaha Our, ic n hicr institiitinn this store is onlv one of manv like it in the principal cities. Our tremendous buying power, made possible by our enormous-business, means a great advantage to our patrons. Oh! Man! Read This! HFRF vnil Wil l. FIND THE SNAPPIEST TAILORING VALUES OFFERED IN OMAHA. Men who know and appreciate good materials will welcome this etore'f open ing MEN WHO ARE ECONOMICALLY INCLINED-WHO ARE THRIFTY AT HFART IN PRATTirF AS WELL nil hail lKi onrnlnc at a Loon to their Docket- books because here we offer elegantly tailored Suits with EXTRA PANTS FREE (for one week only), or overcoats in the newest and moat popular styles of the day, made of the finest materials. All this at a price so FAR BELOW THE PRESENT MARKET VALUE that every man can profit by taking advantage of this store's opening. ' Every Harry Mason Tailored Garment h Guaranteed to Fit Perfectly No Guesswork All Garments Strictly Union Made Suits and Overcoats to Order We Can Fit You Others $45 and $55 Rememberan EXTRA PAIR of PANTS of Same Material FREE With Every Suit" This Week Only 2 Suits in 1 Hy plat lut your orlrr with u mean a Mvlng to you, t'nme In Hatunlay, Oitulier 14th. our OI'KNINU DAY, an I be foitvltu-eil. EXTRA PANTS With Every Suit (Opening Wtk Only) A In if atmk f Kail ami Winlvr rinirrr, r aiil, bluo anj Marl, arrs'. In i i a l Y lit trr ihailo n4 allrrr.a tit for iK nan wh lira.U (iiatl. f 10 (0 lit. OHer IHiW, rn year rt-'lhra hen m Mt-t them. Kura m nl lr M'"I If Doublt tht Lift of Your Suit 1518 Farriam cowqo Open S'lurJ.y Until 9 O CIkIi You Are the Man Whose Coat Collar Does Not Fit We Want to See You a ..a a hahal iaa,aaa a wnaiwa