The Omaha Morning Bee VOL. K2-NO. 99. f ' a. ( CI.N MllUf III i, IM mk f, ff. U.sar AM S, I". OMAHA, WKPNKSDAV, OCTOFJKK II, 102 f a .a ii ,' suit M' ! IM l MM II l.s.11 , M . $H. Ml,, I.. TWO CKNT8 To W. J. Bryan, Greetings Kditorial- You Iihvo com among today on a utranife and two-fold errurirl. The one i to re-i-kct Senator Hitch ork to the innate. The othtT !m to elect your brother "f'harley" to he jrovernor of Nebranka. Although your home In no longer in Nebraska but iii in Florida today, it. would be Idle ffr un to nay you . are unwelcome in Nebraska. Although the voters have often been in the minority for you, yet many peo ple have believed in oil, and many nt ill believe in you and have faith in your nincerity even though often dis agreeing with the wisdom of your policies. This has been and H none the less true in Nebraska, your for mer home. Yet, to many men and women of Nebraska who believe In you, your errand today comes its a surprise and a disappointment. To them, your two-fold pur 'poses are hard to reconcile with their former opinions of you. All your life you have said thai you were de voted to the interests of the people and to them alone. S'vl you come here in lh interest of a brother who is a candidate for high oltlce and qualifications for office seem to consist mostly in having served you well and faithfully as a subordinate in your personal organization. jyf The other equally ilillicull ;1 help re-elect Sen t i a Y i purposi; of your two-fold errand is to understand. You say you want to !'lp re-elect Senator Hitchcock to the senate, although you have opposed him ever since you came into public, life. In order to put yourself in a position to be of aid to him you say things which sound strangely, coming from you, and which your supporters of old never expected to hear from your lips. You say, for instance, that you and Senator Hitchcock have never differed on eco nomic questions, yet. time without number, you have' called him a "tool of Wall Street." Are not the issues in which Wall Street Is interest ed economic Issues? Then have not you and Senator Hitchcock had, In fact, the widest possible differences on economic issues? Moreover, could a man who for years had been "a tool of Wall Street," as you say, ever become a sincere advocate of the rights of the common people whose rights you have said were sacred to you? You say the liquor issue is "dead" in Nebraska to day. Yet, no sooner did you say this than you took a train for California to speak there against the abolish ment of prohibition in any form in California. You know, too, of course, for you are well potted, that seven candidates for the senate of h United States in other states are running on wet platforms or with avowed wet support. You know, too, for you are well posted, that 100 candidates for the House of Representatives of the United States are running today on wet platforms or with avowed wet support. 7 You know, too, for you are well posted, that the Association Against Prohibition Amendment today has headquarters in Nebraska for recruiting members, is buying advertisements in Nebraska newspapers and is in every way possible busily engaged in developing n ntiment against prohibition in Nebraska as elsewhere. And sff it is with regret to many men and women ( f Nebraska, who still believe in you, that you are here today. They cannot help but regard your errand as a more or less personal one, and as a mistake. They cannot help but change their opinion of the strength of your convictions of the past, or at least be confused in regard to them. Moreover, these people know that your errand here this week is futile. You cannot help your brother "Charley" to become governor of this state, for he is not informed on public matters and is in other ways un qualified to be Nebraska's governor. Nor does he pos pcks the confidence or respect of the same people who believe in you. TJy those who know him best, he is re garded i9 ft r''tician, willing to use any tools to se cure his end. willing to exaggerate, misrepresent and mis-ft ate on any subject in order to make himself No braska'c governor. Moreover, your other errand is equally futile. You c annot help Senator Hitchcok to be re-elected to the senate. Senator Hitchcock's day of reckoning has come. Completely on the defensive as he is today, his old catch-phrases and war cries have a hollow sound. You hear it everywhere, to use common parlance, that Senator Hitchcock "is not getting the old stuff over." The people of Nebraska have come to know him and his works. Mr. Bryan, the people of Nebraska could not be lieve both what you say of Senator Hitchcock today and what you said of him in the many years past. Therefore they believe what you have said of him in the past. They believe as you have formerly said, that he is unfit for public ollice. In coming among us this week, you have not strengthened Senator Hitch edek's position. Instead you have weakened his position as well as your own. for Jou have changed your words regarding the senator while your brother "Charley" is running as a candidate on the same ticket with him. ' The only reason your coming does not weaken your brother "Charley's" candidacy is because the voters of Nebraska are already advised of him and do not take his candidacy seriously. ) 'lle Kept l' Out of Olieity,"i Vmerican Smlicutf Ilu Political (.siiipaijsn Mojittii liond Iue of I omnia New York. IM ! 'I k'I'l ' T'irititti, M. I Tli province .f f ant of nWaitr" Ih l,"tt f I'tiUiiu IimUv .J (o a aytihtt WoiiisjI ami t nt.n Miner lurinli i-oinp.s. nf k.ihn. jh ant i-om tf llntPh tV,iH,iliUl 'iiUlll llV, Ch..e Mnlllltl I l.r...rcl..,ll, .li. rhm arm "l HeKld-lef IWn-dy M VUipanv . I'Ull ...Mnl r'l Mm and "" " 'imi.. Hm.t. Cindy n i be n ' Nam IM .mm I h.hii., and . n l nn- ,, . im .mrelc .mi"' ""I""11"""' " "" ' .... f.f X H 11 Wl,!- -Ht,. I'" " "'' '"" 'h " " I a. I. k I ! ail K tiii.ia. ,. M r v u . .. . . l , i . MS a lvt .. (" ( ! 11 h) Ka .lil fc-1! 1 ... r- ... i a . tf- tth ,.,h.f fr4 tti.w ....... . ih. l.lkL.,1 t.r,.a .. i.i i i ! h. , ,' i ii f lUlirntiiMi Nliucr Mnle. 1 Isu ik lii rr.c. ; u -rir it.... n.. S-m in - Ikihmi fc,n.l .,- .!.. J HaliaM I Nii-Ral Ii a. I iiir-' I aU ' K4iai. U.airHl "! '' " '; i,. I., i. kt.1 I.. IM ii.kk,H.. lh irn I il a ( n 1' i. I . iil n l l l. n t.l..l at v k ' Vt !. ' f. "i t,vt lj' Im-S ! r.M I 1.1 lU.t (U t Falsehoods Are Bared by Randall (.'amlidiilr for (iovrnior Declare $erau pinp of Codi" Would $e Nothing. Heard by Large Crowd? IH I. I . I'llH M l alaff i m tmvndni Thm Omalia Hn. iliUf, Ni-li., Oil. IV-lHimlal T'li-Kmm I MlaalnfoiMfiil dy ii-iii'' crMlli! rmnllilnlaa for (iffiica wrrii tinrwl tily hy 'fmrl II, l!0' dull, riulll' an an'IWi for v irnr, mill S Xiiillmaii, cmiili(iii for miiirm-y sanrrul. in aiiwi'hrs rta. Iivrf'l lo A M'i rrowl at llf liiililli'iui i"liv, Alma, OrlrariN anil ArntliiK!. Tli in i amll'lalr tr lo ilrllvrr H'lmcii- l Oifor'l loiilflil. 'tnm lira irrlnlii In rum" H'iwii, un ninMrr who la novrrmir, Mr, llaii'lnll ijM'liirri). Ixoiim" lli rhli f fm lora In l Ii lfTWi.'l !' ar Ifiromliig non-i-alal i-nt. "We urn lliroilKh tlila rar In rl li.K tlm fi.nmijunt fur reU' t of (h war "-trnr)," lii axlil. "Tlia nix yrnr roml bulliltn ri. icram oullli.'''! uixU-r a (I'lnoirallc Kovirnor, lawa for which wis riaaaa'l ly a (IfrrKM'rMtlu a'lmtnUtra- llon, l coiiiplM'i'1 rit yr. "Tha lax for biilMlna; s n-w t houxc will M 'llai'unli-'l In IM'i, nl lhT ynu hv h fr(or whlrh ron (rll.iiO'd liiont Inrwrly lo InPrnaar In ataln !.'' wlaV'h, Vli with tha I'lS frojri'la 1 hanillx, wrra InfltiliMi' mal In Ihrlr Inrrraa in iriiiarlaon to thr Ion I arliool tut, wlilrh In orn Inatariica nm 10 Urn hihrrr than in 1I5, Sa llryan Virmf. "Tlila tnlk liy my ipntit that hy ahiilixhliiK Ihn rrxin 'parltii'rila ho run rAm mule tax'' 'HI wr rent In alwiilulcly vrmtK- Why, If ynn louli llm I'OoV nffxvrn, lh rmtllullonal r.fflina, lh attornry grneraCa offka, tli a flr rnarahal a nfTna, th auprrma I'otrt and every othiT ortV In lh rtatrhouaa, thin an'l threw I ha kwa awiiy, do you know bow tun. h It would ent alula laxei? , It wonl'l rulii'ia axpandlfurri Juat 2 ranta In anrh tax dollar. Xnw thoao nra ui tual flguraa tiaaad on appropri' llitm. "I'll tall you whara to find lh I. la coat of government. It 1 In tb nialiitfnaiico of our liiaana aiylutna, our nl'anlliiry, our tuharcular hoapllal, our normal chool, our unlvaralty, our road; th coat of our tttfila government completing the good road program Initiated hy tha damnrrata, tha new atuta houae, the (7,000,(100 voted hy the lat legfalatura for our aoldlor boy. Tha e,imt tit elate government hos Increaaed pro portionately during fha war with tlia coat of living of the average turn- "Whin peak prk-ea Ix-gan to fall la at winter, what did the aentsble famlllc do? Why, they derreaaed their rrverhand and cut rpnaea in proportion to tha decreaaa in Incoini.'. 91Z y la Leaa, 'What did our stale government do? "Kxa.aly th aairiH thing. The atute governinant'g levy for 1822 la one third Ii" than in 1921, a a reHult, of the uppcliil aeaaion and advantage taken through the budget of d cleaning price In Coat of alula living-. "I demand thut my opponent deny thi'e fart. The extraordinary in rreanea are from the three men tioned by me earlier. "Would my opponent deny the ol dior boy thlx $2,000,000 bonu voted by a republican ' leifllalature? Would my ojiponent crlticiae the road program outlined and made com pulaory for lx year by a democratic governor and legiatature which we complete thl year? Would my op ponent riincoutinue building a atate houre fitting aueb a atate a oura to take the place of the dilapidated fire trap we have at Lincoln today?" Mr. Hplllnmn likewlae took off hi glove In lifting the veil of deceit and buncombe from the statement of ""Rainmaker" Mrynn. "I followed him on the atump laat week at Kyta. une," Mr. Hplllman aald. "When ha learned I waa to follow htm, ha talki-d two hour, trying to lire hi nowdv before I began. In III apee. be be aal.l h hud been HNk ei t.r.w he would reduce our atate tuxe 20 ier lent, a ha promlne.) at ; I'nlk he cool. 1 do, "liHiik" Nay Npilliiiau. "'I'ln-re were two tblii b Mid h uuld mi. Una waa to ahollnh the 'fir a oltlce, the other to re. I i.tiic the atat automolille llcenaa tux j iiird now to tiiaititMin atat nd iiun' , ty ma. la, S per rent of which .i, to the county for loulnlainanca, ;u I, unit pill and almple, if yi.u , iiiHiliiilieil Ilia atate fir of '(, it wmiMn L le.lure atate (iixea a (c.i.t. Iwcauxi Ih.a ilepartliient la M.p ti,,i.-, ,y f- fiotn fir Inaiiiunce , i. .n.i.ii.lea Ipi are willing In pay for nil a ih'partnieiit In protect them f .HU infeaal(.iial firrbuga. "At for llir autoliit.bila bcrna Inl -, if you want lo nil it well n. ga,1 'Veil lo.i.l kei'ti tour loada up Any 'ina ill liilt 1 1. .it If oi ,im t.i ' all ft the I.IO IrO f.MOl IM1 .H.iI...imIi- a i.i-r Mho u the ro.i.ta, In (he irpit) Ilial a all right ll i tuy op nion f.irn.r.a winihl l.wr b) n. h a pun a ilnir aia l ii. iii au'iiiu. b 'ra im ih . i.m than i on Ilia farm ' 1 i H llai l.M rwi. IuImI f.r r pr ! 'KUIne. n -l VI- lUitiUII II It' put. l ien t .t) . He. ;m.UI . rl, t t otn ll.piiht i 'f In Alloa ly i iai k lm, H I..I if Tl.a ttahgrr ,1' II V a Mo ai it vmi I'l.imn .1 1 pr ii I i.hiiiiiib Mel Utah New VMut Mr IU. !i r. hi I Hi lit 4 . , a J.l'.li.f ba.) Wat . I ' j I l-ii I ' f ' in In i i -iii i . no l- ii I in i, tlwa ra lee. iM Ik t Prenldent Pardon Mother of It Serving Six Month' Jail Term Preparing for the -Visitor Mil Muakegon. M . li, I let. Anna Iloxer w at humi .. ttt j I riiimren w. main an '" .., ,) ((iM three month of a half ye "'"W violation of the l.ij.ior law par. loin. I ,y f'reaident lUrdng Mr, lunar' tilea In the lino, of Ier 11 month old bohy, who wan) to Jail with bar, and of Ih one expected '.ii, and whli b, had alia not been raleaaed, would have been born be bind I'm i, won the Iniereai of tha prealdelit. Notice of the roiiiulllon of Ih H-ntenr w received In a telegraphic oriler from Attorney tiener! Iiuugh eny, i'l'A As Members of Cabinet tc TakeStump l'reid'fit In l'artiriiiitiii in (loom iK lint I Not flan niriff, to Take Formal I'art in .ampaign. Wallace to Speak Here Waahiogton, "i t, 10. tlfy A. P.) Altboiigb.i'reideiit llur.lli.g la mak log no plan to take a peritonei part In the pollilcul rnmpalgn, virtually every no mber of hi irablnet, accord log to lteinent today, will take the atump between now and election day lo auk for the return of a repulllean aenate and houae. Kxlenalv frlpa ire in prom-t for aeveral mem t i of the prealdent'a official family, wboae apeerh making lour will cover nearly every aeclkin of the country, Kflort, It apl"ar, however, will ceilcr in the eaat, New Kngland and the iriiddle wet, but oine epeeche will be mad In other pari of fha ntlon, arcordtng to pre ent plan. The preeldenl friend may be aee ni nereaJty for going perwmally lo the country for an endoraement of the renubllcan almlultr(it.lon. Although he i participating in campaign coun clla, hi o:lat y, be i not likely either to make any partlaan aneeche or Inane any atatement aak Iiik for election of republican. Ill view are reported a coinciding with tboae of hi airly manager who are averae to the iawtiing of party ap peal from the White Jlouee. Cabinet Plane Trip. The cabinet, however, with the alngl exception of Secretary Mellon, la preparing to do It ehare mrougn peech makin In the fight for repub lican victory in November. Few of the department head have made fixed apeak In g engagement, but all have arranged lo be ttway from Waahlngton or in a polllon to elt the regiflar array of part peilblndera at the peak of the battle In lata October and the firat day of Noveml-er. Some date and tour have been ten tatively arranged and will lie an nodtfircd 11 wa said, a noon a ft complete proapect of the altuallon can be had from the party chieftain who will determine where cabinet ap-akera are moat needed. The otilv definite apeaklng date made no far by Hecrctnry Hughe at IJoaton, where be I to epeag ve- tobcr 30. In addition to a. full Il"t or candidate for houae oat, Henator Ixidge, the republican floor leader In the enate, and .chairnuin of the pow- rful foreign relation committee, I a caniiniiite ror re-emciioii nu u in be auptwaed that Mr. Hughe, In hi JloNlon addrea will touch upon the udmlnlatratlon' foreign pollcie. No atatement ha been forthcoming on that subject, however, In advance of the Htate department head actual entry Into the campaign. .. r'ew Ilale Fixed. Hecretiry Wf - li will precede Mr. Hughe In Maanachuaett. having ac cepted an Invitation to apeak In Boa- ton October 24. Attorney General Duuuherty ha definitely planned only two platform appearance during the campaign f'hlcago, October 20, and Canton, O,, October 21. It I aald, however, that undoubtedly the attorney general will make other peecbe with the prob- iTur te Fata Twe, Celame On,) I ia s r mil ml v. i I wSfi W T l Saw ; mm" a o a ; e i n Turkey Is K c ) o r led .Si-iiiJ-OffiiJJ ,'Iim' In I 'on tiiliiinilf Fay I'ltirl Miii'd IVolo col of .lli . i i if OMems wi in e Harding Names Commission for Probe of Coal Hearing Will Je Held Over Country Committee? Will Organize Within 10 Day. 'What'. Your. Today?" 1 What do you want a bet ter pomtion a more com fortable room a new home an butomobile? f Kveryboily ha ouie big want anil s lot of inuller onn on the aiitn. Vim want lo be mireaaful and rotn fortalile the two want are iiire, ? But you know what panic. ulr thing sr on yuur nt i ti il today and whatever your immediate want are a look through the "Want" Ad columni of The Omaha lice will help you satisfy them, The Want" Ail an ti.m (.f The Omaha He i a clear ing huuae of I tm want and (fer of Ihe, people of Omaha, f'tety day you'll find new r-pporlui.itif . get what )'u'v been look ing tt If what i.i want in't ad lertlted here, turn your wUbet Into a r.alily tail AT Untie f 'Mill ami aik f r "Want" Ad lak OrmiJia lit "Want" AJt Hint Htthr .-init a( t.enff C'oW Wsahirigton, Oct, 10. I'reeident Harding today announced the person nel of the commission which i au thorized by an act of congrea to mak n exbAUtlve Inveatlgatlon In botn the bituminous and anthracite coal field with ft view to recommending legislation designed to bring tranquil ity to the industry. John Hay Hammond of Washing ton, an internationally known mining engineer, heads the list. The other member ere, former Vice I'resldent Marshall, Judge Kamtiel Alschuler of hlcago, Clark Howell, editor of the Atlanta, ('". Constitution; fJeorge mi Bmlth, director of the United fltnte geological urrey; )r. YAnnxd JJevlne, New Vork city, and f'harte Nelll, manager of the biirf-au of Information of the southeastern railway. Karly Meeting K peeled. Tli commission ei ill meet In Wash ington within ten day for the pur pose of organ (zation, it was stated nt the White House. It I expected to hold hearings, both in thl city and in the variou coal field, and I re quired under the Korah-Wlntdow act to report to the president and con grea not later than next January 15, Thl report would dual with the bit uminous Industry, but a (separate re port of the anthracite committee would be required on or b'foro next July 15, Among other thing the c.tnimlKslon will in'iulre into will be the owner ship and title of mines, the prices of coal, organization end person con nected with the Induslry, both In pro duction and distribution, profit of producer and distributor for the last 10 year, bibor conditions, wage, wage contract, waste and Irregular production and Ihe cause of labor disturbance In the coal field. Plan lixhauslive Probe. Also the rommlssloii I to inquire Into and recommend regarding the standard, aitlon of the rnlne with the possible closing of those unable to maintain that standard, atandirdlHi (Ion of th coat of living nml living (Condition among miner and the ad ) vliil.ll;(y of leg,Mlatlon having to do j with government or private owner i ship, regulation and control. j The rotiimisalon is expected to ill V. ile itaelf into subcommittee which would f , m it in t iiiiulliieou uniuirli't In I he aeveral piuu-lpat cil flelda, sin h a lb central i ompeliiive d: tril l, Ilia iillthi-l'll llWtl'lil, the wet' em il strict and the anthracite ill Iru l. A fund of l?0u nun bin beef, appropi rtti-d fur tha tnul, m.iih la (.',uliel lo Ii" the Hi. ..I eh,niHve ever roiiilii.teil l.v anv of the (mlelnl go i ri.lliellt, 'f ll Conilll . Uolv era w,ll leiine .ilry of I? ,trti it year phi h, Congress FJayed hy W, J. Bryan 'tAvr Kewrvc JJonnl Ko V.oiunnnn hy iVolr-tJ J)-rn-orrat in Vrettumt .Sjirrrli, e Wtslpolnl, Neb,, (u t, 10. IHpecial.; .losing; hfa first day campaign In Nebraska hr bt night, W, J, Itryan condemned the member of the federal reserve bank nd declared that tby wre respnlt,l for the tumtMUm Into which tb nation wa plunged, and for in plight of the farmer. Not a wir4 of commendation of ill federal reserve board w expressed by Mr. Kryan, Keiator HUwa:M, third-tenn at ndlIate for the eenate, In bl speeches wer tb nun ha ld that be wa largely responsible for the creation of (be federal reserve board, and Mr. JJryan' w,1uitrm. comment wa regarded by many here a a sideswipe of the third term candi date, Mr. Hryan flayed tfliigrea for f,as- ing the tariff law, which bit ay will cost the public 1tween three end four Mlllon dollar a year, and also for re ducing the taxes on large Income, and eliminating the exces profit tx, Jn aiieaking of stale Issue Mr, Hryan condemned the code law, say mat it wa largely responsible for the high taxes of today, which be said have been Increased from $11,000,000 to 12,000,000 tinder the code yi,n, Charles Hryan wa nominated for governor because of hi record In Lincoln, aid Mr, liryan, "lie lias made a record of hi own, and wa not nominated because he Is my brotl r," (aid Mr, Kryan. Kdgar ilo ward, democratic nominee for congre In the Thlid district, siioke bere before Mr. I!ryan gave hi address.' Mr. Howard twik a hot shot at the KsrhCummln law, cbiirglng the biw wnth partial reaponslhlllly for the farmer' plight. Mr, Kryan, who fob lowed him. Joined in the contl,in- tion of the law and the audience cheered. It wa recalled by many of the lead ing democrat that Mr. Hiiclutoclc ws a supporter of the r,.'h furumln law, and It wa freely aald that Mr. Hitchcock will find out on election day that be la far from popular in this section i,t the stale, A feature of tonight' meeting wa that (he name of Woodrow Wilson waa not mentioned. Thl wa com. mented upon by tiemocrata aa another hot at Mi . Hlfrbeuck, who ha Isised hi claim for popularity on hi up. port of the former president. Fred Brown Trial Halted to Prolyl HighSeliool Girls Judge; JIi? Ttkr- h'srly A journmrnt to 'rreni Juviiil H-ariijf $s' litcioMs Tmlimoiiy, To prevent a bevy of young high school girl from hearliuV MimUU testimony In the Kred ',rown trial, llslrlct Judge l;slle awljourned court at 4:i yesterday afternoon Jut be for tli cm examination of Jean Jetikln reached a point not At tor juvenile ear to bear. Tb girl, about a dozen, occupiel wut near the front In tb crowded court' room and seemed much disap pointed when adjournment was taken. I'erson under age will not be 4 mltted VUy. J-n Jenklfi did not weaken under gruelling cros-exj initiation which lasted most of the afterrnsin, Mbe even grew sarcastic at times, When she wa asked by a. defense slfmey; "Jrown didn't bit. you with fb sap, did he'" h replied: "I wouldn't be bere now If b bad," When the law yer asked, "Did Hriwn go down Into the cellar, feet first?' she snapped; Certainly. I'o you think he went head first?" Hh said she I 20 year old nd ha lived all her life in Omaha. Kb wa married In March, 1921, and I di vorced. Her cross examination probably will be finished thl morning. Borah Calls lor 'Political Revolution' nslin ril lit.tirwiii Hale , re Ortlcrnl in Miiniri! j. rr.ii.nii civ, Mo, ts i in ii k I' II, lr ! its ll. ,.. ,i li atipt I liilrli.) enl, orip ia.1 a la pi i i i.l i !.. I u,i in rale im f ie I sliipu g bad and w i.. Iii nl li. iii une i I, -I . , by all a, fie I tbtmi. hi I aid iii.uiuiin i.aU'ri a i i-inii-wi es ituii, ill I;i.iiiI It.e lulu, Inn Will b j cull, etfi-iua i, oilier I) A'hoiI , I I'l , I'li.lnlH.I sic nCi'il' l I I'lagtH1 in Jii. ' limurrftlioii Hr-jxirtrd Ajfaiiiei (Jrsin luwn tltHt. tact. lWeious liprlalngs Nv ok uned In the north Cnm aaua and (leri-glavh districts, in . or. Ill, g to leheble lepoita leaihlng here. The iilithrniks Weie ..1,1 to ,e lieii rauaed by the lifiimil nf the pwi pli. of those tegloiis In p.iv l ha anuii I.U Til ll.hai ri. of the I hi nf :i.i In Ibe.H is ha i a refused to report for tb aunv Tie re la f between tha punl li epe.iioi,a s.-nt ,y War SI in la ier Triilsky and Ilia li.sui.nls, Jjit a. inpnrt a,iy ilmt the prnpla of the Tel el ,rm I. , cr Im Ip Jiiiiii ,a in 1111 i, Is, Meridian, Idaho, Oct. 19. I'nilel Htate Henator William U. liorah, re publican of Idaho, demanded "a politi cal revolution conducted at the ballot box," In the keynote speech of hie Idaho campaign here last night. He told an audience of too iwrson how tsms in every community, every state and the nation had leaa-d upward since lll.i and aascrted that Ihe alt uallon "la making bolshovlsts." He said that "a fight for fiscal r. Ilef I light for ihe American bome," Slid lllged llm necessity of Ihe people taking Into their own hnnda "the In iruinrntaliile of power In politic." The senator laid down this program ot relief; Add nothing to our present burden. Cut all government to al.aolut eg sen I la I, tiling bom every Amerban aoldier In Kurope, Jtcluca tb army t.i l'iti.000 men. Collect tb Inteiesl on Ih i.suonal Ui 14. liealor tb exi ess profil lx law, I'as a federal liihei lir.i t law, tiiv roiiiplei pul.liilty to Income tax atymeii. KstHbllali a I Hi l credit si stem based on agricultural 'nisiesis and dot liileteais. !niiirit I'liiii (.'niiiMioi Consi.iiil.iioplc, ill! 0 'flu. M'i' dal'.a i oiiv i' til , nit b-is I. .i n;ioif, 1 or'ln.a' In . ml off ie.,i nil, in eii b llg liefii I'ill l PI Ivdidoti, in I in ll'.y A, I' I Afir liiiioiroo Pi.y and lnl'iropioi,, (be woik of l,e Mii'l iii a innli iim rim bed a coie bid. og (ion. yes-fl Willi Ihe pi i P' l.i'it i''ll I'l li"l l'.il..l, Ida ol ii.liUlnl i (,is. oliilive, f,,( ai $ fitm,iii of (Ik (.rods d Huool lo by all the all is, h I. as trol, O"0 Mnl.t.(,loo d'-aii.b'd I' Would KH lo llirt Talk tb'ir a Iks w.IIiIii ii ila ' Tb" Kii.n iitioii, 4 ii.s,,o inj. iff H ,biiiK,s, if on hi.'", sbo,ig alroiiKly f "I ( run ll inflijeni on (be e,le ,,f lt,e K'foul lale, I "ft..! r it. Hie liri i k W.ll e,,c Kate , ,1.1,. ii'S w ,ih, n Vi itav nod (if.pleie Him tiiinnf.r (' Hi" Turk In an iiddlCoinil moiiHi, 'flu Tin k, all ivll adfoliibli'itlon will fob low l los.-ly on lb be. I of (tie ilr. fmiUliie 'leek, Ihe rol.r" If.iOsf. r being under Hie eopervieiou of ib allle'l roiasions and gll.ed foic.-a pro visiomilly S'luiifing Tbraye, ii.ri e ceeslilig S'VIU b.tlilllOll. Tile (HUH le r of 'I'mkiKli gndrm-rle In tb provlme during Hi" Interval I btl llll'lefioed (o the !, let ton o' III" Kernibais, subject Id allied sppiovel I'lsa) Neutral ',imr. 'I'h 'furs, on Ibe r a:d, undertake not (o place an army In Thrace im HI peae'ls ratified, while new Hell lr,l wmea will b delimited by fixed eoiimlssioti '. " , I'tnH 1'itnlm expr.-d I tin hope that bis government would approve tbo convention, end promised un an swer at 6 lb s evening, As (he titi'A. Uovrriiiiii'iil lias Instructed Its dele gate to sign the r.nveiit!oii If Hie Turk sign, llicie pi-fir gmel plo pe t of M peaceful sw-tlfefi, f(, leading IM gi t, end pe' conference, The Mulish cabinet m-t this after noon, hoping lo I" In posses-ion of tb" Angora government' enswer, but a (bl was not forthcoming, (be n:i!e Or dispersed, Tb"y kept, bowver. In close touch, so a to Im In rendi nea wben'lh r'fdy arrived, ten, Harlngton, in preenl,nc lb'; vinvti(Pn t lmet I'mmIm, de-lared Hist It was O'rest Hrlln' Isst word end refnlnded (be Turk of tbo ri on danger of provoking a confl'cl with Hrifaln, Rrllafn I Vrturr4. fieri, Harlngl'n expressed Hie be lief that tb Turk would sign, but added fhajt Oreat I'.rllaln wa pee. pared for any event. The protocol give no time limit, for withdrawal of the Turkish force from (be ti'-n-(ral none; It eimply say "with all pos sible speed," Hul, If (bey li?n th pro. tisol, the Turk undertake (o respect the neutral 7me until willed occupa tion cease, There is at id no word that Ih Turkish forces In these cone have attempted lo execute H, or- dT of withdrawal, euld to have ben glvi-fl by Wusiipba. K etna I. Mhould the Turk sign lb proto col, there will still remain the d f flclilt question of (he peace rotifer enc and parti'ilrly the nest ion of whether the Hussion and Hln'k se.i. stale will participate In II, The so vlet refusal lo ratify Ihe Krassin Cr'iuhart agreement I generally con idered a an attempt to bring prea sure lo b'-ar on 'rent Hrifaln In tin matter, (.'liicairo Hoard if Tra1f U ill 'IVl N.-W Irrain Ai l Chicago, fat, 10, filreclor of (be Chicago last rd of trade voted tbi eve nlng to t'-st the constitutionality of the gram trade act Which vest In tb eecretaiy of Agriculture 'be powr to leguifite (be deiilu.g lu futures de liveries of grain, The law lo be ('! d wa re-eiilly enacted by congress, to Income effc.-. live .Vovmiier I. and was intended to replace a former law declared uncoil si, I. Hi,, mil hy H,e I'ri'l.'d Ht:.lf so proie court. Action iik.iImsI the mk Vloiia law whs not t . . I. . 1 1 hy the IimI of trade but by Imlivliliinl i..ii.,i,.os In ths supreme court' decision ii to lb former int. Chief .luetic fa f! said the suit alum), I h u e hi . u fli. , by the hour. I Itself, and s.n h a i mi e i lielllg followed III the ,mel,t r.i-e What W.JJl.litnllu Think of Hitchcock INI l V il ll ....t.h Ih S. pi tip, .laiMiiiaa i let II lli-l It.e-k.d IV t it M(. Iieapip.r bi. slals tll-t!,l IS i-i . IH l.'Vl't ,ik,.h -. in can hai.t I" I'n. Ii it I I T. V i shun lli i. sit l . , - I.,,, ,- .11.. i tM .le. On lbs rdllmUl pita ih lb Ouisb lire pilnls' si. nral art t id J llf(M Ui wbuh be review and aViiHiiiHrt I ha isrwtal of Wee) ale llilibiiak. tha aeiisl.'a mi lMiailM.ii wioiisn siiltiass, was u eH et Ilia lepnir Murrest an) bt nmttnium aeii WtH slierl tr.i.t Ika are Ihe Ihne a,iMl f alias k I', a I his inhlf w w 1111 ive Irsra tH-.ia V J III as huHMr let ma Hllilt li I et r I nor n Hie ItHibnak Ikkel !) I lad I d bt I tin an . i ilipik. i. ll.l, li k Hi lltt'lli IS l4 Stfi l Mit(ht Cnfiiili ic,l: Title Now W iili t;-ilili In in NrW Voik, O.I 10 Til ftuhh bein rtei-l roipi,nit n.ii ,.ii, ,(,, ,,f Ilia ,, H I WUlllhl Kin I I iilllli.liV ; ! ' finally roinpletrd lint v j The ileal was foimally . I a. I ., . i.s j lleihb belli board of itreilm l, j fineiii.iin, nd On etui i.i.oii i, l., .!...l I I ..Ii. ...I. L I lll t. d' l, vein I :i -i -H n., ,.r V If.. ..,M (Hh. t. all ,., igiiiuing a im Hsu siMinsi vi. I . .... . i, i . . , ! mill, It Wa aniiomii r t bt ln.,ii VI. sink, aciHiliblig u rH.t real lid ,. ,. ... .. .. itrn.iiy on , ii it i.,urie t I i f and lb I i.l. lie Mk t am,) liilhsiln liiiiiie mi Ida f.. i l:ir of llm friendly I, as .-hi Im ilelui I, mil. is ie,4i Kh.ila ii.t.k tt.ii lii. lilili ia s.,i, 1. 1 . i, ii. siilMUxg I. I'riiiifsli4 fnr.ta n Ih ih.Hi. t ,.f U.r .a. , ., .1 ,, , I Ii IH.i.i.A I U IMIMII (.Urn fiiir fur Mriii.aiii Viitu lliiutt; I win. 1 1 Is I ii, nf l'i 3f 1 ivi.iosit a, "''..I i l. . I lris iin.M nit .!,,. i.f .1, s.ilii, ,', l n I . r I nl , . a a I m I i I Is . a. . , . -,i , ( ii . ! ' -" ' lit I. I i tv, M., . ,l,, uK . I.l..lll.ll. The Wcitlier A ..ex . I tv , In. . t f .,, ,. I I -.1. , ll.inilv 1 nnii l il in, Aei Ulpa. tr. a H. I ' i e a. I ills i a a. I I e m. ,i aa. 1 1 t . . e a a a a- s II a m lea. si 1 1 a at a a a . Iluli-I Iwtsilat. '-