The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 10, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    mi; omaiia i:i;k; ui;m.av, o:roi,.;i: ju. vr::.
mw immiu issue
Announml Iv
U. S. Treasurer
Half Million in Semritim In
iliuln in Plan for Hrfiind
i rip; Obligation Maturing
in ,et Mnf .Month.
17 i.muton WIMOV
Wmthlriftiiii, ( (, t - Hwretiry of
Treury Mell'm yinliiy nr,oiild
ih lnoimir.! of l.'.rmo'ifi.OO'i, Ian
teim bond lu, th firl lin the
nr, It l"lh purr of th govern,
menf i iiImh for refuhdlna' ibrl
I'.alely 4,iiiii.(i',ni,f i,f ireaaury
Lii'loti fitfti'jrifis In the. rut nine
li'onl h,
Mi offeilifc- I of 4 14 per cant
treuaiiry Uui'l of Mil hi, fu'l tit
f run imatfly I ;,fifi, oun,oA hut th
lelary of lb ireaaury ruerve th
IkII In allot additional bond, lo th
eiienl Hull 4 J 4 lr cent Victory
nolea or treiianry certificate niff'ir
lfK .iiMfmliff Ift er lenfW'd In pay-1
Th bond will dnieil u.iol,cr M,
Vti'i, with liilrreaf fi inn that dit t
ll.e rn'e. f 4 I 4 it i rut, payable
April II and Oif"!!- 14, 'li yar.
Tl l,uri mil mature la-tnlier It,
Mht, but limy b icibieiiieil t th op
tion of Dim lulled Mute mi inn after
fetober It, 1947, In whole or In nrt,
f mi ttfi'l accrued lnlret, mi any
lriirt d.iy r 'In yn, mi four month'
t)n nt rr'li'liipllnn,
fllffcrrnt lleniimliialloiie.
Ktwrer leunle Willi lutrt coupona
fcMHi'lii'il will Imi lud In iliii'iiiiliiif
tiiiim of II 'Mi, H.vio, I J 00. n.'nM) and
HI.O'll, l"l(1 rCKlKllTOll mi to pllll-
npitl nd liiiiful will liid In tin
foiulnatlon nt II in;, .'.;, 1 1, ''",
i;..oijii, (;,oini, r,n,ooi) and $ioo,oy.
Within the lllnlllilll ll lll lb IlliOUlit
of Hi iifti'riim, piillfMlluim ftoiit
milwrrH.'-r f'r ii ftrtM.iit.t nt imiiA
nut ii M'.ilnn $lo,'Ki will i llnlil In
full. A i.pli.-i.i U.iiM for kfiMiiiiiU m
in tit Ijin.'inii Hill ii rni mi-i-ri
to nlloiiiiiTiit, Th tight In rr
rv'1 l'i ri lfi't ny mih!fl)itlini for
mi Hiiniiiiit li vivrtm nt llO.'.iim, i i'i
O nllot txn t tin ii Him miioimt ut !ikI for iiiiiI t'i (low th nl.'i'li'
lioim nt. miy Unix wlllioul. notli'c
l ICrfllllfllllK IMIIC.
"Thin l it rf-fiin'llnif Imhi'," ll
.i;'tiy Mf linn In III IfltT t'l
Atiiirli'iin l.niiUi'1-, milciilliiK fur Hup.
l.ort of Urn lufuc, "mi'I It iiffnrilM a
t u. rt i.'ii In 1 1 - fiivorahhl npiHit't unity t
hulilrr i.f 4' lrr crnt Vlntory ii(.t'
10 nrqulr" IohkIIiihi (rovuriimnnt
IkiiiiI on nftmoUvt tcrnM lit il; tit
Vl'iiory rioti", whlrh will timtur or
M rnlrrnifd within th lirt fw
inonth. .
"1 iii, lhfir, dili'Mlriif till lrt
rr lo tho hemlK of ll ImnklnK limlltii
tlonn In th ininlry, nl kln you
in provht vry poMlhl fmlllty for
Inverting In th ri'w tmiirt. I hope
Ihit you villi iiIko nwk , ipix-lnl rt
fort, to bring th offering In rtig t
lunllon of your cuniwri, Int-gn ni)
Racer Hurt in Motorbike I .Nebraska Com
Crash Shows Improvement! ,,frrs,.lf III (IrKlh ( f fl)M W h(l
'nff.i.,1 th.ii- llvrf '. tl' gllnr 4f 1
liii'iiiu mi'I M'ogrra. i
; Ann? .'flint hri r lnminl I hut ,
! Mm Um'IIii f.f ?.'! nil't !
Kamlit Tliouj:lit
to Be Murderer
Mother Wanted Son to
Quit Kacfng (Jamc--Chum
May Leave
Jilrt rti'l. 27, niotorcyri ror,
win. k rrliKnlly li)Jur. Hurnliy
(.fuinoon In rm'h on AU lii
Ir.irk, ihwM fclrtrI Improvenieril In
Ni.holii Hnti horpligl -firr'liiy
Allriiilng jroni n.t )
tarmlnH Hi talent if liln Jut-nidi
InJurlK, if any, hut all lnll''iHlona
y'.r'ly moriilng w "ry fmor
all," iha;- iii1,
Mr; (', K, Knilili, Ii5? Imveiipnf t
Ufi, mother f)f MynanJ Cnil'ii,
lai'lng purtner ft loe.t'i mi'I Into
vhoe- ninlori'yi la ll'' )i'a mm hln
rrlii whrn It kfrtl at lha turn,
'ai1 ) .fitrilii v morning ahe ha en
trying to gt hr aon lo null iha rn'''
Ing gmi
"Ha hn bn In II a r, ' ah
HniMh, howavrr, l hi work In I hi
ehlrt furtniy tit the M, V.. UniUh K
I'ii, plajil, ii'lici'l h I un'l"i'l'l i
Whether lo a'op K''lng.
"If llnhoit iloean't 'r'lina Ihiongli,'
Iheri I'm Ihroiifh with raring," hn
!! ymteriluv morning,
HiuHU aa v1ihly hearlene'l by lh
word that III friend aeemed better
yertenlay morning.
Hue'k live at 29143 Mouth Thirty'
third aireef, Ii wwa pruitl'lng for
i ha tnotiirryU enhlhltloii whh'h la to
I given at AH Hur-ISeii fleM net
H.itunlny when hla roinlng tnount
akhbt'id on th turn mid thiw hint,
email, fur I fa the ti'wury' rlealr '
lo ae''Ur th wlileat pooalhle illalrlbu-
tlon of Hi" Doii'la among invi-atom,
I'ulillr lleht lU-duied.
in Scilciiilicr
Kali'iiMi! for Ui'tnlii r I ,sIhih
Hi. Iih lion i.f !3.mmi.oih
i:i..,. l- -Oili. r I'ih-I- ;
Fixed CoiideiiMT
iNeeded in Radio
m iiiuiit,'ii n, i " i. ''
It ei'.lf. I ! lo" In pi
lite piwl'ii lion (Imliig C' t-i.1.t I , bii'.
Hi huitl will I lingir ih'iii 1 "
i r..,,. i ii,r A;iirgj Uill MnIh
I'.iilt. iioii '
Siymali Mmli
tkt-ia liml yenr M -i pt In tha riie of '
ioi'i, bin Itw lint, augur lHa ami J
"I,'- nt llm i.K'oll-il llili,, In Dih
I' lniiln. , iii,I" lai'Uif rf'-eitlug a't I the fivO
I'l'Mlinliini f eiloi,ii. iiihI "'''' ',.,,,,'lMmer. Tha fonibliaer ahili.l"!
i' pi'o'lii' 'I"", fiiiiioili" i 'i o" the I if
nirliiim "f tgi Irulliire, liuvii rt
l"ilji'iiili, Ii roi,i!,tl.'J Willi ll lll'.lilil
ego, ' of i'.''Hi.iiini himlii It if oiiln,
:l,(iiili.iii'i liimh'l of lorn, H,'i'l',ni"
hiiah.l of 'rliig wheiii, il,llili,'i'ii
hiinh'l of pinnule, fc.nn'i.iili'l Imaliel
oi will'" pol'iiiwe. y dun, 'mi; .n.lil of
ip.,el polling ii ml ;.','i'i,iw l'lih'l i()1k, ,ir i,f,.,( rim,t.;
of ai'pli'i. IIk i" hi in iinif, how i
'.ir, l'i Hi" tiinthni of i;liaro, I
in in a i In, ii h pin, tin fi'H.'i taki-a
Ilia w.ik .Iii Iik inipul' and !ni
Ih'iii UP. Afler I (ley a' fully rharged
If dlm'hai g' R I hem In a mora aven
Itiuniirl- In Ihe f'lrphoi.e r''vHi
whlrh will lm ri-ace lha algnal audi
hlllty, 'I'heae iolril ai peediel I')
Mini'il nil
(,! Nilit liiika l.ikr
Spifki-n l)rr.
A holdup limn, aunllar In il.i,p
l,nn lo tint tluer of i 'hm lev I'. Xeif
kn and hi ton. Il'.letl, at llm Mrhn
lua I'll aiMlioii at Tlilrt) -eight h auu
mil Karnnni tie.i, xundiiy nlghl,
held up (ha Milioliie oil aiatlon at
K rhtnnlh and I'nea tiei.
Tttg Nunlil iid' red Joim a lli,le,
1124 fuming atrevl, an aipplote, t
lia on Ih ll'B.r while ha n,l,l1 Hi
ll reiurter I.f lif'.
"If iii u uiov nr I, like a tioi I
will k.ll jiij." aild lh biindlt who
wor a while h indk'-r' lil.f "ro li!a
f,i'0 lie n iimeli.
EC tvbl
1lil Hi liighwyinn wmVed.
(,ur ileuilii. Si.'4 I' a'reel, an
other employe, ta oulalde of Ih
tation, a'ing oil to veril motor.
Th lio'diiii nifii aiipped mil f I hi
ml al'itioti following lha hul.l jp and
inn iIomii no all,v.
Vl iniidii Kiilrr Third n k in
Jail for Not Sf'i'ir l'rra
Tacoma, Mah,, Hit, .-Mr J'
im'ina IIjmii tin a luguii hi-r Ihlid
wrK In Ihe rity J.ol, wheia l,e wa
pla' i d Hrpteinber ii wlu u aha re
fu.ed in algn reitaln paper, a or
dtred by Superior Jil'lg K, l. I'ard.1
(hut would iff'-t a propiiv iliiilhU'
Hon between heraelf and her fninit'
huahand, fiom whom ah wua ill tui tail ,
In Jul), i
Vet. Njnn g'i n algn IikImj' Ihall
ha inlHiivliil'l ft ( harige of n'lml,
Judga l aid e aha will ir-' iipv a j
ell until ah lgt.a lh t'Pr' " i
lha Julf atiemlani aia arranging for !
l,r lo inak a l"ig em''- i
I M. ii mi M.ioiiehini
Killnl lay WAwt Offii-ira
Vlpniio, li'd. IK'I. .-J'
Ii'i,. a Teiiiie,eaii who erted f
Ihe wmld wai, hru.igbl h: gun won
h!m when Im leienllv fiio!"l III !'
I nll'l Hlau a-l.n! t
alpnrril'O unHiIM.
etitttiflay night he .,t n'
iri'MUiehlii luinpig'', drot hi '!
fimti their and then i l'1
evilxKly wilhln emmd of I"
that ha wmild kl'l Ih fir" ? I
who i am within tang".
I'l.tlremeii J' roine Krakea n l
I'.m hind Kahti g ieaiii.!'d lo mil a i.i
when ihey wppiiiml W illiam opeicl
flie, hilling hoth iilflm. 1he
ltri.l (m l l ulled for ae!n'i' '!
a aji;iid of khih auiimmdeiJ V
I an a hoii'i , W h' n hn appeared a'.
Ih window, on of 'ha nftl.eia ghot
him ihrough ih iieik, killing Mm
Ii idiiily,
Imt llit' b'ie k rHr Ihb.ka rt
;rM,n' I'ii'irlef :i)n l'i t'tilay
editorial (,
leit i.tM.ioi e'i'
"i hmlA i ,1,1,,, r tim. U l'i n lltl'li ar.,1
Imiliy, Imi In h' 111, l)n mid l.illlif. I ; wi, h. ,,i.
.Vemaaka'a 'oni noli eiKfi ied ino.1.; ' ' ""l'r ' ""li Od'H,
JL in
im-l, w,,l.
ttii i,f iinf'.ii ' in H M 'M ! I
p 11,1 'i 0 p. r '
vi, .leu i,f rmfa in.h ;it and j
I Hi"it,
't 't "ini r in i drill lour b 'l ln Ii
hole In llm bard rubber l,e, a
liowu lu f.gur 1, Now I'ika Ilia Iln-1
Ibihiil llm h, wbo wan r.lllnilly
Injured mnnlay af U Hnr lien Iraelt
lieu Ihe imdnrryili' I e i rm 'ii''
"I blnk ymi will b Inierratad In i,die( at (lie I urn and ira.lnil Into
Ihla Roiiiieetloii to kiiiw w biU bug ! I ttuiher Mug ilrlt en by hla i hiini,
r.aily ben a'compllahwl In file re- ..u,f(i aunllh. ehown wild Ihe m...
i aliow Ing ii I'dui Hon "f uliout Kl.mi",
iiii'l bualiela from l molilli HU", 'h
irilii'llon In lllliioi wa (.In. ul I',','
mm, 'I'm limh'ii, in Mieaoml 7,imu,"'w
bunh'-lrt and l.aiiK i 1 ,"oc,(iO I,iji. la,
The riiii'lllloii on iniober I liml Ih'i
r..i',..i,.i t,t i,i'.(ii,'tlij,ii of i.rliii'lniil
urodurlng rliil'-a w.-r' ed aa I ""'' "m1 ' """ I"""'1' ""'"
f Hoy :
i ... o i -1,1,. ' i, mI ri.':i 'i n, IihIiiiiiii,
a'' aiiiI I If. ;mi,nii'i, I'llii'.i., f'l ni'l DIM
3 ,1 'n;'; liirii"iii.irf, n fi"l U, Hi tt'ii',
i.,i, in! i,ii I III, i'ii. ""'i: ,irnil. 'J niiil
ia,i;i a,.u'ii ('.(in., i i.inl Ma , urn -m
i; Ui i.f n h, 1,1 mni i,i),K, vim; Kali",
.1) an.) I ,'''",
I-.,' i "--: Mailie. If. mi l SI 4 1 4 .. J V
V'.lW, 1" mi'I 3" V7" 'in''; I' lilitt.lVHlilli, l
I,, :,,!, in,!,; MIl'lllK'Hl, " lli l, ii"!..
Ii,'l; Wl"i'il'l, "'l '.','11. '"''I, l:'l-
i.n..l, l'i. m,'l ;."1,'i'i'l
Try it
Heinz Spaghetti tastes
good. It is good for you.
It is convenient ready
cooked, ready to heat
and serve. It is eco
nomical. Your grocer
has a fresh supply of it.
Ready cooked in to
mato sauce with cheese,
Rtady rKW, raiV f nrw
funding of lh ahort duled debt, and
what ailll renuilna to be done, tin
April JO, 1921, when the tr.-amny flret
iiiinouii'ied Ha refiitidlng progtMni, I hi
groin public d"l,i, on lii baala of ibilly
ireaaury aialemenla, anioiinled "to
iihoiif K4,l;Oi;,ijno,oiiO of whlrh mr
7,500,iii)i),OM win inn Hiring w ithin
r.bmit Iwo year.
"(;n Heptembir ', JOSS, ihe toliil I
Kroaa debt oi llm aiin ha la alood at
nlwiut 2Z,kuil,0iitl,0i;Q, and of llm early
loaf wring debt, nlnut 4,ii0i;,fili'i,i)'ifi,
Lad already bean rl)rel or refunded,
chiefly Inlo ahnrt firm Ireaaury nofea
Willi maturltlna apreud over tl' iteKt
four flaral ytJia, Ther will f ill due
tlil f)"iil yitr, about J,10fi,iiMt,ufi'j of
treaaury cerllflonte of Indebtednc,
nbfiut 2f,,00,'Mi') mafurlfy vilini of
wnr aiivlng feitlfl'la of th aeilea
r-f 19l, and about f l,00,nuo,ooo r-f
Victory nofea,
I'aynien' Thla Vegr,
"Of th frnaiiry tertlflrata, anout
MI.OOO.WO rpreent I'lttnuin get, cef
llflcate whh'h will b retired thia
5ar through tha reeolnnga of allver
bullion, Willi itmiit 1100,000,000 of
lan crtlflet mnturlnif on October
Jt), IU22, will b paid out of fund ul
ready In band,
"Th rtli'(rorit. of tbea oerllni'fatea
will leiiv only tag eeitlllcatoa .nit
aiandlng, and If, will in any evaut
eontlnii to b dertrnble with Incomo
and profit tax payrienta a Inrg a
th'iy are, foi th treasury to have
outatandlng at lat l,000,000,t)fid of
lag rertlflcalea In arnotjnta and wllh
maturltlei conforming to th quarter
ly la paymer.ig, Thla (orreapondinir
ly reduce tli amount of nrfeary re
funding Into other aerurltlea,"
I ony lie.
.School ,Nll;criic(i'i
of .Salini' (.'oiuily Oruunii
Weatern, ,'ieb,, (lit. S Hf rinl,
At ihn liivliiill'in of ii, W, lildrth,
rlty up"rinli fidi'iit of ,irliool of
Wealern, the i-liy aup' rlnli'iiilenla and
loiinly auierUil.einlciif of Hull tie coun
ty met here und p' l f'.rted fin oi gdiil
xii I Ion, !' 1 1 ii iv I im II, leiii of
Friend, prealib'nt; II. W, lllhli'elli of
Wealern, vice prtald"iif ; I,, S, (oiichiil
of WUher, '' iiitiii y tri naiin-r; und C
H, ell lit Crete, dlrcrtor of achonl
Viirll'ii edii'iilloniil loplra wild dla
cuaed find much vuluihle InforuiHtlon
obtfilned, Arriiiigefiiiniig wre midi
to hold Ihe finiiilKl county biiaket ball
tourniiniciit Kebi limy i'l and 2.1,
and n, provialou wna nlmi rniidn for
holding comity declinnuloiy nnd de
bating ronlrala, and coutity t-nhlblt of
achool work In coniiecllim Willi a
county ailllug ronleat during the
year, ! If, Velio wg lnatruct'id to
confer with Tiouun colleg to ae what
nrraiigemeiiU could be ininln to hold
county InteiKcholiiatlc conlnala lit con
nection wllh tho annual eoimly truck
lo Ink Hift b,ml,ng poet lino hill"
ei i'-vte, iilloWiig u In ut on flftennlli
of (ill Jfi'ii III the end. Jlulld (-op.
denaer up In thla faahlnn. Tat; the j
two bliidliu poat loin hiiin ai rcwaand i
mount (In in In tlm baa aa ahown. j
Mb a and Tinfoil. j
T'ikn ii piece of mira ahaetlng and I
(ilme t fbice fourth of an Inch from J
I'he preliminary i iiinil of pio i either end. Now l.ik a nec of till-I
il'icflon of ni'i log win-lit by principal full, pulng muchlna gcrew through
producing liit,a follnwa: .Vllinieaolii, J t, ,n on the right. Now tnka n
ii,7HZ,iliili; North Hiikola, 1 1 i.iM.WH; .oilier piece of mlcii. ahci-llng, placing
Moiiih Imkolii, 3'',2,'i'i; Moiitiina, ii d'rcclly otcr tlm precil ng one, I
fl2,,''i.'i,'i0'i; Vnlilngl"ii, lil,r.;,2,iiil, ; Then Ink" plec of tlufoll and lilac '
It orl'i' Ihe miichln arrew on fba left ,
end and follow the, operation until
oii l,n t need llm ecveu hla of I
t!nf,.!l nnd rnlca nheelltti. I
I iiwL in Mini' V.rLr v"" 1,1,1 i,y ,'':""",""-"t
JiUIKIS 111 11 1 UIK'll.i.t you have allernfited Ih tlrifod
jlti)i itfiidi flnie. Von will tta-n ligvo
ilhren alrla of llnfol) eonnecled with
I.illiail (i a I 1 i II Colllih'tl' lha b'ndlng poat on the left aid and
,r . I ,.. . ! four mi ihe right, and will end by
j i riji i itMvUll( K ,(ll. f ,;, on top of the
limt, tinfoil atrip. Now tiik lha cover
I h ml drill two bnlia to tak binding
poat iimchln. icrew, and gHimble tin
r,oU Star (;irf
hy Air Mail.
New York. Oct, ,Mlllftll Oatlln,
gfild to bo lha flrat woman to croea
Ihn cnnllni-nt by filrpliilne, landed
Inat evening lit thn t'nlted Htateg
nlr mull 'ivi aiiiilon at. (,'urll
field, Mliienli, completing lha flight j
from Hun r'rnn'l" Hi tho flying tiny
of 27 hour arid 11 minute, Hh l"fl
fiiiii frnnii.'!, on October IS.
Mia fiiilllu, who la tho fun of
tho Nailnhicl Aaamiiilloii of Avlnlloft
Hold Htiir Mother, nrrlvd aa
"apecini delivery" packng In on of
lh Inlled HI ale ttt of fleet J'a
Hnvlliind tigiHplauea, Th trip wag
tiiiderlrtkmi by Allaa Uatlln fur lha
luiriioao of frenllng Inlereat in her
inoveni'int fo hnvo lha government t
apart. Mnrdi 2, every ymir, tu com-
ahown In f guru 3. Tighten up on the
b'ndlng poala mi na lo comprea the
tinfoil and mica aheetlng, thereby In
1'iea.alng th efficiency bf th eoti-ilnaef.
J-'iral I. C. Kiigiin-rr Dir.
VVtetlrrf, 1i Oct, 9, Thoma W.
l tw:e, who In lf7 held Ih throtH of
Ihe emtlne pulling the flrat pnger
com h on th llllnol i.'enital railroad,
then known a th Jiuhuque Klou
I'lty railway, wet of Duhu'iu, and
litter for M year maaler mechanic, of
lh. Jlllnnla d-ntml ahop In Waterloo,
(lied here field;'.
Jla wa ! yen i old. The widow
and, four aon wurvlv.
Morgan Surcwila Minor
a LanraMfr (lounty (llerk
Llneoln, Oct. .J. B. Morgan, de
puty elnrk of Iancaater county, waa
appointed county clerk her by Ih
board of county eotnmlloner, to fill
lh vacancy cauaed by ih rt'-alh of ;
County Clerk Waller L, Minor Salur- j
day. i
Th appointment an mude In ac- (
rnrdane with a lat wiah of Mr,
Minor. At a meeting of th county re
publican commute tomorrow, th
nam of a republican candidal f"r
h offlc will b atipplled for the ,
Parents' Problems
"What ahould parent do when
pueat In th houae offei' th children I
aniall aunia of Money?
Local riiHtom I the uanal guld In .
inch a matter aa thla. In Knglaml
fur inaliince, vieltora almoul inmti i
ably niaK preaem of i.i,ill mini of
money 10 Ilia chlliiren of lh rum.,
hold In aotne prta of America thin i
la done; In mher nol. Ther Would j
seem In be no rl r;ion agiiimn
iich tifta.-lli reaaon for them i
Ihet gnet wleh lu give the ehllilieii
lillle preient and do not know it
wind wuiild b mot a.'- eptittil. ; git nut
tuoiiev i but another ' 'f klng i
the children to rh Iheir own tft. ,
A ttrdf!h taught In Ibiwallan'
water hd attained lh rniark:ibl
weight of 1 "J tui'd..
jl Omaha Chicago
Daily Passenger Trains
I Oiwa .in c
l'hitaa rapr . . . TiSS vtm UulO a.n.
AtUitiiw I aprai , . . WMn. T.OOa.m.
ChUtu fecial "Nea, , M.iHI im. TiJf avaea.
aAiigliUmilit.i' . Ufcm. Ikfltl avtev
tvUmllimitlri . . TiafM, 4H avm.
W atit4tMt, UanMoal 'K1 am, 1 1 AMI u.
CuetliiMiilaJ UmittaU , , H.JO . a.AS vm,
tw, H a (kiai C t k i a4 w I-, Cw
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Tho Bat of Everything
Raturaltatttto UMlt Altrtit(
" t.ewlMw fwAi't kaa ,ltJtJ 4 atyi4J a
ll-. ,b, ti CMtu4 K0l4ile4
(Tlaihw V44) lMI i we reNr4 V-
There Was a Big Rush for Our Big Values in
Silk Remnants
Come in Tuesday and examine the thousands of yards of Silk Remnanta
in every weave and color suitable for dresses, wraps, suits, blouses, linings,
combination dresses and skirt patterns. Y2 to 7 Yard Lengths.
Over 100 Dress Patterns in Black Silk
That many more of brown, mostly in crepe weaves.
Widths vary from 30 inches to 42 Inches. Included are:
Cantons Satin Cantons Crepe Meteor
Crepe de Chine Charmeuse Taffeta Pongee
Velveteen Pussy Willows Georgette
The Velvet Section will have on tale a number of dren patterns
' in black chiffon velvet.
.N o O. li.'n or Phone Ordcrg
.'(Tfl) ,. " - Ve
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CKif t ff fH CM Clxk
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Main F!oort'cntcr
tut i Miiwir.
ii i iav nut
85 cent Bottle FREE
i . , , i g . i 'at 'ft!
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TuesdayUnusual Sale of
BlackChiffon 95
Velvet VXr -Yard
This 40-inch Dress Velvet lias been selling for 4.95 in
our Velvet Section. Wo. feature it, i! i liis .fin 1 )nY; for two
d?ty,M only. It is a f-plcndid lisle backed idiiffon velvet in a
deeji r'wU Idack wJ)o,( JnMrous beauty may be einjiloed with
felling prune, in tbe jiew draped niodcM,
Phom and Mail Order $ Accepted Up to Wednetday
Canton Crepes at 3.50
That smooth, even weave which runs free from im
perfections t be kind it is a delight to Few on and make up
into a fascinating frock. Kvery hue and shade imaginable for
street, afternoon or evening wear. M) wide. This U n
quality of Canton that sells the year round at regular pricc.
Priced Per Yard 3.50'
Mala Tlqpr Center
Let Your Gloves Be Gauntlets i
-And to complete your fall costume choose a
pair of these smart new styles made of imported
eapeskin with pique seams ami adjustable "writ
straps. fn brown and tan with two-toned em- t
broidered backs. Sizes 5 to VU.
Per Pair 2.50
Main rioor Narth '
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Tuesday Prices on Notions-
Werren' Llngeri Tip 3ard
boll H
Rubberlied Kitchen Aarena
Klelnert'a Dm thlelda Slni t, 3. 4, 1Q.
per pair
Velvet Orip Elaetle and Clath Olrdlea With
front and baric atari and four wpport- 1 orj
er, eacrf
Fiultleia Bui tie -Jrd boll a, ilz'i in
i to 8 At
Imp Faiteneri Rut proof, 3 eril
for ,......,.
Red t-Trim Novelty Binding It trims a Ifl,
j tv
Ocean Pearl uttem card
Singer Machine Oil,
il binds, bolt
Klng'i 3Cerd tewing Thread IVuen
pool , ,
Stocking Feet Dlarlt or white, jr
pair ,
Star Pinti Hanger
Bui Skirt Facing Illirk or whiie,
Pin Cubea ii plm to the rub
J. 4 P, Coil Mrcrlxd Darning Cotn JQ
Mfreerli-id Riek Rack All colon, pr
bolt 1UC
Nilid Sinitary Aprona rienh or whit, OA
each , t)yt
Mignitic Hair Wiver HI to th card, jn.
Birbour'a Linen Thread
Spool ,,X
Paper Shopping Bagi
Km h
Hickory Sanitary Bella
for ,
Footferm Stocking Oarnera
Hair Pin Cabinete
Verieriied tewing Thread inn yBrd
flxiol, all color
Main Fleer South
p1 1' "" '....ll.HL iue igm:I---rT--qp,., , , ,.. rrrrr . .- , -"1'.-, , -
Have Your Favorite Pictures Enlarged
Wviun tniir iiciiaim s Tiiriht, ami v will
MAkf rularyfil piiiif, jun .t , to 7x11,
fpAM "ny " -C V"
25c Each.
Join the Automobile Club Today
If JiM M tu iit (r lit l -fcr. .,, i.i i-ai.iialli.H tl , u (.. rt..n f l.iuloi
lii cnliiiima i,i (imal.i. Tlre ! opt ration in lie inaller nf g.e., romli ih I rf,n
rei!atioi i an iuijk.i lai.l Jii.i In n,i I ,g ibem r ( 1 - t r r tu.pain fir ir
inrmliera flig i n imaiia an t (.iiii on i.f t,W g.i.,
s(llil !( I''ll a li i III I It r Imi In' " t ll t..,d l.t ( ,... ,g ,, . ( 1
femmia Mar - ar ly Amt-sxa Mui.b A H.m. M j h liin! t . a Ii a n- g
ha wt-rVera a ti vit,,, w iis ll. car til lii iin-n i , c. p. imo f ettj.
to e lit Iboaha a I ii itHta rr.
.Mi..h : &. 4ffjgM aMSkHBSP . , , ... m
1H UK l. WAN I Al)3 -TUl. liUI.Nti RKt U S,
. , nai. saai JL iaW '! a. ii
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