THE OMAli. T.l.t,. MONDAY, OCTOW.R !. 1H22. The Morning Bee MORNING EVENING SUNDAY tut ate ruouMHNG tour any NfcMON I. UtrlkK. faUialwr, U, WHtll, ,. Mar,er. MtMara of rtie vxruTir ram T .'4 rna. f aaltk TV Ho mtm, la mtImim., 4ilJ4 I 1M a. (' ,. M frf J fta 4.f I tf 4 .' a. W--I " M U..4 J4im t'A .I. l1 . MI ferIM, Bit Tt UMIOftM Pri kraark y.fraana. A.k f tk fwrimiat .. a far Waaue t i. M M Calf ACaa it I. M I A KaWlaflal liryrlmtn'.. Al lanl'a Ji or 1000 or net Won Off Ttk t'4 ramam jv. burr -. - it -. a. a e x w. iv.r. n .d V,rk rifik Aau. Wa.kln t, . . til kar III. '- . . . ?: BM. trn, fran. 42 Ku tl. II ,' UNK WITHOUT A TRACE. J.'rothrr Charley Brytn'i liquor plank i unk without trace If the legal opinion ot Attorney Oniraf iJeuyherty, wh'rh rule all alcoholic lever age tilt American ah In. The platform on which lh democrats j.arty In landing in Neorr.xka, whi'h had notlii"if to any directly on the irrt lwue of r.r.ib lion except the declaration eirelnet "Vquor at ea," accordingly I now turned Into an endorxe mrnl of tb if' torn' f general' opinion. It wax under the Wllxon admlnietrat'on that (he prer edrnt wa kit or xelljng Irjunr on American ahipa at ea. Al'ficuarh It wa a lrrwrr, frr to up (! "wt" prefiaamla, tht firnt fllr a'ti-ntlon to th Ja' k of on il'tcff y In anrh a prurtU't, yrt lntlif oiiin on la i'vrr tnAorntA thl accmina: liu I'y, 'I'hn only Ii7i-nf fvwr offered l-y khlnjin of fncM wn thkt it waa nrffMary to run lar room In order lo fomocti- w th fn-ln fkoniT vfiwl. The nVUion of Mr, Jwo'hrrty fortunaU-ly limf fii-lra 1 hi ol;Jc't!ort ly nflj'ln(? tha ani dry ktawl arln to h'ji ur'lrr foreign rtkc, Tho iirton, In kjiite of l'.ro(htr CharU'y'a plank, wm n-vr oria to ha kttM hy politira, Th thlnif to At wa to aarrrta lh l'(l facta, and to a''t airoHin'lv, Th!a hn now bren Anno, Awrfiti, whi'thT "wt" or "dry" In thir prorllvitliK, will aprova thl oftcial ruling, It la oroheMi', kowivtr, that tho attorney ven tral reach il Ma ronMu Ion without fca'nir Influenced by tha platform of tha NVhraaka damocrata. Vary iki-ly ha ricvpr hard of tha plor.k, which waa d. (Kn'l to "k- p th Jiqiior lkua at ca," It la to he IvhwI, howrvir, thnt h)' move will not win tha anUra admiration of lirothcr Charley, for whlla ho hna had tho rinma of hcinff lnter-tad In prohibit 'on, alflc ha bi-'-nma a candidate h!a convl'tfona hava lot ben clearly vxprewl fin tha ijueatfon, Tha odlcli) opinion which rf h' only liquor nlark out from under M feet leave him In poa'tfon whre h now will have to awlm for ahora in a wld, wt-t ocean. r ti m t (onditioo, it tha hcala ata run dowa ad lh aolaa vera this, proKtrt will ba barnpartd. Tha tranp'rtalioo yum u aicam on trlaL SOUNDS A BIT OLD FASHIONED. "Career for Lady Mounthatten? Why, aha' go Injf to be my wif. Career enough." That waa tha reply of Lord Loula Mounthattcn to a New York reporter, and hi My and wlfa, who ant by hi aidt, amiled aoxent. He ia rounln to tha I'rinca of Wale, and fa dekcribed a bring a regular fellow, ftha la tho rfchct halrexa Jn England. They ara now in America on their honeymoon. Here ia proof that noma of tha old notion have not died out altogether in England, no mora than In America, A young woman weda the man of her heart, and find Mr career In being hi wife, She 'will be mlvlri'ia of a big domentlc eatablinhmcnt, not a h.ime aa it ia understood In thla land; aha will huve a hoitt of eranta to direct, complex aocial dutiea to H-ok after, and, if tradition holda good, children "to rear. That fa occupation, even if It ia not a career, and mokt women find it engrowdng enough. Some voluntarily realgn the propect of reigning queen over a family, getting their ahare of Ufa out of profeiMfonal, mercantile, even mechanical employ ment. Politiea attract many, probably from the novelty, and to each aplicru tha woman la welcomed. Her aharo In managing the world la conceded to her by the tyrant man wilhout grudging, and if ahe make good, khe f tt the reward In form of applauvc, popularity, moybe emolument. , Vet, fortunately for the world'a future, a rreat many other women bealdea I-ady Mountbatten find being a good wife and mother career enough. LOOKING OUT FOR HIMSELF. The undividtd and loyal aupport that la b-ing accorded by republican men and women to their en tire l,t of candidate ia a aourrc of kn diappoint uient to certain democratic leader. One doe not have to look vtry far among the faction that make up the democratic party to find plenty of evidence of ak of harmony there, Tha apint of "every man for himlf" and "ave him M'f who ran" la rampant among the dcyrra'ie ran oidkte. One hear of "liryan club" and of "Huh rock club," but o far a ia known, the re ha been I no meeting of the harmony cluba ain't the p, imary deal. Nor have IIlU hcock and Hryau poko from the me platform in tbla campaign. In the light of theae fait It I Inf creating to read the circular letter that ha been aent broad rat by Hitchcock' campaign manager, K. K. Oal di, who I alio axaiktant publikhcr of the Hitchcock ntw(oaper, lltinting for a needle In a haytack la a light occupation compared to the tak that Mr, Oaddi la t bimaelf to. He ia keeking t obtain f-arne of republican votcre who may plbly mark their ballot for Hitchcock. He write aa follow: ' i am kfixion to .t,ta!fi tli nuin a of rpiitl(" arik in vnur tov-n or ! nli ttior now or no ly y li-r, (hn( il. inieno lo u.t cn.'ilor II IcIicMk, Till la an Jinortmt Itilna ami if vou cnn iKiiY.n ii lull inquiry and flurn the I'Unfca en'l"H"l to m witMi the mtt few diya, In in - eiimiwl enviloji, I will i'lli It to tint itf (('(. 'I'll (M-niifi-r Kltij aw lo mk tlii jn iiu 'y nt i' U In yur cily, and (old tn bed ttuttik yon ,.-r "fi(illy for it when bo viaita there, lo tlio i an, 'i,i,ri, ' H'ifli Wt :li- nod our fharik, "K,nvrt ly, "K. K tlAIHHX, Alliiiil I'ull erier, "I'. H. The lilforiorfdon will ohivt M ucd In connection Wilh your mmm, I mur you " Thla Idler, written on tha atationery of the World Herald, waa aent out ftrptemher 22, In apite of the fact that prompt reply wa aollcitad, no re turn have been printed, though more than two week have kllpped by, ("an it be that tbla dark lanf rn kearch ordered by H tchcock ha been In vain? No doubt he haa not been under any aurh ditTicuUIea finding demo'-rata that are planning to vote the republican ticket. They are o numeroua t'ii.t no one think it worth while to compile a cata logue of them, TJ ere fa a furtive look about thi letter, aa per ha a Brother Charley liryan will notlca, A way la beii;g opened for a c.mpaign of deception in every county. The effort fa apparent to create the llluaion of a Mumped') to Hitchcock, but no thought la de voted to whether or not Brother Charley will b loat In tho kn'iing pioeck thit la auggeated. Altogether, t'da ia a mokt Interekting document but it muat be diacouraging to have wafted ao long for any reply. Bryan' 8 Opinion oj Hitchcock "LEADS LIQUOR MOB." Charlv W, liryan, epeaking In hi paper, The Commoner, in May, 1020, had the to aay of Hitchcock, the pttwnt thlrd-lemi tandidate for the nti "While Kenat;r Hitchcock and Mr, Mullen are publnhing ex planation and alibi at to what aud the political unheavel t tat put thim In the diard, the moral element of the tat i tha annihilation of the mt vlcloua and ur.'rupulou liquor combina tion that ever foUed Haeif upon a free pe-ple. When Nebiark adoptad a prohibition conMitutional amendintfin three yrat ago ty about WMWt majority, with only men, all Intelligent men hould have known, now that the women can alo vute on prrldentm candidate, a nallonal rommltueman and for delegate to iiatlonnl convention, that there eould be r.o reeurrt. ton of the liquor bui- "Not o wiih Senator JliUhcik and hit political inunagrr, Mr. Mullen, lUving aecura'l political prominence in recent year with the aid of the liquor Inherent in Nebrarka, and apparently being verd in no other kind of pobtic, they pretented in Nebmka tha program t.t thm combined liouor inUre( of fh'i United K'alet which have combined to capture the dimoctatic parly and make It tha machine throuirh which the national brewery and dlatillery InttrexU hope to modity, nullify or repeal national prohibition. If what "hurl lirywn and waa true mid w do not queiln but lin t l;ryn ii4 hi r-ni opioPm-iben It l apoaiant that Jllich i.ik k la mrf a flt man lo hold puldii: otlce. The People's Voice C4iiwll frMt ra4r Ik MaraM ft. Udn ! Tk Mmlii r lavi 4 la km Ikx tmlumm Irw f tmr 4pttfm mm ml avblk MM, Ml. Go After the War Grafters Nebraska Editor t Comment on Suit thought Aga'tntl Airplane Company HEREDITY GOING TOO FAR, The tale of thu man who dived off the dock at Liverpool and came up at Kannaa City hat long been current, and may have tome adherent. Nature now and then providee one almoat aa good. Beginning with Darwin'a doctrine of tho aurvival of the fittekt, for determining apeclc through hybrid, and com ing down to Mendtl'a law, in which the ratio of dom inant, crokk-breeda and rereivce determine the conclukive factor, biologikt have Inidnted and groped for facta to aunport certain preconception. The Meiidelian law la conceded to be abaolute, the peri odic reve'klon to type kerving to etahlih the tnund ne of the foundation a well a the Inevitable con cluklon. Practitioner generally, however, acoff at pre natal Influence and confidently rcaxkure mother againet danger of "marking" children. Yet now and then tmnething come along to auktain a bullef aa old aa motherhood. One of the lateH of themi inttancea la Jut renorted from Oregon, a rej ion of many wondcre. Three year ago a girl out thre wallowed a needle, Ut week the extracted the needle from under the khoulderblade of her 22 montht'Old baby daughter. 'Ain't nature wonderful!" WHAT WILL WK CALL THE FARM? A auggeation I made by the Virginia Farm Hu reau federation that farm be given individual name. Commenting on thi, tha Ohio flute Jour nal ay; "Thera are many good raon for farm nomen clature. The one alven hy the Vurm Federation la that a nme once conneetd with a farm aervea aa a trul" nvirk, a gurante aa to tha quality of tho prodiieia of th frm. Another good reoaon la thit th i Ik lit ri(iiri onea cliown for a faim hel.a to lend It dignity and make fitr peirnunenc. Tho narna eeenia to fix the tradlllon thnt clilkter atioiit a place, and help to endear evrythlng that 1 connected with It, Thla atrenathenlng of a'ntlrnent I an I ii I! n nc tending to -p the old pWe In tha anino family, tendliig, In other wordk, to perwi nenc i4 land tenure, a hlfclily denlrahla thing In thla awiftly changing kuleldoaeope of mornlly," , Something of more than pawing Iplareat ia here presented, but If It ever be adopted, for the take of dlktrcaked world we hope that a little more of invention or imagination be ahown than I diaplayed In the aelection of place name. No objection ia lodged aguinkt the perpetuation of a family name, or that of a atatenman or public benefactor. If Jonea or Hmlth or Brown feela like keeping bimeelf before the public In auch faahlon, it in hi undoubted right, and advertiking alway pay. However, the map and the guide book briktle with examplee of bad taate and aome positive affront to Intelligence, And if ever our million of farm are to bear dis tinctive appellation, let u hope that they will be not only dcacrlptive and diatlnctive, but approprfato a well. Midweot Veteran. Frank U. Iffimii-il; At lent I ha WlnM-l of JufP' Ik-kIh to turn. At lint I n' Him ba entered tha cxirt to make rlKhl the inaaler of graft, one at n Ma'kt peN t' m fund In A't.erjn h:tory warn writ tin during 1. 1 world wr hv (ha mny innl piofl'eer who roMl t)i Aiti"tum t,yt of nilllloiie or ihittHt. Not only did (h i turn Mlidlrfig I n' t Mum when h wa In il: tiinVM hoylng war material, bot Ihev alk'i roll'l hlhi when ha at l hiotd lo aell hi anrpluk war Un a, (HiiatMndlng among (Iim dack pugea lit the r-rmH ot tha mUv'nn Indualr y, American rlllicn wr tdd that the I tiH'd Kiwi- crmld put 2i) MO olanea on (ho front hy ih rirnt part of liiU. Th preM waa flooded gtirwlna a'coutiia of hcw Induatry had ariwr A (ti call and would turn the ii.achlnc nut within a few month, W.ytwlthntandlna tha Ivt tha( (he American aovernrnnt ''it itfi'ils fclJ.Akft for alridanea, the furlher aaioundlng fa t remain that AtnerP did not aend a eltikla flahtlng or lomhlng or purault Amrlan mado plane to the front during th enlie war. Juat think of It over a Mlllon lob lira apent and not a klnula plnnn! When tho armlalie waa eland we bad Vi pli tie on (ha front, of wtikh tin) were mado In AnurUM. Hut, mind you, tbeaa were ohaervallon machlnea and not flahilng ahlpa. Our avlaiora called lhm "flamlna cffln" Mceuaa Vleorounly pr'ww ole thi war fraud it turn, no inaCer Who woiill l in Volvad, cniral ( liy Opuldkan, Itobett lilce; The government ahoiild ino'h ptooM'iiilon ui war ai't'eia, and itlv all II"".' provlillna e'iiiiiiei,t dlre'lly nei.nry for winning lm r. In iluln Imiauoge, ny ojh prieliiclna an )i.fciir iiillcln ( M UMd hy out- eol'llera or cheialnv an Nkorhitant prize for am In (Ho of war I f'llliy of treuaon. Wither Democrat. 1 am and a'wayk waa for Inveatian tlon of every fiaod Invidvli.a llio gov ernment providing the right ua aie taken anil lha grafu-ra punlnlied ' conlltia to law, Tha money rti fraii'leil la the money of the pnple In general. klcmlabliiff New. Oeorge Orlrn": The govaenment imc It ii a duty to a civc m' n who fought for II a day, aid to all patriotic citizen who aa rlf ld with- out atlnl to win tho war, to proaoi uto vleorotialy and lo th utmottf. limit all who got exe!lve fea on war con tracte or who olherwUia proflteereil and profited at tha puhile eip'-nao during (he war, Kalnnont ( hroribK fiu W. Ywft: The fudenil gov ernment' action In filing ult ugaiiiat 1 tha jAtyton Airplane company for they were not pritecl4 aealnat enemy (Over IZ,'im,000 on acgnt of ftaudti lira and only by tha rareot chance did tha flyer earapa death when aiiaKeo, la It not aixiut lima that tha Ameri can paopli demand an accounting of thla enorn oua waate and groaa rola eondii't? la II not ata'iit time that th'aw brave men who manned fh iMhtiitf Krench mai-hlnef and tha American "flaming oofflna" know why they were not furnlahed tha kind of ulrplanea (hey bad right to expect from fh rret denio'ray7 lyt, ti hop that t.'nrl Ham will ae thla thlnir through and require an accounting for eveiy dollar poured Into the coffer of tha airplane In- duei.ry. fiulde Rock flignal. Itarry Vaughn: Tha war profiteer lent contract will meat with tha hearty approval of tha common po pla of which we ara proud to ha one. I'ttlrlotlo rp.lzena who lived on ehort ration and borrowed money at h'gh ratea with which to purchuaa I.lherty honda durlnc tha war period would he delighted to aea all grafter In the varloua wnr nlrprlc brought to J nail"!. The tainted million ahould he t'ikan away from the crook and (ha crr,ke compelled to go to work at real luhor, A etrtch for them on tha chain gang In ft federal prlaon would h atlll mora fitting, and turn 'em In, ' JamiUtf In Ainerka. I.yona, Vh. To (ha Kd.tor of The lie: In your (until of latulwr I, In ' your 'lit"rlJ, ' I'ri'liloflo'l of AifTi rl ixn I'teala," you quote a commlKae of I lie Amcik an I'-ir um latloii thu: "tionfldente lu the (wurt muat ! re vive.. 1'Hllli In Ihe JuxlJca of Ameiica mint l netortd. , , mut linpieai upon mviiilwr of tha lair that they urm orn to uphold and dcfwid thv ioi i,tiitiiin and the law of our country." In your comriM n(e. you apeak of fruud nud aw.niilliig going unpun lalir.l. I may ha ohr aaonalde, hut I f-iel iliut It would not im amia lo Incluila murder In (he llxt of unpun lahed crlniaa. If our "confldenie la lo ha revived" tha ntwiqiap ra Inlixt ha lu cloaer acord with tha cnurta, etlhar (hroiigh a "con" game, or through jiialce and I rut ti. To g't down to raaeg, ,Vot long a-(i n Hii,er throughout th enun tiy puli lehi-d aceoiinia of g womnn'a tt nl for munler. If the m-waoiirer it: I not ni.flrt (hi tr ul truthfully. they ought to be hrotiKhl to t'me, if tlia ohyect a tn "reioi fith In the Jimt - i,f Arm ilea " If they did re port the (rial (ruthfully, and If our conception of the Inwa la correct, not only thu hienihere of the lair, hut tha piopla hIio make up our Juilee ought lo I ri minded (hat th y "are awoni i i mdiol'l and defend the hiW of our country,'' w luii doe (hut onih tiewn to a man of honor? la U aomethlng lo lv r- ganliri na ut tut morn imporl'inca I ll.t.n A . r,in ,.t n,.n. r " tt tli I Jiiigii) of money or the Inflnnied mind ut lawyer or Juror, Inaplra them to dleregnrd tha avldeuco In the Cae? it I a w II known fact thvt the eoaient wiiy lo clear a man or a worn an of tha clung of murder, re-oird-leaa of evlil ni a la to have th man or woman cliilm Ihnt the k'll'n waa one "In def na of a wonum'a honor. ''neen(oua f.u't, iiripr, It, Jurle coinnoaed of mn who could not cuiil'fv. If the liw demanded, "Let blm arnongat you who I ttl'hiut a'n, furl th fl 'at atone," a"capt nvtdly tha at'TV it tha murOrod man 'a al leired offeime, reoriir'I'-na' i f de evP (tenet In thit cine, f'erhnpa It I be- cauae euch groove ar worn ei d"-p- Iv In their ran m'toV, (hat there la no room lefr for rhunnet r"ccp()ve of (ruth and piatlce. After all la au'd nnd don-, even If It were proven without a etiiulow of doulrt, hv etfdence and not meev Y hejjefa th'it a woman'a hme had hrien "ru'ned." nnd that i'e hnd no part In th" "ru'n," la (li( ruin all patched nn In do a!"bt of Cd hy ihe wm'o'a P'll'ng u man, hv the Jury' verdict of "not gn'lty," t,v "re c notion" (tlven hv he wmnan'a fr'end upon her homecoming, or other e remonle nfter tha woman' nc'iu'ttnl? Or (loea (li'-r- atlll remain, upon Col'a ei'itute -.ok. or tion lh"e of these t'n't d PUt'-a, the Jnw, "Thou hlt not kil'?" AM'CrtTCAN' WOMAN. MOTH BALLS j llJH . A 2N ft I I T . J I m ''V 11 Pk. IV eta I gaMBJJHBh .-eapgV I W I t II 1 FKCBtN. TO ptvv -CZ ' sauA viv 1 A Book oj Today U'tidoti and aa aodil worker haa brought her Into contact with a ld of life that la ueually avoided or die cue"d wlih mora b-vity1 I linn de cency, (I, I', Putnarn'a Hon have ftldh'Well Ciilliim haa added nnother 10 1111 mitrm in auw-eeeiiii ixefna no ,,, ...,.n.. in nriminu a haa write n. Thla on, "The Man In a"n" l''llc aervlce In printing the Twilight," la a atory laid in th ,'erlce of her ;eddree unAmr lb 'title fur northern foreat. of "Hex and Common Kenae." Mere, In all reverence, Ihe vital proldeute of Ufa are conaldared, and In auch a clear, In'clHrenl way a to earn th prila of J. Arthur Thornaon, tha lirltlnh acP ntlat. fur northern tnrmtm, The worker In two great pulp In dualrle form th principal character m li.wiet. ilei thla yBrn' " r" """a in yum . 7V1L !t,l ...1 , r """f '' "'a heroine In the other, .nc'pled onea make llae ut .. - ... ln ,h' twilight eaeta a wlerd Inlttinc over th rhlef actor The. plrd la lnlrciii, vllnl full of fire and vigor. It la a go ahead In (Pilon wl(h pi nty of huetl to II, There la earneatneaa m'xed with a '(iiiilnt, at'iiiliiiK humor, I'llhllahed l,y ti. I'm nam Hon, Maude Hoyden I one of (he out- j rtandliig figure In modern Kngllah iii:,iiii,ii, AiirMitrMeaT JUDGE SEARS FOR CONGRESS Republican Candidate) Election November 7 Orlng 5Ildwet, Will M. Mil u pin: There ahould no purtlaiinahlp lu proaecutlon of war Money to Loan on Omaha Real Estate I tt Kifr numtwA to tbj mttUm itrntiw, rfinwfftiic or rtpiiUUrnn, tint II him irrey jnt riinii, ie " icyal lo hla fatherland while tha prof AMERICA'S IKVEN LEAGUE BOOTS. The fear of a freight jam appaiently did mt haaten the aettlemcnt of the recent railroad ktrike. The intimation from VahingUn that th rrfut1 of certain railroad executive to accept I'resldrnt Harding' peace prnpuaU I ri-ionltle f r the pre enl emetgency a.Urr with the general public view. At a lima when every eneigy huutd have been lent tard fttlng fitlht rata In repair o that the kcv fll mevrniii.l of the ttt and of real could ee expedited, the labor dipue ll..e. to drag lnng, layltg Up trouble fr the future. An Immtna volum of tteiifbl U no being Iran, piirtrd, but even i, In a tingle ek that n teniettt for eS.I'un car which could t Ih.iik 4l atly be met. Car leading fr Ihe week ended .p Umhr I ltaled ia,l, the lr(tt lu a )raf, comparing w th SJ M ria In the t.rr on 'fig week a year aa. (') thlpnint inrr I 3 .'.(!? I cars and at the ie ti'oa handlM bial n leaid a.t14. Wh,! Ih etvcutlvr m lo ha H.ire fiuipmenl and declare Ut It t bvin twii tH.Untly thaa la lR y-t the a.nii of fed eral agereiee ucei't fy(rr aw da tkt n.ay t quire d'aetie baadling, ,ai.( io liitte u l Ii lit n Waiat a4 Mtlde tifUy akeal. If the ta TARIFF; AMERICA OR EUROPE? The democratic aenator from Maaaachukett con fined hi remark in Omaha, where he addrcaxed a aelect (and poxkibly aelected) aaaemblage, to telling how the tariff wa going to increaxe the coat of all manufactured article. He did not repeat hla re mark, made In the tenate, that the tariff on wheat would increaae the nation bread bill to the tune of 9100,000,000 a year. Senator Walxh, like all other democratic xpoutcre who are pilling word all over the map in queat of votox, carefully avoid another phaxe of the problem. They cleverly omit telling their hearer that any added coat of manufactured articlea rexulting from the tariff will remain In the United State. The three billion, to which figure the enator now at tache hlmnrlf, will be pent by Americana, for American-made wnre. Not a penny of it will go to awell a foreign factory'a payroll. American work men will be employed to make tho good, and they will draw American dollar In pay, and epend the tame In purchaalng American good. I'art of theae good will be food, flour, fruit, meat, and the like, produced on American farm, and much of It In Nrhrkuka, Wilhout the tariff, the manufactured good will come from Hump, or American factory cota will have to be reduced to the Kurupean laai. In the former ae, the dollar will go to Kumpe, and will be epenl by Huiopean workai for rlurupeeit ware. In either event, will fall on American indu. try, and the farmer will mffcr with Ih rext. i th deiuucrat imagine th vutr are to pur blind that they ran not xe throunh a krheme ax thin a th? Hear la loyal to no country. During tha war Mi liro-Oerinan waa watched every minute while th profiteer waa allowed lo go and coma and operate aa ha pleaaed. The laiyton Airplane company ahould l proeocuied lo the limit and torimt to return every dob lar, with Intereat, Ihnl waa etolen from (he government. It will ho an opening wed to recover many bil lion atoten by war proflteere, Oree'ey fltlen. The government takea a tep In tha rl(lit direction In filing th auP, Where there la aurplelon that tha government hita leen defrauded rigid Inveatlgallon ahould he made and If evidence warrant a vlgoroue proao cutloti iiould follow, Nldncy Te'egraph, Ouy V, Pornn; Kour year after (ha war I a long time to alart to commence to get huay. Two mlllon (inline graft la a mere drop. War griiflcra ahould have leen fined to the amount of their gnifi and put lu Jail or dropped into tha middle of tho Attanlln long ao. Are there any dlaeentlng opinion except from the grafter? Ifartlnglmi Herald. We endorea ahaolutely and unuuatl fudlv tha government' ai.'tlon In filing tan II for 2,roo,owi for airplane fraud, and we holleve that the ptooa- cutlon of war grafter ahould lex puah- ed to the limit. There were alio- g.ttlirr too many proriteer wn rat tened on the Mood and eweat of (he nova In tha tranche and the toll and ajtrriflc of the folk Lack home. If a llltl of (hla III gotten wea'th run I recovered It la Juat and gaid. More power to (he government In ita an It annlnat hn airplane graft! Ilouglaa C'oiinly legionnaire. Hurry C Hough and J. Mllola; Wa Iwlluva (hat th Anircaii p"ple will not tolnrate any dlKpimitlon on the p.irt of (he government lo do anv thing other than prueecilla with all lh power al ita command thoae who, while the whole nation wae expecting America lo laku a lending part In (ha war In the air, profited enoriiioiiHly, nd In doing Iih.I nol llrllMleil mi IIim day of (lie ariuMlia, u aini'ln A 1 1 ' i iiIioIihik lo our nvlutur ok Hie fiimt 'the aervlce ineu I. now of I lar ih. tin lliat con h laid at (In ilnor of llmae reepiuiall'le i T I he fail ure if our avlHll.'ii ik I .tin. Th ai i vl. a (in n would ' miald' r It a i"o( iikiiHii a nffi'Oil lu them and dieir a.-rv li if Ih goveroiii' III failed In I K-n. ine guuiy 11 priaon, iouiuc men wrn; oncre'i ineir ova uro van wiim (heir reward ahould ha conaclouaneaa of duly well done; why let th graft er profit? no guilty man eacape. Nlobeara Tribune, Ttier ahould lai no heallancy In punlahinent of any grafter of puhllc fund, especially war fraud, Hoor people were lllieral In euhacrllilng for bond to carry on the war to aucceaa fill termination; th government ahould protect thoae fund and pun'ali nil who loat their patrlotlam for gr',;d, ho 'ern up. Trailing Ihe DcimaTei. Huperlor, Neb. -To the Kdltor of The Omaha We; Two of the demo- Hmoke 'em out ''rata' hlaneat general tried to epenk nere, 10 airengineii oeuio crata, hut th y killed the deniocrata ind did more to conlirm the repub llcnn and drive off the wcuketied deiu'w-'iul nnd lund then aaf"y over to tha repulDcun liinka. They atoered el rtr ot prohlhltllon and woman uffrage, Tiiey dwelt inoro on ancient hlatory up to 1912 and then aklpped over to 1920 and from thnt on It wa nhuae of all ra puhllfun meaaurea. There wa on poor fellow thnt wii like the old woman when the preacher naked If ahe had religion, Khe e.ild aomet'tnea ahe thought ehe IwkI, and (hen huh 1 11 ahe thought It waa worm. H didn't know where he waa, hut now he know Juat where he la. He will vote tho republican ticket atralght. tl. li. Jliy void ho h.d alwuy honat ed h'niaelf a 100 per cent republican, hut. after he heard thein fellow pe,-ik he I 160 p r cent republican and ir0 tier cent American. T II the demo urnta to eeud thoae fellow bock again and Huperlor will go uuanimoualy re publican. a HHfuiiLiCAN vcmcrt. Present Interest Rate Charge Is Conservative Savings S loan association & ff a r n e y Kep.n1 fn m I'id'rgea In kll parta of the country Indicate that the nr.ilimnl i ltK Ihl year ax tt. I'Ui'X l ed mi the Ida lh huxlni depte.. X .in ln'd tl farmer lara rMefing tl. and that fewer b"y would enroll whi-n J M w'ie moia plentiful will have lo be abandoned. A eollege edu ralioB ni en the point of heonilng the normal thing. Th mtn who will .! a trail that ran ho bi.m unii-ni'i lt!.l wi'l eoi,fr huen un Ike wjtll. II aitf M aurt on ih driver. Ih tiUalu.!. prva bf wk ikrrlel tao oI.Ij lni ik iulp'l i Unity 4-eu I eipe.l lb I i t. I I la !hit $ k m he ran 4u f jf k,mlf, rl( ttniv werk gt ef U a, Ui aM In Kearney Hub. M. A. Ttrovn: Th government eult to recover IZ.OOO.OOU In airplane trnwU la pretty lata, hut it la better late than not t all. Th' government ahould hew ateudlly to thu war fruud I'ne, let the ehlpa full where they mny. Iloneat govaruinent, mlniia fraud nnd graft, plua the Idea that public, ofllee la a public truat, la dciiiiimled. The Wymorean. 3. M. llurmwn; The government of tha United Hlilea ahould anire neither time nor money In the proaecutlon of war gmftera of every claa nnd ahould ae Hint 1 very one of them la Juxtly punlahed. The public axpecl th party In power to do thla In a a'neerc and vlgorou way, and hould It full Ita preatlge will be greatly weakened. Moap and Kugar, floap, auaur and clvlllxatlim to gether, Ihey any, Thla country pro- diicwl 3,l.l2,MHi,iiOO fiuunda of aonii laat yeiir. Thla 1 about 22 pound pie more economical with It; auch for evary man, woman and child economy will leaner! tho demand, and which la a per cnplla Inerraaa of Ave the leiiaened dcmiuid may cnuao a tin riounila n tha luat yenr. Wa urn dine of price. It' a long road to four time na much augur a goap. , travel, but t m;tv be the only one. Pathfinder. Indlunapoll New. HaVHaMaaWatwawnKma KxpreaKlun of Appreciation. Otiuiha, To the Kdltor of The Omaha llee; Thla la to expreaa our appreciation for tho aaalalunce render ed ua hy your valuable newapopnr, The Omaha lien, In connection with Iho drive for the benefit of Ihe 8t. Jiiniea orpbanni.'e, which ended antla factorllv und aucceaafully, Truatlng tha tt. Jun'i orphnnag" nnd thone connected with It will con tliiun to merit your good will and eupiiort. we hi THU ST. JAMES OP.I'HA.VOK. fly J. rl. I'aluldck. Director. I,et'e Hope Th! I True. Maybe It will work out (hi way; Tho high ,,ice of eoul will make peo NET AVERAGE CIRCULATION Ut if f f KMOFN, IC2J. ef THE OMAHA nEE Iiailv!r Suntujr Til.;'').' HRrWIR, Caa. Mir I. ItOOlMir M(r, lt tm 4 ! iWe k-'ai iki e er i '. i w, m gin iv Xi a.u.j rnan 1k l 4 l IMIIU-I f'a al t".4 k t.r af. I-.W.. II fl . al l"l (b ! ,i ! iv., I . , li( u-i. a- 1 .,-. . i t . 1 ia a..ikn .1 i4t lii hi - II leal Xr ina ( ik-ia KllllpM Italia Closed PA? at a New Low price will be announced in tomorrows papers h n vi Omaha Stop al Hotel Rome' pIAN0(S U ii'Mu (mi r airxikiii Ad W-.k lk. .. A iitirr. 10. 11 1 i.MtU 11 t. XXM Girls! Girls!! Clear Your Skin With Culicura fc tWleMU V I awat I (. laVeaeat Erch One a Rung of Success! If Those who have reached the top rung of the Ladder of Success, those who have climbed high, but have fallen into obscurity, and those who have touched only the lowest rungs are seen at evening on city park benches thinking. 1J One man, shabby in dress and defected in countenance, has nothing to review but days of failure of lost opportunities to take advantage of the little things in life. The other man opposite in appearance, recalls ' his success brought about by an aptitude to snatch small as well as large chances. ti One of the seemingly small opportunities offered YOU each day is to read carefully the "Want" Ads in The Omaha Bee. There you may find a jol you are seeking, a home you wmt to buy, a chance to sell some article you deem worth less or an opportunity to get into business for yourself. I CM the 'Want" Ad habit and follow the footsteps of the suc cessful man. Omahtt Ihr "Want" Ad$ 'trlnp Hrtter lUmiilti at Lttnr Cott The Omaha Morning Bee THE EVENING BEE J 1 I i'f I 4 V