The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 08, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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Lecturer Speaks
on Revelation of
Spiritual Cure
Human Miiul l!a Con
xiitiori It I Iilitnatc to
Ht Healthy, Say (!hri
- lian Srifitiiot.
"There Is wlihlu the iMnalirl hie
iiif-n mind a fined ami HlU'lli K mil'
t.l Hin Ihut It I ltliiniiie to I
h- :.lthy unit hri ity , ib-rlaicd JuiIk
Kn bruit ('., t K. member
i f Jinan nf ttii khip of Tim
Mothir fliunh. the Firrt church nf
I'iiM-it. ti h'lil!"'. In H"t.iii. ,M.O, In
lemur mi ('hnstLm H' l' iHo given
nt Knirtc' h ill, ji n il lslulf. Kri-
ll.IV fVltllltlf,
The subject I'f lli IriiUI ll
" t hri-dlm '8 MM , timl's Itevilallin
of Hplritual i l'-:illtiK
JwIko Hill Mid: . j
"I Coins I" ! iio Vnil ill this llni" j
Here? Wilhelm's Honeymoon Castle
-Jllf io. 1
A" . a a
t Kiilluw ing hi rimrrlajiW to J'rinress llrrinlne on B huciidli ti I'arolath of Jteuss net month, ex Knim r W illn Itn
md Ian l.iiiiu M.I ii-hIiIm in lliu (umlfl nt Ihm mi. Ilullitnd,
" , . u. - y - . - ..- 1 ' ' ' '
ll ii t'liiimi.'iii Xi'li'tin': lliiO'i
lti vi Inn iif S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. I lli iillnif. It in
nut my iiiimu in f Tin my rnmlu
Minm upwii ymir In th MllRhirnt
Ii If ir n iIInIUI'Ii Din tholJKlit uf IhuHO
ImiIiIIiik - iiiiimit mm. n. I il'i ir
iMC, llOttrVi'r, I'l l t fn III rnlilln
liutha which nrt nullinlly hihim-i
lit .iinny nf thr thffilin unit priii'-lln-
of lllffl'IIIlK lli-nllnif ni.-i lli i K,
nnil. unit In lite im ttn y arc hiii-
' i 1 il hy Ii.hI. :il Iiii'Im nnil uii
Ihnrliy In illMim iiniiiiiutiiliiii'iil, I
have a rliihi to rntirltnUi Hint ynu will
X 1 1) ( Ht I'll III kllllWIM tlll'XI' tlllllH
uhlrh m tliu cmti ntldlM nf 1'lirlntl.ul
" 'In luilan Ki'li'iin H. un IlK linvic
tinplli'M, t-r:i-Mtliilly t'tiriHiinii n ml II n
IMlK'lii'u luillK IMVillrr.tril Umi Jilmih,'
Into law. It liilnim bi'iillMii finin iilifc- I
n'K unit ili'llvuriiiiro from nln.
"Thfi Ii within th? kh-ihIIimI hu-
min inlml n flxi.l mul iiIiIiIImk
roiivh'tlnn Unit II In Ii i;lllinulii In lv
h'-altn; nnil liipy. Thl. liiluiint
i iillMrlllill In ')ilrliri- jut nf the
f.n't that hiiillh nnil h.iiilin-HN H the
linrinnl ntiiln nf tn-tuw. Thin il' Slr
iilile I'liil ran In' riiciniitiliKliiil mily
thrnuuh rlslil, m Irtiilfli- ihlnkiiiK,
h mi It nniHt I" iii rfiTtly l;ir that
'lirl.'ituin Ki'IimiIIhim, lnnUinir tnwnrJ
Him lilvalimlo it Hplritual, nr run
hi mil uUiiit tin' iiii.iiiil rnlhor than
Hip mil wind or iiiiiiitImI.
"I hnv ni:niiil yini thnt this Sri
c iii'o It 'F.niliilly 'hrli iiitn. Thin
lifliiff llio i'.iw. 'Ini. tliin Scli'tirs, fin
' n irn-at n IIkIuiih mm fim-nt mum Im
l.'i'i fl tipmi ii ri'vrliittuii of l ho ti'arh-
lllk'.l mill pi'lirllral IrUlllM pi i HI IItl'll In
llio IMIilv. I nt I ln i- ln I'nnliiHliin
In tlm tlini:i;lit at ljni who Imve
ni'VPi- Invwticatcil llil.n tmlijcit, I
:i:v.tiri' ynu at thf outwt th Clni-tl-m
KrlcntlMit u:;e for Iholr hi inly
it ml In nil their cliuri h Hfrvlivs one
I'.iMi. nut limit y . uf tin- King
.1 nnr viM-alnn nf the t)lil find the
Svw Ti'MliiinunlH. Th-re nre many
i i'lU'linm (U nniiil iiiit ii inn and iodic,
ornh ilalnilinj In ti'.ich nnd prinMIro
I lie I'hrlHtlan ri'liKlun; rm h rlaliiiliiB
this I Slide n authority fur irci'd and
doi'ti'lne nnd :n h i l.ilinlnn Halvallnn
mi the (IcHhed K"nl- Thoio nre ld
nnd KOi-inliiKly lnoi'nnrll.ilile diflVr
I'licoM nf oplnliin nmuiiK thi'He fhrlB
tlnn IhmIIom and an nttor (ll.siiKrconii'nt
hi to the l'nnd.'imoiitnlH of Halvntlon.
Thoru iH'Imt ono I'limlimloii to hfi
drawn: Individual!) havo coji.sod to do
the firm natural, normal
1.", have riMW'l to think Hplrituully
jiiid havo ni'i'i ptiil nn facts many con
clurions which are not true. As a
nntuinl coiiHi'iiucncp rnufUMlon fnl
lown, us that which In untrue enn
never he imidu tin? foundation for that
w liii h In ciiilininn nnd truo. At thin
point It In will to understand that'
there Is one nlmoluto truth ahnut
ovorylhliiff, nnd reirnrdlcss of one's
uincerlly In hillevlni; ntherwlHO, that
truth reniniim Infallible and undis
turbed for nothinif in human belief
enn ever chamro that which In abso
lutely true.
"ChriBtlan Pclenco In preaetillns to
Ii u i ii ii ii eoiiHclouMiicHH tho truth about
health and happlnoi'K. Health and
li.ippinos.s impose hi divine Mind and
nut in human body. No belief to tho
contrary can ever change this essen
tial fact. While those holding oppo
aito views believe that health de
rends upon matter, the human raco
li'is for centuries, been in bondage,
ti:rickon with (Unease, and years of
educational research and devotion to
material remedies hnve resulted in no
appreciable diminution of these mor
tal enemies. In fact, many new nnd
mysterious ailments appear as a chal
lenge to tl'.-.'lr systems. It may be
inserted ns n positive fact that the
human mind has, never devised the
means for eradicating one sIhkIo dl
Hcaiv. The reason is simple. As the
I'sajmlst declares, (!od is tho one who
"forVlvcth nil thine inifiuitles, who
hoale'.h all thy diseases." Mrs. Kddy
fiva In Mi illaneiiiia WiitliiBS,
"Kvf-iy tti i to 1 1 1 Mil t hlnln Hie
ImalMu of Hplritual ttnilliy," That
f:n t luu V be limiulit In ll.lllt and lip
plu d thrnuah know b dh'i. uf in ill.
vino I'llniiple. A I n 1 1 1 1 1 1 rondllliiii
In phyiiml, lii.liiHlrml nnd n. lal rn
iipiiiini nt iii I'.evcr lw n riouni ntly
inlJiiHled and rmt npmi a Mlublo and
ruduiliiK Iiiisin until thin f.n t la rer,
Tin: Mvivi:i:i;rt .,Mi Tin-; ,
" 'In li'slati Meiue h it ia t ut-
til I" juu and in mo i.iiiiu Ihriai'ih
the illnuvery by Mary is.ikrr Kddy
nf the upi't'aHnii uf ulnilute, fixed
. In I'D liiipiii' In
Vf:'!i;'itiin nf rhii 'U.iii t b in It is
ie. irnble, In fm t Ui t raentlal In soiiieuhnt i f Ita iMieovi-iw and
I'lltllldlT. I feel ipll'll .ifu III UH..IIIII-
lug that my early ex i tenet- In tne
invi'RtlKatloii of tills : iibjei't Im cltn
liar In yniini, My lli.n linpiilre was
In liuiulre, "U'h i Is Mra. Kdily?"
"What did oh- dlH'o'.ir mid f.nind'.'"
Tho mower lo them iui"ii;iins la aim-
pie nnil helpful.
Mm. Kddy was a dcwiut ami lov
able. New KtiKluid milium, deeply
bui-rc. ted in the IStble. Kjriy la
childhood die dl.plavc.l a l:rcn pre
ei'ptlon cf (he iiudi i 'Iviiijr t ,-ut lis eon
l.ilned in I til ilt naiatlvc.!. Throiiifh
her icHiarch and ctmly nf tin? ISlMo
;-he l.utcil that pcrloct tru t mid cull
lldemo III SiiI'm laws were lollowed
by permanent and fi.vd rculta and blei-.-Ing nnd lieMlln were part
and panel nf Ills Infinite plan. H!ie
concluded that tini K'oerns Ilia mil
veia., li s iii itimi, tin itiali infinite
Int'lllence or nbanliite law and Hint
this law, UIiik Hiiirltual, I'ouhl be un
deratoiHl and applied and that when so
applied renin is null mi l void the false
beliefs nf law Inherent In the so-called
human mind. Hhe concluded that this
law could be definitely known and
stated and was aa fixed and unfailing
na its divine Principle. Sho further
'included that slnco diaease has no
more authority than sin It could be
cured and health restored to the body
in exactly the same manner and with
tho Hmo ecrttilnty of results as sin
could bo destroyed. I mrlng her In
vestigation an Injury roused by an
accident lud her to discover the splrht
ual law by which she waa healed her
self: and later, upon her restoration
lo health, she applied the same law
to tho relief and healing uf others.
In tho Christian pclenco tenth. ok,
".Science and Health with Key to the
Scriptures" Mrs. Kddy says: "In the
year lXijii I discovered the Christ Sci
ence or divine laws of 'Life, Truth
and I,nve, and named my discovery
Christian Kcience." Hhe hint discov
ered the absolute, fixed and eternal
laws of find nnd had pro veil that they
nre prenent nnd operative; nnd can be
relied upon to heal the Hick aa they
did in the time of Jesus. Hhe found
these laws "compassionate, helpful
nnd npiritual," and mimed them
"Christian"; nnd because they consti
tute the absolute, laws of !od, are
available and can be demonstrated,
nho named then "S'lence". Hence
Mrs.Kddy discovered nnd proved tho
divine laws of Spirit, the laws of Life,
Truth nnd Lovp. After this dlscov;
ery she subjected It to proof and be
ing convinced of the healing nnd re
deeming ministrations nf those spir
itual laws she determined to Rive to
Iho world the benefit of her observa
tion and discovery. Accordingly she
wrote ami published "Science nnd
Health with. Key to the Scriptures"
nnd denlgnated it the Christian Sci
ence textbook. The reading and study
of this book in connection with tho
Hlblc, has brought health and healing
to inanv nnd is, indeed a key to (Sod's
inspired Word tho liihle.
"Kegardlc.-.s of conflicting reports,
I make this positive nnd emphatic
declaration of fnct: Mary linker
Kdify is the Piscnverer and Founder
of Christian Science nnd has been
so decreed by our courts.
"After her discovery, Mrs. Kddy
founded a church, "designed to com
memorate tho word and works of our
I First Compounded This
Newer Form of Iron For
My Own Neighbors
Their Praise of This Remarkable Remedy Has Spread
So Rapidly That Now Over 4,000,000
People Ue It Annually .
Master, kIiMi rdiould riinitntn prim
itive i in iiian.ty and Its lt i b-im nt
of healing." Ho sha nt urn Hi I tie Man
ual. That Church, founded by lu i , I
Th" Mother Church In lli.gti n, uml
(he Church win hiHipitiiliiy you m-o
niw inJ.rtiMg (a an autlmi lied Ira nth
nf Tin. .Mother Chun h,
"Christian Keleiitlsu are itri'efiil
In Ml. Kddy fur her jeam of ilevo
tlmi lii ii-i tiibiiliiiiir pi e iimiI CmiH
tLuilty ami lia lost healing art. They lur In tho linn tM'iiiiiiiil scutiii
but dn not wnrslilii or duty her. They
me ergai-i d In iM-rpetuntlns; and up.
plvllli; her llpirovrry to the lleeils uf
ii limit till v. ISeiiiuiw aim Imetl li(t
ami" rhn also lovt-if lliuse whu
ap.irently did not lovw her. Chrisiiaii
HcKutli'ia a in e illicitly siiiMng tn
iiiakii pi . icHi id her saying, "A t-ren-liliiti
Chil Man Srletillst hoes frntea
tanl and embolic, l. D. or M. 1.,--lovis
I'luti'Stiiiit and Ciithnllc, I. H.
and M. 1'. loves all uho love Cud,
K'hmI: and Im- luvea his em mli r." (Mi.i-ii-ll.uiy,
p;igii 41
"It Hill early be discovered thnt
( Ki leni'e eniph.isl.t a the fi
nal ileal rut tlmi uf tin and tho In el
lint nf lustily Infirmity. Hume nf nor i
rebiiliiiia frit-nda hate ulfered the
erillii.iiii that Christlnii
make tun much nf the healiir,' elo-
meiit. At tin tlino d'MS the human
nil ml part with liieiished ImIIi fs ur
icliii'iulsh trudltlonal ilalius iiiittl
proof, clear and positive, has been
presented rhowlng that there is a bet
ter way. It ia not surprising, there
fore. Hint alter material methods have
failed and Christian r-' ietu e treat
ment hiia restored health ami happl
ni.iis to the individual very much
i'hinilit be thought, and made nf (bo
healing flement. In fact, all hrls-
tlan Sclem i practice Is healing In
character whether It Is applied to bod
ily alfllctluns ur to other forma of
ihsciird. . The healing nf bodily ml
miiita by prayer In the "eye- opener"
to the sick and Is positive and Indis
putable proof that matter Is submit
ting lo spiritual law. Likewise the
false beliefs which material mini calls
law cease to gnvern and bind him In
proportion to his spiritual discern
ment. It la natural In the considera
tion uf this important matter thnt
iUc.iiiona should come to us. I have
flaked myself many times, "la there
an Ideal, basic state of being If an
how may 1 know this ideal state?
How may 1 become conscious nf the
way nf escape from the bnnciil ef
fect a uf apparent disease and disas
ter?" Kightly to understand and
draw proper conclusions there must
be a clear discernment between thnt
which Is absolutely real nnd basic and
that which, to the senses, seems to
be real nnd Is believed by the human
mind to he audi. "
"Common experience teaches . us
that we are consciously or otherwise
governed by and subject to fixed
laws. These laws operate in an Im
partial, uniform manner, regardless,
of our understanding or recognition
cf them.. The Individual who rejects
their operation nr who.dlsputes their
authority through Ignorance nr other
wise, pays the penally for suh In
fraction in proportion to the magni
tude, of the offense. The law.! nf
gravitation, mathematics, harmony
nnd the laws regulating lhdivlduals
In society operate uniformly and ef
fectively regardless of the beliefs of
those' who nro unlnstructed or who
for Homo reason refuse to recognize
nnd accept their supreme authority.
For example,, a score of individuals
selected from the ordinary rnnk and
file of humanity will agree that a ball
forced Into the air will retuiyi to tho
earth, or that any object projected
forward over Niagara Kalis will des
cend to the bottom of Niagara River.
When nr-ked why these results, are
manlfei'.t a very large proportion of
these individuals can give no explana
tion whatever of the law Involved.
Some mny have a very vague and
uncertain belief not based upon any
ficientifie fact that the result is due
to some force from above. Quite
likely one alone can explain the the
ory of tho operation of gravitation.
During nil this time gravitation Is
operating uniformly undisturbed by
Ignorance or false, belief nnd the earth
and tho planets j-csprnd to Its force
just the name. Kal.;o belief, lack of
any belief In or knowledge of gravi
tation has not affected its operation.
In the so-called material unlverst the
law of gravitation is basic, funda
mental, and Is there to be undoi s'ood
and intelligently utilized, by rnnn.
I mil sure a personal experience
may bo helpful In further tpSalnlii
thn ilnilni tluii hi tmen (ha real nnd
that which la biili'H-il to bit rial.
H'llue Ji lls ngo I piimiiUd at A
Lank a tm dollar bill, ii silver nr
tlfliilte, The Usual wind", "This err
tlfii lllllt the!" lias hi cll llt'PuSlted
in tint Ticiisuiy ul the I'nllcd States
nf Anna I. ii, till a.her J'dl.ii f. fay
able In Hid bianr un diinani", was
prlfiied In lht unual typo vm" tha
n of this Till. I b- lievi'd inn Ud
In be tvriiltiM and, In tin l:lit if
past experience, 1 liad a iii:'it tn ex
p. it Hint Iho puying 'idler nf the
bank Mould at muxi count out to me
tin sIImt ilnll.iia nr thilr fiuhnlcnt
In t m luiiiKo fur this bill. However,
I'lin'rary tu my xi lailons. In a
crv short wilnd nf time thn teller
returned the same bill to me with the
woid, "Counterli It" slumped ill lingo
red Ii Iters aims it face. In a mo
ment uf tliV and without any ef
fort on my patt the atiitu uf that
bill I a i in- apparent. 1 no lunger
liHiked upon it as a genuine medium
uf i'Ki hange. It repi i-si nli-d nuthlng
and aa nuthlng. it was merely a
ciiunterfelt. 1 no lunger expected
ten il'illats In exchange; I wu uh
n ilulely convinced ihut no iierson
would ever bo decelvi d again by that
particular bill. My belief In lis value
was slncein but erroneous. It had
S'ienHsts eaeaped detection s rhaps many
tunes, yet from first to last II rep
resented nothing, was a counterfeit
and nciil' (Ptiiil I be trained and skill
ful knowledge nf that paying teller
Year ao 1 beg in tu
wonder at tlia great
number of rny own
frlimlj and nritihlKirl
u luiwcroillw) l ailing,
i o'npUitiiux" and doc
toring, without tirt
n-ruiing Uni' t m bet.
tec. l'ctll workm- un II
siul llinr Wltrt Wffra
frfuriitljf l lirt-d out
In Hm rvniir, anl
(ml auay iW,
iirrtoiil niJ tun d.ion,
0 io liij iui In !!
1 t, k nul !.m(ilit ho
lud kuliicjr trouble.
suffer from the symp
toius of a great uuintirr
of ilienie when the
real and true cause of
ill your trouble is lack
uf Iron in the hUxxl.
In thenliltlayipropl
often took mrtsllie
Iron, wlili h some 'ljr
tu i nn i laitii it not uh.
m.rN d at all. In nan
iuuiitl,ti tins
form of Irvii wlinh I
lull NmittiJ Iron, I
ciiipli'ii-iU tpei il li-rtn
nf Iron, whith l hk
the In.n In jpuur llti
ami lika tha I run lit
sad npi'irt. l'll)ik tl.s
tt toil Hut lujm
thtt Irrlh i'i ditlu'b Hi l--iui h. ii
Miss Nilsson's
, Beauty Secrets
a.Kli. hij in
" iiimI ul. Pt t iUti. n't . ll-U!-(si'inath, Uut
nt. ii,i ,i u h di ruit . iUl fii nf In-tt,
fr.itii ttf tii d.ww. Mill others htd !
err b..l h,s, n.wlu.rf KtV es th , It I f.Jjr t f hHimI liail. .l
rot Ir-tii-l sUturf Hi IHB SHj . tlort Im1 MIUI Ut lt b til bl.-il
! tsri-. i tat staiHtoifi iiiiii mi j is lh i.-i li t'il i fi h in irm
. In tMt ( ai.l f.l Uwlr ef , ! ' itr'lh. Iu, e.l
I', i iiJ:liu,i i-.itnu I..-J l f irtl law- ! r- ! I If ) 4 ' d
I f 'f $mA, M tv tH, lu
k l rn fek m l
Ann y. NiUfeun, (h wniitlrrful motion
iclurv trf ... tht liinuir. ul '
ruty.whit ti n amt comt'lrnion ht '
hmvf, Hh further im 1 h lfcf) heiK
iv-l Mutlia la obttim thi U (tt u j
imnf! luiUt vrviHiritiitin, I' miliar ti i
1 ftni rwn t l
' on mi t!
i t.r vtri n-4 -
I lhrul
; iv u rv -tt v-
ttitr m hr 4vf !
tl tin ll t-Ut Ik
t-f- tot I ps4.
IV-1 wjF4 U4 tt
: fH.I-'l i ! - X
ftfffl i i tt
I u nx tt M
f tft. Ill- if 4tt'
4t, , t)f
1 !!
4 Mlkf f.-MF
t tt v -
-f c,, t4,'
t 1M
(t Wx-t If
L 1
nnd a little reel Ink to ileslrny forever
Hit fliiltlnus value. 7'hrough all this
experience there was a real genuine
iillver certificate in circulation and
Its value remained absolute and un
disturbed. The sincere Isdief uf every
person in the wmid would not tnuka
a genuine bill out nf that counterfeit.
The basic, fundamental value, was
nut there. That bill was Imt the vis
ible evidence nf the counterfeit mind
which had produced It and which, tin
III detected, endowed it with Its own
fictitious value.
"Mrs. Kddy has discovered and ap
plied the laws uf Hplrlr, The false
beliefs regarding these laws nr the
wlllliil reject ion of them In no way
affect their intrinsic value and they
remain ever available to all who will
understand and apply them accord
ing to tlii-lr I'linciple. Christian
Science Is applying the red letters
"Counterfoil" to tho false eonolu.siiuis
nnd the fulso belief masquerading
as realities in thn human mind. It
is unfolding to the receptive thought
and bringing Into human experience
positive proof that, "There is no life,
truth. Intelligence or substance In
matter." (Science and Health, pngj;
4iiX). This reality is the basic, fun
damental state of being. The prnc
tire of Christian Science Is destroy
ing tho Tinrcnl, counterfeit values of
human beliefs and Is bringing lnts
view the basic, scientific facts of spir
itual truth. It is furnishing unde
niable proof that ignorance and false
belief have- no part or place In ( Jod's
creation. Through Christian Science
mortals nre being saved from the dire
effects of tho testimony of the physical
senses. Health and happiness are be
ing found In divine Mind and in pro
portion as the laws of Spirit are un
derstood and npplied, the fundamen
tal state of being is recognized aa per
fect .and eternal.
"In the consideration of Christian
Science. It is absolutely, essential to
understand tho nature of good and
evil and to be able to distinguish be
tween that which is Intrinsically good
and that which presents merely the
appearance of good.
Human laws have been devised for
tho protection of individuals as unlta
In the commonwealth. Some of these
laws are of ancient origin; so much
ao, that mankind has no knowledge
of their sourco except thnt they are
founded upon usuages and customs
which have prevailed so long that the
"memory of man runneth not to the
contrary". These laws like all others,
are based upon tho theory that there
is a supreme, sovereign power with
in the state commanding that which
is right and prohibiting that which
is wrong. It should be rememliered
that these laws have been i formu
lated by the human desire lo rise
above the chaotic condition of no law
and many of them are profound ex
amples of the human attempt to pat
tern the decrees of Infinite, divine
Justice. There is a well defined and
recognized rule of law which pre
vails in most chinned countries that
every Individual is presiimcifc to be
Innocent nf any wrong doing until
proven guilty by competent evidence
beyond every reasonable doubt. This
presumption is an essential and sub
stantial part nf the law nf the land
and It Is the duty of courts and Juries
to maintain this presumption of In
nocence up lo the very moment that
I it Is overcome by the evidence. So
; strong Is this presumption nf inno
i cence that tho complaint, Informa
tion or liiillctnieiit ai-ainst an Individ
I ual can never be ud In and of Itself
j to contradict nr nvt rcnme this inber
int proaimplh'H with which every
Individual Is clothed. It Is further a
j prtntiniption i f law that every one Is
honest, truthful and law ablil-ling un
til thn contrary l shown. AI- (ho
preruiiiptliin u( normality In nun. I and
j I.ikIv prevails (Mid our colli t guard
l very Jt-aloiny llo i dim and huisi nio
! pit-.iuii!piiiiio. Notwithstanding, hu
i hian t bsi rt .ttlun and cupvi ii in o irx
flit r-udem c.t. uf cilme unchecked.
M'Uil ilvliuiiueni v seems to run rtot,
th 'h'iin"tv, uiitrinhfiilnriui and Infum.
Iiv pi nun. I nnd body w.niil wholly i
t-.ilpw (hu it. ii il ie rhi tn 1 nl-t.uii.'-l.
I'bu.'iiit MYienti.tla fi.t-lv
II llll.t RIM It t Ollltlli: ii if loiiid
nnd l"ily slK-nlit lui twit moons;
(hiMiin iw-.p'tt. Cnimitfrtt i-l-xtrt.i-li-.'t
Mill ittmiK. any i tiioiial p, r-
Ih It Ill'Uh l.-lll4nll I tu to
ri Int. it itlt-luiK V i,., !. ,'dn
ftl'!l'-tf thtt flttv if oi Alt. I ?ii
hMlllf HtivMlaK tin lo I ib-.W ,
iltf ti On t-lsti liflv Al.rioinf
tooiiti.t. IniW-'d I ho i
tl tiv -t Ih l-ll , "I I M it til .. tt
taud ii- tiri.-r nnd that Itum Is
tin it-aim ft iloo.inl, r our width
tl 14 tin rl-lti H'Mer. lit 4't,
It tit nit s lh,,t rt'll lot Miy Mi. r rl'
irpt toil a ii ai'iiiiiii-s lii human
U-ti.-f and it I ton iti-iity I lu -sunivd
isiwi r by ut n fniiiiitn iho bu
ruin iiuii'l with llio du ine Mind
THI K Hi H i
"Cbntil in HtirriiK i rt lmioii and
lias Iwtni so il.tiec.l I y tha court nf
nur land. It practt. e tuvulvii nld
lent ft It) Ilia Dial r.-al t i.iiilnall.luit-nt,
"Thoil shall hilta im nther ord b
f.u Me," It keiio(e is rsprriHt4
ill l lie word nf thn .Master, "Tlum
hilt ote ttitt Lute thy tiud with
'all thv lii.n. and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind. Tin I lh
Urst great rommaiidinenl And lht
net mul Is Ilka tintu It, "Th"M ah tit
hittt thy nt-lalibfr aa thyself", -lis
paramount object. IS worship lha
worship nf the mm true (lud. Through
(hi worship healing is i prrieiiccd.
It will bu appnieiit lliut ull trim wor
siuii must rest fur an t-tidiinuif foun
d.itloii upon I he light i uie pt nf llud.
Thu wrong roii'eit nf (Soil lay Ihi
fouiulatioii for tho supfistrudura of
fiihut Iflief and bb-latiy, Mem hu
man Isilef lll-oilt Cod I an never Ik
substituird fur imr urged In support
nf His real naluro. Tn the cnrnul
mind, esitenllnlly innterlal, find 'l
pears as a magnified human being
n iiK-rhuinan man. This concep
tion uf Ilia datum and ih.uacter has
prevailed alnmsl universally for ceil- j
units us evidenced by an Illustra
tion of "The Heavenly l-airier ami
the l-Svll One" III Faust. In this II-lu-trntlofi
(Soil is portrayed as a large
old man, with u long while bend,
seated upon an i b-vati d throne, l-nng
flnwlng robes cover III body ll'fl 111
his right hand Is n large meplre. Ills
coiinteiiancn Is stern and command
ing and there Is tin evidence nf roup
pnii'iloti nr love In Ills appciirsnie.
It Is not rensonabln tn concbide-lhnt
audi a concept of tlmj could possibly
Im conductive lo truo worship or that
such a siiierhiiman creature could
possibly ih i upy nil space and cmild
Imar and answer millions of conflict
ing human prayer and -lltloiis.
Much belief borders upon thn ridicu
lous nnd yet many linll vliluals are
iiincerely holding In thought to such
a concept of l.iisl and urn worshiping
that concept nf Him. Such practice
It Idolatry pure and simple. Thn fact
(hat there are sn many differing re
ligious creeds and beliefs Is evidence
of gross Ignorance and confusion as
lo llio real nature of od. The whole
human family will never be united In
one ly ntherhiMid until there Is a com
mon recognition and worship of Him
in Ills true nature and characler.
"Christian Science presents to you
tho conception of (Sod as Infinite
Mind, Spirit, Soul, I'linciple, Life,
Truth, Love. It presents nothing
about Him save that which Is sup
ported nnd sustained by Ull 'la au
thority and which Is rational and
comforting. When. It Is perceived
that (Sod is lnflnltn illvine Mind it
at once lemurs apparent that like
produces like, hence Ills rrentlon
must of necessity be mental add not
material. (Sod must bo souifht and
found, if nt all, through the avenue
nf divine Mind and not in or through
matter. It then becomes clear that
the real man whom find pronounced
good lives, moves and has his Isdng
in Mind, nnd 1 n spiritual, not n
material being, and because he is an
Idea In Mind, ho can md does ex
press tho qualities of that divine Mind
which created him. This, fact ac
counts for his ability to think. Kven
though mortals have a very faulty
nnd Imperfect knowledge nf tho oper
ation of Mind and believe that
thoughts have their origin In the hu
man brain, yet thought existed lie
fore and independently of brain tis
sue and emanates from the one Mind,
(Sod. This conclusion Is further sup
ported by the fact that nil mortals
as Infants are fully eipilpped wllh
Jiraln tissue. No ono, however, will
rterlnunly contend that nn Infnnt exer
cises the functions of rational think
ing. In our more advanced experi
ence as thinkers tho material ele
ments of the brain remain the same.
Thought, however, unfolds, expands
and develops, eliciting the conclusion
that the brain as matter has no In
herent Intelligence nnd is not the
source of mental action.
"God is also defined as Infinite
Love. This term expresses His di
vine nature and His compnsslonate
relation to His children. This di
vine nature accounts for His Infinite
goodness and His watchful protect
ing enre. Since God ia infinite Love,
this fact implies infinite goodness;
and slnro He pssesnes all power, all
presence and ull knowledge, it folli,
as a necessary conclusion tnnt an
manifestations of Him must partake
of His goodness. Constituted author
ity, therefore, reposes in Him and is
essentially good. From this argu
ment It is apparent that there being
no good tn sin, sickness or death, (Sod
Is not the author of them and, from
His very nature, could not have a
knowledge of them. Such a knowl
edge would imply the elements of
destruction, which nre no part of good
and would therefore be the very op
posite o flnfinilu Life. If that which
is evil nnd destructive does not ema
nate from Ood, from whence does It
spring and from what source does
it derive its seeming power? 1'nul
says: "The carnal mind is enmity
against fSod". Interpreted in the light
of our definition that (Sod is intl
nlte Mind, the saying becomes clear
that evil and all destructive elements
have their suppositious source In the
"carnal", human mind, atpd depend
upon that so-called mind for nil thnt
they assume to be. Now, tho mortal
mind Is a "counterfeit", nn erroneous
belief; it is enmity against the one
truo Mind, (Sod.
"It plainly appears that sin, sick
ness and death, all evil cannot be
maintained and exist In the presence
of Infinite goisl. These evil condi
tions nre driven nut of human eon
siViusneiis and arc thus destroyed by
tha reflecting of that Mind, "which
was also In Christ Jesus." The hu
man mind is thus reformed and, as
(his sta'e of reformation progresses
false beliefs, tho source of all evil,
are destroyed. Thus righteousness,
health and eternal Life supplant sin,
suk in--i.t nn. I death, and tlm human
Her Father Executed,
Mother Serving Life
1 V ' k
1 'a n
Having readied gn of !, (Simla
Odcll, Isirn in prison. Iter father rx-
(ruled, nnd lur mother, I'carl, serving
llfo entente fur slaying, was taken
from mother In Aubutn (N. V.I state
prison, tinili-r slate law. (Srandpar
cnt will lake rare of lier.
being Is tiaiirf aim d in body by "the
renewing of his mind."
Cud Is-nUo ilefined as Infinite lii'l
clple and Christian Hcleullsls woridim
linn as such. When It Ih tindii'stcod
that there Is but one omnipotent,
oiiirilsiieiit, -and omnipresent Cause,
embracing within itia-lf all ttlsd nii,
puwer, Il ul Ii, law, nrder and perfee
t:nri. It will be clearly apparent that
tho titrni "1'rlniiple" Is des'-ripllve of
the f x lot nature nf the miii absolute
CimI. It will bn obst'iveil that dlnno
l'rimiplo Is ih script he of thn one
perfect, unchitr.gable and ilernal
Cause. This eternal Cause Is Life,
Truth and Love, mid as we appre
hend mure nf the divine nut urn we
express In human i-xpeiietice a high
er mul a bitter understanding nf these
divine iU.ili!les. The venllrl of ( In
human a 'lines, however, dors not
sri-ni In support this happy nnd d
Hlrable slate. The human mind, edu
cated and Inrtrtiiied by processes of
erroneous thinking, draws conclusion
of death lather than nf eternal Life;
conceives uf man as subject tn birth,
maturity and deny rind c hides
l hat all is mortal, subji-rt to d'-atli
na the word Implies. In like minuter,
the human inlml beljeves a lie rather
than the try 111, and envy, hatred und
revenge ate substituted lur Love. All
these erroneous conclusions, If retain
ed In consciousness, have but ono
ultimate result. Dentil nnd rleslrue
tlon lollov It Is wholly oulsiile (he
range even of the most material logic
tn conceive" of find, who is Inflnlle
Life and the creator of all lhat Is
good, as being the author uf death
nnd destruction, m to suppose that
infinite Truth and Love could pn:i;ily
be rcrpotiiilble for any statu nf being
pregnant with evlhi, human delln
OUencles and malic Inns ptiipii" s. To
limit or circumscribe (Sod In anV de
gree invites disaster at tho outset.
It would destroy His infinite nut lire
and deprive Him of His omnipotence,
omniscience and oninlpr.. senn-. Such
a god could nol and dues not exist and
the religionist, who In his thought de
fies matter, iy wi would take from
(Sod's infinite nali .i one of Ills uuall
ties and bestow It upon some human
belief Is aa idolator and a Worshiper
of false gods as truly as the children
nf Israel U'came such by hawing
down to a gulden calf, or as were the
prophets and followers of Haiti.
"AVe have heretofore seen that the !
Ko-cnlled human believes Itself '
til b 4 Cltaluf and Srrks .H and
,u.Hi t -iietU4lliig ttlt n. will
at uf put sun. ti i-U -miiiti and tiappi"i-
in nutter iiiut l"f pn i iil M
1st ill t ant' l't..M ia itin'M'iiilliig
lor.. fl M have wen, Ihi lulu. I ttuv
it'ltr uf ili-ath ti e tiltilo.ittt uf .ill
I In tt, a,, f.iu.f. plan must be d'tl-d
hv.tli Mniiumd irt-alur tn tve l't
I creature from the due effect nf It
I int. I p.uriiihty. An oi tin sly, line er-
Iti'ii'O'H ht hi I pini! In ili tlM
I im'i ul.ili.ti and iicbiiioii pl.iitt stiine
llli Il tie tailed heaven, k til
a mi tippnaiie lue rulltd lull. With
full tu'lt) i f i.-! ul.iii"i- f-i rrilint
rdiiiiarin'i li. rith. Ni.titiihtliii.lli.rf
ll.' llll 4 lhaull!olt, ill all lirtlilll. II I
ll.t i tl ll' mind, through toe V it sue
1 pltirt-HI tl le.ieolllllli, Wtillld lllilktt
, dentil th I rntlali.e In In- it. n nnd lu ll
and wnu'd hate ill"., who, peilmps
I Ihriijiiii bar hiM' Ifi-n 1 ntliful to Its
1 it.-, .-i-t, loin 1 1. Into In -urn. and
b.iMt Colli III d llpull Haul rti-lli.ll
i Iif.) a a I ward of lie lit and hi.i im',
nou'n hittn Ihneu Mini it let t ia p. an
inoereil ii-lo diHlriiiilon a
pUtil-tlll' 111. My flli llds, there I Ii. I
such Tieavi n and there I no such h II
The Initio lalnly det hnt Unit, "the
klngd un nf brut ''ii a ultiilo ynu."
ami It I lii.MUI.ible In inucpjile
If I'm I Ii gdi lil of himell I a slat''
uf en net . iii e In iht Imt .Mind, P
opposite lull, nilliil lll-u be found III
tlm realm i f the nioittil mind. In Ihe
exet cn e nf all nur nn nlal 1 1 nil ten,
as la'.iuiiiif' luoh Idunls, We mui t ion
liuil.t that Iniivtin Is a t-onilill'in nf
i onsi .io iiet-B and I lo be soiialil and
attirlne.l hut and now arid lln only
lie-ail at n il i oinoiairl by v Ii' h we
lu.17 Ih-ihiiIi- i oiii ion of lis duelling
within us Is by thu prm-esc uf light
1 1 1 1 f it 1 1 . - -. . It b. nut g.iititd meicly us
a Httiinl of merit In some Im lib d by liilimul metes
and b-i.itiilH Is a real, Mini niudi
I, on i f tl,' mill nnd i. in be i-hptr-I
need mil iiijoyed fit unce In prn".
lion uf Hie iiiiuliiiitnii uf the divine
Mind shining In human cons ioiimers.
Adopting tie. mi inn line nf mguuient
tte i um Iinli.' lhat a wrong mental
Wulir inducer fear and other erruni uus
belli fs and estnblinlies In human
i niiM Ii Ii l.i s I lit opposite of beaten,
torment and hell. It Is cumtumi oh
Herviitiun Hint suiuetlims mortals are
at iiiiu'lt In a rlrto of tiiruniit mid
woe, utterly lost as (hough (ht-y
wern actually being euiimiine I by (lie
liiiihtlontil eteinal fires of hell, and
lliero Is no escape, no diiltiiame j
from this Slain of Inlillelll excepl.
thrniigh Ihe avenues uf right mental
Ui Hon and Ihe il. siructimi nf the er
roneoipi beliefs tt hu h have induird
this statu nf loruietit. Nn further
argument Is necessary to contime the
most skeptical Individual lhat Ihe so
culled human mind, Ihe prodming
and procuring ratine of nil human dis
cord and misery. Is sorely in need uf
tinl.atlnn, and we shall hope In sat
isfy your thought Ihut Chiis'lau
Silence lu the revelation of that sal
"We have died to bring your alien,
tlmi thus far to the lin t that the car
nal mind, through Us erroneoiia be
liefs, has utterly fulled tn comprehend
the l run nature of (Sod mid His plan
of salvation. It must be evident then,
thai it mortal man, the creature of
the ( it ri nt I it 1 1 1 1 (I Is lost and without
hope unless there Is Some rational and
a ppreila hie way by which he mav r
nnune these errors and be healed of
bs false In lb fs. The human mind
iiier to endow mutter with life and
there is a constant endeavor to pre
nerve and perpetuate this concept of
llfo In Ihe bisly. .Iiuh said, "I am
come that they might have life and
that thi-y might have It more abund
antly," and "this is life eternal, that
I hey might know thee, the only true!
'Sod and Jesus Christ,' whom thou
has sent." This Is Scriptural author
ity for concluding that trie mission nf
Jeans was tu bring to light a higher
nnd better sense of life mid that men
i'.hould know and understand eternal
Life through fhe knowledge of find,
and His son, Christ Jesus. Ch fiat tan I
Science proclaims Christ Jesus as the j
wayshower In a practical manner by ,
giving heed to his winds nnd works'
-and by repeating In human experience I
in ti t of (be ' mol woii.l, is wlton.
Ir ,.,. !.... i ( pott Hum uli.t be
lu te on Ii. ii lu tn I, I te-ltl
Uut an t, ot il-. mm alii and He
.1. .il I.-. i turn a i .anni. in. tor nt Hi il In
tiiioittn alniiil.l tin llil' Chil
li. til r-.n tonus me il iiaiiid ill
tin ,.t.iiig itonl.trt Tbt-y freely
(ulinli Unit the l liiliint i. aii.ibbi le
sub hate nut til Inn ntuiunt ami
lht lillinun llUn'ltl bite n.-t Uen
entii't ly nt t-rt tune, The aim t ret
Cl.i imi.tii (i leiiiui. h.nteti-r. Inula
linn it Joy i Ihe piuctee uf Ihe pit ul tin M.iiii-r and In thu mil-l.-ii..
ill. o uf Ihe iililnuitti xi' iiti in
Im an . im I nnd In- l t-.iiin .tly striv
ing In it-oh tin' tt u. It goal a. t by
I 'lil lit Jenil tthe'l In' S id, "lie
b. ll.M lll ull Hie, the eml. thnl I dn
vil li lie tin el ..I. nnd f leali r Works
tlim llit w th ill hy. lin " llri iiuatt
limn ,l.'u'i wit iPliiy in.l.otd by
lie. .tit me Ml ml lo I ' t . I I lll't
Mind He iimlera'is d Hud un-i man s
1 . 1 1 -1 --ii tn Him and he pint i d In I lie
world man' unllv ur at nm ii.rni
WPll Hint .trail was 'the hi llft (ill-
nan ' inept i l man and tliu iiiilt,
lii. oitiee Pit-it w. is ihe epli imm
ttlioiu .bans tli -m-rlls d in Hi'- wnnls,
"lief, ir A I ait hi. til wa. I am" lit
d" n. li ii. . I liiiiii.uiliiil iSttd 'wllh
ii. duett .bans Is ihe uiilv mm n Im
bunt; nn Ibis earthly plane tllaphiv i-d
Ihe iillijhotiN uf nn Id' al. -rferl
H. au He ii-tt iiltil Ihe saving, redet in
l ;; eleilli ills nf Hie Cllll"! and
in 'i-hili may find Ihia iedi nipli-m and ,
aih iill.iil it pi oil. -al, priai-iit lit l In
be , I, lie l o lilt ,ut;iiiiii will a
In redemption from titrit sin.
Tin ii' Is a t erv erroneous and un is ln f igiioiautly i-ii tt i tn l licit
I. v many i-oHit'iiilng Ihe iitdiudc i f
t lii i. ' I it ti f.lriilH's lim.iiit the t -
p. in In. i-.ill il alcl.ui's mid ileal It.
! The tait'il'io la ulti i ei runetiii-'l v
' i uli-l liilm il that thev nre uiiiiiloill it .
j nf lll' ir- dirliesNing htiin n roiuhtluiiM
i mid that lb' -v iitfti no leln-f In IIiiism
ttlm unfoi ' uuiiti-ly suffer fusil threw
j beliefs Nulhlllg CIlllUI IS' flllihel'
i (mm Ihe (ruth Thev finely admit lhat.
I these i uniilllnns call for Ihe highest
' drgrie nf human eompiiHSloii and I hey.
Minn l.t I'sxe Trn, f nlunin Tee.)
Wilt, t'r-" ""
f)R. I1F.NJ. F. BAIt EY
Lincoln, Neb. '
litis institution is the only one
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building situaled in their own
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ted for and devoted to the treat
ment of noncontagious and nonmen
tal diseases, no others being; admit
ted; the otfii r Rent Cottage beinif
designed for and devoted to the ex-.,
elusive treatment of select mental
caries, fquirint for a time watchful
care and special nursing.
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rti. A f 4tnn HpkHpth,
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lu.,. i. rllfta uo. i ,M,
I i af !. t-rl Ih.
It. tl Hi r lit,
l.t, i,j 1 1.. I, ., .
a-1 et up nt l i ii
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f. . I an.t.itn a
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una) 1 1 sit !
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T II ej Mf M..r
I'tieeilt tl f arm.r ftlMelt.
t upeno.t I't-n'al I'ar-
I it t H? I W. W. HUlf ,
it hit will pe,,tte in IN
lit ' im-til nf I'y.irrH n, td-f
wm I'mrMs ,f!r .'1 yr
i r i. !.. ii i .L'ittiti j a I l m l ii t
I t - ,4 t.. . t.t al l' . ,
,: !.... ... I, f .-. ttt-..
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One of two things is wrong.
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A rcrnt letter trlls of an unusually hu cine cf a
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chronic n instigation. Since he w us t Irven j ears
ht had uied "everything that could U su.icitfd"
without a cure. Three operatkdts had tare n nee ev
Mry, Aid then three cukes t f Klctvh;nnn's Ye ant
a day f"f a perUtl t t wne month tu t tm!y ittuit
' fert rrttlarity, tut y addm .'J lbs. mtorfvl
him tu h s normsj vkcijht,
Trfl f Arr relti at rtfiiLi. -t'jin, r
VriJ t) ('tit Ivrt, pr mtnj tt.K mtilt t Mat.l, t'")
f iir, jf il nf et tfft, tkry ait' kitp tm 4 ltK4
Jty flt fr fat i tkfrt Jji. fay atf fci lev
Mf e Sftl. k Slt jai,' iV t! fvlt tl ftisaeajtfti'l
Vi'4 .f tf J'ttfil Awt ti.
1 ft ! - t t(kci?-(. t $
- 4 t I.
t -i44 e y i ) B',-t
: ' 1 i 4
' t I JrV
' i ii , in - i ..- s
i .' 4 4,V-M-t if) t
I a . I la I,
i .V 1 Hit .
i a. ml
ni t
Ittsai I t UittS
, i
I- I
Df Rteait R Dlitt
ui is tt ai4t
II. tt It tl . ,