The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 08, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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7 A
Free Food Stops
at Union Pacific
Railroad Shops
Move Vill Cause StrikehrraV
en to Quit, Union Leader
Say "Dead Iue,w
Say i Road.
Msrbanlca working In Ih Omaha
httm of tli L'nlnn raffle railruad
r-lvH their last trkfnt at com
pany aipenae yTirri)r morning.
Vine Ih Imkiihiii.u uf Ine shop
men' trik the I'ntoii ru'.ine haa
furmliril atul rrpar-il fuol (or th
artopmrn ho rrnuiinil at work and
lhn employed after the wilkimt.
I'nta also er furnished for inn who
f'rr! to l-av the ahop.
' l.eailrr i f the shopman mill on
sinks sail thnt the rwllronil
Hui nut only 6Vril-i to dicon
tinua arrvlrtff nitmls, lut that cut
ii U arc bring- removed from the
The Utilnn ((idem aasert that
many of the men who hnv U-eri
working In the ahopr. (he strike
will quit, now that these conve ilente
have bean removed. Itnllroad offl
clala, however, assert tlvit the ills
Rnntlnuunre f It free minis arid II
sleeping fidlitlen la aimply una mora
Indication thnt tha atrtka hna Wn
a dead Issue on tha l'nlun Piielflo fur
many weela.
K. K. Kdwiirtla, , chulrmnn of tha
trlkera' relief f.jrnmltlea In Omiiha,
t'lay aiads an appeul fur contrlbu
tlona of money and itrocerira for 205
Hu)in4 and fathrii of tlna
f.tmlllea furttierly wore employed ua
shopmen on tha I!ur1tn:tm, tha
I'nton Tae fie or In allssourl Pacific,
three roada with whlrh no settlement
titi been effected by the old shop
mena' unions, Mr. Edwards explained.
"In many of than families tlic-r ore
aa many ns etjtht or nln children.
V need and will be glad to wi'lve
nny kind of food, money or fuel
them, from anyona who hire-
with our cnuaa.
Offlrera of the old system federa
tlona of shoprraft. which Hurling
ton and t'nlon Pacific oltlrlnU nay
hnv been repl:iccd try oomiMiny or
fcajilimUon, atlll maintain that their
members are "out stronR," nnd thnt
cold weather will ba a iwwerfiil ally
In eventually lulus-inn ahoiit a set
tlitnent, declaring that equipment de
fects give mora trouble when temper
ature 1 low.
An entertainment and card party
will be niren for the benefit of thoew
atlll on atrlke October JS nt tha Uibor
tempi. Mia. Files Kenwood la one
of thoae in charge.
Apple Tree of Omahan
Trying to Rush Season
Frisco 'Prohibition Agent
Accused of Conspiracy
San Francisco, Oct. 7. Heubon A.
Wolf, ftdernl prohibition awent nnd
former serireant of the San Francisco
police department, waa arrested on
a warrant rhnnrinK conspirnry In con
fiect'on with tha alleged extortion ot
' money from Sonoma valley'l-u.
Kaur other Agents or former agent
of thj prohibition staff are Involved
hi the iiXiir.
. ,.- .
Men of Mexican
Uattation Mutiny:
Join Rebel Force
SnMtert Sent to Fight in Sina
loa Kill Officer. ho
Hcfue to Join in
Mailoull, Ir fal., Cm-i. I Men
of the I'JlU Mrxkud Utlallon tuulllited
and killed thoaa- of their mrer who
refuaed to Join I hem In dVrtln te
the rebel forcna tif Cm, Juan Cr
raaA when the battalion wa aent
front Menirall to fight In Mlnoloa two ,
ka ao, and are now In rebellion,
arcordim to delayed advlraa reeelved
here toluy.
Tha mutiny txaurrrd aUiard tha
trunmairt Itonile. en route from 1-a
i l oiiiha to Mautlan, M waa aald. The
I lionita'a rniKain waa compelled to.
land tha men at tbinta Maria, on tha
count of Hinna. and from that point
the men niarelxd to Jom Carraaco, a
rrli-l leader. '
1h Whea of tha offlcera who re
fuaed to Join tiiem In deaertliiK to tha
letiel forcea were thrown Into the aeo.
It wita ata'.ed,
Tha landing at (tanta Maria rorre
lon kd in llnio with tha recent out
break nt Juaiec and tlia dha-kiauro of
kllKel plotting in tha noillwira dla
trvt i a I-or t'aliforrda, of which
oho rwult waa the artmt of aven
former cKy and f oiler a 1 oIIIala here.
The iave been taken to Mucatlan
for heilt lni!.
Fort)-five memtiera of tha band of
the Z Jill bntuillon, which did not ao
company the troopa, were rvportud
under dvLentioti here todriy. The
hand' r'-KUUir concert Inet night waa
cancelled ahortlv after the return of
Governor Iiayente J,ugo of the north
ern dletrlet of Ixiwer CaJlforoin. to
MeiiruU after hurriwl vliUt in ieo
erai C'nlli'a of the Ohracon cabinet in
H'Tiiiovlllo, tionora.
Oovernor I,UK0 Jccllnml to dlnnUM
hia v"H, rnxiit ot revoluUojuiry
troubliK In tho dlHtrlct ,r the unof-
fclal n port the latter bud bixm put
down tlirouKh tho recent arrotita here,
Federal Radio
Inspector Here
FJwiu W. l.ovrjuy to (Iiiiduct
Civil Service I!xanu for
l;..1n W. Iivejoy, 1'ahe.l Ktntri
radio li.epei-tur, ta In aniiiit today
to nrndutt M it aervire eiamtnationa
for radio oH-rntora, anmttura' flrat
guude and comniernat flrat and etc
4iH All rtdJo o pro tore Lold
4M( amateur eecwnd gnule l:cenam
ithln tti mllee f Cnwlia muat ap
pear for eiufiiinatf n beore Mr. Uove-
Joy, a clnulitr letter from tha gov
ernment atatea. Amateur aeeond
grade Ucenaea are only kwued until
esaurinatlun for amateur flrat rUiaa,
Wf. Ivej etated. Xu amateur arc-
ond gnule llcumra will be Inaued lu
the vicinity of Oumha for three
month after iheee eautniiuiUona, tha
lutter etatea,
fomiiurciul, experimental, apeclal,
twluih'biil or truinlng achoul atatlnna
th.U have limai Interfering with the
raoeptlun of wnllo progruma will alau
be inaMMHed by Mr. Iivrjoy to ae-
oertMin why this Interference exuit.
If K la due to any vlolutlun uf the
fodernl radio cominuiUculloti Liwa the
penult y may bo vnforred, aoimrding
to tha rudlu liiaiantur.
Tha Uuiu.Ua lUdlo Dealer' aaaocl-
otlon will lender a dlniu-r to Mr. love
Juy today.
Mow to Keep Well
QtMttoa eaaieniiaig fcrftae. ealla
liea eed aeeeeoa el diMe, "
atlllea te lr. tM kr rar el
1 k m, lll B eatowed pttftflif
AMl te ee l'aiioiie, wkere a, aodiMMd elre I
Utet. t. . wilt eel
diKOMMle ee eteecrike tr oUivieoal
hw, A4m UlUt la ae el
The Dee.
Conrlfhtl t
Here i young : ! tree at rlir Iumuo of C. V. I.uiul, a pafrolmim, 572S
Ced;tr afreet, whirli Is in Id om for Ilia aerond time IIiIm eiimmer, after pro
doctn: n bountiful rro? of t;iplea.
Mr. I.iiud, in tbe pie'uio, li ruiuiing tU one of Ilia new bloftaoma, alilih
already show tiny apple, ."It la a nlgn of a Miort and mild winter," he
New York Reminds
William Allen White
of Seasick Father
Thic Corn Remedy Ii CuarftnteecS
No matter bow tough or how tlubborn
It may have been, the corn r ratlua that
it touched with a few drop of "Gt-U"
Treed by Grizzly
2a laS-iS '
U doomed to a quirk, turt nnd ram-
r end. Never again can it pain you.
SooB you are boldina i our fmirrra it
entira reeiaina a pieca nt ,
hriveled ta.n that you throw awar-fur-tvrr.
Hard turna, aeft oraa, anr corn.
foata but a tr:fla and auarantcrd. Try
it. K, Uwrenee A Co., -Mtr., Chitaa-a.
t)t r.HTI.'KMKNT.
It's for Piles
Peterson Ointment
"Hundred f petde have told me,"
any 1'etvraon. "that I'eleraon'a Oint
ment la the qtilikeat and beat remetly
.r rl!v ,n world," Kor rhaflng.
et-aema, Id aorea and Bore feet. All
drugg.ala. .. iV, f I 00, .' J. i
Thla la or of a aerloe aalmal atoila
fur lr Ths "")
wrllten by 4. Kai-D. oilron, Tin Elll-
rnn avenue, rKiaiere utn in thw
aiona park. AnoHitr atery will appear at
By i. yisu li. AMJEBfM.V,
Robtrt, lytarld boy from tho
eaat, waa on b'a f rt tr.p to the moun
tain. He went to v;:t an old menu
of his father, known fn the Yellow
stone country aa Two-Dog Jack. Hob
bert waa thr.lled over tlie prospect of
hunting b g animals and horses
over the mounta'n
Two-Dog Jack took Itoliert on muny through the forests and by lakes
and stream, where the boy hiwl mnny
Chance to f h and hunt. Jack told
his young friend not to leave camp
alone for fear he would pet lost; also
wnrned him nevr to shoot any game
ur wdd animal, unlesa h a guide was
with him.
One morning, while Jack waa pre
paring a breakfast of aourdounh
cake and bacon, Ilobwt took his rifle
and thought be would take a stroll up
the mountain back of camp. Ho went
about quarter of a mile from camp
where he saw a grir-zly cub. Ua:s nix
his rifle to his shoulder, he fired nnd
wounded the little animal. At once
the cub began to cry an' then its
mother, whom lUibert laid lot seen,
Jumped quickly from brh'ud snme
rocks and ran toward the frighUned
Robert waa too ex.tod to shoot nt
the mother Ki-ir..Iy. Dropping his pun
he ran as fast as he could to a stir
tree that overhung Hie canyon which I
was 300 or 409 f e t deep. As soon ss
Two Dog Jack heard the shot he 1
picked up h e rifle and ran In tho di-1
rection from which the sound had j
come. When he catno around a point
of rock be saw the mother gr.zzly
claw na at the of the tr In
which Hohrrt had taken r'fuue. It
wa lucky for the hoy that a grir.-
rly cunnot cl nib a anuill, tree. A aoon
na Jack anw the predicament that
Robert waa In he raised h e r.fle and
ahot the gr.riJy and fortunately'd j
it w th one shot. i
Robert would mt r'eaeend fr a few
n nute because he " o fr ghlened. .
Ju at s Ih boy d d reach the ground,
the tree, which on ths very Ml
of the rnnyon. Ml over and rlld j
d,.wn to the bottom of the eny..n.
Th a narrow e"Bp from dt-ath i
valuable leeaon in iht:nee to H tbert. j
who. aftr that Xpert, nee. dd not
d y the adv ve of h gu'de.
It le aly wM. whether In the j
mountain or other unfamilinr places,
to heed the advice of more experi
enced persons.
That waB Robert's first and last
hunt for gr'ialy bears alone. After the
boy was safe, Jack shot the wounded
cub to put it out of Its misery. Robert
took the bear skins back with him
when ho returned cast and told some
Interesting stories of his experiences
in the great west w!th his father'
old friend.
W. J. Bryan's Foot Injured.
Newlon, Kan,, Oct. 7. William Jen
nlngs liryan, seated In a chair, ad
dressed a large Baiherinpr of people
here yesterday, opsninr; the congres
sional campaign of the K.slith district.
Mr. I'.ryan was forced to remain
seated throughout his address because
of ii painful Injury to one of his feet
received on his trip here.
Nor York, Oct. 7 iew Y'orkors
wlio.JUuitrd Ooternur Jlrnry I- Allen
of KaiiMis and Wiliiaau AJlru. White
uf "IVnry and Me" fuiue, fintioe
each oilier jiublldy at the Junius
club fcist night, took stock today of
treiMian appraisal of New York
by ha editor.
"The trouble with tills part of (lie
cowjtrj," Mid Mr. rtaiUe. "U leth
argy you don't give a damn. You
aland for feJlowa ill puiities liere
that wa out in Uansiau avould throw
out by tlia M ruf of lie ne-k and
tha slai-k of Hie brenctics. If It I
a strike, you let thorn strike.
"You reutbid me of tlia aea8lck
father on the ship. Ills son, a
younaster, hegaii to walk along the
ruii ul tlm sldp. It loolted aa if tie
would pitadi ovwboard. His mother
slinuU'd to the father, 'Goodness me,
say semethlnx to Willie.' The father
looked up at Willie nnd feebly
waved Ids Irund. 'Hello, Willie he
said falnlly. Tliat seems to be the
(rouble with I-'ew York. Out in Kan
sas wo have 90 pur cent American
stock, we anu fuli of fep and vine
gar and we do thing. Out in Kan-
na ive have id way been able to
reach out nid pick a good strong
governor wlten we needed one."
The wave length of any station
within range uf the let may be meas
ured by first properly tuning the re
culver and then reading the wave
length from the chart for th tuirtlc-
ulur setting of the secondary tuning
dial, in iiistumita of this sort the
wave lotigths uro jiot very accurate,
but serve quite wajll -for all practical
purposea, and where accurate Incus
urements are required a wave meter
should be omjifiyert.
Edmonton, Allxtrta,
world's farthest north
casting station.
boasts the
radio broad-
William Ellsworth Suiylhe,
Former Lditor of Bee, Vies
New York, Oct. 7. W'Ullum Ells
worth fimythe, autnr, editor and na
tionally known promoter of 'public
Irrigation and reforestation projects,
died yesterday at his home on lower
fifth avenue. He waa 61 years old
and a native of Woracater, Mass.
Eary in .his career Mr. Bmythe
became a lender of the little band of
public mon who aw In irrigation the
future redumption of the desert lands
of the west. He hud been editor of
the Kearney (Neb.) Enterprise and
The Omuba Hee when in 1801 he
founded the Irrigation Age and biter
the Western Empire.
Then in the same year he founded
he National Irrigation congress,
which wua responsible for much of
the ditch digging and jnuny of the
water laws that marked the transfor
mation of territory In several west
ern states from aridity to agriculture.
Mason Tailor Opening
Postponed One Week
Failure of necessary materials to
arrive for the new store of Harry
Mason, the tailor, I'axton block, Blx
teonth and Furnam streets, caused
postponement of the openlnfi, sched
uled for yesterday, to next Saturday,
according to Harry tilickmun, mem
ber of the firm supervising the work
This 1 an attempt V) fasten some
thing na the twdhUK, That he la una-
ty, ttobudy defiles. He anirlla nasty.
Ilia presence in, tmmiirr in a hmise
bold M dik j aa evidence of naatl
ma, We i in any, at least, nice
women brtome veiy unhappy when
bwlhuga aipiar la their holiiea.
In un eftort to get rid of them and
tu stay rid of them, they clean up the
house In several way, boom of our
Mali alaiiibtrda of nooeehold rlranll
lieaa we owe, indirectly, to bedbug.
Theaa htaiti atajidarde proivct ua
from anine disease which devaatnt
other pitrla tif th wurud for In
aiunce, pUgue and typhus, if we
ran hung a dutcaae on th bedbug,
we will aUr the good women up tu
tight bun at ill liurder.
I p liei Truekee, rnl.. In the Bum
mer of 1921, Mr. X and hla wife
r eased up tbe old Henry and went
for a flxhiug and camping trip, on
the night of August Z they had slept
In a cabin used In winter by li e bar
vesieia, hut vacant all aunimiSr. The
belliiK waa their own.
Cm tho morning . of August t Mr.
X. noticed blood on tbe sheets and
bites on loa legs. (n August Mra.
X. noticed that alio liad also been
tin August 11 lit. X. begun to have
a high fever, aweata and chllla. Tina
acted like limlunii, except that the
pulse wua slow, and there waa not
much headache, 'i'be fever lasted
three days nnd then went nwav.
After that for four weeks Mr. X.
got an attack of chili and fever, corn
lug In Intervals of one week, nnd np
pmiring on the ennie week day as did
the first attack.
On August 14, Just eight day after
Mrs. X. noticed that she had been bit
ten, she developed a fever, ohtlU nd
sweats just eKiinlly as did Mr. X.
Her secondary attacks came on the
iiil. tbe 20th mid the list.
These are the earmark of malaria,
and since these is malaria In tliat sec
tion, the doctors got out their micro
scopes nnd went alter miliaria. Care
less physicians would Imve puured
out the ct-lumel und quinine without
wnltlng for more evidence.
The doctor found no malaria, but
they did find the splrocbitls of relaps
ing fever. They gave neoarsphnii
mine, on arsenic remedy for spina! und this cured tbe patients
nt once. Here were two rases of re
lapsing fever, developing In the per
sons of two people, who had not re
cently been out of the T."nited tftntes.
Relapsing fever is one of the Euro
pean horsemen that Home peoplo
think we are theatened with.
The Infection was due tj the bites.
Lice, tick and tiedbugs were suspect
ed, but none of those were found.
The location of the bite ruled out lice.
'when lick do th biting, they ty
by the lilt. The elreumatantliil evt-
iitenre waa eltttauther sgmnat tha bed
bug. Aaeunung that btdbugs caused
the disease, huw did they grt Info ted?
All klnde of peoplo go Into those
, Ice uni In winter. Monte newly ar
rived foreigner, lii.niitf relapsing
'feveu might have bsen there the wm
tej liefore,
i icing along a railron l track and
.' a trunsconllnental route, who
knows what rmugr on the Mind
Ibargas-e may not have gotten off at
tola fublil to rlean up and r -t w hile
hm i lutvine an att u k of relaiikllig
fever, newlv impoited?
Nor should we forget Hint artom
al( yeara alio a focu tC relapsing
fever waa found In t'oloiado. Th'.
f.a-u could not be traced to any Un
Dixie for m Klu Victim.
T M-O, - "Pluu trll ma If
Abllaima would be a good State to go
to for one who hs had th flu and
"A leu. could you tell rue what I
tbe aver: temperature In Homing
hum during the winter months?"
Ye, but go south of Montgomery.
I have eeen It go Well below iro
In lhat vicinity.
However, I presume ths mnn tem
perature of January nnd February
Is in degrees or more higher than In
Swallowing Herds.
E. O. writes: "Is It dangerous tc
swallow the eeds In purple grapes?
"la it harmful to swallow the
Th danger of appendicitis due to"
this cense I (light. I know of no
other danger.
If Hilly te Worry, Mr. M. K.
Mr. M. S. writes: "1, I urn two
months pregnant and very nervous.
Whenever I see a crippled person, I
always think, 'If my baby was ever
born like thnt!"
"Then a shiver goes through my
entire body. I this harmful? Will
my baby be born Ilka the people I
waa frightened by?
"t. I am still workln.f n stenog
rapher, but will give my position up
In month or o, I work under quite
a poor light, and my eyes ore very
tired and sore at the end of the day.
Is this harmful to baby?
"J. Is there nny contact between
a mother and her unborn baby?"
1. It Is to you, but not your baby.
i. ha me answer.
t. You feed your on by food ma
terials. Fortunately there is no con
nection by which you can feed It
J worries, fears, fright, or any other
I menial irnpuis". lour uany s legs
isre very well developed now, nnd try
Its hardest, worry your oarnd'-st, your
mind cannot saw a leg off.
Hppley Employes Given
Insurance, Hotel Course
E. C, Eppley, operator of the Epplcy
chain of hotels, which Includes Hotel
Funtenelle here, baa Inaugurated two
new plans for tho benefit of his em
ployes: Heglnnlng October 1 each em
ploye Is telpsj given an Insurance
poll, y for fi'lH iiuo t ll.f"". m
pending on hi length ff wrvlve w.ili io(;.imaMI"II. The other Is U0
idumtioiiul plan, which enable em
ploye who bat been In tht oiiiau
millon'i service f 'r four month to
lake a course f education In li"lM
work f ir I'.i'i. Cn n itipli tion of 1U
lourae the riiiph'V I to le divert t
i be. k for fi:, a lnu of 2 for hav
ing taken the course.
H u r.i phrey ft' Nutnti r
"Knrtv" Induces KcnoMC. arid
Natural, Kef reding Sleep.
For Insomnia, Sleepless
netM, Wakefulness.
No Narcotic, No Dope.
I iv, tn4 II M. l iH luf Soma aant at
J iM,-, m c o Ii i-anal l'-
s,'i' lirw w i , IM Wllllta
Siir.t. N.w r.a ll.'l.'il U-a rr.
Humphreyt' "Seventy-teven"
break up Coldi that hang on.
Sold by d e a I e r ft from
Canada to Cape Horn.
AUt I.Unlil.T.
Stabbed b
Manr i.ple auffer atta'Va hy thla area,
fienil, eomm.nily eailiil "neraa Inflamma
tii n " 'I ha firat warning la uaually a altar
utal.bina rail', wlilrh mar "mm and as"
or hurl ciiunaii!r You mar feci It In th
,houlder, nei-k, fureans. irnatl of th tiaak.
ur clown lh thish and lr tu Ihe harl. H
Ii aemetimra mi.taken fr arlatira, rbutl
nittum or neuralgia, which of tan ens ia
No nwttpr where roe have serve pain
er what rauteil them, yuu ran Kt nuiek
rel rf e-tihout uilmi asrcotiea or poiaon.
Apply 'lyamol over tha part that hart,,
srcl th pun will he sun.
Tyamol ia shiaibid throuch th pore of
tha ak.n. It ha a luothina, hral ns aflaat
uin.n the dlr.eaed nerren, sraduaily h'lp
inir to renUr them to hfslthr eonditioa.
Don't auffer any lontrar. I'rira (1 at
Fhtrman at MirCunnall or any rellahla
Trtrnnl rmpanr, Mtg. Chemlat, 40
Butter St., Kan Francisco. "
Men' Suits
Cleaned and
Pressed ....
2217 Fare am St.
AT 0341
,B-Trrmar vrntst
Spend the Most Profitable
Winter of Your Life
Jtawary ft 12)
$. S. -l..elal-Nie
Olaai0 tieei
I Ike
Vaite4 At
Oa One el tke Key
at t"T 14. 12)
I $, "VeteaaUa."
New (Klaaia Use
I the
H-Uea Asse'i
A lqHl '"'.
4.w- a ft 4 '
la -..,ii.t at at- M . l a
t.w.a, AM aM a aa ke
a4 a aa aa.
ia a Ma44aaa eaM.a a-.a-a
. .!. a . i !
nwa wt a
4 anau'tiia a1!-
l.t.s - . ' "l
l tka ln il
k . ,4 Jl
a 4 e
. M a.
a.j..t I - ''i .'
( . a a '
M a-a4 l
tm a.iS . 4 ua 4 .
lUck Tral Aircr
He) aja' t '. fVeaeka t l
Mea4 Wa.l.aail Ce, It . Bealea
will add more to' the comfort of your home
during the cold winter months than a
bit- STANDARD Furnace
1 1
and you have the
knowing that it is
added satisfaction of
Any of the
dealer will
estimate t
following local
givt you a FREE
Ola Hie 2li Leaaeawertk St.
Ware 4 Bread 4lt S. S4iK Si.
f laaaiaa, B. J. . 3104 .eaeaerllt Si.
D.m.ik. C. C 2429 S. I6ia Si.
Ja.ob..., J. F......3S07 Ca.lalar S.
Ilauik. ... iu 4 Viat.a Si.
Kr.ii., a. io s. ijiw st. A, M 04 De) Si,
r.... r. J un s. inw st.
Tk'a A Cite Mf(, Ce , 00f Jka
t'ta !! M.I. Wk., St04
Akiaws till )) II.
t I. A. Cttael A.
Mail. J 3 U0 taH St.
Ma, a. A HatMl . .1121 M.tiU'f A. a.
IUI, J W . . K'ta ! Itealie !.
N.k J HJ (e 4111 N. I4j 91.
. , Itin SaMa II
TU NESB IT-STANDARD FURNACE i. Ike result ef mora
lhaa Iwe feaeraliea tpeal ia ike kealinf buiiaata. Year
f prtalical eipari.nce and stud predate' Ihia belter
(araace. aad ll will le yea tack r-ie at k kaaa
waaaewa ia l kliat kiatarjr, ll i daifad la saeel
year desaaad fee a aedra, kifk Ijrp furnace. Built
lirel el Ire el allied analjrtU, ta aritkataad year
ef ker firis.
The Joy, pleasure and comfort of a well'
heated hpme nmain tmny yearn after
the original cost i$ forgotten,.
Seld tkrettfk lae Hlta Trade fioaa tke SliMittifpl
Vellet la Ike faaifte teatt
N !, Was. , .
.! Itj, C .
M.A I . .
lull. E.J -. ,
..a, R, W . .
.klla4a . , . ,
, 1104 I east. Jt
Z.' W M.I.U. At.
. . Ml N. Ilik
, StIJ HawiiUa 9l
, , ,4II( N 4tk l
If I Je.kaea Si
Umi fte
mi fit DtMirt
ii Sk.n, 14 Mai.
Standard Furnace
and Supply Company
OmaKa SitHia City
aajaiaaaaal.iaiaaaiiaiaiiiiaaaiiiMiiaaMa,Taiililaarii,aaap i niaiii aamai mat liw nurnm maaaiaa aaajal
45 Re-siew-ed Cars on
I. i . i
Sale Today
aaalHMBHaMMiaaeaaaaaB ft'eBMaaaMaaBsMMaaaaaaaaBaaBaBWaaaa
Get Here Early Get the Car You've Always Wanted
Satisfaction !
Drive tho car five daysif
you are not entirely satisfied
with it at the end of that
time, drive it back and we
will gladly allow you every
dollar you paid on it to ap
ply on the purchase of any
other renewed car in itock.
We'll Take
Your Old Car
Trade it in for a good re
newed car. Trade it in bo
fore it runs up repair bills
for you. Oct a high-grade
car that will give teal satis
faction. Snch a chance
Come now pick out tha car that suits your purse. You will find
here just the car you have wantcd-at the price you want to pay.
Get Here Early-Get One of the B?st! Bring Your Check Book
or Liberty Bonds, or Drive up ths Old Car You Want to Trado
For When You See These Cars You Will Surely Buy
J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co.
Farnam Street at Twenty-Sixth