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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1922)
i 14 Striking Shopmen Meet Sctliacks in Injunction Case Molioii. f Union Attorney I )-nifd Hearing to Make Order Permanent Will Start ThurMlj). . . tnlunu met twu tlef-ntg be- fore Jutlcja WUItenum Ui thi-lr li-if-il : . l' Mum, iirul I ho itttim t. tinea i.f tiHht aftulriat lha mrlliw tnJuiM tlon i " ,,,ve "" '"" h I' ' . ui.J by Ally. fjrn. .ii.uKhfiiy. if ,,",",n''"1 ' :"" " . Ally. Jtt l.l- rr lm.v,. timt the ...v '''', lrf-rrl In l H,m; I voiitfflM turnMx a Mil , i". "n,, h' ' ' r"h M "" , of .irtli:uira. Klvinir ain-eifln .Molls.'' ,:,,,,d ,!""" ,u' ; of ih ui iiff.l n.ntnat the I " m, "" r"' , ' 1 iilnl.iri. TliH wik ilitiirit y the toiiri, on lli rnimi Unit o furnlnh ih h liif'itiii.itii.ii iiu, limit ih nc tlon nf the (,'ovirniiniit In )rnwut luff t!io nctiiin In nuiko tlm liijiiiutliiii I't'l'lll.UK'llt. Ally. Kirhlrf-rs ihfn lnouulit tii hi rinillnii Id Iiiiv Ihifn clicuit jmlk-M ievii-w tha Iruiiltty of tlm ti inpi.inry Injiiiiclloii, J mice. W'llliprHun milil Hint In the ulnin'i of a fiiriiml ra liifnt fruiii the iitlortii-y ki'IhtiI fur mu ll a riTilflciittiin of Jmh.-rt, it im l:ol In the owcr of llm rourt tn net, Aw-lHtunt Hnllcltnp Cencrul 1 '.link Inn n Kutcrllne Htn ), on Ixh.ilf of the Kovei iinu'iit. Hint Hi" cHirl wouhl Iw fckiMl tn have the evMrnre In miiHrt of a icriniincnt Injunction fi-fi-rrcil to a tiiiint'T In rhancrry fur lien ilriif. Next Tliurnilay, (d lolw r IS, yenn wt tlm ilntij fur n mart on tlm hnii'lnK on the pcrnmiipiit iiijiiiii'tlun mid It Ik ripcctivl Atty. (it'n. DntiKhi-rty wlli i iircm-iit. Ally. Jtli hU'i'ft, on behalf of lh de femiimlM, fllnd ' fnimnl di'iilalii of the chargei una I nut the Htrlkcm unit milil the rail exm-ullvea woro rrn)"imlhli) for the mrlko, fnrrlnsr the mii lo Wnlk out In ilrfenno of Ihrlr rlglitx. Suppression of Book Discussed by Authors The BllcgeJ Uiprf Hlon by the JMtionn govrrnment of the novel ''Kimono," tiewg of whb'h comcii nt time when cennorHhlp In an nctlve jKiiie In this country, both with re pert to plaj'b ami books, haa been the topic of lively iIIcuHlon In liter Biy rlrclM, lIi-orKe Ciwl, hrail of the recently formed committee of authors and dr.-tiiiutiftU to combat Kovernment eenfoi'Mhlp, said: "Knoulnff Japan, It elands to re.v on that the KUpprPKHion win not 1)h:iim1 on any delicate conBlderation for public morula." Market Men to Meet. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 7. The confer erne committee of the co-operative marketing nuROclationa In acheduled to meet her Octolier 23 and 24 to work out a proKram for the first national convention at VanhliiBton In Decem ber, iieeordinu to annoucement made by Itobert W. IMnRhani, chairman of the coiumlHKlon. The conference will be called, Mr. Bingham an Id, nt the sugseatlon of Bcnator Arthur Capper, one of the leadi'i'H of the farm bloc. Senator Capper reo,uented tlje conference for the purpose, of Kuldlng the movements Of COIljjlTSS. Mills County Plans Drive on Bovine Tultereulosis Malvern, I., Oct. 7. (Special.) The Mills County Farm bureau is or franlz.nK for a county-wide campaign for eradlcatlnf? bovine tuberculosis. Comity Apent Kred Knrquhar has nr raiiKPil for public meetinKa in each of the townships In the county nt which time moving pictures, deallnp with this disease of domestic animals and the danger of infection through milk to the human family, will be shown. I"r. W. T. Spencer of the Omaha Live stock exchange will attend these meetings and discuss tuberculosis. I. C. C. Suspends Coal Rate From Southwest to Omaha Washington, Oct. 7 Snc"iat Tele gram. )The Interstate Commerce commission today entered an order making a further suspension of tho new tariff rales charged by the Mis souri Pacific on coal shipped from the southwest to Oinnha. The new rates are suspended until November 11, pending further Investigation, Drouth in North Nebraska Broken by Heavy Rain Norfolk, Neb.. Oct. 7. (Special Telegram.) Tha drouth in north No braska and southern South Dakota has been broken by a general rain. The storm was accompanied by con Ulcrnble lightning, which did somo tlanuiKO on farms. Dies in Harher'u Chair. Pasadena, Cal.. Oct. 7. William Mc Kinlev, 77 eain old. cousin of nu bile M lunley. dld of heart trouble bere while seated in a barber's chair. i .. ,. fiiti.i with his fiimilv a ; number of year- ago. He Is survived 1 by a wliiow, here; his son. Ilmrge Me Kli'b y, at Plcton, la. uml two il.mch tern tn California. Onl-'ri-il tn HilHaii. Wlunglon. IM, T, il Tel- ! tiam r-M tl, llt inrr U tVniirr. tn-li UI s-a.r IMS. :a n-livvvtt (win lutiv l I tniU ami h.ta lwi ur.leit.1 It. .i. j ftwtl .i lai Kiik'I" aiol Mil till lli Il inelMll ll.-llle.l ! Im mit ur a'-tvil w-i4lt t-U'l'lt Aiillmr M irric. -.itia, it I T il I'- H. . a iiittir i-f wi'i tl ti-r.a i-f H'lw, Itlt-ii.s-l krn lieni a irn . i.lll.ell iSMttllii.., Ikal r tM. "n,,,tua,l t U lal l IttM .t-.. i fii.l. was Itt A litltw VtlUtil. With lin I an h' ttftte wh.i w Mai It Si l.i....i t l !. I "' fef PHtti', .t l'jtvl t.unfi.lil iclim IHi'i. ',.U I.Urt.1, l l. -. T -! r .. t- . tw ...... t.i.i i u ta a 1,-t Ih letll .tt tha ll keel. !. ..- I a t.l;Al -a - . ..,.., UlHUrll (uf lUn'-ltl. Haa4. lt a,, i T -ii4l - A IUe.t..l , imu' X t ka -Wast aK. a an a ae-atM--s Too Many Good Timet at Sing Sing Jilamtd for Wave of Crime VfMiii, l, I. tt. 7 Vht luo mm b trnnia. fiM-tUttl aiui UtarUiii at ; ntns rttna nt-tar trim ij invit-fig Ui... U... .....I. t,.i ... iims in Itt-lit-f m(iti.j ,y ir, ivrry ' I.) i htrtiBtt-in. li ..'inn f Ih ' Ttimlm i-risum. Srw Vt.ik r.iv in ! H-r h at Hi i:iki (lull h-r List oib'ht. ,lr, I.yi litenatrin ala-i itaaecrtc, jirulill.tlliiii liul iiiiif.iHfil Hi uatt ut Uiufj loo r t'tiit. "Tho u.illrt, riini witv tit Ntw 1 ....(- .-. ..t i . ...... .. 1 ri uuw nrijr incite trru y in Hi i.,a,t of It.. . Tltr. Im I 1h....I rv.l I na lie-tT III. Ill, I il-( 'S IHI nun li r nilil.iiii'H iii it t on iii . y iluli. 11 Women Seek Seats in Ccnirress Four as Senators Six of the CumliiLle Are D niocraK Four I!citilili ran Four of Them Are Peinieylviuiiaiiri. fly OKOICfiK F. Al TIIIMC. Hililnsluii f i.rrr-M,inlriil The Omuliu lire. Wnahlncton, t. 7. HHpei lal Ti le gri. in. There lire 14 women candi date for congress tills fall, the In rit es t n inn her flnep the passage of the nineteenth amendment. Kour seek the iiennte nnd 10 seek to become mem bers of congress. One, Mra. Feltnii of (leorgln, has nlrendy tn-en named I 'lilted Ktntcs senator by (iovernor llardwlck to aui-ceed the late Senator W'ltson. Six of tho candidates are democrats, four republicans, threo prohibitionists and one aiH-lallst. The Nonpartisan league haa no can didate for congress hut haa a candi date for governor In the person of Allco Lorraine Paly of South Dakota. Those seeking the senate are Mrs. "ct Oleaon, democrat, Minnesota; Mra. Jllla A. nolle, New York, pro hibitionist: Itachel C. Robinson, Penn sylvania, prohibitionist; Mrs. Ten Hooper, Wisconsin, democrat. Those seeking the house ore Miss Allix? Rnlertaon, Oklahoma, republi can; Mra. AVInnifred Mason I luck, Illi nois, republican; Ksther Kathleen. O'Keefe, Indiana, demncrnt; Mrs Luella St. Clnlr Moss, Missouri, demo crat. Pennsylvania haa four women can dldatea for the house. They are Mrs. Kllen Duune Davis, democrat; Helen Murphy, socialist; Julia R. Hazard, prohibitionist; Jane E. Leonard, demo crat. Still others are Mrs. Adeline Otero Warren, Noy Mexico, republican, and Mra. Lindsay Patterson, North Caro lina, republican. Huge Liquor Cache Found by Dry Agents New York, Oct. 7. In tho cllar of a factory near the East river, as com pletely entombed by walls of brick and cement as the trensurea of All Bnba and the 40 thieves, there was discovered last n'ght, prohlbitltn agents claim, one of the richest stores o; contraband llriuor yet seized about $730,000 worth of champagne, whisky and alcohol, bootlg quota tion.".. In the cache, they said, were 10 barrels of champagne, 150 barrels nnd 2,000 cases of whisky, nnd about 500 five-gallon cans of alcohol. Measurements of the floor space In the ground floor nnd In the cellar showed that the ceHar was shorter by far than the floor above it. Then groping about in the labyrinth below, the agents came- upon a cable, leading apparently Into a black wnll of cement nnd brick. Following the trail of tha cable, the agents attacked the wall with axes and sledge hammers. It was two Icet thick, but a hole was finally broken. Hehind the wall the agents found the liquor. Page County Man Wills Estate to Swedish Societies Shenandoah, la., Oct. 7. (Special ) Iowa nnd Nebraska Swedish institu tions nrc nmong the six benefactors of the will of Jv A. Kkeroth of Pnge county. The large estate is left to his wife, Mrs. Tillle Kkeroth, during her life time or as long na she remains a widow. At her death the estate is to be sold and $1,000 left to each of these organizations: Missionary sy nod. Lutheran Old Peoples home at Madrid, la.. Immnnuel Deaconess In stitute of Omalui, Swedish Evangeli cal Lutheran Children's homo of Stanton, I.I., Augustana Foreign Mis sionary society of Itock Island, 111., nn.l Ilelhfayn mission of Axtell. Neb, The rennilndr of the estate will be divided Into three parts and Inherited by his mil and daughter. Mra. J. Al fnd and Martin Fkeroth and h a two griuuU'luldien, Kleiuona and ." x . , ,. . iirllllll I Oflil rjllf llMu,.l fro, tn '21 ' . .... .... ., , l-...lL,n,l lr . lk-1, T -lly artHtlt ff t Ui-4 i f tlii-tiitta, lukfn li-Uy. ' thai .tit4e, wt'i't l t-i-sitei'n ptiiti P tl lit I bfkl he l UIJ - ltl ttrt. until i'.'! !fu" of rivsiit ' Uriltl'.t intlt.l It intl III lufflltn CtUI !irl U I"'- f.-illittutiin-l iU-'l..n Ut niiun In iiilr a meaaur-s will ,,. - ,., th, at iU.-i lit n ti.l! ee uiwar t lh !tli Ih i tat ixco-tt H -I will ai twtr ua tit r.iy t-ll.l "tha l.ta I . - It cstV .io,ICt. l ! Ik latent " a-LU I 1 1 a ni tf i.-. a ul lit. Ittta . 1 1'ritnnrr lot ifatr Mill lor rrrnluiu V-le. IKl T-Jaa H lewatXI ; i,ntlaaa.Wan) Ki 'h nt fm i .., H la Ui a -' l (I a,.-t-wai kn.y n It j ti. r- ttavr IMf " l I t-aaf M llva I Ptlaal m a-. I ' I " y',lt - - a I ( She Powders Her Nose as Mail Ship Reaches Hangar i I ji i7ri rr 'V, ' I .-J" ..... I i Ml Lillian (iillln and Harry .Saturday morning. ' Wait a. miniile till I i-iiuiler my f.iic," r.-l ,liii-, ,Mis Lillian linllin i from the front i nckpil of a mall plane 'that Pilot Harry (i. Smith had Just j brought to a M.. on lh. air mall ! ,. . , j Held at 10 S7 Haturday mornlnK after a ll.'tht from North Platte. Then Mayor Hahlnyn stepped . up i uii'i re-ie.i me young woman in lea name of Om.-iha. 'ilr la my mascot," sho s.ihl as she drew forth a pair i f tiny white baby rimes with tassels, "What a ghirioiH !ny, and up there among the cloud 11 is still more glorious. love It." The young woman is Ihe guest tf the l.'n, led States nlr mull In a flight from t-'i.u Friinrlsro to New York and lli.-im- In Detroit for the Interna I'onal Aero congress. She will lie the 1 ll'st woman to cross the I'tilleil Slater by mi-plane. She Is reireseiitlng the !old Star Aviation Mothers. Mis-i i.allln la a livery ik'ihou nnd'irn division. WASHINGTON NOTES . AVashington, Oct. 4. (Special.) John T. Adams, of Iowa, chairman of the Republican National committee, has Just issued the Republican cam paign textlsiok for the 1922 Congres sional campaign. It Is much smaller, instance of President Wilson, but, above all by presidential decree to ful till the flat of William Olbbs McAdoo, the transportation chhrgea of the country were increased under Dr. Wilson by $3,000,000,000 a year. "Messrs. Wilson and McAdoo In creased the cost of raliroad carriage and railroad travel In the United States every year by three timea the annual cot of the whole government of the United States before tha war! In so doing, they struck at the vuluc of farm land In every state In the union; they diminished the earnings of every farmer; they handicapped him In hia competition with the farm era of Australia, Argentina and India; they Increased the cost of 'living to every customer In the United States." If there la anyone in Iowa or Ne braska who knows how to overcome the "spell" of the foot of a black rabbit, will be pleaso communicate with Henry C. Wallace, secretary of agriculture, Washington D. C? secretary Wallace is out to counter act the Jinx which James C. Davis, a fellow Iowan, has over him through the medium of a rabbit's root from which Mr. Davis never allows himself to be parted.. Mr. Davi was a promi nent railroad attorney in Iowa before coming to AVashington to succeed Walker D. aa director general of railroads. He carried his rabbit's foot through many a successful Jegal battle. "When I -thought the Jury was against mo," Mr. Davis tells his friends, "I would Just reach Into my pocket, close my fist over that rab bit's foot and then with clenched fist shake my good luck in the faces of the Jury, and I never lost." Recently Secretary Wallace and Mr. Davis were plnying a hotly con tested golf match. They piny about even and are deadly enemies on the fairways. They reached the ISth hole nil even. Mr. Wallace had a compara tively easy putt to win the hole and tho match. Mr. Davis realized It. Walking quietly behind his opponent he dropped tho rabbit's foot. Secre tary Wallace tnlased tho putt. Now but more to the point on the vital Issues of the campaign than usually la the case with the guides to purty campaigners. It is entitled: - "The Truth "The Facts "The Record." One of tho most Interesting chap ters la that dealing with the question of rallrod rates, especially on agricul tural products. I'mU-r the heading, "Wllsiin McAdoo ImhwIviI the rates and busted Ihe farmer," the committee haa this In any: "It has In-cn part of the repul.llr-in reconstruction effort to reduce frclislit rate,' Ihe Ittcmim of which baa threatened In rruh out Ihe ,f- of niiiny a western f irming community. Most Important aulh..ritic in Wh , . . . . t i-iat-ii salt r-ilillilliMl mm tty tleliitt- I i.ntif l.tVutinn, .y nttlnii tf th In 1 !,,r,",B i'imrrva c..iutiiiw.ri at tha j - i Mjjlily IVf (!i"ll tif Kfi-CO IniltMlry on jra JIh.ji Hum- run ', t k i. i-riiil r rnt i.f th ln.lii.liv if $,tn I'tan t wa H m-isr tn,.ni it ttt Ametl '! I' ff .- it ah.. t i-, ',..-tt, ihila a ! t.St m i Ih t ,i v t tt ' it in - i'linti- l, It d-eit .Veltia " " I'f ai.lenl a n. I t ft It' d n 'tti)(lu hatittwf t( .m. ;liit-. tlrt lit i aUli4 U f... its IKittitK.iMt f,t;ii ,1,1. 1. imh aifiv.t lht K li. H. at,( al tn ,i even i ,k it. krl la. attxt itttHta-t ae.l -! ., tries ta ft -it, It jt ttni-.rt l.-l a,ivf1 "atxiuaa-n k- Is t iul .r Nrlrrail Dira. !i tl kit,!.., t, 11 ? - I . . g .Hi, 1 1 .1 r '. t.i lakia ill , H ttlt . t, It k.-tl IH S.tll, V 1 1 , IM t- ).!.. I. I i-' l lit li V It --. At -t -, at kete ki.t . a ,i . ,i , (t't'Ht 4 i I al 1 li- -f l Usl l- 4M. ' , I DIK SUNDAY HUE: OMAHA. OCTOf-KR js ffm.j 1 X' n . Sinllli iiihiii I heir arrlvrl In Oinalui t ill, -d iml Inked connlatitly with tli-- , pil s, i.inyor and spectators hlle wh-t w ,H 'M I A f,w '' fmlth - !,rul,"ht "'''! ' tli '" lirand m-w plann in which Pilot L. II. l!.im,.,n nt II 43 ft-w away with Miss (iatlln for Chlcag... Lii.n h was wait- Jm. fr ,,., Ilt ,,, n,y- Mr. !arrl-on and the liny Oarrl run daughter were nt the field In a Ford coupe. "I Junt came out to ree'my hus band Hying iiwiiv with another woman." raid Mra. Oarrlson, laughing. Miss liatlln reached Chicago Hatur d.-y nnd fly thence to New Yirk Mon ill."'. Preceding her by an hour -ihree planes arrived nt tho Held and flow on en route lo Detroit bearing John L. Katon, Kenneth l iiger, Paul P. Scott and Claire K. Vance,- all flyers on tho mountain division, and A. C Nrb;on, superintendent of the west' he Is trylnjf to have his negro chauf fcur. discover soma talisman to over come me raoiiit a root. The negro allows as how "them black rabbit' foot's wusa kind." Many changes have taken pjlace In Washington aince the adjournment of tho first session of the Sixty-fourth congress. One of these is the attitude of Woodrow Wilson toward Senator "Jim" Reed of Missouri. This was re coiled last Friday when the first reg ular session of the Sixty-seventh congress adjourned, because of the similarity of settings. As President Harding left the capltol, after sign ing llth-hour bills, a battery of movio cameras was turned on him. Someone remarked that republican candidates were overlooking a bet when they failed to get in the pictures with him. On another September day, In 1918, the eighth, to be exact, President Wilson left the capltol with the movie men shooting him from every angle. But a sagacious old democratic poli tician, the late Senator "Gumshoe mil" Stone, of Missouri, was not over looking any bets. Senator Reed, then as now, was a candidate for er-elee- tion and he needed all the help be could get from the administration. So contrary to his custom, when Mr. Wil son left the capitol he went down the grnnd flight of marble steps leading don to the plaza , from the senate wing. On one side was Senator Reed, beaming with pleasure, on the other was Senator Stone, smiling with sa tisfaction, and Mr. Wilson wore a happy expression. "Oood luck to you," said Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reed, ns he entered his wait ing automobilo. "We'll expect you out in Missouri, responded Mr. Itecd. But that was before the league of nations was conceived, Mmsourians for whose consumption tho "movies" were taken, would probably stand aghast or nt least sit surprised if they should see the picture flashed on the screen somo niarht, now that Mr. Wil son has denounced Mr. Reed as a "marplot." Weddi .mas Kot-li-imiimiii. KNuworth Mis Klsli. iilllman, ilnuphter nf Mr. uml Mm. I.ouls IMMimin, ;iiunurs of thin community, uml Alvln Km h of Loup City were marrlrd at thp ChriMtlnn church. Alliance, llev. a. J. Kplcr ollklulinu. Tttkhrr-Alner. rioairlre William l!nry Bnkfr, 37, and MIk Alma A. -Aloei. 24, both of Clatoni, pnieiirr.l li nmrrlittf license In county cuurt here. llilll-lKi. Pawne City i'hrle It. Hull of Atehl snn, Kan., nnl Mim Ata 1I-II Pavl of ihn city wi-r riurrli.l at Fulln I'Hy by th iaitir of th l'reio.yti-rlaii rhunh. The r.-nti anil n aiet-r of lh brio at tenilfi! the weitilliiv. Mr. Hall la 4 me- Im n lo at At' lilaoii anil they will live there. I'rtr k-Olilrr. Pawnee ru r'ranfe V !etr.iNh-k and Ml Klrililia J. Spier. Iiilh ef Pur. har-l. ero ni4irl.. I. llw. Mr 'Mrier, Mmr Ihe Culi. I lrt-alteilan thurrh. They Kill rt-ll en . farm. VI hltronth liatlln. Iltai.l.- Vh ittut.,. ,.f litis city and Ml't Kill n 1 r ti it v Krre ... r.l. .1 el the t-ri-te a ti.tine tt I'ent.r lite vt-uitg uiti Hill titak ihrlr at H p luia. KaA. nct-a-.iis. tl-et . - F,.te- 11 .i ' uf T..l.!aa, '. -le a .r- l .m ''" " i ' m. ' ,-,',." j Ju-l4 M..m -V - nut ai.. I'vlU l..,-ie,. 1 1 - ih f :ni, t w 'tat a'- ii.A'f.. t by Ih- j la.ije I Al, t.tlfftlH-lh-.IHp-B.a. I'lKWMlh-- I i...... ..( U I T. .- tt.le-t tttllfi-t I. I el I ' . a I . I . t I'-l-.l. f It. II, .It a the e..e .' I ' 1. ' t.f t-r 1 , .... 1 , . e XI . I a I II. e J Y Tk . t.y,. A .il Se.ew t-t. a.. , i. ....a .,tsj t a,- i ih- e.t ( vta .ha k -a Ijiivtl le... l-t t :t -'-it - Tn - . t" Ift.t a let. - wia ! I ! s- a-- tn- ta.t k H.xt I-.I.II. T .-V - It I At V . A , I . I t-t- at Is. .4 l.e t-i.l.. et. -tw.r wt . l t . .K... St . I K t- "-...I 4S.-s al l-t inta,.,.4 a BuMncss Activities Ct IMt-Milk t . ! ,: , . '4 ...-.- If Deaths ! : . l-t ltrI.i, lr. ui 111 hi tum. 4 UMlttt tllt't Mrt ttlittiatH dMflV. Mr. Vr i alur. 1 IUrt3 (! UuMn fairm-p l IaU j f,M.nv mn t h't ) th tot4y tt MfMimM to t.ltirrik for trnrul Mr. I fiwl liorfftf, (iiMUirt Uy h vui'n.i Mti.l h nitinbr ,t h; ill. " TH fcu.l) at Ukrn 1. i i Hiinm f. r hanal trtlrrrl hurl. If, IH. - I r .Ht h t. i ii.-i' i .i ht-ir rt t.LMi i hui(i, S- , l'r Ituriiii it SI .i Il lU sliarp Union. It-airlieel.eii. Itumn, a. f.irmeily a r ilrnl nf 'i.- v.iiiie. li ' limine of I" Heler, !r. II ' .aia i in We.t ll-elri. e. ! I liarlr fcaraee. .eiu hail Karri.a. on or in i.turt eeinra of ih New IP-len e-me niuiuir. ill. -I al hi heme. Mr. Krn honiei (ea.le I eirr n-ar ihe h emrli al lo teinn, hi.h Me u-e.t a the firl iei. ollu huili IMK in 111 niuilllr lie H- r-. eil iii u. li f the it"iiia hl' h mad I ihe ei.rly t toiy ef i'uetrr in-miy. j . Vr; Murr 4. Crowley, ' ih 4 - Ur" June Creley. M. i!i .1 al ih- of h-r daughter, aire. l in e chraleiieeii. The body lahen ! tn l'.,ii'fni. U , fer builat, I ll.ilierl Mlililletos. y,l. nil I he I....IV of Unbelt Mlddleton u ,a brniiell' llr" flom Huiierliir lur burtl. ' Mr Mift-llel-in " leeldenl of Snlln county fur many er Mra. V.. li. l oliielnrk. -,, nd t he l-"ly of ln. H K fom- I,,, k liruushl h.r from Hie Iowa elitte h"a lal "I auiien! e.-ni' llarinda fur liurlnl. era eonducled at Troy- er a i liafel Vrleon J. Amlereon. Wahoo Nela-.n J Anderaoii. Tl, horn III SU .na. ax e.len. r -hruary . nnd tied a: hi hm In Waheo. At Ui nse rf U ha eiinuraied to ih I nlied Mulee and flr.l rnleit al I'rlnrelon. Ill, but Ih furnwtllK year JiHived lo lltiiaha, where ll el. re.l I h. elllldoy of Ihe I nl..n I'nr'fl- 1 1. ' h rania to Wahoo anil opened On. flrel ph.ilornih sallery In the c. iillly II" Uhll-'l marrlase lo .v, s,.le Hull, lo which ""I"" four rlilldr-n bornr Mr. Illldiir J. hlllloB ,,f i-4..r liapide. la.: Arthur Anrirrinn ef ih. and I'r. H. S. ',A-'r'n. I'ednr llluf a Julia, a (liiushler. died In 'ha funeral waa held In M rea dinc. Hi- nev. . K. H-rr. I.hl of Ih. Hwcdlah l.i.theran rhurch ofllclatlna. Mother Mary Mrret. yrk Mother Maiy Maisarei, S. men at ih Creulliia convent. She aa ra in Oermany In lr. and ram to Ih 1 nl c.l Htnie. In ISM and entered a "invent tn Peoria. Ill . wher rhe remained until 190. when ahe, with other elrtera, rams to York in ealnblleh a convent. Italy is entirely dependent on other countries for coal. BEE WAiNT AD RATES tin par tin each tier, 1 er I day. 12o per line each clay, t to I day. 1 0c par lln each day, 1 day or lonir. Tha abnv rates apply iclulvlT Want Ada whlca ara commonly Urmed -nohlle wanla." and do not Include adver- liaemenla nf Indlvidunla or concerna adver- ttalnr or eiplolllnar Ihelr buatneaaea. THR OMAHA n KB r-aervea the rlsht io rleeliinat what conatltutoa a punno want. Want Ada ccpted at the followlnc officer: Main offle 17lh and Farnam ft. South Omaha.. Jf. W. cor. 24th and N fta. Council Bluffa II Bcott St. Talaphon AT-lantlo 1001. rn In- ."Wrnii" Ad Tlenartmenf. An - Dorlenrrd "Want" ad taker will receive your ad and a Mil will ba mailed later. Th ratea quoted abov apply lo llher chamo or cufh order. CI.OSINfl HOLKa FOR WANT ADS. Fvenln Kdltlon 11:41 a. m. Morning Kdltlon P- m- Sunday Edition t p. m. Saturday. The ratea apply to Th Sunday Be a wall aa to Th Mornlns and Evnln Be. All weekday dvertleement appear In both morning and wrenlni atlfllona at taa one coat. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THK KVKNir.a BKB DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES HAY, Mary Jane, paaaed away at th res idence, 2302, So. 31at Bt., Oct. 6, 1922, aged 89 year. Funeral aervlcc Mondny mornlnir at in a. m. Interment, Valrvlow cemeta-ry. Parnllllon. Neb., via auto. Johnenn tk Hwanaon In chars. HROWN .lohn J.. ana 73 Vera. Funeral Monday morning from realdence, 1609 California at. at 10 a. in. Interment, Oakland, la., by auto. Gentlemen a Mor tuary In charge. CARD OF THANKS WB DKS!Hl!3to express our Hlncure (.rati- tude to Omaha I.uiU No. 39, B. P. O. KlkM, the National Ass n of Letter Carriom flitrl fripnda for their ktndneas and aym pnthy tu the bIcKii'hs and death of our beloved brother, N m. A. cowman. M tin, I' Alt VI in K. V, BOWMAN. Words rannot exjirt aa our slnrere thanks to our many frlenda for their klndneaa, sympathy and beautiful flora offerings at tha death of our beloved hucDand and f.ither- (Signed.) MRS. M ARTE rnOHASKA AM) FAMILY. BURIAL VAULTS. WOODEN boxes soon decay. Stcei or Iron vaulta will rust out and-collapae. There fore you should Inatat upon your under taker using an Automatic Sealing ton- crolo Burial vault; water-proof and ever lasting. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Hurlnl Vault Co., 6211 N. 10th St., Omaha. Inspection Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Omnha' hst i.njWtaUlnir eilnbllithmant. AKIluW A MPT fT A XTnrsKKVICE Thlrty-mird and Farnam. LARKIN BROTHERS Ft'NERAL DIRECTORS 4MS SO. 24TTI HEAFEY & HEAFEY' t'ndertalter and Embalmer. Phnn HA. u;'5, offlee :i',ll Farnam. Ilulse & Riepen, Kunernl Dlreeinrs :'i:i Cuming. CROSBY-MOORE FLORISTS. LEE LARMON!;',' Hth . ItnuiMaa. ma AT :tl SAY IT WITH Kt.mVEHS FIIUM H KM HMItlttn.i. ItllJfAltXAtl SflllET Jt UN PVTII ll tmnnn. JA. l-. "Kltt'Mn:itMi.. i:f latnam J A IJli ! W CEMETERIES. Vl.-HT IHKIOT I.AWN. N'nrili ot t'tty I, Italic offle al femeler aad 7;t (1-40-11 tlteat PKRSONAI.S Ullll ef o- Uli!.' I -l.l. ti i. ..-k it .as al In . t . . t a ..i i-iitis-ts at .ur -rie-a t "it t'ttaka ""'"itinu,.,,. J 111 at.-l t " -. I ft-- it. c.-titt! t--i "I. I .... 4 I. , - .' I I - t-t t- i- t ..u-.t.-u... ft . . . f, e Th - I et l . I i.t .-.ft. i ... IH III liU f 1 . i a $ ! 1 m a tta.4 ! P. 1922. T-n I LOST AND FOUND. rir ! r.editr m Umli uh (hi f.ilun.n la (Mra Ike d4r4 el lk M.rsR ! In rol If tnal h bn Iiun4. Wkn J i tat v "(ihins rM Al- l.nli l:4 tni ! tar af'N . u . . . i i t I.iiNT, alieitd u duitit I .'f liull Urrii ailiMtr lo Halite of li . whit rina la ta,.athl Skl.ul a....u'H.l IL.. k ah.iuid.ra. lane il.ik l.ree eele, who noe; ttearloa largeu te-a ludd-d r-diar with lltrnee la ans'hcd lll.ral le ttaid for l-lttia I'hine W H.I l,i -VI' ll laeen t'tuy t'eni-r, N-h, and Mltl.iR. N"h. llera ril lrello U1, tenia taluald lo eflicr; li..ll tl-a l Meher a in, Superior, N-U, ur I'aul l Nite-hf, Nrol.i. la; litolal rear.t. l.i.hl'llU. 4 tell. I Uk( lolil-lMlea ) eir, find-r -ie. reiurn lo laj South r.'ih Si, and el. lain libeial fraatd II A m f.tihT Suuei tl.ea .in Maiked II II het with 11 ainall roarle. ymder pleaa rati llirn.y M4C Jt-ward iVisT l ady Klsin wnei wai-h en eireel car Kinder leiute o h. hinoll-r 4 Muller I'lnno to. otflce. Ilettard. !.iiST--Wnln ed"V near l eniral Ml ai huol, I' It.iinl.tin (..ri WA K7 WA lJ ,4NT Iwuwi. rmiietlu vilr i.oiil'-i. about ft niontlii i.tit (xAt4 M iiifiiniiatiiin l--iiiliiif lu riurn nf amen1 t'all JA 21 1 "ihT-..liv."u.1.r ht, A:l liriini.i. lintntlfKi 4)tnrf. i,tHn II anil 1 u clink. I'm ii wa, itruttrtt 1 iTrh'F i'alr "f golf hn, klinw.w.d ,i-th, Krut.i. Klwlff K ll. llf Hrwanl. EDUCATIONAL 1 1 A V Mi Itciot. N I 1 1 1 T Ki'lliuit.. romiilfla i ouraea In neeeunlanry, machine l-eokk' eidnr. corni'loinelry, ahntihand and t , noun. r.illroi.d and wlreleea teleg raphy, mil eervlce and all Kngllah and iwiioiirrcful l,ranhe Write, call or phone Juckeen I if,4 for tall lllualrated talliluS. AMre- roi.t.t:riK, Pnvlea It I.I ar . Ilmaha, Neb. " UK A MKTrXTIVK, Knperlenc unneceaaary: wa Inelruit you: aplendld oppoiluntlp a III ihe l.n. r prliit dejiarlmeiit, iikthctivk aokxct, imh and louslaHl. Omaha. Neb. Vol! am wanted, linn ! Il niunih. I'. H. sovernineot poeltlona. Men and women our II. hl'l'dy work. No elrU.a. I. If pclllnne. Short hour I'lcaeant work. Cnmnion eduiuilon aufflclenl. r.aperlenc unnecreeary. Mat i-oalltona free. Will Onlay eure. Franklin Inilllule, lirpU 21 a -.S. Hm-heater. K. Y, CM:ilKM ,ln women. Slrla, ll, over, wanllns ood paylns perminent rnvi-rn-liunt poalimna. Departmental, poatofflr, rallu-av mall. Cither noalllona. Kauerlrne unneceaaary. Kanilnatlon aoon. Kull parllculara free. Writ Columbia S. hool run Service, 171 I'upa Illdg., Waahlns ton I. C. QCIT long, hard h"Ura. low pay. Knjoy aplendld working con.lltlona, money, pn allfon. He an AuJnmt-tlv Klcctrlcal or Mcchantciil Spri-laltri. " Wr train you thor oughly. Heat equipped achool. alany po sition. Huoklet free. Johnaon'a Autmiio tlva Tradea School, Klctrlcal-Mechanicl, 729 Ilrnadway. I-pt. J.. Henver. IIAIIN I11U o HUt monthly, elpeneea paid na railroad traffic Inapcctnr. I'oalllnn guaranteed after lhra inontha' apar llm alutly or money refunded. Kteeiient op portunltfea. Writ for fre booklet, K-371, Hi anil. Uuilnca -Training Inat., lluffalo n. y. HKTKCTIVKH neetled pay, Interiietlng work. everywhere, good Send for fre In formation cuverlng our ayeiem of educa tional advancement. International Hetec llva Exchange, ltaltlmor Uldg., Chicago, III. . MEN An 17 to li. Kxperlenc unnecea aary: travel, nuik aecret Inveaiigatlona, reporta. Salarlea; expenae. American lit tectlvo Agency. 476, Kt. I.oula WANTED Men, ladlea and boya to learn barber trade; big demand: wage whllo learning; atrlrtly modern. Coll or whll 140.1 Bntlga Ht, Trl-C'lty Barber College. INRTRCCTIONS given In marcel waving and other branchea of beauly culture; night claiaea. California Sun Parlor, b21 N 3ld Kt. HA. 4163. WANTS!) Names Omiiha women over 17 wlahlng government Joba. $90 month up. Fteoily. Anawer today. Box T-2044, Oma ha He. Day or Kvening aeaalona. PWOnAK TiUSINKSS COI-I-KOB. Wad Blrtg., ISth and Farnam, AT. 741. THK National Automobile School announce their opening Oct. 2. 1922. Coma In and aee ua. 2K14 N. 20th St.. Omaha, for catalog. VAN BANT SCHOOL OF RCSINKSH. S. K. Cor. Nineteenth and Douglaa. DO. 6X90. ANNUS K. Gl.ASaoW, vole and piano. (OS Karbach Hlk. JA. 1081 MOI.KR HARHKK COLIF.OB. 1HI S. 14th. Write for catalog. TUTon. grade and high achool ubject. JA. 4187. MALE HELP WANTED. Dependable, Johnny-on-the-pot workeri can be aecured through the "Help Wanted'' column of The Omaha Morn ing Bee THE EVENINti BEE (two paper for the price of one I. leiepnone AT-lantie. 1000 and aak for "Want" Ad taker. AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT 306 So, ACfeNCY. 11th St. JA. 4322. IIRICKTAKU men, Smith Brick Co. Slat and Lake St. FREE POSITIONS WORK OF ALL KINDS APl'LY EMPLOYERS' FREE EMPLOYMENT SEKVICK 1911 Harney Street AT. 63C2 JAZZ eaxophone player wanted for danc oreheatra. Must bft A-l. Good poaltton offered on sltle. Live town. State ability. Mgr. Danceland. I'. O. Box 766, North I'latte, Nclt. MAN WANTED For Withuo and men or women vicinity of plnttsmnuth, Nebraska City and Auburn, to flemnnntrato tho Setihrlat Pressure Cooker and Cantter. L'sed by Nebraska university and by gov ernment tlemonatratora. Couka footl In one-third time. Sold on payments carried by company nnd aavea lta own payment n meat and fuel bills. See September I'lcloilal Review, pag 45, alao October Oood Housekeeping, page 0. Will aentl information about tteuionatratora who are making IliiO a week. Write In full and give references. Alr-ert 8echrlt Mfg. Co., 1717 !,ogauStreet, lienver, Colo. 1KAT AVII Itnill'FRV SA I .I'M VI le. V AT. TENTIt Wanted a In laka order, for raw msiera on rommlealon basia. our brands ; of ovster are well l;m.n In the wt. ' and handling earn aa a lldlln mil prove , a good propoaltlon for a huatler. Reply. 1 alatlng referrnrea. la J Mcfresdy m Co , Baltimore. M.t . M KN lid a week Itt ape-M lueo tn travel by auto and install new slot ran vertur In every hoiit.. Wonderful Inven tion. C.Htk and rak all tear without eoat wn..d N. gas or ele-lrlelly aveded. furtii-ili Ihe auto. Hatupl free J TN.tmaa Jufg. i t, ivaverlur lt, tayi-n j - 'n.i-. WKN-It an ttur In tour apar lima d.t- ' l-t eok ett. -. lemltlee ut i-ut etlv. I No iperie-v tr rabiial re-iulied Write I 1st ley pattieulafa teltile fur lertif,.-v -a u.n, Amert'ia I'r.elu. I I',, lt,a Altte-l.a tl I' o Innall, It. klfcN W it t a . "! p-r kar. Itthalti lire. I Itt Vitt-kt. tu.-a.-rha. I 4 ii.u. a s .aia, ef ... I lo,u- .a M a ll I. A ,.,iteMta Htuat awply la t.t.n tioe-l (.11,1. eeaa I aH 1 , "H"it tlg Itt-l.t. ,.l,a tt . -nt fae--tt. ..ttlttia It. I .-tT-.t an. e -r a -g t,ll . "t"i - tt't-1 t .itiet.t i. it s i...-a ti ! II rlo,M V- h- - -.i4 t f .- ! '4h it innr ii a i I t I ' t ifc.'l m tu : tt m tftti ' f K lt . t :ajlt lt I ( ) - ,'iiKN t WrUrtaMlttrH '1' fk-OiaX "jr.-l . &4 tt -4 a a 4 ata It ft. im. $. iaii. ' t I . - I '.'.; 4ia.i4 rSl. 1 mwi' l U ' l-af r. ( I .wan S.a. il (ml , l fttWr-.t He sac M k :,.U:l --an It it' a t - 1 . v. ) I 4 lik f i tAf : , m j.i-. n- a -t iiw-if:,,; U W I 'si. l uKI el ' i ) f If) II M (It . Ml l-lll ia, .i 4) -U, h t - " . - a ff. a. I a ' 4 I "n - I k ' 4 I a I - ' " as ! 4 - MALE HKLP WANTED. . ... 4 AN A I r.ifi.l-l "lr. aU k.ri-ti tffat-ltf Mkl 'r.. , e.l.l, tf . I hi4 "rif.i, intvt.rnt iii'imm I rt I I ham n I - -V a,- ti j I'.ii.i. MUil ! rtwii ; ! - 4. atgf- U " ttari: r h inli ' I 1 fill UtalHI arf lllatnarl. -I1" ikkifHHi m.inrJ r imiiU kU tnuat Hf a hH'M4ir lit Hmkl-g 4tItat v. it it ur aU i4 t'ti"ii HiiMtwf. V4 MiUI itiatH r"tfit r.t t ,lu er fintr tf"i. r t(t 1- ) Vvty (toii.,H.t;jf (lrr terldst (lilrf) lr ka lh ?)! M ( IH iMi-lt l at 1 tt lit tf ' t I'llerf I tllh A'Mlrii y !l, t'lNli tu - iti" ic In i Si Ill4.a) ! 't i im .r rt-"l 4....- aiallr ful Mftx litltr H4..t tt ll.- P.. I , he 1 1 1 r HaT' K lit r-(MtisJ.til1 t ltirlltla -fiitjr in ah a rri.ti 4 bum a i Mum ht uit mm n r a'ttl t' fimitiai' tatlh (In Itlatlf ft N 11 M -ttd trll-.H t Iftj CH.f rtVr t "ut mil at hi tm I -1 r hImv, ai-inrtrftifi a'tl !- pi'Hi, I'huitv r tail iria,,mjijt Mi. J. II Uvlfrr. It mim Hi. id, nit) iittia) hun.Uv, itri.ta.r XAI,KHKN WA.Sr Ai VS lis riiiieatfiil i lu tfiint4 ur uui'IhI r ritry. Our bum a, inMuuit, hUh .. Htirk pa hi a, rutin uaia nt tiiatla lit iMir own fm tut if Jini't Mixtlrtia titffOa in iur mtil anil a..(il tin - t l i ihauitir at " il-'fy all i I'at.ri.a and lallurlns are the (irt.-! If y.iu aave a rl'itn rriord, pland Hell Ift tour com niuii ly and ran aite v,tor null timm to our Motk wo will ell'-w yotl liuw y.-u caa Itlalt Uft lu 11-4 per a. No e. p. rl. nc or cap, lal re.(lifr..l. Ker full palluulai addieee Tn lor- ella In, I'tU 41 .No-la Pauline. I'lil. aao i A I . K H M K ,V M I n u l"e'a par d-llara" ll. luoll" elralloa H'lltleiful new Ihter-pi.und add. Iii lnaih'ne. Il.lalla iii rtink e,U,.la fjuo mi-hlne. Adde. eut"tr-la, luulll-ll'-a. tllti.l.a alili-iiiallcelly. hpe.-ty, . curate, dulnl.te. hnilauine five. year sunrantee Tremenil-io d--ioand every -fetter. Amakllin I'roflla. i-iain or el.le line Kaperleni a Ufio -eeeatv. Writ null k for lil"-ial trial offer and proie.-i-d lerrllore. I.leh'nlna Cal-ulal-r Co, opt .T4H. I III, ml llnpiiie, Mich HA I.KSM KN llu-ll eeaa..n here. KnUia ln our force alueL-le lerr.lory open for real ael'-eman: l-uil-l permanent tiuai. ncaa wllh ttriijc eloir and neutral et,,r-a; nailnnally adertl.d; aoP-n-lid - rontniia alona; liberal advance pro. due ra. imr ro-operatlon aide your aue. eeea. ' Jturh i-e.teen here Company, Mil lid Ave, llepl. IH, Cleveland, II XAI.KMK.V ll.i.l.iv ami un.lerwrar anlea ladlca anil eae-men' l.lvo atfenle wanted for liinnh. Aleo couniry lerriiory In N'ehraaka. County rliihla Ills lln of men a and ttonien'a illrc. t to wearer. We deliver and collect 111 valliea Kern- Intra unlimited. Aildrra r-;itl, Omaha Ilee , SAI.KHMKN Kllst populnr prli e fire ex tlnau h.r ever uiadc; retail 11. an. titlerra cot t tl. Kv-if h-illie. offle or faelory can ba enld. I'ek aoltl 16 iloteii In Ihree daya. llcla c..,mliig up In cihciuoNil, $90 a week a e. licit. No enillll No rlenee. T-ri1l,.t y going fnl. Vrlt Thurrton Mfg. Co. tlx. i.lS, Dayton. II. HA I.KSM FN Tire aal.- lnt n" " Mali- big Itini.ey, I00 we-k and up. Alt or apace I tine". No experlt-nee or capital needed, Sell beet guarii'tfecd Akron etati.'itrd make eor- and fitltr.e una below ilcuiern' piece. Have aulo o.tfieie monev. Dignified profilalilo work. Ketleriti Itubber (tooda Co, Akron, li. HAI.KhMKN Hjlea l-oerd aaleamen: We hnva the moat atlravtlve line -if premium aaeottnienla on the market today, c-im-nilaelnna t6 to 19 per order wnh full re. pent cominlaetone 'or a live, tlp-lo-dale, p-oprialtlon. Wrlla today. Canfirld ilfg. Company. 4001 Ilroa.ttvay. Chicago. SAI.KHMK.V We offer a profitable, e- ciuaiv aalea agenty for omnha to gome real wide awake ambliloua nian with nier chlindlalng ability. Muet lie well and flnnneially rciponrthle. W ttod-Thrimna cn , i iblo Illdg , Akron. . BAI.KSMAN for Nchrneka cjilllnrr graue aiiliimntlve trade Sell Spoke-TlKbla anil Wheel Jack. Three out of fiva buy; big rnmmleslon. Parttculnra Sheldon Tool Company. 1174 Koulhwrat Hlvd., Knnaaa City, Kan. HAf.KKMKX Solicit accounla for targ eollecCon agency, lioil weekly eaelly earned. Apply Immedlalt'ly fnr valiiuVlx territory, llllnola Adjuatlng Corpora-'. 22 K. Van Huren Rt , Chicago. SAI.KSMF.V WANTkl i For tapl weTl known line aoltl dlrectfrom factory to merchant, two aaleamen. willing to work and earn big money. .Cnuaual chance for good men. Hox 495. Iowa Clly. la. SALESMAN, advcrtlalng. who haa mad $10,000 per year on atralght rommlealon taala. Big propoaltlott of many year tending. Ph. Morion, klO Wad St., Cincinnati. O. SALESMEN Do you want to make from $160 tn $200 per week? Write ua. St. Louis Novelty Company, 1604 So. Grand Ave., St. Loula, Mo, SALESMEN Sideline men, $10 to $20 dally; brand new propoaltlon. No aample to rarry. Nothing like It. Lincoln Sale Company. Sine. Lincoln Ave,, Chicago. SALESMEN Are you looking for aide Una that paya $3.1 to $76 weekly aelllng rummer! tape? If so writ AD-Lee Co., Dept. 7-17. Chicago. THREE clly nalfj.smen tn sell mrn'a tailor matte clothing on a weekly payment plan. Strictly cntnmfaalon baal to atart. $26 a week and commtaaions to ones who make good. Commlaelona should amount to great deal more, than aalary. Nona but experienced aaleamen need apply. L. J, Frlea, 30 S. 19th St. TINNERS WANTED Two good tinners at once for Ineltle and outside work, flood wattes. Simon Brothers, North Platte, Neb. WANTED EXPERIENCED PEELEftS A Nil PACKER APPLY SUPERINTENDENT LOOSE.WILKS BISCUIT CO. 12TH AND DAVENPORT. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O o O WANTED o O OUTSIDE SALESMEN 0 O AND O O SOLICITORS. o O O O H. R. BOWEV COMPANY. O O ltlTIl AND HOWARD ST 3. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WANTED men. desirous of fitting them"lvt-a for Industrial account ing and public practice without Interfer ing wllh present position. Call Interna tional Accountant Society, 1016 City Nal'l Hunk llldg ' 1 r-' o. origin, energetic, nonest, WANTEI rln )'oun man wllh mod-at capital In i'r miere.t m an oia etnnanea ,lrm- Aildreaa W-243, Omaha He "f I h"nJioulaa 3J.53. W ANTED Hlg pay li" mearywke7a ,in il.utlng semules. bookleis etc tvhnla or sut-te tune. No evl.etlence' r.-.iulred al I Met, r. Sit Seventh St , l.nthsvllle. Ky,' WAN TEH I'l. I'M H KIIS, ofT-nK-Ti HVN fl'KN aHKI". ALL WINTER WollK. f it. I. FARNAM Wanl.l Lint men end gfttundot-ii ; atearly 1' ti.-prinsn r.ngln- erleg tn , Omaha. w lit ti.KSAI.E h,ua atania vuung man to 1 ttin Poem ih-at lake ret po-M ' tut. A l.ll.. Hut tt, Haraey aireel kla'Ntt kiA.s attu-r law i :.tnin tl-twaletsa aeaalt-na, t'ntvarsite f titoeh - ae.--.tArv. ...,h M.l Hk. t,4 Vt.l Nil totn l eh..'etle keue. foe adtaa. .-tent la g.Mnt. ..-i 17 Ham it.-Mi h 4I1,.,. ACKNTS WANTED T 1 i H.t V I k 1 I, ew a...M tie- Isftlt . M .1 1 . .. r, f 1,1 mi I rD i i-i i ) - ' tV,.b i .-si 1 , !." -t t I H I ' ta at !- tjk - .1 4a H. a n itul I .1 - jit at . t. fT ...j , n , . . , , , i a, 1 1 1 tn, . - ' t ' 4 H- 1 ... Ut-'- - " fc , -f l'-t k t Vw l I - ,av L . ,1 i a. - ' ' . ,,( ay,-- 41 ' Na. I I ) sf 1 11 ) AGt'NT WANTFU V ft I. II il IN t-toitt il alNt.aS Pciple r..,I eel aad Ihie li-i the it ' in ef '.Itftl t'.e I ".hI It.-.14- l lie aiil a-td eef-el l.ueli.vte to 1 1. .- -I ....e. tu4 tea loaa li.t-t f e e ft er ei..o krt )-i IV. it-t. -h a" l. -apiial M-e4iy .. Ihe evniea t.f l-yi i,iHee aod ueei y,.a ttuti ,e.. .ila fie toUfe la ele,ttbah:p. ai ttaeatllte of fi mi..a ! lte ltl 14 la your let- lory, fie .l trtiitt0 tittutera d --a l-ooa tea l4iolo yeur aaio and 4,lrre a our ttlet I i.til r V e a'e-l pt'itl litr oaot aad a-l.lieea oo keg.e ailltcul thtrae 4 I lhl fill ! lite b'i.efll i f lh..o; of i ,j.,l!.t Wt.ttn or tep.ei at.iet ant I ptottu.ia a hi. h tno.t r. a.ttd ttay l-a t i lu-i. r. I under I It l.-iitia of our pl.etat iNUtiaolee lllle al i.h. e u it Unlet i 'ie'.tle. Ut and toopel d. lail o ' h.ia lo t.reotee our e. leo d.alt l.ul'it i r'eo-lal Pure oe.l l'o-in-ei.. ?'! Altltet A. . I l litlii. Ill H...i-o.. At.. I-.-.I-W etptree ot ta:lr....l i.-ioeaov -i . 1. 1, t , . nt. i awo r in Amelia l.ptal-l.ah.4 j .in, .. Ii AnKNia-lli t dil e.y Swum ptoof altle auareoled h,.el.ty So et, . yett-ioe . ue'"t n.-..i.,l t'eur pay III e.l e-..a d-liy, .luel lke of.l'le e deit,r land eolleel. aear ba newel ead"ta tir .hie tilled l-t ;l bou Sfetlal on leilla t eed lorn wool litter,) hratltere and alike lnutni furo ahrd roolalna all .tla frade Wllle .id. k. leielil r.ld ill do H-.-ne. Hun hew. tint il.Chr Sllll., C, rail 3l! t in. innall, itl- r - w - . .viil SI- l-u-h nee- teaterpnof alle treelllrr toa. koaw Ilia II- r f.-r fall ai.-l tti-iier luo.itoo -t'V tint i.laokel lia. lo s-urdilr mode "AmeHim low ptl-. I.' proM Co. per aell I'.ur a -ley. Sain lie flee on ..Iter No, le Vtrtle lode footer Mfa I'-. I'r pi H M'" '"m"-.'. AtlKN'TS lis dally ea-v Sorn proof tine load" H In I houia to i an loo Irenlns l.ald toveta needed In etiry home t.tpelirn. unueceee.ry, Sam. pie free llllen Ml to. I'epl. HaMllonr MoU. Chit aao AT.NTitnofcl na mill Iteliahl In i-.uf..-lur -r. h-niel -o.le li yeela ft pen. nee. at llln and profllalita hoiieeho!4 alltle. Write lo.iar for money tualiina plan Arieil-an Producla Co, ui Amcrlian Hid. '" otnall.ii. MAKK $ IN 1:S l-AVS Scll.n r-t"' Mattel Waeltin t ompnuno, Soap HH'l end lllulng 1'ttdill lllr-'gcet aelLre; steady 1 V' en I profit Lie in --a. Free eeinpp. aim nen t.o, 1 not K. l"t. Chicago 'A,, ;-r $S hour ll ily. Melrll-ule hnueehold .rill I. fit ' lo l"."' r" ttiimta fur our gnntanlecd goi-de farl limn aallefael-.ty. Si nil for fre aample and full infolliliilieil. .teniilng Mfg. Dleiri.t l.-.J. l-iiylon. alt i.e. Ai-ENTS $J"a t"'r tnoitlli Hi..dy pay. N-w alylo wrlllen giiaranleed hoalery. Mu-I near or r. p'att.l frr. I'iperlelie unnn c-eiti y. Spare Inn alPfadory. Sample free eJnnlngi tfg. Co., Lln 143, ial-ui. Oltlie VANTEI Inielligeni man, a diatrlbulor by mall, of toy on making money, rpiira lime llel complei Information. Apply ly. K le Marshall, 26 I Hun h Slre-t. Room sl. New York City. XoiCNTS Nell Ilk hot rak.-. M profit; n.w Ironing wax pad and aalaa lua real: t lamia l..rd; perfumes clothes: a. nd for i.ulflt. Yankee Mfg. C , H0 Allnnlle Ave Hroliln, S Y AllENTS -el our big autiiplo annrdli-nl free 'I . a. eoffe. extract', ap.t ea, f.iod product. Thlnglt people est. 240 faal seller. Ilnrley Company, I'ept. 342, Im- ton, o. AUKNTS H-nry Ford l.if- Slory" authorised. Kaels never b-fore pja.liehed: hundred of picture; lrresi.til.le. mUlloiis lo In aol.l. Fret, outfit. Illdland l'ress. KM 1'rnlrl.-. Chicago A'iENTS Amaxlng proeperlty; hlg proflls; big sales. N-w lln toilet goo-Is, fancy ho", sell lets than half ator price. Cret for Xmsa. Fre display caaea. H. T Held Factories, 10"! Mango, Chicago. AiTk.NTS Amaing euc-e. I'roaperlty every -lay. New sosp plan acta big or dera and profits. J'arllcular and tuple free. IJ. Hieuer, fn-sldent, i'iie North I.eavllt. Chicago. AflENTS A $2 eller. fusts you about 90c. Oenulna Leather lull Fold, with namea gold Inlaid. Retailers charge, $1.00 to $'.00. Hlg cntalog mailed fre. Hal- oren. 10 W. Lake St., Chicago. AOFNT8 Men or women aalary $50, full time. $1 an hour apar lime, selling guar anteed hoelery direct lo wearer, cotton, silk, heather mlxiurea. International j nnt I n g M t IjsJNo rrlst own, Pa. AGENTS Chewing gum: Sell to dealers. Agents maka big money. Four flavors, novel packages Wrl'a today for ex clusive proposition. Helmet Gum com pany. Cincinnati. i AOENTS Your own boes snd big pay. Be merchandise broker. No capital required. Everything furnished. Opening every where. Writ Cheroke Sale Agency, Dept. 1, l)anvllle, Va. AGHNTS Hlg money gelling "Amaxlng Slory of Henry Ford." Most talked of man In America. AuthorUed edition. Just published. Outfit free. Mulllklo, Company, Cincinnati, o. AGENTS A Business of your own. fak sparkling glas nam plate, numbers, checkerboards, medallions, signs. Big Il lustrated book mailed free. E. Palmer, IsaWooater. o. GOODYEAR MFO. CO., Goodyear Hldg., Konaas City. Mo., la making an offe to send a handsome raincoat free to on person In each locality who w recom mend It to frlenda. Write today. WANTED Reliable person In each locality tn dlstrlbuln some catalogue. Particular' for stampcl addressed. Curtis Box 172, Denver. Colo. x AGENTS Wonderful aeller, 9Hc profit every dollar aalea. Deliver on spot. I,. censa unneeeeary. Sample free. Mlsalon, Factory 2. 211 Smith Ave., Detroit. Mich. AGENTS Your nam bring copy money making Ideas. Th great 32 page agent's and mall denier magazine. A. H. Kr.ius Bldg.. Milwaukee. Wis. AC,ENT3WA NT ED Soap agents to sell our 160 products. ISO inoey requtteu. Writ Llnro Company, Louie. Mo. Dept. 312 St. "AUTHENTIC LIFE OF HENRY FORD" Amaxlng. thrilling, fastest selling book. B first. $100 weekly easy. Free outfit. Hertel Co.. 9 So. Clinton. Chicago. AGENTS $3.00 aplee for reveralble "2-ln-1" all weather raincoat ordera. Wear either war, Amaxlng seller. Sample fre. Parker Mfg. Co., Coat 2679, Dayton. O. FEMALE HELP WANTED. Need domestic help offle help factory help I Seeura good, dependable worker through this classification. Telephone AT-lantie 1009 and ask for a "Want" Ad taker. Better results at lesser cost. AT UN0E Flv ladlea to travel, demon strate and sell dealers, 140 to $76 psr week. Hallway far paid. Goodrich Drug Co, Pept. 10.1-A. Omaha, Neb. Kiptf lent ltd PKMi-NSTRATORS ad AI.ESI.AMrS ' VtanteJ by natlttnally known, eoa- r-l I. Ileuteheld artlf 'l. T l la si.ire nly, gtf.AIIT AND KXrKN'ai: r OMAHA All' : 0iC a d ? ,? f ft ft , I X I i h i 1 I -.f l4...-, h ,- --) Itt .li . I II ak -t m a - ia t 4, ia t t f KtM i M 14 li h a ' if i " Ibaj ''. Illalt .')H isv.-i If j l .ti H sit ) kV fe-i 4 - m tkv-A,4 f 4 t., t t a I I- m 4 i . t . n, n 11, i t - t . , h t 1 ' 1 11 i -, '-t f a , t M I v V I Mi l Mil '. 4 a - I f