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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1922)
At, V rilK SUNDAY HEH: OMAHA. OCIlltir.K . 19JJ Ml! Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day I Omaha Grain Omaha, October T. All 'n markete allowed an up 1 rd I n lencjr today, tli principal Jn. fl.vnr t mr serious war tiews. Jlu,evir lttr export dt-msnilwM Mint,' Uie run of receipt con tinues lU'l't. t'.ir situation due not iiiiiruv 1 fust and great quiitiH- tif of iit'.iu In ,oim"in"rn-8 In un ulil In' to nmrkit. Total , l"'li ut iitnuha win HI urn, rfi ilmlly wlieut und corn, I'oriipurcl Willi S.'j tur lixt J'.ir. T ul aliip Mania) w-t 1; i-nrs, airilnat 111 hi t, Vr two. Tlnre v exo-llent tl.tiuiml t.r .itli vtht-at,. witli price iTK-t all y le MisliH. I'm "'i MniiiK, ',-jU tn le up. Uiil m'l 'o lo (; MkIkt. IJye v,u ijiinli'd umliiiiiKftl unit barley liumiimlly tint Ji-'nued. V I IK a p. No. k. I ear, II " No. : ila.H fci",: I ear. l JJ; ear. 1 1 U l.n.utljli 1 ', II U, 1 ur, II Id t.i.iutli). .N'.i. ) .talk ha'd 'ar, II U Litiully); 3 nr, 41 IJ, 4 '. tlH l.mully), r.r, l I:; I ear. 14 tamutiy); 1 ,ar, 1 t t7 IVrlH Will 411 V I Su 4 ilarx hard. 1 rar, II. H; t er rent kenl nam I No, 1 In 1. 1 wmir. II i r, l or Ho 3 kaul vrli.tor: .S ir, l ', ; 1 ear, II 4',; 4 iJ-.. II "4.- 1 -r, l B2 teeml Jutl, I ir. II HI Mil H. N-i. 1 keril wiiiifr; I ar, !4; 1 mr, I I ir. II Ui V n.l-Jurl.. an.uttj), I nr. II Hi (ult No. 4 km J it.i-r: I mr. II Hi I HI .er Cent kanl 1u rtt . lid py nil .! rliii lul l winter; I ir, y.u tmualr, ', 4 j.r inn l.,i"l ilarn) No. I .rini.' ! nil. t : 1 "c miMiH)., g-fc ur, tl lit ,iliml. No. I munlr I cur. II !. hMin'l,. inl.r.l 1 if, " N. 1 il.liuni. 1 rur. Hue. 4-tll.S'. N.i. 5 wh'l-: r. iue;i.l mr, lOie. N.i, C whlir' I -r. l.'.' I yllu' turn, lilt.' 4pTlnl kill iiml; I rnr, fc..-; I .r, ,lr; I cm, i.r; i . u V: 1 r imv ui.-. N.i. I rlluv: 1 mr. C'lit- lli'-lill kill niti; 1 tr, . ; I 'r, t')i-; ci, !". N.i. I in . il I nr. (.D'jr. 4.ill kill liivl; 4 i.r. N.i. I iiiUr: I ". No, 4 lull"! : t ' nr. M4e. Ku. i InH' t. I r- "Ili-'i lATrl No II hni'f 5 ir. ?; 1 mr. HV. No 2 hii: 1 r.i. 3i'n 0 cl k.uU U..IK. ;Vl, Nil. : mr. f-'. No. 2: 4 uri, 66. OMAHA RKfllllTS Nl HIIIIMIKNTS. (i.rl. n) 'l oil i. Chicago Grain .rim;: I i r. I4'5 d .rllirtli). R..('llit Wlli-iit Torn i mi. ......... It" ll.irl.-J' i:iiiinicnt. I'nrll , '.! )y Hurl, y 47 nit ) I 7 t 14 t'l Ako, I 2 f I 27 7 I 47 13 33 0 1 Am Vrnr JI7 04 31 HI . 3 30 it 1 I I'ltlMAKV JIKCKII'TM ANIXI11I'MENTS. It -,..-li.ln--. Whmt i,74ii.n) i.nro.nnn r.i'ii i,(im.iif"i 1,438,000 (jut. 735.00I) !H4,0ll0 f'hlrment V'heut l,l7,'Prt J.:,7,(Ki0 i urn TlO.ofiH 4'l7,(l(li Unit tiO.Oull 7HS.I)0 ClIICAUU 1UX'K1PT8. ' pk Ter rnrl.iU To.lH'. Alto. Alt". Win-lit - 4 65 39 1,74,'I00 J, 441. II 110 773,000 1,163.000 311,000 Iy CIIIRLE9 II. MIOIAKIA ""k Km Lwu1 HIm, Chlcuifo. i t. T. A comtiliiutlon of unfuvontl.U pulitifHi now from the tr. witli h I It lit trntmoor. Iiiilun dituutlon und imnitliima abroad ovrr u.ii-a of wliml. rmultpj In a iv mill hliihrr griiln nuirket, with 111" fltiUli nlHiiit llm inji, Mjiy corn toll At n nvw liluti fur Ilia .-uoii to l.itf. At I ho liiHt wlinit n up l, coi-ii 'lc, obIh mil rye V. I'rovlNln ihnwril a rlrmrr iiiiiliTtiiiic. lnr-1 rliiitmn btnie hlfthi-r, whlln rilm wrr n.nnlimlly uiii'hitnird. tiriiln m.irkl flui-luiitrd In rulher urnitic in;tniifr In llm lunt wrrk, tlin lrcriiihT wht'ot nliowlim ironun-i "IrniKth u tli n-nult of tin chnntrlng ovT of lii-.lKm by cimli Inli-rmtn Into Dim M iy. I 'in n nli.iw... iiKir lr-iii;lh t tin tt oilier uriiltiK with an ncrlli-nt ciihIi do iimnd thn main InfhU'tnf . CI.ihIhi; Inulm, ah i-omiMircd with thn jirev loirn Wi-rk, H-l UllchiiliKPd to ic hliihi-r on wlipiit. ZVift.l'sO up on corn, iiiirhiinU'xl to hl hi-r on oiitM and lo lilnhi r to lSu lnwer on rye Lord kuIik-'I 324 400 und ilht S74c for tho we-k. I noVrlonn Nlron(. H'tltr of tlla prttloun ill. wr frre kiiyiTK nf Mh-iit fiiiiir.a iiJ Willi hnu. wlih flMfvrl ruiinvrtioni almorblnir thi' aurolil in i lt ami Bilvanrtd ,t... ahuriiy In mfHin.l Ik bat flgurra of Ika Hnk, lha umlprt'iiia whi reUtlvvly uir.inir ikrouKkoui Iks Amy. Liverpool li'.eil i(( klirker un lnrraaJ apri-u IllllVM kuvliix, lntlura.l by lk pn(ill-l tiiAa, mimI for Hi flrat lime elnr ike Kr ainre eluilr.l nilll.-r. in Ike Unlta.1 Klniril.'in ( ekowln aiiKlrly over eup I'H.m, report akowinK Ikat tk're was only about lu taa actual iiverta In more tlii-rn. Tke (Irr.-lc ord.-r for 1.C10.000 kuakela ika etmut Kna rrtiurtei aa kavlng ti.-cn pliirftl. and a fair buetneae wai dory In Manltoliaa itk Hie rniillnent. I'ar alluotjntt akowr.l i.o Improvement. Movr-mi-lit of eprliiir Mli'-nt alila cf ike liitfrnatlnriHl lino conlliiui-rl extrmi-ly li. ivy with . WlnnlpeK ti-elvlinr II, (it I rara for tke we. U, r.niipared with 11.HH3 .-Hra Ilia prevlou werk aiul 1,1311 t-ara laat ymr. Iieeeniker Corn lllker. Ilai-emlu-r rnrn aold at a new klfll on tke nrrn.-nt upturn, tiiu.'klnz 1 2'i anil 1 1, ,.-.! tlo-re. wklle Ika day win In new Kroiinil fur lha on, liuym ny iron . iiniiiiltiilon k"U.a olnorlied tke aurplua In ike pit and elop kma ordera writ un- i-ovireil tovinrai the mat, maKinK me imai l.ulare. Cuah imnnrt wn lew urgent end prvininina on apot ti 'f, lower hut k.l no effei't. tlenoral aentlment kull- l . . lulu (li-rlveil the ureatiT part nf tkelr atrenRth from eympalky wltk wkei.t. Hulk nf tke trade waa "f locnl rkarartrr and i-onlal.-l lnr.-ly nf pre.llns. opera Untie. t'Beh d.-rnan l moderate wltk rirrlpu IlKkt. I'r.-inluiiia allowed little manna coin- l-areil Hll futiirea. Hye advanced wltk otki-r irralne and eliieeil wltkln a fraction of tke top, Houeea villi nertkaitii coniiaciiai.a vara rnuJa. rraie iltn ari, l,. fit Burikeatip anaiku uteived ITT raia. I'll V .-. Tha fovernm'iil tenon la 4 la In ( lit eaia alontley at ( U, The trn crov la aa(lina(el at I T4 e" lo ! .'.,0Si hu.h. ela, agalnat I T5 no'i atln,ata. la.t i.ionik, aed S.e.u.Oea latt yar. e.litnalr.l at I 544, '( l.n b' ela to n"0 eufl l.iiali:a, aa-t will vow. para wnk 1 3-1 ' evil b'lalt.i. U.i tuonih and ,u. in .1 iiua bu.kri. l,,1 ar. gualt'y t.t tba amailr irulne . aleo In l. alien. Jre l.twrnioie. In kla teaiimunv Ik f. df-ral trade roninti..iijit In Nw Vurk on r'ndwy, nld waa nn tnaii(.4. latlun In ika Kraln market, lla la In a auid poaitinn in know "I' lllli. liena arrluua," aa'd a Hull fPimlaniH I"' ilia J, l(, um iiaii i-oinioi." "Mlllaia kuyiiitf nht-.i, Ht. ka ara amall. ''If Hie if.,,i hii'fiit i.'i-i.rf M'lr.l.iy aEr.a with Ilia private ailiiiair.. and t: India. tln dropa t 3 kil.i.' tui.lil. r ke ronfirnietlon will l.rlug ad .Itllonal .i trial lo Ika tiiaikrt,' a,iil eiiinH-nt I'unia A Co, "idi. k a ri.rt would kava a, flrlntna, eff.-t upon Kk o, Indiana, Itlinoia an-l Ia Krovw-ra, wko kava raland ko.hI crop thla aii.oit." An In.-rt-ae.. of arouiid ao o-r rriit In tke wkeat arvive In Argentina h. iitl mated llm t-nr and tka A'KonHn- mm. Mar nf aifritultnr r.pi-.'ia yir-l.u of lirain to Pa 4& .er renl In ea-ra i-f laat aenaon. Knifll.k ato ka nf wkvht and flour ari eatlmalrd 1.V llrnoinkall at ' 431 flio l, collipaied wtk 7 .M..H0li kuahxla a niontll .i. and H7lll).iu kualiela laal year. 1 lie 1'uitd) Klnkdnni nr-'U i,n an avaraKa 4.I110.O011 bil.bela of ltiipri-l wkeai uil flour a ek. a., ike it...nt euppliea ara i.Ual to atioul lea II. an two weeke' euliauinptlon. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICE. Hy I'pd'ke llraln ' . ..'!" fH;7. Art. I lllwn. I HiKk . I Irfiw. ('l.. I V. Live Stock Omaha. Oct. T, If.l Raraipia i'altle. rli HI eaf lifluial ilui.dal ,, , . ,.l till I! til .irti.ul I u-.aii. . . . . U..1I tail 31,4. 1 illfhial W.ln,..t.y., t .lt !) ;'"1 iif'uul I . , ,. t 3r,l t ;i 1(4' in. i.l yri.l. 3 f.l 131-4 II n; I -timai e.iuid. ,, I . 4 -11 d... II... wk.,l,ll3 4:. "in t . H.ii.a .1,.). la.t w a . ,a t.'t 44 III M : Pan. a tw.i ka a- 4 ! 4- ;! J 7; 4i ,.i 11 kttj mm mil :.. ...11, .r au a o; 3,. 14 eu ll..riHa and .1 ... 1.1(11. n of tti.t.k ai tl.a ii...n aiovkyaiua. nn.Mlia, N.k, f..r 14 , huuia aiiiluia- at I p, m . im iuW I, 133.. 1 III." i;il'1 bi'A'U.ijT (.aula ll'.ea kli.-l Corn 83! 443 6IS Data 30 0 114 KANSAS CITY RKCBIPTW. Weak Year Cariota Today. Am. A an. Wkeal is 4 301 1" corn 21 1' " oata 3! 1' HT. I.OL'18 KBCBirTH. U.k Tear Carlota Today. Ako. Ako Wkeat 11 1"0 Con 4 7 S (Bt 30 3 0 NOHTHWEHTEKN WHEAT RKC.'EIPTS. Weelc yenr Carlota . Today. Ago. Ako. Minneapolis 1 370 IHillltk 375 443 249 Winnipeg 1,8111 1.374 1,152 I I I Ofi 1 1,07 1.0IP I (ITU I ! (, .eS II 03 v f i.oi,!,, I nail, 1 .01 'a l.oifclM'i, I .. 1,'t f 1 II9V, I 0S 101 1.031a 1.0I,' 1,03 I. 111'. ,70Si .71. ,7isl'.7l, .70', .t3' .73', ,7I. ,73S .78 ,ia ,ti . -' ."on ,il .3't .l,2,l .I.J', .61', .JXj .4l . .a .34',! I .'. .3' I 1 .3 H .311, ,3(S .3d1, .H .n M .1-1 'l -3f. 3', .31. .33' II fin il ls 11 47 11 f.r. 11 4 1 40 3 1.0 140 3.1.0 3 37 .10.75 Wfcl. May July Kja. Iec-ttay Corn Ire. May July or la Lire, Mny July f.ard Ort, I ice. KIM Oct. New York f'nttnn. New York, Oct, 7 The cotton mar ket'a iindiTtoliN wax firm aftt-r early un certainly today and, aft.-r an ali'.revlHli-d acrnlon In wkl.-k kuatn.-ea waa rather dull, unikunned to n.-l t poinia lilKh.r Tke oponlnit waa narrowly Irrenular at point dcrllne to & a.lvami-. HuylliK powcr kad tnerefiecd conaidcralily. It waa fvld.-nt early, and ekorta were mieawy a. lo the weekend. VVkat aelllnx there win In ike market waa caua.-d mainly by i-onfll.-tltiK advlcea r.iriirillnK develop. mentB In tko near emit. Klral k'.ur i:iins lililolinUd lo li to 33 poinle, but tke mnrkit allpped off In the Inter triidlnu. Iralnir met of lla flrinne. tot nono of tta etradln'M, w kl. ll 1 em ilrn-l with it until lk flnnl alif. Moat of 1 ho Into aelllng cuma from tka rou'li or local ionra. Soot waa ldy, 6 polnta anvan-.e, 21 tine, for nilddllnK uplntid. uuthern llllirkela: tjHlvelnn. 31. 10c, umkanired: New 'Orleana. 30 e, un ekiuiKe.l; Savannah, 31.20c um-kanitedj Auauata, 21,36c, A polnta ai'vaiice: ,1-1 ! phla, 21c, uni'kanKrd; Houaton. 31c ckanied; I.lllle Hock. 30 7.'.c, ilntkani,-"J. London Money. London. Oct. 7. liar Silver 35 'Ai per OUIK. Money 1H per cent. I. M 41 M. I. Ily 14 u, 11 H t . ... Mo Pa.-, My, ...... I t men I'.. 11." It, II . I I" I , , N, VI, Ily , raal , , . I I" N V. Ity , Wr.( 4 II 1', in P. M 11. Ily. .. . 4 c, a 13. Itr., 'a. 1 l I ', II. VJ, Ily , wr.l 31 4 C, It. I. a. I', .atl., 10 3 C, II. I. P , wr.l. , .... O. li. W. Ily. . Tolal rerlpta .... 1.1 t l.pi ikll'luN -IIKAIi, ( II.Kii I Armour ft Cn t3 "Va Cmlnliy I'a. kitiK Co. 13 7 IS Ih.ld Pl'MllK 1 ... ... 1 III Morria P. king 1,1, , a I. "4 Nwitt 1 : .1. W. Murphy til fnarta Co. . . ; Annoiir H..o fulla 310 Hoot lo 31 .... Total HI 4i It "(111' (uininm la ' ra I j ai, . ,, l...iy r4. I. iv 1 H, g tt ll.vl.. l.a.r II !., fair .. 4 fdia Ual l, ct. 'ea u fair fxdaia, lv 6 i, a,..-' I. ) tfl t". uo.l 111 .!. . a. It 1 utltft. fair 10 aw4 ....i K i"H niti.n 10 fair a. l a.ra, fr4ea, I... a talfeia t0, l ... JH :. alo a,kra l :.". -! : w 1 ii IMlla, alaaa. ate, 4 il lit,. It., a lteeipla- I 9o Ij-ad alui.!.) a ir.da in ! a in. at ui.ei.i.: kial.rr nu... Iia-I.l b..a .;,.i. ii.4i .Koi a aid k. .i kui.l. I' d 4 1 bil l.,!.t b..e ,.l ai M.m'I'' H.e eltr I,. , f-r lie .1., a-ed t,uill t-ai-lf ia at l"j4 and 11". d . ..1a an I king ar..i. lijt.i". 'i aal.a ..- i:i'",li In hi k'aa a. fa-jji.i l.-weF Caii a .4 a..M jM.u i. a'ada aU.ul !ie lr. anevpllei. pi., mm. Ike lrlld el fat lamb jui. baa iM-.n, d-wmaid all Ke.k Hk a liil.l dr. ;in. if I J. .1 I i . t-ainba at a..w iif y ai I i e(1 J I J 4i. aa aiiainal 1 1 4 1 4 . - a wr e.. aio :ibIw l-.err aid aia .img al IH :-ei' H 4" l. l I kt lamia al H ehrro ate .: '".- leal l... l w.ihl BrUIng ft! I' ' U-lotalioea en .hrep and l.mteJ! t at lain -. N.u . .k.-lc. tt7 !- II ?.! Inula, r to a.e'd 1 1 3 : HI H 4" , fr. .lii.f Ul...... 1 1 1 I'" II I J ""I! Ini" I" I""t liei, fal e.a, l.akl. l(ettllt; tat awe., key, ' 11 I0( 4 ; tre lrf ., II ."34 en. hll.l p Kanana I Ily I rooiHe Kan.ia City. lo., 4Vt. t ter tn l P" ulltj" i n. Iieiiar-l, rut- PUTS and CALLS VthcVwork HOW THE V WORK Tfitlr m I Tridlnr In Will Ht clearly ennlalnrd In our KBKB IIOOKI.ET No 48. Co. M William SI. Nw York Cattle Kei-elpta. I ten k'ad tt waa tke ii.iinifiul rutut.ley markt on iat tie. mt i.f the atoi k leeelved kertig keld vir lor Monday. I in the Weeks lllieral run of 6I.3CU be.t beevaa and clinl.a eona and krlf.-ra kava hli aleady, but other n.a.ea, lli.-lud lug but k akortfrda and I, ."liuiil lo coiiiiii"li graaaela, ara eluaing dull and 3'n nr more under Ilia week a i. t-eiuiitf. Top for llm week on full .f iiaiivea waa III 6o and on range kerf 76, hit kera and feedra ara clearing pnoily at uneven de.-ltnaa nf 16i.',. I'luii and medium graiks allowed tin liot I. "-a. on faltlo Choice to prime l.eevea, 1 1 'I 7 6 4" ' I 4 j ; good lo vhnlca I", vm. In 7641 10.76: fair to good krviea. I '1 "''li H 76; i-.iliimon to fair la evea . . no lit I!-, eh. do lo prima yeurlluea, ( 1 0 in i llf.ii; it.ii. d to ckoc yeiirline., In t'-ie; fulr to i(ood yearllnra, lsoaili; couitiiiin to fair ycurlltiK.. I7.6it 4 60; chi.l.e lo prima grana bervia, I7ft"l7.6; fulr lo k.i.i.l rami beeves, i367.("i; .-. tnmon to fair Kraa beevea, 16 Sllll 6; M.-xtrat.a, IT. l.'ivi.'. 6u; Kood to i hol. a Kta.a keif.ra, I'i ""a 1 T-; fair to good gra kelfera. M 6'. 4 76: rliolc to prima graaa com, 4. .641 6 .40: fair lo good gn.aa ram Mcn' Suits Cleaned and Pressed DRESHER BROS. 2217 Fame Si. AT 043 S1.50 SUCCESS In the Stork Murket FORTUNES Mad From Small Invsitmrntt Writs for I'res Booklet Tha Molt Simple; Explanation! of Profitable S'.ock Trading W g uarantes you that your money la afs and tkat you gel a aquars deal. KENNEDY & CO. fal. ISM 74 Broadway, Now York J BATH A DAY THE HEW RUUD AUTO PtfAlIC WATER HEATER r:-.5mber 95 Built to nupply enough Hot WaUr for the average home at a price the avtrage home-owner can pay. A small payment puts one In your home, balance monthly with gas bills. Continuous satisfactory performance is guaranteed by a WATER HEATER EXPERIENCE extending over 25 year. Telephone Commercial Dept. Metropolitan Utilities Dist. GAS DEPARTMENT 1509 Howard Street . DO uglai 0605 Dodge Brothers BUSINESS SEDAN Exceptional interest has been aroused by the practical arrangement of the interior. The entire rear compartment; furnishings seat, seat cushions, back cushions, seat frame, foot rest, carpet and nil -can be re moved from the car in a few moments. The front scat is then tilted forward, giving a gross clearance of twentytwo inches through the rear doors. In this way, a space of sixty-four cubic feet in the rear compartment is mado available for loading. When the rear seat fixtures are back in place, the interior is complete and attrac tive in appearance. . Its convertibility is not apparent to tho eye Business men, farmers, salesmen, campers, tourists and everyone who has occasion, at times, to carry bu'ky articles or luggage, will readily appreciate the' grsat utility of U..3 construction. The price is $1330 delivered. Tzu'ij Aura Co. CMAHA. NE3. HAWKEY AJ" i' let ST. MAeN".f UI23 COUNCIL BLUFFS I. .V.SS rOURIH ST COUNCIL IJLUtFS, 691 Fltcntl Ptndwt .. fUSE BEE WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS U D S These Lower Prices Change All Motor Values (Effective September 22d) f Speedster - 7 -Passenger Phaeton Coach - Sedan $1525 1575 1625 2295 Freight and Tax Extra With these reductions Hudson offers the greatest value in its history. The new improved Super-Six motor, introduced a few months ago, makes it the smoothest most delightful of all the Hudsons to drive. It has charms in performance that owners of earlier models never knew. Everyone has conceded Hudson top . place in reliability, lor seven years it has led in fine car sales. More than 120,000 Super-Sixes are in service. The new prices and the Hudson of today with refinements in chassis and body give it a value attraction careful buyers of fine cars cannot ignore. Of special interest to those who desire a closed car at little more than open car costis the Coach. No car of its utility and price advantage is to be found within $300 of its cost. i giuy l. mm 2563-S-7 t'arnam St. "SERVICE FIRST' OMAHA, U.S.A. Phor DOuiUs 1970 SUPER-SIX ialal 1 lw BROUGHAM "A NEW CLOSED CAR $ "3 07 GfiO ATA NEW LOIVP1HCE" 1 J J The new Brougham of the Oldsmobile , line is a distinct achievement in closed car manufacture. Remembering that 6tandard closed car construction is employed throughout, its price i42? is amazing. 9 The metal body has the traditional Oldsmobile beauty, grace and sturdi' ncss. Butlt with ample room for five people, there is also a large luggage and tool compartment at the rear. The unusual width of the doors affords easy entrance and exit and makes possible the use of two very large windows on cither side. The rear seat and the two collapsible fob Lansing Mi-fi front seats are upholstered in high grade fabrics, with trimming and car' pet to match. The interior 1 .id ware is of a distinctive pattern. Beautiful, refined, comfortable the new Brougham also possesses the sterling qualities of the famous Olds mobile "4" chassis upon which it u mounted. We invite you to inspect this rich Brougham. Only a comparison with cars of much higher price wdl serve to prove ts amazing superiority. Let us demonstrate this newest Olds mobile to you today. OLDS MOTOR WORKS, LANSING, MICHIGAN Uhuwn 0 Cfimal Maidri Corp oraiictn NEBRASKA SIOUX CITY COMPANY Chus, A, Tuclor, Tres, L. J. Dunn, Vice Pres. OMAHA DES .MOINES I .1 1 1 'ift'ai awf liws a,.ao,M f'aa OLD SMO BILE 1... .